'TBH Politoons'
Thanks, again, Tim!
Baron Dave Romm
Dealing With Idiots
By Baron Dave Romm
For decades, the goppies have been dead wrong on almost everything: Global warming, the deficit, what brought down the Soviet Union, Nicaragua and what constitutes American values. Fact don't convince them, evidence doesn't make a dent in their preconceived notions and their failed predictions are explained away by a combination of whining and fingerpointing.
They out-and-out lie about Clinton, Bush, Gore, WMD, Cheney... and they refust to admit it. If you call them on any fact, they're respond by talking louder and insulting you. It's disgusting. And, worse, they think they're winning the self-proclaimed "culture war" becasue they are so disgusting that real people don't want to deal with them. They have the balls to accuse others of the unquenchable moral relativism that pervades their entire mindset. Even a Clinton-hater like Maureen Dowd can point out The Orwellian Olsens in Bushworld and the truth just bounces off.
Some of the problem, alas, is religion. I know a great many devout people who are wonderful. They're kind, gentle, intelligent, giving of themselves, terrific husbands or wives, loving parents, smile a lot and wouldn't think of hurting a flea; they think the Bible is the Revealed Word of God and, if they were convinced God told them to, would unhesitantly shoot doctors or fly airplanes into buildings.
Cognitive Dissonance rules the world. Faith is the stern father of Cognitive Dissonance. At its best, faith is a wonderous thing, helping you through the hard times: letting you believe the best of a person even while you see the worst, convincing you that there is a Higher Purpose to life. At its worst, faith is manipulated by sleazy con artists who could never get away with their evil deeds if common sense were applied. Most examples of faith are neither of these extremes, but all too often the faithful have swallowed a little bit of both. Believing in G-d is a good thing; being convinced that we here on Earth somehow are speaking for G-d is a very bad thing.
Perhaps this is hardwired into our lizard brains. We tend to follow people who are sure they're right, even when common sense tells us otherwise. And there is no one so sure as a new convert. And there is no one so gullible as the crowd at a Medicine Show, caught up in the songs and hoopla. Pointing out that the snake oil from the Medicine Show is harmful only causes them to have more faith in the snake oil. It must be their fault the snake oil isn't working because they lack sufficient faith. Cognitive dissonance will send them back to buy more snake oil, and enjoy the show all the more.
Calling George W. their "g-d" (or Reagan, etc) is correct from the outside -- their sphincter tightening-faith is evident to an impartial observer -- but isn't a convincing argument. To them, remember, facts don't matter: Stubbornness matters. This is why they don't let W. out in public much. It would ruin the image.
To be a Republican these days, you have to believe lies and not believe the truth. To be sure, goppies aren't the only gullible people refusing to face facts and buying more snake oil... Nader for President anyone? But Naderites/UFO abductees/Pauly Shore fans/conspiracy nuts don't control the Presidency and the Congress and they are not loading the Federal Courts with racist nutcases.
And yet... most Republicans, even the extremist conservative Republicans, aren't evil. Most of them are reasonably intelligent but they support politicians for the same reason they buy a brand of beer: Constant bombardment of propaganda and manipulative images. Changing their mind is tricky. It might be too late for them, but let's be optimistic.
It is easier to move someone's position if they are only a little different than yours. This is the whole idea behind the "I used to be a Democrat but now..." slew of comments we saw on the net a few years ago. Most of the people posting those comments, I'm sure, never voted for a Democrat in their life and if they did it was Lyndon LaRouche. But that's what they were told to say by Rush and co., and they parrotted the propaganda technique. And it worked. This is also the whole idea of branding any other idea as extremist. An absolute position can never have a minor shift toward sanity. The mere broaching of a comprimise is a "slippery slope". Cognitive dissonance sets in and the right wing example of political correctness asserts itself.
Most of us, including Al Franken and Air America, use some form of classic rhetorical technique for pursuasion. This won't work, as they've been told, over and over, that anyone who disagrees with them is the enemy. Joe McCarthy used that technique, as did Stalin, to great effect. Arguing at their level won't work. They are much better at mud slinging and fighting dirty than you will ever be; they are much better at mud slinging and fighting dirty than you ever want to be. Unless you're as good as Bartcop in handling Monkey Mail, you shouldn't descend to their level. But there are a few things you can do.
Attack the way they argue. When they get all potty-mouth on you, use the ol' "do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" reflection technique. This won't work... right away. But it may sway listeners and at some point you'll force the disgusting perverts into listening to themselves.
Get in their face. Again, you're never going to actually win the argument, but this isn't about facts it's about stubborness. Don't back down. It helps that you're right and they're wrong, but they'll always weasel out by getting stupider and stupider. They listen to hate radio for hours a day, more time than they spend with loved ones, and they have the answers spoon fed to them by Rush and Rove and co. Just keep at it. Don't let it escalate into a physical confrontation, but don't let them walk away unchallenged.
Hit 'em where it hurts. Not a physical attack, but use their shame-based conditioning against them. The right wing loves to slide logic into shame. Don't let them change the subject or use the "everyone does it" means of directing the discussion. Argue specifics, and point out lies and flip-flops. Shame them into talking about the issue at hand, "oh, so you admit Bush is bad," and don't get sucked into their world of hate and excrement. There are some examples here and here. If worse comes to worse, start making fart jokes about them. That's what they'd do for you.
I'm optimistic: You can't fool all the people all the time. Bush Lite spent as much money in March as his father did to win the 1988 election and he's still behind Kerry in many polls. It's time to retake America from the extremists, and we'll do it our way. There are undoudted more and better counter arguments. If anyone has a good web site or article on the web that speaks to this point, let me know and I'll post the collection on my site.
Thanks to Isaac Asimov for the Schiller quote and how to use it as chapter headings.
Baron Dave Romm is a conceptual artist and a noble of Ladonia with a radio show, a very weird CD collection and an ever growing list of political links. He reviews things at random for obscure web sites. You can read all his music recommendations from Bartcop-E here.
Blistering Protest Song
We, 'The used Johnnys' wrote, produced and recorded our anti-war protest song "The Agenda for Century 21".
Please feel free to investigate www.agendaC21.com for full details. This totally copyright free material has had nearly 2000 downloads since the anniversary of war in March 2004.
We use blistering sax breaks, slash and burn guitar riffs plus great input by George and Tony.
We completely abbhor this unjust war and occupation.
If you can use this material then please download a copy and pass it on.
Feel free to use the "contact us" button for support and further information.
Peace and thanks
Thanks, Johnny!
from Mark
Another Bumpersticker
Reader Comment
Re: Link
You may be interested to know that the "Toilets of the World" link you had on a previous Bartcop-E has become a big hit with our children. It's their most-visited Web site.
It's helped them appreciate the need to keep their rooms clean. Don't ask me how they made that connection, but I ain't arguing with success.
Thanks, Mr. 2E!
Glad to be of some use.
Selected Readings
from that Mad Cat, JD
In The Chaos Household
Last Night
Still too hot.
The Queen Mary brunch went well til the 'uniter - not a divider' came up.
In response, I tried to compare the military records of chimpy & the new FJK, but my pal summed up her opinion of Kerry by stating "If he was a real man he'd have enlisted in the Marines."
Not knowing whether to cry, scream, laugh or puke, it seemed like a good time to wrap up the visit, go home & do some laundry.
Actresses Heather Thomas, left, and Whoopi Goldberg march in Washington, Sunday, April 25, 2004, during an abortion-rights rally. Abortion-rights supporters marched in huge numbers, roused in this election year by what they see as an erosion of reproductive freedoms under resident Bush and foreign policies they say hurt women worldwide.
Photo by Gerald Herbert
The Information One-Stop
Moose & Squirrel
Rallied Protesters
Hillary Clinton
Senator Hillary Clinton rallied protesters as they prepared to march through the US capital in support of abortion rights, and called on the activists to vote for Senator John Kerry in the upcoming presidential election.
"All the people are here today not only to march on behalf of women's lives but to take that energy into the election in November," she said told supporters of Naral, one of the largest US abortion rights groups.
"This is the beginning of what would be a long effort to try to demonstrate clearly that this administration is not just turning the clock back in every way it can on so many issues that are important to women," the senator from New York said.
Hillary Clinton
Hundreds of thousands of protesters rally on the National Mall on Sunday to show support for abortion rights and opposition to Bush administration policies on women's reproductive health issues, April 25, 2004. The abortion issue was the centerpiece of the march's broad protest against the policies of resident Bush, including his stance on funding international family planning.
Photo by Mannie Garcia
2004 Peggy V. Helmerich Distinguished Author Award
Arthur Miller
Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Arthur Miller has been named the winner of the 2004 Peggy V. Helmerich Distinguished Author Award.
The selection committee chose Miller on Friday, citing his body of work, which includes classics such as The Crucible and Death of a Salesman, for which he won the Pulitzer Prize. The award, which includes a $25,000 US cash award, will be presented to Miller on Dec. 4.
Although approaching 90, Miller continues to write and lecture. In 2001, he published a collection of essays titled On Politics and the Art of Acting.
Arthur Miller
Wanda Sykes
Wanda Sykes has nabbed a role in "Monster-in-Law," a comedy starring Jennifer Lopez as a woman who is set to marry the perfect guy -- until she meets his mother, the world's worst mother-in-law.
Michael Vartan is set as the guy, with Jane Fonda playing the mother-in-law. Sykes will appear as Ruby, the mother-in-law's straight-talking assistant. Robert Luketic ("Legally Blonde") directs the New Line project.
Wanda Sykes
In The Kitchen With BartCop & Friends
NCLR Spirit Award
Sharon Stone
Actress Sharon Stone has been recognized by the National Center for Lesbian Rights for her support of gay and lesbian civil rights.
Stone, who has helped raise millions of dollars for AIDS research and has portrayed lesbian characters in her movies, was set to receive the NCLR Spirit Award at the organization's 27th anniversary celebration Saturday night in San Francisco.
Sharon Stone
Ted Truner and his girlfriend Kathy Leach pose for a photo in Washington, Sunday, April 25, 2004, women gather for an abortion-rights rally and march in the nation's capital. The rally, which focused on protecting women's reproductive rights, included men and women from across the country along with activists from nearly 60 countries.
Photo by Lawrence Jackson
Protest Music
Rock Against Bush
New Photos & Film
Anne Frank
Rare photographs and a short film of Anne Frank, whose diary of her time in hiding in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam made her a symbol of the Holocaust, are now available online, the Anne Frank House said.
The foundation's website -- www.annefrank.org -- features the only existing film footage of the young Jewish girl, taken in 1941 before her family went into hiding during the World War II occupation.
Anne Frank
Formerly 'The Vidiot'
Killing Correspondents
Iraqi TV
U.S. troops shot to death two employees of U.S.-funded TV station Al-Iraqiya on April 19 and wounded a third in the central city of Samara, the station said.
Correspondent Asaad Kadhim and driver Hussein Saleh were killed. Cameraman Bassem Kamel was wounded "after American forces opened fire on them while they were performing their duty,'' the station announced.
Al-Iraqiya began broadcasting on May 13, set up under a Defense Dept. contract. The Iraq Media Network, which runs Al-Iraqiya and two Baghdad radio stations, was conceived during the State Dept.'s war preparations.
On March 18, U.S. troops shot dead correspondent Ali al-Khatib and cameraman Ali Abdel-Aziz of the Dubai-based Al-Arabiya news station. At least 24 Iraqi and foreign journalists and media workers have been killed during the Iraq war and its aftermath, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists' Web site.
Iraqi TV
Actress Ashley Judd marches on the Mall in Washington, Sunday, April 25, 2004, during an abortion rights rally and march. The day, which focused on protecting women's reproductive rights, included men and women from across the country along with activists from nearly 60 countries
Photo by Gerald Herbert
Straight From The Book Of Rove
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has turned his savvy for handling the Hollywood media to his role as workaday governor, exerting directorial control over what reporters can see, hear, photograph or record.
As with resident Bush, the traditional news conference has become something of an endangered species in Sacramento. Instead, Schwarzenegger's favored pipeline to the public has remained the cozy TV interview - say on Jay Leno's couch or in Oprah Winfrey's studio.
Since taking office in November, his public events frequently offer little more than choice camera angles and a well-rehearsed sound bite. Almost without exception, reporters are confined inside steel barricades or behind rope lines, often beyond shouting distance. At times he takes questions, but just as often he does not.
The tightly controlled access raises questions about whether the public is getting a clear-eyed view of the actor-turned-governor or a deftly shaped persona. Such issues shadowed him during his carefully scripted campaign last year.
For a lot more, Ahnold
Dr. John performs Sunday, April 25,2004, at The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival in New Orleans.
Photo by Burt Steel
'The Osbournes'
'The Osbournes' ~ Page 5
'The Osbournes' ~ Page 4
'The Osbournes' ~ Page 3
'The Osbournes' ~ Page 2
'The Osbournes' ~ Page 1