Bartcop Entertainment Bonus - Photos from the March for Women's Lives

Photos from the March for Women's Lives

Courtesy Nancy Maynard

25 April, 2004


I've attached some photos I took of the great march of 2004, the March for Women's Lives. People came from all over the country on a cloudy spring day in Washington, DC. I was most fascinated with the variety of young, old, male, female, gay, straight, religious and irreligious, black, brown, yellow and pink. It was a great march, wish you were there.



©2004 Nancy Maynard

The NARAL organization provided the most signs which were all conveniently on their own papertowel roll-like handles. Although there were loads of signs, NARAL's were the only ones which had handles.



©2004 Nancy Maynard

I was most interested in the men in the crowd, I guess it's because they were not center stage but played a supporting role. I tried to capture the conviction of the movement here from the perspective from older men



©2004 Nancy Maynard



©2004 Nancy Maynard



©2004 Nancy Maynard

There was a lot of discussion of religion at this march, and it wasn't all on the other side of the yellow tape where the anti-abortionists showed their sick-fuck embryo pictures. These two pictures demonstrate the opposite ends of the spectrum. There were also quite a few "Catholics for Choice".



©2004 Nancy Maynard



©2004 Nancy Maynard

Family Planning was not the only kind of family at the march. There were babies in strollers, dogs and these two young pregnant women posed for me.



©2004 Nancy Maynard



©2004 Nancy Maynard

Ah youth! So many really nice young people at the march, male and female. I was impressed by the politeness and simple dignity of this girl's sign.



©2004 Nancy Maynard

Pink was the color of the Feminist Majority tee shirt I wore and the Family Planning signs but another group of people had a different use for the color pink as they pondered W's future.



©2004 Nancy Maynard

This girl with many buttons just had a lot of causes I guess.



©2004 Nancy Maynard

These bellydancers must have had the most fun on the way to DC on the "Belly Bus".



©2004 Nancy Maynard



©2004 Nancy Maynard

There was quite a bit of mulling around, trying to find your delegation. I never did find mine. But it was most interesting to walk through the crowds talking to various groups of people.


I'm tired. It was worth it.

 ~ Nancy Maynard

Thanks, again, Nancy!



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