"In other words I am three. One man stands forever in the middle, unconcerned, unmoved, watching, waiting to be allowed to express what he sees to the other two. The second man is like a frightened animal that attacks for fear of being attacked. Then there's an over-loving gentle person who lets people into the uttermost sacred temple of his being and he'll take insults and be trusting and sign contracts without reading them and get talked down to working cheap or for nothing, and when he realizes what's been done to him he feels like killing and destroying everything around him including himself for being so stupid, but he can't, he goes back inside himself.
"Which one is real?
"They're all real. The man who watches and waits, the man who attacks because he's afraid, and the man who wants to trust love but retreats each time he finds himself betrayed. Mingus one, two, and three. Which is the image you want the world to see?"
- Charlie Mingus' Autobiography: Beneath the Underdog -
"A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons upon his fellow man."
- Joseph Campbell: the standard path of the mythological adventure of the hero, from The Hero with a Thousand Faces -
"Tomorrow [November 27th, 2006] marks the day that we will have been in Iraq longer than we were in all of World War II.
"That's right. We were able to defeat all of Nazi Germany, Mussolini, and the entire Japanese empire in LESS time than it's taken the world's only superpower to secure the road from the airport to downtown Baghdad.
"And we haven't even done THAT. After 1,347 days, in the same time it took us to took us to sweep across North Africa, storm the beaches of Italy, conquer the South Pacific, and liberate all of Western Europe, we cannot, after over 3 and 1/2 years, even take over a single highway and protect ourselves from a homemade device of two tin cans placed in a pothole. No wonder the cab fare from the airport into Baghdad is now running around $35,000 for the 25-minute ride. And that doesn't even include a friggin' helmet.
"Is this utter failure the fault of our troops? Hardly. That's because no amount of troops or choppers or democracy shot out of the barrel of a gun is ever going to 'win' the war in Iraq. It is a lost war, lost because it never had a right to be won, lost because it was started by men who have never been to war, men who hide behind others sent to fight and die."
"Many orthodox people speak as though it were the business of skeptics to disprove received dogmas rather than of dogmatists to prove them. This is, of course, a mistake. If I were to suggest that between the Earth and Mars there is a china teapot revolving about the sun in an elliptical orbit, nobody would be able to disprove my assertion provided I were careful to add that the teapot is too small to be revealed even by our most powerful telescopes. But if I were to go on to say that, since my assertion cannot be disproved, it is intolerable presumption on the part of human reason to doubt it, I should rightly be thought to be talking nonsense."
- Bertrand Russell -
"Morality, like art, means drawing a line someplace."
- Oscar Wilde -
"The Church of England has broken with tradition dogma by calling for doctors to be allowed to let sick newborn babies die.
"Christians have long argued that life should preserved at all costs - but a bishop representing the national church has now sparked controversy by arguing that there are occasions when it is compassionate to leave a severely disabled child to die.
"And the Bishop of Southwark, Tom Butler, who is the vice chair of the Church of England's Mission and Public Affairs Council, has also argued that the high financial cost of keeping desperately ill babies alive should be a factor in life or death decisions."
"Resting on a hospital bed beneath a tie-dyed wall hanging, Pamela Sakuda felt a tingling sensation. Then bright colors started shimmering in her head.
"She had been depressed since being diagnosed with colon cancer two years earlier, but as the experimental drug took hold, she felt the sadness sweep away from her, leaving in its wake an overpowering sense of connection to loved ones, followed by an inner calm.
"'It was like an epiphany,' said Sakuda, 59, recalling the 2005 drug treatment.
"Sakuda, a Long Beach software developer, was under the influence of the hallucinogen psilocybin, which she took during a UCLA study exploring the therapeutic effects of the active compound in 'magic' mushrooms. Although illegal for general use, the drug has been approved for medical experiments such as this one.
"Scientists suspect the hallucinogen, whose use dates back to ancient Mexico, may have properties that could improve treatments for some psychological conditions and forms of physical pain.
"Long dismissed as medically useless, the banned mushrooms a staple of the psychedelic 1960s are taking a long, strange trip back to the lab.
"The medical journal Neurology in June reported on more than 20 cases in which mushroom ingestion prevented or stopped cluster headaches, a rare neurological disorder, more reliably than prescription pharmaceuticals.
"In July, researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore reported that mushrooms could instill a sense of spirituality and connection, a finding that scientists said could lead to treatments for patients suffering from mental anguish or addiction.
"The research has been driven in part by the success of mood-altering pharmaceuticals, such as the antidepressant Prozac, which work on the same brain chemicals and pathways."
"It is, of course, taboo to criticize a persons religious beliefs. The problem, however, is that much of what people believe in the name of religion is intrinsically divisive, unreasonable, and incompatible with genuine morality. The truth is that the only rational basis for morality is a concern for the happiness and suffering of other conscious beings. This emphasis on the happiness and suffering of others explains why we don't have moral obligations toward rocks. It also explains why (generally speaking) people deserve greater moral concern than animals, and why certain animals concern us more than others. If we show more sensitivity to the experience of chimpanzees than to the experience of crickets, we do so because there is a relationship between the size and complexity of a creature's brain and its experience of the world.
"Unfortunately, religion tends to separate questions of morality from the living reality of human and animal suffering. Consequently, religious people often devote immense energy to so-called 'moral questions' - such as gay marriage - where no real suffering is at issue, and they will inflict terrible suffering in the service of their religious beliefs.
"Consider the suffering of the millions of unfortunate people who happen to live in sub-Saharan Africa. The wars in this part of the world are interminable. AIDS is epidemic there, killing around 3 million people each year. It is almost impossible to exaggerate how bad your luck is if you are born today in a country like Sudan. The question is, how does religion affect this problem?
"Many pious Christians go to countries like Sudan to help alleviate human suffering, and such behavior is regularly put forward as a defense of Christianity. But in this case, religion gives people bad reasons for acting morally, where good reasons are actually available. We don't have to believe that a deity wrote one of our books, or that Jesus was born of a virgin, to be moved to help people in need. In those same desperate places, one finds secular volunteers working with organizations like Doctors Without Borders and helping people for secular reasons. Helping people purely out of concern for their happiness and suffering seems rather more noble than helping them because you think the Creator of the universe wants you to do it, will reward you for doing it, or will punish you for not doing it."
"Parents were invented to make children happy by giving them something to ignore."
- Ogden Nash -
"I'm thirty years old, but I read at the thirty-four-year-old level."
- Dana Carvey -
"There are few things funnier than watching a TV news reporter interviewing a prostitute with an air of moral superiority."
- The Quotalizer -
"Sex offenders are not petty criminals. They prey on our children like animals and will continue to do it unless stopped. We have a moral responsibility to do everything in our power to protect our kids from these animals."
"American exceptionalism is the overripe idea that we can do to others that which would be unacceptable if done to us using the rationale that we're more moral than other nations and our motives are always pure. This self-righteous balderdash is the underpinning of Bush's diplomatic efforts with the world, and that's why they are doomed to fail."
- Arris Jaye -
"For the past three and a half years I have watched in horror the mirror image of another Vietnam unfolding in Iraq. As of this writing over 2,700 Americans have died and nearly 20,000 have been wounded while tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians, many of them women and children, have been killed. Refusing to learn from the lessons of Vietnam, our government continues to pursue a policy of deception, distortion, manipulation and denial, doing everything it can to hide from the American people its true intentions in Iraq. Sadly, the 'War on Terror' has become a war of terror. Never before has this government through its outrageous provocations and violent aggressions placed the citizens of this country in such grave danger. Never have the people of this country been so threatened, never before has life and liberty been in such great peril; not in the two hundred and thirty years since our revolution have we as a people and a nation been at such a crucial turning point."
"My friends, have you noticed that the hours of daylight have gotten shorter every day since the Democrats were voted a majority in Congress? Mark my words: before January of 2007 we'll experience one of the shortest days of the year! It's God's judgment on America for embracing the liberal Democrat homosexual baby-killing agenda!"
- P. R. -
"A first-ever museum display, 'Against Nature?,' which opened last month at the University of Oslo's Natural History Museum in Norway, presents 51 species of animals exhibiting homosexuality.
"'Homosexuality has been observed in more than 1,500 species, and the phenomenon has been well described for 500 of them,' said Petter Bockman, project coordinator of the exhibition.
"The idea, however, is rarely discussed in the scientific community and is often dismissed as unnatural because it doesn't appear to benefit the larger cause of species continuation.
"'I think to some extent people don't think it's important because we went through all this time period in sociobiology where everything had to be tied to reproduction and reproductive success,' said Linda Wolfe, who heads the Department of Anthropology at East Carolina University. 'If it doesn't have [something to do] with reproduction it's not important.'
"However, species continuation may not always be the ultimate goal, as many animals, including humans, engage in sexual activities more than is necessary for reproduction.
"'You can make up all kinds of stories: Oh it's for dominance, it's for this, it's for that, but when it comes down to the bottom I think it's just for sexual pleasure,' Wolfe told LiveScience."
"Take the utmost trouble to find the right thing to say, and then say it with the utmost levity."
- George Bernard Shaw -
"It is not worth an intelligent man's time to be in the majority. By definition, there are already enough people to do that."
- G. H. Hardy -
"It is difficult to produce a television documentary that is both incisive and probing when every twelve minutes one is interrupted by twelve dancing rabbits singing about toilet paper."
- Rod Serling -
"Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck."
- George Carlin -
"The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution."
- Hannah Arendt -
"A great many people think they are thinking when they are really rearranging their prejudices."
- William James -
"The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it."
- Terry Pratchett -
"We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action."
- Frank Tibolt -
"Professor Toynbee uses the terms 'detachment' and 'transfiguration' to describe the crisis by which the higher spiritual dimension is attained that makes possible the resumption of the work of creation. The first step, detachment or withdrawal, consists in a radical transfer of emphasis from the external to the internal world, macro- to microcosm, a retreat from the desperations of the waste land to the peace of the everlasting realm that is within. But this realm, as we know from psychoanalysis, is precisely the infantile unconscious. It is the realm that we enter in sleep. We carry it within ourselves forever. All the ogres and secret helpers of our nursery are there, all the magic of childhood. And more important, all the life-potentialities that we never managed to bring to adult realization, those other portions of ourself, are there; for such golden seeds do not die. If only a portion of that lost totality could be dredged up into the light of day, we should experience a marvelous expansion of our powers, a vivid renewal of life. We should tower in stature. Moreover, if we could dredge up something forgotten not only by ourselves but by our whole generation of our entire civilization, we should become indeed the boon-bringer, the culture hero of the day - a personage of not only local but world historical moment. In a word, the first work of the hero is to retreat from the world scene of secondary effects to those causal zones of the psyche where the difficulties really reside, and there to clarify the difficulties, eradicate them in his own case (i.e. give battle to the nursery demons of his local culture) and break through to the undistorted, direct experience and assimilation of what C. G. Jung has called 'the archetypal images.' This is the process known to Hindu and Buddhist philosophy as viveka, 'discrimination.'"
- Joseph Campbell: The Hero with a Thousand Faces -
"We need a president who's fluent in at least one language."
- Buck Henry -
- Amy Carter (President Jimmy Carter's daughter) when asked by a reporter if she had any message for the children of America -
"Against logic there is no armor like ignorance."
- Laurence J. Peter -
"In the part of this universe that we know there is great injustice, and often the good suffer, and often the wicked prosper, and one hardly knows which of those is the more annoying."
- Bertrand Russell -
"Acceptance without proof is the fundamental characteristic of Western religion, rejection without proof is the fundamental characteristic of Western science."
- Gary Zukav: The Dancing Wu Li Masters -
"I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me."
- Noel Coward -
"There is no fire like greed and no crime like hatred. There is no sorrow like being bound to this world; there is no happiness like freedom."
- Dhammapada -
Don't let this happen to you.
dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY is free and may be reproduced in any form, preferably parchment. It consists of information from dozens of sources, cut up, thrown in the air, and recycled randomly. It is sent all over the place, so I apologize if you're seeing the same thing twice. If you see a joke, graphic, or news item that came from or through you, thanks, send more, and please accept the fact that much of dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY is unacknowledgeable, and if I sought permission from everyone whose bastardized material showed up here, I'd never get anything else done. Please note that I don't even put my own name on it. If you're still pissed off, hey, it's either satire or fair use.
'Best of TBH Politoons'
Thanks, again, Tim!
Recommended Reading
from Bruce
FRED GRIMM: Tiny town could be Waterloo for vote machines (miami.com/)
Randy Wooten, owner of Randy's Karaoke Bar out on Highway 14 and one of three mayoral candidates, received no votes. Not even his own. ''He voted for himself. I watched him,'' said Roxanne Wooten, the candidate's wife. ''I was standing right behind him. And then I voted for him,'' she told me Monday. Neither vote registered on the ES&S machine. Poinsett County election official insisted that their touch-screen machines were working just fine, that Waldenburg's improbable undervote was due to ``operator error.'' Not hardly, said Roxanne Wooten. She said, ``I noticed that the machine was acting jumpy.''
Tell Congress to make Election Reform a top priority! (kintera.org)
Click here to tell Congress to make election reform a top priority. Congressman Rush Holt's bill, HR 550, requiring paper trails and other safeguards, needs to be made law.
Title: To amend the Help America Vote Act of 2002 to require a voter-verified permanent paper record or hard copy under title III of such Act, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Holt, Rush D. [NJ-12] (introduced 2/2/2005) Cosponsors (222)
Latest Major Action: 2/2/2005 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on House Administration.
Alex Koppelman and Lauren Shell: The GOP's dirty deeds of 2006 (salon.com)
Salon's guide to robo-calls, push polls, vigilantes and other murky dealings from this year's elections.
Ernesto Londono: Sample Ballots in Pr. George's Misidentify Candidates (washingtonpost.com)
Inaccurate sample ballots describing Republican Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. and Senate candidate Michael S. Steele as Democrats were handed out to voters in at least four polling sites in Prince George's County ....
E. J. Dionne Jr.: An Electronic Canary
The upshot: Any reasonable statistical analysis suggests that only 3,000 to 5,000 of Sarasota's undervotes were intentional, meaning that 13,000 to 15,000 votes were probably not counted. If you believe that these machines operated properly, then you must also believe that I missed my true vocation as an NBA center.
PAUL KRUGMAN: When Votes Disappear (The New York Times)
But for the nation as a whole, the important thing isn't who gets seated to represent Florida's 13th District. It's whether the voting disaster there leads to legislation requiring voter verification and a paper trail .... I've been shocked at how little national attention the mess in Sarasota has received. Here we have as clear a demonstration as we're ever likely to see that warnings from computer scientists about the dangers of paperless electronic voting are valid - and most Americans probably haven't even heard about it.
'I am 80 and still my son's only carer' (guardian.co.uk)
Barbara MacArthur's husband left her when she was four months pregnant. The baby was born with learning difficulties. Now 53, Howard still lives at home with her, but she worries about what will happen to him if she dies.
Beth Quinn: My dog Tom's excellent Thanksgiving adventure (recordonline.com)
The Squirrel's Tale: It wasn't even my fault for a change. In fact, I tried to help by distracting that stupid yellow dog. I ran up and down the tree trunk to get him over my way. I risked my life! The brown dog, the one they call Huckleberry, is nearly as fast as I am, so I was taking a chance.
The Wall St. Poet
Iraq Blaming
Think tank neocons. Pentagon advisors. Intel analysts. Senators with presidential ambitions. As the full idiocy of our Iraq adventure has finally become clear, inside the Beltway the big question is: Who's gonna take the political fall for this disaster?
Iraq Blaming
Beyond sad
Beyond bad
It was mad
We¹ve all been had.
Out of luck
Firmly stuck
In the muck
All options suck.
This pit of shame
Won't easy drain
So perps new aim:
Re-frame the blame.
Reader Comment
W's Library.....Sheesh...
Hi Marty,
To me it is an oxymoron: The George W. Bush Library. He is notorious for
being insulated from the real world and prefers to have his advisors tell
him what's going on instead of reading for himself. But his library already
has 500 million dollars ready to go to build it. The donors are secret so
far. hmmmmm, who could have given this money? The Saudi's?
Anyhooo, I propose that only one book be allowed in this "library": 'My Pet
Goat'. I think everyone in America should donate a copy of it to fill the
shelves. As he has
attached a classified insignia on all his papers as well as his father's
what else would be appropriate to be put in it?
1. The Segway he fell off of.
2. Bags of the brand of pretzels he choked on during the Super Bowl.
3. The video of him calling the new prime minister of Canada "better
looking than my Scottie McClellan" (while looking him up and down and up
and down).
4. A video of the sixteen words that were a blatant lie during his State
of the Union in 2001.
5. Laura's car that crashed into her boyfriend's car in a crash that killed
6. All the photographs of the twins drunk out of their skulls in bars
across the country.
7 All of the saddles that he's been given as gifts during his pResidency
(last count 217) for a man that doesn't know how to ride.
I'm welcoming all suggestions.
Dems Forever,
Thanks, Sara!
Selected Readings
from that Mad Cat, JD
In The Chaos Household
Last Night
Cold and rainy.
Seems the furnace can't be repaired and must be replaced. : (
Tonight, Tuesday:
CBS begins the night with a FRESH 'NCIS', followed by a FRESH 'The Unit', then a FRESH '3 Lbs.'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Dave are George Clooney and the Decemberists.
Scheduled on a FRESH Craig are William H. Macy, Jeri Ryan, and Isabel Allende.
NBC starts the night with a FRESH 'Friday Night Lights', followed by a FRESH 'Law & Order: Criminal Intent', then a FRESH 'Law & Order: Special Victims Unit'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Leno are Lucy Liu, Bob Saget, and Snoop Dogg.
Scheduled on a FRESH Conan are Jude Law, Kristen Wiig, and Brian Setzer Orchestra.
Scheduled on a FRESH Carson Daly are Donald Faison and Gary Gulman.
ABC opens the night by rolling out the chestnut 'A Charlie Brown Christmas', followed by the SERIES PREMIERE 'Big Day', then a FRESH 'Help Me Help You', followed by a FRESH 'Boston Legal'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jimmy Kimmel are Wilmer Valderrama, Michael Irvin, Chris Daughtry.
The CW offers a FRESH 'Gilmore Girls', followed by a FRESH 'Veronica Mars'.
Faux has a FRESH 'Standoff', followed by a FRESH 'House'.
MY has a FRESH 'Desire', followed by a FRESH 'Fashion House'.
A&E has 'CSI: The 2nd One', another 'CSI: The 2nd One', then fills the night with 'Dog The Bounty Hunter'.
AMC offers the movie 'Cool Hand Luke', followed by the movie 'Pale Rider', then the movie 'For A Few Dollars More'.
[2:00 pm] As Time Goes By - Episode 7;
[2:40 pm] Are You Being Served - The Club;
[3:20 pm] Keeping Up Appearances - Episode 10;
[4:00 pm] The Avengers - Death's Door;
[5:00 pm] Footballers Wives - Episode 3;
[6:00 pm] BBC World News;
[6:30 pm] Cash in the Attic - Kitching;
[7:00 pm] The Benny Hill Show - Episode 45;
[8:00 pm] Whose Line Is It Anyway? - Episode 6;
[8:30 pm] Whose Line Is It Anyway? - Episode 7;
[9:00 pm] The Avengers - Return of the Cybernauts;
[10:00 pm] Doctor Who - Ep 2 The End of the World;
[11:00 pm] Whose Line Is It Anyway? - Episode 15;
[11:30 pm] Whose Line Is It Anyway? - Episode 5;
[12:00 am] The Benny Hill Show - Episode 46;
[1:00 am] Doctor Who - Ep 2 The End of the World;
[2:00 am] The Avengers - Return of the Cybernauts;
[3:00 am] Canterbury Tales - The Wife of Bath;
[4:00 am] Canterbury Tales - The Sea Captain's Tale;
[5:00 am] Canterbury Tales - The Miller's Tale;
[6:00 am] BBC World News. (ALL TIMES EST)
Bravo has 'Top Chef', followed by the movie 'Apocalypse Now Redux'.
Comedy Central has 'Scrubs', another 'Scrubs', last night's 'Jon Stewart', last night's 'Colbert Report', 'Chappelle's Show', 'South Park', 'Mind Of Mencia', and another 'Mind Of Mencia'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jon Stewart is Tom Waits.
Scheduled on a FRESH Colbert Report is Nora Ephron.
History has 'Modern Marvels', another 'Modern Marvels', and 'Man Moment Machine'.
[06:25 AM] Dinner For Five #44;
[07:00 AM] IFC Short Film Showcase: November;
[08:00 AM] Frazetta: Painting with Fire;
[09:35 AM] A Bronx Tale;
[11:40 AM] Shadowlands;
[01:55 PM] Frazetta: Painting with Fire;
[03:30 PM] Unhook the Stars;
[05:20 PM] A Bronx Tale;
[07:25 PM] The Station Agent;
[09:00 PM] Ugetsu;
[10:40 PM] Miss Julie;
[12:15 AM] Floating Weeds;
[02:15 AM] Ugetsu;
[03:55 AM] Miss Julie;
[05:30 AM] Floating Weeds. (ALL TIMES EST)
SciFi has 'Dead Like Me', another 'Dead Like Me', 'Eureka', and 'ECW'.
Sundance -
[07:00 AM] Big Storm: The Lynndie England Story;
[07:45 AM] Breaking Out;
[08:00 AM] Land And Freedom;
[10:00 AM] Mother/Country;
[10:30 AM] A Life Without Pain;
[11:45 AM] The Talent Given Us;
[01:30 PM] Our Brand is Crisis;
[03:00 PM] Dad Savage;
[04:45 PM] Bright Young Things;
[06:30 PM] Kath & Kim - Season 3: Mango Espradrille;
[07:00 PM] Millennium Mambo;
[08:45 PM] Breaking Out;
[09:00 PM] City of Men - Season 3: Episode 3: Can't Screw Up Twice;
[09:30 PM] IN SHORT: Nightmares;
[10:00 PM] Riff-Raff;
[11:45 PM] Land And Freedom;
[01:35 AM] Summer of the Serpent;
[02:15 AM] Me, Myself and the Universe;
[02:30 AM] City of Men - Season 3: Episode 3: Can't Screw Up Twice;
[03:00 AM] A Summer Dress;
[03:30 AM] House of Boateng: Episode 7;
[04:00 AM] Remember Me, My Love. (ALL TIMES EST)
TCM spends the night with director
John Ford.
[6:00 AM] Festival of Shorts #49 (2006);
[6:30 AM] The Great Dictator (1940);
[8:45 AM] I Love You Again (1940);
[10:30 AM] The Pirate (1948) [View Trailer];
[12:30 PM] Shall We Dance (1937);
[2:30 PM] The Inspector General (1949) [View Trailer];
[4:15 PM] The Ladykillers (1955);
[6:00 PM] What's New, Pussycat? (1965);
[8:00 PM] The Last Hurrah (1958) [View Trailer];
[10:15 PM] Arrowsmith (1931);
[12:15 AM] The Informer (1935) [View Trailer];
[2:00 AM] Flesh (1932);
[3:45 AM] Judge Priest (1934);
[5:15 AM] MGM Parade Show #25 (1955). (ALL TIMES EST)
Wednesday - 11/29
TCM spends the night with
Lucille Ball.
[6:00 AM] Having Wonderful Crime (1945);
[7:15 AM] Guys And Dolls (1955) [View Trailer];
[10:00 AM] The Producers (1968) [View Trailer];
[11:30 AM] His Girl Friday (1940) [View Trailer];
[1:15 PM] Gidget (1959);
[3:00 PM] Father Goose (1964);
[5:00 PM] Oliver! (1968) [View Trailer];
[8:00 PM] Meet The People (1944);
[10:00 PM] Stage Door (1937) [View Trailer];
[11:45 PM] Best Foot Forward (1943) [View Trailer];
[1:30 AM] The Affairs Of Annabel (1938);
[2:45 AM] Annabel Takes A Tour (1938);
[4:00 AM] That's Right--You'Re Wrong (1940);
[5:45 AM] Dance, Girl, Dance (1940). (ALL TIMES EST)
Any opinions?
Or reviews?
(See below for addresses)
Regis Philbin (L) and wife Joy wave to fans during the 75th Annual Hollywood Christmas Parade in Hollywood November 26, 2006.
Photo by Max Morse
Land At Space Museum
Ruby Slippers
Dorothy's ruby red slippers are now temporarily nestled near NASA's rockets and Charles Lindbergh's plane in a new Smithsonian exhibit that has the blessing of two original munchkins from "The Wizard of Oz."
More than 150 well-known objects from the National Museum of American History collection are on public display in the "Treasures of American History" exhibit across the National Mall at the National Air and Space Museum.
Leaders of the popular history museum, which closed in September for a major renovation and will reopen in summer 2008, wanted to keep at least part of the massive 3 million piece collection on view.
Ruth Duccini and Jerry Maren, two of the munchkins from "The Wizard of Oz," helped open the new exhibit last week.
Ruby Slippers
Jon Bauman, formerly 'Bowzer' of Sha Na Na, listens at left, as Charlie Thomas, right, a singer since 1954 with The Drifters pauses Monday, Nov. 27, 2006 in Trenton, N.J., while testifying to urge New Jersey lawmakers to penalize impostors who perform in Atlantic City and elsewhere while posing as members of famous oldies bands.
Photo by Mel Evans
Chinese Theme Park
Bruce Lee
A theme park with a statue and memorial hall will be built at Bruce Lee's southern Chinese ancestral home of Shunde, the president of his fan club said Monday.
The park will also contain a martial arts academy and conference center, Wong Yiu-keung, chairman of the Hong Kong-based Bruce Lee Club, told The Associated Press.
Wong said he couldn't confirm details of a report Monday in the Apple Daily newspaper that said the park was budgeted at $25.5 million and was expected to be completed in three years.
Bruce Lee
55th Year
'The Mousetrap'
The producer of Agatha Christie's thriller "The Mousetrap" predicted on Monday that the world's longest running play would never close.
As the classic whodunnit embarked on its 55th year, current producer Stephen Waley-Cohen said he couldn't see an end in sight for the popular London tourist draw.
"On first night Agatha Christie said she thought it might get a nice little run. Now it's an institution," he said.
"We have not had a losing week in 55 years. Half the audience are British, a quarter are American and the rest come from around the world."
'The Mousetrap'
Chunder Down Under
Elton John
Elton John's latest Australian tour got off to an inauspicious start when the British pop superstar had to leave the stage briefly to be sick, local media reported Monday.
John was about to perform "Crocodile Rock," one of the most popular songs of his four-decade career, Sunday when he felt unwell and left the stage in Brisbane for about five minutes.
"I thought I'd better chunder (vomit) in the toilet than all over the front row," Australian Associated Press quoted John as telling his audience of 15,000 fans.
John, 59, is making his 12th tour of Australia and had been on stage for about two hours when he became ill. He returned to the stage for another 45 minutes without further inconvenience.
Elton John
In this photograph provided by CBS News, former President Jimmy Carter appears on 'The Early Show' on CBS to promote his new book 'Palestine Peace Not Apartheid' in New York on Monday, November 27, 2006.
Photo by Michael Simon
Mark Burnett & Roma Downey
Actress Roma Downey and reality-show producer Mark Burnett are engaged, a publicist for the pair said Monday. Burnett proposed to Downey during a Thanksgiving trip to Mexico, publicist Jim Dowd said. Both are 46.
"They have never been happier," Dowd said. "They are enjoying this exciting time with their children and their families."
Both have children from previous marriages. Burnett has two sons, ages 13 and 9, and Downey has a 10-year-old daughter.
Pleads Guilty
Troy Gentry
Troy Lee Gentry pleaded guilty Monday to a misdemeanor charge of falsely registering a captive bear as being killed in the wild.
Under the plea, the 39-year-old country singer agreed to pay a $15,000 fine, give up hunting, fishing and trapping in Minnesota for five years, and forfeit both the bear's hide and the bow he used to shoot the animal in 2004. The bear, named "Cubby," was killed in a 3-acre private enclosure.
In exchange for Gentry's plea, federal prosecutors dropped a felony charge of violating the Lacey Act, which authorities said bans possessing or transporting illegally obtained wildlife.
Troy Gentry
Watchavato, real name Luis Romero, poses for a portrait behind one of his stencils in his Mexico City studio November 17, 2006. Watchavato, a native of Mexico's northwestern state of Sinaloa, has turned narco icons such as AK47's, flashy cars, and cowboy hats into a chic form of street art.
Photo by Andrew Winning
Pamela Anderson & Kid Rock
Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock each filed divorce papers Monday seeking to end their marriage of less than four months. Anderson's representative would not comment on the reason or any particulars of the divorce. Anderson and Rock, whose real name is Robert Ritchie, each cited "irreconcilable differences" in their divorce filings in Los Angeles County Superior Court.
The relationship between Anderson, 39, and Ritchie, 35, has been a turbulent one since they became engaged in 2002. They broke up the following year, but later reunited and held several wedding ceremonies over the summer.
They were wed in late July near St. Tropez, France, and again at a courthouse in Beverly Hills on Aug. 3. They also tied the knot in an Aug. 17 ceremony in Nashville, Tenn.
A model presents men's underwear by Romanian designer Catalin Botezatu during Bucharest Fashion Week in Bucharest November 27, 2006.
Photo by Bogdan Cristel
NBC's LA Outlet
News Raw
An intriguing experiment in broadcast news sneaked onto southern California's digital airwaves about seven months ago.
News Raw is a digital offshoot of NBC's West Coast flagship station, KNBC-TV Los Angeles. It launched in April as KNBC's digital channel 4.4 and a video-enabled companion page on the www.NBC4.tv Web site with zero fanfare, by design, to give KNBC's news staff time to learn how to use their new digital tool. The brainchild of Robert Long, KNBC's maverick vp and news director, News Raw is at once a throwback to television's roots and a leap into its future.
As KNBC began carving up its digital channel allotment, Long made a point of swooping in "to grab some of that space for news."
For now, the News Raw TV channel can be found on the dial the old-fashioned way -- with rabbit ears -- by anyone in the Los Angeles market equipped with a digital TV set. KNBC is in talks with Time Warner Cable to get News Raw a higher profile through a local carriage deal.
News Raw
A man walks his dog along Hyde Street overlooking Coit Tower as a storm front moves through the Bay Area in San Francisco, Monday, Nov. 27, 2006.
Photo by Jeff Chiu
Ashcan Artist Exhibit
George Bellows
The loser lies in a heap in the boxing ring, his face tucked into his right shoulder and covered with his gloved left hand. The referee kneels over him with two fingers raised in the air while the champion stands in his corner wiping his face, waiting for the count to finish.
For George Bellows, who painted "Counted Out" in the early 1900s, victory takes a back seat to brutal defeat. There's no celebration of a fight well fought, just the aftermath of a bloody knockout.
"People asked him why he painted all this ugliness," said Bill McBride, a Bellows fan and football and basketball coach at Amherst College, which is featuring the artist's work in "George Bellows: A Ringside Seat."
"But he was being a realist," McBride said. "He was just painting what he saw."
George Bellows
In Memory
Bebe Moore Campbell
Bebe Moore Campbell, whose many bestsellers touched on the ethnic and social divides in the U.S., died Monday. She was 56.
Campbell died at home in Los Angeles from complications due to brain cancer, said publicist Linda Wharton Boyd. She was diagnosed with the disease in February. "My wife was a phenomenal woman who did it her way," husband Ellis Gordon Jr. said in a statement. "She loved her family and her career as a writer.
Her books, largely fiction but based on real-life stories, included the perspective of many ethnic groups.
One of her first novels, "Your Blues Ain't Like Mine," was published in 1992 and spanned a 40-year period. It dealt with prejudice in the United States. The book earned her an NAACP Image Award for literature. She followed the book with "Brothers and Sisters," which focused on race relations in the corporate world after the 1992 Los Angeles riot.
Among her other novels were "Singing in the Comeback Choir," "What You Owe Me" and "72 Hour Hold," the latter dealing with a mother coping with her daughter's bipolar disorder. Her 2003 play, "Even With the Madness," also focused on mental illness.
She also wrote children's books, including "Sometimes My Mommy Gets Angry" in 2003, which won the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill Outstanding Literature Award. Another children's book, "I'm So Hungry," will be released next year.
As a journalist, her articles appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, Essence and Ebony.
Campbell, whose full name was Elizabeth Bebe Moore Campbell Gordon, was born in February 1950 in Philadelphia. She earned her bachelor's degree from the University of Pittsburgh in 1971.
Campbell is survived by her husband; a son, Ellis Gordon III; a daughter, Maia Campbell; her mother, Doris Moore; and two grandchildren.
Bebe Moore Campbell
Swan keeper Olaf Niess catches a swan after he and council workers rounded up the swans from Hamburg's inner city lake Alster November 27, 2006. Every year the swans are collected from waterways around the northern German city of Hamburg and taken to winter quarters where they are fed and cared for until the spring.
Photo by Christian Charisius
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