Bartcop Entertainment - Tuesday, 11 March, 2003
11 March, 2003
(Updated Daily)
Issue #45
Disinfotainment Today
By Michael Dare
is brought to you by
Daniel Ellsberg's Review of the Made-for-TV Movie The Pentagon Papers
The movie, currently showing on FX, is not based on Ellsberg's Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers, and oddly, FX never contacted Dan about the film or consulted him in any way.
Every bit of dialogue is completely fictional (with the exception of a dozen lines or so, mainly in my interview with Cronkite), nothing
happened very closely to the way it is portrayed, and there are errors in almost every minute of the film. In fact, the script often has me saying things that I not only didn't say, but I never would have said; in many cases they are the opposite of what I believed. The same is true for most of the dialogue associated with other named characters; they obviously weren't consulted any more than I was. You could say that everything is wrong, in some degree: and yet, the overall story is true to the underlying feeling of the events.
They have made a good movie, with an important message--in favor of whistleblowing-- that I would endorse; and the timeliness of the message, undoubtedly by accident, is uncanny. The inaccuracies of the script are somewhat frustrating to me but they won't be noticed by many others, and every other aspect of the production is unusually well-done: the casting and acting, direction and editing, the photography. It was fun for Patricia and me to watch it together; we relived the start of our romance. As in the rest of script, the circumstances are all wrong, but James Spader and Claire Forlani show the electricity of our attraction, and Forlani conveys "behind her eyes"--as one reviewer put it--Patricia's intelligence as well as her beauty. We found it a gripping film, and I think others will too: one that is true to the spirit and feeling of the events, if not the letter.
There's a chance this film could encourage more whistleblowers, which is what makes it so timely right now. It shows that it's possible for someone with the background and values that I shared with many current officials to change perspective and to decide to tell the truth to those outside the Executive branch, and it shows that in unforeseeable ways that can be effective. It shows that the personal costs of doing this can be worthwhile, in terms of the possibility of saving lives.
I've been using every opportunity in the last five months to convey a message to current officials who know--as I did in 1964-65-- that the president, and their bosses, are lying us into a wrongful, reckless, unnecessary war. The message, which I think is implicit in this movie, is that they should consider doing right now, before the bombs are falling, what I wish I had done at a comparable point, in the months before the onset of the Rolling Thunder bombing: going to Congress and the press with documents that undercut official lies. There is still time to avert this war with sufficiently comprehensive truth-telling, though there's only a week or two left before the bombing may begin. That's why I'm particularly happy this film is coming out at this moment. If one individual in Washington gets that message by seeing this movie, and unloads a file-drawer of revelatory current documents to the press and Congress, it could make a great difference. A wars worth of lives is at stake.
Naked Pacifists of the Week
Protesters in Santiago, Chile
Headline of the Week
U.S. Angrily Protests North Korea's Restarting Nuclear Reactor
If reactor isn't dismantled at once, U.S. will bomb Baghdad.
Definition of How Bush Took Office
Main Entry:
yu-'s&rp also -'z&rp
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French
usurper, from Latin
usurpare to take possession of without legal claim, from
usually (ablative of
usus use) +
rapere to seize -- more at
Date: 14th century
transitive senses
1 a : to seize and hold (as office, place, or powers) in possession by force or without right <usurp a throne>
b : to take or make use of without right <
usurped the rights to her life story>
2 : to take the place of by or as if by force :
<must not let stock responses based on inherited prejudice
usurp careful judgment>
intransitive senses : to seize or exercise authority or possession wrongfully
usur·pa·tion /
"yü-s&r-'pA-sh&n also "yü-z&r-/
usurp·er /
yu-'s&r-p&r also -'z&r-/
The Taliban offered to
hand bin Laden over to a neutral third country for trial in the World Court if damning evidence about his role in the September 11, 2001 attacks was provided. It would seem that the only reason bin Laden is currently on the loose is because we refused to offer any evidence whatsoever to the Taliban (or anyone else).
"They have accused Osama bin Laden of these incidents, but they have not presented us with any convincing proof."
- Mullah Mohammed Omar -
Speaking of Using Chemical Weapons on Your Own People...
On Feb. 15, Israeli airplanes sprayed toxic chemicals on 5,000 acres of crop land in unrecognized Bedouin villages in the Negev (Naqab) desert. The villages are home to some
20,000 Bedouin with Israeli citizenship. The airplanes belonged to the Israeli Lands Administration (ILA). People in the fields, including the elderly and children, were also sprayed.
Your Liberal Media at Work
Phil Donahue has been fired and replaced by Mike Savage.
Best Place to Raise Your Kids From Scratch
Because of
Alaska's Permanent Fund Dividend Program, instead of paying state taxes, all Alaskan residents receive a dividend each year. The amount varies each year, but when someone born and raised in Alaska turns 18, they get to leave home and start their life with approximately $20,000 under their belt.
Pick the Terrorist
Internet Radio Show of the
Don't stop listening to
Meria Heller, but check out
WBAI, your peace and justice community radio station.
Totally Wacko, New-World-Order, Religiously Insane,
We're All Going to Die Because We Listen to Rock 'n' Roll
Site of the Week
Quote of the Week
"Two little Hitlers will fight it out
until one little Hitler does the other one's will."
- Elvis Costello -
Don't Take My Word For It
"The media [have] never been more disgusting in my lifetime. Every lie out of Washington — they're out there doing war dances."
- Gore Vidal -
"Polls show up to 94 percent of the Turkish people are against invading Iraq. Trying to overcome that, it seems to bring democracy to Iraq we have to first take it away from Turkey."
- Jon Stewart -
"Art is a moral passion married to entertainment. Moral passion without entertainment is propaganda, and entertainment without moral passion is television."
- Rita Mae Brown -
"There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval."
- George Santayana -
"If God lived on earth, people would break his windows."
- Jewish proverb -
"Life is not holding a good hand. Life is playing a poor hand well."
- Danish Proverb -
"They [the Israelis] do more to incite and sustain terrorism than curb it."
- Larry Johnson: former US State Department counter-terrorism officer -
"The Bush administration has not suspended or revoked the authority of Westinghouse Co, to transfer documents related to nuclear technology to North Korea."
"The five permanent members of the Security Council produce and sell something like 85 percent of the military weaponry in the world today. And they're the very countries that supposedly are in charge of international peace and security. That's quite a ludicrous situation we've got here."
- Dennis Halliday: former Humanitarian Co-ordinator with the United Nations in Iraq -
"Apparently the lesson of 9/11 is that we are supposed to blindly follow George W Bush into an assault on the Iraqi people. And we thought the lesson of 9/11 was that innocents should never again be killed."
- Barry Crimmins -
"Government cannot exist without the tacit consent of the populace. This consent is maintained by keeping people in ignorance of their real power. Voting is not an expression of power, but an admission of powerlessness, since it cannot do otherwise than reaffirm the government's supposed legitimacy."
- Fred Woodworth, Anarchism -
"As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything seems seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we must be most aware of change in the air however slight -- lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness."
- Justice William O. Douglas -
"The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in essence, is fascism ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or any controlling power."
- Franklin D. Roosevelt -
"And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?"
- Thomas Jefferson -
"The zealotry that we deplore has its roots in no particular religion, but in the mind of every person who thinks he has a God-given right to endanger other people's lives in pursuit of his own divine agenda."
- Barbara Egbert -
"Slay anger and you will be happy,
slay anger and you will not sorrow.
For the slaying of anger in all its forms
with its poisoned root and sweet sting-
that is the slaying the nobles praise;
with anger slain one weeps no more."
- Buddha -
"Peace is a journey of a thousand miles and it must be taken one step at a time."
- Lyndon B Johnson -
"Peace has begun and won't be stopped, not be a long shot. It may get ugly, dark and disgusting, but PEACE and LOVE will be all that remains once the dust settles. The true forces of evil on this planet know they have moments left and are acting like the rabid animals they are to destroy as much as they can while they can. By their own words and deeds they will meet their fate."
- Meria Heller -
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others."
- Groucho Marx -
I Feel So Much Safer Now
The Bush administration vowed that there would be no media censorship in the upcoming
liberation campaign in Iraq.
Despite the widely reported recent assassination of a Hamas leader by Israeli missiles, Israel has, in fact, been secretly
backing Hamas over the PLO so they can claim to be the only legitimate "democracy" in the region.
The Bush administration arrested family members of victims from the Sept. 11 attacks, along with relatives of military members who have gone overseas in preparation for a possible war, for protesting near the White House.
Andrew J. O'Conner of Santa Fe, New Mexico, a former public defender from Santa Fe, was arrested in a public library and interrogated by Secret Service agents for five hours on February 13th. His crime? He said "Bush is out of control" on an Internet chat room, and was arrested for threatening the President.
The idiot mall cop who
arrested a lawyer last week and charged him with trespassing after refusing to take off a T-shirt saying "Give Peace a Chance" that he had just purchased at the very same mall, has been fired.
George W. Bush personally threatened the safety of Mexicans in the US should the Mexican government not vote with him in the Security Council.
Dueling Stories
Of all the milestones in the Bush administration's 18-month campaign against terrorism, the apprehension of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, possibly the most fearsome of Osama bin Laden's chief lieutenants, came at a critical juncture.
Now it has emerged that Kuwaiti national Khalid Shaikh Mohammed did indeed perish in the raid, but his wife and child were taken from the apartment and handed over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in whose hands they remain.
Calling All Gullible Idiots
The Bush Administration publicly announced that when our troops commit atrocities to innocent Iraqis, they're going to blame it on Iraqi troops DRESSED like American troops.
Naked Women for Peace
I am actively seeking two naked women to spell out the word "peace" in my bed tonight. They might not succeed, but I'll have fun watching them try.
Calling All Filmmakers
THE 24 HOUR FILM CONTEST provides an opportunity for filmmakers to put their creative abilities to the test. Every few months, over the course of one weekend, participants make films in 24 hours, which are subsequently screened to a large audience and made viewable at All completed films from The 2002 Series are now online. Watch the results at our screenings or on the website, or make films in 24 hours and Get Creative Fast! So far the event has been limited to Vancouver, but filmmakers from across the country are welcome to participate. Contact: Kryshan Randel, Producer, at
FILM FEST NEW HAVEN September 19 - 22, 2003. Shorts and features of any type in 35mm, 16mm, video or DVD. Early entry fee if postmarked by May 1: $35 features, $25 shorts. Final entry fee if postmarked by June 16: $40 features, $30 shorts. For guidelines and entry form visit or call 203-776-6789.
Due to popular demand from filmmakers
FIRSTGLANCE 6 PHILADELPHIA FILM FESTIVAL (June 6, 7 & 8, 2003), will re-open Call for Entries for a limited time! From March 10th - 20th, film and video makers can enter their projects, at the late deadline entry fee rate, for a chance to compete in the June festival. For more info: and click on the Philadelphia side. Entries must be postmarked by March 20th!! FirstGlance's 1st Annual Short Screenplay Competition is accepting entries. Have your short screenplay produced and premiered at the first and fastest growing bi-coastal film fests in the United States. Stop by Download an application and "Greenlight" your short!! Stay tuned for the Call for Entries for FirstGlance 4 Los Angeles Film Festival. Applications will be available online in April. With the addition of some amazing sponsors, this years prize packages will exceed $10,000. Open to professional and student film and video makers from around the world.
INFACT FILM SERIES - Qualify your feature/short doc for Academy Award Consideration - IDA's 7th Annual International Documentary Showcase August 15-21st . Submissions deadline April 25th. The 19th Annual IDA Awards Competition. Early bird deadline with discount May 16th. Final Deadline June 13th. Application's online at
MADCAT WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (Sept. 5 - 30) MadCat seeks cutting-edge experimental and independent works of all lengths and genres directed/co-directed by women for annual
festival and national touring shows. VHS preview. Sliding Scale entry fee: $10 - $30. 415/436-9523; fax: 415/ 934-0642;; Deadline: June 4.
Fourth Annual
REAL TO REEL FILM FESTIVAL, July 17-19, 2003 Independent film artists of all genres and skill levels are encouraged to submit their work to this international competition. Entries sought in 6 categories: animation, documentary, feature, non-feature, music, and short. Deadline: March 30 / Final Deadline: April 30. More information at
RHODE ISLAND INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, Aug.5-10, 2003. Deadlines: Early - May 15; Late - June 1. Categories: doc, dramatic, experimental, foreign, shorts, animation, youth media and children's. All films will be eligible for Viola M. Marshall Audience Choice Awards. Formats: 35mm, 16mm, Beta SP/SX, DV, S-VHS, DVD, 1/2". Preview on VHS. Fees: $40: shorts/features. RIIFF is a qualifying festival in the Short Film category with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Contact: RIIFF, Box 162, Newport, RI 02840 USA; Street Address: 96 Second Street, Newport, RI 02840. 401/861-4445; fax: 847-7590; Early submissions encouraged.
ROME INDEPENDENT FILM FESTIVAL (February 2004): Italy's first highly competitive indie festival accepts entries for international features, shorts, documentaries, animation, digital, screenplays. Deadline: November 15, 2003.
SAN DIEGO FILM FESTIVAL - September 17- 21. A competitive showcase of American and International features, documentaries and short films, celebrating the Art and Craft of Acting. Entry Deadlines: Early-June 1, 2003; Final - July 1, 2003. E-mail:
Call For Entries - LA's Largest Horror Film Fest - 3rd Annual
SCREAMFEST HORROR FILM FESTIVAL & SCREENPLAY COMPETITION takes place Oct. 11-19th 2003. For more information visit
THE SWISS AMERICAN FILM FESTIVAL. April 25th -27,2003. Anthology Film Archives, NYC. Special guests include Albert Maysles, Christian Frei, Richard Sandler, etc. Space is limited, Reserve Today! 212/528-3801 or for schedule and details please go onto
TELLURIDE INDIEFEST 2003 (Colorado) August 29 - September 1. Entry Deadline: May 31, 2003. An international event showcasing the *best* independent films and screenplays in the world - high in the mountains! Michael Carr, Director. For complete information, and *online* entry forms, please go to: Email (best):
VIDEOTHEATRE, NYC SEEKING ENTRIES - NYC's NeverEnding VidFest seeks all genres for its new DV-dedicated theater located in downtown Manhattan. Monthly deadlines, weekly programming, no late fees, awards. All info:
VISIONFEST 03: The Third Guerrilla Film & Video Festival, is seeking your film and video projects (all genres) in the following categories: feature (over 70 minutes), documentary, short subject, experimental/animation, works-in-progress/trailers. Selected projects will be screened at this year's festival (June 25-29, 2003) in NYC, For entry application, please visit:
VISIONFEST 03 is a Domani Vision Film Society Event. Contact: (718) 837-5736.
WINFEMME FIVE -Los Angeles/September, 2003 - The 5th Annual WinFemme Film Festival and screenplay competition selects films and screenplays that tell women's stories well and feature a female protagonist. Please visit our site for an application or call
310/229-5365. Entry deadline: May 31, 2003.
March 10, 2003

After the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990, a group backed by the Kuwait government-in-exile hired a US public relations firm to devise a campaign to win American support for the war. The high point was the use of the daughter of Kuwait's ambassador to the US as a star witness to a congressional hearing into the Iraq invasion. Under an assumed name, she said: "I saw Iraq soldiers come into the hospitals with guns, and go into a room where 15 babies were in incubators. They took the babies out of the incubators, took the incubators and left the babies on the cold floor to die." She later admitted she had lied."
So why did Saddam Hussein invade Kuwait? Before the invasion, the US ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, said the US would not interfere. It was a reasonable expectation. Saddam was a US ally against Iran, so much so that between 1985 and 1989, dozens of biological agents were shipped to Iraq from the US under licence from the Commerce Department, despite the fact that Iraq had been reported to be engaging in chemical and possibly biological warfare against Iranians, Kurds and Shiites since the early 1980s.
And Iraq had real grievance against Kuwait. According to Saddam, Kuwait had been exceeding its OPEC oil production quota and this was depressing the price of oil and Iraq's revenue, which was needed to pay for its war with Iran. Saddam believed Saudi Arabia and Kuwait owed part of Iraq's debt for its war against Iran because Iraq was protecting both these
countries against Iran. And to add insult to injury, Kuwait was drilling into Iraq's share of the Rumaila oil field which straddles both countries.
So why did Saddam expel UN weapons inspectors in 1998? He didn't. The head of the inspection team, Richard Butler, ordered the inspectors to leave Baghdad in anticipation of an attack. The Russian ambassador, Sergei Lavrov, criticized Butler for withdrawing the inspectors without seeking the permission of the UN Security Council.
Weapons Inspectors were spies for the U.S. That claim has been denied as propaganda but subsequently has been proven to be the truth, not propaganda. The truth is, getting rid of Saddam Hussein would be the "regime change" that would give America control of Iraq's 100 billion barrels of oil reserves.
During the first Gulf War, between 1990 and 1991, the United States military incurred: 467 individuals wounded in action, 148 killed in battle, and 145 killed in other than battle (i.e. accidents). Therefore, the total number of
US Gulf War casualties was 760 at the time of redeployment. But as of May 2002, additional Gulf War casualties include 8,306 veterans dead and 15,9705 veterans injured or ill as a consequence of Gulf War I.
Germany and Russia are trying to stop us from invading a smaller country.
A month after the Sept. 11 attacks, Usurper Bush released a list of the world's most-wanted terrorists. There were 22 names on it. Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was No. 22, and the list wasn't alphabetical. Somehow between then and last week, when Mohammed was captured in Pakistan, he was moved up from last to first place in the terrorist sweepstakes.
How did that happen?
Last December 2, survivors of the 1984 Bhopal catastrophe - for which Union Carbide, later acquired by Dow, was responsible - deployed themselves outside Dow's Bombay headquarters for a two-hour protest. As a result, one very important Dow employee exited the building and spent several minutes of valuable work time in conversation.
During those minutes, the protesting women complained to the employee that the Bhopal accident site, which has never been cleaned up, continues to leak mercury, lead and other chemicals into the groundwater. The women noted that over the years, 15,000 Bhopal residents have died from such secondary effects of the accident, in addition to the 5,000 people who died on the spot, and that one Bhopal resident still dies every day from gas-exposure related diseases. The survivors asked the employee why Dow, which settled Union
Carbide's asbestos liabilities in the U.S., refuses to settle its liabilities for Bhopal in India.
The Dow employee, Finance Director Anand Vohra, promised the women that he would personally recommend "that action should be taken to alleviate the plight of gas-affected people in Bhopal" - words that led to cheering, clapping, and deep sighs of relief from the women.
Dow's actual reaction? They are
suing the 200 women for a $10,000 "loss of work" fee for the time Vohra spent outside instead of inside doing his job.
You can beat a backache with Adolph's Meat Tenderizer, end insomnia with Aunt Jemima Original Syrup, cure a cold with Gold's Horse Radish, stop arthritis pain with Heinz Apple Cider Vinegar, get rid of headaches with Gatorade, prevent allergy attacks with Dannon Yogurt, arrest acne with Colgate Toothpaste, and soothe aching feet with Alka-Seltzer.
Why is Tony Blair so happy with his nose up Bush's butt? He's got a little cabal of his own. Check out
Who's in Bed with Tony.
Where does Bush get all his bad ideas? If he could read, I'd say
Fuck the assholes making snide remarks against France for refusing to take the side of the United States in an illegal and immoral war. France, which speaks with the strongest, most logical voice of those opposing war, are heroes and, in fact,
America's true friend.
Oh, by the way, if the U.S. attacks Iraq without support of the U.N. Security Council, the world is not powerless to stop it. Employing a legal procedure called
Uniting for Peace, the U.N. General Assembly can demand an immediate cease-fire and withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. This alternative is neither utopian nor impractical. It has been employed ten times in the past at the behest of the United States.
Contact pResident Bush -
Contact Saddam Hussein -
Contact Kim Jong Il:
Contact Jacques Chirac -
Don't let this happen to you.
dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY archives are
All of Helen's columns are
Dr. Hollywood archives are
dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY consists of information from dozens of sources, cut up, thrown in the air, and recycled randomly. It is sent all over the place, so I apologize if you're seeing the same thing twice. If you see a joke, graphic, or news item that came from or through you, thanks, send more, and please accept the fact that much of dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY is unacknowledgeable, and if I sought permission from everyone whose bastardized material showed up here, I'd never get anything else done. Please note that I don't even put my own name on it. If you're still pissed off, hey, it's
fair use.
dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY is free and may be reproduced in any form.
It is made entirely by slave labor.
Unless you think I deserve to get
Many thanks to Michael Dare!
'TBH Politoons'
Thanks, again, Tim!
Reader Comment
Musicians Strike
Not only are the pit musicians striking on B'way, but the Houston Symphony is now officially on strike for the first time in its history. I think it started in 1912 or something like that.
Way back in high school, I played in a pit orchestra (1st violin) in our high school musicals for two years. We did Oklahoma! and South Pacific. I was 14 and 15 years old at the time. Pit orchestras are one of the most difficult forms of playing around, IMHO. Broadway has my sympathies.
The symphony board wants the musicians to have a pay cut. They are refusing. We have a world class symphony here, thanks to our past music director Christoph Eschenbach, and present, Hans Graf, and the Bubbas are willing to throw it away. But we have a new baseball park, a new football park, are building a new basketball's not lack of money, it's a lack of people who want Houston to be a world class city. World class city means first rate ballet, opera, theater and symphony. We have had all these at the same time in the recent past, but we are slipping. We also can't feed the hungry, house the homeless, give medical care to handicapped children, or take care of the mentally ill .
Strange priorities here in redneck-land. This town has a history of oil men with too much money and not enough taste. They spread their money around accordingly.
~~ Sharon
Thanks, Sharon!
Here on the left coast almost all the musician contracts have been gutted. For example, Disneyland used to employ hundreds of musicians - now, there are 6 - even the parade music is canned. Muzak at the dentists office is not only more listenable, palatable & complex, it's also less tinny, and no where as near overblown as what Disney wants you to think is their 'experience'. Yuck.
Having lived the hellish experience that is 'IATSE' in LA, I love seeing the NYC unions remember what hanging together means.
Let there be no question, in my world 'IATSE' stands for 'International Alliance of Thieves, Shits and Extortionists'. Some night I should tell my story of how IATSE milked my family for over $72,000, plus dues, & then dumped the contract.
And, I gotta wonder, were the musicians at Disneyland treated the same manner?
Reader Contribution
Celebrity Prank Calls
take a look at
- clarkbarr
Thanks, Clark!
In The Chaos Household
Last Night
Sunny day, spring has sprung.
Big page.
Tonight, Tuesday, CBS opens the evening with a RERUN 'JAG', followed by a RERUN 'The Guardian', and
then a RERUN 'Judging Amy'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Dave, with guest host Vince Vaughn are Angie Harmon, Sue Johanson, and Paul Simon.
Scheduled on a FRESH Craiggers are Tom Arnold and Greg Fitzsimmons.
NBC offers a FRESH 'Let's Make A Deal', followed by a RERUN 'Frasier', then a
FRESH 'AUSA', and finally, 'Dateline'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jay are Michael Caine, Gisele, and Carol Leifer.
Scheduled on a FRESH Conan are Joshua Jackson and the Datsuns.
Scheduled on a FRESH Carson Daly are Ahmad Rashad and the Coral.
ABC starts with a FRESH '8 Simple Rules', followed by a FRESH 'Jim', then a
FRESH 'Bonnie', followed by a FRESH 'Less Than Perfect', and caps it with a
FRESH 'The Family'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jimmy Kimmel are Eugene Levy and guest host Jeff Ross.
The WB has a RERUN 'Gilmore Girls', followed by a RERUN 'Smallville'.
Faux has a FRESH 2-hour 'American Idol'.
UPN offers a RERUN 'Buffy', and a RERUN 'Twilight Zone'.
FX has 'The Shield'.
Anyone have any opinions?
Or reviews?
(See below for addresses)
Actors Ethan Hawke, left, Jessica Lange, of Artists United to Win Without War, and Steve Buscemi, right, join members of Win Without War, and the American Friends Service
Committee, outside the United Nations, background, in delivering a worldwide antiwar petition to the United States Mission to the United Nations in New York, Monday, March10, 2003.
Organizers say over 1 million signatures were gathered in five days, and distributed to foreign missions in New York who are on the United Nations Security Council, which is wrestling
with the issue of disarming Iraq.
Photo by Stuart Ramson
More Guest Hosts In Store
Dave Letterman
"The Late Show With David Letterman" returns from a weeklong production hiatus this week with a new lineup of guest hosts as Letterman continues to recuperate from a case of shingles.
The roster of substitute hosts includes Whoopi Goldberg, Vince Vaughn, Elvis Costello and Will Ferrell, with another host to be announced for Friday's show.
Letterman, 55, was sidelined for three days last month by an eye infection brought on by a case of shingles, a viral infection related to chickenpox.
Dave Letterman
The Information One-Stop
Moose & Squirrel
List of Winners - 2003
SAG Award Winners
Winners at the 9th annual Screen Actors Guild Awards:
Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis, "Gangs of New York."
Actress: Renee Zellweger, "Chicago."
Supporting actor: Christopher Walken, "Catch Me If You Can."
Supporting actress: Catherine Zeta-Jones, "Chicago."
Cast performance: "Chicago."
Actor in a TV movie or miniseries: William H. Macy, "Door to Door."
Actress in a TV movie or miniseries: Stockard Channing, "The Matthew Shepard Story."
Actor in a drama series: James Gandolfini, "The Sopranos."
Actress in a drama series: Edie Falco, "The Sopranos."
Actor in a comedy series: Sean Hayes, "Will & Grace."
Actress in a comedy series: Megan Mullally, "Will & Grace."
Ensemble in a drama series: "Six Feet Under."
Ensemble in a comedy series: "Everybody Loves Raymond."
Lifetime Achievement Award: Clint Eastwood.
SAG Award Winners
A lantern bears an illustration of U.S. resident George W. Bush as the Messiah, standing waist-deep in oil, at the 'Morgestraich' carnival of Basel, Switzerland, March 10, 2003.
On the stroke of 4 a.m., the street lighting of the whole town is put out and the carnival groups play their first march called 'Morgestraich' which starts the traditional carnival
of Basel. Only the carnival groups lanterns illuminate the town, painted again every year and dealing with actual events, which are made fun of.
Photo by Georgios Kefalas
Ely Finally Honors
Pat Nixon
Ninety-one years ago, Pat Nixon was born in a miner's shack high in the mountains of eastern Nevada. Now, locals are finally getting around to honoring her.
After putting the former first lady's face up on a library mural last year, a group of residents is considering more ambitious plans to recognize her, including a Pat Nixon museum.
They think the tribute is long overdue, noting the loyal wife of President Nixon has been largely ignored in this historic mining town about 320 miles east of Reno.
Located along U.S. 50 — dubbed "The Loneliest Road in America" — the town of about 4,000 features quaint stores, churches and houses dating back to the boom in the early 1900s.
The particulars of Pat Nixon's birth — and even her name — also have been without consensus and marked by some controversy.
Even she was unsure about her origins, incorrectly listing her birth date as March 17, 1913, on a Social Security application form.
For the rest, Pat Nixon
Thanks to EJ2E!
System of a Down
Shavo Odadjian
System of a Down bass player Shavo Odadjian sued a Grand Rapids security company, saying its employees assaulted him during a concert.
The 28-year-old rocker claims the guards elbowed him in the face and dragged him out of the arena when he tried to go backstage with two girls while another band was playing.
He filed a lawsuit in Kent County Circuit Court against DK Security. Grand Rapids police investigated the situation but did not seek any charges.
Odadjian claims he did nothing to provoke the guards. He says he suffered "serious personal injuries and damages including his face, nose, eye, shoulder, back; and he was caused to suffer pain and bleeding in his nose for long periods of time."
Shavo Odadjian
Engagement News
Bridget Fonda
Banged-up Bridget Fonda can count on receiving some TLC from her new fiancé, composer Danny Elfman.
The couple's engagement was confirmed Monday morning by the actress' publicist Nancy Seltzer, who said the beauty and the music man were betrothed "long before" Fonda's serious car crash
two weeks ago and that "they're really happy." No other details were released.
This is a first marriage for Fonda, 39, most recently the gal-pal of Dwight Yoakam and a former romantic roomie of Eric Stoltz, and it's a second walk down the aisle for Elfman, 49.
Bridget Fonda
In The Kitchen With BartCop & Friends
Earl Camembert Speaks
Eugene Levy
Eugene Levy and Steve Martin relied on more than just their comedic chops to "bring down the house."
Levy said the actors used their down time on the set to jam on their instruments. "I'd bring a guitar and Steve would bring his banjo. I'd go into his trailer and (ask) him to play
something — that was a kick for me," the actor told AP Radio. "He's an amazing virtuoso on the banjo."
While playing music may come naturally to Levy, the same thing can't be said for his use of lingo. When asked if he tried to use any off the set, he responded with a laugh.
"I don't think that would be a wise thing," he said. "It seemed to work on camera — I let it go at that."
Eugene Levy
"Bringing Down the House" Web Site
'Adam' from the work 'Adam and Eve' by Lucas Cranach is prepared for installation at the Royal Academy Of Arts in London, Sunday March 9, 2003 in preparation for a new exhibition
called 'Masterpieces From Dresden' which opens on March 15.
Photo by Stefan Rousseau
To Sing at Fund-Raiser
Al & Aretha
Soul music and corporate fund raising will be the focus of a concert and dinner for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital next month.
Al Green and Aretha Franklin are among the headliners for the "Shower of Stars" on April 26. Hosts will include FedEx founder Frederick W. Smith and Barry Diller, chief executive of USA Interactive and Vivendi Universal Entertainment.
The hospital was founded in 1962 by entertainer Danny Thomas. It is known worldwide for its leukemia research and for accepting patients regardless of their ability to pay for treatment.
Al & Aretha
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Web site
Ford Anniversary Party
Beyonce Knowles
Beyonce Knowles, lead singer of Grammy-winning pop group Destiny's Child, will help Ford Motor Co. celebrate its 100th birthday.
Knowles will be among the headliners scheduled to perform in a 40,000-seat venue being constructed for a June 14 party.
The June 12-16 celebration will include performances by country music star Toby Keith and Detroit Symphony Orchestra. The fete is expected to draw 100,000 visitors.
Beyonce Knowles
Promises Clean Show in Vegas
Celine Dion
When Celine Dion launches her three-year stint in Las Vegas on March 25, she promises to keep the show family-oriented.
The singer tells Time magazine people think her husband-manager, Rene Angelil, is going to gamble away all their money and their son is going to be raised by strangers.
"We don't live in a casino, and I'm not going to change diapers on a craps table," Dion says.
Dion says she'll leave home at 4:30 in the afternoon and be home by 10:30 at night. She's not worried about her voice because she'll be singing for only 90 minutes per show.
According to Dion, the casino doesn't want the show to go any longer because "they want people to go back and lose money" at the slot machines.
Celine Dion
Formerly 'The Vidiot'
Honor Space Aliens
New Mexico
A New Mexico legislator proposed on Monday having the state honor all extraterrestrial beings with a special day that will "celebrate and honor all past, present and future extraterrestrial visitors" to New Mexico, the measure reads.
Rep. Dan Foley, a Republican from Roswell, the spot where some say aliens crash-landed more than 50 years ago, said he introduced the legislation to "enhance relationships among all the citizens of the cosmos, known and unknown."
Extraterrestrial Culture Day would be held the second Thursday of February and would honor space travelers from other worlds and even give a nod to creatures made famous in movies, such as E.T. in Steven Spielberg's 1982 blockbuster film.
"If we can capitalize on something that did or did not happen in 1947 then it can help the entire state," Foley said.
New Mexico
Boston city clerk Rosario Salerno holds a purchase order dated Jan. 30, 1771, signed by John Hancock, Monday, March 10, 2003, at City Hall in Boston. Hancock was a Town of
Boston selectman at the time the document was signed. The purchase order reimburses a doctor for supplies used at the Rainsford Island quarantine hospital. Boston's Archives
and Records Division staff found the doucment on eBay during a patrol of Internet sites searching for lost Boston documents. The city arranged for the seller to donate the
document. Before removing it from eBay the last bid was $2,500. Hancock's signature is second from the bottom on the right corner.
Enjoys Typecasting
Tom Arnold
Tom Arnold says he likes playing "the fat white guy" in the movies.
One actor who had trouble keeping his cool around Arnold was Steven Seagal. The pair worked together on "Exit Wounds."
"I probably owe (him) an apology. I thought he was being weird, but it turns out the reason he was so jumpy was because there were hit men on the set," Arnold said. "If I'd
known that, I may have (cut) him some slack. He was very nervous when you came up behind him."
He says Seagal was so nervous, he had trouble concentrating on the set. "I remember him asking, 'Who's that guy?' because he was confused a lot."
Tom Arnold
Woody Harrelson Bus Trip
'Go Further'
The chronicle of Woody Harrelson's spring 2001 bus trip — reminiscent of Ken Kesey's 1960s journey with the Merry Pranksters — is making its world premiere at the South by Southwest film festival.
Director Ron Mann calls it "The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test on tofu."
"Go Further" follows the former "Cheers" star and Oscar nominee for "The People vs. Larry Flynt" during his environmentally conscious trek from Seattle to Santa Barbara, Calif. It's showing several times during the festival, which ends Saturday.
Mann, a Canadian filmmaker whose previous works include "Poetry in Motion," about the Beat Generation poets, and "Twist," about dance, knew Harrelson from "Grass," his 1999 documentary about marijuana, which Harrelson narrated.
'Go Further'
South by Southwest Web site
"Go Further" Web site
DirecTV Wants To Shed
Disney's ABC Family Channel
The Walt Disney Co. and DirecTV have opened hostilities over the renewal of Disney's ABC Family Channel.
The most drastic consequence of the skirmish is that DirecTV could remove ABC Family from its service when the contract expires at the end of the month.
DirecTV senior VP of programming Michael Thornton fired the first shot in the clash by saying that Disney is demanding "astronomical" rate increases for ABC Family that the satellite distributor "can't keep passing along to our subscribers."
Thornton said Disney wants to inflate the cost of ABC Family by 35 percent. He declined to be more specific. But, according to one estimate, the new contract proposal by Disney, spread out over DirecTV's subscriber base of 11.3 million
homes, could add another $10 million a year to the $28 million DirecTV now forks over for ABC Family.
Disney's ABC Family Channel
Breaks Music Fan's Skull
Flying Sheep Head
A flying sheep's head hit a concertgoer and fractured his skull at a concert of metal band Mayhem.
The band, part of Norway's death metal music scene, was carving up a dead sheep as part of its stage act when the animal's head flew off lead singer Maniac's knife and struck Per Kristian Hagen, 25.
Mayhem member Rune Eriksen, whose stage name is Blasphemer, said the incident was unfortunate.
"The whole thing was an accident, but maybe it would be an idea for another show," he said.
Flying Sheep Head
'The Osbournes'
'The Osbournes' ~ Page 4
'The Osbournes' ~ Page 3
'The Osbournes' ~ Page 2
'The Osbournes' ~ Page 1
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