Bartcop Entertainment - Tuesday, 11 February, 2003
11 February, 2003
(Updated Daily)
Issue #41
Disinfotainment Today
By Michael Dare
Disinformation = deliberate misinformation delivered as fact.
Infotainment = information delivered as entertainment.
Disinfotainment = lies with a grain of truth.
is brought to you by
is an advanced demonstration robot for non-lethal response measures, equipped with a surveillance and/or targeting camera and an articulated weapon system.
Obfuscation of the Week
Afghans No. 1 in Opium says
THE NEW YORK TIMES, and the rest of the media line up like good little puppies to repeat the accusation verbatim because it
MUST be true.
Here's the lead paragraph...
UNITED NATIONS, Feb. 4 — Afghanistan was the world's largest source of illicit opium in 2002, according to a United Nations report released on Monday, which estimates that opium revenues amounted to $1.2 billion in that country while the average daily wage was only $2 per day.
The key word here is "illicit." People don't notice it because they assume
that all opium is illicit. It's not. Leave out the word "illicit" and the sentence becomes "The United States of America was the largest source of opium in 2002."
Morphine is on the shelves in every hospital in the world. Where do you think morphine comes from? Yep, the exact same opium poppies that heroin comes from. The United States grows its opium poppies in
legal government-regulated opium farms in India, Turkey and Tasmania, Australia, where you will find what are, in fact, the largest fields of opium poppies in the world. Our opium is turned into morphine, their opium gets turned into heroin. The only difference between morphine and heroin is that heroin goes through an extra refining process making it stronger, so the only thing that makes Afghanistan an "illicit" source of opium is that they make a better product. Similarly, the opium poppy growing areas in Burma (Myanmar), Laos, Thailand, southern China, northwestern Vietnam, Pakistan, Iran, Lebanon, Guatemala, Colombia and Mexico put their opium through one further refining process than the ones sanctioned by the United States of America. If the United States simply BOUGHT the opium before it became heroin, they could use it legally and put a big dent in illegal heroin. Similarly, if your local hospital ran out of morphine, the heroin produced by all of these countries would do in a pinch. All the hospital would have to do is dilute it to a proper strength. It's a complicated chemical process. You add water to it.
My mother died on a morphine drip. If you die in an American hospital, YOU'RE going to die on a morphine drip. Do you really give a damn whether the flowers for the opium are grown in India or Afghanistan?
What makes our production of opium products "good" while the rest of the world's production of opium products is "evil" that must be wiped out? Politics, money, and greed. They have to sell their products on the street. It's not regulated and people die from bad product with no labels or instructions for safe use. Who's fault is that?
Anybody Surprised?
Colin Powell's description of a compound in north-eastern Iraq - run by an Islamic terrorist group Ansar al-Islam - as a 'terrorist chemicals and poisons factory,' was total
The State Department simultaneously moved to cut its diplomatic presence across the Middle East in countries and territories "within Scud missile range of Iraq."
Letter I Didn't Finish Reading
I are a graduate student whose research paper were plunderized by British Prime Minister Tony Blair. I seek your help in getting returned to me the intellectual properties that are rightly mine. They cut and pasted whole chunks of my work, which described Iraq in 1991, and used it to describe Iraq in 2003. This am not right, and besides, Napster is illegal.
T-Shirt Edited Out of the Michael Jackson Special
Question to the United Nations
(No, seriously, I really want to know)
Why isn't Israel held to the same standards as Iraq concerning compliance with U.N. dictates?
But Then Again
Totally Wacko New World Order Site of the Week
This site is dedicated to our Glorious Imperial Legions, and to their world-wide campaign of slaughter and destruction; and to our beloved and benevolent Masters of the New World Order. Your host is Sgt. Skull, the recruiting sergeant of the Eternal World-Wide Army. Welcome to
Fire Base Skull.
Don't Take My Word For It
"Powell's image of a reluctant warrior masks his take-no-prisoners attitude, which he displayed in the slaughter of retreating Iraqis in the Gulf War. The image he tries to foster among people of color is a more humane figure, but he offers no contradiction to Bush; rather, he helps the administration find methods to better achieve their ends."
Elombe Brath, producer for the radio program "Afrikaleidoscope," Brath went to high school with Colin Powell -
"The arrogant imperial rhetoric from 'hawks' like Rumsfeld prepares the stage for the diplomatic arm-twisting of Powell; we saw it before the passage of the U.N. resolution in November and we're seeing it again. The dismissal of the need to provide evidence also lowers expectations, making it possible for Powell to offer a cobbled-together pastiche of innuendo, inconclusive claims, and possibly minor violations as a justification for a major war. Powell's 'sudden' shift to a hawkish stance is just as choreographed as the rest of the administration's performance over the past eight months."
Rahul Mahajan, author of the forthcoming book "The U.S. War on Iraq" -
"The claims of terrorism links remain hollow: even the State Department report 'Patterns of Global Terrorism' states that Iraq has not been involved in terrorism since 1993. As for a Bin Laden link, that was not proved, but alleged without any substantiation.... Two groups mentioned by Powell have been largely defunct since 1985. Two others, the alleged 'Zakawi network' and Ansar al-Islam, operate in northern Iraq, outside Saddam Hussein's control. The leader of Ansar al-Islam has denied having any links to either Hussein or Bin Laden. The Arab media is reporting that the Zakawi story was provided by Jordanian intelligence, which has a record of torture and inaccuracy. Prince Nayif, the minister of interior and chief of the Saudi effort in the 'war on terrorism,' denied ever hearing about the two al-Qaeda members sneaking from Iraq into Saudi Arabia."
As'ad Abukhalil, professor of political science at California State University at Stanislaus, and author of
Bin Laden, Islam and America's New 'War on Terrorism' and the forthcoming
The House of Bush and the House of Saud -
"Even if Powell's claims were
all true, nothing he said makes the case for war. Instead, Powell presented a good argument for continuing inspections -- with serious cooperation on the part of U.S. officials with orders to share all relevant intelligence...."
Robert Jensen, author of the book
Writing Dissent and an associate professor at the University of Texas at Austin -
"An analysis of the footnotes for the Al-Marashi essay clearly demonstrates that his work was meant to describe Iraq's intelligence apparatus and military situation in the 1990s. The British dossier was presented as an up-to-date report on the status of Iraq's weapons and terrorist ties.... Between other questionable sources and the unreliable data from the British, it seems all too clear that Powell's presentation was based upon information that is questionable to say the least."
William Rivers Pitt, author of the book
War on Iraq: What Team Bush Doesn't Want You to Know -
"The U.S. has presented information to the Security Council on war and peace issues that later turned out to be false...."
John Quigley, Professor of international law at Ohio State University -
"These are incredibly dangerous times, made more so because there is no turning back for the Bush
administration. This story is incredible proof of the cynicism, dishonesty and callousness of the tyrants pushing the world toward destruction. And Iraq is merely the first stop on a sequential plan for control of the last remaining oil reserves on the planet. I encourage all who read the information contained in these links to spread it far and wide and also, by whatever means at their
disposal, to tell the mainstream press, members of congress and the White House itself that we will not follow; we will not obey; and we will not kill on the orders of those who lie to us and who demonstrate the integrity of thieves and intellectual cowards. This might be our last chance before the bombs start falling, before young American men and many innocent Iraqi civilians are reduced to blood and ash."
"The current world situation has been deliberately created by these elites who manipulate both the so-called 'right' and the so-called 'left.' By controlling the resulting 'synthesis'- the end result of Hegelian 'thesis' and 'antithesis'- a Globalist New World Order is
produced. You can call it techno-fascism or techno-feudalism, but the result is the same- a global consolidation and mega-corporate transnational centralization of power, capital and resources. And how does it work? By using 'managed conflict' or 'crisis management.' A crisis or problem is produced. Then the crisis is 'managed' and the problem is 'solved' with an outcome that is invariably favorable to the goals and agendas of the Global Power Elite."
- Antony Sutton, America's Secret Establishment -
"Things have gone too far. We're in seriously deep doo doo now. I believe that the reason we're so kerflubbled is that there had never been a coup in this country before, so we were totally unprepared for it. The rest of the world sees it for what it is, but old ideas die hard in the U.S. We've been so indoctrinated into our 'checks and balances' and 'democracy is messy but it works' mentality that we've been outwitted. Best to stare the beast squarely in the face. Yes, this is not politics as usual, we all have to learn the new rules."
- Warren Gammel -
"We were told that Iraqi troops were massing at the Saudi border. And these satellite photographs were shown to the Saudi leadership, to get them to change their mind and allow US troops to enter their country. Well it turned out that those satellite photos were fake. They never existed. The story was broken in the St. Petersburg Times some months later. And it was something that people were convinced of because we were told it was satellite photographs"
- Phyllis Bennis: the Institute for Policy Studies -
"At present the population of the world is increasing at about 58,000 per diem. War, so far, has had no very great effect on this increase, which continued throughout each of the world wars.. War has hitherto been disappointing in this respect, but perhaps bacteriological war may prove effective. If a Black Death could spread throughout the world once in every generation, survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full. The state of affairs might be unpleasant, but what of it?"
- Lord Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science On Society (Routledge Press: New York, 1951) -
"I like a man with faults, especially when he knows it. To err is human - I'm uncomfortable around gods."
- Hugh Prather -
"It is a war of colonial conquest, driven by a series of economic and geo-political aims that center on the seizure of Iraq's oil resources and the assertion of US global hegemony. Not since the 1930s, when fascist Italy raped Ethiopia, Imperial Japan seized Manchuria and Nazi Germany annexed Austria and the Sudetenland, have imperialist powers so brazenly bullied and attacked weaker countries."
"The enemy aggressor is always pursuing a course of larceny, murder, rape and barbarism. We are always moving forward with a high mission, a destiny imposed by the Deity to regenerate our victims while incidentally capturing their markets, to civilize savage and senile and paranoid peoples while blundering accidentally into their oil wells or metal mines."
- John T. Flynn: As We Go Marching -
"With respect to possible Iraqi use of chemical weapons, it has been the judgment of the US intelligence community for over 12 years that the likelihood of such use would greatly increase during an offensive aimed at getting rid of Saddam Hussein."
- CIA veterans speaking out
against the war: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) is a coast-to-coast enterprise, mostly intelligence officers from analysis side of CIA, but Operations side also represented -
"Any disaster - a crime or an earthquake, anything at all - has a lesser or greater impact upon us in proportion to the likelihood that it could have happened to us."
- Lawrence Block: Hope to Die -
"I'm not sure if enough people in America have gotten wind of what's about to happen now — and, if it does happen, whether it's right or wrong. That may be the only difference. But we certainly have criminals in the White House. These are even more successful than the last time. I mean, Nixon and company were kind of petty in their ambitions. These guys are ruthless beyond belief, and boy, are they pocketing a lot of money."
Terry Gilliam -
"Why should we let Saddam kill his own people with his weapons of mass destruction when we have perfectly good weapons of mass destruction that we can kill his people with?"
- anonymous -
"I wonder, ...could the United States account for all its WMDs? I heard the IRS was missing 2,000 computers, and tons of equipment from Los Alamos can't be accounted for. I'll bet the defense department is missing jeeps, planes, boats etc. When Bush 41 stole two entire planeloads of Stinger missiles to give to Iran in the 80s, they weren't reported missing, were they? Nobody knew they were missing until the entire arms-for-terrorists plan was accidentally revealed by Eugene Hossenfus. It's a good thing some huge foreign bully wasn't demanding a full and total accounting for every weapon in the American arsenal - we'd be branded 'uncooperative' and invaded."
"As a person acts, so he becomes in life. Those who do good become good; those who do harm become bad. Good deeds make one pure; bad deeds make one impure. So we are said to be what our desire is. As our desire is, so is our will. As our will is, so are our acts. As we act, so we become."
- Bihadaranyaka Upanishad -
"A sage does not speak in terms of being equal, lower or higher. Calmed and without selfishness he neither grasps nor rejects."
- Buddha: Sutta Nipata -
"For the righteous I have prepared that which no eyes have envisioned and no hearts conceived. Search all you want, no living soul shall ever perceive what ultimate bliss is concealed from them."
- The Prophet Muhammad -
"Dissent without resistance is consent."
- Henry David Thoreau -
"This is national cherry month. Remember, without cherries, we'd have to eat 'Garcia' flavored ice cream."
- Ed Helms: The Daily Show -
Gullible Idiot of the Week
Only if Billy Hayes Gets to be Attorney General
Job Opening of the Week
MORTICIAN-$6,000 Sign-On Bonus
Location: New York, NY; Los Angeles, CA; Chicago, IL; Houston, TX; Philadelphia, PA; San Diego, CA
Position Type: Employee
Position Duration: Full-Time
Date Posted: 02/10/2003
We are looking for candidates Nationwide!!!!
Worldwide. Position will require relocating.
The Navy Mortuary Affairs Program is responsible for the recovery, preparation and final disposition of Navy and Marine Corps deceased personnel and their eligible beneficiaries.
I Feel So Much Safer Now
11 European countries agreed to demonstrate against Bush and Blair's war on the same day: 15 February 2003.
United Nations officials covered up a tapestry reproduction of
Pablo Picasso's anti-war mural "Guernica" during US Secretary of State Colin Powell's February 5 presentation of the American case for war against Iraq.
Free Three-Bedroom House in the San Fernando Valley
I am seeking a free three-bedroom house in the San Fernando Valley. All offers will be considered.
February 10, 2003

Valentine from Hell
Nothing says "I love you" like a set of
The man heading the independent investigation of the space shuttle Columbia (of which the official title is, Space Shuttle Mishap Interagency Investigation Board) is Rear Admiral (Ret.) Harold Gehman. Gehman was the first commander of the U.S. Joint Forces Command. His last assignment before retiring in 2000 was a dual one. He was Supreme NATO Commander, Atlantic and Commander of all military forces in the continental United States. Gehman also headed the military investigation of the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole in Yemen, competing with the FBI investigation headed by anti-terrorism chief John O'Neill. The U.S. ambassador to Yemen, Barbara Bodine, felt O'Neill was getting cooperation from Yemeni officials that the military was not and eventually declared O'Neill persona non grata and he was sent back to New York. O'Neill retired from the FBI after clashing with FBI Director Louis Freeh over the bureaus failure to investigate Saudi Arabias support of terrorist activities. Shortly after he took the position of Security Director at the World Trade Center, O'Neill died mysteriously in the 9/11 attacks. He had successfully evacuated the first tower that was hit, where is office was located, but his body was found under a stairwell in the second tower.
Also on the panel are Rear Admiral Stephen Turcotte, commander of the U.S. Naval Safety Center at Norfolk, Virginia. Major General John L. Barry is director of Plans and Programs, Headquarters Air Force Materiel Command at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio UFO researchers will recognize the base as the home of the notorious top-secret Hangar 18 where relics from the 1947 Roswell, New Mexico. UFO incident occurred. Major General Kenneth W. Hess is U.S. Air Force Chief of Safety, Kirtland AF Base at Kirtland, New Mexico. The base runs the Directed Energy Directorate of the AF Directed Energy Laboratory located 140 miles north of the base at the northern end of the White Sands missile range. The Directorates charter is to improve the Air Forces ability to track missiles and then destroy them with laser energy through the atmosphere.
Last, but certainly not least, is Brigadier General Duane W. Deal. You're going to think I'm making this up, so here's the official biography from the
Air Force website. "Brig. Gen. Duane W. Deal is Commander, 21st Space Wing, Peterson Air Force Base, Colo. The Air Forces largest wing geographically and organizationally, the wing consists of a work force of more than 6,000 officer, enlisted, civilian and contract employees. This work force provides missile warning and space control for combat forces and the governments of the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom through its 35 units operating 14 space weapon systems at 20 worldwide locations in six countries spread across 10 time zones."
British theatre-goers are flocking to
The Madness of George Dubya, a new farce which mocks U.S. President George W. Bush as a pajama-wearing buffoon cuddling a teddy-bear while his crazed military chiefs order nuclear strikes on Iraq.
Mikhail Gorbachev is teaming up with former US president Bill Clinton and actress Sophia Loren to record a new version of the classic children's musical "Peter and the Wolf." Retitled "The Wolf and Peter", the remake of Sergei Prokoviev's tale will tell the story
from the point of view of the wolf, faced with the encroachments of urbanization on his dwindling forest habitat.
Utah prison inmate Robert Paul Rice, serving 1-15 years on multiple felonies, sued the Utah Department of Corrections claiming the prison was not letting him practice his religion: "Druidic Vampire". Rice claimed that to do that, he must be allowed sexual access to
a "vampress". In addition, the prison isn't supplying his specific "vampiric dietary needs" (yes: blood).
Hazel Norton of Rolling Fork, Miss., read there was a class action suit against the drug Propulsid, which her doctor had prescribed to her for a digestive disorder. Despite admitting that "I didn't get hurt by Propulsid," Norton thought "I might get a couple of thousand dollars" by joining the lawsuit. When her doctor was named in the suit, he quit his Mississippi practice -- where he was serving the poor. He left with his wife, a pediatrician and internist. That left only two doctors practicing at the local hospital. So while Norton wasn't harmed by the drug, all her neighbors now get to suffer from drastically reduced access to medical care because of her greed.
Should CBS fire David Clennon because he compared George W. Bush to a Nazi on the Hannity Report?
PRO: On Sean Hannity's radio show, TV star David Clennon derided Bush by likening the current US "moral climate" to Nazi Germany under Hitler. Clennon is irresponsible and out of line!
CBS should fire him and teach him a lesson!
CON: TV stars don't have to agree with political leaders and actors are entitled to their own opinions. We are protected by freedom of speech, if you don't like what he says, don't listen, but he's got the right to say it! Don't Fire him!
OPTION NOT AVAILABLE: David Clennon was absolutely right. The current US "moral climate" is EXACTLY like Nazi Germany under Hitler.
Mr. Conspiracy Says...
Gee, if I were a CIA operative trying to smoke out dissidents, I'd create a site where people supply contact information while voting on hot-button political issues.
Mandatory reading: Bush's 2003 State of the Union speech
translated into reality. Excerpt: "You Congress people serve my kingdom in a time of great consequence to the Bush dynasty. During this session of Congress, we have the duty to reform my approval ratings at home - and we have the opportunity to
reeducate millions of lesser peoples abroad - freeing them from the scourge of higher cognition. We will work for a prosperity that is broadly shared by our campaign contributors, and we will manufacture and sensationalize every
danger and every
enemy that renders Americans paralyzed by fear. In all these days of warmongering and empire-building, we can be confident. In a whirlwind of injustice, poverty, and unemployment, our faith in Jesus Christ is sure, and my re-election prospects remain strong. (Applause.)"
Having trouble organizing your thoughts? Try a little piece of shareware called
Don't let this happen to you.
dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY archives are
All of Helen's columns are
Dr. Hollywood archives are
dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY consists of information from dozens of sources, cut up, thrown in the air, and recycled randomly. It is sent all over the place, so I apologize if you're seeing the same thing twice. If you see a joke, graphic, or news item that came from or through you, thanks, send more, and please accept the fact that much of dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY is unacknowledgeable, and if I sought permission from everyone whose bastardized material showed up here, I'd never get anything else done. Please note that I don't even put my own name on it. If you're still pissed off, hey, it's
fair use.
dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY is free and may be reproduced in any form.
It is made entirely by slave labor.
Unless you think I deserve to get
Many thanks to Michael Dare!
The Golden Raspberry Award Foundation
23rd Annual RAZZIE Award® Nominations
KEY: (*) Indicates Former Oscar® Winner or Nominee
(#) Indicates Former RAZZIE® Winner or Nominee
CROSSROADS (Paramount)
Roberto Benigni's PINOCCHIO (Miramax)
SWEPT AWAY (Screen Gems)
WORST Actor:
Roberto Benigni (Dubbed GODZILLA-Style by Breckin Meyer) PINOCCHIO*#
Adriano Giannini/SWEPT AWAY
WORST Actress:
Winona Ryder/MR. DEEDS*
Britney Spears/CROSSROADS
WORST Supporting Actor:
Freddie Prinze, Jr./SCOOBY DOO
Christopher Walken/THE COUNTRY BEARS*
Robin Williams/DEATH TO SMOOCHY*
WORST Supporting Actress:
Lara Flynn Boyle/MEN IN BLACK II
Rebecca Ramijn-Stamos/ROLLERBALL
(New Category!)
CROSSROADS (Paramount)
SCOOBY DOO (Warner Bros.)
XXX (Sony/Revolution)
WORST Screen Couple:
Adriano Giannini & Madonna / SWEPT AWAY
Roberto Benigni* & Nicoletta Braschi / Benigni's PINOCCHIO
Hayden Christensen & Natalie Portman / STAR WARS/EPISODE II: SEND IN THE CLONES
Eddie Murphy & EITHER Robert deNiro (SHOWTIME) Owen Wilson (I SPY) or Himself Cloned (THE ADVENTURES OF PLUTO NASH)
Britney Spears & Whatever-His-Name-Was/CROSSROADS
WORST Director:
Roberto Benigni/PINOCCHIO*
Guy Ritchie/SWEPT AWAY
WORST Remake or Sequel:
I SPY (Sony/Columbia)
MR. DEEDS (Columbia/New Line)
Roberto Benigni's PINOCCHIO (Miramax)
SWEPT AWAY (Screen Gems)
WORST Screenplay:
THE ADVENTURES of PLUTO NASH, Written by Neil Cuthbert
CROSSROADS, Screenplay by Shonda Rhimes
Roberto Benigni's PINOCCHIO, Screenplay by Vincenzo Cerami and Roberto Benigni*
STAR WARS: EPISODE II: THE BOREDOM CONTINUES, Screenplay by George Lucas* and Jonathon Hales
SWEPT AWAY. Screenplay by Guy Ritchie
"Die Another Day" from DIE ANOTHER DAY, written byMadonna and Mirwais Ahmadzai
"I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman" from CROSSROADS, Written by Max Martin, "Rami" & Dido Armstrong
"Overprotected" from CROSSROADS, Written by Max Martin and "Rami"
Many thanks to Joe Bacon!
In The Chaos Household
Last Night
Cloudy day.
It's late & it's raining!
Tonight, Tuesday, CBS opens the evening with a FRESH 'JAG', then a FRESH
'The Guardian', and a FRESH .
Scheduled on a FRESH Dave are Amy Brenneman and Vince Gill.
Scheduled on a FRESH Craiggers is Luke Wilson.
NBC starts with a 'special' - 'The Most Outrageous Game Show Moments 2', then a FRESH 'Frasier', followed by a FRESH
'AUSA', and a FRESH 'Kingpin'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jay are Megan Mullally, Tim Russert, and Rod Stewart.
Scheduled on a FRESH Conan are Brendan Fraser, Tiffani Theissen, and Aimee Mann.
Scheduled on a FRESH Carson Daly are Danny Aiello, Scarface, and Wyclef Jean.
ABC has a FRESH '8 Simple Rules', a FRESH 'Jim', a
FRESH 'bonnie', a FRESH 'Less Than Perfect', and a FRESH
'NYPD Blue'.
The WB has a FRESH 'Gilmore Girls', and a FRESH 'Smallville'.
Faux offers a FRESH 'American Idol' and a FRESH '24' (Day 2: 7pm - 8pm).
UPN has a FRESH 'Buffy', a FRESH 'Abby', and then a
RERUN 'Girlfriends'.
FX has a FRESH 'The Shield'.
MTV has a FRESH 'The Osbournes'
Anyone have any opinions?
Or reviews?
(See below for addresses)
Actress Doris Roberts, center, holds a replica of her star with cast members of television series 'Everybody Loves Raymond,' from left to right, Ray Romano, Brad Garrett, Madelive Sweet, and Patricia Heaton Monday, Feb. 10, 2003,
on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles.
Photo by Nick Ut
Slams 'Dumbing Down' of U.S. Television
George Clooney
TV actor turned film director George Clooney slammed what he called the dumbing down of U.S. television Monday, saying it was dangerous that people's misery had become a source of entertainment.
Clooney, who rose to fame with his leading role on the long-running TV hospital series "ER," was in Berlin to promote his directorial debut "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind," a film about 1970s game shows in the United States.
Clooney said he was concerned about current trends among U.S. television networks.
"People's misery becoming entertainment, that's what's dangerous. And that seems to be the place we're going. I worry about television," he said in reference to talk shows, game shows and reality TV which made fun of ordinary people.
"We have decided that news is entertainment. It's hard to find good news," he said.
George Clooney
The Information One-Stop
Moose & Squirrel
Aiming for Anti-War Statement
Madonna is courting controversy again — this time with a violent music video that her publicist says depicts the "catastrophic repercussions and horror of war."
"It is an anti-war video, but the purpose of the video, as with a lot of Madonna's work, is to be thought provoking," publicist Liz Rosenberg said Monday.
"It is many other things as well" as anti-war, she said.
The "American Dream" video is expected to premiere in mid-March; Madonna's new album is due April 22.
Ben Affleck, right, star of the new film 'Daredevil,' poses with Stan Lee, creator of the comic book character upon which the movie is based, at the premiere of the film in the Westwood section of Los
Angeles, Sunday, Feb. 9, 2003.
PHoto by Chris Pizzello
DVD's To Come
George Lucas
George Lucas has disappointed his hardcore fans by announcing that he will never release the original "Star Wars" trilogy on DVD. Lucas has said all along that the originals would not be
put on DVD until he completed their three prequels in 2005, but now he has shocked groupies by telling a crowd at a film convention in Las Vegas that he will only be putting out the much-hated
"Special Edition" version of the originals, reports Fans have long detested the digitally remade trilogy, which feature new scenes and altered renditions of the old ones.
George Lucas
'Dell Dude' Busted
Benjamin Curtis
Actor Benjamin Curtis, the Dell Computer Corp. pitchman "Steven" who says on television, "Dude, yer gettin' a Dell," was arrested for possessing marijuana in New York, officials said on Monday.
Curtis, 22, was charged with criminal possession of marijuana, a misdemeanor that carries a prison sentence of up to three months if he is convicted, a spokesman for the Manhattan district attorney's office said.
Curtis, who lives in New York and was arrested on Sunday night, was scheduled to appear in Manhattan Criminal Court later on Monday.
Benjamin Curtis
Thanks, Tim H!
Plan First Concerts in China
Rolling Stones
The Rolling Stones tentatively plan to perform their first concerts ever in Beijing and Shanghai in early April, one of the event's promoters said Monday.
Dates and other details haven't been decided, and the Stones haven't signed a final contract, said a manager of a Beijing concert agency. She asked not to be identified further.
Beijing newspapers trumpeted news of the event. The tabloid Beijing Star Daily devoted a full page to the Stones with color photos of them in concert and a headline that declared, "Rolling Stones finally `rock' to China."
Rolling Stones
Kentucky Officials Probe
Tequila Overflow
More than 1,000 gallons of tequila spilled into the sewer system Monday after a worker tried to unload it from a truck into an already full storage tank at a distillery, officials said.
The tequila overflowed at a rate of 100 gallons per minute, resulting in 1,500 to 1,800 gallons entering the city sewer system, said Phil Lynch, a spokesman for the Brown-Forman Distillery.
Fire and sewer officials were called because of the flammability of the 80-proof liquor, he said. Water was used to dilute the spilled alcohol.
Tequila Overflow
Revived After 6 Years
Six years after the Lollapalooza traveling music festival played its last note, some of the top names in rock will hit the road for a new version this summer, organizers said on Monday.
Lollapalooza will be headlined by Jane's Addiction -- the alternative rock quartet who conceived the event in 1991 as a way to mark its brief swan song -- and emerging acts Audioslave, Incubus, Queens of the Stone Age and Jurassic 5.
Members of the bands gathered at a Hollywood record store to announce the details, and Jane's Addiction performed three songs for the press corps and several hundred fans.
Dates and venues will be announced imminently, a spokeswoman said. Lollapalooza will visit 27 U.S. cities and Toronto over July and August. More bands are also expected to be added to the bill.
In The Kitchen With BartCop & Friends
Serial Killer Spotted In Film
James Bulger
One of America's "most wanted" is being hunted in Britain after a film fan recognised his face in the film "Hannibal", police say.
The face of James Bulger, who is wanted for 19 murders in the U.S, appeared in the hit film during a scene in which a detective scans a most wanted list on the website of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
The film fan recognised Bulger from a previous encounter at the heart of London's West End shopping and theatre district last September.
"He then looked up the face on the FBI website and seeing it was Bulger, contacted the FBI in Washington," said Scotland Yard.
Bulger's face had stuck in his mind, police said. The fan had met him not just on the street, but also at a nearby gym several years earlier.
James Bulger
Afghan women sit in the back of a truck with the blankets donated from a Non Government Organization (NGO) in the capital Kabul, Monday, Feb. 10, 2003. NGOs continue supporting reconstruction of the war-battered country.
Photo by Amir Shah
Following in Dad's Footsteps
Lisa Marie Presley
Twenty-five years after Elvis Presleys death, the only child of the king of rock 'n' roll is launching her own musical career with a newly issued record that has some critics all shook up.
"Lights Out," the bluesy first single from Lisa Marie Presley's upcoming debut album, was officially released to radio stations around the country on Monday by Sony Corp.'s Capitol Records, the latest example
of pop music progeny following in the footsteps of famous parents.
Although lyrics for the album were penned almost entirely by Presley, she received songwriting help from Glen Ballard, the producer who signed her five years ago to his then- Capitol-distributed label and is best known
for his work on Alanis Morissette's blockbuster release "Jagged Little Pill."
Other collaborators include songwriter-musician Danny Keough, Presley's first husband and still close friend, as well as former Smashing Pumpkins leader Billy Corgan, who co-wrote and plays on a track titled "Savior."
Lisa Marie Presley
Takes on Real Criminals
Roger Moore
British actor Roger Moore said on Monday his real-life fight against child traffickers as a UNICEF ambassador was far more rewarding than battling fictitious villains in his signature role as spy James Bond.
The British actor, who starred as agent 007 in seven of the Bond films, was awarded the German Federal Service Cross from President Johannes Rau for his work as special representative to the U.N. Children's Fund (UNICEF).
Moore, a UNICEF goodwill ambassador since 1999, announced details of a campaign against child trafficking.
Roger Moore
3 Networks Turned Down
'Sex and the City'
Three of the four biggest broadcast networks said Monday they have no interest in airing a sanitized version of HBO's Emmy Award-winning comedy "Sex and the City."
The fourth network, CBS, would not comment on the possibility.
Published reports, first in Variety on Friday, said HBO had approached executives at ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox about airing an edited "Sex and the City" as a prime-time series, starting this fall.
A successful sale of a sanitized "Sex" raises the possibility of HBO doing the same for "The Sopranos," although nothing appears to be imminent.
'Sex and the City'
Formerly 'The Vidiot'
Coming to America
Shakespeare's Globe
Shakespeare's Globe Theater leaves London to make its American debut this fall in a two-month tour of the United States.
Under the auspices of 2Luck Concepts, the theater company will bring its much-acclaimed all-male version of "Twelfth Night" to at least six U.S. cities, kicking off in late October at UCLA's Freud Theater.
Under the direction of Mark Rylance, who also plays Olivia, the gender-bending staging of the Bard's romantic comedy opened last year at London's Middle Temple Hall, the venue of the play's first recorded staging in 1602.
In keeping with the Globe's authentic presentation of Shakespeare, 2Luck Concepts is looking for American venues that can replicate the footprint of Middle Temple Hall with its extended thrust stage.
Chicago's Shakespeare Theater will present the production at Navy Pier. A ballroom will be used on the campus of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. And the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis is currently looking at everything from high
school gymnasiums to a cave on the bank of the Mississippi River. Other cities on the tour include Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.
Shakespeare's Globe Theater, a replica of the original Globe, was the vision of American actor-producer Sam Wanamaker, who died in 1993. The company and its new venue opened four years later, and has toured Germany and Japan.
Shakespeare's Globe
Visitors view 'La Magie Noire' (Black Magic), a 1934 oil-on-canvas by Belgian painter Rene Magritte, Monday, Feb. 10, 2003 at the Magritte retrospective at the Jeu de Paume museum in Paris. The exhibition,
opening on Tuesday Feb. 11, gathered more than hundred paintings, collages, objects and photographs by the artist.
Photo by Michel Euler
Hits Back
Michael Jackson
Pop icon Michael Jackson said on Sunday he would authorize the release of video footage to prove a British television documentary about his private life was misleading and unfair.
Jackson's lawyers have already filed complaints with British broadcasting authorities over the film aired last Monday in which the American singer admitted to sharing a bed with children at his Neverland ranch in California.
The rare look at Jackson's private life triggered a storm of controversy including a call for a probe by child welfare services.
In a statement issued in London, Jackson repeated a vehement denial of child abuse allegations made by the British media.
For the rest, Michael Jackson
'Virgin Mary' Fence Post
Vandals have torn down a fence post in Australia's largest city, Sydney, which devoted Catholics had begun to flock to because they believed it projected an image of the Virgin Mary.
Dominic Sullivan, the mayor for the area around Coogee beach in the city's east, said Monday that council workers were putting the fence post back up but he could not give a watertight assurance to devotees that the image would return.
"It'll be pretty close to where it was before, but I can't guarantee the miracle, I can't guarantee that I can get the Lady back. But I tell you what, it'll be a great coup if I could," Sullivan told Reuters.
Came from Central Europe
Stonehenge 'King'
The construction of one of Britain's most famous ancient landmarks, the towering megaliths at Stonehenge in southern England, might have been supervised by the Swiss, or maybe even the Germans.
Archaeologists studying the remains of a wealthy archer found in a 4,000-year-old grave exhumed near Stonehenge last year said Monday he was originally from the Alps region, probably modern-day Switzerland, Austria or Germany.
The so-called "Amesbury Archer" was found in a grave about three miles from the landmark, buried with 100 items, including gold earrings, copper knives and pottery.
Researchers hailed the find -- dating from about 2,300 B.C. and the oldest known grave in Britain -- as one of the richest early Bronze Age sites in Europe.
He was dubbed "The King of Stonehenge" because of the lavish items found in his grave, including some of the earliest gold objects ever found in Britain.
It was tests on the enamel of his teeth that revealed he was born and grew up in the Alps region.
Stonehenge 'King'
A Downy weekpecker, left, a mountain chickadee, center, and a red-breasted nothatch are shown feeding in these photos taken at the home of bird watcher Hugh Kingery near Franktown, Colo., Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2003.
Kingery, who participates in national and state bird-tracking survey, feels that the drought is effecting the numbers of birds that are visiting his feeders.
Photo by Ed Andrieski
'The Osbournes'
'The Osbournes' ~ Page 4
'The Osbournes' ~ Page 3
'The Osbournes' ~ Page 2
'The Osbournes' ~ Page 1
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