'TBH Politoons'
Thanks, again, Tim!
Baron Dave Romm
Salem bin Laden
By Baron Dave Romm
"The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to
make sense." -- Tom Clancy
I used this quote when talking
about the speculation involving the Knights Templar. I'm not a great
believer in coincidences... but they do happen. Most butterflies
don't affect the whether. Still, in the sweep of history, Occam's
Razor is often a useful tool: The simplist explanation that covers
the known facts is likely to be the true one. (Note weasel words
"known facts" and "likely".)
In recent times, the surge of Muslim extremism became evident when the Shah of Iran was deposed. Jimmy Carter read the situation well, and didn't confront the Ayatolla directly. Under Carter, no hostages were killed, we seized billions of dollars (which weren't fully returned until the Poppy Bush administration) and the religious rage of the extremists was directed away from the US.
Ronald Reagan screwed up. He and his McCarthy-era leftovers viewed the world in stark us-vs.-them terms, with the Soviet Union as The Big Them. To be sure, the Soviet Union was the single biggest threat to world peace (not to mention its own citizens) but it wasn't the only one. The miserable failure of the Reagan/Bush administration to see beyond the hammer and sickle led directly to 9/11 and continue to haunt us today.
Osama bin Laden was trained by the US and what became the al Queda terrorist network was partially financed by the US. He was on our side, such as it was; one of our agents fighting the Soviet Union in Afghanistan since we didn't want to confront them directly. While Osama never really was our friend, regarding any non-Muslim Westernized government as the Great Satan (which included Iraq and Saudi Arabia), he was nomininally on our side and worked for US interests.
What changed? Even before the fall of the Soviet Union, terrorists were blowing blowing up US soldiers in Lebannon.
Let's take a closer look at Salem bin Laden. One of 17 brothers of Osama, Salem was George W. Bush's "angel", a hidden business partner. This has never been proven conclusively, though it should have been easy to demonstrate one way or the other. George W's first instinct is always to lie and his second instinct is always to run away, and the conservatives news media lets him get away with the most astonishing discrepancies. Arbusto became Harken Energy and was related to Iran-Contra financiers BCCI.
Salem bin Laden himself is not around to answer questions, having died in an accident that is still something of a mystery as George HW Bush was running for president in May of 1988. (It's hard not to think of similar light-plane crashes of other thorns in the side of the Bush's, including Mel Carnahan, running against John Ashcroft in 2000 and Paul Wellstone, who was going to keep the Senate in Democrat hands in 2002. It seems unlikely that they are related, but it's a bit of a coincidence that such crashes happen when they do and that they always favor the Bush family.)
While the bin Laden family has publicly disavowed Osama, they are one of the major benificiaries of 9/11, as this archive of a Wall Street Journal report from Sept. 27, 2001 shows. Many Republicans, from Poppy Bush to James Baker and beyond have ties to the Carlyle Group and other related interests. (The article also mentioned that Salem and W. met in the Texas National Guard in 1976. We know Bush Lite deserted his post, perhaps he hung out with the billionaire family who had better drugs. In any event, the ties between the families go back at least that far.
Days after 9/11, two dozen members of the bin Laden family left the US in a Saudi-chartered plane after cursory interviews. This is very unusual, say other law-enforcement experts. Letting bin Laden family members flee the country could be the proper response so innocents escape the anger of the US populace, or it could be payback for all the money that the bin Ladens have shuffled to the Bushes and their cronies. Or both. We don't know, and the questions have never been asked publicly. (Moral relativism at work: The Republicans put Monica Lewinski's mother on the witness stand and made her cry with personal questions. The US suffers its biggest terrorist attack on US soil and family members are allowed to leave quietly.)
Salem bin Laden figures into another uninvestigated Bush scandal: In 1980, running for Vice President, George Bush went to Paris to meet with representatives of the Ayatolla Khomeni to urge him to keep the hostages to make President Carter look bad. There has been one trial, which proved nothing about the basic facts of the case (it's simply not illegal for a US citizen to fly to another country). The plane used was of a Saudi friend of the Bushes, and Salem may have been one of the pilots or merely "involved" in Paris.
A PBS article covering some of the same ground concludes, "Salem bin Laden's accidental death revived some speculation that he might have been 'eliminated' as an embarrassing witness. In fact, an inquiry was held to determine the exact circumstances of the accident. The conclusions were never divulged." We may never know what happened, but this crash fails the smell test. It's one of a series of small but potentially damaging cover-ups.
So, here's what we know: A few months before the election, a witness potentially damaging to the Republican candidate, George HW Bush, dies. This witness, Salem bin Laden, is one of the connections between the Bush family and BCCI, the bank that figured into the Iran-Contra scandal of which we still don't know much about. It should be noted that Salem's (and Osama's) father also died in a small plane crash in Texas 20 years earlier.
Salem bin Laden's uninvestigated death is roughly the point in time that Muslim extremists start planning terrorist attacks on US territory. The CCR article mentioned above makes the same point. Of course, it's also roughly the time the Soviet Union dissolved and so the Great Satan, The Big Them, was now the US, The Big Us. We were the logical target. We also know that Osama bin Laden had contacts in the US (since we set them up) and that, like most fanatics, he believes what he wants to and won't be dissuaded by mere facts.
Three other points: 1) Politics trumps religion. Just ask George W or Jeb, who flip-flopped on their religion. I'm sure they're sincere in their faith, or at least as since as a Bush can get. If there is political advantage to be had, religious considerations are shoved aside. 2) Money talks, and in the Middle East the big money is in oil. It would be to the best interests of the bin Laden family (among many others) to keep the US hated (so that we don't take over the countries as the Western powers did after WWI) but militarily powerful (so the oil keeps flowing). This has been perhaps the most significant after effect of 9/11. The terrorists have won. So have the Middle East oil potentates. 3) Terrorists such as Osama bin Laden and al Queda are not merely religious fanatics, they hold personal grudges. For a long time.
Okay, here's my speculation: The death of his brother turned Osama bin Laden's attention away from local issues to attacking the US. Whether or not Salem bin Laden was killed for political reasons, it seems likely that Osama blames the Bushes for his death. I don't think it's much of a coincidence that the first attack on the World Trade Center was planned and set-up during the first Bush administration, or that the second attack was planned and set-up during the second Bush administration. (The Clinton administration had done an enviable job keeping terrorist attacks off US soil. To the Taliban Wing of the GOP, "success" = "failure". Ah, doublespeak.)
Further, since the terrorist attacks on the US (not to mention terrorist attacks in Israel, Morocco, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, etc etc etc) play into the hands of Middle East oil interests, terrorism will be hard to stop. Most Muslims are aghast at terrorism and would stop attacks if they could. But it doesn't take too many billionaires to finance nutcases. And if such nutcases make them richer, all the better. Just ask Richard Mellon Sciafe or Rupert Murdock...
Other odd facts dug up while researching this article:
Baron Dave Romm is a conceptual artist and a noble of Ladonia with a radio show, a very weird CD collection and an ever growing list of political links. He reviews things at random for obscure web sites. You can read all his music recommendations from Bartcop-E here, and you can hear the last two Shockwave broadcasts in Real Audio here (scroll down to Shockwave). Thanks to everyone who has sent me music to play on the air, and I'm collecting extra-weird stuff for a possible CD compilation.
Reader Viewing Suggestion
Monday Night
Monday, Jul. 14 at 10:00 PM (EDT), American Movie Classics will present
The AMC Project: Hollywood and the Muslim World.
How Hollywood films shape Muslims' ideas about America in documentary shot in Islamic capitals worldwide.
Thanks, Michelle!
He's Been Busy Again!
The Worried Shrimp
Reader Suggestion
New DVDs
I just found out that on Tuesday the DVD of Billy Wilder's One, Two, Three (1961)
will be available. Also 'The Mouse That Roared' (1959) DVD just came out. Love
those old movies!
Bit by bit, I'm converting my collection from VHS to DVDs. I'm still
waiting for DVDs of A Thousand Clowns (1965) and Blowup (1966). Not to mention the Marx
Brothers and some of the best W.C. Fields stuff.
Susan H
Thanks, Susan! All classic movies.
We're also slowly converting. Now that you mention it, I'm going to look forward to introducing the kid to 'A Thousand Clowns'.
Timing is everything... ; )
Note From The Doctor
I am delighted to report that my homespun site, www.skinema.com, ranks on
this week's Entertainment Weekly "Must List:"
"#5 Enter "The Dermatrix" and behold Keanu's...acne scars? Also witness
the horror of Demi Moore's "stretch marks" and Mark Wahlberg's third
nipple. We could not look away. Gross but great."
Also stop by and weigh in our latest discussion: "Are we itching for
stress?" with eczematous examples like Tony Soprano and Adam Sandler.
--Dr. Vail Reese
More Selected Readings
from that Mad Cat, JD
The Wall Street Poet
'Pity The Poor CIA'
Remember Humphry Bogart in "The Maltese Falcon" agonizing as he sends his true love down on a murder rap? "Someone's gotta take the rap," said Boggie. "And it ainšt gonna be me." Which brings to mind the more recent case of President Bush and CIA Director Tenet...
Pity The Poor CIA (A Poem)
Oh pity the poor CIA
Our agency for spying,
Because it's gotta eat the crow
To cover others' lying.
Old Saddam, it's now turning out
Was not a'building nukes,
And as this claim's gone up in smoke
Blame's landed on the spooks.
When only good news fills the press
Top leaders preen: "I knew it,"
But when mistakes begin to show
They swear that others blew it.
At Langley they ain't happy now
A'Bout falling on this sword,
And it dont help that Tony Blair
Brit's Intell likewise gored.
© 2003
In The Chaos Household
Last Night
Got hot early.
Saturday, Los Angeles had the first 1st stage smog alert since 1998. I'm sure SUV's make no difference. < /sarcasm>
AOL censored Baron Dave, again. Whatever program they're using scans content, not just headers.
Thanks Azrhey & Susan.
Tonight, Monday, CBS opens the night with a RERUN "Yes, Dear', followed by a RERUN 'Still Standing', then a
RERUN 'Raymond', followed by a RERUN 'King Of Queens', then a RERUN 'CSI: Miami'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Dave is Lisa Marie Presley.
Scheduled on a FRESH Craiggers are Leanne Tweeden and Sugar Ray.
NBC starts the evening with a RERUN 'fear Factor', followed by a FRESH 'For Lu$t Or $', then the Series Premiere 'Who Wants To Marry My Dad?'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jay are Martin Lawrence, Rowan Atkinson, and LeAnn Rimes.
On a RERUN Conan are Will Ferrell, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and Jim Gaffigan.
On a RERUN Carson Daly (from 6/26/03), are Luke Wilson, Greg Giraldo, and Guster.
ABC begins the night with a RERUN 'Bonnie', followed by another RERUN 'Bonnie', then still another RERUN 'Bonnie', followed by yet another RERUN
'Bonnie', then 'Primetime Special Edition'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jimmy Kimmel is Sandra Bernhard with this week's guest co-host Jack Osbourne.
The WB offers a RERUN '7th Heaven', followed by another RERUN '7th Heaven'.
Faux has a FRESH 'Anything For Lu$t', followed by another FRESH 'Anything For Lu$t', then a FRESH 'Parasite Hotel'.
UPN has a RERUN 'The Parkers', followed by a RERUN 'One On One', then a RERUN 'Girlfriends', followed by a RERUN 'Half & Half'.
A&E has 'Biography' (Brigitte Bardot), 'Cold Case Files', then 'City Confidential'.
AMC has the movie 'Project X', followed by the movie 'Witness', then their special 'The AMC Project', followed by the movie 'Midnight Express'.
[7pm] 'Ground Force' - Lurgan;
[7:30pm] 'Changing Rooms' - Stripped Bare;
[8pm] 'Jonathan Creek' - Ghost's Forge;
[9pm] 'Red Cap' - Crush;
[10pm] 'Red Cap' - H-Hour;
[11pm] 'So Graham Norton' - Kyle MacLachlan;
[11:30pm] 'So Graham Norton' - Trinny and Susannah;
[12am] 'Red Cap' - Crush;
[1am] 'Red Cap' - H-Hour;
[2am] 'Jonathan Creek' - Ghost's Forge;
[3am] 'So Graham Norton' - Kyle MacLachlan; and
[3:30am] 'So Graham Norton' - Trinny and Susannah. (ALL TIMES EDT)
Bravo offers the movie 'Good Will Hunting', followed by the movie 'Good Will Hunting'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jon Stewart is Angelina Jolie.
History has 'Modern Marvels', 'Highway Hangouts', and more 'Modern Marvels'.
SciFi is all 'Stargate SG-1'.
TCM offers
[6am] 'A Fugitive From Justice' (1940);
[7am] 'The Man Who Talked Too Much' (1940);
[8:30am] 'Sued for Libel' (1940);
[10am] 'They Drive by Night' (1940);
[12pm] 'Brother Orchid' (1940);
[1:30pm] ;
[3pm] 'The Get-Away' (1941);
[4:30pm] 'The Penalty' (1941);
[6pm] 'Unholy Partners' (1941);
[8pm] 'Point Blank' (1967);
[10pm] 'The Wild One' (1953);
[11:30pm] 'Not As a Stranger' (1955);
[2am] 'The Heiress' (1949); and
[4am] 'The Strawberry Blonde' (1941). (ALL TIMES EDT)
Anyone have any opinions?
Or reviews?
(See below for addresses)
Retiring from his duties as White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer gets a soaking from a fire hose at the urging of friends and colleagues after stepping off of Air Force One after a week in Africa with President Bush, at Andrews Air Force Base, Md., Saturday, July 12, 2003. Fleischer has served as White House spokeman since the start of President Bush's administration.
Photo by J. Scott Applewhite
The Information One-Stop
Moose & Squirrel
Bill Moyers Interviews Jon Stewart
BILL MOYERS: The masterful moderator of that demonstration of man's ability to hold two contradictory opinions is with me now. Jon Stewart has anchored Comedy Central's THE DAILY SHOW for four-and-a-half-years. A compendium of news, interviews and features, held up to a fractured mirror to reveal a greater truth. THE DAILY SHOW is many things, but most important, and simply, it is very smart and very funny. Welcome to NOW.
JON STEWART: Thank you very much. It's nice to be here.
BILL MOYERS: I do not know-- I have a confession.
BILL MOYERS: I do not know whether you are practicing a old form of parody and satire.
BILL MOYERS: Or a new form of journalism. (LAUGHTER)
JON STEWART: Well then that either speaks to the sad state of comedy or the sad state of news. I can't figure out which one. I think, honestly, we're-- practicing a new form of desperation. (LAUGHTER) Where we just-- are so inundated with-- mixed messages from the media and from politicians that we're just trying to sort it out for ourselves.
For the rest, NOW: Transcript - Bill Moyers Interviews Jon Stewart
The University of Toronto solar car keeps pace with the rest of traffic on Interstate 55 on the way to Springifield Ill. Sunday, July, 13, 2003, during the first day of the American Solar Challenge, a 2300 mile cross country solar car race.
Photo by Stefano Paltera
PA Town Celebrates Cult Classic
The town where "The Blob" first made horror history is celebrating the movie monster that made it a star.
Several hundred people kicked off the Fourth Annual BlobFest weekend in the former steel town outside Philadelphia. Scores of screaming horror buffs burst from the Colonial Theatre late Friday in a re-enactment of the famous escape scene from the 1958 cult classic that starred Steve McQueen.
BlobFest weekend included screenings of the movie, and a street festival with vintage cars, music, food, and entertainment. A piece of the original Blob also was on display.
First Show Taped
'Pepsi Smash'
Evanescence, the Ataris, the Black Eyed Peas, Monica, and Gavin DeGraw, will perform on the premiere of the WB's new hour-long music show Pepsi Smash on Wednesday (July 16) at 9 p.m ET. The premiere episode was taped at the Ren-Mar Studios in Los Angeles on Wednesday (July 9).
Pepsi Smash will spotlight pop, rock, R&B and hip-hop acts. So far, the WB has committed to six episodes of the Wednesday night program and is considering re-airing the program a second time during the week. In addition to performing live, artists will be seen in up-close and personal segments. A regular host has not been announced yet, but that person will be joining by rotating guest hosts.
Other acts that have been confirmed for future shows include Ashanti, Michelle Branch, Fabolous, Foo Fighters, Beyonce Knowles, Lil' Mo, Mya and A.F.I..
'Pepsi Smash'
In The Kitchen With BartCop & Friends
Singing In The Shadows
Children Of Rock Royalty
Having a famous parent can be a double-edged sword for a young performer, especially in the world of rock and roll. On Sunday (July 27), the Bravo network will look at the lives of some young artists and talk candidly with their famous parents on the two-hour special, Singing In The Shadows: Children Of Rock Royalty.
The show will feature Ozzy Osbourne and his son Louis Osbourne, who does not appear on the Osbournes MTV series; Sally Taylor, the daughter of James Taylor and Carly Simon; Phil Collins' son, Simon Collins; David Crosby's son, James Raymond; Phil Everly's son, Jason; Aretha Franklin's son, Teddy Richards; Arlo Guthrie's children, Sara Lee and Abe Guthrie; A.J. Croce, the son of the late Jim Croce; and Julian Lennon, the late John Lennon's eldest son.
Children Of Rock Royalty
Yoshinori Matsuhima cups his fingers for water from his work carved from a 100-kg block of ice at Tokyo's Mitsukoshi department store July 13, 2003. Ice sculptors from throughout Japan assembled on Sunday to show their creations at a summer pageant in Tokyo.
Photo by Eriko Sugita
Lawyer in Panama
Ruben Blades
Ruben Blades has always moved easily between the worlds of music, acting and politics. Now the Grammy-winning singer, actor and one-time Panama presidential candidate plans to return to his native country to work as a lawyer.
"I'm just going to go serve my country instead of doing an album or doing a movie. Then I'm going to come back and probably be a musician again," Blades told the Television Critics Association last week.
Blades, who turns 55 on Wednesday, said he earned two law degrees before leaving Panama 30 years ago, but didn't want to be a lawyer under a military dictatorship. He also holds a master's degree in international law from Harvard.
Ruben Blades
Formerly 'The Vidiot'
Playboy's 50th Anniversary
Hugh Hefner
Hugh Hefner is gearing up to celebrate the 50th anniversary of his magazine Playboy.
Hefner borrowed $600 to launch Playboy in 1953 with Marilyn Monroe as the first pinup.
Fifty years later, the magazine has become an international success. A&E will broadcast a special marking the anniversary this fall.
Hugh Hefner
Dr. Tod Mikuriya waits for the start of a legal hearing at the state building in Oakland, Calif., on Friday, July 11, 2003. Mikuriya stands accused of writing 7,000 recommendations for medical marijuana and is fighting a California Medical Board decision to either suspend or strip him of his license.
Photo by Marcio Jose Sanchez
Aids Indian Actors
'Gandhi' Trust
A trust set up from the revenues of British director Richard Attenborough's Oscar-winning film "Gandhi" is helping provide aid to hundreds of poor and forgotten Indian actors.
More than 500 actors are being helped by the Cine Artistes Welfare Fund of India, set up by Attenborough with the government's National Film Development Corp., Press Trust of India news agency reported Friday.
The trust helps those over age 45 who have performed in at least five films and now earn less than $500 a year. The names of the beneficiaries aren't revealed.
'Gandhi' Trust
Performing Again
Duran Duran
The members of British pop group Duran Duran were barely out of their teens when their glossy music videos and danceable hits like "Hungry Like The Wolf" and "Rio" ruled the airwaves and MTV in the early 1980s.
The grind of nonstop recording and touring, pressures of celebrity and disputes among band members and their handlers took their toll on the five young men, and after just three studio albums, the band split up following a tense performance at the 1985 Live Aid concert in Philadelphia.
Now, a decade since a pared-down version of the group scored a bona fide hit, Duran Duran's founding members are in their 40s and taking their first steps back on stage together in nearly 18 years, with an eye on recapturing a glimmer of their past glory.
Taylor and the other band members - frontman Simon LeBon, drummer Roger Taylor, keyboard player Nick Rhodes and guitarist Andy Taylor - are following up a handful of shows in Japan this week with performances in Southern California and Nevada next week.
For a lot more, Duran Duran
Duran Duran.com
In Memory
Benny Carter
Jazz great Benny Carter, a master of melodic invention on the alto saxophone who also was a renowned composer, instrumentalist, orchestra leader and arranger, has died, friends said Sunday. He was 95.
Carter died Saturday, after being hospitalized for about two weeks with bronchitis and other problems, said family friend and publicist Virginia Wicks.
"A big, big person walked out of the room yesterday," said friend and producer Quincy Jones. "A great human being."
Carter was largely self-taught as a musician, playing both saxophone and trumpet before becoming a bandleader in the late 1920s.
In a career that spanned more than six decades, he was considered among the top altoists in jazz. He performed with or wrote music for nearly all of jazz's early greats, including Benny Goodman, Count Basie, Duke Ellington and Dizzy Gillespie.
He received the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award from the Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences in 1987, and won two Grammy awards during his career.
St. Louis-based trumpeter Clark Terry, another early jazz pioneer, said Carter was truly revered by other musicians.
"We always called him the king because he was probably the most highly respected musician of the whole lot of us," Terry said.
Though he is perhaps best remembered as a saxophonist, Jones said Carter's greatest contributions to the form were his compositions and arrangements.
Carter was a member of a generation of early jazz musicians responsible for changing public attitudes about the style, which grew out of blues and spiritual music and was largely performed by black musicians, Jones said.
"They came out of this thing that was supposed to be the wicked music, and they brought it to life, and it turned into one of our greatest art forms," Jones said.
Bennett Lester Carter was born Aug. 8, 1907, in New York City. He saved up for months to buy a trumpet as a child, turning to saxophone when he couldn't master the trumpet fast enough. By the time he was 15, he was sitting in at night clubs in Harlem, and at 21 was leading his own band.
Benny Carter
Male lion Kaser (L) is nuzzled by female tiger Dima at a Zoo near Amman July 13, 2003. The Amman Zoo director said he hoped the two-year-old tiger will mate with the lion soon.
Photo by Ali Jarekji
'Ark of Darkness'
"The Ark of Darkness", a Political/Science-Fiction work, in tidy, weekly installments (and updated every Friday).
Garb a box of Kleenex and follow the adventurers as teh confront their darkest inner demons.
'The Osbournes'
A new page! 'The Osbournes' ~ Page 5
'The Osbournes' ~ Page 4
'The Osbournes' ~ Page 3
'The Osbournes' ~ Page 2
'The Osbournes' ~ Page 1