'TBH Politoons'
Thanks, again, Tim!
Baron Dave Romm
How To Write A Letter To The Editor (part 3)
By Baron Dave Romm
One of the fun things to do is respond to the outrageously stupid comments, spin control and/or outright lies of the far right. All too often, these disinformation campaigns come directly from Republican National Committee Headquarters and identical letters/commentary appears in papers all over the country, signed by supposedly local writers who may or may not exist. These are designed to stroke the, er, ego of dittoheads while providing rhetorical ammunition in drunken arguments and in general to perpetuate a Big Lie. They're really good at it, and spend a lot of money so the conservative news media doesn't dig too deep. The Daily Howler and Media Whores Online do a pretty good job dissecting some of the larger stories. But even the smaller ones don't stand up to the light of day. Here's one example, and how I might reply in a letter to the editor.
Recap: The "Rescue" of Private Jessica Lynch was called into question by this Guardian article (the conservative US news media just bought whatever Rummy said with no thought of journalistic follow-up questions), and a Canadian story quoting an eyewitness is here.
The articles referenced in the conservative spin document don't exist on-line anymore; the Scheer articles are not on the Star Tribune site (since it's been more than three weeks) but presumably they're responding to Scheer's May 20th article archived on alternet.com Saving Pvt. Lynch: Take 2. Scheer's May 30 article in The Nation reprinted a few days later in the tardy STrib entitled Pentagon Aims Guns At Lynch Reports, which offers facts, investigations and cites eyewitness accounts. Meanwhile, The Green Bay Press Gazette article, at best a second-hand account by a worried mother, isn't online 6/15/03, a day after it was cited in the commentary.
This first appeared in the Mpls Star Tribune on Saturday, June 14. It's signed by a "Minneapolis grant writer" but it wouldn't surprise me to see an identical or near-identical counterpoint in many other newspapers. Usually, these kinds of disinformation campaigns (that is, lies to cover up other lies) are orchestrated at the National Republican level. This article demonstrates one of the rhetorical tricks used a great deal by dittoheads: They take the truth, randomly make assumptions with no proof or logic, and then use the assumptions as hard facts to slam their ideologically driven conclusions home. I will quote the first few and last few paragraphs, with my commentary following.
Italics mine. It's nice that he cites two articles, and indeed there is "something hollow about the whole thing", but what he is trying so hard to avoid are the facts and eyewitness accounts of Scheer's articles. Schersten is devoid of facts, and doesn't provide any counter evidence. This is why he has to start off with his emotion-laden conclusion.
Italics mine. First, the description of Scheer's article as "lurid, gleeful" reporting of a BBC report (notice that he doesn't actually comment on the report itself) is, at best, a personal opinion. I didn't see anything gleeful in it, and the details were less "lurid" than your average caller to hate radio. His characterization doesn't hold. Further, the CNN article he cites comes to the exact opposite conclusion he does. Entitled BBC reporter defends Lynch documentary, the reporter answer's "no" to whether the rescue was real. "The Americans had a legitimate right in getting Lynch out of the hospital in Nasiriya." He goes on further to say,
"Where we took issue with the official version as put out by Central Command, in Doha, [Qatar], to the world's press, was the way the Americans did it. They went in, all guns blazing, helicopters, a great, heroic rescue mission.
"The contention of the Iraqi doctors we spoke to was, well, actually they didn't need to do that, they could have come and got her. And in fact, one of the doctors said the day before the Americans conducted this very elaborate rescue mission, they had actually tried to get Lynch to the Americans, by putting her in an ambulance, taking her to the front line. In the course of that journey, according to the doctors, that ambulance came under fire from American forces, and they had to take her back to the hospital."
Italics mine. This paragraph is a complete lie. The suggestion has not faded, and Scheer doesn't hint at anything. Scheer presents facts, building on eyewitness accounts. Schersten's view cannot be upheld by mere innuendo.
Italics mine. Here is the crux of the discussion, and the point where a letter to the editor would revolve around. Let's examine the critical fact that Shersten wiggles around: The doctors did try to deliver Pvt Lynch to US forces at least a day before her official rescue. Whether they got particularly "close" (close enough to be killed by rifle fire is close enough for me) or whether the US forces knew that the ambulance they were shooting at held a seriously wounded American doesn't change the need for a full investigation. Further, Schersten is outright lying when he says that the "doctors themselves aren't claiming it" since they are. Quoting from Scheer's first article:
'"The most important thing to know is that the Iraqi soldiers and commanders had left the hospital almost two days earlier," Houssona said. "The night they left, a few of the senior medical staff tried to give Jessica back. We carefully moved her out of intensive care and into an ambulance and began to drive to the Americans, who were just one kilometre away. But when the ambulance got within 300 metres, they began to shoot."'
Italics mine. One of the points of the articles was that the risks were not real, and "In all, 12 doors were broken, a sterilized operating theatre contaminated, and the specialized traction bed in which Lynch had been placed was trashed." No mention of gunshot damage. Further, the Greed Bay Press Gazette article cited (a second hand report at best) is not valid 6/15/03, the day after the counterpoint appeared. In fairness, searched for the article on the web from some other source, and found nothing. I'm sure the worried mother backed up her son; good for her. But it's bad journalism allow it to be used as supporting evidence.
Skipping down to the end...
Italics mine. It's a standard practice from the cynical right (and usually a total lie) to claim some sort of change. "Old lefty" doesn't mean much, even in the unlikely event it's not just a false claim. "Extreme anti-war" is meaningless, since a) there's nothing "extreme" in wanting to protect our armed forces from being fired on by our own troops and b) holding Bush and Rumsfeld accountable for their handling of the conflict is hardly "anti-war". Indeed, wanting to know the truth about our leaders is "pro-America", and Schersten is equating "pro-American" with "anti-Bush". Ah, a glimmer of truth there.
Italic mine. Here are some fnords. Wholly loaded words that shift the debate from the rational to the emotional. First, Schersten has gone from commenting on one person's articles to making this a whole "us vs. them" debate. Facts don't matter, what's important is that you're one of "us". "They" (that is, you and me), are "shrewd" AND "shrewdly motivated" AND have "these clever gods", neatly elevating Scheer to Godhood. Gosh. Is Schersten replacing the Trinity with the Quadrinity? How sly. Is "shrewd" one of the new fnords, with a negative connotation? Aren't we all "motivated", shrewdly or not, to hold our politicians accountable? I want to be shrewdly motivated to find the truth, don't you? Further, the most overarching claim is that Bush and co. want to control Iraq's oil, but that's hardly "colonizing" the country. In this sense, "colonize" is a fnord, a word with an emotional attachment that far outweighs whatever the word actually means.
Italics mine. "They" again, wanting to believe the truth rather than managed lies. "Aching" for the truth, no less. And the issues will disappear in his dreams... or if all people are as gullible as dittoheads.
Then, after an essay that doesn't present ANY hard data to counter any of the eyewitness accounts that are so damning to the dittohead flag-waving, he completely reverses the facts to lie:
Italics mine. He has admitted that he had jumped to conclusions, and the only way his rhetoric is "obvious" or "undeniable" is if you take all his "maybe"s as completely true. Once again, the extreme right has obscured the truth with a personal attack. No wonder good people don't want to run for office. It's like Junior High School with a drunken principal and the bullies running the school newspaper.
I've had a letter published recently, so writing to the Star Tribune won't do any good. Still, here are some of the ways I might respond (and I was pleased to see some similar letters in the Sunday (6/15/03) letter section (might have to register to read them).
Possible response one, using point 6 Compare and Contrast, from Part 1 of How To Write A Letter To The Editor
Possible response two, using point 9, When Appropriate, Use Humor
Possible response three, using point 2, Be Specific.
If anyone's in the Mpls-StPl area, I encourage you to respond to the right-wing lies that appear in the local papers. While you may use the examples I wrote here, I encourage you to write in your own voice about the issues that concern you.
Baron Dave Romm is a conceptual artist and a noble of Ladonia with a radio show, a very weird CD collection and an ever growing list of political links. He reviews things at random for obscure web sites. You can read all his music recommendations from Bartcop-E here, and you can hear the last two Shockwave broadcasts in Real Audio here (scroll down to Shockwave). Thanks to everyone who has sent me music to play on the air, and I'm collecting extra-weird stuff for a possible CD compilation.
Links From Avedon
Avedon's Sideshow
The other night, was chatting with Avedon Carol, who runs a more-than-nifty-site -
'All Shot Up'
from alvin (-.-)
The Wall Street Poet
'The Tax-Free Nation Poem'
The Bush Administration and a Republican Congress seem intent in cutting taxes dramatically. Which raises the question posed by this poem, why bother having taxes at all?
The Tax-Free Nation Poem
Ollie Wendell Holmes once said
About taxes in this nation,
They are the price we gotta pay
To have civilization.
But recently Iım thinking
That this rule we should relax,
ıCause Iıd rather not be civilized
Then pay my income tax.
The money sinks of public ed,
The vet and welfare rolls,
The subsidies for geezer health,
Who needs these wasteful doles?
Our streets would have no pot holes
If we made them all toll roads,
Stock markets would go through the roof
Without dull legal codes.
To keep our armies solvent
We could send our soldiers plundering,
No revenue means Congress
Wont in spending realms be blundering.
Let's dump our tax-based commonwealth,
For too long weıve been scamed.
Weıll each care for the things we like,
All other things be damned!
Selected Reading
from that Mad Cat, JD
In The Chaos Household
Last Night
'June gloom' burned off early - warmest day in a long time.
Bought some of the new Reynolds non-stick aluminum foil and I'm impressed! Put some on a cookie sheet for biscuits tonight & used no grease/butter. The biscuits slid off like toboggans on ice.
Called dear old Dad for Father's day, but got his answering machine. OTOH, the outgoing message is new & polka-music is blaring in the background. All right, Dad!
Tonight, Monday, CBS starts the night with a RERUN 'Yes, Dear', followed by a RERUN 'King Of Queens', then
a RERUN 'Raymond', followed by another RERUN 'King Of Queens', and then a RERUN 'CSI: Miami'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Dave are Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and 5-year-old bowling whiz Jesse Grabow.
Scheduled on a FRESH Craiggers are Blue Man Group and Gavin Rossdale (Mr. Gwen Stefani).
NBC opens the evening with a RERUN 'Fear Factor', followed by a FRESH 'For Love Or Money', and then the Season Premiere of 'Meet My Folks'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jay are Kate Hudson, Cedric the Entertainer, and Cold.
On a RERUN Conan are Andy Richter, Snoop Dogg, and Brian "Rocket Guy" Walker.
On a RERUN Carson Daly (from 5/7/03), are Mike Tyson and Idlewild.
ABC begins the night with a RERUN 'My Wife & Kids', followed by another RERUN 'My Wife & Kids', then still another RERUN 'My Wife & Kids', and yet another RERUN
'My Wife & Kids', and finally, a FRESH 'special' 'The View: His & Her Body Test'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jimmy Kimmel are Gary Busey, Adam De La Pena, and the Donnas, with this week's guest co-host Perry Farrell.
The WB offers a RERUN '7th Heaven', followed by a RERUN 'Everwood'.
Faux has a 'special' - 'Outrageous Celebrity Look-Alike Behavior: Caught On Tape' (where cheesy celebrity impersonators do vulgar things in public, in an effort to involve the peasantry & then market their responses), followed by the Series Premiere of 'Anything For Love', then another FRESH 'Anything For Love'.
UPN has a RERUN 'The Parkers', followed by a RERUN 'One On One', then a RERUN 'Girlfriends', and finally, a RERUN 'Half & Half'.
A&E has 'Biography' (Bill Bixby), then 'Inspector Morse'.
AMC offers the movie 'American Graffiti', followed by the filler 'Project: Reality People', and then the movie 'Inventing The Abbotts'.
BBC has 'Ground Force' - Okehampton (7pm), 'Changing Rooms' - Peckham (7:30pm),
'Jonathan Creek' - Mother Redcap (8pm), 'William at 21' (9pm),
'The Office' - Episode 1 (10pm), 'The Office' - Episode 2 (10:40pm),
'The Office' - Episode 3 (11:20pm), 'William at 21' (12am), and then
'The Office' - Episode 1 (1am). (ALL TIMES ET)
Bravo has 'Cirque du Soleil: Fire Within', followed by more 'Cirque du Soleil: Fire Within', then 'Inside The Actor's Studio' (John Travolta).
Scheduled on a FRESH Jon Stewart is Harrison Ford.
History offers 'Mail Call', followed by 'Conquest', then 'Giants: Friend Or Foe'
SciFi fills the night with 'Stargate SG-1'.
TCM offers the movie 'Fail Safe', followed by the movie 'The Rounders', then '12 Angry Men', and finally 'The best Man'.
Anyone have any opinions?
Or reviews?
(See below for addresses)
'Uncensored Comedy' On Trio
Bill Hicks
He was beloved by fellow comedians, yet unknown to most Americans. Part of the problem for Bill Hicks was his inability to find a place on television, which wanted his humor defanged.
"Outlaw Comic: The Censoring of Bill Hicks" covers the life and career of the late "rock 'n' roll comic," who has been compared to Lenny Bruce in the way his standup act crossed the line in matters of religion, politics and sexuality.
Premiering 9 p.m. EDT Sunday on Trio network as part of its monthlong "Uncensored Comedy" programming theme, "Outlaw Comic" is narrated by comic actress Janeane Garofalo, herself an outspoken Hicks devotee.
The documentary shows why, including a nightclub performance by Hicks with the same material he used in his dozenth and final "Late Show with David Letterman" appearance in 1994 an appearance cut from the show as it aired just hours after taping. The comedian, then secretly suffering from cancer, died shortly thereafter at age 32.
Bill Hicks
Sorry I didn't see this earlier - 'Direct'™ offers 'Trio' - check it out!
The Information One-Stop
Moose & Squirrel
Attended Philly Museum Flag-Raising
Muhammad Ali
Boxing legend Muhammad Ali joined Gov. Ed Rendell in raising a well-traveled American flag at the National Constitution Center on Saturday, less than a month before the museum's scheduled public opening.
The flag, which has flown in all 50 state capitals, five U.S. territories and Washington, D.C. during the past several months, was unfurled at its final destination in the center's grand hall, said Joe Torsella, president and CEO of the National Constitution Center.
Ali's wife, Lonnie, spoke on behalf of the former heavyweight champion, who suffers from Parkinson's disease. She discussed Ali's refusal to enter the Vietnam War draft because of his religious convictions.
"Today he is living testament that the Constitution works," Lonnie Ali told the crowd.
Muhammad Ali
National Constitution Center
Playboy founder Hugh Hefner waves a towel during a lively performance by the Blind Boys of Alabama on the first day of the 25th anniversary Playboy Jazz Festival at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles June 14, 2003.
Photo by Jim Ruymen
World Peace Music Award Show
Bali was still dancing after international stars, including disco queen Gloria Gaynor, played a special "peace" concert to honour the holiday isle rocked by deadly terrorist blasts in October.
About 8,000 people packed into the sprawling Garuda Wisnu Kencana site in the island's south on Saturday night for the World Peace Music Award Show, held according to organizer Matt Taylor to draw international attention to troubled Bali.
Among the big-name performers were veteran disco star Gaynor, Irish rock group Rubyhorse, British Reggae star Maxi Priest and North African Rai group Zohar.
Also, Jon Farriss from Australian rock group INXS, Korean vocalist Yoon Do Hyon, Mexican latin group Kinky and France's baroque singer Emma Shapplin, appeared.
Members of legendary British punk band The Police, Stewart Copeland and Andy Summers, were also billed but were delayed by flight problems.
World Peace Music Award Show
In The Kitchen With BartCop & Friends
Original Beatles Drummer
Pete Best
A former Beatle is invading America again, only this time it's the band's original drummer, Pete Best. Now 61 years old, Best is promoting a new coffee table book, the Beatles: The True Beginnings, which he co-wrote with his half brothers, Roag and Rory. Best is making the rounds at bookstores and is also appearing at other events across the U.S. sharing his stories of the Beatles' early days.
The book reveals how John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and George Harrison started out as the Quarrymen, playing Liverpool's tiny Casbah Coffee Club, which was located in the basement of Best's parents' house. His mother opened the club in 1959 for local kids to listen to rock 'n' roll. The Quarrymen were offered a chance to play there, but only if they painted pictures on the wall to decorate the place. A year later, Best joined them in a new group, called the Silver Beatles.
Best gave the Beatles their beat from 1960 to 1962 and estimates he played more than a thousand shows with them, including three tours in Germany.
Best was fired on August 19, 1962, and replaced by Ringo Starr. He was told the news by the band's manager, Brian Epstein, and said he never spoke to the other band members again. He became a Liverpool baker and plays music on the side these days with his own Pete Best Band.
Pete Best
U.S. singer Iggy Pop performs a song during his concert in Hamburg, northern Germany on Sunday, June 15, 2003.
Photo by Fabian Bimmer
New Curbs On Women's Wear
In 'Free' Iraq
The only parts of Maryam Mohammed and Zeinab Sarowa visible to the world are their hands and faces. But when they come for Friday prayers at the Shiite mosque where they have worshiped all their lives, they are turned away.
The reason: though covered head to toe, they're not wearing the dark, billowing clothing the guard says is required for Muslim women during prayer.
In the new Iraq, religious groups, once under the stifling control of Saddam Hussein, are testing out their newfound elbow room. Some Iraqis view this as the unfettering of faith after decades of a Baathist regime that brutally suppressed religion, particularly the majority Shiites. For others, many women in particular, it is as if the piercing summer sun, which bathes the courtyard of the shrine, is also drying up their liberties before their eyes.
"Thursday they sent my sister away. Who are they? Who put them in charge?" snaps Ms. Sarowa, who finished a political science degree two years ago, but has yet to find a job. "If there were a government here, they wouldn't be able to do that."
For a lot more, In 'Free' Iraq
Thanks, Michelle!
Formerly 'The Vidiot'
'Red Flag' Name
David Nelson
David Nelson is not an easy name to have these days. Across the country men with this name say they have been pulled off airplanes, questioned by FBI agents and harassed when traveling by air.
The nationwide dragnet for terrorists has caused the name to raise red flags on airline screening software, but some federal officials say the problem is essentially a computer glitch, the Los Angeles Daily News reported Sunday.
David Nelsons in at least four states, including California, Oregon, Alaska and South Dakota, have reported getting stopped.
Even the former child star of ABC-TV's "The adventures of Ozzie and Harriet," was stopped by a ticket agent at John Wayne Airport in December while en route to visit his daughter in Salt Lake City.
Now a Newport Beach film producer, David Nelson, 66, told the Daily News that after airline ticket agents stopped him, two police officers quickly recognized him, and he was allowed to board his flight.
"I don't think (terrorists) have the middle name 'Ozzie,'" he recalled telling an agent.
For other David Nelsons, the experience was more difficult.
For the rest, David Nelson
Flag carriers reach the Atlantic Ocean as they finish carrying a 1 1/4-mile-long rainbow flag down Duval Street in Key West, Florida, June 15, 2003. The mammoth banner was created by Gilbert Baker and commemorated the 25th anniversary of the gay and lesbian icon that Baker, a San Francisco resident, conceived in 1978. The flag required 17,600 linear yards of fabric, weighs more than 5,000 pounds and was a highlight event of the PrideFest Key West celebration that ended Sunday.
Photo by Andy Newman
4 Eyes & 2 Mouths?
Hundreds of people thronged the house of Sitaram Chaudhary in Saptari district in eastern Nepal to have a glance at the new born girl child with four eyes, two mouths and two noses.
Shamvawati, 24, wife of Chaudhary gave birth to the girl child yesterday, reported an English daily Kantipur.
As news of the birth of such a child spread, people from far and wide rushed to Mr Chaudhary's house to worship her as an incarnation of Goddess Bhagawati.
''The baby girl is in good health and can see with all her four eyes and sucks milk with both mouths,'' said her mother.
4 Eyes & 2 Mouths?
North American Box Office
Top 10 Movies
Following are the top 10 movies at the North American box office for the June 13-15 weekend, according to studio estimates collected on Sunday by Reuters. Final data will be issued on Monday.
1 (2) Finding Nemo .............. $29.2 million
2 (1) 2 Fast 2 Furious .......... $19.1 million
3 (3) Bruce Almighty ............ $14.2 million
4 (*) Rugrats Go Wild ........... $12.5 million
5 (*) Hollywood Homicide ........ $11.7 million
6 (*) Dumb and Dumberer ......... $11.1 million
7 (4) The Italian Job ........... $ 9.5 million
8 (5) The Matrix Reloaded ....... $ 5.5 million
9 (6) Daddy Day Care ............ $ 2.1 million
10 (7) X2: X-Men United .......... $ 1.6 million
NOTE: Last weekend's ranking in parenthesis.
"*" = new release.
Top 10 Movies
Palestinians smoke on the beach in Gaza June 15, 2003.
Photo by Suhaib Salem
'Ark of Darkness'
"The Ark of Darkness", a Political/Science-Fiction work, in tidy, weekly installments (and updated every Friday).
'The Osbournes'
'The Osbournes' ~ Page 4
'The Osbournes' ~ Page 3
'The Osbournes' ~ Page 2
'The Osbournes' ~ Page 1