BartCop Entertainment Archives - Wednesday, 15 August, 2018


15 August, 2018

(Updated Daily)

[19 days in a row]


M Is FOR MASHUP - RERUN - October 25th, 2017

How To Enjoy YiTT

By DJ Useo

If you're aware of modern mashups, you're no doubt familiar with the excellent bootleg blends of YiTT. In fact he had swell some tracks on last weeks' "M Is For Mashup" Halloween mashup album, " Monster Mashup The 13th" ( ).

YiTT regularly releases excellent singles like "Elvis vs. Justin Bieber - Can't Help Loving Yourself", "Aerosmith vs. Blink 182 - I Don't Want To Miss You", & "Here Comes The Light (Pilotpriest/Beatles/Green Day/System Of A Down)". There's many superb tracks of his located here ( )

You'd almost expect that to be enough to satisfy any YiTT fan, but he gives us much more than that.

A regular feature of the YiTT experience are his track packed mashup albums. By simply navigating the web to ( ) you can obtain a large collection of his full releases. All are set to "Buy Now, name your price, & Send as Gift". If you're familiar with Bandcamp hosting, you already know all tracks can be streamed, or d/l'ed. It's a great system, & even better when the material is YiTTs.

I'm signed up to "follow" Yitt's releases, & does it ever pay off. Recently, I got a notice that YiTT's new album, " Semi Automatic" was ready to access ( ).

I grabbed it straightaway, & found it was up to the highest standards of the bootleg community. Honestly, I found every track to be an "A" mix, with most of them rising up to"A+" territory.

You'll love this collection, & will no doubt go for the other past YiTT releases. As I mentioned, all his albums are found here ( ) Well worth adding a tip, I think. Tell Yitt Useo sent you.

P.S. I did a lo-o-ong live set composed of the entire "Monster Mashup The 13th" album. You can find it here
( )

Perfect for frightening the kiddies as you pass out goodies this Halloween. Kudos to all the contributors.



Recommended Reading

from Bruce

Paul Krugman: Who's Afraid of Nancy Pelosi? (NY Times)
So this seems like a good time to remind everyone that Pelosi is by far the greatest speaker of modern times and surely ranks among the most impressive people ever to hold that position. And it's interesting to ask why she gets so little credit with the news media, and hence with the general public, for her accomplishments.

Cameron Joseph: Donald Trump's Trade Wars Are Roiling Wisconsin GOP (TPM)
But North admitted that plunging dairy prices, which have dropped 4 percent this year partly because of Mexico's retaliatory tariffs on dairy in the trade wars Trump has kicked off, have put farmers in a tough position. "Are we seeing things that we like in the short term? Obviously, lower prices aren't anything any farmer wants to see. But we're all looking at this with a very long-term mindset," he said.

Jonathan Chait: Donald Trump Hires the Worst People, According to Trump (NY Mag)
It is not the first time Trump has accused himself of hiring terrible people. He accused his former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, of having lost a crucial Senate seat for his party, "leaking false information to the media," and having "lost his mind." All in all, a reprehensible person to pick as your chief political strategist. After former Trump campaign aide Sam Nunberg told the New York Times that Trump mistreated Michael Cohen, Trump attacked Nunberg as a "drunk/drugged up loser." Trump also insisted at the same time that Michael Cohen is "a fine person."

Jonathan Chait: Trump Foreign Policy Held Back by Struggle to Grasp Time Zones, Maps (NY Mag)
Traditional world leaders have busy schedules, and use phone calls to focus on specific points of negotiations. Trump just calls world leaders for no reason. He especially likes to stalk French president Emmanuel Macron. Trump has developed "what one former Trump national security official calls a 'bizarre' fascination with calling French President Emmanuel Macron," reports Lippman. "He wanted to talk to him constantly … Macron would be like: 'Hey what are we talking about?'"

Jonathan Chait: Omarosa Is Leveraging Her Tapes Against the Trump Administration (NY Mag)
The $15,000-per-month retainer has been confirmed by the Washington Post, which reviewed a copy of the offer. This lends veracity to her other charges; after all, nobody is going to pay her $15,000 a month to keep quiet unless they know she possesses some damaging information.

Jonathan Chait: Why Does Trump Get More Credit Than Obama for the Same Economy? (NY Mag)
A party dedicated to representing the disenfranchised might have an unavoidable allergy to economic triumphalism. Indeed, this impulse might be a necessary spur for its leaders to demand more inclusive growth for those left behind. But the ease with which Trump has made the economy his principal political asset shows how the Democrats' superior economic performance over the last quarter-century has done frustratingly little to boost their outcomes at the ballot box.

David Bruce's Amazon Author Page

David Bruce's Smashwords Page

David Bruce's Blog #1

David Bruce's Blog #2

David Bruce's Blog #3

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David Bruce's Apple iBookstore

David Bruce has over 80 Kindle books on



Michael Egan

Michael Egan


The Tragedy of King Richard II Part One: Ascribed to William Shakespeare (The Tragedy of Richard II, Part One): Michael Egan

Editorial and Political Cartoons


Trivia Question of the Day

"Never Learn Not to Love" by the Beach Boys is actually a reworked version of the song "Cease To Exist". Who wrote "Cease To Exist"?


Send your answer to Marty

Trivia Question from Yesterday

The only marsupial found north of Mexico, the Virginia opossum, is more commonly known as the North American opossum. How many nipples does a North American opossum have?

       Thirteen                                                      Source

The Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana), commonly known as the North American opossum, is a marsupial found in North America. It is the only marsupial found north of Mexico. In the United States, it is typically referred to simply as a possum. It is a solitary and nocturnal animal about the size of a domestic cat. It is a successful opportunist. It is familiar to many North Americans as it is often seen near towns, rummaging through garbage cans.

Virginia opossums can vary considerably in size, with larger specimens found to the north of the opossum's range and smaller specimens in the tropics. They measure 13-37 in (35-94 cm) long from their snout to the base of the tail, with the tail adding another 8.5-19 in (21.6-47 cm). Weight for males ranges from 1.7 to 14 lb (0.8-6.4 kg) and for females from 11 ounces to 8.2 lb (0.3-3.7 kg). They are one of the world's most variably sized mammals, since a large male from northern North America weighs about 20 times as much as a small female from the tropics. Their coats are a dull grayish brown, other than on their faces, which are white. Opossums have long, hairless, prehensile tails, which can be used to grab branches and carry small objects. They also have hairless ears and a long, flat nose. Opossums have 50 teeth, more than any other North American land mammal, and opposable, clawless thumbs on their rear limbs.

Opossums have 13 nipples, arranged in a circle of 12 with one in the middle.        Source

Randall was first, and correct, with:
   The Virginia opossum has 13 nipples

Mark. said:

Dave wrote:
   Thirteen teats. An Opossum usually gives birth to far more babies than 13 (20-30), but only the 13 that manage find a teat to hang onto, survive infancy. The short lived Opossum's range (their lifespan is about 2 years in the wild) doesn't extend into the U.S. northern plains or into Canada because they can't grow a heavy fur coat or hibernate to survive long periods of frigid weather. But in recent years Opossums have been seen in Ontario, more evidence of global warming. Although usually not considered an attractive enough animal for cartoons, Walt Kelly's (1913-1973) newspaper cartoon Pogo (1948-1973) was popular

Alan J answered:

mj replied:
   It's a lot
  I'm guessing 16.

Roy, "Blue Wave", responded:
   Not being up to date on North American mammals' nursing habits, I had to do a little googling to learn that the North American Opossums have 13 nipples, arranged in a circle of 12 with one in the middle.

  No waiting for these little ones at feeding time.
  Mom's got a few extra nips.

zorch said:
   The Virginia o'possum has 13 nipples.

Jim from CA, retired to ID, wrote:
   Opossums have 13 nipples , arranged in a circle of 12 with one in the middle.

Adam answered:

Deborah replied:
   The Virginia opossum has 13 nipples, 12 in a circle and 1 in the center. What odd creatures they are (and not just because of that).
  There's enough humidity that the sun lit up clouds this morning. The light show was worth getting up early to put out the trash.

Joe S     responded:
   13, 12 in a circle and one in the middle.
  On another note, I've discovered the advantages of living alone. I can use the bathroom and leave the door open. I can leave the toilet seat up. I can stay up as long as I want, and sleep as long as I want. I can eat whenever I want and eat what ever I want. I can leave the TV on all night if I want to. I can walk around the house naked. I don't, but I could if I wanted to.
  I know of only one disadvantage, sometimes it gets lonesome.

Gene took the day off.

Mac Mac took the day off.

Kevin K. of Washington, DC took the day off.

Billy in Cypress took the day off.

Jon L took the day off.

Michelle in AZ took the day off.

Daniel in The City took the day off.

Harry M. took the day off.

George M. took the day off.

Stephen F took the day off.

Dave in Tucson took the day off.

John I from Hawai`i took the day off.

DJ Useo took the day off.

Rosemary in Columbus took the day off.

Steve in Wonderful Sacramento, CA, took the day off.

Leo in Boise took the day off.

David of Moon Valley took the day off.

Cal in Vermont took the day off.

Barbara, of Peppy Tech fame, took the day off.

Marilyn P - Antrim Sage took the day off.

Ed K took the day off.

Michael R. took the day off.

The Other Dave took the day off.

Roy the Hoghead took the day off.

Noel S. took the day off.

Tony K. took the day off.

Casey in Traverse City, MI took the day off.

Paul of Seattle took the day off.

James of Alhambra took the day off.

Brian S took the day off.

Gary E.K. took the day off.

Dale of Diamond Springs took the day off.

Brian S. took the day off.

kennb took the day off.

Sandra in Maine took the day off.

BttbBob   has returned to semi-retired status.

  August 15 Birthdays - Celebrities Born August 15 | Famous Birthdays

Sally has retired.

MAM     In memory.




Middle Class Political Economist



Reader Suggestion

Michelle in AZ

Would You Rather be Omarosa at a Campaign Reunion, or Stephen Miller at a Family Reunion?

Rick Scott defunded agencies tasked with overseeing red tide. Today he declares State of Emergency

Dinesh D'Souza Strikes Back at the Nest of Deep State Leftist Enemies: Film Critics.

Tell Medicaid Stop Proposed Rule Weakening Home-Health Workers Union by 8:59 pm leftkost TODAY

Report Reveals Widespread Sexual Abuse By Over 300 Priests In Pennsylvania : NPR

A Day At The Beach Won't Be The Same After 'The World In A Grain' : NPR

How To Make A Civics Education Stick : NPR

A growing number of California detainees are Indians crossing through Mexico to seek asylum

BBC - Travel - How Crete changed the course of World War II

Palm oil: A new threat to Africa's monkeys and apes? - BBC News

Kavanaugh Could Unlock Funding for Religious Education, School Voucher Advocates Say - The New York Times

Opinion: As Trump keeps raging at special counsel Mueller, another poll shows his lies are failing - SFGate

Garbage from Washington state's booming pot industry clogs gutters, sewers and landfills - SFGate

Twitter suspends conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for one week

Donald Trump is hilariously losing his war on comedy - CNN

Florida's red tide: Scientists search for 'smoking gun' in a dead zone - CNN

How three conspiracy theorists took 'Q' and sparked Qanon

Thanks, Michelle!



Reader Comment

Current Events

Linda   >^..^<
     We are all only temporarily able bodied.

Thanks, Linda!



Bonus Links

Jeannie the Teed-Off Temp

Penn Jillette, In Conversation

Omarosa claims Trump knew about hacked emails prior to WikiLeaks release | TheHill

Penn Jillette: Trump said 'racially insensitive things' during 'Apprentice' tapings | TheHill

Acting EPA head spreads misinformation on fuel efficiency standards in 'must run' Sinclair segment - ThinkProgress

Monsanto's EPA-Manipulating Tactics Revealed in $289 Million Case - Rolling Stone

'People are terrified': Trump staffers live in fear of Omarosa's next tape - POLITICO

'Systematic Cover-Up': Over 300 'Predator' Priests Accused of Sexually Abusing Children in Pennsylvania

Christine Hallquist wins primary, becomes first transgender gubernatorial nominee - ThinkProgress

ICE agents set 'trap' for immigrants seeking legal residency - ThinkProgress

'Who gives a f**k?': NFL star tells league to stop caring about what Trump thinks - ThinkProgress

Trump won't stop tweeting out evidence he's actively obstructing justice - ThinkProgress

"Hothouse Earth" Co-Author: The Problem Is Neoliberal Economics



from Marc Perkel

Marc's Guide to Curing Cancer

So far so good on beating cancer for now. I'm doing fine. At the end of the month I'll be 16 months into an 8 month mean lifespan. And yesterday I went on a 7 mile hike and managed to keep up with the hiking group I was with. So, doing something right.

Still waiting for future test results and should see things headed in the right direction. I can say that it's not likely that anything dire happens in the short term so that means that I should have time to make several more attempts at this. So even if it doesn't work the first time there are a lot of variations to try. So if there's bad news it will help me pick the next radiation target.

I have written a "how to" guide for oncologists to perform the treatment that I got. I'm convinced that I'm definitely onto something and whether it works for me or not isn't the definitive test. I know if other people tried this that it would work for some of them, and if they improve it that it will work for a lot of them.

The guide is quite detailed and any doctor reading this can understand the procedure at every level. I also go into detail as to how it works, how I figured it out, and variations and improvements that could be tried to enhance it. I also introduce new ways to look at the problem. There is a lot of room for improvement and I think that doctors reading it will see what I'm talking about and want to build on it. And it's written so that if you're not a doctor you can still follow it. It also has a personal story revealing that I'm the class clown of cancer support group. I give great interviews and I look pretty hot in a lab coat.

So, feel free to read this and see what I'm talking about. But if any of you want to help then pass this around to both doctors and cancer patients. I need some media coverage. I'm looking for as many eyeballs as possible to read these ideas. Even if this isn't the solution, it's definitely on the right track. After all, I did hike 7 miles yesterday. And this hiking group wasn't moving slow. So if this isn't working then, why am I still here?

I also see curing cancer as more of an engineering problem that a medical problem. So if you are good at solving problems and most of what you know about medicine was watching the Dr. House MD TV show, then you're at the level I was at when I started. So anyone can jump in and be part of the solution.

Here is a link to my guide: Oncologists Guide to Curing Cancer using Abscopal Effect

Oncologists Guide to Curing Cancer using Abscopal Effect





Selected Readings

from that Mad Cat, JD




Visit JD's site - Kitty Litter Music


In The Chaos Household

Last Night

Long day, short page.

Tonight, Wednesday:

CBS starts the night with a FRESH 'Big Brother', followed by a RERUN 'SEAL Team', then a RERUN 'Criminal Minds'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Stephen Colbert are Jessica Biel, W. Kamau Bell, and Elle King.
Scheduled on a FRESH James Corden, OBE, are Ariana Grande, Vanessa Hudgens, and Matt Smith.

NBC opens the night with a FRESH 'America's Got Talent', followed by a FRESH 'World Of Dance'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jimmy Fallon are Michael Che, Colin Jost, Henry Golding, Justin Thomas, and Dusty Slay.
Scheduled on a FRESH Seth Meyers are Chris O'Dowd, Regina Hall, and grandson.
On a RERUN Carson 'The Scab' Daly (from 5/2/18) are Shaquille O'Neal, Elisa New, Creeper, Tommy Wiseau, and Greg Sestero.

ABC begins the night with a RERUN 'The Goldbergs', followed by a RERUN 'American Housewife', then a RERUN 'Modern Family', followed by a RERUN 'American Housewife', then a RERUN 'Shark Tank'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jimmy Kimmel are Tom Arnold, Jerrod Carmichael, and Death Cab for Cutie.

The CW here fills the night with LIVE 'MLB Baseball'.

Faux has a FRESH 'MasterChef', followed by a FRESH 'Gordon Ramsey's 24 Hours To Hell & Back'.

MY recycles an old 'Dateline', followed by another old 'Dateline'.

A&E has 'Hoarders', followed by a FRESH 'Born This Way', then another FRESH 'Born This Way', followed by a FRESH 'Raising Tourette's'.

AMC offers the movie 'The Shawshank Redemption', followed by the movie 'Men In Black', then the movie 'Men In Black II'.

BBC  -   
 [6:00AM]    WEIRD WONDERS - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 1-Episode 1
 [7:00AM]    WEIRD WONDERS - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 2-Episode 2
 [8:00AM]    WEIRD WONDERS - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 3-Episode 3
 [9:00AM]    WEIRD WONDERS - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 4-Episode 4
 [10:00AM]    WEIRD WONDERS - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 5-Episode 5
 [11:00AM]    WEIRD WONDERS - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 6-Episode 6
 [12:00PM]    PLANET EARTH: THE HUNT - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 7-Living With Predators - Conservation
 [1:00PM]    PLANET EARTH: THE HUNT - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 1-The Hardest Challenge
 [2:00PM]    PLANET EARTH: THE HUNT - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 4-Hunger At Sea - Oceans
 [3:00PM]    PLANET EARTH: THE HUNT - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 5-Nowhere To Hide - Plains
 [4:00PM]    PLANET EARTH: THE HUNT - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 6-Race Against Time - Coasts
 [5:00PM]    PLANET EARTH: THE HUNT - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 2-In The Grip of Seasons - Arctic
 [6:00PM]    PLANET EARTH: THE HUNT - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 3-Hide And Seek - Jungles
 [7:00PM]    PLANET EARTH: ONE AMAZING DAY - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 1-Planet Earth: One Amazing Day
 [10:00PM]    PLANET EARTH: THE HUNT - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 1-The Hardest Challenge
 [11:00PM]    PLANET EARTH: THE HUNT - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 4-Hunger At Sea - Oceans
 [12:00AM]    PLANET EARTH: THE HUNT - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 5-Nowhere To Hide - Plains
 [2:00AM]    PLANET EARTH: THE HUNT - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 6-Race Against Time - Coasts
 [3:00AM]    PLANET EARTH: THE HUNT - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 2-In The Grip of Seasons - Arctic
 [4:00AM]    PLANET EARTH: THE HUNT - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 3-Hide And Seek - Jungles
 [5:00AM]    PLANET EARTH: THE HUNT - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 7-Living With Predators - Conservation    (ALL TIMES EDT)

Bravo has 'Real Housewives Of NYC', followed by a FRESH 'Real Housewives Of NYC', then a FRESH 'Real Housewives Of Dallas', and 'Real Housewives Of NYC'.

Comedy Central has all old 'South Park' all night.
Scheduled on a FRESH The Daily Show is Jimmy O. Yang.

FX has the movie 'Daddy's Home', followed by the movie 'Ted', then the movie 'Ted 2'.

History has all old 'American Pickers' all night.

IFC  -   
 [6:00AM]    NIGHT FLIGHT-Heavy Metal & Punk
 [6:15AM]    NIGHT FLIGHT-Dr. Ruth Good Sex Special
 [6:45AM]    THE THREE STOOGES-Pardon My Scotch
 [7:15AM]    THE THREE STOOGES-A Pain in the Pullman
 [7:45AM]    DARK SKIES
 [5:30PM]    TWISTER
 [8:00PM]    TWISTER
 [10:30PM]    BROKEN ARROW

Sundance  -   
 [6:00am]    all in the family
 [6:35am]    all in the family
 [7:10am]    all in the family
 [7:45am]    all in the family
 [8:20am]    all in the family
 [8:55am]    all in the family
 [9:30am]    the karate kid
 [12:30pm]    the karate kid part ii
 [3:00pm]    criminal minds
 [4:00pm]    criminal minds
 [5:00pm]    criminal minds
 [6:00pm]    criminal minds
 [7:00pm]    criminal minds
 [8:00pm]    criminal minds
 [9:00pm]    criminal minds
 [10:00pm]    criminal minds
 [11:00pm]    criminal minds
 [12:00am]    criminal minds
 [1:00am]    criminal minds
 [2:00am]    criminal minds
 [3:00am]    chinatown     (ALL TIMES EDT)

SyFy has the movie 'Santa Jaws', followed by the movie 'Frenzy'.

FRESH 'Samantha Bee'.
On a RERUN Conan (from 1/27/18) it's Conan Without Borders: Haiti.

TCM spends 24 hours with Peter Finch
 [6:00 AM]      The Shiralee (1957)
 [7:47 AM]      Visiting Italy (1951)
 [8:00 AM]      The Abdication (1974)
 [10:00 AM]      The Nun's Story (1959)
 [12:36 PM]      Seeing Ceylon (1953)
 [12:45 PM]      A Town Like Alice (1958)
 [2:45 PM]      The Legend Of Lylah Clare (1968)
 [5:00 PM]      Far from the Madding Crowd (1967)
 [8:00 PM]      No Love for Johnnie (1961)
 [10:00 PM]      Girl with Green Eyes (1964)
 [11:45 PM]      Network (1976)
 [2:00 AM]      Sunday, Bloody Sunday (1971)
 [4:00 AM]      I Thank a Fool (1962)
 [5:45 AM]      Inflation (1933)

Thursday   -  08/16/18

TCM spends 24 hours with Miriam Hopkins
 [6:00 AM]      The Stranger's Return (1933)
 [7:30 AM]      The Richest Girl in the World (1934)
 [9:00 AM]      Splendor (1935)
 [10:30 AM]      Men Are Not Gods (1936)
 [12:00 PM]      Barbary Coast (1935)
 [1:45 PM]      Virginia City (1940)
 [4:00 PM]      The Old Maid (1939)
 [5:37 PM]      A Girl's Best Years (1937)
 [6:00 PM]      Old Acquaintance (1943)
 [8:00 PM]      Trouble in Paradise (1932)
 [9:30 PM]      These Three (1936)
 [11:08 PM]      Hollywood Party (1937)
 [11:30 PM]      The Story of Temple Drake (1933)
 [1:00 AM]      Lady With Red Hair (1940)
 [2:30 AM]      Wise Girl (1937)
 [3:42 AM]      Phil Spitalny And Orchestra In "Big City Fantasy" (1934)
 [4:00 AM]      Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1932)

USA has a FRESH 'Suits', followed by a FRESH 'The Sinner'.

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Any opinions?   Marty

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The Sideshow - by Avedon Carol



John Legend

Singer John Legend is lending his Grammy Award-winning voice to Louisiana's debate over split juries.

In November, Louisiana voters will decide whether to join 48 other states in requiring unanimous jury verdicts in all felony trials. Oregon is the only other state to allow felony convictions when just 10 out of 12 jurors agree.

Legend wrote an editorial in the Washington Post stating in part, "The 10-2 jury rule has sharply diminished the participation of African American jurors. It's hard to have faith in a criminal justice system that treats members of the community differently based on race."

Legend writes, "We are at a crossroads, with an opportunity to right this long-standing wrong. It's time to come together, reject prejudice in all its forms."

State Attorney General Jeff Landry declined to be interviewed, but has come out against the referendum.

John Legend



Cuts Musical Performances


In the past few months alone, acts including Neko Case, Johnny Marr, Ben Gibbard, the Breeders, Natalie Prass, and Margo Price have all performed live on Conan. But soon, no one will be singing or playing instruments on Conan - except maybe James Comey.

Since 2010, Conan has aired as an hour-long program on TBS. But earlier this year, Conan O'Brien announced that starting in 2019, his flagship late-night show will shift into a half-hour format focused more on comedy. "I was looking for something more lean and agile," Conan said at the time. "I've been pushing for something that fits the modern landscape, certainly fits the way I interact with my fans more."

And as part of that new direction, Variety reports, the show is cutting its regular musical performances. Producer and music booker Roey Hershkovitz, who's been with the Conan franchise for nearly 20 years, is also departing the show, although he may still do consulting work on on the occasional special music episode or online content. "This is going to be me doing comedy as you've seen me doing, and an interview, probably, with a celebrity every night instead of two or three," Conan explained in May. "Everything else beyond that we're going to find it by doing it."



Newhead News


'70s Music Documentary


John Lennon's last directing project is finally coming to theaters, almost 38 years after the Beatles co-founder's death. In December 1972, American television audiences got their first look at "Imagine," the autobiographical film he and wife Yoko Ono made in England and New York City. Eagle Rock Entertainment will bring a restored and remastered version to cinemas next month, featuring 15 minutes of previously-unaired material, including performance footage from the couple's Plastic Ono Band.

"Imagine" shares its name with both Lennon's 1971 solo album and its title track, ranked third on Rolling Stone's list of the 500 greatest songs. Decades later, in 2016, the National Music Publishers Association awarded Ono a songwriting credit on the pacifist anthem. Now 85 years old, Ono lent her voice to Wes Anderson's 2019 Best Animated Feature Oscar hopeful, "Isle of Dogs," and will release her next album, "Warzone," in October. "Warzone" includes a track that covers "Imagine."

Months before music fans first heard the original version, Lennon and the rest of the Beatles (Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr) received the Best Original Score Academy Award for their studio-set documentary, "Let It Be." After Lennon was murdered in 1980, Ono commissioned yet another documentary, "Imagine: John Lennon" (1988) from writer/director/producer Andrew Solt.

Lennon and Ono's film, once criticized as the vainglorious "most expensive home movie of all time," has been updated with a Dolby Atmos soundtrack mix from three-time Grammy-winner Paul Hicks. Celebrity cameos include Harrison, Fred Astaire, Dick Cavett, Jack Palance, plus fellow filmmakers Jonas Mekas and Andy Warhol.


'Imagine' Trailer



Another Reboot

Designing Women

Another classic US sitcom from the '80s is being rebooted - and this one has the potential to be great.

For seven seasons, Linda Bloodworth-Thomason's Designing Womendocumented the lives, loves and foibles of a group of quirky co-workers at Atlanta's leading design firm Sugarbaker & Associates.

Now, 32 years after the series premiered on September 29, 1986, Bloodworth-Thomason is at work on a reimagining of the series that would introduce the concept to a whole new generation (via TVLine).

The outlet notes that it's not yet known if any of the original cast - like Annie Potts, Jean Smart or Delta Burke - would be involved to link the two versions, but the reboot is to be pitched to channels soon.

Sadly, original Designing Women mainstays Dixie Carter, Jan Hooks and Meshach Taylor have all passed away since the sitcom ended back in 1993.

Designing Women


Digby's Hullabaloo


Announces Tour Dates

Lindsey Buckingham

The 40-plus-year saga of the Lindsey Buckingham-Stevie Nicks incarnation of Fleetwood Mac took another turn today, when Buckingham - who recently parted ways with the band - announced not just a three-disc compilation of his solo material but a tour to support it… which will begin four days after the Fleetwood Mac tour that he didn't want to be on.

To be fair, according to Nicks, Buckingham said he didn't want to be on the road for a year, and his tour lasts just two months (and in a deft bit of routing, does not visit any city at the same time as the Mac tour). Buckingham's tour launches in Portland, OR on Oct. 7 and wraps in Pennsylvania on Dec. 9. Fleetwood Mac's tour begins Oct. 3 in Oklahoma and is scheduled through April.

"This team wanted to get out on the road, and one of the members didn't want to go out on the road for a year and we just couldn't agree," Nicks said in April. "And when you're in a band it's a team, I have a solo career and I love my solo career and I'm the boss. But I'm not the boss in this band."

Buckingham's role in the band will be filled by longtime Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers guitarist Mike Campbell and former Crowded House frontman Neil Finn. In January, the group was honored by the Recording Academy's MusiCares charity during Grammy Week, a concert in which multiple artists covered the band's songs - and they were inducted by former President Bill Clinton - and then played a brief set that represents their last performance with Buckingham.

Lindsey Buckingham



Mineral Created In Lab


Scientists have found a way to produce a mineral, known as magnesite, in a lab that can absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, offering a potential strategy for tackling climate change.

By reducing a process that normally takes thousands of years to a matter of days, the research could boost the burgeoning field of carbon capture and storage (CCS).

As the world struggles to cut spiralling greenhouse gas emissions, experts broadly agree that technologies that suck CO2 from the air will be an essential tool to curtail global warming.

Magnesite is a naturally occurring rock used in jewellery and for various industrial processes, and its carbon-storing capacity was already known to scientists.

However, while previous studies have explored the potential of storing polluting gases in underground rock formations, the potential of these activities is hampered by the time it takes for new minerals to form.




Prime-Time Nielsens


Prime-time viewership numbers compiled by Nielsen for Aug. 6-12. Listings include the week's ranking and viewership.

    1. "America's Got Talent," NBC, 11.04 million.
    2. "60 Minutes," CBS, 8.21 million.
    3. "The Bachelorette," ABC, 6.72 million.
    4. "Celebrity Family Feud," ABC, 5.79 million.
    5. "Big Brother" (Sunday), CBS, 5.74 million.
    6. "Big Brother" (Wednesday), CBS, 5.64 million.
    7. "NCIS," CBS, 5.26 million.
    8. "Big Brother" (Thursday), CBS, 5.15 million.
    9. "American Ninja Warrior," NBC, 5.02 million.
   10. "World of Dance," NBC, 4.75 million.
   11. "CMA Fest," ABC, 4.71 million.
   12. "America's Funniest Home Videos," ABC, 4.63 million.
   13. "The $100,000 Pyramid," ABC, 4.61 million.
   14. "The Big Bang Theory," CBS, 4.57 million.
   15. "NCIS: New Orleans," CBS, 4.42 million.
   16. "Bull," CBS, 4.26 million.
   17. "Young Sheldon," CBS, 4.19 million.
   18. "Making It," NBC, 4.15 million.
   19. "Mom," CBS, 4.1 million.
   20. "Dateline NBC" (Monday), NBC, 4.04 million.




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