BartCop Entertainment Archives - Tuesday, 29 December, 2009


29 December, 2009

(Updated Daily)

[886 days in a row]


The Weekly Poll


The 'Reform or Expansion' Edition...

I'm soooooo confused!

President Obama says, "We are on the cusp of making health care reform a reality,"

Others say it is merely an expansion of health care insurance opportunities with little reform of the present system. Meanwhile, insurance stocks rocket skyward on the NYSE... Help me out here, would ya? What do you think?

Here, by the way, is a totally negative opinion of the whole shebang by a progressive, not a Rethug.

10 Reasons to Kill the Senate Bill |

Go figure...

Well then, Poll-fans, in the order they were received are the responses...

bebo was still thinking about last week's poll...

    I'm really going to ponder the results of the "Obama" poll during my afternoon taste test. You see, my politics are somewhere to the left of Che Guevara & for so many people to agree with me is a scary situation.

Adam in NoHo wrote...
    This is one of several changes that needed to be made, but it cannot be the end of HCR. Treating health insurance like car insurance is not the answer to all of our problems. The insurance reform is absolutely necessary, but even this bill is more of a giveaway to insurers than something that will help people who currently have no health insurance. In the same way that owning a car is not always a necessity when there is Public Transportation, buying private health insurance should not be a necessity when a public insurance option is available.
    Kill it and start over Jan 2 with a concrete list of objectives, and maybe we take the Rep's suggestion on this and pass a series of bills that take each issue one at a time.    (I agree, Adam... Maybe we should)

DRD opined...

    The author of this article sure has a negative view of this whole mess called health reform. Many will write him off as a 'lefty' dissuaded by the lack of real help for the struggling masses long overdue for justice in the health delivery system in this nation! That would be a valid description of his thoughts! But, at the same time that in no manner takes away the facts as he has stated them, one by one! In the mind's eye of a true conservative ideologist I'm sure he is viewed as a 'bleeding-heart-liberal' crying in his beer. The saddest page of all this is the fact that nobody really wanted to take a stand against the private insurance companies, a vastly wealthy, powerfully connected political giant, as well as one of the few industries exempt from the anti-trust laws of the land. And, they have been excellent cash-cows' to most of the members, regardless of party affiliation, either by means of contributions for elections or direct by employment of family members by the companies, such as Evan Bayh, junior Senator from Indiana. His wife is on the Board of Directors of at least one major insurance giant and maybe more. A 'public-option' would have cut into the take home salary of his wife so to me it appeared he wanted no part of that provision of the reform deal.
    There are many others with similar motivations in the congress as most are multimillionaires having lost track and touch with the daily problems of balancing a family check book and debating if we pay bills or buy groceries this time around. We note that very few if any return to the home district at retirement or defeat as they are too tied to the money chains of the DC lobbyist and the special interest they represent over the needs of the voters! I agree with the gentleman on enough of his argument to say I agree in principle with him. Thanks Bob.    (Yer welcome, Don... I also agree with his points)

Richard McD, not a 'happy camper', said...

    This, again, is not what he promised. This is as big a sham as gwb and his minions ever put over on the public. I'm ashamed that I was taken in like the rest of the nation. I hope somebody kills this bill as it now stands. I am starting to see bumper stickers that say "Don't blame me, I voted for Mc Cain". Do people forget how high we all felt when he came into office. He should veto this bill and see what happens.Maybe he can at least regain some of he past glory. If he vetoes it and we get no health bill there is nothing there to lose. Let's face it this is not a health bill.    (Not in way I'd like to see one, and that's a fact!)

SallyP was into retribution with her missive...

    Okay, let's see - this week you would like our opinion on the, "Health Care Reform" bill, now just about a reality after the ratification. I must say that I have read up some on the bill, and listened to NPR most attentively this week for different opinions about said bill.
    As the movie of the same name says, "It's Complicated," for me. There are some immediate benefits such as the Insurance Companies no longer being able to pull their no coverage because of, "preexisting condition" crap. OTOH, forcing everyone to purchase Rx insurance doesn't quite sit well with me. And, there is no coverage for alternative medicine of which I am a firm believer. But, over all, forcing people to purchase the insurance is about the same as raising taxes I expect, and if the Government can do it with car insurance, why not for health care?
    But, the best thing about the bill, is ramming it down the Repugs throats - where I hope to God they will choke on it in the next set of elections. Their uncooperative attitude shows how much they care about their constitutes: NOT AT ALL!!   (Beware 2010, Sally... I have a bad feeling about the Mid-terms. If there's a voter backlash ala '94, remember you read it here first. I think it's a distinct possibility that the voters will again vote against their best interests out of anger and frustration and go 'Red'. The economy and joblessness will be the key. Not health care...)
    I will take any bill by the Democrats over ANYTHING from the Repugs - which is - what did they suggest again? Oh, yes, NOTHING!! Oh, and now can we bump up Obama's score a bit from all your readers who think Obama has a magic wand and can just wish things into existence over the detestable flack he constantly receives from the Nay-sayers?    (The bill has a few good points, such as the pre-existing condition provision, but overall I'm convinced it's a boondoggle for the insurance companies. And don't forget that we all get to pay for Nebraska's Medicare cost increases! Ben Nelson is the King 'Corn-hustler', and that's a fact! And then there's Landrieu's 'Louisiana Purchase'. It was all about 'What's in it for me and mine', not about what's good for all... )

Jen sees the good and bad...

    It has a few good things, like adult children being able to continue on their parents policy longer. Sometimes that is not particularly important, but in many cases it will make a huge difference.
    If I understand it correctly, it helps the insured retain coverage for preexisting conditions. That's good, too, except that it still allows the insurance companies to raise premiums for seniors - just when they can least afford it.
    I guess the part that bothers me most is that many of the positive changes will not take effect until 2014. We can be glad for the little we got and hope to live long enough to realize some of the benefits, I guess. Seems to me they could have - should have done better.    (My emphasis... That statement says it all, Jen... It was a 'rush job' for PR purposes only... Something, Anything, just pass a damn'd bill!..)

IMHO, the Democrat's should be embarrassed with the processes they utilized and results that they came up with. It was a 'Keystone Kops' affair, start to finish. I'm severely disappointed, no, disgusted, with them... And that's the name of that tune, I'm tellin' ya...



Peyton Manning Pulled Midway Through Mastercard Commercial


Maureen Dowd 'Gifts' Column to Wingnut Brother, But What Did Mo Get in Return?


Recommended Reading

from Bruce

Paul Krugman: The Big Zero (
Let's bid a not at all fond farewell to the Big Zero the decade in which we achieved nothing and learned nothing.

Mark Morford: Please mount my hot blue alien (
"When we would draw Neytiri and she had fins on her back and gills and all kinds of weird protuberances and so on in odd places, the question was, well, would you want to do her? No? OK, let's back off from that." -- James Cameron

Bah humbug! The classics we secretly loathe (
In the spirit of Christmas grumpiness, arts personalities reveal the heritage classics they secretly can't stand.

DAVID YAFFE: Misterioso (
"You know people have tried to put me off as being crazy," said Thelonious Sphere Monk. "Sometimes it's to your advantage for people to think you're crazy." He ought to have known

Priya Elan: How Vampire Weekend became America's hottest export (
They're cute, preppy and the coolest band in years. Meet Vampire Weekend, from their deck-shoe chic to Ivy League lyrics.

Pete Paphides: Why the music cassette has never died (
Central to the lingering affection that people still have for tapes is the fact that you can compile them yourself

Eric Hynes: Tube Tied (
Why are syndicated TV shows programmed out of sequence?

Damon Syson: "Richard Bacon: This much I know" (
The radio presenter, 34, on skeletons, Blue Peter and his dream of becoming an MP.

Ann Hornaday: A director's work is never done (
What exactly is involved in directing? Try 'all of the above,' says Richard Linklater.

Scott Collins: Q & A with Seth MacFarlane (
The 'Family Guy' creator talks about his 'Star Wars' fixation, his visit to George Lucas' ranch and being targeted by the Parents Television Council.

roger ebert's journal: The ten best documentaries of 2009
Some of the best documentaries of 2009 hardly seemed to exist. "What's the matter with Kansas," based on a best-seller, is still awaiting its fifth vote at IMDb. "The Beaches of Agnes," a luminous film by the New Wave pioneer Agnes Varda, grossed $127,605. "Of Time and the City," by a great British director, grossed $32,0oo.

roger ebert's journal: The ten best animated films of 2009
True, the once neglected art of animation has undergone a rebirth in both artistry and popularity.


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(observing Charlie Sheen's soon to be ex-wife Brooke Mueller accusing Carlos Irwin Estevez (Charlie Sheen's real name) of attacking her with a knife on a cold Christmas Day in Aspen.....the same day a terrorist tried to blow up a plane in Detroit.....I think Charlie and Tiger need to talk)

zEN mAN archives



Trivia Question of the Day

What country leads the world in producing cherries?


Send your answer to Marty

Trivia Question from Yesterday

Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested at the Texas Theater in Dallas. What movie was playing?

      "War is Hell"                                               Source

Lee Harvey Oswald went into the Texas Theater in Dallas, Texas to see this film, without paying, shortly after the assassination of JFK. His failure to pay aroused the manager's suspicions, and this led to his arrest and later murder by Jack Ruby.           Source

Charlie was first, and correct, with:
   He was watching War is Hell, which was half of a double feature that day.

Alan J responded:
   Battle Cry

Jim from CA, retired to ID, replied:
   Welcome back....I think it was Cry of Battle with Aldo Ray

Sally said:
   I am over at my daughter's house today - minding the pgks who are full of sugar and bored to death (poor gamma). As soon as I finish this, I am blasting them out of the house and we are going on a forced walk for at least a mile! (No joke!) It is also the land of the tiny print computer, so researching the reply for today's quiz is out. But as I recall, the movie "War Is Hell" was playing at the Texas theater that fateful day.
  PS: Being of that particular age, I adored the Kennedy's, and still do though I am a lot more realistic nowadays. Today, I doubt (if he per sued the chick antics as he did back then) if he could be elected. And that would have been a shame. Like it or not, be it the Kennedy sex addiction, or Bill Clinton's, or even that of Tiger Woods', it truly has no bearing on their ability to perform their jobs. We (uptight society) just don't like it. With women, it's the fidelity issue, with men, I suspect it's a little jealousy of sorts... But if we look at the extremely dysfunctional way these men were raised, it's a wonder they survived at all. Yeah, it's uncomfortable for me too, but I try to be objective as well.

MAM   noted:
   The movie playing when Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested at the Texas Theater in Dallas was "War Is Hell".

And, Joe S responded:
   War Is Hell
   Send Marty some money



Sick Days


From The Creator of 'Avery Ant'

"The Problem With Young People Today"

(Crabby Old Fart)



Selected Readings

from that Mad Cat, JD


















Ark Of Darkness


In The Chaos Household

Last Night

Turns out the repairs to the back-up computer were inadequate, and from the noises (it sounds like a sewing machine), it's about to become a fancy doorstop, again.

Like that little ditty on 'Hee-Haw' - if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.

After a couple of weeks of begging, I've almost cleared enough to pay for the repairs to my old computers.

Does anyone really think I'd still be using a crappy dial-up if I could afford a better connection?

Have I ever mentioned my car is 22 years old?

Or that the crown that fell off can't be just glued back on?

And there's more.

It's simple economics.

I appreciate the help you've sent, but as it currently stands, the last page will be Monday (01/04/10).

I'm not giving up hope that things may still work out. OTOH, I am familiar with reality.

Tonight, Tuesday:

CBS begins the night with a RERUN 'NCIS', followed by the FRESH, but nearly month-old 'The 32nd Annual Kennedy Center Honors'.
On a RERUN Dave (from 11/23/09) are Robin Williams and Ashley Greene.
On a RERUN Craig (from 11/13/09) are Harry Connick Jr. and Peter Sagal.

NBC starts the night with a RERUN 'Parks & Recreation', followed by another RERUN 'Parks & Recreation', then another RERUN 'Parks & Recreation', followed by yet another RERUN 'Parks & Recreation', then a RERUN 'Leno' ((from 11/12/09) Penelope Cruz, Dolly Parton, and Luc Robitaille).
On a RERUN Conan (from 10/12/09) are Jamie Foxx, Jason Alexander, and Grizzly Bear.
On a RERUN Jimmy Fallon (from 11/27/09) are Fred Armisen, Carey Mulligan, and Daniel Boulud.
On a RERUN Carson 'The Scab' Daly (from 10/29/09) are Derek Luke, Anastasia Ashley, and Black Lips.

ABC open the night with the chestnut 'Rudolph's Shiny New Year', followed by a RERUN 'Scrubs', then a RERUN 'Better Off Ted', and '20/20'.
On a RERUN Jimmy Kimmel (from 12/9/09) are William Shatner, animal trainer Kristin McMillan, and Jay Sean.

The CW offers a RERUN '90210', followed by a RERUN 'Melrose Place'.

Faux fills the night with the movie 'The Benchwarmers'.

MY recycles an old 'Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?', followed by another old 'Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?', then an old 'Deal Or No Deal', followed by another old 'Deal Or No Deal'.

A&E 'Criminal Minds', another 'Criminal Minds', followed by a FRESH 'Psychic Kids: Children Of The Paranormal', then a FRESH 'Paranormal State', followed by another FRESH 'Paranormal State'.

AMC offers the movie 'The Green Mile', followed by the movie 'Ghost'.

BBC  -   
 [12:00 PM]   Cash in the Attic - Ep 5 Osman
 [1:00 PM]   Cash in the Attic - Ep 11 Larsen
 [2:00 PM]   Antiques Roadshow - Episode 24
 [3:00 PM]   Antiques Roadshow - Episode 12
 [4:00 PM]   Antiques Roadshow - Episode 25
 [5:00 PM]   Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares - Ep 2 Piccolo Teatro
 [6:00 PM]   Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares - Ep 1 Lanterna
 [7:00 PM]   BBC World News
 [7:30 PM]   How Clean Is Your House? US - Episode 7
 [8:00 PM]   Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares - Ep 3 Trobiano's
 [9:00 PM]   Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares - Ep 2 Giuseppi's
 [10:00 PM]   BBC World News
 [10:30 PM]   How Clean Is Your House? US - Episode 7
 [11:00 PM]   Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares - Ep 3 Trobiano's
 [12:00 AM]   Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares - Ep 2 Giuseppi's
 [1:00 AM]   Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares - Ep 3 Trobiano's
 [2:00 AM]   Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares - Ep 2 Giuseppi's
 [3:00 AM]   Friday Night with Jonathan Ross - Ep 1 Jamie Oliver, Ricky Gervais, Stuart Broad, Mika
 [4:00 AM]   How Clean Is Your House? US - Episode 3
 [4:30 AM]   How Clean Is Your House? - Episode 6
 [5:00 AM]   BBC World News
 [6:00 AM]   BBC World News     (ALL TIMES EST)

Bravo 'Tabatha's Salon Takeover', another 'Tabatha's Salon Takeover', still another 'Tabatha's Salon Takeover', followed by a FRESH 'Tabatha's Salon Takeover'.

Comedy Central 'RENO 911!', 'Jeff Dunham Show', 'Important Things With Demetri Martin', 'Tosh.0', 'South Park', another 'South Park', stilll another 'South Park', and yet another 'South Park'.
Daily Show is pre-empted.
Colbert Report is pre-empted.

FX the movie 'The Marine', followed by the movie '20 Weeks Later', then the movie '20 Days Later'.

History has all 'How The Earth Was Made' all night.

IFC  -   
 [6:45 AM]   Casa de los Babys
 [8:25 AM]   Shattered Glass
 [10:00 AM]   The Invisible Circus
 [11:35 AM]   Casa de los Babys
 [1:15 PM]   Shattered Glass
 [2:55 PM]   The Invisible Circus
 [4:35 PM]   Casa de los Babys
 [6:15 PM]   The Assassination of Richard Nixon
 [8:00 PM]   Kill Bill: Vol. 1
 [10:00 PM]   Kill Bill: Vol. 2
 [12:20 AM]   At the End of the Sentence
 [12:30 AM]   Mad Max
 [2:05 AM]   Kill Bill: Vol. 1
 [3:55 AM]   Kill Bill: Vol. 2    (ALL TIMES EST)

Sundance  -   
 [06:00 AM]   Marvelous
 [07:35 AM]   The Yacoubian Building
 [10:30 AM]   Shotgun Stories
 [12:00 PM]   Marvelous
 [01:35 PM]   Flutter
 [01:45 PM]   The Yacoubian Building
 [04:30 PM]   Shotgun Stories
 [06:00 PM]   Spectacle - Season 1: Kris Kristofferson, Rosanne Cash, Norah Jones & John Mellencamp
 [07:00 PM]   Spectacle - Season 1: Smokey Robinson
 [08:00 PM]   Spectacle - Season 2: Spectacle: Elvis Costello With... Levon Helm, Nick Lowe, Richard Thompson, Allen Toussaint
 [09:00 PM]   Spectacle - Season 2: Spectacle: Elvis Costello With... Neko Case, Sheryl Crow, Ron Sexsmith, Jesse Winchester
 [10:00 PM]   Spectacle - Season 2: Spectacle: Elvis Costello With... Bono & The Edge
 [11:00 PM]   Kippur
 [01:00 AM]   The Dead Girl
 [02:40 AM]   Conte de Quartier
 [03:00 AM]   Spectacle - Season 2: Spectacle: Elvis Costello With... Bono & The Edge
 [04:00 AM]   Kippur     (ALL TIMES EST)


On a RERUN Lopez Tonight (from 11/9/09) are Ellen DeGeneres, Eva Longoria Parker, and Kobe Bryant, Carlos Santana.

 [6:00 AM]      Short Film: Movies On Sundays (1935)
 [7:00 AM]      High Noon (1952)
 [8:30 AM]      Manhatta (1921)
 [8:45 AM]      42nd Street (1933)
 [10:30 AM]      The Cameraman (1928)
 [11:47 AM]      Short Film: The Camera Speaks (1934)
 [12:00 PM]      The Miracle of Morgan's Creek (1944)
 [1:40 PM]      Short Film: Give Us The Earth (1947)
 [2:00 PM]      Salt Of The Earth (1954)
 [3:45 PM]      Harold and Maude (1971)
 [5:30 PM]      Short Film: JAMMIN' THE BLUES (1944)
 [5:45 PM]      Flower Drum Song (1961)
 [8:00 PM]      On The Waterfront (1954)
 [10:00 PM]      Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
 [12:00 AM]      Battleground (1949)
 [2:07 AM]      Short Film: The Man Who Makes The Difference (1968)
 [2:15 AM]      Ice Station Zebra (1968)
 [5:00 AM]      Short Film: Now Playing January (2010) (2010)
 [5:30 AM]      MGM Parade Show #15 (1955)     (ALL TIMES EST)

Wednesday  -  12/30/09

 [6:00 AM]      Tokyo Joe (1949)
 [7:30 AM]      Chain Lightning (1950)
 [9:15 AM]      In a Lonely Place (1950)
 [11:00 AM]      Sirocco (1951)
 [12:45 PM]      Battle Circus (1953)
 [2:15 PM]      The Barefoot Contessa (1954)
 [4:30 PM]      The Harder They Fall (1956)
 [6:30 PM]      Bacall on Bogart (1988)
 [8:00 PM]      Deadline U.S.A. (1952)
 [9:45 PM]      The Left Hand of God (1955)
 [11:17 PM]      Short Film: Operation Teahouse (1956)
 [11:30 PM]      Beat The Devil (1954)
 [1:04 AM]      Short Film: A Gun In His Hand (1945)
 [1:30 AM]      The Caine Mutiny (1954)
 [3:50 AM]      Short Film: Stan Kenton And His Orchestra (1947)
 [4:00 AM]      Two Guys From Milwaukee (1946)
 [5:31 AM]      Short Film: Three Cheers For The Girls (1943)     (ALL TIMES EST)

Any opinions?

Or reviews?

(See below for addresses)


Members of a winter swimming club form a 2010 sign in the snow on the bank of the Yenisei River as they celebrate the coming of the new year in Russia's Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk, December 27, 2009.
Photo by Ilya Naymushin


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Ballots In The Mail


The race for next year's Oscars got under way Monday as nomination ballot papers were posted to the 5,777 voters who will decide the movie industry's most prestigious awards.

Voting members of the Academy for Motion Picture Arts and Sciences receive ballot papers roughly one month ahead of the nominations announcement on February 2. Ballots must be returned by January 23, the Academy said.

A second round of ballots will be mailed out after the nominations announcement where members will cast their decisive votes to determine the winners at the March 7 awards in Hollywood.

Next year's Oscars race is expected to be one of the most wide open in years while the battle for the coveted best picture statuette has been expanded to include 10 nominees.



Baby News

George Ivan Morrison III

A new Van Morrison has been born.

The 64-year-old Irish singer says on his Web site that he and his wife, GiGi, welcomed their son George Ivan Morrison III on Monday.

The couple says that "Little Van" is "the spitting image of his daddy." The baby is a dual citizen of the United States and United Kingdom.

No other information was available. Morrison's publicist, Phil Lobel, says the exact time and location of the birth is being kept private.

George Ivan Morrison III




Ending Her Talk Show

Tyra Banks

Tyra Banks is pulling the plug on her talk show.

The former model says the syndicated "The Tyra Show" will end after its fifth season. Banks says she's sticking with the reality show "America's Next Top Model" and is forming a new production studio with plans to make movies. She also promised new digital projects, but wouldn't give details.

In a statement on her Web site, Banks also paid tribute to talk-show queen Oprah Winfrey, who's ending her talk show in 2011.

About her own show, Banks told fans: "I've been loving having fun, coming into your living rooms, bedrooms, hair salons for the past five years."

Tyra Banks


Thanks Backers

Roman Polanski

Roman Polanski has thanked people who have sent messages of support during his battle to avoid extradition from Switzerland to the United States over a case of having sex with a 13-year-old in 1977.

"These messages have come from my neighbors, from people all over Switzerland and from beyond Switzerland -- from across the world," the Oscar-winning film director wrote in an open letter published on the website of French intellectual Bernard-Henri Levy.

"I would like every one of them to know how heartening it is, when one is locked up in a cell, to hear this murmur of human voices and of solidarity in the morning mail," he wrote.

Polanski, who holds dual French and Polish citizenship, was arrested at the request of U.S. authorities when he flew into Switzerland on September 26 to receive a lifetime achievement award at a film festival.

Roman Polanski


Vidiot Speak


Settles Lawsuit

Marilyn Manson

A contentious lawsuit between Marilyn Manson and former bandmate Stephen Bier has been settled without the multimillion judgment the keyboardist initially sought, court records show.

An agreement calls for attorneys representing former Bier to be paid $380,000. Manson's insurance company will pay $175,000 while the rest will be paid by Bier's former business managers, Manson's attorney Howard King said.

Bier sued the shock rocker for $20 million in 2007, claiming the singer kept money from him and spent it to furnish a lavish lifestyle buying Nazi memorabilia, an engagement ring and other exotic goods.

Bier, who went by the stage name Madonna Wayne Gacy, was among the original members of Manson's band when it was known as Marilyn Manson and The Spooky Kids.

Marilyn Manson


Nevada Roundup To Begin

Wild Horses

A two-month capture of about 2,500 wild horses from public and private lands in northern Nevada began Monday amid protests that the roundups are unnecessary and inhumane.

Federal officials said the roundup is needed because the 850 square miles of land is overpopulated and could become unlivable to wildlife and livestock within four years.

Bureau of Land Management spokeswoman JoLynn Worley said the agency began gathering horses Monday in the eastern portion of the Black Rock Range, a stretch of mountains more than 100 miles north of Reno, Nev.

A contractor was using two helicopters under BLM supervision to move the horses to corrals, Worley said. The animals were then being trucked to Fallon, Nev., for immunizations and veterinary care, she said.

The roundup is part of the Bureau of Land Management's overall strategy to remove thousands of mustangs from public lands across the West to protect wild horse herds and the rangelands that support them. The bureau estimates about half of the nearly 37,000 wild mustangs live in Nevada, with others concentrated in Arizona, California, Oregon, Utah and Wyoming.

Wild Horses


A flamingo seen, in the snow-covered outdoor enclosure of the 'Hagenbeck' zoo, in Hamburg, northern Germany, Wednesday, Dec. 23, 2009.
Photo by Axel Heimken


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