Not only is every single presidential
candidate other than Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich unfit for the office of
president, they're all unfit to serve in congress. Every one of the bastards who
voted for the Patriot Act and to give Bush war powers and funding should be
tarred and feathered and run out of Washington on a rail. Yeah, the Democratic
candidates are falling all over themselves apologizing for their past mistakes.
Apologies not accepted. No amount of politically motivated regret can make up
for the loss of the lives of thousands of our American sons and daughters and
millions of innocent Iraqis. They've all got blood on their hands. I've got more
respect for the Republicans who aren't apologizing. At least they're sticking to
their misguided convictions. The apologizing Democrats are openly admitting
their incompetence. Only a fucking idiot wouldn't have known precisely what it
meant to give war powers to a narrow minded cowboy moron like Bush.
We're proud to present an exclusive interview with Dennis
Kucinich by Michael O'McCarthy and Jennifer Lynne
Ziemann. Kucinich seems to have more in common with the Dalai Lama than
with any US President past or president. When you hear him express his own
spiritual awakening, saying things like "Race, color, creed are just fractions of light through a
prism of humanity," you'll know this isn't politics as usual, that he's a man of
deep conviction who can't be bought by the corporate raiders currently
running our country.
Then David Swanson of
dissects the blatant manipulation of CNN and their outrageous handling of
the broadcast debates in Wolf Blitzer Loses Democratic
You've probably never
heard of Natalie Jeremijenko but she's one of the most forward thinkers
on the planet, which you'll know for sure after reading From Robotic Sniffer
Dogs to Urban Space Stations by Kim Thomas.
On the subject of
torture, Keith Olbermann gave one of most magnificent televised rants of
all time last week, and Mark Morford went on a rant of his own about the
cretins complaining about Olbermann's rant. Check them both out in Rants of
the Week.
Bob Zinner was lucky enough to catch John
Mayall in concert this week. Zinner's a blues guitarist who has played with
Jimi Hendrix, Eric Burton, Johnny Winters, Leon Russell, Steven Stills, George
Duke, and Beck, so you better believe him when he says in his review that you
should have been there.
Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi,
screenwriter Irv Brecher, Bob Dylan, and George Gurdjieff, all
join in the fun too.
COLUMNISTS: David Schoen, Lynette Sheffield,
and zEN mAN.
CONTRIBUTORS: angryscientist, BartCop Entertainment, Justin Bilicki, Dave Brice,
William J. Brink, The Creative Commons, Barry Crimmins, Jeff Crook, Cory
Doctorow, Janis R. England, Daniel Ellsberg, Joe Falcone, Steven Finger, Thomas
Good, R.S. Janes,
John Kapelos,
Paul Krassner, Art Kunkin, Ira Miller, Ironic Times,
Robin Mencken,,, Michael O'McCarthy, Tony Ortega, Sam Pizzigati, Pravda,
Baron Dave Romm, Satan, Jane Stillwater, David Swanson, tbhpolitoon,
All copyrights reserved by
original writers or artists.
President Dennis
Kucinich Interviewed by Michael O'McCarthy and Jennifer Lynne
The concert audience
of over 1,800 fans in the Thomas Wolfe auditorium Asheville, North Carolina, was
stoked. They'd come to see Ani DiFranco, but when Democratic Presidential
Candidate Dennis Kucinich came on stage just before her set, the audience stood
and roared.
As Kucinich talked about a "Department
of Peace" for foreign and domestic policy, the crowd went crazy as if he were a
rock star, cheering even louder when he called for an end to unfair economic
exploitation of third world people and resources. He was clearly one of the most
humane and deeply spiritual presidential candidates this country has ever seen.
We spoke to him after the concert.
LA FREE PRESS: Tonight's audience loved you.
How do you convert that fervor and that movement into a voting block for
KUCINICH: From a practical standpoint, we
signed up several hundred volunteers tonight, and many more who did not sign up
will go to our website and join the effort. The people will help us work the
internet and do research for us and set up rallies and become not just a part of
this campaign but a movement to take this country in another direction. Ani
attracts that kind of energy.
LA FREE PRESS: Your impeachment of Cheney has
expanded to impeachment of Bush and Cheney. How do you see that playing out? Do
you think there will be hearings or actual charges?
KUCINICH: I think there will be hearings
because the American people are demanding them. The idea of Democratic leaders
saying that impeachment is off the table is not where the American people are.
The House of Representatives is the peopleās house, it does not belong to the
Congress. Congress must assert itself as a political branch of government. To
say that impeachment is off the table when there are manifest crimes that have
been committed is to nullify a section of the Constitution and to obliterate the
one mechanism which exists in the Constitution to correct abuses of power by the
This is a very serious matter and a profound
principle of constitutional government checks and balances. The minute that
Congress says under no circumstances will there be an impeachment, you not only
forgo accountability in the part of the Executive but you license further
abuses. It is a very dangerous thing for our leadership to have said that.
You know I am a Democrat, but my love for my
country is above my love for my party, so my country is in trouble right now and
I brought those articles forward in response to a deep and heartfelt concern
about the direction America is going, particularly in respect to an impending
attack against Iran.
LA FREE PRESS: Do you believe there will be a
war crimes trial?
KUCINICH: Let's take it a step at a time in
terms of the various remedies. One is impeachment. There can be no greater
punishment if you happen to be a high elected official, president or
vice-president. You're removed from office. That may settle it. On the other
hand if the president or vice-president, for whatever reason, will not be
removed from office, I believe they should be subject to criminal prosecution.
If we can't get criminal prosecution in this country, there are international
laws that they violated. But there is a basis for prosecution under the laws of
the United States. The only problem is I don't want to go there until I can see
how the impeachment process is going to play itself out. We have to use the
remedies that are available until we exhaust them.
LA FREE PRESS: How do you feel about the
statement "The U.S. does not torture?"
KUCINICH: Well, its an obvious lie - like the
U.S. does not wage aggressive war, and the U.S. does not exploit the natural
resources of other countries, and the history of the U.S. is a story of a
righteous nation that wars with the forces of evil. There are a lot of
mythologies that percolate kind of like methane bubbles up from certain
landfills. Any critical thinking applied to the issue of torture easily discards
the notion that our government has not been involved in torture. Of course it
has. I don't know if the President saw the pictures from Abu Ghraib, I don't
know if the President saw the pictures out of Guantanamo, but government people
acting upon the orders of government officials have in fact tortured,
LA FREE PRESS: You're the only candidate that
believes in a true non-profit health care system. If the Senate, Congress, and
the White House have exactly that, why don't the people have it
KUCINICH: One of the grand deceptions of the
2008 campaign involves candidates speaking about universal health care, as
though universal health care was a goal that once achieved will provide
affordable accessible health care to all Americans. While the other candidates
advocate continuation of the for-profit system, they want government to provide
more subsidy to the insurance companies. Under those circumstances,people would
still be stuck with high premiums, co-pays, and deductibles, which are sinking
the budgets of many American families.
Half the bankruptcies in America are tied
directly to people not being able to pay their hospital bills. The bill I
co-authored, Hr676, is a single payer, not for profit system. Medicare for all.
This bill provides that all of the assets in this country that are currently for
profit will be converted into not for profit and the government will pay the
The current system provides that $1 out of
every $3 is spent for corporate profit, stock options, salaries, advertising,
marketing, and the cost of paperwork. According to a Harvard University study,
over $700 billion a year goes just for the for-profit system. I want to take
that money and put it back into health spending and direct care and suddenly we
will have enough. Not only will we have enough money for basic care, we will
have enough money for vision care, dental care, mental health care, prescription
drugs and preventative care. That is how much money is in this system and there
will be no more co-pays, premiums and deductibles. To the extent that the
government needs more money to run such a system is the extent that you would
have a moderate increase to the amount of taxes that are paid and still people
will spend only a fraction of the amount they are paying now.
Some families pay $1000 or more a month.
Imagine if you made $50 thousand a year and you paid 1% more in taxes. That
would be $500 out of your gross pay. Let's do the math. Would you rather pay
$500 extra in taxes per year or $12 thousand plus co-pays and
This is one of the great corruptions of our
campaigns because the insurance companies have spent tremendous amounts of money
in trying to influence the Democratic primaries. Hillary Clinton is the second
highest recipient of insurance money and John Edwards worked for a hedge fund
that is heavily invested in insurance companies, particularly Humana. Humana is
the fastest growing company supporting the privatization of Medicare. So they
are all out there talking about continuing the for-profit system. It's just not
fair for the American people.
LA FREE PRESS: Why do you think more of the
progressive community is not out there on your bandwagon?
KUCINICH: I think that is changing, I think
we saw a glimmer of the change that is coming a few days ago when Democracy
For America announced the results for their grass roots internet poll of
Democratic activists. It was the largest poll taken this year on the internet
and I came up first, ahead of Al Gore, Barack Obama, John Edwards, and Hillary
Clinton. And I think that symbolizes the potential of this campaign to be able
to tap the Democratic activist.
And people have had a chance to see all of the
candidates now, and they understand that I am the only one running that voted
against the war and voted against funding the war. People get a chance to study
this and as the elections draw near the awareness is becoming more and more
There is a moral equation here which history,
morality and human decency requires that we look at. What gives the United
States of America or our leaders the right to wage war against innocent people?
By what law do we assume the right to attack Iraq, a nation that did not attack
us and had nothing to do with 9/11 or Al Qaeda's role in 9/11 and neither the
intention or the capability of attacking us? In what right do we assume the
ability to launch a grandiose attack against Iran, using 30,000 lb. bunker
busters, dropping them down on nuclear research labs, which will create
Chernobyl in effect? What right do we have to do this? What right do we have to
even think about it?
There is a moral dimension to this that needs
to be looked at because it characterizes our times. We've got leaders that feel
they are not bound by the law, that proceed in a way that is unconscionable,
licensed by the media that becomes complicit in their lack of straightforward
analysis and criticism. Our nation is being stained by this. They don't get that
the Patriot Acts took away our rights, they all voted for it. Edwards was a
co-author. They don't get that eavesdropping and wiretapping is against the very
fiber of this country.
LA FREE PRESS: How does being vegan effect
your view of the ecology of humans and other natural life forms?
KUCINICH: Well, it's a compassionate approach
because you realize the choices that you make and what you eat affect other
beings, other species, which do not exist for our utility but have an inherent
right to exist apart from us. Now people can make the choice about whatever they
want to eat. I'm not running for president to tell people they have to eat their
veggies, okay, but I will share my story. When I changed my diet my health
changed dramatically.
I was a meat and potatoes kind of guy and I was
also someone who had Crohn's disease. I write about this in the book, that's out
on the stands right now The Courage to Survive. I had this when I was a
child and didn't even know it. And every time I ate it was painful and after
awhile you think oh, that's just part of life. Really, if you have pain every
day it becomes your friend, your companion, you don't think about not having
pain, its just there. So it wasn't until I went through some pretty rough times
with this, including some major surgery when I was twenty-one, that I began
slowly to think about what I could change in my life. Well, it took a long time
to get there and finally I met someone who was a vegan, and for the sake of love
I changed my diet just like that. It was a very unusual experience because I
would go into a supermarket and it was like learning a new
However, when I did that, when I got away from
all processed foods, I got away from sugar, I stopped eating meat, chicken,
fish, dairy products. I stopped having a lot of the symptoms that went with the
Crohn's and when I was able to get rid of almost everything, the medication I
was taking, like the box, just throw it away literally. Then a couple of years
late, I discovered Chinese medicine and when that happened the symptoms were
gone. Ten years and I have not had a symptom.
And of course, you know, in addition to that I
don't drink, I don't smoke and I have never done drugs. So I can look at my
life, my body as a vessel to keep clean and sacred. What I find is my own
consciousness is in such a fine tune place and if I take anything into myself
that moves or shifts one way or another, its just too uncomfortable. I don't
like anything that interferes with my senses. I like to just be very aware of
what's going on.
LA FREE PRESS: What's your position on the
plague of domestic violence and gender apartheid that's running rampant in the
KUCINICH: It starts with men's attitudes
about women, which begin at a very early age. The notion of patriarch helps lend
itself to violence. Violence is learned, and healthy peaceful responses can also
be learned.
The idea behind the "Department of Peace and
Non-Violence" is to look at the range of incidences of violence, violence in
America as exemplified by domestic violence. Any kind of violence at all -
spousal abuse, child abuse, elderly violence - and to look at it passionately
but with an eye towards dealing with it as a social, economical, and political
phenomenon through application of principles of education. It can be changed.
There was plenty of violence in my home, when I
grew up, of all kinds. And yet as you go through life you find there are all
kinds of forces that can tear people apart. So if you take a compassionate
approach and you have available counseling, then you can do something. The thing
is to get people to understanding that they can go somewhere for help. Violence
in schools is prevalent in so many places, but they're nothing but a reflection
of the outside society. It really is a macrocosm of war perpetuating violence in
any level of society, it just accelerates, it's an accelerant on all violence
everywhere, every level.
Those forces unleash themselves in ways that
cause destruction everywhere. You know Margaret Mead studied the islands in the
South Seas; she found cultures that were non-violent. We learn violence; we can
learn non-violent responses.
How can you tell people not to be violent when
the nation in which they are a part wages war against innocent
LA FREE PRESS: How would you describe your
view on class discrimination and separation?
KUCINICH: It's inherent in the capitalist
LA FREE PRESS: How do you hope to make a
change when basically you have the entire corporate state against
KUCINICH: I don't take that personal. You
have to show people that acceleration of wealth upwards is not in their
interest. Various Americans have lost their homes because of the corruption on
Wall Street and the indifference of the Federal Reserve. They lost it through
sub prime loans that shouldn't have been written in the first place. They lost
it because the government was a cop that went off the beat while the Security
Exchange Commission and hedge funds were booking huge values from people writing
these mortgages without documentation and every one is making money off the
increased value for the investors, more loans booked, more investors you have,
the more the portfolio value grows. People make a lot of money and nobody can
pay these things off and everything unravels. Oil companies are ripping off the
American people; the government is pocketing profits. We're at war for oil.
My responsibility is to help people make the
connections to the reality of how this affects their own life. I have the
ability to do that because of my life experience, because of the way I grew up,
because I understand what people go through, because I know that for most people
having a roof over their head is what's important.
LA FREE PRESS: This country was founded on
genocide and lack of respect for people of color. Do you see that endemic to the
foreign policy of the United States? Can you ever see a truly bicultural and
binational policy that treats all people on the planet with
KUCINICH: Well the Euro-centric world, which
our founders have broke away from, became the Ameri-centric world which has been
a challenge for observers of America to be able to stomach. It's inherent
arrogance that has separated us from the world. That's why I speak of the
imperative of unity.
Never before have we had such a technical
infrastructure in our society where it is demonstrably true that the world is
interconnected. Once we come to a place where we acknowledge that we are all in
this together, that we have brothers and sisters in every part of the world,
that we are responsible for each other, then we have an opportunity to begin.
What's happened is that there is a split in our
awareness. By disassociating ourselves from others we split our own
consciousness, we separate ourselves from ourselves, from our inner sense of
knowingness and humanity, and we lose our moorings, we are adrift. But when we
come to understanding unity, there is forgiveness, love, real deep love that we
have never experienced before. When we touch that, a powerful transformation
takes place, and we will achieve a level of connection with people; the whole
world will fall in love with America all over again.
Until we understand the current of human unity,
we will never be able to reconcile with the Muslim world; we will always be
separate. That a million innocent Iraqis could have perished in this war without
a cry of a heart, without an outrage on a level that would cry to the heavens is
really destructive because what it tells is that the same kind of racism that
permitted the theft of lands from Native Americans, that destroyed their
culture, that led to black people being put in slave galleys destroying their
families and their culture, that led to systematic discrimination in this
country, that still exists today. It led to the bombing of Iraq and could lead
to the bombing of Iran. It could all change if we understand that regardless of
what anyone would tell us, we are all essentially made of the same stuff. Race,
color, creed are just fractions of light through a prism of humanity.
Read every issue of the new Los Angeles Free
Press, including this one, here.
Feast on Talk with Erin Hart
Thanksgiving Thursday (22 November), and Friday (23 November), filling in for Jay Marvin on
Boulder's Progressive Talk
from 6am - 10am MST (8am - noon EST / 7am - 11am CST / 5am - 9am PST).
Will a few hundred thousand in Iowa decide the nominees for the Democrats?
Is Hillary regaining ground? Obama and Edwards are running neck and neck.
And what does that mean to the rest of us?
The Republicans are in disarray--Rudy is dealing with Bernie-gate--look for
Judith Regan to drop more bombshells--he may need more than 9-1-1, a verb
and a noun in a sentence (thanks Joe Biden!) to save him. Mike Huckabee is
funny, but he doesn't believe in evolution or other principles of scientific
Has the war dropped in your priorities? Are the Dems fighting hard enough
or are Congressional and Constitutional realities making it tough?
Or with housing drops and health insurance rises, is it again the "economy,
stupid"? Where and what are your political priorities?
Immigration is a topic we cannot pass up at a Thanksgiving feast. Pause to
be grateful while we are passing the gravy.
It's well known that the Bushites don't much care that the number of Americans without health coverage has zoomed upward by seven million since they've been in charge, including an increase of 600,000 children last...
KEN LEVINE: 19-cent cheques leave writers wanting change (
I got a cheque recently from American Airlines. A royalty cheque. For the past several years as part of their "inflight entertainment"American Airlines has been showing episodes of Cheers, M*A*S*H and Becker that I wrote along with episodes of Everybody Loves Raymond, Frasier and Dharma & Greg that I directed. Considering the number of flights and years I'd estimate they've shown my shows 10,000 times. My compensation for that: $0.19.
You've probably never heard of my friend Katherine. She's been working in Hollywood for 25 years now, and with the exception of one six-month period years ago, she's managed to make enough every year to keep her health and pension benefits current.
Beth Quinn: To the Nigerian prince and my other e-mail pals (
Given that this is Thanksgiving week, I'd like to give thanks to the thousands of e-mailers I've heard from this year who sent me the most extraordinary offers, requests and warnings that someone might steal my kidneys if I fall asleep in Central Park.
SUSAN ESTRICH: Grading Sandwiches and Surgeons (
If Dr. Donda West had been looking for a good turkey sandwich instead of a good plastic surgeon, she could have counted on the government to warn her away from the likes of the doctor whose actions seem to have cost her life.
Queen of noise (
While her friends were into the Osmonds, Joan Jett was strumming along to T Rex. When a woman plays rock'n'roll, she owns her sexuality, she tells Laura Barton. Perhaps that's why male critics find her so scary.
Paul of Seattle was first, and right with:
"The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity." - Harlan Ellison
Other than that it's A
mj was second, and right writing:
Helium and hydrogen are the two biggies, also being the simplest. Hydrogen is the most basic element, and given
enough energy one can synthesize the rest from it. Helium is a product of stellar fusion reactions (of hydrogen, no less), and is produced by the stellar processes.
Wanda was third, but wrong, with a simple:
#D hydrogen & nitrogen
DanD was also right, but a bit more wordy, with:
Let's look to at least one "alternative" universe that you suggest. Now,
if the most common elements in stars was Hydrogen and Oxygen (C), there'd
probably be a whole hell of a lot of ice in space and little else. The
ultimate flash-bang wet dream.
Both Hydrogen and Nitrogen and Helium and Nitrogen have a common problem,
that being the fundamental properties of Nitrogen.
But the two lightest elements -- Helium and Hydrogen (A) -- are what
active stars are made of more than anything else. You really only get
the heavier elements (and their myriad of combinations) after the stars
have blown themselves apart.
(Lordy, I hope I remembered all this crap correctly ~)
And here's a hopeful parting shot for all those who are mesmerized by
Hollywood's fantasized culture of fame, consider this ... while everybody
can't be a "star," at least sometime during the remote past, down to the
last micro-gram, you once were.
S Bennett was also right (in more ways than one), writing:
HELIUM AND HYDROGEN. The latter can be found in great quantities in Rush Limbaugh's ass.
Sandra in Bangor ("Only in the last moment in history has the delusion arisen that people can flourish apart from the rest of the living world" E. O. Wilson
(channeling Rachel Carson)) was wrong:
hydrogen and nitrogen
Joe ("Iraq is clearly hubris carried to the point of insanity - it's damn hard to convince people you're killing them for their own good."
- Molly Ivins -) was also wrong with:
D. Hydrogen and Nitrogen
Maurice was right, and succinct, with:
A - until Bush became POTUS and then it became swamp gas.
Ken was also right writing:
a. Matter tends toward chaos, i.e. simpler elements.
Ed was also correct with:
Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the
building block of the universe. I dispute that.
I say there is more STUPIDITY than hydrogen, and THAT is
the basic building block of the universe.
(Frank Zappa)
Larry E was also right with:
A: Helium & Hydrogen are the two elements involved in star fusion. Hydrogen (the most common element) changes to Helium. The rest of the elements don't occur until stars are decaying which doesn't last near as long with any of the stars.
Alan J was right, with a simple:
Helium and Hydrogen
Sally P was also right, writing:
Boy, today's question about, "The two most common elements in the universe," sure brings back the nightmare of High School chemistry!
I can see that list of over 100 naturally occurring elements in the Universe (their classification makes up the periodic table) that we were supposed to MEMORIZE! Of course, no one actually did, but we all sure remembered the top 10!
So, Hydrogen being number one, followed by Helium (also the two lightest elements) or, (A) is my answer! There are just some things you never forget...
Mike in Des Moines was also right - twice - with:
A. Helium and hydrogen - the latter is what stars are made of, and the atomic reaction produces the helium.
One of yesterday's answers mentioned "Baby Ruth". That WAS Grover Cleveland's (whose first name was actually Stephen) daughter, but it was a child by Frances Folsom, the legitimate Mrs. Cleveland.
Leo S weighed in on Monday's 'only president to be married in the White House' question, and I missed it, so...
It was Grover Cleveland. On June 2nd, 1886, Grover Cleveland, at the age of 49, married 21-year old Francis Folsom in the Blue Room of the White House.
The first Democrat elected after the Civil War, Cleveland was the only President to leave the White House and return for a second term four years later.
CBS opens the night with a FRESH'NCIS', followed by a FRESH'The Unit', then a FRESH'Cane'.
On a STRIKE-related RERUNDave (from 11/13/06) are Rich Little, Robin Williams, and George Jones.
On a STRIKE-related RERUNCraig (from 9/18/07) are Jeff Goldblum, Paul Haggis, and Mandy Moore.
NBC begins the night with a FRESH'Biggest Loser', followed by a FRESH'Law & Order: Special Victims Unit'.
On a STRIKE-related RERUNLeno (from 11/2/07) are Steve Carell, Manny Ramirez, and Backstreet Boys.
On a STRIKE-related RERUNConan (from 9/14/07) are Patricia Heaton, Tiki Barber, and the Used.
On a STRIKE-related RERUNCarson Daly (from 10/11/07) are David Duchovny and Tig Notaro.
ABC starts the night with the chestnut 'A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving', followed by the chestnut 'He's A Bully, Charlie Brown', then a FRESH'Dancing With The Stars', followed by a FRESH'The Bachelor'.
Jimmy Kimmel is TBA.
The CW offers a FRESH'Beauty & The Geek', followed by a FRESH'Reaper'.
Faux has a FRESH'Bones', followed by a FRESH'House'.
MY has a FRESH'Academy', followed by a recycled 'Jail', and another recycled 'Jail'.
AMC offers the movie 'Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle Of Life', followed by the movie 'Open Range', then the movie 'Young Guns'.
[12:00 PM] Cash in the Attic - Ep. 1 Allen;
[1:00 PM] Cash in the Attic - Episode 10;
[2:00 PM] Bargain Hunt - Ep. 2 Westpoint 11;
[2:30 PM] Bargain Hunt - Ep. 3 Ardingly 18;
[3:00 PM] How Clean Is Your House? - Episode 8;
[3:30 PM] How Clean Is Your House? - Episode 9;
[4:00 PM] You Are What You Eat - Episode 16;
[4:30 PM] You Are What You Eat - Episode 17;
[5:00 PM] Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares - Ep 4 Bonapartes;
[6:00 PM] My Family - Ep. 2 Pain In The Class;
[6:30 PM] My Family - Ep. 3 Droit De Seigneur Ben;
[7:00 PM] BBC World News America;
[8:00 PM] Doctor Who - Ep 10 Love & Monsters;
[9:00 PM] Doctor Who - Ep 11 Fear Her;
[10:00 PM] BBC World News America;
[11:00 PM] Doctor Who - Ep 10 Love & Monsters;
[12:00 AM] Doctor Who - Ep 11 Fear Her;
[1:00 AM] Absolutely Fabulous - Ep. 2 Fat;
[1:40 AM] The World Stands Up - Episode 17;
[2:00 AM] The Weakest Link - Episode 7;
[3:00 AM] Hollyoaks - Episode 57;
[3:30 AM] Changing Rooms - Ep. 6 Chessington;
[4:00 AM] Bargain Hunt - Ep. 27 Carmarthen 28;
[4:30 AM] Bargain Hunt - Ep. 28 Newark 37;
[5:00 AM] Cash in the Attic - Episode 12;
[5:30 AM] Cash in the Attic - Episode 13;
[6:00 AM] BBC World News. (ALL TIMES EDT)
Comedy Central has 'Scrubs', another 'Scrubs', an old 'Jon Stewart', an old 'Colbert Report', 'Chappelle's Show', 'South Park', and 'Bill Engvall: 15 Degrees Off Cool'.
On a STRIKE-related RERUNJon Stewart (from 8/21/07) is Alan Weisman.
On a STRIKE-related RERUNColbert Report (from 7/18/07) is John Mellencamp.
FX has the movie 'XXX', followed by the movie 'XXX: State Of The Union', then a FRESH'Nip/Tuck'.
History has 'Modern Marvels', another 'Modern Marvels', 'The Universe', and 'Mega Disasters'.
[06:10 AM] House of D;
[07:50 AM] IFC News Special: Darkon;
[08:15 AM] Bright Young Things;
[10:05 AM] Secrets & Lies;
[12:30 PM] Camp;
[02:30 PM] Bright Young Things;
[04:20 PM] Secrets & Lies;
[06:45 PM] The Golden Bowl;
[09:00 PM] Damage;
[11:00 PM] Kontroll;
[01:00 AM] 8 1/2 Women;
[03:05 AM] Damage;
[05:00 AM] Indie Sex: Teens. (ALL TIMES EST)
SciFi has 'Eureka', another 'Eureka', still another 'Eureka', and 'ECW'.
Sundance -
[06:00 AM] Return to the Border;
[07:00 AM] Assisted Living;
[08:15 AM] Help!;
[10:00 AM] Arrowhead;
[10:45 AM] Make It Real (to me);
[11:45 AM] Topaz;
[02:15 PM] Emile;
[04:00 PM] Sophie Scholl - The Final Days;
[06:00 PM] Kasabian, Josh Groban & The Good The Bad and The Queen;
[07:00 PM] Who Are You Polly Maggoo?;
[09:00 PM] Sports;
[09:35 PM] Before the Flood;
[10:45 PM] Sports;
[11:15 PM] Henry & June;
[01:45 AM] Fired!;
[03:00 AM] Episode 6;
[04:00 AM] Easy;
[05:45 AM] Topaz. (ALL TIMES EST)
The ongoing screenwriters strike in the United States has had an undeniable impact in Canada - American shows filming here are shutting down due to a lack of scripts, throwing hundreds out of work amid fears that a prolonged strike could damage the entire North American film and TV industry.
But there's been one bright spot on an otherwise bleak horizon: American broadcasters are eagerly eyeing Canadian shows as diverse as "Little Mosque on the Prairie," "Durham County" and "The Border," a new CBC drama that premieres in January.
"The U.S. is the hardest nut to crack. They are the most parochial of markets in the world - they buy no British, no Canadian, no anything. Because they're so obviously self-reliant, when this happens they all of a sudden have to look outside themselves, and that's what's happening right now" said Kirstine Layfield, head of network programming for CBC.
The U.S. military plans to seek a criminal case in an Iraqi court against an award-winning Associated Press photographer but is refusing to disclose what evidence or accusations would be presented.
An AP attorney on Monday strongly protested the decision, calling the U.S. military plans a "sham of due process." The journalist, Bilal Hussein, has already been imprisoned without charges for more than 19 months.
IThe military has not yet defined the specific charges against Hussein. Previously, the military has pointed to a range of suspicions that attempt to link him to insurgent activity.
Soon after Hussein was taken into custody, the AP appealed to the U.S. military either to release him or bring the case to trial - saying there was no evidence to support his detention. However, Tomlin said that the military is now attempting to build a case based on "stale" evidence and discredited testimony. He also noted that the U.S. military investigators who initially handled the case have left the country.
CBS News writers, producers and editors voted to authorize their labor union to call a strike after working without a contract for two years.
About 81 percent of the nearly 300 CBS members of the Writers Guild of America voted to authorize the strike, the union said in a statement. The union represents 500 CBS employees in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Washington D.C.
The union rejected CBS's last contract offer, which established a two-tier wage package, with one tier for TV and network radio workers and a second for local radio members.
The contract for television and radio CBS News employees expired in April 2, 2005. The union said its employees have not had a pay raise since April 2004.
Brian May, rock star and astrophysicist, has been appointed chancellor of Liverpool John Moores University.
May will be installed as the university's figurehead leader early next year, it was announced Monday. The 60-year-old Queen guitarist said the appointment was "a great honor and a great new challenge."
He is an honorary fellow of Liverpool John Moores University, which has a well-known astrophysics research institute.
An Amsterdam resident has put for sale on eBay a chestnut that he says came from the tree that Anne Frank gazed upon while hiding from the Nazis, as activists fight to save the diseased tree from being felled.
"I had this idea for a few years, then I saw that the tree was in the news and I decided to put the chestnut up for auction," said 34-year-old Charles Kuijpers, who lives next door to the garden where the tree stands.
Bids for the chestnut have reached $700 (341 pounds) in the auction, which is titled "Grow your own Anne Frank tree with a chestnut".
The latest National Endowment for the Arts report draws on a variety of sources, public and private, and essentially reaches one conclusion: Americans are reading less.
The 99-page study, "To Read or Not to Read," is being released Monday as a follow-up to a 2004 NEA survey, "Reading at Risk," that found an increasing number of adult Americans were not even reading one book a year.
"To Read or Not to Read" gathers an array of government, academic and foundation data on everything from how many 9-year-olds read every day for "fun" (54 percent) to the percentage of high school graduates deemed by employers as "deficient" in writing in English (72 percent).
In this photo provided by American Airlines, actress Marlo Thomas and Johmel Jolla color on a canvas mural derived from a new painting by 3-D pop artist Charles Fazzino in New York's Bryant Park on Monday, Nov. 19, 2007, to kick off the St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital's 'Thanks and Giving' campaign. Fazzino's new painting, 'A Legacy of Service to New York,' was commissioned by American Airlines and is a view of Manhattan landmarks looking from the Battery up to the Bronx, in celebration of American Airlines 80 years of service to Greater New York community. Thomas is the National Outreach Director of St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital, where Jolla receives treatment.
Photo by David M. Russell
The 80-year-old leader of a suburban Atlanta megachurch is at the center of a sex scandal of biblical dimensions: He slept with his brother's wife and fathered a child by her.
Members of Archbishop Earl Paulk's family stood at the pulpit of the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit at Chapel Hill Harvester Church a few Sundays ago and revealed the secret exposed by a recent court-ordered paternity test.
The archbishop, his brother and the church are being sued by former church employee Mona Brewer, who says Earl Paulk manipulated her into an affair from 1989 to 2003 by telling her it was her only path to salvation. Earl Paulk admitted to the affair in front of the church last January.
In a 2006 deposition stemming from the lawsuit, the archbishop said under oath that the only woman he had ever had sex with outside of his marriage was Brewer. But the paternity test said otherwise.
Irish actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers, star of the Henry VIII soap opera "The Tudors," has been charged with public drunkenness and breach of the peace at Dublin Airport, police said Monday.
Rhys Meyers, 30, was arrested Sunday after police twice confronted him over his erratic, abusive behavior at an airport gate and at a desk of the British airline BMI, on which he was planning to fly to London.
Dublin Airport Police said they called Ireland's national police force, the Garda Siochana, after Rhys Meyers refused repeated requests to calm down.
Cirque Du Soleil founder Guy Laliberte, right, listens to Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa speak with Cirque Du Soleil charters from the show Kooza The Innocent, left, and The Trickster after it was announced during the news conference Cirque Du Soleil will bring a permanent show about the history of the movies at the Kodak Theater in the Hollywood section of Los Angeles, Monday, Nov. 19, 2007.
Photo by Kevork Djansezian
Freshman ABC drama "Dirty Sexy Money" has received a full-season pickup, and Lolita Davidovich has joined the cast in a recurring role.
She will play an elegant, sexy hospital administrator, and a potential love interest for Donald Sutherland's character. Davidovich will begin filming right away.
"Money" is expected to shoot a couple more episodes with scripts banked from before the writers strike began on November 5.
A Dutchman paid 150,000 euros (107,400 pounds) on Monday for a section of the Eiffel Tower's staircase, but declined to say what he planned to do with the chunk of slightly rusting iron.
"I'm very happy. We've bought a section of the Eiffel Tower," said Erik Kurvers, the president of the Dutch basketball team, the EiffelTowers, after the hammer went down on his closing bid for the 4.5 metres (15 feet) of metal at the Drouot auction house in Paris.
The original staircase, which once linked the second and third storeys of the 1889 Paris landmark, was dismantled in 1983 when elevators were installed and cut into 20 sections, one of which was sold on Monday.
Bill O'Reilly thinks American troops aren't getting enough support - from the USO.
After a surreptitious trip to Afghanistan last weekend, the cantankerous Fox News Channel commentator propagandist told The Associated Press that he's disappointed that the United Service Organizations "doesn't put anybody out there (in Afghanistan)."
"I went to thank these guys on behalf of me and my audience," he said bloviated in an interview from Istanbul, Turkey. "As far as I know, the only famous people in the past year were (country music singer) Toby Keith and me."
O'Reilly said he we went to Afghanistan to get an impression of the state of affairs there, but it was unclear whether he moved about the country without military escort or spent any time outside of the U.S. bases.
Former heavyweight world champion Mike Tyson was given 24 hours jail and ordered to perform 360 hours of community service here Monday after pleading guilty to charges of drug possession and driving under the influence.
Tyson, 41, who also received three years probation, had faced a lengthy spell behind bars after prosecutors demanded he be jailed for one year in connection with an incident outside a nightclub in December 2006.
However, Tyson escaped with only one day behind bars after winning praise from Maricopa County Superior Court judge Helene Abrams for his enrolment in a rehabilitation program.
Ammunition for firearms and a tool for scraping buffalo hides are among artifacts found by an archaeologist and a graduate student at the scene of a major wildfire near Seeley Lake.
The student, Anya Minetz, recently saw an oversize cartridge on ground blackened by the Jocko Lakes fire, which started in August and burned more than 36,000 acres. Minetz called for archaeologist C. Milo McLeod to take a look.
In an area just 70 feet long and 30 feet wide, McLeod and Minetz found 17 more cartridges, most with casings and rounds intact; an ax head inscribed with the name of the Douglas Axe Manufacturing Co. of Douglas, Mass., in business from 1836-1897; a pair of scissors or forceps; a whetstone; a bullet mold; and the 14-inch hide scraper.
Colombian marines seized a makeshift submarine capable of smuggling up to 12 tonnes of cocaine through the Pacific to Central America, making it one of the largest such craft found, authorities said on Friday.
The nearly completed fiberglass submarine, found in a rural area in south Narino province, had space for four crew members, the Navy said in a statement.
Rudimentary submarines and submersible containers dragged behind container ships are among the more inventive transport methods used by traffickers. Since 2005, Colombia's navy has captured 11 homemade submarines.
Actress Molly Shannon performs the ceremonial first flush during the opening of the Charmin Restrooms on Monday, Nov. 19, 2007, in New York City. Just in time for the holidays, the 20 free deluxe restrooms will be open until New Years Eve.
Valdis played Hilda for five seasons on "Hogan's Heroes," the 1965-71 CBS situation comedy about Allied prisoners in a World War II German POW camp. She and Crane were married on the TV show's set in 1970. Crane was found bludgeoned to death in a Scottsdale, Ariz., apartment in 1978.
Valdis was born Patricia Olson in Bakersfield on Sept. 21, 1935. She grew up in Westwood and launched a modeling career as a teenager, working as a runway and print model for Bullock's and other department stores.
Valdis retired from acting after her son Scotty's birth in 1971, but she returned to it in 1998 when she joined the cast of his syndicated weekly sketch comedy radio show, "Shaken, Not Stirred," which originated in Seattle.
In addition to her son and daughter from her marriage to Crane, the twice-widowed Valdis is survived by a daughter from her first marriage, Melissa Smith; and five grandchildren.
Dick Wilson, the actor and pitchman who played the uptight grocer begging customers "Please, don't squeeze the Charmin," died Monday. He was 91.
The man famous as TV's "Mr. Whipple" died of natural causes at the Motion Picture & Television Fund Hospital in Woodland Hills, said his daughter Melanie Wilson, who is known for her role as a flight attendant on the ABC sitcom "Perfect Strangers."
Over 21 years, Wilson made more than 500 commercials as Mr. George Whipple, a man consumed with keeping bubbly housewives from fondling the soft toilet paper. The punch line of most spots was that Whipple himself was a closeted Charmin-squeezer.
He was born in England in 1916, the son of a vaudeville entertainer and a singer. He moved to Canada as a child, serving in the Canadian Air Force during World War II, and became a U.S. citizen in 1954.
In addition to Melanie, Wilson is survived by his wife, Meg; a son, Stuart; and another daughter, Wendy.
Traffic in Newport, Vt. was interrupted just before noon time when this moose paid a visit to the downtown area on Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2007. The moose which walked down Main Street, across yards and parking lots brought the attention of many residents who grabbed their cameras and camera phones to take pictures of this rare site in the busy downtown area.
Photo by Christopher Roy
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