Recommended Reading
from Bruce
Paul Krugman: Trump Slump Coming? (NY Times Column)
Don't count on an immediate disaster after the next president takes office.
LEON WIESELTIER: "My Friend Leonard Cohen: Darkness and Praise" (NY Times)
"Dear Uncle Leonard," the email from the boy began. "Did anything inspire you to create 'Hallelujah'"? Later that same winter day the reply arrived: "I wanted to stand with those who clearly see G-d's holy broken world for what it is, and still find the courage or the heart to praise it. You don't always get what you want. You're not always up for the challenge. But in this case - it was given to me. For which I am deeply grateful."
Leonard Cohen, Vital to the End (NY Times)
News of the death of Leonard Cohen, musical poet and great Canadian, hit on Thursday like a punch to the gut, an early blast of winter. We can do the Leonard Cohen thing and brood. Or we can heed this spontaneous eulogy from another of our most admired songwriters, Rosanne Cash. "Rolling through Iowa," she said on Twitter on Friday afternoon, "in wonder and awe that we had such a man.
JON PARELES: "An Appraisal: Leonard Cohen, Master of Meanings and Incantatory Verse" (NY Times)
Leonard Cohen, who was 82 when he died on Monday, was young once. That can be hard to remember after his years of public, silver-haired eminence: touring arenas while he was in his 70s and playing leisurely three-hour-plus shows that seemed to slow down time itself. He intoned his songs with serene gravity, revealing once again how carefully chiseled every one of his quatrains is.
NICK MURRAY: How Pop Culture Wore Out Leonard Cohen's 'Hallelujah' (NY Times)
Leonard Cohen's ballad "Hallelujah" has become so inescapable that the songwriter once asked for a break from his own track. "I think it's a good song, but too many people sing it," he told The Guardian in 2009, agreeing with a critic for The New York Times who asked for a moratorium on "Hallelujah" in movies.
Roz Warren: My Night With Leonard Cohen (NY Times)
I give Mr. Cohen credit. Given a choice between a night of groupie debauchery and a snuggle with two feminists, he'd gone with us. Of course, the man was a Buddhist. He was probably just taking what the universe had to offer. Had we turned into a pair of depraved trollops the moment we had him in that room alone, he might have gone with that, too.
BEN SISARIO: Johnny Cash, the Poet in Black (NY Times)
In some ways the poems mirror Cash's songwriting, with terse ballads of outsiders in love, and parables drawn from the Bible; Cash's version of Job is a wealthy cattleman who "cried out in agony/When he lost his children and his property." And for Cash, who in his last years drew a new audience with a set of stark and fragile recordings, the poems present yet another look at a legend of American music.
David Bruce: Where Do the Neutral and the Uncommitted Go in the Afterlife? (davidbruceblog)
"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality." - incorrectly attributed to Dante
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FYI if you have not seen it before now:
John Cleese's post election proclamation
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'Being Right Sucks'
'The Simpsons'
It appears The Simpsons is not pleased the show did in fact predict the future. In Sunday's (Nov. 14) show, the cartoon included a new chalkboard gag in its opening credits that addressed a 2000 episode in which it was predicted Donald Trump would one day be president.
"Being right sucks," Bart writes on the board in the opening. The show confirmed on Twitter the gag was a response to the now-infamous "Bart to the Future" episode, which aired more than 16 years ago, on March 19, 2000.
Episode writer Dan Greaney told The Hollywood Reporter in March that the prediction was "a warning to America."
"It was pitched because it was consistent with the vision of America going insane," he told THR.
In the episode, Bart is shown a vision of his life. As an adult, he is pretty much a loser. Lisa, on the other hand, becomes the first "straight female" president of the United States. Then, the prediction: "As you know, we've inherited quite a budget crunch from President Trump," Lisa says to her staff, who inform her the country is broke due to her predecessor.
'The Simpsons'
Unpublished Drawings To Be Unveiled
Vincent Van Gogh
An unpublished sketchbook of Vincent Van Gogh's will be presented in Paris on Tuesday, ahead of the release in several countries of a new book displaying the works.
The sketchbook is owned by a private collector and hardly any details have emerged of what is depicted on its pages.
The new 288-page book reproducing the drawings -- entitled "Vincent Van Gogh, the fog of Arles: the rediscovered sketchbook" will be published Thursday in France, the US, Japan, Britain, Germany and the Netherlands.
It contains more than ten drawings, according to French publisher Le Seuil, adding that they form "a very impressive ensemble" and that "their authenticity is well established".
Vincent Van Gogh
Fake News Sites
Alphabet Inc's Google said on Monday it is working on a policy change to prevent websites that misrepresent content from using its AdSense advertising network, a move aimed at halting the spread of "fake news" and other types of misinformation on the internet.
The shift comes as Google, Facebook Inc and Twitter Inc face a backlash over the role they played in the U.S. presidential election by allowing the spread of false and often malicious information that might have swayed voters toward Republican candidate Donald Trump (R-Grifter).
The issue has provoked a fierce debate within Facebook especially, with Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg insisting twice in recent days that the site had no role in influencing the election.
Google's move does not address the issue of fake news or hoaxes appearing in Google search results. That happened in the last few days, when a search for 'final election count' for a time took users to a fake news story saying Trump won the popular vote. Votes are still being counted, with Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton showing a slight lead.
Nor does it suggest that the company has moved to a mechanism for rating the accuracy of particular articles.
Found In Egyptian Tomb
3,000-Year-Old Mummy
Spanish archaeologists have unearthed an ancient Egyptian mummy in "very good condition" near Luxor, Egypt's antiquities ministry has announced.
Resting inside a brightly colored wooden sarcophagus, the mummy had been bound with linen stuck together with plaster.
"The tomb was uncovered at the southern enclosure wall of the Temple of Millions of Years," Mahmoud Afifi, head of the ancient Egyptian antiquities department of the ministry, said in a statement.
The temple was built on the west bank of the Nile near Luxor by Pharaoh Thutmosis III (1490-1436 BC), one of Egypt's greatest warrior kings. Also known as the "Napoleon of Egypt," he was the sixth Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty, the best known of all the dynasties of ancient Egypt as it boasted pharaohs such as Hatshepsut, Amenhotep III, Akhenaten and Tutankhamun.
The mummy is believed to be the body of a man named Amenrenef, who held the title of "Servant of the King's House." Amenrenef, however, did not live under Thutmosis III. His tomb likely dates from the Third Intermediate period around 1,000 BC, probably to the 21st Dynasty.
3,000-Year-Old Mummy
Surprised At Scope Of New Job
Donald Trump (R-Pendejo) was apparently surprised at the scope of the president's job when Barack Obama walked him through the role during their White House meeting last week. The president and president-elect met in the Oval Office on Thursday (10 November) the day after the election results were announced.
People familiar with the details of the meeting told the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) that Trump was surprised by the scope of the president's duties when Obama laid them out.
Obama now intends to spend more time with Trump and give him guidance to ensure a smooth transition, sources told the WSJ. Trump is the first president without government or military experience.
Trump's aides were said to be unaware, according to the sources, that the entire staff of the White House needed to be replaced as one administration ended and another began.
Attack Un Pipeline Protester
North Dakota
North Dakota authorities are investigating a weekend incident in which pipeline protesters said a woman was struck by a man driving a truck who drove over her feet and fired shots into the air.
The Morton County Sheriff's Department is looking into what occurred, spokesman Rob Keller said in an email on Sunday, declining to comment further because the investigation is ongoing.
Early on Saturday, protesters against the oil pipeline near sacred tribal lands briefly blocked two entrances to a work yard near the rural town of Mandan, causing workers to leave the area.
Videos and pictures posted online show a man in a white vehicle holding a handgun and yelling obscenities while driving forward through a crowd of protesters. One video shows the man later raising his gun into the air and firing several shots, although it is not clear from the video whether any protesters were nearby at the time. The man was not identified.
A protester was injured in the incident and an ambulance was called, but she refused treatment, Keller said.
North Dakota
Warns Of Increase In U.S. Domestic Spying
Donald Trump's election as U.S. president raises concern that Washington may increase the intrusiveness of domestic intelligence gathering, former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden said on Monday, warning that democratic checks and balances were losing ground to authoritarianism.
Snowden lives in Moscow under an asylum deal after he leaked classified information in 2013 that triggered an international furore over the reach of U.S. spy operations. He spoke at a teleconference hosted by Buenos Aires University's law school.
"We are starting to substitute open government for sheer authoritarianism, a government based not upon the principle of informed consent granted by people who understand its activities but rather a trust in personalities, a trust in claims, a trust in the hope that they will do the right thing," Snowden said.
Washington pledged not to engage in indiscriminate espionage following Snowden's 2013 disclosures. But Snowden questioned if that policy could be modified by new officials "who have a very different set of values and can govern in the dark."
"If government does actually win our trust, because they go for some years and they do operate in a way that we should support, what happens when it changes?" he asked.
Asks Obama To Cut Sentence
Chelsea Manning
Chelsea Manning, who is more than six years into a 35-year sentence for leaking classified government and military documents to the WikiLeaks website, is asking President Barack Obama to commute her sentence to time served.
In a commutation application released by her attorneys, the transgender soldier said there was no historical precedent for such an extreme sentence for the leak of secret documents.
Manning was arrested in 2010 and convicted in 2013 in military court of six Espionage Act violations and 14 other offenses for leaking more than 700,000 secret military and State Department documents, plus some battlefield video to WikiLeaks. At that point she was known as Bradley Manning.
Retired Air Force Col. Morris D. Davis, a 25-year-veteran who was chief prosecutor for the military commissions at Guantanamo Bay for two years, said much of the information Manning leaked had little value and could be found through open sources on the internet.
Davis, who now serves as an administrative law judge for the U.S. Labor Department, wrote a letter attached to Manning's application that called the 35-year sentence far too harsh for releasing documents whose impact six years later "could fairly be described as inconvenience and embarrassment."
Chelsea Manning
Spike In Murders
Florida saw a significant spike in murders after enacting a "Stand Your Ground" law allowing people to use lethal force in self-defense in public or on private property, international researchers said Monday.
The southern state's 24 percent rise in homicide from 2005 to 2014 stood in sharp contrast to nationwide homicide rates, which have been declining since the 1990s, according to research published in a special issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Internal Medicine.
"This study highlights how Stand Your Ground is likely to be a cause of the rise in Florida murders, and provides crucial information which may influence future decision-making that affects wellbeing in the US and abroad," said co-author Antonio Gasparrini of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Florida in 2005 became the first US state to broaden protections for those who use firearms for self-defense. A number of other states have since followed suit.
Homicides linked to firearms rose 31 percent from 2005 to 2014, researchers found, compared to the previous sampling period from 1999-2004.
In Memory
Gwen Ifill
Gwen Ifill, co-anchor of PBS' "NewsHour" with Judy Woodruff and a veteran journalist who moderated two vice presidential debates, died Monday of cancer, the network said. She was 61.
A former reporter for The New York Times and The Washington Post, Ifill switched to television in the 1990s and covered politics and Congress for NBC News. She moved to PBS in 1999 as host of "Washington Week" and also worked for the nightly "NewsHour" program. She and Woodruff were named co-anchors in 2013.
She moderated vice presidential debates in 2004 and 2008 and authored the book, "The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama."
Ifill took a leave from "NewsHour" for a month this spring for health reasons, keeping details of her illness private. Her health failing, she left "NewsHour" again shortly before an election night that she and Woodruff would have covered together.
Shortly before moderating the debate between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin in 2008, Ifill brushed aside concerns that she might not be fair because she was writing a book about Obama.
"I've got a pretty long track record covering politics and news, so I'm not particularly worried that one-day blog chatter is going to destroy my reputation," she told The Associated Press then.
Ifill, who was black, also questioned why people would assume her book would be favorable toward Obama. "Do you think they made the same assumptions about Lou Cannon (who is white) when he wrote his book about Reagan?" she said.
In a 2007 opinion piece published in The New York Times, Ifill condemned radio host Don Imus' "nappy-headed hos" reference to Rutgers University female basketball players.
"To his credit, Mr. Imus told the Rev. Al Sharpton yesterday he realizes that, this time, he went way too far," Ifill wrote.
"Yes, he did. Every time a young black girl shyly approaches me for an autograph or writes or calls or stops me on the street to ask how she can become a journalist, I feel an enormous responsibility," she said. "It's more than simply being a role model. I know I have to be a voice for them as well."
Gwen Ifill
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