Bartcop Entertainment - Tuesday, 12 November, 2002
12 November, 2002
(Updated Daily)
Issue #28
Disinfotainment Today
By Michael Dare
"All Rights Reserved and All Wrongs Avenged"
is brought to you by
The American Voter
I'm going to suppose something. I don't know if it's true or not. Sometimes you've just got to suppose something and see how it goes.
On this Veteran's Day we are supposed to give thanks for American soldiers who gave their lives for our freedom. Like those brave firefighters marching up the stairs in the World Trade Centers, American soldiers have a proud history of giving up their lives so we can live
But suppose something else. Suppose there had been another tactic that would have brought the enemy to its knees without sacrificing those soldiers. Wouldn't that have been worth trying? Have we always exhausted all options?
World War II is often held up as the one righteous war, the one where might was absolutely necessary and we whooped their ass. Watch those movies of millions of stormtroopers saluting Adolf and you know it's going to take an army to stop them.
Watching the opening of Saving Private Ryan causes most Americans to think: "Gee, this is terrible. Soldiers are giving up their lives. How brave they were. I must be a good person to deserve their sacrifice in my behalf."
But watching the opening of Saving Private Ryan causes ME to think: "Gee, this is terrible. Soldiers are giving up their lives. Isn't there any way this could have been avoided? I must be a good person and do everything in my power to prevent anything like this from ever happening again."
How necessary was our involvement in WWII? Pretty necessary. I'm not anti-war, I'm anti-bad tactics. Were there other tactics we could have used? Absolutely. Instead of D-Day, how about a commando squad of Marines striking right at the Reichstag, blowing it up, and taking out the entire Nazi leadership? Come on, you can picture it now, starring Jimmy Stewart, John Wayne, Henry Fonda, and Gary Cooper.
Okay, all you military strategists out there can argue the logistics till you're blue in the face, but you've got to admit it's potentially a viable strategy. Maybe there would have been a slim chance of success, but couldn't we have tried it first, potentially sacrificing a hundred marines before sacrificing thousands of soldiers? It might have worked but we didn't even try. (To the best of my knowledge. If you're monitoring this column from the Pentagon, it would be nice if you'd find out for me.}
And the Japanese? Nobody had ever seen an atomic blast before. Instead of dropping the bomb on Hiroshima, how about if we had dropped it off-shore in Tokyo Harbor, giving all the Japanese a close-up view of this terrible new weapon we had, and threatening to use it again ON TOKYO if the Japanese didn't surrender immediately. Might have worked. Yeah, I know, all the innocent lives that would have been saved would have been Japanese instead of American, so we wouldn't have gotten that final rush of vengeance for Pearl Harbor, but I still think it would have been worth trying. After all, if you can't mourn for the dead Japanese who suffered for our tactics, you haven't got a chance of mourning the dead Arabs suffering for our tactics.
Could we have done something else in Afghanistan? How about that same commando force, only this time with Bruce, Arnold, Clint, and Jackie Chan, a SEAL/NINJA raid in the middle of the night taking out the entire Taliban before their soldiers woke up in the morning. Sounds better than carpet bombing to me. Might have worked. Yeah, I know all the innocent lives that would have been saved would have been Afghani, so we wouldn't have gotten that final rush of vengeance for being attacked by the Saudis, but one dead Arab is apparently as good as another.
Is there something else we could be doing about Iraq? Absolutely. We could stop being their enemy. We could leave them alone. Currently, ALL IRAQI WEAPONS ARE DEFENSIVE. They're preparing to defend themselves AGAINST US. What tactics will Hussein use against us? He hasn't seemed suicidal so far. Hussein isn't planning to take over the mid-east, like Hitler planned to take over the world. All he's doing is getting ready to protect his own ass with any means at his disposal. That means making friends with those who can help him. Gee, who do you think he might turn to? If he wasn't working with them then, he's certainly working with them now. We're driving him into the hands of al Queda, and we know about their tactics.
Al Queda has shown that its primary tactic is "Kill yourself while taking out as many of enemy as you can." Our tactic is the exact opposite: "Save yourself while taking out as many of the enemy as you can." We like our killing long distance, using drones. They like their's close up, piloting the planes themselves. We can live with our pain. They don't have to. They take themselves out in the process and never feel anything again.
So do our soldiers, but death isn't their goal. Our soldiers want to survive their encounters with the enemy, and I'm not anti-American enough not to applaud their efforts.
But fuck the tactics that caused their sacrifice in the first place. There are no such things as countries. There are only ruthless leaders claiming power over groups of innocent people who happen to live in the same location. On this Veterans Day, I say thanks to all the soldiers, bless all the innocents, and fuck the leaders.
Global Military Expenditures 2002
Global military expenditures currently exceed $800 BILLION.
The top military spenders are:
United States $343.2 Billion
Russia $60
China $42
Japan $40.4
United Kingdom $34
Saudi Arabia $27.2
France $25.3
Germany $21
Brazil $17.9
India $15.6
Italy $15.5
South Korea $11.8
*Based on 2000 funding (most recent year available)
Global Priorities
For approximately 30% of Annual World Military Expenditures (~$810 billion), all of the following could be accomplished:
Eliminate Starvation and Malnutrition $19 billion
Provide Shelter $21 billion
Remove Landmines $4 billion
Build Democracy $3 billion
Eliminate Nuclear Weapons $7 billion
Refugee Relief $5 billion
Eliminate Illiteracy $5 billion
Provide Clean, Safe Water $10 billion
Provide Health Care and AIDS Control $21 billion
Stop Deforestation $7 billion
Prevent Global Warming $8 billion
Stabilize Population $10.5 billion
Prevent Acid Rain $8 billion
Provide Clean, Safe Energy: Energy Efficiency $33 billion,
Renewable Energy $17 billion
Stop Ozone Depletion $5 billion
Prevent Soil Erosion $24 billion
Retire Developing Nations Debt $30 billion
For more information, please visit:
Sources: Center for Defense Information, Council for a Livable World,
International Institute for Strategic Studies, US State Department, US
Central Intelligence Agency
Cool Trick the Democrats Should Try Next Time
According to the Riverside County Registrar of voters, many Democrats who thought they were registered showed up at polling places on election day only to find they were not registered. It turned out they all registered by filling out forms from workers in front of K-Marts. Turns out the workers worked for the Republican Party and were paid $5 for each Republican registration. They simply didn't hand in registrations from people who checked off Democratic under party affiliation.
Free Show of the Week
The Leonid meteor showers are this week and are expected to be the last big storm for three decades, so
reserve your seats now. What were they like last year? Read
Disturbing Trend of the Week
Winona isn't the only actor caught committing a crime while preparing for a role. Check out all the other celebrities using
The Winona Defense.
Funeral of the Week
and that's why we're going after Iraq.
Despite this inconsistency,
This Would Have Never Happened Under Mussolini
Pornographic Headline of the Week
"Pitt Seeks Probe of Himself"
Got Reagan?
New Hampshire is considering naming a mountain after Ronald Reagan, and a town in California is thinking of changing its name to "Got Milk?"
Shockwave of the Week
Spoilsport of the Week
Harry Potter is a
fraud, and the cult that has risen around him is based on a lie. Potter's claim to fame, his central accomplishment in life, is surviving a curse placed on him as an infant by the evil wizard Voldemort. As a result, the wizarding world celebrates the young Harry as "The Boy Who Lived." It's a curiously passive accomplishment, akin to "The Boy Who Showed Up," or "The Boy Who Never Took a Sick Day."
Map of the Week
Internet Joke of the Week
Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other man pulls out his phone and calls emergency services.
He gasps to the operator: "My friend is dead! What can I do?" The operator in a calm, soothing voice replies: "Take it easy. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead."
There is a silence, then a shot is heard.
Back on the phone, the hunter says, "Ok, now what?"
Book of the Week
Totally Wacko New World Order Conspiracy Theory of the Week
mysterious Muslim religious sectarian, holed up in a far valley in distant Afghanistan, sends teams of suicide terrorists halfway around the world to destroy the nerve center of world trade.
Am I the Only One
...who thinks that The Agency is the best political show on television, infinitely superior to The West Wing?
...who thinks that Steven Seagal shouldn't play any more heroes, and that the best thing he could do for his career is play the bad guy in the next James Bond?
...who thinks that Mad TV is the funniest show on television, infinitely superior to Saturday Night Live, and that the recent show where the cast and crew of The Osbournes ran into the cast and crew of The Anna Nicole Smith Show and were busted by Cops was one of satire's finest hours?
...who thinks that the whole cast of Friends should get herpes?
...who thought of Treasure Planet 25 years ago on mescaline?
...who noticed that Burger King won the award for a burger in that category because McDonalds and Wendys and Carl's Jr. don't have burgers in that category?
...who thinks that kid playing Harry Potter is barely competent, and that the films would be infinitely better if Harry Potter had been played by Haley Joel Osment like Steven Spielberg wanted?
...who hates movies where guys have to choose between two gorgeous women? (the ultimate, My Best Friend's Wedding, where some guy has to choose between Julia Roberts or Cameron Diaz. Awww, poor baby.)
...who wants George W. Bush to get a blowjob?
Proof that Disinfotainment Today is EVIL
4 9 19 9 14 6 15 20 1 9 14 13 5 14 20 20 15 4 1 25 - as numbers
4 9 1 9 5 6 6 2 1 9 5 4 5 5 2 2 6 4 1 7 - digits added
\_________________/ \_________________/ \_________________/ \_________________/
1 6 3 2 - digits added
Thus, "Disinfotainment Today" is 1632.
Turn the number backwards, divide by 3 - the symbol of fulfillment. The
number is now 787.
Subtract 17, the symbol of domination. The result will be 770.
Add 96 to it - this is the year of the destruction of Jerusalem, written
backwards - you will get 866.
Turn the number backwards, and add 1912 - the year Titanic went for its
first and last voyage. The number is now 2580.
Turn the number backwards, subtract 18 - the symbol of bondage. The number
is now 834.
This number, when read backwards, gives 438. This, written in octal, gives
666 - the number of the Beast.
Enough said - QED.
Dear Dr. Hollywood:
I am a business major in an adult bachelor's degree
program called Advance at a small private college, Mt. Mercy, in Cedar Rapids,
Iowa. Currently I am in a marketing class where our group project is to
originate a product and, of course, tell how we are going to market it. My group
has come up with the idea of marketing a new cartoon. We have in mind to have
four animals such as a dog, cat, squirrel, rabbit (courageous critters) that are
a combination of crime fighting/McGyver type characters. Some questions I have
1. How would one go about trying to get their cartoon
published in cartoon booklets, newspapers, etc. What is the approx. cost to do
this. (I assume there'd be cost to have a cartoonist draw the initial story.
What would a cartoonist charge to draw/create an initial story/illustration?
Does the idea then get sold to a publisher and they pay the cost for it to be
illustrated in comic books and for distribution or is this something the
originator of the cartoon would pay for?)
2. Next question: To have the cartoon run on a cartoon
network like the WB or Nickelodeon, does the originator of the cartoon idea take
their idea to a videographer to somehow format it from paper to video/film and
then try to sell it to the network. Do you have an idea of a approx. cost for
this to be put together?)
Any assistance you could provide would be greatly
Jane Molony
Thank you for braving time and space to
contact me.
1) First of all, I can't help you at all
concerning publishing costs. I'm a writer, not a publisher. In the real world,
cartoons are written by the artists who draw them. Charles Schulz, Jules
Feiffer, Garry Trudeau, artists and writers all. I can't think of a single
currently running cartoon where the writer and artist are two different people.
What you're talking about is the cartoon equivalent of creating a boy band. Yuk.
If you can't draw, what the hell are you doing trying to create cartoons? Sure,
go ahead, hire an artist to draw your ideas. There are thousands of artists for
hire. Just go to Google and type in "cartoonist." Good luck with it.
You can't submit directly to newspapers.
There are only a few reputable cartoon syndicates, like King, who newspapers buy
from. King will want to see the equivalent of 10 weeks of material before they
will even consider you for syndication. If you're a daily, that's 70 cartoons.
They get a hundred submissions a week. The pick maybe 10 new cartoons a year to
syndicate. Good luck with it.
The only exception to this are the comic
book factories like Marvel and DC and Warner Brothers, with staffs of writers
and artists. They're not hiring. Trust me on this. Just because they're
producing "comic" books, doesn't mean they're any less competitive than all the
rest of publishing. If anything, the world of comics is HARDER to get into than
the world of novels. Don't even think of applying there unless you've got
decades of experience and a fabulous portfolio.
Forget going to publishers with your idea.
They're not interested. Your only course of action is to publish yourself. Go to
Staples. Buy a printer. Open the file. Hit PRINT.
Or you're staring and the answer right
now. Publish yourself on the Internet. If you can get a readership here, you've
got a chance at getting readership in publishing.
2) Networks will not look at your idea under any
circumstances. They only deal with production companies they already deal with.
Production companies will not look at your idea under any circumstances. They
are only interested in looking at the work of "animators," artists who write and
draw their own cartoons, and they will only look at completed storyboards, or
completed animated segments, submitted by agents they regularly work with.
Agents will not look at your work under any circumstances unless you are related
to them or are recommended by one of their successful clients. Good luck with
Welcome to the real world.
November 11, 2002

Just one month after the Tiananmen Square massacre in China, then-President George Bush sent two American envoys to Peking to meet with the Chinese government to reaffirm US business ties to China in secret, Brent Scowcroft, then the National Security Advisor, and Lawrence Eagleberger,
the US Deputy Secretary of State. Both of these men had worked for Dr. Henry Kissinger's consulting firm, Kissinger Associates. Neither man would make public his business associates at their confirmation hearings before Congress, but they were confirmed anyway. Kissinger wrote Richard Nixon's China initiatives back in the early 1970s, and Bush's brother Prescott worked for a large consulting firm involved in big business deals with the Chinese government at that time.
full story)
The Bush Administration threatened to withdraw support for the 1994 United Nations accord on population control, which was largely written by the United States and has been ratified by 179 nations, because it contains the terms "reproductive services" and "reproductive health care," which, the Administration says, imply abortion. "This document was agreed to by everybody in the world, including the Vatican," said former senator Tim Wirth. "The document affirms that where abortion is legal, it ought to be safe."
All you need to take off warts is duct tape.
One of these statements is entirely false.
"Stupidity is the basic building block of the universe."
- Frank Zappa -
"The people of Baghdad feel for the people of Washington. They know what it's like to live in the looming fear of what a violent lunatic might next do."
- Barry Crimmins -
"Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime."
- Ernest Hemingway -
"America is on the wrong side of history. We are a threat to the world. Our allies fear us - as they well should. The America we have known is over. From this time forward we face war and the destruction of freedom and liberty."
- Marc Perkel -
"Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right."
H. L. Mencken -
"But the most wretched election spectacle of all took place on my home turf in California where we were given the option of voting for the remarkably unpalatable incumbent governor, Gray Davis, who never met a special interest he didn't want to hit up for a donation, or his stupefyingly incompetent challenger Bill Simon, who shot himself in the foot so many times it's a wonder he can still walk. It was like being asked to choose which kind of bag we preferred to suffocate ourselves with, paper or plastic."
"If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom. And the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more, it will lose that too."
- Somerset Maugham -
"It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived."
- Gen. George S. Patton -
"Pray to the devils; the gods have given us over."
- Shakespeare (Aaron, Titus Andronicus Act IV, Scene 2) -
"Sometimes our pain is one of the few long-term relationships we know."
- Noah benShea -
"Everywhere, by all means imaginable, people are striving to improve their lives. Yet strangely, my impression is that those living in materially developed countries, for all their industry, are in some ways less satisfied, are less happy, and to some extent suffer more than those in the least developed countries. Indeed, if we compare the rich with the poor, it often seems that those with nothing are, in fact, the least anxious, although they are plagued with physical pain and suffering. [The rich] are so caught up in the idea of acquiring still more that they make no room for anything else in their lives [so] they actually lose the dream of happiness."
- The Dalai Lama -
"Those who are motivated only by desire for the fruits of action are miserable, for they are constantly anxious about the results of what they do."
- Bhagavad Gita 2:49
"I hold that to need nothing is divine, and the less a man needs the nearer does he approach divinity."
- Socrates -
"A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise."
- Aldo Leopold -
"I am convinced that if we are to get on the right side of the world revolution, we as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values. We must rapidly begin the shift from a 'thing-oriented' society to a 'person-oriented' society. When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, materialism and militarism are incapable of being conquered."
- Martin Luther King -
"All human evil comes from a single cause, man's inability to sit still in a room."
- Blaise Pascal -
"The greatest wealth is to live content with little."
- Plato -
"There is more to life than increasing its speed."
- Gandhi -
"From time to time, to remind ourselves to relax, to be peaceful, we may wish to set aside some time for a retreat, a day of mindfulness, when we walk slowly, smile, drink tea with a friend, and enjoy being together as if we are the happiest people on Earth."
- Thich Nhat Hanh -
"What's the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?"
- Henry David Thoreau -
"The policies of the American government, designed by politicians and bureaucrats, are not always synonymous with American ideals. The country is not the same as the government. The spirit of America is hardly something for which government holds a monopoly on defining."
- Ron Paul -
"Easy to do are things
that are bad and harmful to oneself.
But exceedingly difficult to do
are things that are good and beneficial."
- Buddha -
"Your loins will burn with passion and I will become your god!"
- Madonna in Swept Away -
"In the long run, we're all dead."
- John Maynard Keynes -
"Nobody ever lends money to a man with a sense of humor."
- Peter Tork in Head -
Sally and Johnny have lots of black friends who think they're really cool, so they've made a site called
Black People Love Us.
Winona Ryder has vowed to find
the real shoplifters. "I cannot and will not rest until the real perpetrators of this crime are found. Despite the potentially damning video tape and the fact that I was arrested with the items on my person, I will find the people who framed me," said Ryder.
According to Ronald Noble, the Secretary General of
Interpol, our entire war against Al Queda has done absolutely no good so far, and they're prepared to strike again.
This is the first time in modern American history that there has been a vocal anti-war movement before the war even started. Why? Because our administration is making riskier, more volatile moves to begin an
All or Nothing gamble for Iraqi oilfields.
Read the astonishing story of
Congressman George Hansen, who was jailed and tortured in an American federal prison for a crime he didn't commit. From the article: "The last half of this century has seen our government repeatedly and increasingly engage in acts of violence and abuse against its own citizens and then lie, manipulate and cover-up to avoid detection and responsibility." - the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee
In the interest of fair play,
here's the site that blames 9/11 entirely on Bill Clinton.
NYT's Stephen Labaton, otherwise known as the
Pitt-killer, has the best piece on the downfall, going through each of Pitt's missteps since he was appointed to the SEC just a few weeks before 9/11.
If you're not pissed off, you're not paying attention. That's the motto at
Unknown News.
co-pilot who died in the plane crash with Sen. Paul Wellstone played a strange role in the story involving Zacarias Moussaoui, the accused Sept. 11 conspirator who briefly attended an Eagan flight school.
A cumulative roster of all National Guard and Reserve who are currently on active duty can be found
here (<~~PDF file).
Screw the danger from Iraq, why don't we do something about the
200 nukes that are missing from the Ukraine?
Check out
Who Owns You?, a complete guide to media consolidation.
Why is one story in a newspaper and not on TV, or vice versa, or not in the news at all?
Use this handy guide to determine the corporate influence within the Board of Directors of America's television and print news. Did you know the Washington Post Company owns Coca-Cola, Gillette, Heinz, Lexmark, McDonalds, Polaroid, Ticketmaster, and Union Pacific?
You will do precisely what I say. You will not, I repeat, not, under any circumstances, read the
mind control glossary.
Disinfotainment Today features prominently at
Magatopia. Thanks, guys.
Don't let this happen to you.
dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY archives are
All of Helen's columns are
Dr. Hollywood archives are
dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY is free and may be reproduced in any form.
You will send me money.
Mind control has nothing to do with it.
dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY consists of information from dozens of sources, cut up, thrown
in the air, and recycled randomly. It is sent all over the place, so I apologize if you're seeing the same thing twice. If you see a joke, graphic, or news item that came from or through you, thanks, send more, and please accept the fact that much of dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY is unacknowledgeable, and if I sought permission from everyone whose bastardized material showed up here, I'd never get anything else done. Please note that I don't even put my own name on it.
This newsletter made entirely by slave labor.
Many thanks to Michael Dare!
'TBH Politoons'
Thanks, again, Tim!
New and Improved!
'George W. Bush Right House'
In The Chaos Household
Last Night
Another pretty day, Jo (the remaining lizard) enjoyed his time in the difused sun.
The kid's birthday was a couple of weeks back, but we were all sick. As has become custom, we'd invited his best pal join us for dinner. In an example of the irony that the universe seems to love, his best-pal's family is
very fundy-religious, and won't allow 'just' their kid to join us, regardless of the establishment - the whole family expects to be included. Anyway, after 4 years, we all know the routine - so, tonight, Tuesday, we finally get to meet up
with Enrique's clan for eats (on us) at a mutually acceptable restaurant.
CBS has a fresh 'JAG', a fresh 'The Guardian', and a fresh 'Judging Amy'.
Scheduled on a fresh Dave are Dallas Cowboy Emmit Smith, Kelly Ripa, and Missy Elliot.
Scheduled on a fresh Craiggers are Jill Hennessy and Kelly Rowland.
NBC opens with a fresh 'Just Shoot Me', a fresh 'The In-Laws', a fresh 'Frasier', a fresh 'Hidden Hills', and then 'Dateline'.
Scheduled on a fresh Jay are Cedric the Entertainer and Bonnie Raitt.
Scheduled on a fresh Conan are Robin Williams, the Other Ones.
Scheduled on a fresh Carson Daly are Tom Cavanagh and New Found Glory.
ABC starts with a fresh '8 Simple Rules', a fresh 'Jim', a fresh 'Bonnie', a fresh 'Less Than Perfect' and then a fresh 'NYPD Blue'.
The WB has a fresh 'Gilmore Girls' and a fresh 'Smallville'.
Faux has a fresh 'That 70's Show', then a RERUN 'That 70's Show', then a fresh '24' (Day 2: 10am - 11am).
UPN has a fresh 'Buffy' and a fresh 'Haunted'.
Anyone have any opinions?
Or reviews?
(See below for addresses)
Paris, France
NOW: Commentary
Bill Moyers
'' .... for the first time in the memory of anyone alive, the entire federal government — the Congress, the Executive, the Judiciary — is united behind a right-wing agenda for which George W. Bush believes he now has a mandate.
That mandate includes the power of the state to force pregnant women to give up control over their own lives.
It includes using the taxing power to transfer wealth from working people to the rich.
It includes giving corporations a free hand to eviscerate the environment and control the regulatory agencies meant to hold them accountable.
And it includes secrecy on a scale you cannot imagine. Above all, it means judges with a political agenda appointed for life. If you liked the Supreme Court that put George W. Bush in the White House, you will swoon over what's coming.
And if you like God in government, get ready for the Rapture. These folks don't even mind you referring to the GOP as the party of God. Why else would the new House Majority Leader say that the Almighty is using him to promote 'a Biblical worldview' in American politics? ''
For the rest - NOW: Commentary - Bill Moyers on Election 2002 | PBS
Papers To Be Preserved at Cuba Estate
Ernest Hemingway
Cuba agreed on Monday to a U.S.-funded project to preserve thousands of Ernest Hemingway's documents and photographs found decaying at his Havana estate along with stuffed
animal heads and rifles wrapped in parcel paper.
President Fidel Castro joined Hemingway family members and a U.S. congressman who advocates ending the U.S. trade embargo on Cuba at a signing ceremony for the plan by a swimming pool at the estate.
After Hemingway's death, his widow Mary gave the property and its belongings to the young revolutionary government of Fidel Castro. Today it is a museum, though
the public can only glimpse the interior through the windows.
Under the agreement signed by Cuba's National Council of Cultural Heritage and the Social Science Research Council, a New York-based non-profit organization,
the documents will be preserved and copied by digitalization and microfilm.
Copies will be stored in the JFK Library in Boston.
Ernest Hemingway
State College, PA
Joe Paterno
An effigy of a football official, yellow flag in hand, hangs from the door of Penn State coach Joe Paterno's home Sunday, Nov. 10, 2002, in State College, Pa.
It was unclear Sunday when the effigy was placed on Paterno's door or by whom. Sports information director Jeff Nelson said Sunday that Paterno would not comment.
Paterno has had a rocky relationship with the officials this year, when all three of the 16th-ranked Nittany Lions losses have been influenced by questionable calls.
Photo by Pat Little
Organizers At Odds with Major TV Networks
The Emmy Awards
The Emmy awards show, American television's highest honors, is on the verge of ending its 50-plus-year presence on the major broadcast networks and moving to cable TV,
organizers of the annual telecast said on Monday.
Academy of Television Arts and Sciences officials said they have reached a tentative deal with an unspecified cable outlet to carry the Primetime Emmy Awards for the next five
years after ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox all refused to offer more than a nominal increase in the fee they pay to license the show.
While academy officials declined to identify the cable outlet in question, speculation immediately centered on HBO, owned by AOL Time Warner Inc., which leaped to the
forefront of Emmy competition in recent years with series such as "The Larry Sanders Show," "The Sopranos," "Sex and the City" and "Six Feet Under."
Academy officials said they sought a new deal boosting the annual licensing fee paid by the networks from $3 million to $10 million, with the networks continuing
to bear production and marketing costs that run as high as $9 million per show.
The Emmy Awards
Designed for Charity Auction
10' Fender Stratocasters
Giant guitars designed by Yoko Ono, Keith Richards and Drew Carey took center stage at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame charity auction.
Ten-foot-tall replicas of Fender Stratocaster guitars had spent the summer on display throughout the city. A total of 90 guitars fetched about $800,000 Saturday
night at an auction to benefit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, the United Way and the Make-A-Wish Foundation, organizers said.
George Simon, a restaurant owner and lawyer, spent $105,000 for a guitar painted by Yoko Ono. One guitar bearing the likeness of the Who's Pete Townsend went for
$30,000. Another, painted by musician Graham Nash, sold for $25,000.
10' Fender Stratocasters
In The Kitchen With BartCop & Friends
'Dawson's Creek' Star Arrested
Joshua Jackson
Joshua Jackson, who plays Pacey on the WB series "Dawson's Creek," was arrested and charged with drunkenly assaulting a security guard at a hockey game.
The 24-year-old actor was arrested Saturday night at a game between the Carolina Hurricanes and the Pittsburgh Penguins. He's scheduled to appear in court on the misdemeanor charge on Dec. 4.
Arrest warrants allege that Jackson grabbed 40-year-old guard Drew Grissom around the neck and struck him.
In jail, tests showed his blood alcohol content registered 0.14. He posted $1,000 bail early Sunday and left.
The native of Vancouver, British Columbia, appeared in the "Mighty Ducks" series of hockey movies before joining the cast of the teen-oriented "Dawson's Creek," which films in Wilmington.
Joshua Jackson
New Delhi, India
Bill Gates
American Microsoft Chairman and co-founder Bill Gates bearing a 'tika,' a red Hindu mark on his forehead speaks about HIV with social workers at a center for AIDS patients
in New Delhi, India, Monday, Nov. 11, 2002. Gates chatted with HIV positive patients as he opened his controversy-laced visit to India, where he plans to talk business and
pump money to help fight AIDS.
Photo by Elizabeth Dalziel
Unveils Web Movie Site
Five top Hollywood studios opened online box office Movielink on Monday in their first, tentative step to sell blockbuster films like "Ocean's Eleven" on the Web after years of
fretting over the copyright piracy now threatening the music business.
Movielink lifts the curtain on its service with the backing of Warner Bros., Paramount Pictures, Universal Studios, Sony Pictures Entertainment and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc.
At its launch, Movielink is offering 170 titles from Oscar winners like 2001's "A Beautiful Mind" to the classic "Breakfast at Tiffany's." In between, are action films such as "Air Force
One," kids flicks like "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" and comedies such as "Men In Black."
Prices will range from around $1.99 for older titles to about $4.95 for recent releases, and the service comes with VCR-like functions such as pause, rewind and fast-forward.
The movies are downloaded onto a computer hard drive, where they reside for 30 days, without being played, before being deleted. Movielink users must have high-speed Web connections,
otherwise the time to download is prohibitive, Ramo said.
Once a film is started, viewers have 24 hours to watch the full movie before it is deleted, which is among the built-in protections to keep users from posting films on file-sharing Web
sites where they can be swapped for free.
Loses 100 Pounds
Al Roker
There's nothing wrong with your television set — Al Roker really does look different. That's because he lost 100 pounds after undergoing gastric bypass surgery.
The 5-foot-8-inch weatherman on NBC's "Today" show weighed 320 pounds before the operation in March. A segment on Roker's surgery is scheduled to air Tuesday night on NBC's "Dateline."
A well-known foodie who's battled his weight his whole life, he was reluctant, believing the procedure would be "such an admission of failure," he told People magazine for its Nov. 18
issue. "You think people will look at you like, 'You weak son of a pup.'"
Al Roker
BartCop TV!
Home Videos to Air in U.S.
Fidel Castro
Just days after Steven Spielberg's warm and fuzzy summit with Fidel Castro in Havana, a set of smuggled home videos of the Cuban leader could sour his take on Hollywood.
Starting Monday, Spanish-language newscast Noticias 41 will begin airing "The Secret Life of Castro," a 10-part series that offers the first-ever glimpse into the carefully
guarded life of Cuba's president and perpetual revolutionary.
Univision TV stations in New York, Miami (its station there, WLTV, produced the documentary) and Puerto Rico will run the series, which delves into the family life of the
76-year-old Castro, who has led Cuba for 43 years.
The videos were reportedly shot by Castro's own adult children and fell into the hands of an estranged girlfriend of Fidel's son, Antonio Castro Soto del Valle. The girlfriend,
Dashiell Torralba, arranged for Univision to get the tapes after she left Cuba, claiming that the broadcast is a way to even the score with Castro's wife and Antonio's disapproving mother.
A casually attired Castro (the signature military fatigues are evidently for official appearances only) is shown to keep his family in relative comfort and privilege. The family
home, Punto Cero, features a wine cellar with individual bottles worth up to $400. The videos are intercut with interviews with Torralba and other former members of Castro's inner
circle, including sister Juanita Castro and daughter Alina Fernandez.
Fidel Castro
Nairobi, Kenya
Wendi, a one-month-old elephant, waits to be fed by keepers at the Daphne Sheldrick Wildlife Trust for Orphans in Nairobi, October 29, 2002. Wendi is one of 30, 000 elephants
Kenya will try to protect when it seeks to stop African countries from resuming the international ivory trade at a meeting in Chile next month.
Photo by Antony Njuguna
Woman Arrested in Actor's Death
Merlin Santana
A woman was arrested early Monday in the weekend shooting death of television and film actor Merlin Santana, but Los Angeles police provided no other details.
Santana, 26, who recently appeared in the Eddie Murphy and Robert De Niro movie "Showtime," was shot to death early Saturday while sitting in the passenger
seat of a car parked in south Los Angeles.
Police did not release the woman's identity in announcing her arrest.
The New York-born Santana earned nominations for the NAACP Image Awards and ALMA Awards, which honor Hispanic performers, for his recurring role as Romeo Santana
on "The Steve Harvey Show" on the WB Network.
"This kid is not a gangster," said Harvey, a radio and television talk show host in Los Angeles. "Whatever the situation was, he didn't deserve to die."
Merlin Santana
No Serious Talks?
CNN - ABC Merger
The head of CNN said on Monday there had been no "serious meetings" on a merger between CNN and Walt Disney Co.'s ABC News in the last few months, and industry insiders said there are major stumbling
blocks to a merger of the two news organizations.
Sources close to the negotiations said a deal is unlikely this year as both sides wrangle over details, quashing speculation that a deal was imminent.
CNN insiders had been abuzz about a deal that would be implemented as early as January, but both networks' officials said a deal was not imminent and said the final result of a deal, if reached, would take years to fully realize.
A CNN-ABC deal would form a media powerhouse and give CNN the personality anchors it has been seeking as it tries to fend off competition from News Corp.'s Fox News. Fox's viewership surpassed CNN
in daytime and prime-time in January.
It would also help ABC and CNN produce global news coverage at a lower cost. A deal is expected to eventually create about $200 million in cost savings by reducing overlap of bureaus and infrastructure,
but analysts have been skeptical of how much a deal would actually save.
Some industry veterans said AOL Time Warner, still smarting from the backlash from its 2001 merger, may not want to take on another deal that risks not being well-received.
CNN - ABC Merger
Brasilia Zoo, Brasilia, Brazil
Baby Parrots
A biologist feeds baby parrots that were rescued from animal traffickers at the veterinary center of the Brasilia Zoo in Brasilia, Brazil, Monday, Nov. 10, 2002. According to some experts,
animal trafficking has grown to become the world's third largest illicit business, exceeded only by the drugs and arms trades.
Photo by Eraldo Peres
'The Osbournes'
'The Osbournes' ~ Page 3
'The Osbournes' ~ Page 2
'The Osbournes' ~ Page 1
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