Bartcop Entertainment - Tuesday, 17 September, 2002


17 September, 2002

big hammer - bigger hammer

(Updated Daily)


Issue #20

Disinfotainment Today

By Michael Dare



is brought to you by



One Justice for Bush, Another for the Rest of Us
    "This is a private issue as it relates to my daughter and myself and my wife," said Florida Governor Jeb Bush after his daughter Noelle was caught with crack in her shoe. "The road to recovery is a rocky one for a lot of people that have this kind of problem."
    Hey Jeb, you and everyone else, buddy boy. Please explain why you get to treat your daughter's drug use as a medical problem, which it is, while everyone else has to go to prison for doing the exact same thing. To call you a hypocrite is to do a disservice to all the other workaday hypocrites in the world. You're the fucking King of Hypocrites, a role model for all those who aspire to success in the land of hypocrisy. You're a drug warrior, daily wasting untold stacks of taxpayer money on a completely useless policy of putting people with medical problems in jail, while openly admitting that drug abuse is a "private issue" that works best when the "road to recovery" avoids prison. The harm you do to families by breaking them up is infinitely worse than the harm done by the drugs themselves.
    Hey Jeb, if you have a shred of human decency, why don't you give everybody in Florida the Noelle Bush treatment? Grant every nonviolent drug offender in the Florida state prison system a full and immediate pardon. Oops, I forgot. The Bushes are missing the "shred of human decency" gene.
Moment of Silence
Now that we've had a moment of silence for all the innocent victims of the terrorist attack on America, let's have a moment of silence for all the innocent victims of American terrorism in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, China, the Philippines, Laos, East Timor, Greece, Turkey, Honduras, Guatemala, Ecuador, Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Haiti, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Algeria, Nigeria, South Africa, Rwanda, Zaire, Sudan, Somalia, New York, and Afghanistan.
Say Aaaah!
In keeping with his plan to cut down trees in order to prevent forest fires, George W. Bush has come forward with a plan to remove teeth in order to prevent tooth decay. "It's obvious that the less teeth you have, the less chance you have of getting cavities," said the jolly dictator. "Anyone want to argue with that?"
Who Gets All That Oil After We Invade Iraq?
"To the victor goes the spoils."
- Dick Armey -
Censored Webpage of the Week
Here's the page about the history of Palestine that PBS took down under pressure from Jewish and Israeli lobbying groups.
Proof that Hell is Freezing Over
There's a sane congressman from Texas.  Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) has 36 questions that won't be asked about Iraq.

This Would Have Never Happened Under Mussolini (or Jay Sebring)
A United Airlines flight made an emergency landing after a flight attendant saw a passenger using a comb.
Wacko Theory of the Week
Some scientists think it wasn't just a meteorite that caused the death of the dinosaurs. "If an 800-ton male thrust into a 100-ton female once every second, the impact would be the equivalent of 4,800 tons. That's like a 60-kilogram woman on a bed making love to a 480-kilogram man," said Rikao Yanagida, head of a Japanese think tank. Yep, the dinosaurs were too huge to fuck.
Joke from Planet Proctor
    The priest in a small Irish village was very fond of the rooster and about ten hens he kept in the chicken house in the back of the rectory. But one Saturday night the cock rooster went missing and the priest suspected it had been abducted for a cock fight, and he decided to do something about it at church the next morning.
    At Mass, he asked the congregation point blank, "Has anybody got a cock?" All the men stood up.
    "No, No," he said, "That wasn't what I meant, at all. Has anybody seen a cock?" All the women stood up.
    "No, No," he said, "You misread my meanin'. Has anybody seen a cock that doesn't belong to them?" Half the women stood up.
    "No, No," he said, "What I really mean is, has anybody seen my cock?"
    At that, all the altar boys stood up.
Only in America
Of the 25 top-rated shows on basic cable last week, 12 of them were Spongebob Squarepants.
Time Waster of the Week
An excellent and surprisingly difficult maze game.
Calling All Filmmakers
Zoiefest is looking for films.
Calling All Writers
You get an e-mail telling you the subject and word limit and from that second, you've got 24 hours to send in a short story. Go ahead, enter the 24-hour Short Story Contest, but if you win the $300, I get 10%.
Calling All Terrorists
Here's a flash animation showing precisely how our soldiers infiltrate caves in Afghanistan.
And in case you haven't read it already, the Smoking Gun has done the world the favor of published bin Laden's entire terrorism bible.
If You Get This Joke, You're a Computer Geek
If People Who Wrote HTML Ruled the World


Dear Dr. Hollywood,
An agent is interested in my writing. Although he hasn't signed me, he has indicated that he would like to. He doesn't act shady or charge me for reading fees, or what not.
However, my concern is that his agency is a "boutique," and although it's pretty unlikely I will land major representation until I have some scripts under my belt, I'm wondering how effective a small agency can be. Especially when I mention the name, and none of my writer wanna-be acquaintances have heard of it. Are these agencies only able to get through to the people they "know," or can they technically push you to as many exec. producers as you want?
I've heard that the most important thing is that the agent pushes for you. So perhaps my concerns are irrelevant. Any thoughts?
Dear Kara,
Thank you for braving time and space to contact me.
My sense is that he's already shopping you. Happens all the time. Think of it like this. He's a fisherman and you're trying to sell him some bait, but he doesn't want to buy the bait until he's got a nibble. When he gets a nibble, he'll sign you.
String him along while working on your own leads. Don't expect him to do your work for you. My experience is that agents who find you work are a myth. Agents field offers. You get any offers, you take them to him. Got it? Your job is to find him offers. Let him make your follow-up calls. I bet there are hundreds of specific actors and directors and producers you'd like to submit to. Call them.
Let's say it's Rob Reiner. When his production company says they don't accept submissions without agents, say "so I can have my agent send it to you?" They will say yes. Call the guy who says he's almost your agent and tell him that ROB REINER WANTS TO READ YOUR SCRIPT, give him the address to send it to, and tell him how to pitch it. Don't assume he already knows why your script is perfect for Rob Reiner. Explain it to him and get a promise that he'll send it out immediately.
If he doesn't do that for you, if he doesn't follow up on YOUR LEADS, fuck him, he's history. Please don't sit back expecting him to find leads for you. Honestly, I've never seen it happen. He's your back-up negotiator. YOU'RE in charge of your career, not him. Make those calls.
P.S. Here's a fantastic list of interviews with top screenwriters.

"Only in Hollywood is 'literate' not a compliment."
- Michael Blake -
Send your questions to "Ask Dr. Hollywood" at




September 16, 2002



Satan for President in 2004





In a few years, we're going to be hearing about Twin Towers disease as all the people who cleaned ground zero get sick from all the crap they inhaled.


    In his book, They Thought They Were Free, Milton Mayor chronicled the  thoughts and experiences of citizens in Nazi Germany and offered a glimpse  of how the German people could have allowed the Third Reich to thrive. As  one unnamed scholar reported:
    "What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if the people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security ... Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, 'regretted,' that, unless one were detached from the whole process from the beginning, unless one understood what the whole thing was in principle, what all these 'little measures' that no 'patriotic German' could resent must some day lead to, one no more saw it developing from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn growing. One day it is over his head."


Last week's link to the story about the Third Reich's "Law for Removing the Distress of People and Reich" was incorrect. It's actually here, at the John Birch Society, who are very anti-Bush. Yes, hell has frozen over.


Slice tomatoes from end-to-end instead of across to stop the seeds from falling out.


Saddam Hussein sat on a wall
Saddam Hussein had a great fall
but all the U.S. soldiers and money we send
couldn't put Iraq together again.
- Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. -


"Let us not look not back in anger, or forward with fear, but around in awareness."
- James Thurber -

"The victor will never be asked if he told the truth."
- Adolf Hitler -
"You can hardly point to a cataclysmic event in our history, whether it was the sinking of the Titanic, the Pearl Harbor attack, the Kennedy assassination, when a blue-ribbon panel did not set out to establish the facts and, where appropriate, suggest reforms. That has not happened here." 
- John F. Timoney, former senior police commander in New York -
"When Halliburton was using subsidiaries to re-build the damaged oil fields of Iraq it was doing more business with the evil one than any other American company. All this is in the public record. It was reported on over two years ago by that radical publication the Financial Times of London.  Why has the mainstream press refused to report on this? That is a good question that remains unanswered. Is it impossible for them to analyze anything? Why is it that today's press coverage has no connection with anything that has happened in the past. It was like everyday is the first day of the rest of your life."
- Denis Mueller -
"Like B'rer Rabbit in the Joel Chandler Harris story, President Bush is about to smash the nation's collective fist into the tar baby of the Middle East." 
- Gary North -
"Do not separate text from historical background. If you do, you will have perverted and subverted the Constitution, which can only end in a distorted, bastardized form of illegitimate government."
- James Madison -
"Nuclear bombs, whether they're used or not, violate everything that is humane. They alter the meaning of life itself. Why do we tolerate them? Why do we tolerate these men who use nuclear weapons to blackmail the entire human race?" - Arundhati Roy from Under a Nuclear Shadow -
"America is a quarter of a billion people totally misinformed and disinformed by their government. This is tragic but our media is - I wouldn't even say corrupt - it's just beyond telling us anything that the government doesn't want us to know."
- Gore Vidal  -

"Think not lightly of evil, saying, 'It will not come to me.' Drop by drop is the water pot filled. Likewise, the fool, gathering it little by little, fills himself with evil."
- Buddha -

"You can fool some of the people, all of the time - and those are the ones you have to concentrate on."
- George W. Bush -
"I'm for total honest democracy. I also believe the American system can work."
- Woody Allen from Stardust Memories -
"Evil can also type."
- Noah benShea -


Mandatory reading: Obviously, the attack did not destroy the United States, nor could it. The question is, "Did the attack push world affairs in the direction of the downfall of the U.S.?" The answer is a resounding yes. Here's a truth that's hard to face; the terror attacks on the Twin Towers were successful.
Be sure to contact your GOP representatives and Senators and let them know what you think of them.
The morons of the week are about to pass a law letting loggers log without laws. Stop the bastards.
Aren't you glad you live in a country where the administration can use the IRS to attack its political enemies without the slightest evidence that they've violated any tax laws?
Sending a message to George W. Bush demanding election reform is sort of like sending a message to Adolf Hitler demanding he get circumcised, but what the hell.
The hijackers were recruited from al-Qaeda's Department of Martyrs, which still has scores of volunteers for future suicide attacks.
According to the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, the U.S. military's "black budget" will rise from $16.2 billion last year to $20.3 billion this year. What's a "black budget?" You had to ask.
Now you can make like Greenpeace without leaving your laptop. Join a virtual flotilla of 2,761 ships trying to stop a shipload of plutonium from landing in Ireland.
12 Things to Do Now About Corporations.
Wanna know why the Federal Government is so avidly prosecuting distributors of medical marijuana despite its proven legitimate medical uses? They know it's the first domino, that absolutely every drug in existence has a legitimate medical use, including ecstasy.
Did you know that if it wasn't for Sonny Bono, Mickey Mouse would now be in the public domain?
Ted Rall trashes some of the more ridiculous 9/11 tributes.
Let's hear it for the dickwad who told all those people to go back to their desks at the second tower after the first tower had been hit.
What does a president do when he has a sworn duty "to protect and defend the Constitution, from all enemies both foreign and domestic" when the biggest domestic enemy of this country is the president himself?
Here's a new interview with Nelson Mandela where he trashes the current U.S. administration. No wonder Cheney voted to leave him in prison.
Aren't you glad we've got a president who is a member of a club that makes candidates recite their sexual history while laying naked in a coffin?
Is that a penis in your test tube or are you just happy to see me?
Is that an eel up your butt or are you just happy to see me?
Sources within the White House inner circle say George W. Bush is "out of control." An unprovoked attack against Iraq is imminent, because Bush believes he's on a mission from God to rid the world of Saddam Hussein, whether the world likes it or not.
Shouldn't a war against terror seek to make the world a less dangerous place, not a more dangerous place?
Wanna bet Bush waits to invade Iraq till just before the election?
Who do you believe, the American media or  Christopher Reilly, who says over 3,767 civilians were killed by the U.S. in Afghanistan.
What, you haven't seen The 69th Sense or Missionary Position Impossible? Check out this guide to X-rated spoofs of Hollywood films.
Post any picture of someone's face on the net, like your own, go here, type in the address, and have a ball leading yourself around by the nose. Can't find yourself? What the hell, lead the Pope around by the nose by typing in
If you're musically literate (classically speaking), you can't help but love themefinder.
What does Hunter Thompson think of 9/11? Listen to this Real Audio  interview.
The reason Bush doesn't have to prove Iraq has weapons of mass destruction is that he KNOWS they have weapons of mass destruction because we sold them to him.
Read the thoughts of actual Gulf War veterans who are opposed to re-invading Iraq.
Forget nuclear technology, what if Saddam Hussein has clone technology?
Oh, by the way, they've cured cancer.

We're begging you.
What, do we have to get down on our knees?
Don't answer that.
Just Subscribe.
dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY archives are  here.
All of Helen's columns are here.
Dr. Hollywood archives are here
dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY is free and may be reproduced in any form,
unless you want to buy me a vasectomy
by clicking here here.

dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY consists of information from dozens of sources, cut up, thrown in the air, and recycled randomly. It is sent all over the place, so I apologize if you're seeing the same thing twice. If you see a joke, graphic, or news item that came from or through you, thanks, send more, and please accept the fact that much of dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY is unacknowledgeable, and if I sought permission from everyone whose bastardized material showed up here, I'd never get anything else done. Please note that I don't even put my own name on it.

This newsletter made entirely of recycled electrons.

Many thanks to Michael Dare!


'TBH Politoons'

Click Here!

Thanks, again, Tim!


Reader Review

'My Big Fat Greek Wedding'

Ray and I went to see this movie Sun. afternoon. I had read that it was a "sleeper hit" (I don't know from word of mouth since I live under a rock). I recommend it highly for lots of good laughs, even if you know not the difference 'tween a caryatid and a Corinthian column.

It's about a Greek girl (Nia Vardalos) who goes to college, falls in love with a cute dimpled WASP guy (John Corbett) and the cultural clashes are played for broad comic effect. Lainie Kazan is the momma who cooks all the time and Andrea Martin is the narrow-eyed sister (if you are into weird comedy, you may remember her from the Second City comedy troupe [SCTV]). Greek Dad Constantine spends his time pre-wedding staring off into space with furrowed brow, as if his life just turned into a smoking volcano crater.

Mr. and Mrs. WASP Parents discover the joys of Ouzo (Greek liquor), all the while keeping their cashmere, pearls and silk ties spot-free. They spend a lot of time being speechless, while trying to understand this horde of people whose favorite colors are blue and white. Just wait till you see their yard statues....think "toga ladies holding up the Parthenon" and "Venus de Milo"!!

And it's safe for you to take your mom, should she be of the generation of the 75-year-old virgin ears. PG rated. Not a single bad word, no bare female mammary glands, one nice manly chest, no obvious horizontal bops, several clothed but passionate kisses. A happy movie with lots of warm fuzzies & a happy ending. What more should a mother ask? All I can say is, bless my baklava!!

~~ Sharon

Thanks, Sharon. Great job!


In The Chaos Household

Last Night

So, while perusing 'The National Enquirer' today, noticed a cartoon that was really close to one a reader created nearly a month ago!

bc e! Friday, 23 August
by Carbon 42

BTW, today this page should have the 175,000 hit. Woo hoo!

Running 'heavy' tonight, need to keep this short.

Tonight, Tuesday, CBS has a 'Trifecta' of reruns - 'JAG', 'The Guardian', and 'Judging Amy'. Next week, there will be (some) fresh programs.
On a rerun Dave, the scheduled guests are Matthew Perry and the Vines.
Scheduled on a fresh Craiggers is writer Bill Scheft.

NBC reruns 'The Cosby Show: A Look Back', followed by reruns of 'Frasier' and 'Just Shoot Me'.
Scheduled on a fresh Jay are Ellen DeGeneres, Penn Badgely, and Nickel Creek.
On a rerun Conan, scheduled guests are Robin Williams and Joshua Jackson.
Scheduled on a fresh Carson Daly are Ice-T and Pete Correale.

ABC is ALL FRESH tonight! Starts with the series premiere of '8 Simple Rules For Dating My Teenage Daughter', then the series premiere of 'Life With Bonnie', followed by the series premiere of 'Push, Nevada', and tops the evening with 'Regis & Kelly in Primetime'.

The WB reverts to reruns with 'Gilmore Girls' and 'Smallville'.

Faux is also ALL FRESH tonight with the season premiere of 'That 70's Show', then the season premiere of 'Grounded For Life', and followed by a 'special' - more so-called 'The World's Funniest Movie Outtakes'.

UPN has reruns of 'Buffy' and 'Enterprise'.

TNN has part 1 of 'The Godfather'.

Anyone have any opinions?

Or reviews?

(See below for addresses)


Big Dog Watch Continues

Bill Clinton In Detroit

Former President Bill Clinton acknowledges supporters of Michigan Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jennifer Granholm, not shown, on Friday evening, Sept. 13, 2002, at the Fox Theatre in Detroit.
Photo by Jerry S. Mendoza


Manor Farm


Last Minute Addition To ABC's Schedule

More 'Monk'

ABC has made a last-minute addition to its fall lineup: the hit USA Network drama "Monk," starring Tony Shalhoub as an obsessive-compulsive cop.

Following a successful summer experiment, the struggling network will make repeats of "Monk" a regular part of the its schedule for two months, starting Sept. 26. It will air Thursdays at 8 p.m. -- opposite NBC's "Friends" and CBS' "Survivor" -- as a lead-in to ABC's much-hyped reality/drama hybrid "Push, Nevada."

ABC corporate sibling Touchstone Television originally produced "Monk" for ABC, but the network passed; however, as part of a deal selling the show to USA, ABC included a clause allowing the series to have a second window on ABC.

To make room for "Monk," the premiere of the family hour "Dinotopia," which had been set to air Thursdays at 8 p.m., has been pushed back to Thanksgiving night (Nov. 28.) The move will likely come as a relief to producer Hallmark Television, which had been struggling to complete complicated special effects for "Dinotopia" in time for its Oct. 10 debut.

More 'Monk'


Moose & Squirrel Information One-Stop

One-Stop Information!


Attended Opening of New Play

Jack Nicholson

Jack Nicholson was among the celebrities attending the opening of "Fellow Traveler" at the Malibu Stage Company.

"Fellow Traveler," a story of the collapse of communism in Russia, was written by John Herman Shaner and directed by Charles Marowitz and stars Harold Gould, who's appeared in movies including "Stuart Little" and "Patch Adams."

Shaner said Sunday he was proud that Nicholson made it to Thursday's premiere, which took place at a small converted theater in Point Dume that once was a Lutheran church. Harry Dean Stanton, Stephanie Zimbalist, Rose Marie, Sally Kellerman and Sally Kirkland also were in the audience.

In 1958, Shaner, Nicholson, Kellerman, and screenwriter Robert Towne ("Mission Impossible," "Chinatown") built the 54-seat Store Theater in Hollywood to showcase their work.

Jack Nicholson


One Man's Opinion


Red-blooded writer Hampton Stevens says he got fired from the New York Times after professing his lust for right-wing blondeshell Ann Coulter. Stevens, an independent contractor who hosted the op-ed forums on, claims he was canned shortly after some salty statements he made about the coltish Coulter appeared in the New York Observer. "The New York Times has every right to hire and fire as they please," he said. "But I think I should be free to express my opinion." A Times spokeswoman told us: "Hampton Stevens moderated an online forum for on a free-lance basis. His free-lance project is now complete."



London Fashion Week

Body Art

A model wears body art by J Maskrey during their catwalk show to end London Fashion Week in London Monday, Sept. 16, 2002, J Maskrey is showing their Spring/Summer 2003 collection.
Photo by Alastair Grant


Renting N.Y.C. Apartment

Billy Joel

Billy Joel says he's looking for someone to spend his life with, and plans to rent an apartment in Manhattan to meet women.

"I'm not going to meet anyone out here," said Joel, who lives in East Hampton, a posh community in nearby Long Island. "The happiest times in my life were when my relationships were going well — when I was in love with someone, and someone was loving me. But in my whole life, I haven't met the person I can sustain a relationship with yet. So I'm discontended about that. I'm angry with myself. I have regrets."

Billy Joel


Rooting Out Blues for 25 Years

Blind Pig

Michael Jackson's last album "Invincible" sold 2 million copies but was considered a commercial flop by Sony.

So where does that leave a disc on the Blind Pig label that sells a paltry 60,000?

To label co-owner Ed Chmelewski, there is no question. Those numbers make it a smash hit in the world of the blues -- the "devil's music" that devotees describe as something that can have a man simultaneously fixin' to die, get wasted or laid.

"If the big boys had a record that sold 60,000, there would be people jumping out of windows," said Chmelewski. "It would be a dismal failure. If we sold 2 million, I would be looking to retire."

The difference is that Sony and the other big labels are trawling for success in the fickle, overcrowded pop market, at the mercy of fads that make them shell out millions on top of recording costs to promote the next hot thing.

In contrast, Blind Pig, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary, preaches to the converted. The label's birthday disc, a compilation of some of its best recordings since 1977, has already sold more than 60,000 copies.

For a damn fine read, Blind Pig


In The Kitchen With BartCop & Friends



Cancelled On FX

'Son of the Beach'

FX will not renew "Son of the Beach," the "Baywatch" spoof shepherded by Howard Stern.

FX declined to comment on the cancellation. Insiders said the decision was based primarily on the fact that FX is trying to move its brand in a different direction from where it was when "SOB" debuted in March 2000 as its first original scripted series.

The Tuesday night comedy, which stars co-creator Tim Stack as a flabby lifeguard aided by a bevy of comely ladies, will conclude its run on FX after three seasons with a three-part finale set to run on Sept. 17, Sept. 24 and Oct. 1.

The finale on FX, however, may not necessarily mark the end of the show. The producers of "SOB" already are fielding interest from other basic cable channels to take on the show. FX technically has until Saturday to make a formal decision on a fourth season of "Son of the Beach."

'Son of the Beach'




Italian restorer Agnese Parronchi, right, uses a crane to reach the hand of Michelangelo's marble statue of David in Florence, Monday, Sept. 16, 2002. Experts began a major cleanup of the masterpiece Monday, giving David his first wash since 1873. Michelangelo finished it in 1504, and it was displayed in the Piazza della Signoria from then until 1873, when it was moved to its present location in the Galleria dell'Accademia.
Photo by Fabrizio Giovannozzi


Buh-Bye 'BattleBots'

Comedy Central

It's thumbs up for one series and thumbs down for another at Comedy Central.

The cable channel has renewed "Insomniac With Dave Attell" for a fourth season while opting not to plug in "BattleBots" for a sixth.

Original episodes of "BattleBots," about battling machines, will air through December. Repeats will air indefinitely.

The third season of "Insomniac" will kick off Thursday, Dec. 5 at 10:30 p.m. Currently, repeats of the show air Sundays at midnight, and Wednesdays at 10:30 and midnight. Production on season four will begin in October, with the first show bowing in summer 2003.

Comedy Central


'Songs in the Key of Poop'

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog

Hot on the heels of his run-in with Eminem at the Video Music Awards, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog is releasing a rap record. The hand-puppet correspondent for "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" drops "Songs in the Key of Poop" sometime this winter. Tracks include "Benji's Queer" and "Doggie Style," in which Triumph raps,
"Lady left Tramp for a taste of my G/
I got the Westminster poodles lining up for me/
Lassie even gave me her IUD/
As a keepsake, I got Toto's brassiere/
I humped Mary Hart's leg on the 'ET' set/
I got Phil Jackson's crotch on the Laker's team jet."

Says Triumph: "This is going to blow the roof off the whole dog world."

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog


Off 'The Early Show'

Jane Clayson

After a summer of speculation about what CBS will do with "The Early Show" and its anchor Jane Clayson, half of the mystery at least has been answered.

Clayson, who co-anchored the third-place breakfastcast with Bryant Gumbel for 2-1/2 years before he left last May, will also leave the show. Clayson will remain at the network, where she'll be a correspondent for the "Evening News" segment "Eye on America" and an occasional contributor to the newsmagazine "48 Hours Investigates." Her previous contract ended in early September.

She will wrap up her "Early Show" duties Sept. 29 and will shift to the "Evening News" the next day.

Speculation about two recent guest hosts, Harry Smith of A&E's "Biography" and Hannah Storm of NBC Sports, however, has been intensifying. (The network said it doesn't comment on any potential negotiations. Agents did not respond to calls made late Friday.)

Tom Bergeron is another guest anchor whose name constantly comes up, but a source close to the situation says no negotiations are taking place with the "Hollywood Squares" host.

Jane Clayson


Censorship Or Lobbyist Pay Back?

House Internet Network

Taking a cue from the U.S. Senate, the House of Representatives has put up a firewall making it nearly impossible for politicos and staffers to download -- unwittingly or otherwise -- pirated material from peer-to-peer sites on the Internet.

In an Aug. 12 memo, House Information Resources notified all offices that the firewall would "better block malicious external systems and messages from entering the network."

Earlier in the summer, the Senate sergeant of arms announced that lawmakers and staffers would be blocked outright from visiting such sites as Gnutella and Morpheus. The two sites have been targeted by the Motion Picture Assn. of America, the lobbying arm of the major studios, as being chief culprits in the file-swapping of illegal films.

House Internet Network


BartCop TV!



Will Sing for U.N. Charity

Luciano Pavarotti

Italian opera singer Luciano Pavarotti will belt out arias at a charity concert next month in Monaco to help raise money for a U.N. anti-hunger program, the Rome-based Food and Agriculture Organization said Monday.

Pavarotti will be joined Oct. 12 by the Orchestra Sinfonica Italiana and singers from the Monte Carlo Opera for the "Pavarotti Canta Verdi" — "Pavarotti Sings Verdi" concert, the FAO said.

Pavarotti, 66, frequently performs for charities. Every year, he holds a fundraising concert in his hometown of Modena in northern Italy.

Luciano Pavarotti


'30 Odd Foot of Grunts' Added

Chrissie Hynde

Russell Crowe's rock band, 30 Odd Foot of Grunts, is set to tour with the Pretenders. Frontwoman Chrissie Hynde says she dug Crowe's album so much that she asked them to open for her band. "I think we'll be taking them out with us in America in January and February," Hynde told The Pretenders are currently warming up arenas for the wrinkled-but-still-rocking Rolling Stones, who Hynde describes as "unbelievable." Rock "It" boys the Strokes take over opening duties Oct. 4.

Chrissie Hynde


Sri Lanka


A Sri Lankan boy is lifted into the air as he hangs on to a giant kite during the annual kite festival in Colombo, September 15, 2002. The largest kite, some 760 square foot had to be handled by more than 50 people. A large crowd had gathered to watch the festival where more than 400 kites were on display.
Photo by Anuruddha Lokuhapuarachchi


Standard&Poor's Cuts Rating


Standard & Poor's on Monday cut Cablevision Systems Corp.'s ratings because it has growing uncertainty about the company's ability to boost cash flow from its cable businesses.

The cut follows similar action by Moody's Investors Service in August and can boost borrowing costs, as the No. 7 U.S. cable TV operator, based in Bethpage, New York, moves to plug a cash shortage that analysts estimate at up to $1 billion.

Cablevision last month posted a $98.2 million second quarter net loss, and said it would sell or shut businesses and cut about 1,900 jobs to save money.

S&P cut its corporate credit rating for Cablevision and its CSC Holdings unit one notch to "BB," its second highest "junk" grade, from "BB-plus." It cut CSC's senior unsecured debt two notches to "BB-minus" from "BB-plus." The outlook is negative. Cablevision had $7.5 billion of debt as of June 30, S&P said.

Cablevision's MSG channel lost the right to broadcast New York Yankees baseball games to YES this year, and has balked at YES's broadcast rights fees. Cablevision's New York cable system is the only New York area system that does not carry Yankees games.



Debuts at N.Y. Philharmonic

Lorin Maazel

Lorin Maazel, the new conductor of the New York Philharmonic, said he wants to offer a tasteful mix of music from the past and present.

In his first two days on the podium, the 72-year-old will conduct Beethoven's Ninth Symphony and the world premiere of John Adams' new choral and electronic meditation inspired by Sept. 11.

Lorin Maazel


Stars in ABC Documentary

Christopher Reeve

"What we're trying to show is that conventional wisdom is now falling by the wayside," said Christopher Reeve, describing a new documentary that chronicles remarkable progress in his fight to regain movement and even walk again.

Airing Wednesday at 10 p.m. EDT on ABC, "Christopher Reeve: Courageous Steps" shows the "Superman" star moving his right wrist, left fingers and both legs — developments few in the scientific community predicted after he was paralyzed in a riding accident in 1995.

The film was directed by Reeve's 22-year-old son Matthew, who "enabled the documentary to give what I call a fly-on-the-wall, warts-and-all look at my life, which I would not have been willing to reveal to some other documentary-maker."

The film, narrated by Reeve, shows his intensive exercise regimen, as well as his home life with his family, including actress-wife Dana Reeve, near New York City.

It covers a yearlong period from May 27, 2001, the sixth anniversary of his accident, and includes his attendance at Matthew's graduation from Brown University on May 27 this year.

Christopher Reeve


Roxette Singer in Hospital

Marie Fredriksson

Roxette singer Marie Fredriksson, known for smash hits such as "The Look" and "Joyride," has been hospitalized for a brain tumor discovered after the star fainted in her Stockholm home last week.

EMI Sweden, her record label, said medical tests showed the singer, 44, had a small tumor in the back of her head but that more tests were needed to determine proper treatment.

Marie Fredriksson


'Mile High Club'

Virgin Atlantic Airways

Virgin Atlantic Airways is to replace tables in its newest planes because passengers have broken them during illicit trysts, the Sun newspaper said on Monday.

The $200 million Airbus A340-600, which was introduced several weeks ago, has a "mother and baby room" with a plastic table meant for changing diapers. But passengers have destroyed them by using them for love making.

"Those determined to join the Mile High Club will do so despite the lack of comforts," a Virgin spokeswoman was quoted as saying.

Virgin Atlantic Airways


Punta del Este, Uruguay


Pinguine watscheln am Samstag am Strand von Punta del Este, Uruguay, entland. Vor wenigen Wochen sammelten Tierschützer mehr als 150 ölverschmierte Pinguine auf. Am Montag entließen sie die gereinigten Tiere wieder in die Freiheit.





'The Osbournes'

'The Osbournes' ~ Page 3

'The Osbournes' ~ Page 2

'The Osbournes' ~ Page 1





The Chickenhawk Database


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