Joe Bob Briggs: I Knew a Guy Who Was LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ (Taki's Magazine)
I've heard a lot of stories about weird sex and gender-blending and adolescent confusion and being a social misfit and changing your name 13 times and coloring your hair shades of the rainbow never conceived of by the Crayola company, and God bless every person who has to go through that in a world of harsh judgments and elder disapproval and bullying. And yet I still don't understand LGBTQ.
Andrew Tobias: A Question, A Chart, And A Medal That Pretty Much Tell It All
Days ago, the Republicans blocked bills requiring paper ballots (and FBI notification when a campaign is approached by a foreign entity) … despite proof the Russians hacked all 50 of our state election systems in 2016. The 64,000 Ruble Question: Whom do YOU more trust to have your family's well-being at heart: a) the FBI and CIA? b) Vladimir Putin? Is there really any more to next year's election than that?
Jonathan Chait: Russian Election Hacking in 2020 Could Easily Be Much Worse Than 2016 (NY Mag)
What if Trump fails to win the Electoral College in 2020? Would he refuse to accept the results of an election? The first thing to remember is that he already has. Back when Hillary Clinton was viewed as 2016's likely victor, one widely expressed fear was that Donald Trump would not abide by the outcome, threatening the tradition of peaceful transfer of power that has survived more than two centuries. What happened instead was something nobody anticipated: Trump won - and still refused to accept the election results. He has never stopped insisting that the national vote, which his opponent carried by nearly 3 million ballots, was stolen.
Alexandra Petri: Devastating news for America's intelligence (The Washington Post)
Bad, terrible, gloomy news, citizens! Rend your garments and lament with loud groans. Donald Trump had found, for once, someone who matched his level of intelligence. After many years of futile struggle against the intelligence community, who contumaciously persisted in contradicting his belief that all that is worth knowing about the world can be extracted from a careful daily viewing of "Fox & Friends," he had at last found someone who shared his point of view.
Lester Joseph Gillis (December 6, 1908 - November 27, 1934), known by the alias George Nelson and Baby Face Nelson, was an American bank robber in the 1930s. He was given the nickname Baby Face due to his youthful appearance and small stature, although few dared call him that to his face. Criminal associates instead called him "Jimmy". He became partners with John Dillinger, helping him escape from prison in Crown Point, Indiana; Nelson and the remaining gang members were labeled as public enemy number one.
Nelson was responsible for killing more FBI agents than any other person. He was fatally shot by FBI agents during a shootout called The Battle of Barrington.
Mac Mac was first, and correct, with:
Baby Face Nelson
Mark. said:
Baby Face Nelson.
Doug from Albuquerque, New Mexico wrote:
Lester Joseph Gillis is the gangster better known as Baby Face Nelson.
Alan J answered:
Baby Face Nelson.
zorch responded:
Baby Face Nelson. Nobody called him that to his face.
Randall replied:
Baby Face Nelson
Dave wrote:
Baby Face Nelson. Born Lester Joseph Gillis in 1908, the career criminal went by the alias George Nelson. The press gave him the nickname "Baby Face" because of a description from the mayor of Chicago's wife, after Nelson stole her jewelry at gunpoint. It is not believed that any of his fellow criminals had the nerve to call him that name to his face. The 4 FBI agents were killed in 3 separate confrontations and others were wounded. Nelson was briefly named "Public Enemy #1" in 1934, after the FBI killed Nelson's associate John Dillinger and Pretty Boy Floyd. Nelson was the most trigger happy of the famous bank robbers, he was known to shoot police officers and FBI agents on sight and wouldn't think twice about civilians hit in crossfires or of firing a machine gun down crowded sidewalks to cover his escapes. While Dillinger and other bank robbers would only employ deadly force when cornered, Nelson seemed to enjoy killing.
Nelson himself was mortally wounded 11-27-1934 during his last gunfight, when a .45 caliber slug from an FBI Thompson submachine gun went through his liver. The mortally wounded Nelson shot both FBI agents before stealing their car and escaping the scene. Nelson died later that night and his body was discovered the next morning outside of a cemetery where his wife and an accomplice left him to be discovered. After Nelson's death (and the deaths of the 2 FBI agents) an enraged J. Edgar Hoover gave the order that his wife was to be found and "given no quarter." None the less, a few days later the unarmed Helen Gillis was captured alive and served 1 year in prison.
Photos: Mickey Rooney in the 1957 film "Baby Face Nelson" | A newspaper article about the murderous bank robbers, Nelson rated the same reward as John Dillinger.
Jim from CA, retired to ID, said:
Baby Face Nelson
Kevin K. in Washington, DC, replied:
Baby Face Nelson.
Deborah responded:
That's the birth name of Baby Face Nelson, a notorious bank robber.
We took 11 pounds of Juliet tomatoes (a meaty type of grape tomato), 2 large red onions, 6 cloves of garlic and a couple handsful of basil from the garden, and made 7-½ pints of sauce. The extra ½ pint will go over pasta tonight. The house smelled wonderful while the sauce was a cooking down. Looks like we'll have a break in the tomato harvest for a few days. It's been a good summer thus far.
Rosemary in Columbus wrote:
Baby Face Nelson
Dave in Tucson said:
Today's answer is Baby Face Nelson, immortalized in film by Richard Dreyfuss when he got his ass kicked by Warren Oates' John Dillinger in the 1973 film Dillinger; and hilariously portrayed by Michael Badalucco in O' Brother Where Art Thou?
DJ Useo answered:
"Baby Face Nelson", he was called. ( Behind his back. ) I can't come up with strong enough language to express my thoughts on all mass murderers.
Joe S replied:
That would be Baby Face Nelson. I learned about Baby Face early in life, I used to listen to Gang Busters on the radio when I was a kid. Of course being the radio I had no idea what he looked like, but I imagined what he looked like. It wasn't until I saw the documentary "O Brother" did I got to see what he really looked like. I was a little disappointed. It's no secret how Baby Face got his nick-name, but I to this day don't understand the Nelson part.
mj took the day off.
Roy, Still voting Blue in Stupidly Red Tyler, TX took the day off.
Cal in Vermont took the day off.
Harry M. took the day off.
David of Moon Valley took the day off.
John I from Hawai`i took the day off.
Michelle in AZ took the day off.
Billy in Cypress U$A took the day off.
Barbara, of Peppy Tech fame took the day off.
Saskplanner took the day off.
Micki took the day off.
Stephen F took the day off.
Leo in Boise took the day off.
George M. took the day off.
Kenn B took the day off.
Daniel in The City took the day off.
Steve in Wonderful Sacramento, CA, took the day off.
Marilyn of TC took the day off.
Gateway Mike took the day off.
Ed K took the day off.
Gene took the day off.
Jon L took the day off.
G E Kelly took the day off.
Brian S. took the day off.
Tony K. took the day off.
Paul of Seattle took the day off.
Noel S. took the day off.
James of Alhambra took the day off.
BttbBob has returned to semi-retired status.
Linda is usually spot-on, and I love the stuff she shares. That quote by Gloria Steinem today was off-the-charts timely and appropriate. I posted the quote on my FB page. Usually I don't post controversial stuff there (I belong to a couple of closed groups to post that stuff) but that quote inspired me to take a public stand. I'm tired of old white guys (I know, that's both sexist and racist, so be it) making policy for women's health care and letting guys get off scott-free for their actions. I haven't done the research but I don't know of any woman who's committed mass shootings on the scale that we saw the last week. It has to stop. Congress can skip their sacred month off and GTF back to DC and do their jobs.
The day before the Gilroy shooting we drove the back way from Watsonville and passed the area where that shooter cut through the fence from Coyote Creek to gain entrance with his gun to the festival. We drove by and noted how crowded the festival was, the traffic, extra cops, etc., and thus avoided a huge back up on the 101 north-bound. After we heard about the shooting we were gobsmacked. And now El Paso and Dayton…shit's gotta stop, and #45 is at the top of the chain of white nationalist terrorism.
Thanks for continuing to share relevant links and information and some fun stuff, too. Oh, and a Gulf Fritillary fluttered through my backyard this morning, and I thought of you when I saw it.
• Giuseppe Campanari acted and sang the part of Kothner the final time that Anton Seidl conducted Die Meistersinger at the Metropolitan. Kothner appears in the first act but does not afterward appear in the opera until very much later in the final act, where the character waves a flag and sings a few notes. Mr. Campanari asked Mr. Seidl for permission to go home after the first act, thinking that in the final act a member of the chorus could very well wave the flag and sing the few notes. Mr. Seidl, however, replied, "No. Remain for the master's sake! [The master, of course, is the composer of Die Meistersinger: Richard Wagner.] Go to your dressing room, and I will send you something to keep you company." Mr. Campanari did retire to his dressing room, and Mr. Seidl sent him two cigars and a bottle of champagne with his compliments. Mr. Campanari writes, "At the proper moment, during the last act, the original Kothner appeared and thus Wagner's dignity was upheld at the expense of Mr. Seidl's purse." By the way, Mr. Seidl celebrated Christmas with a huge Christmas tree, and presents for his dogs - each dog got a sausage - hung on its branches.
Good Deeds
• When he was a very young man who had just graduated from Harvard, future music critic Henry T. Finck decided to attend the first Beyreuth Festival, with Richard Wagner himself conducting. He arrived several weeks before the festival began, and he wanted to attend the rehearsals of the great works of opera written by Mr. Wagner. No one was supposed to be admitted to the rehearsals, but he found a convenient keyhole and put his ear up to it. Someone discovered him doing this and said, "Nobody is allowed in here." Henry pointed out that he had spent a great amount of money for tickets to all the public performances of the festival, but to no avail. The attendant said, "I am extremely sorry, sir, but I have strict orders to make no exceptions. Fortunately, Henry met Mr. Wagner himself. He took the opportunity to ask the great man to allow him to attend rehearsals. At first, Mr. Wagner declined, thinking that Henry was a critic. (Henry became a critic - as which he was a defender of Wagner - later.) Henry said, "But I am not a critic, only a young man of 22 who has come simply to describe the new works." (True. Henry could write, and he had arranged to send articles about the festival to the New York World and Atlantic Monthly.) This pleased Mr. Wagner, who asked him, "Have you a Patronatsschein?" Henry replied, "Three!" Mr. Wagner then did a good deed. He said, "I had made up my mind to admit no one to the rehearsals, not even Liszt. But he has gone in and I have admitted a few others, so you might as well come, too." Mr. Finck wrote in his autobiography that he "had the time of my life watching the great master superintending every detail of the performances."
• Lucrezia Bori of the Metropolitan Opera had surgery to remove some nodules from her vocal chords; unfortunately, the operation was not a success and she lost her singing and her speaking voice. Internationally famous Australian opera star Nellie Melba visited her and told her about the time that she had strained her voice by trying to sing a Wagnerian role that was not suited for her voice. For three months, she had remained completely silent, and she had recovered her voice. She added, "You are not yet thirty. Have patience. Wait and watch and work mentally. You will have a great future one day." In fact, that is what happened. Ms. Bori had another operation, and after lots of rest and silence, she was able to recover her voice and have a second career singing at the Met. When Ms. Bori returned to the Met, Ms. Melba was there. Before Ms. Bori's performance, Ms. Melba sent her a large basket of flowers, and after the performance, she told her, "You sang beautifully tonight. You are more marvelous than ever."
• When Ivan Jadan, the premier lyric tenor of the Bolshoi Opera from 1928-1941, escaped from the rule of the dictator Josef Stalin in November of 1941, he walked west with a group of other artists and their families. As they neared an overturned German truck, one of the children in the group started crying. Hearing the child, a German soldier inside the truck stuck his head out of a door. The one member of the Russian group who could speak German asked in what direction they should travel. Although the Russians were supposed to be the enemies of the Germans, the German soldier saved their lives by warning him about a minefield directly ahead of them. Hearing the child cry had made the German soldier realize that these Russians needed help, and he gave it to them.
• During World War 1, opera tenor Enrico Caruso visited a hospital for wounded veterans. He learned that a soldier who had lost his legs in the war was traveling through New York on his way to Washington, DC, for artificial legs. He also learned that the soldier wanted to see New York City. No problem. Mr. Caruso simply requested, "Put him in my car." Mr. Caruso and the veteran had lunch together, and then Mr. Caruso went to a rehearsal and his chauffeur took the veteran around New York and showed him the sights. Afterward, Mr. Caruso received a letter from the veteran: "Many thanks for your great kindness to me. When I get my new legs from Washington, I am coming to hear you sing."
• An impoverished German student once wrote Jenny Lind, the 19th-century singer known as the Swedish Nightingale, begging for a ticket and promising to pay her for it when he received his allowance. Ms. Lind not only sent him two free tickets, but during the concert she made sure to smile in the direction of those particular seats.
As one talking head just noted--There was no call for the Racist in Chief to address the nation and console us after these latest mass murders. Because he's so bad at it and has such trouble showing empathy. Instead, he continued hiding out at his trash golf course, playing golf, tweeting nonsense, and dropping in on yet another white trash MAGA wedding. He didn't bother with an official response until this morning--a response filled with nonsense in between all the adderall-induced sniffing.
And THEN! He said Toledo instead of Dayton! I've heard some excuse him by saying the teleprompter had it wrong and he read it as it was. Some said he saw the wrong script and was too lazy to say Dayton. But I also saw a photo of the teleprompter (real? photoshopped?) with the correct words on it which seems to show how out of it he is.
Whatever the truth of any of that, we've got a corrupt divisive narcissistic misogynistic racist bullying criminal in the WH who does not give two flying fucks about anyone but himself and who only worries about how he can make more money off it.
CBS begins the night with a FRESH'Love Island', followed by a RERUN'NCIS', then a FRESH'Blood & Treasure'.
Scheduled on a FRESHStephen Colbert are Amanda Seyfried, Jacob Tremblay, Brady Noon, and Keith L. Williams.
Scheduled on a FRESHJames Corden, OBE, are Melissa McCarthy, Elisabeth Moss, and Jakob Dylan & Jade Castrinos.
NBC starts the night with a FRESH'America's Got Talent', followed by a FRESH'Bring The Funny'.
Scheduled on a FRESHJimmy Fallon are Dakota Johnson, Post Malone, Jon Lovitz, and Tyler Childers.
Scheduled on a FRESHSeth Meyers are Michelle Williams, Noel Gallagher, Tommy Orange, and Julian Dorio.
On a RERUNCarson 'The Scab' Daly (from 3/27/19) are Natalie Morales, HÆLOS, and Grace Van Dien.
ABC opens the night with a FRESH'Bachelor In Paradise', followed by a RERUN'Bless This Mess', then a RERUN'black-ish'.
Scheduled on a FRESHJimmy Kimmel are Ben Stiller, Robin Thede, Brad Paisley, and Max featuring Quinn XCII.
The CW offers a FRESH'Pandora', followed by a FRESH'The 100'.
Faux has a RERUN'Spin The Wheel', followed by a FRESH'First Responders Live'.
MY recycles an old 'Chicago PD', followed by another old 'Chicago PD'.
A&E has 'The First 48', followed by a FRESH'The First 48', then a FRESH'Intervention', followed by a FRESH'60 Days In: Narcoland'.
AMC offers the movie 'The Forbidden Kingdom', '2½ Men', another '2½ Men', followed by the movie 'Ghostbusters II'.
[8:30AM] STAR TREK: VOYAGER - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 1-Caretaker, Pt. 1
[9:30AM] STAR TREK: VOYAGER - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 2-Caretaker, Pt. 2
[11:30AM] STAR TREK: VOYAGER - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 4-Time and Again
[:30PM] STAR TREK: VOYAGER - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 7-Eye of the Needle
[4:30PM] CONTACT (1997)
[2:00AM] STAR TREK: VOYAGER - SEASON 4 - EPISODE 18-The Killing Game, Pt. 1
Bravo has 'Real Housewives Of OC', another 'Real Housewives Of OC', followed by a FRESH'Real Housewives Of OC', then a FRESH'Flipping Exes', followed by a FRESH'Watch What Happens Live'.
Comedy Central has 3 hours of old 'The Office', followed by a FRESH'Drunk History', then a FRESH'Alternatino With Arturo Castro'.
Scheduled on a FRESHThe Daily Show is Marianne Williamson.
Scheduled on a FRESHDavid Spade are Nick Kroll, Ian Edwards, and Fortune Feimster.
FX has the movie 'The Fate Of The Furious', followed by a FRESH'Pose'.
History has 'American Pickers', followed by a FRESH'American Pickers', then the FRESH'The Strangest Man In History'.
[6:00A] The Three Stooges-Men in Black
[6:15A] Diary of the Dead
[8:15A] Silent House
[10:15A] The Mist
[1:00P] Into the Storm
[3:00P] Rush
[5:45P] Transporter 3
[8:00P] Tropic Thunder
[10:30P] Tropic Thunder
[1:00A] Grindhouse Presents: Death Proof
[3:30A] Into the Storm
[5:30A] Pee-wee's Playhouse-Just Another Day (ALL TIMES EDT)
Sundance -
[6:15am] The Andy Griffith Show
[6:45am] M*A*S*H
[7:15am] M*A*S*H
[7:45am] M*A*S*H
[8:15am] M*A*S*H
[8:45am] M*A*S*H
[9:15am] M*A*S*H
[9:45am] M*A*S*H
[10:15am] Rain Man
[12:45pm] Ghost
[3:45pm] Mommie Dearest
[6:45pm] Carrie
[9:00pm] Carrie
[11:15pm] Enough
[1:15am] Carrie
[3:30am] The Andy Griffith Show
[4:00am] The Andy Griffith Show
[4:30am] The Andy Griffith Show
[5:00am] All in the Family
[5:30am] All in the Family (ALL TIMES EDT)
SyFy has the movie 'Blade II', followed by the movie 'Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows: Part 1', then the movie 'Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows: Part 2'.
On a RERUNConan (from 7/8/19) is Kevin Bacon.
Alf Clausen, who composed the music for "The Simpsons" for 27 years, filed suit against Fox on Monday alleging that he was fired due to his age.
Clausen, 78, was let go in 2017. According to the suit, Clausen was informed that the show was "taking the music in a different direction."
Clausen scored more than 560 episodes of the show, dating back to 1990. He conducted a 35-piece orchestra, composing songs, cues and innumerable variations on the iconic Danny Elfman "Simpsons" theme. He was nominated for 23 Emmy Awards for his "Simpsons" work, and won twice, for "We Put the Spring in Springfield" in 1997, and "You're Checkin' In (A Musical Tribute To The Betty Ford Center)" in 1998.
After he was let go, Clausen was replaced by Bleeding Fingers Music, a music production company co-founded by Russell Emanuel, Hans Zimmer and Steve Kofsky.
The suit states that Clausen's replacement "was substantially younger in age, who was not only paid less, but was not disabled."
Another chapter is set to play out this week in a decades-old family dispute over control of the classic works by author John Steinbeck.
A three-judge panel of the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals will be in Alaska's largest city on Tuesday to hear arguments in an appeal by the estate of Steinbeck's late son, Thomas Steinbeck, over a 2017 jury verdict in California.
In that case, a federal jury awarded the author's stepdaughter, Waverly Scott Kaffaga, more than $13 million in a lawsuit claiming Steinbeck's son and daughter-in-law, Gail Steinbeck, impeded film adaptations of the iconic works.
Attorney Matthew Dowd, representing the Thomas Steinbeck estate, said part of the appeal contends the 1983 agreement was in violation of a 1976 change to copyright law that gave artists or their blood relatives the right to terminate copyright deals. The appeal also disputes the award handed up by the jury, maintaining it was not supported by "substantial evidence."
Kaffaga - executor for the estate of her mother, Elaine Steinbeck, the author's widow and third wife - had alleged that long-running litigation over the author's estate prevented her from making the most of his copyrights at a time when marquee names such as Steven Spielberg and Jennifer Lawrence were interested in bringing masterpieces, "The Grapes of Wrath" and "East of Eden," back to the screen. She said the deals instead fell apart over the years.
David Crosby urged his former Byrds bandmate Roger McGuinn to reunite the group over the weekend, asking the singer on Twitter, "Want to do a couple of Byrds dates? I'll just sing harmony. No talking?"
McGuinn didn't respond to the tweet, but a representative did when reached for a comment. "Neither Roger or Chris entertain the idea of a Byrds reunion," McGuinn's rep wrote. "Roger was just tired of David crying about being hated. DC is not hated but that doesn't mean anyone wants to work with him."
Crosby's initial query came in response to a tweet from McGuinn complaining that Crosby unfairly lumped him in with Neil Young, Stephen Stills and Graham Nash as former bandmates that "won't even talk to me" and "hate my guts" in his new documentary David Crosby: Remember My Name. "You're saying I won't talk to you and hate you," McGuinn wrote. "That's just not true!"
The two bandmates have had a somewhat strained relationship over the years, but McGuinn (unlike Stills, Nash and Young) did film a new interview for the documentary and they communicate regularly, at least via Twitter. "Thanks Roger," Crosby wrote back. "Must have mixed you up with those other guys."
The surviving members of the Byrds (McGuinn, Crosby and Chris Hillman) haven't played together since a brief, two-song set at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium 19 years ago. Crosby has been very vocal about his desire for them to reform the band since then. "[Roger is] just not interested in a Byrds reunion," he told Rolling Stone in 2013. "It's a shame because he and Chris and I could do it. It would be great fun, but I got tired of asking him. I must have asked him at least 10 times and he always says no…And to me a reunion wouldn't be about the money. I honestly don't even think it would even by that big of a money deal."
Fire prevention has been top of mind for Jack Daniel's Master Distiller Jeff Arnett after a blaze at a Jim Beam warehouse destroyed 45,000 bourbon barrels and littered a nearby river with fish killed by the resulting alcohol runoff.
Destructive fires, explosions and warehouse collapses threaten large distilleries across the country, where highly flammable hard liquor is aged and stored in massive quantities before it's bottled and shipped around the world.
The Jim Beam fire, just one of a handful of distillery disasters in Kentucky in recent decades, has left the entire U.S. spirits industry on edge.
Brown-Forman-owned Jack Daniel's has more than 2 million barrels of whiskey at stake. The 153-year-old distillery with a storied history in Tennessee has 90 warehouses that store aging whiskey on close to 3,000 acres in rural Lynchburg, Tennessee, and surrounding communities. A fire at a single Jack Daniel's warehouse could destroy as many as 67,000 barrels of whiskey.
To protect its valuable spirits, Jack Daniel's has poured money into a sophisticated fire prevention strategy that includes a team of 34 state-certified firefighters. Members of the Jack Daniel's Volunteer Fire Brigade work full-time at Jack Daniel's in jobs ranging from engineer to tour guide, and they volunteer to keep the property, people and whiskey safe.
A mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, on August 3 has reignited a discussion on violence associated with white nationalism and the far right.
The suspected shooter, a white male, wrote a manifesto containing blatantly xenophobic language. The manifesto cited the "invasion" of immigrants as the reason for the shooting, which left 20 people dead.
Correspondingly, reports in the past year have pointed to unsettling trends surrounding right-wing extremism and violence.
Every extremist killing in the US in 2018 had a link to a right-wing extremism, according to a January 2019 report from the Anti-Defamation League's Center on Extremism.
There were at least 50 extremist-related killings in the US in 2018, according to the report, making it the fourth-deadliest year on record for domestic extremist-related killings since 1970.
Austria's highest court has put an end to a row over the house where Adolf Hitler was born, rejecting the amount the former owner had demanded in compensation, the interior ministry said on Monday.
Gerlinde Pommer's family owned the yellow corner house in the northern town of Braunau on the border with Germany for nearly a century.
The government took control of the dilapidated building in December 2016 after years of legal wrangling with Pommer.
Austrian authorities have been keen to prevent the premises, where Hitler was born on April 20, 1889, from becoming a neo-Nazi shrine.
Although he only spent a short time at the property, it continues to draw Nazi sympathisers from around the world.
In recent years, dozens of people in the United States who bought prepackaged salads at their local grocery stores found unexpected extra ingredients mixed in with their kale and romaine: frogs, lizards, rodents and even a bat.
In 10 instances, the animals were still alive. (Perhaps, that made the encounters less gruesome … or infinitely worse.)
Researchers recently reviewed reports of these animal discoveries dating back to 2003, describing their findings in a new study. They presented 40 examples of bagged salads purchases in 20 states that included unwelcome wildlife stowaways; 38 of these encounters took place during the past decade.
The scientists collected data on incidents that had been covered by news outlets online, noting details such as the date and location of the animal discoveries; the type of produce; whether the produce was boxed or bagged; and the animal species - and if it was dead or alive. For the dead animals, the scientists recorded "whether the animal was whole or partial," they wrote in the study, published online July 20 in the journal Science of the Total Environment.
Of the animals found in salad, about 53% were frogs and toads, and most of the frogs were in the treefrog group. Around 23% of the salad animals were reptiles, while nearly 18% were mammals and the rest were birds, the scientists reported. Most of the mammals were rodents, but the one instance of a bat in salad - a Brazilian free-tailed bat (Tadarida brasiliensis) found in Florida in 2017 - received significantly more media attention than other animals, likely because bats are known vectors for many diseases that affect people, the researchers explained.
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