BartCop Entertainment Archives - Tuesday, 11 May, 2010


11 May, 2010

(Updated Daily)

[1019 days in a row]


The Weekly Poll


The 'Double-Trouble' Edition...

This past week has brought two significant issues to our (ahem) attention that begs to be commented upon. (I'm pretty sure you all have opinions on these matters, haha...)

The 'What does that even mean?' Question...

In the aftermath of the enactment of Arizona's 'Papers, please' law, various and sundry administration officials, politicians and activists have said that this event only proves the need for immediate "Comprehensive Immigration Reform". However, specific details were lacking and

Mr. Obama has shied away from the issue by saying congress has no appetite for that political 'hot potato' with the fall mid-term elections looming. So, here's your opportunity to give them your input (or a piece of yer mind, if that works). I trust (cough) Rahm reads Bartcop E*...

What would you like (or not like) CIR to include and when (or) should it be done?

The 'Drill, Baby... Spill!' Question...

Not a month has passed after President Obama proposed increased off-shore oil drilling operations when karma bit him in the ass with the BP platform disaster. (Hello? 911? Gaia calling!)

Should Mr. Obama rescind or modify (how?) his decision?

Well, then, Poll-fans. A light turn-out, but nonetheless entertaining. I separated the dual responses to their respective questions. I'm hopin' ya don't mind...

(Except fer mine. They're at the end)...

So, without further ado, let's get on with it...

The 'What does that even mean?' Question...

In the aftermath of the enactment of Arizona's 'Papers, please' law, various and sundry administration officials, politicians and activists have said that this event only proves the need for immediate "Comprehensive Immigration Reform". However, specific details were lacking and Mr. Obama has shied away from the issue by saying congress has no appetite for that political 'hot potato' with the fall mid-term elections looming. So, here's your opportunity to give them your input (or a piece of yer mind, if that works). I trust (cough) Rahm reads Bartcop E*...

What would you like (or not like) CIR to include and when (or) should it be done?

The Vidiot opined...
     I think that as a state's population shifts, like in Arizona, with a huge influx of, in this case, Spanish-speaking Mexicans, all of the institutions in that state should organically adjust. More Spanish should be spoken and be on used on signage. More of the immigrants should take public control of the reigns of power. The power structure should shift over and adequately reflect the make-up of the population. And since I believe that Nation States are illegitimate and oppressive structures, that no 'government' has the right to dictate where I can live and work, where I can travel and where I can't, that boundaries are arbitrary (constructed based on the wishes of a power elite), I do not view these 'immigrants' as illegal.
     Those who support this policy of criminalizing the poor support white supremacy. The Arizona law is but one more of many steps to secure white power and domination that is perceived to be in peril with the transforming population. As the dominant population becomes numerically impoverished compared to the increasing minority population, racist laws will continue to pass, compensating for the rising immigrant population. Yes, they want the indigenous working for the white man, but they must remember that the white man controls the law, culture, state, and all that is social. This is what happens when the dominant population becomes, at the same time (due to immigration) the minority population. White power must remain though white people are no longer the majority. This law is only an extension of white power already firmly embedded in all American institutions.
     The more the powerless population (in this case poor Mexicans) increase in numbers, the more racist laws are imposed to control them, thus rendering them in a perpetual cycle of inferiority and powerlessness. You can ask, "What part did nation states play in producing poverty and than criminalizing the impoverished they create? What right do nations states have in preventing individuals from migrating simply to alleviate the misery that free trade helped produce?
     Mexicans are not simply living where they want to live. Instead, they chase jobs. The worthless value of the Mexican peso, the free trade treaty signed with NAFTA, and the continued exploitation and oppression of millions of indigenous people have all contributed to this mass migration of immigrants. Legalizing racial profiling only exacerbates the problem. It criminalizes the poor that the system produced; blaming the victim in an economic system that systematically produces poverty, misery, and decay. America needs to exploit the indigenous, weak, and powerless for profit (to do the shit work) while at the same time fears and despises those who they mercilessly exploit. The result is further punishment against those unfortunate enough to migrate to a country that hates them, only to secure petty wages that still offer an improvement to the grim conditions faced in Mexico.
     What most white folks don't realize is that they are just as punished as the Mexicans, only their income is just a bit higher. Most white folks are just as disposable. So why do they identify with their white captors? Is it just because they share a European ancestry? Is it Stockholm syndrome? We as a whole are closer to the indigenous and marginalized in the world than we are to the privileged elite (those who finance the politicians) who pass laws like the Arizona laws. They are not looking out for our interests. We should instead join with our brothers, the marginalized, since that is whom we are closer to, and in case anyone has yet to notice, we are quickly on our way to their same fate.

bebo sent an 'on scene' report...
     Since I live in the Phoenix area, ground zero of immigration reform, I feel I am somewhat qualified to comment on the subject. on Feb..14,1912, when Arizona stopped shooting Indians & became a state, every administration, both state & federal, has used Mexico as a source of cheap labor.( read: $10 for a head of lettuce vs. $1 for a head of lettuce). Everyone knows that illegal immigration is a problem but because of the economic benefits, it's always been put on the back burner. That is until B. Obama was elected POTUS. since then, the local wingnuts & their ilk (read: racists & bigots) have decided that the problem has to be fixed RIGHT NOW! I can't remember the last time I've lost a minutes sleep over illegal immigration. Of course this doesn't mean I'm apolitical. I've been real busy working on the medical marijuana initiative that's coming up for a vote in November. In fact, I've already bought a pair of bib overalls & brogans so I can be ready to put in a crop in my backyard when the initiative passes.
(Bart will love ya, Dude!)

DanD first ROTFL...

     AAAAAAaaaaaHA,HA,HA,Ha,Ha,Ha,ha,ha,ha -- ha -- (urk) hack ... cough, ahem ~
(Then composed himself and, as only he can...)
     ... a double-down WPE(dition, tm: BttbB); (Yuppers, a two-fer...)
     I will include here a reader's comment that I wrote for the Pasadena Weekly as a response to an online (and default dead-tree) piece ( Pasadena Weekly,~go to the end of the article):
     Is it true? I mean, a whole class of "brown" people are getting the "Apartheid" shaft ... only because they are brown? It's rather obvious, the fact that MOST immigration scofflaws in Arizona not being Caucasian has absolutely nothing to do with it of course.
     Well, tell me, how many Caucasian European types that are being rounded up along say, the Canadian border, have the prospective option of now flouting immigration law, but only if they feel like they're being racially discriminated against? Do Canadians even do illegal immigration? Or is it more than just an urban legend ... it's written somewhere in the Bible I think, "White" people can't be racially discriminated against (and if they are -- well -- they obviously deserve it).
     And so far, are the "racist hand jobs" of Arizona at fault for the massive debacle of immigration crime assaulting their southern border and spreading throughout the state? I mean, could it -- just possibly -- be that overburdening tax-drain living their high-life in Washington D.C. (you know, the ones who just can't seem to be bothered with comprehensive -- and fair to the local taxpayer -- immigration reform) might be a major part of the problem?
     So, a fifty percent-plus majority of primarily (first-language) English-speaking Arizona citizens who are most likely Caucasian (along with an uncounted number of, not disagreeing, "brown-skinned" Arizonans) apparently endorse a "Show-me-your-papers" kind of law that is primarily intended to reassert their own authority over who actually qualifies for their own, tax-supported and State managed public services infrastructure?
     Ah, the fascism that is democracy!  (I do like what ol' Winnie said, however "...democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.")
     There is a Federal law, you know, that requires all noncitizen immigrants to carry their green cards with them while they're out and about exploiting the freedoms of living in the United States. Now, it used to be that all legal immigrants first had to show their green card in order to get a driver's license. Prevalently, it probably is still that way in Arizona.
     Anyway, I want to know something, just how many illegally immigrating Caucasians are assaulting the U.S.'s southern border with Mexico? Surely, there must be at least a few ... have any been caught? I know one thing, when I try taking my white bright ass across the U.S./Mexican border, they make me show my Citizenship papers.
     What a can-o-worms.  (Merely a can? Hows 'bout a dump truck full!)
     I would like to include that we (you know, at least some of us law-abiding, proletariat types) do not condone the rule-of-lawlessness practiced by ALL criminal border-crossers, merely because some lower-rung, economically competing serf-like opportunists are less educated (a qualified presumption) and brown-skinned (an also, circumstantially shared fact*) -- in the end -- what are we telling our children?
     "Hey babies, just as long as you have foreign government and corporate sponsorship, you can steal as many public services AND JOBS from America's lower economic strata as you want ... and us collaborating corporate classes will also frequently let you riot, IN AMERICA, for a legal representation that -- Constitutionally -- you don't even qualify for."
     This is where America's hijacked promise of equality only makes the majority as equal as the lowest rung of wage-slaves, rule of law be damned.
     (*Go ahead, ask almost any "across the ponds" legal immigrant types, i.e. (mostly professional) Southeast Asians, Africans of non-Caucasian descent, Levant immigrants, et-al, of what they think about all those "wetback" types from all compass locations [regardless of race], and you will get a very Arizona-like earful of what needs to happen to those kinds of border-crossing crooks.)

Charlie Y. allows...
     I haven't been concentrating much on the immigration issue lately. The only comment I have is that since the so called "free trade" agreements have apparently created a lot of displaced and impoverished Mexicans looking for someplace to go, maybe we should rescind those for starters (ha, ha).  (Yeah, like THAT'S gonna happen!)

The 'Drill, Baby... Spill!' Question...

Not a month has passed after President Obama proposed increased off-shore oil drilling operations when karma bit him in the ass with the BP platform disaster. (Hello? 911? Gaia calling!)

Should Mr. Obama rescind or modify (how?) his decision?

Richard McD. sent...
     Drill my ass. You can't govern from the middle, Clinton tried it, did it work for him? It could take some of these States 50 years to recover if ever... admit that he made a bad judgment call and get on with it.

The Vidiot again...
     RE: the drilling thing. Obama is more dangerous than Bush and I'll tell you why: Obama is more able to further the agenda of white power and ruling elite because of the way he was marketed, the support he garnered, makes it way harder to criticize what he does and so, as a result, he tries (and succeeds) in getting way with more than anybody else. If Bush had signed the more drilling law, you can bet folks would've been screaming, but because their beloved Obama did it, well, they stayed quiet about it. The man's dangerous.

DRD wrote...
     I feel Mr. Obama has stepped into a very sticky mess by his effort to take a preemptive strike in the upcoming battle for bank reform by taking away the opponents main talking point of 'drill baby drill!' and it will be a drastic cost factor to his ability to muster support for other much needed projects! Proper or not, the GOP will ride this dead horse even if they have to hook it to a fire truck and drag it down Main Street while the siren blasts loudly for all to hear!
     The best answer for this dilemma is for the American populace to awaken from their long slumber and demand rapid development of alternative energy sources as at the same time we wean ourselves off of all the unnecessary junk product binge we have been on for too long already! This, given the outlook of the average joe blow, will be a task comparable to the rush on 'The Manhattan Project' of WW2. This would have a very limited negative effect on jobs here as most of the junk is being made off-shore! So drill or no drill, we are between the rock and the hard place in our zest to furnish energy to a daily surge of more, more, more to the ever increasing world population! We must reduce this demand regardless of drill or no drill!

bebo tersely said...
     He should fire Ken Salazar & keep punting.

DanD sez...
     "And now, for door number two:"
     Obama should first come clean on just how much money he was bribed to liability-limit BP's disaster exposure. THEN, he should line up every last one of those BP employees, from the CEO down to the lowliest managing technician (as well as many collateral government and corporate co-conspirators), and make them clean shorelines for the next 20 years ... but that's just what I think.

Charlie Y. rounds it out with...
     I have been following the mess in the Gulf of Mexico pretty closely, where the bad news gets worse by the hour so it seems. Yes, Obama should rescind his decision, but along with that, he needs to propose programs for public transportation and alternative energy, to state the obvious. Other than that, I find myself short of ideas.


Sigh... I am extremely conflicted about the immigration issue. I empathize with ALL whom are affected by this conundrum. I try to understand and make sense of all their view points. I visualize myself in their immediate predicaments and think, "How would I feel? What would I do? To what extremes would I go?"...

I do not know what solution would satisfy everyone and I don't think anyone else does, either. I feel that is the basis of the political inaction that is prolonging the agony... and fear is driving the desperation of everyone involved and push is going to come to a very large shove in the near future.

And that is what I fear most...

I have a suggestion for Mr. Obama concerning off-shore drilling. Declare a moratorium on new drilling until the oil companies create a substantial group insurance fund that would cover the expenses of any future spill clean-ups, stock pile necessary clean-up equipment in strategic locations with a ready force to use it on a moment's notice and place it under the supervision of the EPA/Coast Guard. Then we'll talk...

So, there it is... Thanks to all! You are, of course, THE BEST!



New Question

The 'Sympathy for the Devil' Edition...

Glen Beck(-elzebub) - or perhaps some unearthly entity clothed in Glenn Beck's skin - on Faux and Fiends, discussing the Miranda Rights of alleged Times Square car bomber Faisal Shahzad said… "He is a citizen of the United States, so I say we uphold the laws and the Constitution on citizens… If you are a citizen, you obey the law and follow the Constitution. He has all the rights under the Constitution… We don't shred the Constitution when it is popular. We do the right thing"...

You weren't expecting that, were you? I don't think anybody was...

Quote Unquote: Glenn Beck on Faisal Shahzad's Rights | Indecision Forever | Comedy Central and Huff Post


Who among you has the courage to stand with Beck(-elzebub) and for the record state that you agree with him on this issue?

(haha! This too delicious!)

I am SO Bad... totheboneBob

Send your response to


( BCEpoll 'at' )


GOP's Response to Gulf Disaster: ''


Recommended Reading

from Bruce

Paul Krugman: Sex & Drugs & the Spill (
Why weren't federal regulators working to prevent the BP oil spill?

Connie Schultz: A Mom's Worry Becomes a Son's Calling (
Nell Ann Craig is not one of those mothers who need material proof of their sons' love. "A card," she said. "A card's just fine. Or a call. I love when they call. I just want to hear their voices."

Erika Milvy: "A Lesbian Mother's Complaint: I Want To Be the Only Mommy on Mother's Day" (
As the toddlers say, I don't want to share.

"The Poetry of Rilke" by Rainer Maria Rilke and Edward Snow: A review by Craig Morgan Teicher
Rilke has had plenty of remarkable translators, most famously, Stephen Mitchell. All have produced fine versions of Rilke's unrelentingly intense and sculptural poems, but only Edward Snow has tuned his ear to most or all of Rilke's body of work.

MARY ANN GWINN: Author puts together rich story of Obama (THE SEATTLE TIMES)
I've read a lot of political novels in my life, and a few great ones ("All the King's Men"). But I had this thought over and over while reading "The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama," David Remnick's superb new life-thus-far of President Obama: No one, but no one, could have made this story up.

"Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet" by Bill McKibben: A review by Edward Wolf
Twenty-one years ago, a young writer named Bill McKibben published a bombshell of a book, 'The End of Nature.' Remembered now as "the first book for a general audience about global warming," it arrived just a year after the scorching summer of 1988 brought wildfires to Yellowstone, drought to the Corn Belt and climate scientist James Hansen to the halls of Congress to tell a panel of senators that global warming had begun.

KAYLA GUTHRIE: "Kim Gordon: Girls, Guitars Guns" (
Since the early 1980s, when she and Sonic Youth performed at art venues like White Columns in New York, Kim Gordon (and her bandmate and husband, artist Thurston Moore) has almost single-handedly represented a viable overlap of visual art and rock music, famously commissioning iconic album covers by Raymond Pettibon and Gerhard Richter.

Todd Martens: Is it time to care about the Like again? (
So let's get the skepticism out of the way. Well connected and well financed, the Like were the can't-miss Los Angeles band that missed.

Jon Bream: When he's not making music, Lyle Lovett spends his time horsing around (Star Tribune)
Lyle Lovett sounded as giddy as the character in his "If I Had a Boat" song who envisions "me upon my pony on my boat."

Mike Farley: A Chat with Camille Ford, Host of "Food Wars" (
I couldn't believe how lucky I am, and was, to be asked to travel around the United States meeting great people who have worked their whole lives to be passionate about one thing, food, that I get to eat for free.

Will Harris: Dean Norris, Co-star of "Breaking Bad" (
People love Hank as a common guy - and I love playing Hank as a common guy, too! Hank was so much more fun in Season 1 as a bit of comic relief to the dark stuff that was going on. Now he's become part of the dark stuff that's going on.

Jason Newman: A Chat with Michael Caine, star of "Harry Brown" (
"I obviously don't have to work now to pay the rent or the phone bill, so I just sit there now and I wait for an offer I can't refuse - the offer being the script, not the money-and this was something I couldn't refuse."

David Bruce: How to Teach the Autobiographical Essay Composition Project (
Free download at This document describes how to teach a composition project: writing an autobiographical essay or personal narrative.

The Sounds - Living in America (


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Wake-up Call







(observing Oakland A's pitcher Dallas Braden throwing a perfect game...on Mothers Day)

zEN mAN archives



Trivia Question of the Day

Helen Keller was a member of what political party?


Send your answer to Marty

Trivia Question from Yesterday

Who lived at 565 North Clinton Drive, Milwaukee, Wisconsin?

      The Cunninghams (Happy Days)                                                      Source

The Cunninghams' official address is 565 North Clinton Drive, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Within the actual Milwaukee street grid, this would put the address somewhere in the center of Milwaukee County near the current day Interstate 94, just south of Michigan Street. It would also be an oddity, as north-south streets in the city west of downtown are numbered rather than named.          Source

Alan J was first, and correct, with:
   The Cunninghams of Happy Days

Jim from CA, retired to ID, answered:
   The Cunninghams from Happy Days

mj wrote:
   Oh Happy Days
  I'm guessing the Cunninghams (with the do they or don't they have a son older than Richie?)

Marian the Teacher responded:
   Cunningham's from Happy Days

Charlie replied:
   The Cunninghams from Happy Days

Sally said:
   Why I do declare, the Cunninghams' (Happy Day's) lived at 565 North Clinton Drive, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

  And, here they are...

MAM   wrote:
   565 North Clinton Drive, Milwaukee, Wisconsin was the address of the Cunningham family in "Happy Days". The filming was actually done at

  565 North Cahuenga Ave., Wilshire, California.

BadtotheboneBob responded:
   The Cunningham family from 'Happy Days'. I had to answer this question if only to express my loathing of that show as well as all its 'spin-offs'... Mindless drivel about sums up their collective worth. So there. I said it. I'm glad... (No offense meant, M...)

And, Joe S (A little sad today) answered:
   The Cunninghams, Ritchie and his family from Happy Days.

   I just want to mention that at age 7 or 8 I fell in love with Lena Horne. Other than my mother she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life.



Sick Days


From The Creator of 'Avery Ant'

"The Problem With Young People Today"

(Crabby Old Fart)


Reader Suggestion

Michelle In AZ

Daily Kos: Paper Solar Cells, Bladeless Wind Farms & BP News

Thanks, Michelle!



Selected Readings

from that Mad Cat, JD
















Ark Of Darkness


In The Chaos Household

Last Night

Still windy and cool.

Tonight, Tuesday:

CBS begins the night with a FRESH 'NCIS', followed by a FRESH 'NCIS: The 2nd One', then a FRESH 'The Good Wife'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Dave are Queen Latifah, Will Forte, and MGMT.
Scheduled on a FRESH Craig are Melina Kanakaredes, Tom Lennon, and Jonsi.

NBC starts the night with a FRESH 'Biggest Loser', followed by a FRESH 'Parenthood'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Leno are Amanda Seyfried, Guy Fieri, and Luke Bryan.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jimmy Fallon are Evangeline Lilly, Kenan Thompson, and Keith Urban, Mike McCready.
Scheduled on a FRESH Carson 'The Scab' Daly is Jared Harris.

ABC opens the night with a FRESH 'Dancing With The Stars', followed by a FRESH 'Lost', then a FRESH 'V'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jimmy Kimmel are Julia Louis-Dreyfus, the latest "Dancing With The Stars" castoff, and Michael Bolton.

The CW offers a FRESH '90210', followed by a RERUN 'Life Unexpected'.

Faux has a FRESH 'American Idol', followed by a FRESH 'Glee'.

MY recycles an old 'Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?', followed by another old 'Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?', then an old 'Deal Or No Deal', followed by another old 'Deal Or No Deal'.

A&E has 'The First 48', 'Criminal Minds', another 'Criminal Minds', and still another 'Criminal Minds'.

AMC offers the movie 'Out Of Sight', followed by the movie 'The Hunted', then the movie 'Gangs Of New York'.

BBC  -   
 [12:00 PM]   Antiques Roadshow UK - Episode 15
 [1:00 PM]   Antiques Roadshow UK - Episode 7
 [2:00 PM]   How Clean Is Your House? US - Episode 3
 [3:00 PM]   Gordon Ramsay's F Word - Episode 8
 [4:00 PM]   Colin and Justin's Home Heist - Episode 17
 [5:00 PM]   Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares - Ep 2 Lela's
 [6:00 PM]   Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares - Ep. 2 Glass House
 [7:00 PM]   BBC World News America
 [8:00 PM]   Star Trek: The Next Generation - Ep 6 Remember Me
 [9:00 PM]   Doctor Who - 4 - The Time of Angels
 [10:00 PM]   Ashes to Ashes - Episode 1
 [11:00 PM]   Star Trek: The Next Generation - Ep 6 Remember Me
 [12:00 AM]   Doctor Who - 4 - The Time of Angels
 [1:00 AM]   Ashes to Ashes - Episode 1
 [2:00 AM]   Doctor Who - 4 - The Time of Angels
 [3:00 AM]   Ashes to Ashes - Episode 1
 [4:00 AM]   BBC World News
 [4:30 AM]   BBC World News
 [5:00 AM]   BBC World News
 [6:00 AM]   BBC World News    (ALL TIMES EST)

Bravo '9 By Design', 'Real Housewives Of NJ', another 'Real Housewives Of NJ', followed by a FRESH '9 By Design'.

Comedy Central has last night's 'Jon Stewart', last night's 'Colbert Report', 'Tosh.0', another 'Tosh.0', 'South Park', another 'South Park', 'Sit Down, Shut Up', and another 'South Park'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jon Stewart is Sebastian Junger.
Scheduled on a FRESH Colbert Report is Hampton Sides.

FX has the movie 'Night At The Museum', followed by the movie 'Beowulf', then a FRESH 'Justified'.

History has 'Modern Marvels', followed by the FRESH 'The Real Robin Hood', and 'The Universe'.

IFC  -   
 [6:35 AM]   A Decade Under the Influence
 [7:30 AM]   Starstruck
 [9:10 AM]   Dadetown
 [10:45 AM]   Kinky Boots
 [12:35 PM]   Starstruck
 [2:15 PM]   Dadetown
 [3:50 PM]   Kinky Boots
 [5:45 PM]   Bookies
 [7:15 PM]   Good Guys Wear Black
 [9:00 PM]   Arrested Development
 [9:30 PM]   Arrested Development
 [10:00 PM]   Food Party
 [10:15 PM]   Food Party
 [10:30 PM]   Dinner With the Band
 [11:00 PM]   Ideal
 [11:30 PM]   Monty Python's Flying Circus
 [12:00 AM]   Galaxina
 [1:40 AM]   La Perra
 [2:00 AM]   The Whitest Kids U'Know
 [2:30 AM]   The Henry Rollins Show
 [3:00 AM]   Arrested Development
 [3:30 AM]   Arrested Development
 [4:00 AM]   Food Party
 [4:15 AM]   Food Party
 [4:30 AM]   Dinner With the Band
 [5:00 AM]   Ideal
 [5:30 AM]   Monty Python's Flying Circus    (ALL TIMES EST)

Sundance  -   
 [6:25 AM]   Summercamp!
 [7:55 AM]   Lemon Tree
 [9:45 AM]   Blame It On Fidel!
 [11:30 AM]   Summercamp!
 [1:00 PM]   Lemon Tree
 [2:50 PM]   Even Pigeons Go To Heaven
 [3:00 PM]   Blame It On Fidel!
 [4:45 PM]   Summercamp!
 [6:15 PM]   Guard Dog
 [6:25 PM]   The Dead Girl
 [8:00 PM]   THE LAZY ENVIRONMENTALIST - Season 2, Episode 4 - Lazy Surfer/Lazy Teenager
 [8:30 PM]   Cities On Speed - 104
 [9:30 PM]   Aloha, New York
 [10:00 PM]   Edge Of Heaven - Sundance Film
 [12:05 AM]   THE LAZY ENVIRONMENTALIST - Season 2, Episode 4 - Lazy Surfer/Lazy Teenager
 [12:35 AM]   Cities On Speed - 104
 [1:35 AM]   Edge Of Heaven - Sundance Film
 [3:40 AM]   The Dead Girl
 [5:20 AM]   In Short 116    (ALL TIMES EST)

SyFy has 'Star Trek: TNG', another 'Star Trek: TNG', still another 'Star Trek: TNG', followed by a FRESH 'WWE NXT'.

On a RERUN Lopez Tonight (from 4/22/10) are Jennifer Lopez, Ken Jeong, and Ozomatli.

 [6:30 AM]      MGM Parade Show #24 (1955)
 [7:00 AM]      The Runaway Bus (1954)
 [8:30 AM]      Murder At The Gallop (1963)
 [10:00 AM]      Murder Ahoy (1964)
 [11:45 AM]      Murder Most Foul (1964)
 [1:30 PM]      Murder In The Air (1940)
 [2:30 PM]      Murder in the Clouds (1934)
 [3:45 PM]      Murder In The Fleet (1935)
 [5:00 PM]      Murder In The Private Car (1934)
 [6:15 PM]      Murder, My Sweet (1944)
 [8:00 PM]      Drums Along the Mohawk (1939)
 [10:00 PM]      Northwest Passage (1940)
 [12:15 AM]      The Last of the Mohicans (1992)
 [2:30 AM]      Geronimo (1962)
 [4:15 AM]      Mohawk (1956)
 [5:45 AM]      Chuka (1967)     (ALL TIMES EST)

Wednesday  -  06/11/10

TCM spends the night with Donna Reed.
 [7:45 AM]      The Strawberry Blonde (1941)
 [9:30 AM]      Best Foot Forward (1943)
 [11:15 AM]      Romance On The High Seas (1948)
 [1:00 PM]      Grounds For Marriage (1950)
 [2:30 PM]      Just This Once (1952)
 [4:15 PM]      Village of Daughters > (1962)
 [6:00 PM]      The Happy Road (1957)
 [8:00 PM]      The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945)
 [10:00 PM]      The Last Time I Saw Paris (1954)
 [12:00 AM]      Green Dolphin Street (1947)
 [2:30 AM]      The Man From Down Under (1943)
 [4:30 AM]      Mokey (1942)

USA has a FRESH 'Law & Order: Crimiinal Intent'.

Any opinions?   Marty

Or reviews?   Marty

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(See below for addresses)


US film director and President of the Jury for the 63rd annual Cannes Film Festival, Tim Burton, arrives in Cannes, Monday, May 10, 2010. Cannes Film Festivalwill start May 12, 2010.
Photo by Lionel Cironneau


Click Here!


Lenny Kravitz Among Headliners At Benefit

Gulf Aid

Lenny Kravitz, Ani DiFranco and Mos Def are among the headliners for a benefit concert to support relief efforts for those affected by a massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Kravitz, who lives part-time in New Orleans, was the first to sign up when asked by Rehage Entertainment president Steven Rehage to participate in Gulf Aid. Others participating are: Allen Toussaint, Zachary Richard, Jeremy Davenport and The Voice of the Wetlands Allstars, which features Dr. John and Cyril Neville.

The benefit concert will take place on Sunday at Mardi Gras World River City, which overlooks the Mississippi River in New Orleans. Tickets cost $50.

Proceeds from the event will benefit fishermen and their families, whose livelihoods depend on the Gulf, and other organizations.

Gulf Aid


Jose Feliciano sings the national anthem before the Detroit Tigers-New York Yankees baseball game in Detroit, Monday, May 10, 2010. The Tigers paid tribute to the hall of fame broadcaster Ernie Harwell by raising a white flag with his initials and inviting his friend Feliciano to sing at the first game at Comerica Park since Harwell died.
Photo by Paul Sancya


Unveils Walk of Fame

Apollo Theater

Smokey Robinson, Ella Fitzgerald and James Brown are among the music legends being honored on the Apollo Theater's new Walk of Fame in New York City.

Workers on Monday began installing sidewalk plaques in front of the storied Harlem theater celebrating some of the artists who have performed there. Others include Little Richard, Patti LaBelle and Gladys Knight and the Pips.

Robinson said he first performed at the Apollo with the Miracles in 1959, and he's been back countless times since then.

The Apollo is celebrating its 75th anniversary. It is one of New York's best-known performance venues.

Apollo Theater


Tops Maxim Hot 100 List

Katy Perry

Singer Katy "I Kissed a Girl" Perry topped Maxim magazine's Hot 100 list on Monday, toppling "House" star Olivia Wilde on a roster that saw Angelina Jolie fall to No. 38.

Perry, 25, who shot to fame in 2008, was deemed by Joe Levy, editor-in-chief of the men's magazine, to be a "triple -- no quadruple -- kind of hot."

The U.S. singer, who had a No.1 hit with "I Kissed a Girl, is engaged to British comedian Russell Brand. She beat swimsuit model Brooklyn Decker, "Avatar" actress Zoe Saldana and "Gossip Girl" actress Blake Lively for the top spot on the mens' magazine's 2010 list.

Wilde, who plays bisexual doctor Thirteen on TV medical drama "House", was bumped from her No.1 spot last year to 20 on the new list.

Katy Perry




Toronto Tagging?


It appears legendary British graffiti artist Banksy has left his mark on Toronto.

The Show & Tell Gallery blogged about several supposed sightings of the artist's street work, posting photos of mostly black-and-white paintings apparently found hidden away in downtown back alleys.

Distinctive for their satirical look at politics and culture, the pictures include a businessman with a sign around his neck that reads, "will work for idiots," and another businessman with a sign reading, "0% interest in people."

Show and Tell's director, Simon Cole, says he has it on good authority that Banksy did the work and notes that the pieces are full of the artist's hallmarks.



U.S. jazz musician Esperanza Spalding performs during the 19th Annual St. Lucia Jazz festival at Pigeon Island, May 9, 2010.
Photo by Andrea De Silva


House For Sale

Truman Capote

The Brooklyn town house where Truman Capote wrote "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and other notable works is on sale for $18 million.

Sotheby's International Realty agent Karen Heyman said Monday that the building is expected to break sales records as one of the most expensive townhouses in the borough.

She said the Brooklyn Heights house is on the market for the first time in 70 years. Built in 1839, the house has 11 bedrooms, a finished basement with a wine cellar and a 2,500-square-foot garden.

Capote rented a basement apartment from Broadway art director Oliver Smith for 10 years in the 1950s and 1960s. The author wrote an essay, "A House on the Heights," based on his experiences in the neighborhood.

Truman Capote


Vidiot Speak


Calls On Guinea

Mia Farrow

UNICEF goodwill ambassador Mia Farrow is calling for women raped at last year's stadium massacre to receive help and compensation.

The U.S. actress says that she was profoundly touched by the survivors she met in Guinea, where at least 156 people were killed and dozens were raped last September.

Farrow also said Sunday at the end of her five-day visit that she had seen children who could have been saved by better health care.

She says the upcoming June election also presents a unique opportunity for the West African country to improve health care.

Mia Farrow


Actors rehearse scenes from the famous "Passion Play", a 350-year old tradition of bringing the play of the life of Jesus Christ to the stageevery ten years in Oberammergau, May 10, 2010. The source of this custom is an oath sworn by the citizens of Oberammergau in 1633 in the hopes of escaping the plague. Oberammergau expect about a half million people to follow the attraction of the Passion Play which starts on Sunday, 15th of May and lasts five months.
Photo by Michael Dalder


Judge Refuses To Unseal Testimony

Roman Polanski

Secret testimony given by the original prosecutor in Roman Polanski's 33-year-old sex case will remain sealed, a judge ruled Monday.

Superior Court Judge Peter Espinoza, turning down a request from Polanski's lawyers to unseal transcripts, said there was only one circumstance in which the material would become public. That would be if Polanski returns to the United States for a hearing and the retired prosecutor, Roger Gunson, is unavailable to testify in person.

"We continue to be bogged down in the question of whether he will ever return," said Espinoza.

The judge noted in a written ruling that Swiss Justice Ministry officials aid the transcripts "are irrelevant for the extradition proceedings."

Roman Polanski


Starlet Pleads No Contest

Bling Ring

A reality starlet accused of burglarizing Orlando Bloom's house pleaded no contest Monday to felony burglary and was sentenced to up to six months in county jail after reaching a deal with prosecutors.

Alexis Neiers, 18, an aspiring model who has been the subject of the E! Entertainment Television reality show "Pretty Wild," entered the plea shortly before her trial was slated to begin. Bloom, star of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Lord of the Rings" film franchises, had been expected to testify.

As part of the deal, Neiers was sentenced to three years of formal probation and six months in county jail for the July break-in. She also agreed to stay away from Bloom and his Hollywood Hills home.

She will begin serving her sentence June 24. She had rejected plea deals that required jail time but was facing up to six years in state prison if convicted at trial.

Bling Ring


A giant canvas of the 63rd Cannes Film Festival's official poster is seen seen on the Cannes Festival Palace, Monday, May 10, 2010. The Cannes Film Festival will start on May 12.
Photo by Lionel Cironneau


Pleads Not Guilty

Fernanda Romero

A Mexican-born actress living in Los Angeles has pleaded not guilty to charges that she had a phony marriage.

Fernanda Romero and her American husband, Kent Ross, both 28, pleaded not guilty Monday to federal marriage fraud charges. Each could face up to five years in federal prison if convicted.

The U.S. attorney's office says Romero paid Ross $5,000 to marry her in 2005 so she could become a U.S. resident but that they never lived together.

An investigation began after Romero's ex-boyfriend, fashion photographer Markus Klinko, told immigration authorities her marriage was a sham.

Fernanda Romero


No Guarantee

Nancy Grace

Attorneys for talk show host Nancy Grace say the mother of a missing toddler who appeared on her cable show in 2006 shortly before committing suicide had "talking points" for an interview and wasn't ambushed on the show.

Grace's attorneys say Melinda Duckett wasn't taken by surprise in an interview about her missing two-year-old son in a motion they filed asking a judge to throw out the wrongful death lawsuit filed by Duckett's family.

The lawsuit accuses Grace, the host of a talk show on HLN, formerly CNN Headline News, of inflicting emotional distress on the 21-year-old mother with her questioning.

The trial in federal court in Florida is set to start in August.

Nancy Grace


Visitors stroll through a field of moss phlox at a park in Chichibu, west of Tokyo, Japan, Wednesday, May 5, 2010.
Photo by Itsuo Inouye


'Irreversible' Damage

UN Environment Programme

The UN warned on Monday that "massive" loss in life-sustaining natural environments was likely to deepen to the point of being irreversible after global targets to cut the decline by this year were missed.

As a result of the degradation, the world is moving closer to several "tipping points" beyond which some ecosystems that play a part in natural processes such as climate or the food chain may be permanently damaged, a United Nations report said.

The third "Global Biodiversity Outlook" found that deforestation, pollution or overexploitation were damaging the productive capacity of the most vulnerable environments, including the Amazon rainforest, lakes and coral reefs.

"This report is saying that we are reaching the tipping point where the irreversible damage to the planet is going to be done unless we act urgently," Ahmed Djoghlaf, executive secretary of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, told journalists.

UN Environment Programme


Spanish Radio Show

"Polvo eres"

Spanish journalist Nieves Concostrina has brought her career back from the dead zone of unemployment with a hit radio program based on an innovative niche: dead people.

Concostrina was laid off after working on a national newspaper for years, and struggled for months before she first went on the air in 2003 with "Polvo eres" (Dust thou art), which is named after a line from the Bible.

Her morning program on public radio has since garnered a cult following with its tales of the unusual ways in which people find death, or what happens to their remains afterward.

"'Polvo eres' just seeks to show that death can turn out to be as interesting, extravagant or funny as life itself," Concostrina told Reuters in an interview.

"Polvo eres"


A 9-month-old koala clings to his mother at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo in Cleveland, on Friday, May 7, 2010. The zoo's other adult koala also has a baby in her pouch.
Photo by Amy Sancetta


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