BartCop Entertainment Archives - Thursday, 16 November, 2017


16 November, 2017

(Updated Daily)

[286 days in a row]


Recommended Reading

from Bruce

Garrison Keillor: A Trip to New York and a Dead iPhone (Washington Post)
The thought of going back to 1961 was unbearable. I'd have to relive the 1963 assassination and stay in grad school to dodge the draft and hear Richard Nixon say that he had a secret plan to end the war in Vietnam. My precious daughters would disappear into the ether and my dear wife would be 4 years old.

Paul Krugman: Tax Cuts And The Trade Deficit (NY Times Blog)
So let me say this clearly: if you believe the Tax Foundation analysis, you should also believe that the Senate bill would reduce manufacturing employment by around 2 1/2 million. Yes, jobs would be added in other sectors. But it's not exactly what Trump has been promising, is it?

Mollie Reilly: Republican National Committee Pulls Funding For Roy Moore's Senate Campaign(Huffington Post)
Many GOP senators have called on him to drop out of the Alabama special election amid allegations of sexual assault.

Josh Marshall: Trump's Tweets May Be His Undoing (TPM)
Did any of these men ever mention these things to Trump? Of course they did. More seasoned political operatives or foreign policy hands would have had the wisdom not to mention these things directly to the President. Staff knows to protect the principal. But more seasoned hands would have known how dangerous it was to be having these conversations at all. No one with that kind of discretion or judgment was anywhere in sight.

Matt Fuller and Arthur Delaney: Senate Headed Toward Including Obamacare Mandate Repeal In Tax Bill (Huffington Post)
Are Republicans shooting themselves in the foot again?

Alice Ollstein: Senate Leaders Signal Willingness To Stick O'Care Mandate Repeal In Tax Bill (TPM)
In the hallways of the Senate on Tuesday, Republican lawmakers told TPM that the estimated $300 billion in savings the mandate's repeal would generate has become too enticing a prospect to pass up-savings created because an estimated 13 million people would lose their health insurance and no longer get government subsidies.

Matt Shuman: "CBO: 13 Million More Uninsured By 2027 If Individual Mandate Repealed" (TPM)
According to the CBO, repealing the individual mandate would save $338 billion between 2018 and 2027. Four million more people would be uninsured by 2019 as a result of the mandate's repeal, the CBO said. The CBO further estimated that a mandate repeal would increase premiums 10 percent "in most years" of the following decade, relative to the office's baseline projections.

Interviews by Cath Clarke: How we made the original Murder on the Orient Express (The Guardian)
'I don't think the cast of the new film have the same horsepower we had.'

David Bruce's Amazon Author Page

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Michael Egan


Superman Abandons Earth

Editorial and Political Cartoons


Throwback Thursday Trivia Question of the Day

What is the name of this advertising mascot?


Send your answer to Marty

Trivia Question from Yesterday

In Charles M. Schulz's comic strip Peanuts, Snoopy was often stated to have how many siblings?

       Seven (7)                                                      Source

In Charles M. Schulz's comic strip Peanuts, Snoopy was often stated to have seven siblings. Five appeared at various times in the strip: four brothers, Andy, Marbles, Olaf, and Spike; and one sister, Belle. The two others were never mentioned by name in the comic strip. According to the 1991 TV special Snoopy's Reunion, their names are Molly and Rover; however, their appearance is not considered canonical in the comic strip. In the June 6, 1959 comic strip, following the birth of Charlie Brown's sister Sally, Snoopy remarks that he has no brothers or sisters, and is an "only dog." However, in a March 18, 1971 strip, Snoopy writes in his autobiography: "I was born one bright Spring morning at the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm. I was one of eight puppies."

Their mother is called Missy, but has appeared only once in Peanuts, on July 26, 1996. A t-shirt that was sold for several years at Target and other stores shows Spike, Andy, Snoopy, Marbles and Olaf in a parody of the famous dogs playing poker print, despite much advertising copy which misidentified the characters.

Andy, Marbles, Olaf, Spike, and Belle appear briefly in during the credits of The Peanuts Movie.        Source

Mark. was first, and correct, with:
   Snoopy has seven siblings.

Randall wrote:
  Snoopy has FIVE siblings; four brothers and a sister

  Andy, Marbles, Olaf, Spike and his sister, Belle

Alan J said:

Gene responded:
   In Charles M. Schulz's comic strip Peanuts, Snoopy was often stated to have seven siblings. Five appeared at various times in the strip: four brothers, Andy, Marbles, Olaf, and Spike; and one sister, Belle.

Adam answered:
   5- 4 brothers & 1 sister.

Deborah replied:
   The number 11 comes to mind.
  It's raining and seasonal. The puppy likes water and is asking to go out frequently. I'm looking forward to when he becomes bored with that.

Jim from CA, retired to ID, said:
   In Charles M. Schulz's comic strip Peanuts, Snoopy was often stated to have seven siblings. Five appeared at various times in the strip: four brothers, Andy, Marbles, Olaf, and Spike; and one sister, Belle.

Daniel in The City wrote:

zorch replied:

Billy in Cypress responded:
   Seven, the fourth prime number, i.e. 2, 3, 5. 7, 11, 13, 17, ...! NOTE: "1" is the loneliest number and not a prime.

Dale of Precipitous Diamond Springs, Norcali answered:
   Right outta Wiki: Snoopy is usually depicted as having seven siblings, five of whom appear at some point in the strip: Andy, Belle, Marbles, Olaf, and Spike. They were born at the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm. Most often seen is Spike, who lives a hermit-like existence in the desert, near the real-life location of Needles, California…Along with Needles & Blythe, California's Hellholes!

DJ Useo said:
   I remember this one The answer is 7. If pressed, I'm sure I can name them all.
  I had all the Peanuts volumes before the flood. Fun stuff.

Joe S     wrote:
   Snoopy has 7 siblings, that's quite a few but my dad had 11, that he knew of. My grandfather had another family on the East side of the state.

Rosemary in Columbus took the day off.

David from Moon Valley took the day off.

John I from Hawai`i took the day off.

Stephen F took the day off.

mj took the day off.

Sandra in Maine took the day off.

Harry M. took the day off.

Dave in Tucson took the day off.

Kevin K. in Washington, DC took the day off.

Gary E.K. took the day off.

George M. took the day off.

Gary K. took the day off.

BttbBob   wrote:

  November 16 Birthdays - Celebrities Born November 16 | Famous Birthdays

Sally has retired.

MAM     In memory.




Middle Class Political Economist

Now a Blogger-Columnist at US News and World Reports "Economic Intelligence"



Reader Suggestion

Michelle in AZ

The 'Lion King' Effect: How a Broadway Smash Changed South African Lives - The New York Times

'Apu was a tool for kids to go after you': why The Simpsons remains problematic | Television & radio | The Guardian

A Lord of the Rings TV series? Nobody has the stamina | Television & radio | The Guardian

Fox News' Shepherd Smith debunks his network's Hillary Clinton 'scandal' story, infuriates viewers - SFGate

The stupid, it burns-Trump supporters tell Jimmy Kimmel why Hillary Clinton should be impeached

Feds Prepare For A New War On Kratom, An Herbal Drug Many Swear By | HuffPost

Trump says he loves miners. Critics say he's putting their lives in danger. - NBC News

Science proves kids are bad for Earth. Morality suggests we stop having them.

Why Underage Marriage Is Possible In The U.S. : Goats and Soda : NPR

Discrimination Against Native Americans Sometimes Means Uranium Poisoning : Shots - Health News : NPR

A massive boom heard by NASA over Alabama is still a sonic mystery-and the comments are hilarious

Trump to visit Utah next month to chop the size of national monuments designated by Clinton, Obama

The Ghosts of H. L. Mencken

Thanks, Michelle!



David E Suggests


The ever changing Klingon appearance - Fish4Parts Blog


Thanks, Dave!



Bonus Links

Jeannie the Teed-Off Temp

Fundamentalist home-schoolers are one group of Roy Moore allies who think grown men "courting" teen girls is natural. | Slate

Fox News's Shepard Smith hits Trump for 'inaccurate' claims on Uranium One deal | TheHill

Fox News host tore into Sessions in private meeting with Trump: report | TheHill

Laura Ingraham is worried that calling out sexual harassment will prevent men from enjoying their jobs | Media Matters

Trump won't meet with American Nobel Prize winners | TheHill

Conservationists offer $150K to buy a forest, government sells it to loggers for $40K less / Boing Boing

Taibbi: The Great College Loan Swindle - Rolling Stone

We edited Louis C.K.'s statement on sexual misconduct to make it a real apology - Quartz

What Does Dictator Putin Have On Donald Trump? | National Memo | Gene Lyons

Donald Trump's highly abnormal presidency: the week of Nov. 13 - VICE News

The Zombie Rises: Senate Moves To Insert O'Care Mandate Repeal In Tax Bill - Talking Points Memo

RNC withdraws from Roy Moore fundraising agreement - CNNPolitics

Andrew Anglin: The Making of an American Nazi - The Atlantic

Is Donald Trump Jr. Really This Dim? It's Time to Start Asking | Alternet

The Zombie Rises: Senate Moves To Insert O'Care Mandate Repeal In Tax Bill - Talking Points Memo

MSNBC Segment Goes off the Rails When Roy Moore's Attorney Suggests Canadian Muslim Host Would Date 14-Year-Old | Alternet

GOP Strategist Steve Schmidt Calls Mike Pence a 'Titanic Fraud' Who Constantly Lies | Alternet

Is There Irrefutable Evidence of the Trump Campaign's Collusion with Russia? | Alternet

Trump Fans Want Hillary Clinton Impeached-Even Though She's Not President | Newsweek

What Hillary Knew About Putin's Propaganda Machine - POLITICO Magazine

Fox News analyst steps down from management role at law firm after 'Hannity' appearance | TheHill

Here is Jeff Sessions' current official story about George Papadopoulos. | Slate

The Secret Correspondence Between Donald Trump Jr. and WikiLeaks - The Atlantic

How Flynn - and the Russia scandal - landed in the West Wing - POLITICO

The Clinton-Uranium "Scandal" Is Right-Wing Nonsense. Here's Everything You Need to Know. - Mother Jones

Finally, the Real Majority Pushes Back Against the Bitter Third | The Daily Beast

What's Behind Trump's Vitriol for the Intelligence Community? - Rolling Stone

FBI gave Clinton email investigation 'special' status, deputy director's email shows | TheHill

Decapitated Male Mantis Still Fucks | Gizmodo

Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies | TheHill

Gowdy: I Don't Think 'Threshold Has Been Met' For Clinton Special Counsel - Talking Points Memo

Karl Rove Has Seen the Enemy and He Is Steve Bannon | The New Yorker



Reader Suggestion

Andy Borowitz

Trump Warns That Dumping Roy Moore Could Start a Dangerous Trend of Believing Women

     by Andy Borowitz November 15, 2017

Breaking his silence on Alabama's embattled Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate, Donald Trump warned on Wednesday that dumping Roy Moore could start a "dangerous trend" of believing women.

"I think we need to be very, very careful here," Trump told reporters. "This is not just about Roy Moore. This is about our country deciding that we are going to start believing women, something that we have never done before.

"This is a very dangerous road we're heading down," he said.

Trump Warns That Dumping Roy Moore Could Start Dangerous Trend of Believing Women | The New Yorker

Linda   >^..^<
     We are all only temporarily able bodied.

Thanks, Linda!



from Marc Perkel

Marc's Guide to Curing Cancer

So far so good on beating cancer for now. I'm doing fine. At the end of the month I'll be 16 months into an 8 month mean lifespan. And yesterday I went on a 7 mile hike and managed to keep up with the hiking group I was with. So, doing something right.

Still waiting for future test results and should see things headed in the right direction. I can say that it's not likely that anything dire happens in the short term so that means that I should have time to make several more attempts at this. So even if it doesn't work the first time there are a lot of variations to try. So if there's bad news it will help me pick the next radiation target.

I have written a "how to" guide for oncologists to perform the treatment that I got. I'm convinced that I'm definitely onto something and whether it works for me or not isn't the definitive test. I know if other people tried this that it would work for some of them, and if they improve it that it will work for a lot of them.

The guide is quite detailed and any doctor reading this can understand the procedure at every level. I also go into detail as to how it works, how I figured it out, and variations and improvements that could be tried to enhance it. I also introduce new ways to look at the problem. There is a lot of room for improvement and I think that doctors reading it will see what I'm talking about and want to build on it. And it's written so that if you're not a doctor you can still follow it. It also has a personal story revealing that I'm the class clown of cancer support group. I give great interviews and I look pretty hot in a lab coat.

So, feel free to read this and see what I'm talking about. But if any of you want to help then pass this around to both doctors and cancer patients. I need some media coverage. I'm looking for as many eyeballs as possible to read these ideas. Even if this isn't the solution, it's definitely on the right track. After all, I did hike 7 miles yesterday. And this hiking group wasn't moving slow. So if this isn't working then, why am I still here?

I also see curing cancer as more of an engineering problem that a medical problem. So if you are good at solving problems and most of what you know about medicine was watching the Dr. House MD TV show, then you're at the level I was at when I started. So anyone can jump in and be part of the solution.

Here is a link to my guide: Oncologists Guide to Curing Cancer using Abscopal Effect

Oncologists Guide to Curing Cancer using Abscopal Effect





Selected Readings

from that Mad Cat, JD









Visit JD's site - Kitty Litter Music


In The Chaos Household

Last Night

Even worse computer issues. Argh!

Tonight, Thursday:

CBS opens the night with a FRESH 'Big Bang Theory', followed by a FRESH 'Young Sheldon', then a FRESH 'Mom', followed by a FRESH 'Life In Pieces', then a FRESH 'SWAT'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Stephen Colbert are Ben Affleck, Greta Gerwig, and Dead & Company.
Scheduled on a FRESH James Corden, OBE, are Debra Messing, Taran Killam, Sam Rockwell, and Bebe Rexha featuring Florida Georgia Line.

NBC fills the night with LIVE 'Thursday Night Football', then pads the left coast with local crap and maybe an old 'Dateline'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jimmy Fallon are Chance the Rapper, Tim McGraw, and Faith Hill.
Scheduled on a FRESH Seth Meyers are Chris Hayes, Alex Lahey, and Michel'le Baptiste.
Scheduled on a FRESH Carson 'The Scab' Daly are Billy Ray Cyrus, Jessica Hernandez & the Deltas, and Jack Whitehall.

ABC starts the night with a FRESH 'Grey's Anatomy', followed by a FRESH 'Scandal', then a FRESH 'How To Get Away With Murder'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jimmy Kimmel are Julia Roberts, Frankie Shaw, and Manchester Orchestra.

The CW offers a FRESH 'Supernatural', followed by a FRESH 'Arrow'.

Faux has a FRESH 'Gotham', followed by a FRESH 'The Orville'.

MY has 'Page Six TV', followed by 'Top 30', then an old 'L&O: CI'.

A&E has 3 hours of old 'The First 48', followed by a FRESH 'The Eleven'.

AMC offers the movie 'Deja Vu', followed by the movie 'Goodfellas'.

BBC  -   
 [8:00AM]    STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION - SEASON 6 - EPISODE 9-The Quality of Life
 [9:00AM]    DOCTOR WHO - SEASON 4 - EPISODE 11-Turn Left
 [10:00AM]    DOCTOR WHO - SEASON 4 - EPISODE 12-The Stolen Earth-Part 1.
 [11:00AM]    DOCTOR WHO - SEASON 4 - EPISODE 13-Journey's End-Part 2.
 [12:00PM]    STAR TREK: VOYAGER - SEASON 6 - EPISODE 20-Good Shepherd
 [5:00PM]    STAR TREK: VOYAGER - SEASON 6 - EPISODE 25-The Haunting of Deck Twelve
 [6:00PM]    STAR TREK: VOYAGER - SEASON 6 - EPISODE 26-Unimatrix Zero, Pt. 1
 [7:00PM]    STAR TREK: VOYAGER - SEASON 7 - EPISODE 1-Unimatrix Zero, Pt. 2
 [8:00PM]    TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY (1991)
 [11:00PM]    TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY (1991)
 [2:00AM]    V FOR VENDETTA (2006)
 [5:00AM]    STAR TREK: VOYAGER - SEASON 6 - EPISODE 25-The Haunting of Deck Twelve     (ALL TIMES EST)

Bravo has 'Top Chef Junior', 'Million Dollar Listing LA', followed by a FRESH 'Million Dollar Listing LA', then a FRESH 'Real Estate Wars', followed by a FRESH 'Watch What Happens Live'.

Comedy Central has 3 hours of old 'South Park', followed by the FRESH 'Jeff Ross Roasts The Border: Live From Brownsville, Texas'.
Scheduled on a FRESH The Daily Show is Jordan Peele.
Scheduled on a FRESH The Opposition is Molly Ball.

FX has the movie 'Trainwreck', followed by a FRESH 'Better Things', and another 'Better Things'.

History has all old 'Forged In Fire' all night.

IFC  -   
 [6:15AM]    STAN AGAINST EVIL-The Eyes of Evie Barret
 [6:45AM]    TITAN A.E.
 [8:45AM]    PRIEST
 [3:45PM]    PRIEST
 [3:00AM]    HANNIBAL
 [5:00AM]    STAN AGAINST EVIL-The Eyes of Evie Barret
 [5:30AM]    STAN AGAINST EVIL-Hex Marks the Tot     (ALL TIMES EST)

Sundance  -   
 [6:00AM]    The Andy Griffith Show-Aunt Bee the Crusader
 [6:35AM]    The Andy Griffith Show-Barney's Sidecar
 [7:10AM]    The Andy Griffith Show-My Fair Ernest T. Bass
 [7:45AM]    The Andy Griffith Show-Prisoner of Love
 [8:20AM]    The Andy Griffith Show-Hot Rod Otis
 [8:55AM]    The Andy Griffith Show-The Song Festers
 [9:30AM]    The Andy Griffith Show-The Shoplifters
 [10:00AM]    The Andy Griffith Show-Andy's Vacation
 [10:30AM]    The Andy Griffith Show-Andy Saves Gomer
 [11:00AM]    M*A*S*H-The Novocaine Mutiny
 [11:30AM]    M*A*S*H-Smilin' Jack
 [12:00PM]    M*A*S*H-The More I See You
 [12:30PM]    M*A*S*H-Deluge
 [1:00PM]    M*A*S*H-The Interview
 [1:30PM]    M*A*S*H-Bug Out
 [2:00PM]    M*A*S*H-Bug Out
 [2:30PM]    M*A*S*H-Margaret's Engagement
 [3:00PM]    Law & Order-Conspiracy
 [4:00PM]    Law & Order-Forgiveness
 [5:00PM]    Law & Order-Extended Family
 [6:00PM]    Law & Order-Sweeps
 [7:00PM]    Law & Order-Volunteers
 [8:00PM]    Law & Order-Second Opinion
 [9:00PM]    Law & Order-Bait
 [10:00PM]    Law & Order-High & Low
 [11:00PM]    Law & Order-Stiff
 [12:00AM]    Law & Order-Vaya con Dios
 [1:00AM]    Law & Order-Ego
 [2:00AM]    Cold Mountain
 [5:30AM]    The Andy Griffith Show-Divorce, Mountain Style     (ALL TIMES EST)

SyFy has the movie 'Mad Max: Fury Road', followed by a FRESH 'Van Helsing', then a FRESH 'Ghost Wars'.

On a RERUN Conan (from 10/25/17) are Paul Reiser, Abbi Jacobson, and JD McPherson.

TCM spends the night with Marsha Mason
 [6:00 AM]      Not So Dumb (1930)
 [7:30 AM]      Dulcy (1940)
 [9:00 AM]      Our Betters (1933)
 [10:30 AM]      No More Ladies (1935)
 [12:00 PM]      You Can't Fool Your Wife (1940)
 [1:15 PM]      We Were Dancing (1942)
 [3:00 PM]      Hollywood Party (1934)
 [4:15 PM]      Dinner at Eight (1933)
 [6:15 PM]      Palm Springs Weekend (1963)
 [8:00 PM]      Cinderella Liberty (1973)
 [10:15 PM]      The Goodbye Girl (1977)
 [12:15 AM]      Promises in the Dark (1979)
 [2:15 AM]      Audrey Rose (1977)
 [4:15 AM]      Blume in Love (1973)

Friday   -  11/17/17

 [6:30 AM]      Bachelor Apartment (1931)
 [8:00 AM]      The Great Lover (1931)
 [9:15 AM]      Symphony of Six Million (1932)
 [11:00 AM]      Thirteen Women (1932)
 [12:15 PM]      Ann Vickers (1933)
 [1:45 PM]      No Other Woman (1933)
 [3:00 PM]      The Secret Of Madame Blanche (1933)
 [4:30 PM]      The Age of Innocence (1934)
 [6:00 PM]      Roberta (1935)
 [8:00 PM]      The Wind (1928)    SILENT 
 [9:45 PM]      Being There (1979)
 [12:15 AM]      Mean Streets (1973)
 [2:30 AM]      McCabe and Mrs. Miller (1971)
 [4:45 AM]      The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928)     SILENT     (ALL TIMES EST)

USA has a FRESH 'Chrisley Knows Best', followed by a FRESH 'The Cromarties'.

Antenna TV - Johnny Carson (from Nov. 18, 1986) - Jack Paar and Stephen Lang.

Bounce TV


Comet TV

Cozi TV

Decades TV Network


Heroes and Icons

Find Justice - Justice Network

Get TV

Grit - Television With Backbone - Grit

Laff - You Know You Want To. - Laff


MOVIES! TV Network

RTV - The Retro Television Network

the works

This TV

Any opinions?   Marty

Or reviews?   Marty

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(See below for addresses)


Supporters of the 'Yes' vote for marriage equality celebrate after it was announced the majority of Australians support same-sex marriage in a national survey, paving the way for legislation to make the country the 26th nation to formalize the unions by the end of the year, at a rally in central Sydney, Australia, Nov. 15, 2017.
Photo by David Gray


The Sideshow - by Avedon Carol


Olympic Weightlifter To Sell Gold Medal

Earthquake Victims

Olympic gold medalist Kianoush Rostami of Iran is auctioning off his prestigious medal to raise money for the victims of Sunday's catastrophic earthquake on the Iran-Iraq border, which has left at least 530 people dead and thousands injured.

The 26-year-old weightlifting champion, who earned gold last year in Rio, made the announcement to local news organizations and on social media.

"My gold medal belongs to my people," Rostami said, according to Tehran Times. "I didn't sleep in the previous nights due to a sorrowful event."

A post on Rostami's Instagram account provides information on how to bid on the medallion. Rostami previously won bronze at the 2012 Olympic Games in London.

The 7.3-magnitude earthquake, which hit Iran's western Kermanshah Province the hardest Sunday night, was the country's deadliest earthquake in more than a decade.

Earthquake Victims


Supporters of the 'Yes' vote for marriage equality celebrate after it was announced the majority of Australians support same-sex marriage in a national survey, paving the way for legislation to make the country the 26th nation to formalise the unions by the end of the year, at a rally in central Sydney, Australia, Nov. 15, 2017.
Photo by David Gray


Trying To Stop Trump's Wall

Cards Against Humanity

Cards Against Humanity is celebrating the holidays with a six-part promotion that the company claims will help save America.

Part one? Stop President-for-now Donald Trump (R-Buffoon) from building a wall by purchasing a plot of vacant land along the U.S.-Mexico border:

    Donald Trump is a preposterous golem who is afraid of Mexicans. He is so afraid that he wants to build a twenty-billion dollar wall that everyone knows will accomplish nothing. So we've purchased a plot of vacant land on the border and retained a law firm specializing in eminent domain to make it as time-consuming and expensive as possible for the wall to get built.

     On Day 1, all Cards Against Humanity Saves America recipients will get an illustrated map of the land, a certificate of our promise to fight the wall, some new cards, and a few other surprises.

The sold-out promotion, which cost $15, included a total of six America-saving surprises. Participants will receive the surprises in their mailboxes throughout the month of December.

Cards Against Humanity


Newhead News


Portrait Sells For Record $450.3 Million

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci's portrait of Christ "Salvator Mundi" sold for a record-smashing $450.3 million on Wednesday at Christie's in New York -- more than double the old mark for any work of art at auction.

The painting, which once sold for a mere $125, was only recently rediscovered. It was the last da Vinci left in private hands and fetched more than four times the Christie's pre-sale estimate of about $100 million.

The price was more than twice the old record for any work of art, set by Picasso's "Les Femmes D'Alger," which sold for $179.4 million in May 2015.

"Salvator Mundi" (Savior of the World) was purchased by an unidentified buyer bidding via telephone after a protracted bidding war that stretched to nearly 20 minutes at the New York auction house.

The restored portrait, an ethereal depiction of Jesus Christ which dates to about 1500, is one of fewer than 20 paintings by the Renaissance artist known to still exist.

Leonardo da Vinci


Yael Brender, left, and Emma Sahlstom celebrate the result of a postal survey calling for gay marriage right in Sydney, Australia, Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2017.
Photo by Rick Rycroft


Archaeologists Find Greco-Roman Mummy


A Russian archaeological team has discovered a well-preserved mummy from the Greco-Roman period in a wooden coffin south of Cairo, Egypt's antiquities ministry said Tuesday.

The discovery was made near New Fayoum city, about 80 kilometres (50 miles) south of the Egyptian capital, the ministry said in a statement.

The team "found inside the coffin a well-preserved mummy, wrapped in linen, with its face covered by a human mask with drawings in blue and gold," it said.

While mummification is mostly associated with ancient Egypt, the practice continued into the Greco-Roman era.

The Russian team made its discovery near a monastery in the village of Qalamshah.



Digby's Hullabaloo


Tears 'Uranium One' Scandal To Shreds

Shep Smith

Fox "News" anchor Shep Smith broke from his network's hyperventilating coverage of the "Uranium One" pseudoscandal to debunk allegations of wrongdoings by Hillary Clinton.

Smith, never one to blindly toe the party line, took to task President-for-now Donald Trump (R-Crooked) and, implicitly, his cable news network of choice ? over the "inaccurate" portrayal of the sale of a Canadian mining company with major U.S. holdings to a Russian company.

"Here's the accusation," Smith explained Tuesday. "Nine people involved in the deal made donations to the Clinton Foundation totaling more than $140 million. In exchange, Secretary of State Clinton approved the sale to the Russians - a quid pro quo."

There's never been any evidence that Clinton acted inappropriately and, as Smith notes, "the Clinton State Department had no power to approve or veto that transaction. It could do neither." Indeed, the State Department was just one of nine agencies that signed off on the deal and Clinton herself wasn't even on the committee.

"The accusation is predicated on the charge that Secretary Clinton approved the sale," Smith said. "She did not. A committee of nine evaluated the sale, the president approved the sale, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and others had to offer permits, and none of the uranium was exported for use by the U.S. to Russia. That is Uranium One."

Shep Smith


A drag performer dances down the street as members of the gay community and their supporters celebrate the result of a postal survey calling for gay marriage right in Sydney, Australia, Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2017.
Photo by Rick Rycroft


Plans Vote To Overturn Net Neutrality In December


The head of the Federal Communications Commission is set to unveil plans next week for a final vote to reverse a landmark 2015 net neutrality order barring the blocking or slowing of web content, two people briefed on the plans said.

In May, the FCC voted 2-1 to advance Republican FCC Chairman Ajit Pai's (R-Comcast) plan to withdraw the former Obama administration's order reclassifying internet service providers as if they were utilities. Pai now plans to hold a final vote on the proposal at the FCC's Dec. 14 meeting, the people said, and roll out details of the plans next week.

Pai asked in May for public comment on whether the FCC has authority or should keep any regulations limiting internet providers' ability to block, throttle or offer "fast lanes" to some websites, known as "paid prioritization." Several industry officials told Reuters they expect Pai to drop those specific legal requirements but retain some transparency requirements under the order.

Internet providers including AT&T Inc, Comcast Corp and Verizon Communications Inc say ending the rules could spark billions in additional broadband investment and eliminate the possibility a future administration could regulate internet pricing.

Advocacy group Free Press said Wednesday "we'll learn the gory details in the next few days, but we know that Pai intends to dismantle the basic protections that have fueled the internet's growth."



12 Attorneys to Seize Land

Border Wall

The Trump administration is hiring a small army of attorneys to fight landowners so the government can seize the property needed to build the wall on the U.S.-Mexico border that President Donald Trump promised his supporters.

It is not clear how many Americans will have their land seized, how long the process will take, or how much it will cost, according to a new report published by Democrats on the Senate Homeland Security Committee Monday. But the administration is gearing up for a fight nonetheless.

It is seeking $2 million to hire 12 land acquisition attorneys at the Department of Justice to mount an "initial surge" of land seizures from holdout landowners who aren't willing to part with their property on the government's terms. The administration aims to acquire "hundreds or thousands of parcels of land" to construct the border wall, according to government documents seen by the report's authors.

Lawyers from the Department of Homeland Security are also expected to chip in with "significant litigation support in defense of various challenges to the construction of the physical wall as well as in the condemnation of land along the southwest border," the government documents said.

About two-thirds of the land along the border is owned by private landowners or U.S. states. Usually the government evaluates the land and then offers a market rate price. If the property owners refuse, the attorney general can seize the land by calling "eminent domain"-a process also known as "condemnation"-turning the land from private to public use. Landowners can fight for more compensation through U.S. District Courts.

Border Wall


Town Hall is lit up with pink lights as the gay community and their supporters celebrate the result of a postal survey calling for gay marriage right in Sydney, Australia, Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2017.
Photo by Rick Rycroft


Truck Owner Draws Outrage


Fort Bend County Sheriff Troy Nehls on Wednesday created a social media firestorm with a Facebook post threatening to bring disorderly conduct charges against the driver of a truck displaying a profane anti-Trump message on its rear window.

Nehls told the Houston Chronicle that he had received calls, texts and emails in recent days from people who took offense at the language in bold, white lettering: "F--- TRUMP AND F--- YOU FOR VOTING FOR HIM."

The sheriff, a Republican who is weight (sic) a bid for Congress shared a photo on his official Facebook page in hopes that it would help to identify the truck owner. The license plate is not visible in the image.

Turns out, a woman who identified herself as the driver said she used to work for Nehls in the county jail.

Karen Fonseca said the truck belongs to her husband but that she often drives it. They had the sticker made and added it to the window after the billionaire real estate magnate and reality TV star was sworn into office.



Missing Adventurer

Papua New Guinea

A British explorer has gone missing in Papua New Guinea during an attempt to contact a tribe living in a remote area of jungle.

Benedict Allen, 57, has not been heard from in over three weeks after being dropped off by helicopter.

He was supposed to have begun his journey home on Sunday, but missed a flight to Hong Kong where he was booked to give a talk to the Royal Geographic Society.

He has not been heard from since late October. His last public post was earlier in the month when he tweeted a picture of himself wearing his rucksack on the way to Papua New Guinea. "Marching off to Heathrow. I may be some time (don't try and rescue me please - where I'm going in PNG you won't ever find me you know...)"

Mr Allen was trying to reach the Yaifo people, who he first met 30 years ago in Papua New Guinea's East Sepik province. He was trying to meet them again to film them for a new documentary.

Papua New Guinea



The original manuscript of "The 120 Days of Sodom, or the School of Libertinage," a scandalous and pornographic novel written by French writer Marquis de Sade while jailed in the Bastille prison is displayed prior to the auction of the Aristophil Collections, in Neuilly-sur-Seine, west of Paris, Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2017. Thousands of French private investors, victims of a vast pyramid scheme, hope to get some of their stake back when a huge collection of rare and valuable manuscripts begin to be auctioned in Paris next month by court order.
Photo by Thibault Camus




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