BartCop Entertainment Archives - Thursday, 5 May, 2022


5 May, 2022

(Updated Daily)

[1376 days in a row]


from Bruce



• The family of William Warren Woollcott, the older brother of famous drama critic Alexander Woollcott, was at times unconventional. During the time of Prohibition, when alcoholic beverages were forbidden, Billy Woollcott made his own beer. On special occasions, he would bring up an extra bottle and let his very young daughters have a little beer along with the adults. This beer was a special treat to them. Of course, their father was a good parent. He would sometimes tell his two youngest daughters, “Drink your milk. The one who doesn’t finish her milk won’t get any beer tonight.”

• Operatic tenor Leo Slezak knew an alcoholic who called every drink an “okrepa” — that is, a strengthener — so he called the alcoholic “Okrepa.” The alcoholic spent all his money on drink, and so he never bought a railway ticket. Instead, he would arrange to be in the dining car when the ticket inspector came, and instead of purchasing a ticket, he would draw the ticket inspector into conversation and buy him drinks. Unfortunately, this always cost the alcoholic much more than simply buying the ticket would have.

• Mrs. Sarah Siddons was playing Lady Macbeth on a very hot day. Being thirsty, she asked her dresser to get her a drink, so he sent a small boy to get her a glass of beer from a local pub. Returning with the beer, the boy asked where Mrs. Siddons was. Informed that she was on stage, he walked out in full view of the audience and said, “If you please, ma’am, I’ve brought you your beer.”

• Sometimes people in other countries don’t quite do American things right. While in France, Peg Bracken ordered an iced tea, but after drinking half a glass, she felt like singing loudly and putting a lampshade on her head, so she asked the waiter, “Did you put gin in this?” The waiter, surprised replied, “Mais oui, madame” — as if to say, “Doesn’t everyone?’

• A dying Scotsman asked his minister if any whiskey was in Heaven. Noticing that the minister looked surprised, the dying man said, “Understand, it’s not that I care for it, but it does look awfully well on the table.”


• In August 1996, Cerise Summers was inside her home watching a soap opera. Inside with her was Bambi, her seven-month-old pet beagle. Outside, playing in a sandbox where she could hear them, were her three-year-old son, Troy, and his playmate, Mika Paloma, who was two and a half years old. Cerise said, “At a crucial part of the program, Bambi started whining and barking to be let out. I told her to wait.” Bambi would not wait. When Cerise reached out to give Bambi a swat, Bambi snapped at her — something that she had never done before. Cerise said, “I was shocked. And maybe that brainy beagle knew that was what it would take to make me pay attention to her. Anyway, that was when I began to think seriously that something must be wrong to make her act in such a manner.” Cerise let Bambi out. Cerise said, “The moment she was free of the house, she began snarling and growling like she was ready to do battle with a bear, I ran after her to see what had so upset her — and then I got the shock of my life!” The shock was a strange man who had Troy under one arm and Mika under the other. Bambi bit the man, who dropped the two children. Cerise said, “He was cursing Bambi a blue streak, but by this time I had a garden hoe in my hands and was charging toward him. He took one look at the rage in my eyes, the hoe in my hands, and the fury in Bambi’s snapping teeth, and jumped over the fence. That’s when I really started to scream, and several neighbors came out to see what was happening.” Bambi received a very nice reward for saving the two children from the strange man: a huge serving of her favorite meal — hamburger and French fries and ketchup.

© Copyright Bruce D. Bruce; All Rights Reserved

Don’t Fear the Reaper — Free Downloads

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     Don’t Fear the Reaper — Can Be Read Online Here at No Cost: Smashwords Online Reader

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Michael Egan

Michael Egan



U.S. Constitution to Receive State Funeral - Michael Egan, Humor Times

Editorial and Political Cartoons


Throwback Thursday Trivia Question of the Day

In 1962, what outdoorsman and early health food advocate found publishing success with "Stalking the Wild Asparagus", followed by "Stalking the Blue-Eyed Scallop" in 1964, and fame in 1974 asking "Ever eat a pine tree"?


Send your answer to Marty

Trivia Question from Yesterday

What satirical song by Monty Python explains religious teachings by way of a Yorkshire worker, his wife, and their sixty-three children, who are about to be sold for scientific experimentation purposes because their parents can no longer afford to care for such a large family?

       "Every Sperm Is Sacred"                                                      Source

"Every Sperm Is Sacred" is a musical sketch from the film Monty Python's The Meaning of Life. A satire of Catholic teachings on reproduction that forbid masturbation and contraception, the song was released on the album Monty Python Sings and was nominated for a BAFTA Music Award for Best Original Song in a Film in 1983.

The song is a satire of Catholic teachings on reproduction that forbid masturbation and contraception by artificial means. The sketch, called "The Third World", is about a Catholic Yorkshire worker played by Michael Palin, with his wife played by director Terry Jones. They have sixty-three children, who are about to be sold for scientific experimentation purposes because their parents can no longer afford to care for such a large family with the local mill being closed. When their children ask why they should not use any form of birth control, or why the father cannot perform self-castration, their father explains that this is against God's wishes, and breaks into song, the chorus of which is:

     Every sperm is sacred,
     Every sperm is great.
     If a sperm is wasted,
     God gets quite irate.

The religious import of the sketch is significant, and is reflected in the widely dispersed usage of the phrase. In the book Monty Python and Philosophy, the argument is teased out to reach a broader (still humorous) conclusion: "The Pythons ask us to consider the consequences of the belief that God cares about our reproductive practices and sees everything. If so, then he watches our sexual activities. ...Christians must concede that all things considered, this [watching people have sex] is one of God's less onerous activities." Philip Jenkins discusses the sketch as an important sign of a growing willingness in the popular media of the 1970s and 1980s to criticize the Catholic Church, saying that "Catholic attitudes toward sex and contraception are ruthlessly parodied" in the song, proving that "Catholicism was available as a legitimate subject of serious fiction."        Source

Every Sperm is Sacred | YouTube

mj was first, and correct, with:
   Hummed daily
  By Alito, Coney-Barrett, and Thomas, Every Sperm Is Sacred.

Mark. said:
   Every Sperm is Sacred.

Randall wrote:
   Every Sperm is Sacred

Alan J answered:
   Every Sperm is Sacred.

Dave responded:
   Every Sperm is Sacred.

Cal in Vermont replied:
   "Every Sperm Is Sacred".

Angelo D wrote:
   A: “Every Sperm Is Sacred”
  When the SCOTUS overturns Roe, it should go down in history as the seminal moment (pun intended) when conservative movement and the Republican Party began it’s march to oblivion.

zorch said:
   ‘Every Sperm is Sacred.’

Adam answered:
   Every Sperm Is Sacred

Tom C responded:
   Every Sperm is Sacred

John I from Hawai`i says,
   Every Sperm is Sacred

Leo in Boise replied:
   Every Sperm is Sacred

David of Moon Valley wrote:
   saw this video the other day
  …Every Sperm Is Sacred…….sure as fuck can’t say that about any fucking rethuglican….especially those supreme court twits….

Barbara, of Peppy Tech fame, said:
   The answer is "Every Sperm Is Sacred."

Daniel in The City answered:
   “Every Sperm Is Sacred”

Dave in Tucson replied:
   Every Sperm is Sacred.

  Every sperm is great!
  When a sperm gets wasted,
  God gets quite irate!

Jacqueline responded:
   Four Yorkshire Men

Michelle in AZ said:
   Every Sperm is Sacred

DJ Useo wrote:
   Sure'n the answer is "Every Sperm Is Sacred". I went to see "The Meaning Of LIfe" film with friends at the Lansing, Michigan premiere, & came out the only one who liked it. Lol.

Tony from Phoenix took the day off.
Deborah, the Master Gardener took the day off.
Rosemary in Columbus took the day off.
Stephen F took the day off.
Billy in Cypress U.S.A. took the day off.
Jim from CA, retired to ID, took the day off.
Jon L took the day off.
Bob from Mechanicsburg, Pa took the day off.
Ed (Maynard's much younger, more handsome, brother), took the day off.
Colby took the day off.
George M. took the day off.
Kevin K. in Washington, DC took the day off.
Roy, your libtard snowflake fan in E. Texas took the day off.
Rob took the day off.
Mac Mac took the day off.
-pgw took the day off.
Gary K took the day off.
Steve in Wonderful Sacramento, CA, took the day off.
Doug in Albuquerque, New Mexico, took the day off.
Gary in PA took the day off.
Joe   took the day off.
Harry M. took the day off.
Paul of Seattle took the day off.
JJW took the day off.
Roy the (now retired) hoghed took the day off.
Gateway Mike took the day off.
Stephen aus Oz (& peppy tech, too) took the day off.
Kenn B took the day off.
Micki took the day off.
Saskplanner took the day off.
MarilynofTC took the day off.
Brian S. took the day off.
Gene took the day off.
Tony K. took the day off.
Noel S. took the day off.
James of Alhambra took the day off.

BttbBob     has returned to semi-retired status.
  May 5 Birthdays - Celebrities Born May 5 | Famous Birthdays

Sally has retired.

MAM     In memory.




Middle Class Political Economist






Track: "Beer is a Necessity"


Artist: Dead City Dealers

Artist Location: New Castle, Pennsylvania


“I've been writing music for a good while, and have done time in various bands, including Dead City Dealers, Bob Sagget & the FullHouse, The Disliked, The RUNS, and The Reversatiles. I also have an ongoing solo project called Sam Sinister and the Plastic Sinister Band, in which I play mainly with myself [ha ha].”Sam Sinister

     Sam Sinister - vocals
     Chris Vermin - bass
     Mario Sapanero - rhythm guitar
     Andy Fabich - rhythm and lead guitar
     Tony Sapanero - drums

Visit Dead City Dealers' Facebook page

Five tracks: 14 minutes Price: FREE Download of five-track EP

Genre: Punk



Sam Sinister on Bandcamp

Sam Sinister on YouTube

Other Links:

Bruce’s Music Recommendations: FREE pdfs

David Bruce's Smashwords Page

David Bruce's Blog #1

David Bruce's Blog #2

davidbrucebooks: EDUCATE YOURSELF - Free PDFs

David Bruce's Blog #3

David Bruce's Apple iBookstore



Reader Suggestion

Michelle in AZ

Contraception could come under fire next if Roe v Wade is overturned | US news | The Guardian

Poll reveals US supreme court’s abortion position is vastly at odds with public opinion – live

Here’s how Americans can fight back to protect abortion rights | Rebecca Solnit | The Guardian

How the oil and gas industry is trying to hold US public schools hostage | New Mexico | The Guardian

Trump still won’t shut up. He’s doing Democrats running for office a huge favor | Robert Reich | The Guardian

Trump's acting DHS secretary covered-up report on Russian interference in 2020 election

SCOTUS draft opinion isn't just a threat to reproductive rights, but environmental justice too

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: Firestorm over Roe

Meet the Reddit ‘Aunties’ covertly helping people get abortions - The Washington Post
  No Paywall

GOP opposition to child benefits draws new scrutiny after Roe vs. Wade leak - The Washington Post

Opinion | The GOP roars about abortion. Then they abandon the children. - The Washington Post
  No Paywall

Draft opinion jolts abortion clinics, lawmakers to prepare for end of Roe - The Washington Post

Education Department investigates Liberty University after sexual assault complaints - The Washington Post

Newsmax Host Suggests Ketanji Brown Jackson, Who Isn’t On Supreme Court Yet, Leaked Draft

Republicans Suddenly Don't Want To Talk About Banning Abortion

The World’s Most ‘Pro-Life’ Nations Offer a Grim Preview of America's Future

Forced pregnancy and childbirth are violence against women — and also terrible health policy |

Opinion | Overturning Roe Is a Radical, Not Conservative, Choice - The New York Times

Opinion | Bolsonaro-Supporting Brazilian Telegram Channels Are Wild and Sinister - The New York Times

America’s largest cave figures discovered in Alabama

Satan's flag might fly outside Boston's city hall after SCOTUS ruling backing Christian group

After Texas, Florida abortion fights, corporate America braces for the end of Roe - The Washington Post

Opinion | On abortion, Kamala Harris can finally find her message - The Washington Post

Ukraine update: Russia tries to counter Ukraine's counterattack ... and fails

Seeking an abortion leaves a digital trail, igniting privacy concerns - The Washington Post

News Roundup: The Republicans that killed Roe head for cover; Putin's hollow army fails again

‘I’ve been dug up!’ – the dazzling rebirth of ‘architectural terrorist’ John Outram | Architecture | The Guardian

America is exterminating its wolves. When will this stop? | Kim Heacox | The Guardian

Swapping 20% of beef for microbial protein ‘could halve deforestation’ | Food | The Guardian

Trevor Noah on the supreme court leak: ‘A hostile takeover of America’s reproductive rights’ | Late-night TV roundup | The Guardian

Demand for abortion pills will soar if Roe v. Wade is overturned, advocates say - The Washington Post

Thanks, Michelle!



David E Suggests

The Voices

The Voices Behind The Characters


Thanks, Dave!



New Venture

Michael Egan

Shakespeare's Hand in The Troublesome Raigne of John King of England: and Why He Wasn't Arrested in 1601

Michael Egan

Editorial and Political Cartoons




Hey, Jane | Plan B

Andrew Tobias: Hey, Jane

I have always thought the Clintons had it right: abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.

Now that the Court is poised to strip poor women of their reproductive freedom (anyone else can just travel to a blue state or neighboring country), there is even more reason to make people aware of Hey, Jane.

“Get the care you need from home — safe, fast and effective.”

And affordable ($250).

I hope no one you know ever finds herself needing their help; but if she does, she should read the reviews and the FAQ.

The problem is that Hey, Jane can help only if you live in five states where it’s legal. But various smart people are working on that, so help may be on the way even if you live in a Republican state.


Hey Jane: Abortion Pill Delivery

Check if you’re eligible

Answer questions about your pregnancy and medical history to determine your eligibility.

Hey Jane provides medication abortion treatment for anyone who is:

     At least 18 years old

     In NY, CA, WA, IL, CO, or NM

     Medically eligible

     Up to 10 weeks pregnant

     Hey Jane provides care, regardless of immigration status, and you can provide any form of ID that has your name, photo, and date of birth.

We support care for all pregnant people, including all gender identities.


Plan B

What is Plan B?

Plan B, sometimes referred to as the “morning after pill,” is emergency contraception you take within 72 hours after unprotected sex. The sooner you take it, the better it works.

     Helps prevent pregnancy before it starts
     No ID, no Rx required to purchase
     Won’t hurt your chances of getting pregnant in the future

Other Links:

David Bruce's Smashwords Page

David Bruce's Blog #1

David Bruce's Blog #2

David Bruce's Blog #3

davidbrucebooks: EDUCATE YOURSELF - Free PDFs

David Bruce's Apple iBookstore



Bonus Links

Jeannie the Teed-Off Temp

Why Donald Trump is downplaying the Supreme Court's leaked abortion ruling | Salon | Digby

Federal Abortion Ban: “Court Packing” Should Be Back on the Table! | Smirking Chimp | Thom Hartmann

Roe v. Wade Is on Life Support. How The Fuck Did We Get Here? | Rolling Stone

In Leaked Abortion Decision, Justice Alito Relies on Jurist Who Supported Marital Rape, Executed 'Witches' | Jezebel

Opinion | It’s About Time Someone Punctured the Supreme Court’s Veil of Secrecy | Politico

Please Allow Me, a Woman Who Just Had a Baby, to Fact-Check Justice Samuel J. Alito | Mother Jones

The dire health consequences of denying abortions, explained | Vice

MAGA Pundits Target Random Supreme Court Clerks After Roe Leak | Daily Beast via Yahoo

Gaetz: Pro-Choice Women Are Lonely, Over-Educated, And Eat With Their Cats Due To No “Bumble Matches” | The Hill

Geraldo Unloads on Gutfeld in Fight Over Abortion: ‘You Insulting Punk!’ | Daily Beast via Yahoo

Ben Shapiro: “If we had a Supreme Court worth its salt, they would overturn Obergefell” | MediaMatters

New Revelations Indicate Ginni Thomas Was a Key Author of Trump’s January 6 Coup Plot

How Tucker Carlson helped J.D. Vance to victory in the Ohio Senate primary | MediaMatters

Under No Circumstances Should You Tan Your Balls | Vice

‘It’s Been a Nightmare’: Man Lived for Six Years With a Penis Grafted to His Arm | Daily Beast via Yahoo

Ron Johnson Is a Great White Shark in the Sea of American Crazy | Esquire | Charlie Pierce

NYT says Wordle acquisition added "tens of millions of new users | Axios

Listen to the Eerie Sound of Black Hole 'Echoes' for the First Time | Vice

MeidasTouch - Lying GOP



Reader Comment

Current Events


Two very good embedded videos in this article plus anger and sarcasm from Evan:

None Of Us Are Good Enough Liars To Be GOP's Bought-And-Paid-For Supreme Court Justices

     Biden nailed it when he called MAGA adherents extremists. When I was a kid, old movies showed husbands and doctors presented with the situations where the mother or the baby might be saved but not both. It always sent a chill down my spine that the men always chose the baby over the woman. But at least in those days, everyone agreed that cases of rape or incest were the exception.

     Not good enough for the current crazies! They side against the woman in EVERY instance--women are only important as baby factories. And childless females? Not good for anything--wastes of space and oxygen!

Linda   >^..^<
     We are all only temporarily able bodied.

Thanks, Linda!





that Mad Cat, JD


In The Chaos Household

Last Night

Curly Top Rand Paul asked how we can tell if it's disinformation - how about if it comes outta his mouth?

Tonight, Thursday:

CBS opens the night with a RERUN 'Young Sheldon', followed by a RERUN 'The US Of Al', then a RERUN 'Young Sheldon', followed by a FRESH 'How We Roll', then a RERUN 'Bully'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Stephen Colbert are Daniel Craig, Matt Walsh, and Joy Oladokun.
Scheduled on a FRESH James Corden, OBE, are Benedict Cumberbatch, Elizabeth Olsen, and Tom Walker.

NBC begins the night with a FRESH 'L&O', followed by a FRESH 'L&O: SVU', then a FRESH 'L&O: Overkill'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jimmy Fallon are Chris Pratt, Benedict Wong, and Ingrid Andress.
Scheduled on a FRESH Seth Meyers are Sutton Foster, Hugh Jackman, Ali Wentworth, and Kristina Schiano.

ABC starts the night with a FRESH 'Station 19', followed by a FRESH 'Grey's Anatomy', then a FRESH 'Big Sky'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jimmy Kimmel, with guest host Mike Birbiglia, are Kevin Hart and Hannah Einbinder.

The CW offers a FRESH 'Walker', followed by a FRESH 'Legacies'.

Faux has a FRESH 'MasterChef Junior', followed by a FRESH 'Call Me Kat', then a FRESH 'Welcome To Flatch'.

MY recycles an old 'Big Bang Theory', followed by another old 'Big Bang Theory', then an old 'King Of Queens', followed by another old 'King Of Queens'.

A&E has 3 hours of old 'The First 48', followed by a FRESH 'Nightwatch'.

AMC offers the movi 'The Rock', followed by the movie 'Pearl Harbor'.

BBC  -   

Bravo has the movie 'Harry Potter & The Chamber Of Secrets', followed by a FRESH 'Top Chef', then a FRESH 'Watch What Happens: Live', followed by a FRESH 'Top Chef: Family Style'.

Comedy Central has all old 'The Office' all night.
Scheduled on a FRESH The Daily Show With Trevor Noah are Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns.

FX has the movie 'Night School', followed by the movie 'Guardians Of The Galaxy', then a FRESH 'Atlanta'.

History has 'Swamp People', another 'Swamp People', followed by a FRESH 'Swamp People'.

IFC  -   
 [6:00am - 6:30am]   Three's Company
 [7:00am - 11:30am]   3rd Rock From The Sun
 [12:00pm - 3:30pm]   Scrubs
 [4:00pm - 9:30pm]   Two And A Half Men
 [10:00pm - 2:30am]   Scrubs
 [3:00am]   Mystery Science Theater 3000 - Being From Another Planet
 [5:15am]   Silent House    (ALL TIMES ET)

Sundance  -   
 [6:00am - 9:30am]   the andy griffith show
 [10:00am - 10:00pm]   law & order
 [11:00pm - 2:00am]   perry mason
 [3:00am - 5:30am]   the andy griffith show    (ALL TIMES ET)

SyFy has the movie 'Alien', followed by the movie 'Aliens'.


 [6:00AM]      The Girl from Mexico (1939)
 [7:15AM]      Serenade (1956)
 [9:30AM]      Visiting Vera Cruz (1946)
 [10:00AM]      Robin Hood of El Dorado (1936)
 [11:30AM]      The Fugitive (1947)
 [1:15PM]      Motoring in Mexico (1943)
 [1:30PM]      Historic Mexico City (1935)
 [1:45PM]      Fiesta (1947)
 [3:45PM]      The Treasure of Pancho Villa (1955)
 [5:30PM]      Juarez (1939)
 [7:45PM]      Glimpses of Mexico (1943)
 [8:00PM]      The Toll of the Sea (1922)    SILENT 
 [9:15PM]      Yellowface: Asian Whitewashing and Racism in Hollywood (2019)    [AKA: 'L'ennemi japonais à Hollywood']
 [10:30PM]      Mr. Wu (1927)    SILENT 
 [12:15AM]      Old San Francisco (1927)    SILENT 
 [2:00AM]      The Verdict (1982)
 [4:15AM]      Hombre (1966)     (ALL TIMES ET)

Friday - 05/06/22

 [6:15AM]      Sabotage (1936)
 [7:45AM]      Murder on Diamond Row (1937)
 [9:15AM]      I Was a Communist for the F.B.I. (1951)
 [10:45AM]      Don't Talk (1942)
 [11:15AM]      Clouds over Europe (1939)
 [12:45PM]      Violence (1947)
 [2:00PM]      Springfield Rifle (1952)
 [3:45PM]      The Double Man (1967)
 [5:45PM]      The Sea Wolves (1980)
 [8:00PM]      The Hindenburg (1975)
 [10:15PM]      Zero Hour! (1957)
 [12:00AM]      Back from Eternity (1956)
 [2:00AM]      Putney Swope (1969)
 [3:30AM]      Babo 73 (1964)
 [4:30AM]      Chafed Elbows (1965)    (ALL TIMES ET)

Antenna TV - Johnny Carson (from May 2, 1990) - Dabney Coleman and Yakov Smirnoff.

Bounce TV





Comet TV

Cozi TV


Decades TV Network



FNX - First Nations Experience

Get TV

Grit - Television With Backbone - Grit


Heroes and Icons

ION Television - Positively Entertaining

Laff - You Know You Want To. - Laff


Me-TV Plus

MOVIES! TV Network


Quest Television Network

Rewind TV

RTV - The Retro Television Network


Start TV

TBD - Schedule

the Grio

This TV




Any opinions?   Marty

Or reviews?   Marty

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The Sideshow - by Avedon Carol


Class Of 2022

Rock Hall of Fame

Eminem, Lionel Richie, Carly Simon, Eurythmics, Duran Duran and Pat Benatar have been inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, a list that also includes Dolly Parton, who initially resisted the honor.

The honorees — voted on by more than 1,000 artists, historians and music industry professionals — “each had a profound impact on the sound of youth culture and helped change the course of rock ’n’ roll,” said John Sykes, the chairman of the Rock Hall, in a statement Wednesday.

To be eligible, artists are required to have released their first record 25 years prior to induction. Parton, Richie, Simon and Duran Duran were selected on their first go-round. Simon was a first-time nominee this year more than 25 years after becoming eligible. Eminem becomes the 10th hip-hop act to be inducted, making the cut on his first ballot.

The hall also announced Wednesday that Judas Priest and Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis are getting the award for musical excellence and that Harry Belafonte and Elizabeth Cotten will be honored with the Early Influence Award.

Rock Hall of Fame



Tackled On Stage

Dave Chappelle

Comedian Dave Chappelle was tackled during a performance at the Hollywood Bowl Tuesday night and a man was later arrested.

Security guards chased and overpowered the attacker, and Chappelle was able to continue his performance while the man was taken away in an ambulance.

The assailant was carrying a replica handgun with a large blade that folded out of it similar to a pocket knife, according to a photo released by police.

Isaiah Lee, 23, was detained and arrested for assault with a deadly weapon, said Officer Alba Mendez, a Los Angeles Police Department spokesperson.

Chappelle was attacked as he was wrapping up a routine in which he talked about how comedians have to worry more about their personal security in the wake of this year’s Academy Awards ceremony where the Oscar-winning actor slapped Rock on live television in reaction to a joke about his wife.

Dave Chappelle


Newhead News


Urged To Vote


Hollywood stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo joined other celebrities making a final push for voters in Brazil to register before the Wednesday deadline, prompting dismissive responses from President Jair Bolsonaro.

In recent days, A-listers in Brazil and abroad have used their prestige and social media platforms to call for young, first-time voters in Brazil to register to vote in the October presidential election that is expected to pit far-right incumbent Bolsonaro against former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of the leftist Workers’ Party.

In Brazil, voting is mandatory for anyone aged between 18 and 70, and failure to vote entails paying a small fine. Those 16 and 17 can vote, but are not obligated and young people have been at the center of a nationwide get-out-the-vote campaigns.

At home, legendary Brazilian actress Fernanda Montenegro and singer Anitta also encouraged young people to vote. The latter told her nearly 17 million fans on Twitter that she had discussed the issue at length with DiCaprio at this week’s Met Gala in New York City, and that the actor knew more about the environment than Bolsonaro.




Sentenced To 16 Years

Kidd Creole

Rapper Kidd Creole, who was a founding member of Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five, was sentenced Wednesday to 16 years in prison for stabbing a homeless man to death on a New York City street.

The 62-year-old rapper, born Nathaniel Glover, was found guilty of manslaughter last month for the death of John Jolly, who was stabbed twice in the chest with a steak knife in midtown Manhattan in August 2017.

Prosecutors accused Glover of stabbing Jolly after becoming enraged because he thought Jolly was gay and was hitting on him. After stabbing Jolly, who was 55, Glover headed to his workplace nearby, changed his clothes and washed the knife, prosecutors said. Glover was arrested the following day.

Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five formed in the late 1970s in the Bronx. The group’s best-known song is “The Message” from 1982. They were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2007, the first rap group to be included.

Kidd Creole


Digby's Hullabaloo


Satanic Temple


The Satanic Temple is requesting to fly a flag over Boston City Hall after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled this week that the city violated the free speech rights of a conservative activist seeking to fly a Christian flag outside the downtown building.

The Salem-based group tweeted a request filed Tuesday with the city property management department to raise a flag marking “Satanic Appreciation Week” from July 23-29.

Lucien Greaves, the organization’s co-founder, said in an email Wednesday that the group wants to show that religious liberty must mean respect for “all forms” of religious practice and religious opinion.

“When government officials are able to impose arbitrary restrictions on claims of conscience, or to abridge the civic capacities of some based on their religious identity, we fail to be a free, democratic republic,” he wrote in part.

The Satanic Temple is separate from the Church of Satan, which was founded in the 1960s. Founded in 2013, the Satanic Temple doesn’t believe in Satan and describes itself as a “non-theistic religious organization” that advocates for secularism.




'May Be True'


U.S. Senator Ron Johnson, a Republican from Wisconsin, responded to a man claiming COVID vaccines give people AIDS by telling him "everything you say may be true."

Johnson was speaking to Todd Callendar, who bills himself as an "international lawyer" and "leader of a group trying to stop the Biden regime's effort to destroy the U.S. military via injections of the so-called vaccine that contains HIV." During Callendar and Johnson's conversation on the rightwing video-sharing platform Rumble, Callendar again claimed the various COVID vaccines give users AIDS and that health officials need to be "held accountable."

"You've got more than a hundred doctors here, all of whom will tell you these shots caused vaccine-induced AIDS," Callendar said, even though no reputable doctor has made such a claim. "They purposefully gave people AIDS...this is criminal intent."

Johnson interjected, but not to refute Callendar's lies about the vaccines. Instead Johnson said Callendar and other anti-vaxxers have to continually spread falsehoods about the shots so they can convince people they give people HIV or AIDS.




Secret Cave


The cave in the northern Alabama countryside (the researchers are keeping its precise location a secret) is the richest prehistoric cave art site in North America, Simek said.

It’s one of thousands of caves within the southern part of the Appalachian Plateau, a huge region of “karst” — heavily eroded limestone — that runs from southern Pennsylvania to Alabama.

Known to science only as the “19th Unnamed Cave,” it extends for miles beneath the surface. Hundreds of carved figures are incised into the ceiling of the “dark zone” filled with stalactites and stalagmites just beyond the light from the entrance.

The team estimates the carvings were made about 1,000 years ago by people who lived during the late Woodland phase of the Native American culture in the region.

Caves were regarded in many Native American traditions as entrances to an underworld, and the distinctive style of the cave art seemed to reflect this, he said.




Looted Priceless Roman Bust

Texas Goodwill

A priceless work of Roman art went missing after World War II— until it was sold for $34.99 at a Goodwill store in Texas.

The marble bust, titled simply “Portrait of a man,” was sculpted some time in the 1st century B.C. or early A.D., according to the San Antonio Museum of Art, where it is on display as of May 4.

How it traveled 2,000 years and untold miles to a resale store in Austin is a mystery only partially unraveled.

Experts believe that the sculpture was looted from a German museum after WWII and taken home by a U.S. soldier, according to the SA Museum of Art. But what happened between then and it’s arrival at Goodwill decades later is anyone’s guess.

The bust was revealed at the San Antonio Museum of Art on May 4, and will remain on display there until May 21, 2023.

Texas Goodwill






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