BartCop Entertainment Archives - Sunday, 1 December, 2019


1 December, 2019

(Updated Daily)

[492 days in a row]


Recommended Reading

from Bruce

Marc Dion: Pardon My Turkey (Creators Syndicate)
Pres. Donald Trump pardoned two turkeys just before Thanksgiving Day. It's a holiday tradition. Ever year, in a display of commercialized might, the president pardons two turkeys and a war criminal. The two turkeys go to some kind of turkey rescue facility. The war criminal gets a promotion, may someday write a book called "Screw 'Em. They Ain't Really Human" and could eventually marry a Kardashian, if one is available. At nearly the same moment, three guys from Baltimore get out of prison. They're all in their 50s, they all did more than 30 years in the can, and all three of them were all released because, whoopsie, somebody else did the killing of which they were accused.

Ted Rall: If There's a Warrant for Your Arrest, the Government Should Have to Tell You (Creators Syndicate)
I got a speeding ticket and paid the fine, on time. But the municipality didn't credit me. I had my canceled check so I assumed I was in the clear. Later, when I was pulled over for something different, the officer informed me that my license had been pulled over the "unpaid" ticket - the DMV never notified me of the suspension, and no, I hadn't moved - so the cop arrested me and took me to the station for an hour or two. Setting things straight ultimately cost me thousands of dollars in attorney fees.

Lenore Skenazy: When Tragedy Strikes, Blame the Mom (Creators Syndicate)
… I don't think it's really about a lack of supervision. I think it's about fear. The fact that this truly could happen to any of us is so scary, we can't deal with it. So, instead, we - or at least the Charlotte-Mecklenburg police - pretend that no, this only happens to terrible parents who are criminally abusive. Not to saintly you and me. It echoes the way we used to blame rape victims: "She was asking for it by wearing that outfit. I would never be raped because I don't ask for it." Our fear made us twist the victim into the perpetrator, or at least the accomplice.

Marks Shields: In 'Defense' of Donald Trump Jr. (Creators Syndicate)
War demanded equality of sacrifice. All of that changed, tragically, with Vietnam. The sons of affluence and influence gamed the system to avoid serving. That was followed by the all-volunteer military, which guaranteed that instead of 3 out of 4 male high school graduates and 3 out of 4 college graduates serving in the American military, the sons of privilege would be spared the burden of fighting for their country.

Froma Harrop: Astoundingly, the Republican Attack Machine Targets the Military (Creators Syndicate)
To recap: Trump has smeared our bravest soldiers, undermined military discipline, ignored the expertise of officers in the field, disrespected our military leaders and betrayed allies who fought and died beside us. Meanwhile, the Republican leadership sits in dumb and cowardly silence. Vladimir Putin must be writing Trump a thank-you note on his finest stationery.

Froma Harrop: The Zen of Thanksgiving (Creators Syndicate)
Editor's Note: The following is a revised version of a column first published in November 2002. Thanksgiving is the most American of holidays. But there is something almost un-American about it. It is a day opposed to striving, to getting more. We stop adding up the numbers on the scorecard of life. We freeze in place and give thanks for whatever is there.

Susan Estrich: The Bad Prince (Creators Syndicate)
NO remorse, except for his own family, for the embarrassment to them. No remorse for the young women and girls who Epstein admittedly (he did plead guilty in Florida, remember) misused and abused. No apologies. The only thing he was sorry about was the damage it did to the image of the royal family. Well, la-di-da.

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Michael Egan

Michael Egan


Editorial and Political Cartoons


Trivia Question of the Day

Collective nouns for a group of ravens include "unkindness", "conspiracy", and "_____?_____"


Send your answer to Marty

Trivia Question from Yesterday

December has three birthstones - zircon, tanzanite, and ______?_____

       Turquoise                                                      Source

December's birthstones are the turquoise, zircon, and tanzanite.        Source

Turquoise is an opaque, blue-to-green mineral that is a hydrated phosphate of copper and aluminium. It is rare and valuable in finer grades and has been prized as a gemstone and ornamental stone for thousands of years owing to its unique hue. Like most other opaque gems, turquoise has been devalued by the introduction onto the market of treatments, imitations and synthetics.

In Western culture, turquoise is also the traditional birthstone for those born in the month of December. The turquoise is also a stone in the Jewish High Priest's breastplate, described in Exodus chapter 28. The stone is also considered sacred to the indigenous Zuni and Pueblo peoples of the American Southwest. The pre-Columbian Aztec and Maya also considered it to be a valuable and culturally important stone.        Source

Mark. was first, and correct, with:

Randall wrote:

Cal in Vermont said:

Adam answered:

Dave responded:
   Turquoise. Donald Trump Jr.'s birthday is New Year's Eve, do you think Don the Con will give him a Turquoise encrusted crown for his birthday? He probably won't even get a card from that cheapskate.

Alan J replied:

zorch wrote:
   Turquoise is the third birthstone.

Mac Mac said:

Jim from CA, retired to ID, answered:
   December is honored with three birthstones, Turquoise, Zircon, and Tanzanite

Ed K replied:

Billy in Cypress U$A responded:

Deborah wrote:
   Tuquoise. I had no idea.
  Broke down and bought a new MacBook today…turns out the issue with my other one may be as cheap as $90.00, or as expensive at $500. If it's the former, great; I can wipe it and sell it. If it's the latter, I'll sell it to Apple for parts.
  It's no "atmospheric river" but it's been raining steadily all day, with more to come. Cold + rain = perfect soup weather. Made turkey noodle (noodles courtesy of the Mr., he loves his pasta maker).

mj took the day off.
Barbara, of Peppy Tech fame took the day off.
Joe S     took the day off.
Stephen F took the day off.
Kenn B took the day off.
Rosemary in Columbus took the day off.
Micki took the day off.
Kevin K. in Washington, DC, took the day off.
Roy, the Never Trumper in Tyler, TX took the day off.
John I from Hawai`i took the day off.
Daniel in The City took the day off.
Michelle in AZ took the day off.
DJ Useo took the day off.
Jon L took the day off.
Harry M. took the day off.
David of Moon Valley took the day off.
Dave in Tucson took the day off.
Leo in Boise took the day off.
George M. took the day off.
- pgw @ nor cal. took the day off.
Paul of Seattle took the day off.
Saskplanner took the day off.
Gary took the day off.
Doug in Albuquerque took the day off.
Peter W took the day off.
MarilynofTC took the day off.
Brian S. took the day off.
Steve in Wonderful Sacramento, CA, took the day off.
Gateway Mike took the day off.
Gene took the day off.
Tony K. took the day off.
Noel S. took the day off.
James of Alhambra took the day off.

BttbBob   has returned to semi-retired status.

  December 1 Birthdays - Celebrities Born December 1 | Famous Birthdays

Sally has retired.

MAM     In memory.




Middle Class Political Economist






Music: "Rockerchick" from the album OUT UTERO

Artist: Lipstick Homicide

Artist Location: Coralville, Iowa

    Rachel Feldmann - Bass/Guitar/Vocals
    Kate Kane - Guitar/Vocals
    Big Luke Ferguson - Drums

    she had the cutest smile and the coolest band
    i wonder if she knows i'm her number one fan
    and all i wanna know is how a girl like you ends up with a guy like that
    please don't shoot me down i'm waiting for the time you write me back
    she's got a sweet guitar, i really like her hair
    but she'll go home with him it really isn't fair
    all i wanna know is how a girl like you isn't even aware
    you could give me a chance i don't think your boyfriend would even care
    you know he's really not that vital to your band
    he can write a song but not as well as you can

Price: $1 (USD) for song; $7 (USD) for 14-track album

If you are OK with paying for it, you can use PAYPAL or CREDIT CARD.

Genre: Punk Rock

Lipstick Homicide on Bandcamp

OUT UTERO on Bandcamp

David Bruce has over 140 Kindle books on



Reader Suggestion

Michelle in AZ

Chick-fil-A faces rightwing backlash after cutting ties to Christian groups | Food | The Guardian

Republicans Are Reacting Just Like We Would Expect Cult Members to React: Saturday's Good News

Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: The GOP culture wars don't play well in the suburbs

The 10 Most Influential Films of the Decade (and 20 Other Favorites) - The New York Times

A Change in Medicare Has Therapists Alarmed - The New York Times

The Suburbs Are Kicking the Animals Out. Enter the Animal Rescue Squad. - The New York Times

These Students Speak Perfect Spanglish - And Now They're Learning To Own It : NPR

He Was A Horse That Never Won A Race. So Why Would Someone Steal Him? : NPR

Opinion | These Horses Are Too Young to Die - The New York Times

Opinion | Forget the Scarf. These Gifts Change Lives. - The New York Times

Cats do have facial expressions, but you probably can't read them - The Washington Post

Arlo Guthrie Looks Back on 50 Years of 'Alice's Restaurant' - Rolling Stone

That Uplifting Tweet You Just Shared? A Russian Troll Sent It - Rolling Stone

Trump administration proposals could cause millions to lose food stamps

Trillbilly Workers Party podcast riffs on leftist politics - CNNPolitics

Chick-fil-A backlash is nothing short of 'cancel culture' (opinion) - CNN

Belgium: This country with a colonial history has a blackface problem - CNN

Prime Mover: How Amazon Wove Itself Into the Life of an American City - The New York Times

Navajo Country Music Pays Tribute to 'Indian Cowboys' and Outlaw Legends - The New York Times

Thanks, Michelle!



New Venture

Michael Egan

A Cartoon Page for Non-Cartoonists

Michael Egan


Editorial and Political Cartoons



from Bruce



• When Bill Cosby was in school, his grandfather advised him not to play football. Bill played football anyway, and he broke his shoulder. He was lying on a sofa, in pain, when his grandfather visited. Embarrassed, young Bill waited for his grandfather to say, "See, I told you, Junior." Instead, his grandfather gave him a quarter and told him, "Go to the corner [store] and get some ice cream. It has calcium in it.'"

• Comedian Frank Morgan said whatever was on his mind. Once, he was reading the scores of some obscure football games on his radio program when he suddenly interrupted himself and asked, "Is anybody really interested in this nonsense?"


• At Friars Club dinners, comedians take great pleasure in insulting the guest of honor, often using very vulgar language to do so. At a dinner for Jack Benny, many dignified people, including Eleanor Roosevelt, Helen Hayes, and Senator Jacob Javits, were present, so Mr. Benny told his friend and fellow comedian George Burns, "George, this is a high-class affair, so nothing risqué." Mr. Burns joked, "Should I tell the story about Sid Gary's *ss?" Mr. Benny joked back, "I wouldn't if I were you, because Javits is on ahead of you, and he's going to tell it."

• Actor Elliott Gould was friends with comedian Groucho Marx when Groucho was old. Groucho, of course, insulted friends as well as enemies. Once, Mr. Gould replaced a burned-out light bulb over Groucho's bed, and Groucho told him, "That's the best acting I've ever seen you do." Mr. Elliott considers that "the best review I've ever had and probably will ever have." The two men really were close - Groucho even let Mr. Elliott shave him with an electric razor.


• Even good people can be distracted from what is really important. At one time, comedian Phil Silvers was accustomed to bet quite a lot of money on sports games. Once, he visited with his mother for a day, and he had her radio tuned to a game he had bet on. At the end of the day, he realized that he had spent the day with his mother, but he couldn't remember a single thing she had said because he had been listening to the game, not to her.

• Chico Marx loved to gamble, and he gambled all of his money away. His famous brother Harpo, however, managed to save much of his earnings. Once, Chico was asked how much money he had lost gambling. He replied, "Find out how much Harpo has. That's how much I've lost!"

Gays and Lesbians

• Jennie McNulty is both an out comedian and a defensive back for the California Quake women's football team. She performs at military bases in Iraq and on Olivia cruises for lesbians and at other gay-friendly venues. While performing on military bases, she couldn't delve deeply into gay matters when the military had a "don't ask, don't tell" policy, but she found a way to make a point: "I love doing the military shows. I have to do what I call 'don't ask, don't tell' shows, so I just don't bring up anything relationship-wise, but I'm decked out in rainbow gear from head to toe - Richard Simmons would look straighter than I do performing there." Fortunately, she comes back to gay-friendly venues, so she says that she goes "from 'don't ask' to 'tell everybody'!" She loves the Olivia cruises because of all the lesbians who are free to be themselves. Of course, in the big cities gays and lesbians can be out and about, but in small towns, doing that can be much harder. Ms. McNulty says, "On the Olivia trips, you're dealing with people who live in the middle of the country. I had one woman tell me she and her girlfriend had to practice holding hands, because they can never hold hands when they're home. Those crowds are so amazing because everyone's just on cloud nine - they're totally free to be who they are."

© Copyright Bruce D. Bruce; All Rights Reserved







Bonus Links

Jeannie the Teed-Off Temp

The Impeachment Case Against Trump Just Got a Hell of a Lot Stronger | Vice

Impeachment as spectacle: To this point, it's stupid, dysfunctional and weird - like America! | Salon

Intelligence Committee to begin circulating draft Ukraine report Monday | Politico

The war crimes president: Donald Trump doesn't understand the damage he's causing to the military | Salon

Poll Finds Trump Supporters Think Donald Trump Is Better Than Abraham Lincoln | Jezebel

Matthew Shepard's Parents on Grief, His National Cathedral Plaque, LGBTQ Rights-and Their 'Disgust' With Trump | Daily Beast

The Army Built to Fight 'Medicare for All' | Politico

Scientific American Yanks 'Hit Piece' on Dr. Jennifer Gunter, Twitter's Fave Gyno | Daily Beast

Judge in same-sex marriage denied communion at Michigan Catholic church | The Hill

Twitter bans Ilhan Omar's GOP rival for tweeting about hanging the congresswoman | Vox

A Batman image offended China. Its removal has angered fans worldwide | Quartz

Why Are Rich Hollywood Celebs Taking Jobs Away from Game-Show Hosts? | Daily Beast

The true story behind Arlo Guthrie's Thanksgiving staple, "Alice's Restaurant" | Vox





Selected Readings

from that Mad Cat, JD

JD is on vacation.

Visit JD's site - Kitty Litter Music


In The Chaos Household

Last Night

More rain and still cold (for these parts).

Tonight, Sunday:

CBS starts the night with a '60 Minutes' doubleheader, followed by a FRESH 'NCIS: The Expendable One', then a FRESH 'Madam Secretary'.

NBC fills the night with LIVE 'Sunday Night Football', followed by a FRESH 'The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon'.

ABC begins the night with a RERUN 'America's So-Called Funniest Home Videos', followed by 'Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town', then a FRESH 'Shark Tank', followed by a FRESH 'The Rookie'.

The CW offers a FRESH 'Batwoman', followed by a FRESH 'Supergirl'.

Faux has a RERUN 'The Simpsons', followed by a RERUN 'Bob's Burgers', then a FRESH 'The Simpsons', followed by 'Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas', then a FRESH 'Bob's Burgers', followed by a RERUN 'Family Guy'.

MY recycles an old 'How I Met Your Mother', followed by another old 'How I Met Your Mother', then an old 'Big Bang Theory', followed by another old 'Big Bang Theory', then still another old 'Big Bang Theory', followed by yet another old 'Big Bang Theory'.

A&E has the movie 'Jurassic Park', followed by the movie 'The Lost World: Jurassic Park'.

AMC offers the movie 'National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation', followed by the movie 'National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation', then the movie 'Christmas With The Kranks'.

BBC  -   
 [6:00A]   MWEIRD WONDERS - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 1-Episode 1
 [11:00AM]   A FEW GOOD MEN (1992)
 [5:00PM]   A FEW GOOD MEN (1992)
 [4:30AM]   DOCTOR WHO - SEASON 11 - EPISODE 1-The Woman Who Fell to Earth    (ALL TIMES EST)

Bravo has 'Real Housewives Of Atlanta', followed by a FRESH 'Real Housewives Of Atlanta', then a FRESH 'Married To Medicine', followed by a FRESH 'Watch What Happens Live'.

Comedy Central has the movie '21 Jump Street', followed by the movie 'Grown Ups'.

FX has the movie 'The Night Before', followed by the movie 'Office Christmas Party', then a FRESH 'The Weekly', and another 'The Weekly'.

History has all old 'The Food That Built America' all night.

IFC  -   
 [6:15A]   Stan Against Evil - Larva My Life
 [6:45A]   Java Heat
 [9:00A]   Machete Kills
 [11:30A]   Death Race: Inferno
 [2:00P]   Death Race 2
 [4:30P]   Death Race
 [7:00P]   Independence Day
 [10:00P]   Independence Day
 [1:00A]   Death Race: Inferno
 [3:30A]   Death Race: Beyond Anarchy     (ALL TIMES EST)

Sundance  -   
 [6:00am]   M*A*S*H
 [6:30am]   M*A*S*H
 [7:00am]   Exiled: A Law & Order
 [9:00am]   Rudy
 [11:30am]   Stand by Me
 [1:30pm]   Short Circuit
 [3:30pm]   The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
 [7:00pm]   Forrest Gump
 [10:00pm]   Catch Me if You Can
 [1:00am]   Catch Me if You Can
 [4:00am]   Short Circuit    (ALL TIMES EST)

SyFy has the movie 'Pitch Black', followed by the movie 'The Chronicles Of Riddick'.

 [6:00 AM]      Double Wedding (1937)
 [7:30 AM]      Night and Day (1946)
 [10:00 AM]      The Mask of Dimitrios (1944)
 [12:00 PM]      Lady in the Lake (1947)
 [2:00 PM]      Little Women (1949)
 [4:15 PM]      Holiday Affair (1949)
 [6:00 PM]      The Shop Around the Corner (1940)
 [8:00 PM]      A Christmas Carol (1951)
 [10:00 PM]      The Bishop's Wife (1947)
 [12:00 AM]      The Smart Set (1928)    SILENT 
 [2:00 AM]      Career Girls (1997)
 [3:45 AM]      Life Is Sweet (1990)    (ALL TIMES EST)

Monday   -  12/02/19

 [6:00 AM]      The Squaw Man (1914)    SILENT 
 [7:30 AM]      The Squaw Man (1931)
 [9:30 AM]      Scaramouche (1923)    SILENT 
 [11:45 AM]      Scaramouche (1952)
 [2:00 PM]      The King of Kings (1927)    SILENT 
 [5:00 PM]      King of Kings (1961)
 [8:00 PM]      Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1925)    SILENT 
 [10:45 PM]      Ben-Hur (1959)
 [2:45 AM]      The Sea Hawk (1924)    SILENT 
 [5:00 AM]      The Sea Hawk (1940)    (ALL TIMES EST)

USA has a FRESH 'Mr. Robot'.

Antenna TV - Johnny Carson

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The Sideshow - by Avedon Carol


Wat Rong Khun: A Buddhist Temple Inspired by Sci-Fi Movies | Amusing Planet


Gabrielle's Supporters

'America's Got Talent'

The ranks of celebrity supporters for former America's Got Talent host Gabrielle Union continues to swell, as new backers chime in on social media over her dismissal from the show.

Lin-Manuel Miranda, Ariana Grande, Debra Messing, Ellen Pompeo, Jameela Jamil, Yara Shahidi, and Patricia Arquette have so far voiced support for Union, who complained of a "toxic culture" on the NBC show's set. Union and Julianne Hough did not have their contracts renewed for the next season of the competition, sparking Union's complaints about her treatment.

The outpouring of support for Union in the wake of those complaints appears to be gaining momentum.

"Thank you for this @EllenPompeo," Messing, 51, tweeted Thanksgiving day. "This is disgusting behavior from a network that has been my professional home for decades. Yes, women become 'difficult,' when their insistence on a respectful and professional working environment, is ignored."

Messing tagged Union in her comments. "Addressing a hostile work environment is inconvenient when there is a huge money making machine that is involved. It is cowardice, greed, and protection of the status quo revealed. Being 'hands off,' is inexcusable and reflects a laissez faire attitude toward systemic racism and sexism."

'America's Got Talent'



Hilma af Klimt's Cosmic Art Of The Invisible | Flashbak


Refutes Claim

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio has refuted bizarre and false claims from Brazil's right-wing president Jair Bolsonaro that the actor financed the wildfires in the Amazon, playing into a ploy by the the World Wildlife Fund to generate donations.

DiCaprio posted a statement on Instagram Saturday that "while worthy of support, we did not fund the organizations targeted."

"This Leonardo DiCaprio is a cool guy, right?" Bolsonaro said, according to Reuters, during a brief remarks in front of the presidential residence on Friday. "Giving money to torch the Amazon."

Reuters reported that Bolsonaro appeared to be commenting on disputed social media posts that WWF had paid for photographs taken by volunteer firefighters and used them to solicit donations, including $500,000 from DiCaprio. The claim is the latest in an effort by Bolsonaro to divert blame for the disastrous fires from his government, which scaled back enforcement against illegal logging, mining, and ranching.

Bolsonaro also talked about DiCaprio on Thursday during a live webcast, saying that the World Wildlife Fund had paid the volunteer firefighting organization to take pictures of forest fires in the Amazon.

Leonardo DiCaprio


Newhead News


Israeli Audience

Louis C.K.

Disgraced comedian Louis CK made a joke about the Holocaust while giving a set earlier this week outside Tel Aviv, immediately sparking outrage online. C.K. has been trying to launch a comeback since admitting to sexual misconduct with several women.

According to The Associated Press, C.K's Israeli fans had nearly packed a basketball stadium, eager for his return. During the beginning of his set, he asked the audience, "How have your last couple of years been?" before telling an anecdote about someone giving him the finger from across a restaurant for the entirety of his meal.

Later, he acknowledged his sexual misconduct, saying it had been a mistake, according to AP. "If they say 'yes,' then still don't do it, because it's not popular," he said.

At one point, the comedian said he used to love New York City, but now he hates it.

"I'd rather be in Auschwitz than New York City," he said to laughter and applause. "I mean now, not when it was open."

Louis C.K.



From Retail Palace to Zombie Mall: How Efficiency Killed the Department Store | Collectors Weekly


Spanish Version

Big Brother

Dozens of companies have announced they will no longer be advertising on the Spanish version of the TV reality show Big Brother after it emerged that a contestant had been shown footage of her alleged rape.

Carlota Prado was sent to the diary room to watch a video of how a fellow contestant apparently had sex with her when she was unconscious after drinking.

"Please, Super, stop now, please," a tearful Ms Prado asked. But the tape continued to play, with the Voice saying: "We think you need to see this, Carlota." The scene was never broadcast but was leaked to the Spanish press this week.

Until being asked to enter the diary room, Ms Prado had no idea of what had happened the previous night in her bed after she had been helped to lie down by José María López, her fellow contestant with whom she had started a relationship with in the house.

According to footage of the alleged rape, she said "no, I can't" to Mr López. But he then got into bed with the prone Ms Prado and allegedly had sex with her for several minutes before the show's production team spoke over the bedroom speaker to interrupt him.

Big Brother


Digby's Hullabaloo


War On Women


A bill to ban abortion introduced in the Ohio state legislature requires doctors to "reimplant an ectopic pregnancy" into a woman's uterus - a procedure that does not exist in medical science - or face charges of "abortion murder".

This is the second time practising obstetricians and gynecologists have tried to tell the Ohio legislators that the idea is currently medically impossible.

The move comes amid a wave of increasingly severe anti-abortion bills introduced across much of the country as conservative Republican politicians seek to ban abortion and force a legal showdown on abortion with the supreme court.

Ohio's move on ectopic pregnancies - where an embryo implants on the mother's fallopian tube rather than her uterus rendering the pregnancy unviable - is one of the most extreme bills to date.

In addition to ordering doctors to do the impossible or face criminal charges, House Bill 413 bans abortion outright and defines a fertilized egg as an "unborn child".




Photographer Tim Flach Highlights Unusual and Endangered Birds in Striking Portraits | Colossal


Despite US Citizenship


A New Yorker who gained US citizenship as a child is suddenly facing deportation, along with several green card-holding members of his family, after apparent targeting by the Trump administration in what the family believes is a clear case of anti-Muslim bias.

None of the individuals have a criminal record, and say the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) only raised questions about the validity of their immigration status after another relative was arrested following a terrorist incident in the city. The government's actions have alarmed advocates and led to them accusing officials of meting out unfair "collective punishment".

Ahsan Ullah, 32, an electrician from Brooklyn, was placed in immigration detention in Kearny, New Jersey, on 22 October. He spent about four weeks separated from his American wife and three children before being released on bond last Tuesday pending the outcome of his case.

Four of his relatives, who all hold green cards, are also fighting government efforts to strip them of their US residency status. Since Trump came into office, the number of such denaturalization and citizenship revocation cases filed by DHS has surged.

"At a time when we are seeing a white nationalist current in government and society that wants to depopulate communities of color from this country, these cases are an indication of how their tactics and attacks are evolving."



An Unexpected Badass Cover of the Iconic Ramones Song 'I Wanna Be Sedated' Played on Electric Dulcimer | Laughing Squid


Greenland A National Security Concern


Denmark has made Greenland a top national security priority after Donald Trump expressed an interest in buying the territory.

Mr Trump raised the possibility of purchasing the vast land mass for the United States earlier this year, due to its abundant natural resources and potential future logistical value.

Mette Frederiksen, the Danish prime minister responded at the time that it was not for sale, leading to a diplomatic spat in which Mr Trump called her "nasty" and cancelled a trip to Denmark.

Now, Denmark's foreign and military intelligence agency has warned of increasing tensions over Greenland involving major powers, including the US, China and Russia, and highlighted the threat ahead of others like terrorism and cybercrime.

Lars Findsen, of the Danish Defence Intelligence Service, said: "We have decided to start this year's Intelligence Risk Assessment with a chapter on the Arctic, as the interests of the great powers in the Arctic have direct impact on, and growing significance for, the Kingdom of Denmark.




A 200-Year Old Soy Sauce Maker Rebuilds Itself After the Earthquake | Spoon & Tamago


Christmas Gift From Pope

Jesus' Manger

A fragment of wood reputed to be from the manger where Jesus was laid after his humble birth arrived in Bethlehem as a gift from the Vatican on Saturday, kicking off Christmas season at the town revered as the place of Jesus' birth.

The wood piece, just a few centimeters (inches) long, was once kept in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome. It was handed over earlier this week to the custodian of the Bethlehem church, who said it brought "great honor to believers and pilgrims in the area".

The provenance of ancient relics is often questionable. Still, they are revered by the Christian faithful, among them the many pilgrims who squeeze through a narrow sandstone entrance in the Church of the Nativity to visit the birth grotto that is its centerpiece.

According to the Custos of the Holy Land for the Catholic church, Francesco Patton, the relic dates back more than 2,000 years and was sent to the Vatican in the 7th century.

Encased in a silver-colored ornamental table-top stand, it was unveiled to the public on Friday at the Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center. Marching bands greeted the relic as it arrived in Bethlehem on Saturday. It was placed in Saint Catherine's Church, at the Church of the Nativity compound in Manger Square.

Jesus' Manger


Jesus and Kitsch: The Rise of the American Megachurch | Messy Nessy Chic


Gut-Friendly Bacteria

Stronger Beers

Certain beers could be considered "very healthy" thanks to the amount of gut-friendly bacteria they contain, according to scientists specialising in gut health.

Professor Eric Claassen, who works at Amsterdam University, explained that strong Belgian beers, including Hoegaarden, Westmalle Tripel and Echt Kriekenbier, are rich in probiotic microbes that offer a range of health benefits.

Presenting his research at an event held by probiotic drink maker Yakult, Professor Claassen said that unlike most mainstream beers, which go through a single fermentation process, these beers are fermented twice.

The second fermentation not only creates a drier flavour and boosts the strength of the beer, but it also uses a different strain of yeast found in traditional pints.

This strain of yeast produces acids that kill harmful bacteria in the gut that can make us ill.

Stronger Beers


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Melania Trump like you've never seen her before | New York Post

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