BartCop Entertainment Archives - Sunday, 8 March, 2020


15 March, 2020

(Updated Daily)

[597 days in a row]


Recommended Reading

from Bruce

Marina Fang: "'I Don't Take Responsibility At All': Trump Passes Buck On Coronavirus Testing Mess" (Huffington Post)
The president declared a national emergency Friday during a press conference with a parade of corporate executives.

Nicola Davis and Niamh McIntyre How many will die of coronavirus in the UK? A closer look at the numbers (The Guardian)
What the statistics from the outbreak so far can tell us about infection and mortality rates.

Andrew Tobias: The King's Speech
But first, Susan Collins. I don't care who replaces her, I just want her OUT. If that's all you care about too, click here to give to the anybody but Collins fund. Now deeply in Trump's pocket and seeking her fifth term - having initially pledged not to serve more than two - she's become a tremendous disappointment. (See also: "Susan Collins Takes Hours to Decide on Lunch Before Ordering Exactly What Mitch McConnell Is Having," by Andy Borowitz.)

Marc Dion: Two Bad Hands (Creators Syndicate)
We're forted up in our house with a lush supply of canned food and bottled beer, and outside, the prospects of saving the nation are dimmer than Donald Trump Jr.

Froma Harrop: AOC Must Choose Between the Future and the Political Abyss (Creators Syndicate)
Joe Biden now commands a nearly insurmountable lead in Democratic delegates, thanks to a multiracial coalition including the white working-class voters Sanders believed he'd attract. Biden also has suburban women, whom Sanders hasn't even tried for.

Susan Estrich: The President Meets His Match (Creators Syndicate)
The president's decision to treat a global pandemic as a Democratic hoax is not only stupid and self-serving but also terribly dangerous. We were not prepared. The president actually fired the team that would have been in place to address a pandemic, and never bothered to replace it. In California, the numbers are still much lower than they would be if tests were more widely available. At the lab of my local hospital, where I went for a blood draw on Tuesday, not a soul was waiting in line in front of me. I was shocked - I had expected crowds and masks and gloves - until the lab technician explained to me that the hospital lab had NO test kits at all; that the only place a person could be tested was the emergency room, and "you certainly don't want to go there."

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Michael Egan

Michael Egan


Mike Pence Plans Gigantic National Exorcism to Combat Coronavirus - Michael Egan, Humor Times

Editorial and Political Cartoons


Trivia Question of the Day

One of the wealthiest and most powerful women in western Europe during the High Middle Ages, she was queen consort of both France and England. What is her name?


Send your answer to Marty

Trivia Question from Yesterday

Where does the Blue Nile join the White Nile?

       Khartoum, Sudan                                                      Source

The Blue Nile is a river originating at Lake Tana in Ethiopia. With the White Nile, it is one of the two major tributaries of the Nile. The Blue Nile supplies about 80% of the water in the Nile during the rainy season.

The Blue Nile is so called because floods during the summer monsoon erode a vast amount of fertile soil from the Ethiopian Highlands and carry it downstream as silt, turning the water dark brown or almost black.

The distance of the river from its source to its confluence has been variously reported as being between 1,460 kilometres (910 mi) and 1,600 kilometres (990 mi). This uncertainty over the length might partially result from the fact that the river flows through a series of virtually impenetrable gorges cut in the Ethiopian Highlands to a depth of some 1,500 metres (4,900 ft)-a depth comparable to that of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in the United States.

After flowing past Er Roseires inside Sudan, and receiving the Dinder on its right bank at Dinder, the Blue Nile joins the White Nile at Khartoum and, as the Nile, flows through Egypt to the Mediterranean Sea at Alexandria.        Source

Randall was first, and correct, with:
   Khartoum, Sudan

Mark. said:
   Khartoum, Sudan.

Alan J answered:
   Khartoum, Sudan.

Dave said:
   Khartoum, Sudan.
  Photo: In 1965 a ridiculous movie was released starring American Charlton Heston as a British general and Englishman Laurence Oliver as the caricature of an Arab resistance leader- complete with blackface and a turban.

zorch responded:
   They meet in Khartoum, Sudan.

Deborah replied:
   The Blue Nile and White Nile rivers converge just north of Khartoum, in Sudan.
  Rain finally moved in overnight, and it looks and feels wintery again.
  My SIL is spreading a right-wing conspiracy theory regarding COVID-19 on Facebook. This might be the push I need to get off FB; it's as crazy as a Costco with a new shipment of toilet paper.
  And on Next-door, a woman posted that these are the "end-times" and we need to make our peace with our Lord and Savior. I want to troll her so hard but I can tell she'd just post a prayer and forgive me, rather than debate.
  I'm only listening to Dr. Fauci, as he's evidently the only adult in the room willing to tell the truth. Could anyone have predicted this four years ago? Cray-cray.

Saskplanner said:
   The delta? I know that's wrong....

Ed K wrote:
   In Funkytown

Adam answered:
   Khartoum, Sudan

Cal in Vermont replied:
   Khartoum, Sudan. One of many crossroads of civilization.

Jim from CA, retired to ID, responded:

Mac Mac said:

Barbara, of Peppy Tech fame wrote:
   The answer to the question is Khartoum, Sudan.

Billy in Cypress U$A answered:
   Today's anser is Sudan.
  I have finally updated my rankings of the WORST U.S. Presidents/(p)residents and the winner is, you guessed it: Comrade Puppet president Donald J. Trump Il Douche (CPpDJTID)!
  I have concluded that tRump (45) will soon surpass sHrub (43) in causing the death of thousands of U.S. citizens and others due to HIS abject ignorance and inability to think of anyone or anything except himself. But, I am keeping the contest open in case Mike Pence (46?) enters the race and spends his REMAINING life praying to and worshipping the ghost of CPpDJTID rather than doing the job he inherits. I added him to the list after his extreme sycophantic comments on Friday.

BttbBob   replied:
   I know the answer...

  That wild and crazy guy, Charlton Heston, played an imperialist Brit in that film, Charles 'Pasha' Gordon, who in 1884 led an Anglo-Egyptian force that 'pacified' the Sudan in the name of the Queen and Empire, pip pip... The locals resented that, of course, and acted accordingly. A huge battle for the city ensued with Gordon ultimately losing his head and his minions all put to the sword... Yeah, Olivier's 'Mahdi' character's hordes did that to them all... But, I gotta ask... who's the good guy here?

  Heston was revered for many, many years here in Mid-Michigan being a local guy from St. Helen amidst the woods and lakes he grew to love and owned property there that he visited often all during his career. I've heard that the locals helped to ensure his privacy when he was in residence... Too bad his woodsy ways turned into the NRA madness that it did.
  DEFCON 4 status, 'above normal readiness', code term 'Double Take'... That means I'm a little more wary and hopefully a little smarter in my daily activities while maintaining normal operating conditions. I think that it's a long way to level 1, which is Armageddon, so I'm just throttling back a bit and riding it out... Remember: always sit on the back of the wave when running with any kind of a sea...

  March 15 Birthdays - Celebrities Born March 15 | Famous Birthdays

Daniel in The City responded:
   Khartoum, Sudan

Joe ( -- Vote Blue, No Matter Who -- ) said:
   In Africa.

mj took the day off.
Kevin K. in Washington, DC, took the day off.
Your Snowflake, Libtard pal, Roy in Tyler, TX took the day off.
David of Moon Valley took the day off.
Micki took the day off.
John I from Hawai`i took the day off.
DJ Useo took the day off.
Stephen F took the day off.
Kenn B took the day off.
Dave in Tucson took the day off.
Michelle in AZ took the day off.
Rosemary in Columbus took the day off.
Harry M. took the day off.
Steve in Wonderful Sacramento, CA, took the day off.
Gary K took the day off.
Jon L took the day off.
Leo in Boise took the day off.
PGW. 94087 took the day off.
MarilynofTC took the day off.
George M. took the day off.
Gateway Mike took the day off.
Paul of Seattle took the day off.
Doug in Albuquerque took the day off.
Peter W took the day off.
Brian S. took the day off.
Gene took the day off.
Tony K. took the day off.
Noel S. took the day off.
James of Alhambra took the day off.

Sally has retired.

MAM     In memory.




Middle Class Political Economist






Music: "Correspondencia con Lνnea 3" from the album SENSACIONAL DE TABLISTAS

Artist: Los Atascados

Artist Location: Mexico City, Mexico

Info: "Instrumental Surf Music Band, based in CDMX, with diverse harmonies and arrangements -from many musical references, making our own identity- matching with the classic 60΄s reverb sound."

Price: $1 (USD) for track; $5 (USD) for 11-track album

Genre: Surf Music


Los Atascados on Bandcamp


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Reader Suggestion

Michelle in AZ

Reviews of the Best Bidets 2020: Using a Bidet vs. Toilet Paper - Rolling Stone

Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: Things are ramping up, and for good reason

America needs to plan now in case Trump loses in November - but refuses to leave the White House - Raw Story

Hotels and airlines are suffering in the outbreak, but many RV parks and campgrounds are busy - Los Angeles Times

Nearly 500,000 People Who Have Not Been Convicted Are In Jail At High Coronavirus Risk | HuffPost

Donald Trump's Coronavirus Presser Flowchart Is Now A Scathing New Meme | HuffPost

Please Don't Believe These Coronavirus Scams And Advice | HuffPost Life

Judge Blocks Rule That Would Have Kicked 700,000 People Off SNAP : The Salt : NPR

FACT CHECK: Trump Accusations Against Obama Over Swine Flu : NPR

Coronavirus outbreak on a Nile cruise helped spawn a global epidemic - The Washington Post
     Cases in Maryland

Cruise lines sell us a floating paradise. Coronavirus shows it was always a lie. - The Washington Post

He Has 17,700 Bottles of Hand Sanitizer and Nowhere to Sell Them - The New York Times

Opinion | Plagued by the President - The New York Times

Companies that feed America brace for labor shortages amid worry about restocking stores - Anchorage Daily News

Liberty University: A Coronavirus Petri Dish?

Right Wing Can't Decide If Virus Is No Big Deal, or Big Deal and China's Fault

Scrabble during the coronavirus pandemic: Some competitive players don't want to stop.

Trump seems to think CEOs will save America from the coronavirus.

Odds are that Trump tested positive

Thanks, Michelle!



New Venture

Michael Egan

A Cartoon Page for Non-Cartoonists

Michael Egan

Editorial and Political Cartoons



Reader Comment


It just kills me to think of the treasure troves of wisdom we dont have from the likes of Terry Coppage, Hunter Thompson and George Carlin. Can you just IMAGINE THE GOLD!

I could almost weep thinking about it.


Thanks, Jacqueline!
Hasn't been a day in the last 6 years when I haven't thought what would Terry say.



Bonus Links

Jeannie the Teed-Off Temp

A coronavirus reading guide for the perplexed, the anxious, and the obsessive | Vox

Johns Hopkins professor estimates at least 50,000 people have coronavirus in US | The Hill

The Trump administration's botched coronavirus response, explained | Vox

Trump World Descended on Mar-a-Lago as It Became a Coronavirus Petri Dish | Daily Beast

Coronavirus exposes Trump's greatest weaknesses | The Hill

The House coronavirus bill's paid leave provision would leave out millions of workers | Vox

Republicans are learning that "rugged individualism" won't stop the coronavirus | Salon

The Senate won't consider urgent coronavirus legislation until next week | Vox

Nancy Pelosi Once Again Bails Out a GOP President Facing a National Crisis | Daily Beast

Trump Seems to Think a Bunch of CEOs Will Save America From the Coronavirus | Slate

U.S. military halting domestic travel amid virus outbreak | Politico

WH Continues Confusion Over Google's Role In COVID-19 Testing Website | TPM

Judge Blocks Trump Rule That Would Have Kicked 700,000 Off Food Stamps During a Pandemic | Slate

Fox Business says host Trish Regan on 'hiatus' amid controversial coronavirus remarks | The Hill

Fox Business Puts Trish Regan On Hiatus After 'Coronavirus Impeachment Scam' Monologue | TPM

Georgia to postpone presidential primary amid coronavirus outbreak | The Hill

'The Strange Case of Donald J. Trump: A Psychological Reckoning' | Northwestern Now

'It's a Nasty Question': Trump Lashes out at Reporter Who Asks about Disbanded Pandemic Group | Smirking Chimp

Trump's Company Paid Bribes to Reduce Property Taxes, Assessors Say | ProPublica



from Bruce



• When author Lucy Grealy, author of Autobiography of a Face, was a skinny little girl, she used to work at a stable owned by a Mr. Evans in exchange for being able to ride the horses for free. She earned that right both for her work and for helping Mr. Evans whenever one of the amateur riders who paid to ride a horse complained when the horse wouldn't go. Mr. Evans would point to Lucy and say, "I bet this skinny little girl could get this horse to go." Lucy would climb into the saddle and because she knew how to ride, unlike the amateur paying customers, she would get the horse to fly.

• Many Jewish sages have had "real" jobs. Rabbi Hillel was a woodcutter, Rabbi Shammai was a builder, Rabbi Joshua was a blacksmith, and Rabbi Hanina was a shoemaker. They understood the importance of work. One day some Rabbis were discussing the creation of the world, and they decided to ask Rabbi Joseph about it, because he was a builder and so would understand such things. When they arrived where Rabbi Joseph was working, he was on a scaffold and declined to come down, saying, "I was hired by the day, and my time belongs to my employer."

• Ballet stage managers sometimes have strange duties. While dancing in Jerome Robbins' Tyl Eulenspiegal, Tanaquil Le Clercq released a helium-filled balloon into the air. Unfortunately, during the rest of the concert, the balloon lost helium and eventually made an appearance in a Pas de Trois, thus forming the fourth member of a quatre. After that mishap, the stage manager was given the job of shooting the balloon with a BB gun after the curtain closed on Tyl Eulenspiegal.

• A Hasidic Rabbi was walking alone when he met a man. The Rabbi asked the man, "Who do you work for?" The man replied, "I'm the night watchman, and I work for the village. Who do you work for?" The Rabbi replied, "Sometimes I'm not sure, but I will offer you a job at twice your present salary. Your job will be to walk with me and from time to time to ask me, 'Who do you work for?'"

• Caspar Wistar, a Quaker, first earned his living hauling ashes in a wheelbarrow, but later he became a mayor. Some of his opponents tried to embarrass him by wheeling a wheelbarrow outside his house, but Mr. Wistar came out of his house and offered to show them how to wheel the wheelbarrow correctly.


• Zen master Kangan once pointed to some boats on the sea and said to his disciple Daichi, "You speak of mind over matter - let's see you stop those boats from sailing." Daichi quietly put a screen between them and the boats, shutting off the sight of the boats. Kangan smiled, but pointed out, "You had to use your hands." Daichi closed his eyes.

• Sakyamuni asked his disciples, "How long is a person's life?" His disciples guessed various lengths, such as 70 years, 60 years, etc., but Sakyamuni rejected all these answers. After his disciples gave up guessing, Sakyamuni answered his own question, "Life is but a breath."

• A famous Zen master from Korea came to the United States. When he was asked where he wanted to go, he replied, "Las Vegas." This sounds shocking, but be assured that the Zen master didn't gamble. He had heard from other Koreans about the bright lights at Las Vegas, and he wanted to see the bright lights for himself.

© Copyright Bruce D. Bruce; All Rights Reserved

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Reader Comment

Current Events

My analysis

West VA is the only state not yet reporting a case of covid-19. Predator says he has been tested but exhibits no symptoms despite his interactions with several people who have, or have been exposed to, covid-19. I can only assume that ingesting massive quantities of Adderall or moonshine give you immunity.


He can't get the public adulation he needs from those GD hate rallies now so he's going to go on TV for daily press briefings on the coronavirus situation, complete with a team of sycophants surrounding him, available to step up to the microphone and praise Dear Leader. PLEASE just STFU, Predator--every time you open your stupid mouth I feel brain cells dying as I try to process your latest lies & false brags. If you want to show true leadership, STFU!

Linda   >^..^<
     We are all only temporarily able bodied.

Thanks, Linda!





Selected Readings

from that Mad Cat, JD

That Mad Cat, JD's 82nd birthday is 22 March and he's currently accessible only by snail mail.

If you'd like to send him a card, please let me know and I'll send you the address.

Visit JD's site - Kitty Litter Music


In The Chaos Household

Last Night

Extra long day.

Tonight, Sunday:

CBS starts the night, as usual, with '60 Minutes', followed by a FRESH 'God Friended Me', then a FRESH 'NCIS: The 3rd One', followed by a FRESH 'NCIS: The 3rd One'.

NBC opens the night with a RERUN 'The Wall', followed by a FRESH 'Little Big Shots', then a FRESH 'Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist', followed by a FRESH 'Good Girls'.

ABC begins the night with a FRESH 'American Idol', followed by a FRESH 'The Rookie'.

The CW offers a FRESH 'Batwoman', followed by a FRESH 'Supergirl'.

Faux has a RERUN 'The Simpsons', followed by a RERUN 'Bob's Burgers', then a FRESH 'The Simpsons', followed by a FRESH 'Duncanville', then a FRESH 'Bob's Burgers', followed by a FRESH 'Family Guy'.

MY recycles an old 'How I Met Your Mother', followed by another old 'How I Met Your Mother', then an old 'Big Bang Theory', followed by another old 'Big Bang Theory', then still another old 'Big Bang Theory', followed by yet another old 'Big Bang Theory'.

A&E has the movie '300: Rise Of An Empire', followed by the movie 'SWAT', then the movie 'White House Down'.

AMC offers 'The Walking Dead', another 'The Walking Dead', followed by a FRESH 'The Walking Dead', then a FRESH 'Talking Dead'.

BBC  -   
 [6:00AM]   WEIRD WONDERS - Episode 3
 [7:00AM]   WEIRD WONDERS - Episode 4
 [8:00AM]   WEIRD WONDERS - Episode 5
 [9:00AM]   PREMIER LEAGUE DARTS 2020 - Episode 6
 [10:00AM]   THE SHINING (1980)
 [1:30PM]   DANTE'S PEAK (1997)
 [4:00PM]   DEEP IMPACT (1998)
 [6:30PM]   STAND BY ME (1986)
 [8:30PM]   A FEW GOOD MEN (1992)
 [11:30PM]   STAND BY ME (1986)
 [1:30AM]   A FEW GOOD MEN (1992)
 [4:30AM]   MONTY PYTHON'S FLYING CIRCUS - Blood, Devastation, Death, War and Horror
 [5:00AM]   STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE - Past Prologue    (ALL TIMES EST)

Bravo has 'Real Housewives Of Atlanta', followed by a FRESH 'Real Housewives Of Atlanta', then a FRESH 'Family Karma', followed by a FRESH 'Watch What Happens: Live'.

Comedy Central has the movie 'Grown Ups', followed by the movie 'Blended', then the movie 'Grown Ups'.

FX has the movie 'The Fate Of The Furious', followed by the movie 'Fast & Furious 6'.

History has 'American Pickers' and 'Navy SEALs: America's Secret Warriors'.

IFC  -   
 [7:30A]   X-Men: The Last Stand
 [10:00A]   Watchmen
 [1:30P]   Batman
 [4:15P]   Batman Returns
 [7:00P]   Batman
 [9:45P]   Batman Returns
 [12:30A]   Batman Forever
 [3:15A]   Batman & Robin     (ALL TIMES EST)

Sundance  -   
 [6:30am]   Law & Order
 [7:30am]   Law & Order
 [8:30am]   Law & Order
 [9:30am]   Law & Order
 [10:30am]   Anaconda
 [12:30pm]   Rambo III
 [3:00pm]   Rocky
 [5:30pm]   Rocky II
 [8:00pm]   Rocky III
 [10:30pm]   Rocky IV
 [12:30am]   Rocky V
 [3:00am]   Rocky
 [5:30am]   Hogan's Heroes     (ALL TIMES EST)

SyFy has the movie 'Star Trek Beyond', followed by the movie 'The Hitman's Bodyguard'.

 [6:00 AM]      Never Fear (1949)
 [7:30 AM]      David Copperfield (1935)
 [10:00 AM]      I Wake Up Screaming (1941)
 [11:45 AM]      Carmen Jones (1954)
 [1:45 PM]      All That Heaven Allows (1955)
 [3:30 PM]      Gypsy (1962)
 [6:00 PM]      Moonstruck (1987)
 [8:00 PM]      The Major and the Minor (1942)
 [10:30 PM]      Too Young to Kiss (1951)
 [12:30 AM]      The Blot (1921)    SILENT 
 [2:15 AM]      The Big City (1963)
 [4:45 AM]      Hollywood Without Make-Up (1966)    (ALL TIMES EST)

Monday   -  03/16/20

 [6:00 AM]      Towed in a Hole (1932) [ *Pre-Hayes Code*]
 [6:30 AM]      The Old Man and the Sea (1958)
 [8:15 AM]      Captains Courageous (1937)
 [10:15 AM]      Moby Dick (1930)
 [11:45 AM]      The Battleship Potemkin (1925)    SILENT 
 [1:15 PM]      Cruise of the Zaca (1952)
 [1:45 PM]      Mutiny on the Bounty (1962)
 [5:00 PM]      The Master of Ballantrae (1953)
 [6:30 PM]      China Seas (1935)
 [8:00 PM]      Captain Blood (1935)
 [10:15 PM]      The Sea Hawk (1940)
 [12:45 AM]      Mutiny on the Bounty (1935)
 [3:15 AM]      The Crimson Pirate (1952)
 [5:15 AM]      The Boy and the Pirates (1960)    (ALL TIMES EST)

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The Sideshow - by Avedon Carol


Vibrant New Scottish Currency Illustrated with Influential Women and Abundant Wildlife | Colossal


Off Indefinitely

Bill Maher

Like most of the entertainment industry and America in general, late night TV is shutting down on both coasts due to coronavirus concerns, including on premium cable.

Both Real Time with Bill Maher and Last Week Tonight with John Oliver are going dark over the pandemic, though for how long isn't exactly known.

"So, I have never seen events move faster than during this last week," Maher told his viewers this evening in an already audience-less studio. "As I said before, or maybe I didn't, so let me say it now," the HBO host added. "We are off next week."

"We had a hiatus week scheduled in about two weeks, but we said let's do it next week since everyone is freaking out and we want to see where this goes," Maher said sitting down with panelists Tim Miller, Lis Smith, and FT editor Edward Luce.

Bill Maher

Monologue: Surreal Time | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)



Frida Kahlo's Photo Album - At Home With Mrs Diego Rivera | Flashbak


Razzie Nomination

Dame Judi Dench

She is an Oscar-winning actress revered the world over for her talents - but even acting royalty Dame Judi Dench couldn't escape the scorn attached to big-budget Hollywood flop Cats, after it was announced she has received a Razzie nomination for the worst supporting actress award.

But the 85-year-old took the nomination all in good humour responding with a typically lofty Dench retort.

When told of the nomination while appearing on Radio 4 show Front Row she responded: "Oh, am I? That would be good. As far as I know, that's a first!"

Considering her acting career predates the Razzies, which began in 1981, it's rather impressive this will be Dench's first nomination.

The Razzies, officially entitled The Golden Raspberry Awards, did not hold back on its feelings for Cats, nominating the musical for a whopping eight awards in all, including Worst Picture, Worst Director and Worst Screenplay amongst others.

Dame Judi Dench


Newhead News


Digital Library


Media freedom advocates are meeting people where they are, and apparently, that's "Minecraft." The block-building game, which Microsoft bought in 2014 for $2.5 billion, has been one of the most popular games worldwide over the last 10 years. As of September, it had a staggering 112 million active players every month, a number that has reportedly grown to 145 million.

Reporters Without Borders created "The Uncensored Library" within "Minecraft" as what it calls a "loophole to overcome censorship." The digital library in an open "Minecraft" server has articles and information that has been censored in many countries, but is accessible through the game. RSF said that it chose "Minecraft" because it is available in many more places than sensitive information likely to be censored. For example, Yulia Berezovskaia, editor-in-chief of the Russian news site, which is blocked in Russia, said she's working with RSF to republish articles from her website on "Minecraft."

Minecraft declined to comment.

RSF built the library in Minecraft over the course of three months, using 12.5 million blocks.

24 builders from 16 different countries spent more than 250 hours building the library.




Mexico's All-Female Mariachi Bands Are Shaking Up Tradition | Atlas Obscura


First Woman In Space

Valentina Tereshkova

Valentina Tereshkova was hailed as a hero when she became the first woman in space in 1963.

Now 83, she has became a hate figure for some Russians after this week putting forward a constitutional amendment that could allow President Vladimir Putin to stay in power until 2036.

At least two online petitions have been launched against her, one calling for a street named after her to be renamed and another asking for one of her honorific titles to be revoked.

She has also been widely mocked by critics on social media.

A staunch backer of Putin and the traditional values he has espoused, she has been a lawmaker in the lower chamber of parliament since 2011.

Valentina Tereshkova


Digby's Hullabaloo


Controversial Comments


Fox Business Network has put Trish Regan Primetime and Kennedy on hiatus until further notice, citing the coverage demands of the coronavirus coverage.

Regan's hiatus also comes after she made controversial comments earlier this week, in which she accused Democrats and the "liberal media" of targeting President Donald Trump and overhyping the pandemic compared with previous outbreaks. The segment, titled "Coronavirus Impeachment Scam," triggered a pushback on Twitter.

"Fox Business' primetime programs Trish Regan Primetime and Kennedy will both be on hiatus until further notice," a spokesperson said. "Due to the demands of the evolving pandemic crisis coverage, we are deploying all resources from both shows for staffing needs during critical market hours. Fox Business will run long form programming in primetime for the foreseeable future."

On her show Monday, Regan blasted the media's coronavirus coverage. She said: "The media's reaction, with the global town halls, and the media treating this like it is some kind of missing-plane story, what is that? Did they do this during ebola? No. We didn't see this kind of insanity during SARS. And SARS and Ebola, those viruses were far more deadly. So why the melodrama on such an agitated scale. Why are the markets reacting? I'll give you two words: Donald Trump."




Dots, Dashes, and Lines Form Astronomical Maps Painted by Shane Drinkwater | Colossal


Upsetting The Chain

Blood Supply

The coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19, has created enormous anxiety, uncertainty, and disruption to our lives. Much has already been written about potential shortages of medicines and face masks, but little has been said about something only you and I can provide - lifesaving blood.

Our nation's blood supply is essential to our health care security. Blood transfusions are integral parts of major surgeries. Blood is used in the treatment of diseases, particularly sickle cell anemia and some cancers. Blood is needed for victims who have injuries caused by accidents or natural disasters. Every day, the U.S. needs 36,000 units of red blood cells, 7,000 units of platelets, and 10,000 units of plasma.

Many states, including Washington, California, Kansas, Pennsylvania, the Carolinas, Massachusetts and Rhode Island, are now calling for blood donations. At the same time, some states are closing schools and other sites that typically host mobile blood drives; even prior to the coronavirus, some events had been canceled. In Massachusetts, the Red Cross announced last September it would no longer be hosting blood drives in the central and western parts of the state. Obviously, this makes it even harder for people to donate.

Even in the best of times, less than 10% of the U.S. population donates blood in a given year, although 38% are eligible. And these are not the best of times. Other than donations, there is no way to maintain a sufficient supply of blood. It cannot be manufactured, and no substitute for it has yet been invented. What's more, it's perishable. Red blood cells last 42 days, and platelets only five. Regular replenishment of the supply is imperative. On top of that, the blood banking industry was already facing major challenges before COVID-19; the U.S. supply chain is now undergoing major economic transformations. This includes increased competition among blood service organizations.

Blood Supply


The Indian Perfume That Smells Like Rain | Amusing Planet


Earth's Ice Age Rhythm

Italian Cave

The general outlines of the ice ages of the last several million years are pretty well understood. The timing of the glacial cycles has been controlled by cycles in Earth's orbit, with the temperature swings amplified by feedbacks in the Earth system via raised and lowered greenhouse gas concentrations. But having a general outline doesn't mean there aren't interesting questions within that big picture.

Some of those questions relate to a remarkable change in the ice age rhythm that occurred around a million years ago. Prior to this transition, the glacial cycles came and went on a roughly 41,000-year beat. This matches a cyclical pattern that changes the tilt of Earth's rotational axis, strengthening and weakening the contrast between summer and winter. But after the transition, glacial cycles stretched out to about 100,000 years. That's roughly the same length as a cycle that alters the shape of Earth's orbit around the Sun.

The latter cycle is known to be too weak to really run the show. But there's a third influence: a roughly 23,000-year "precession" cycle that changes which section of Earth's orbit each season occurs in. So what combination of these cycles explains the 100,000 year-heartbeat? And how could something suddenly take over tilt's dominant role in the previous 41,000-year heartbeat?

The longest available ice core climate records don't quite get back a million years, so anything past that is generally relying on seafloor sediment cores. The timeline on these sediment cores is not as precise as things like cave records or ice cores, which leads to a little quandary. Because we know the climate wiggles in the sediment records basically line up with orbital cycles, the orbital cycles are used to help set the timeline. That means these timelines aren't necessarily much help in testing detailed hypotheses about the orbital cycles.

Enter the new Italian cave record. It covers a time period from 970,000 years ago to 810,000 years ago, with the age of each datapoint known to within 7,000 years. The cave record was also used to set the timeline for a recent seafloor sediment record. With both records in hand, the team compared glacial changes against the timing of the orbital cycles.

Italian Cave



The Japanese Tradition of Candle-Making is Alive and Well at Daiyo | Spoon & Tamago


Touted Elixir

Cow Urine

Dozens of Hindu activists held a cow urine party in the Indian capital Saturday to protect themselves from the new coronavirus, as countries around the world struggle to control the deadly pandemic.

Members and supporters of All India Hindu Mahasabha staged fire rituals and drank from earthen cups to fight COVID-19 at the gathering in New Delhi dubbed a "gaumutra (cow urine) party".

Many in the Hindu-majority nation of 1.3 billion consider cows sacred and in recent years have made several assertions about the liquid being an elixir, claims that critics have rejected as quackery.

"Whoever drinks cow urine will be cured and protected," Hari Shankar Kumar, one of the volunteers at the event, told AFP as he served the "remedy" in brown clay cups.

Governments and scientists have said no medicine or vaccine is available to protect or cure people of the infection that has killed more than 5,400 people and infected nearly 150,000 across six continents.

Cow Urine


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Offers Free Streams

Metropolitan Opera

Although the Metropolitan Opera has brought down the curtain at least through the end of the month over COVID-19 concerns, the New York City institution will offer another way for audiences to take in its performances.

Beginning March 16, the Met will stream a title from its Live in HD series each night through the duration of the closure. The performances, originally captured as live broadcasts in movie theatres worldwide, will begin at 7:30 PM from the company's homepage. (The featured performances-and several others-are available via the Met Opera on Demand subscription service, though the videos in the nightly series will be made available for free for 20 hours following the initial stream).

The move is among many similar decisions from performing arts organizations across the country, who have canceled performances due to mass gathering restrictions as an effort to curb the spread of the disease. Broadway shows will go dark through April 12; Carnegie Hall has scrapped all remaining March events; Off-Broadway and regional theatres across the country have postponed the remainders of their seasons. With no stage, performers and performing arts companies have taken to the internet to offer alternative experiences, from online concert series to group gaming sessions.

Metropolitan Opera

Stuck at home? These 12 famous museums offer virtual tours you can take on your couch


40 Times People Experienced Pareidolia And Captured It For Everyone To See (New Pics) | Bored Panda






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