BartCop Entertainment Archives - Sunday, 1 March, 2020


1 March, 2020

(Updated Daily)

[583 days in a row]


Recommended Reading

from Bruce

Froma Harrop: Experience Sanders Couldn't Buy, Even With Bloomberg's Money (Creators Syndicate)
Mike Bloomberg was elected New York mayor two months after the outrage of Sept. 11, 2001. He took over a city reeling with grief and suffering economic losses tied to the terrorist attacks. Rather than lay off public workers who had performed gallantly in the crisis, he raised taxes on the well-to-do. The conservative media beat him up with their usual argument that tax hikes kill off business. The opposite happened. The city grew new veins. Bloomberg led this revival with grit and smarts, not his personal wealth. That's what Bloomberg should be talking about and everyone else should be hearing. Bloomberg must explain that he brings to the table an experience and success in public service unmatched by any other candidate.

Marc Dion: Early in the Fight (Creators Syndicate)
Get up on your toes and say to Donald Trump that he doesn't know anything about diplomacy, that he can't understand anything more complex than a bomb. Set yourself to punch and call him "stupid." Say that very word. Stupid. Move. Ask him if the Mexicans are paying for the wall. Ask him if North Korea still has nukes. Ask him if the coal jobs are back. Ask him, and keep asking over and over and over. If your own record is clean, throw the "draft-dodger" punch over and over. Call him a coward. Use that word. Coward. Throw the "paying off hookers" punch whenever he seems a little confused. You can't beat Trump from a distance, throwing pretty punches in the air. You have to get inside on him and break his ribs. Most of all, make fun of him. Bullies take a punch better than they take a joke.

Mark Shields: Do Democrats Not Understand the 2020 Voters? (Creators Syndicate)
On being "steady and reliable," voters answered no by 2-1, and on "dealing with an international crisis," Trump received a 2-1 negative response from the voters. American voters are exhausted from the controversies, the outbursts, the haranguing and the intemperance which have characterized this presidency. So, what do the Democratic candidates in their last debate before Super Tuesday do? They bicker; they shout; they talk over one another; they yell -- exactly what the voters do not want in 2020.

Susan Estrich: Playing Politics With a Pandemic (Creators Syndicate)
Said the First Son, Donald Trump Jr., the Prince of Trump: "Anything they can use to try to hurt Trump, they will. ... But for them to try to take a pandemic and seemingly hope that it comes here and kills millions of people so that they can end Donald Trump's streak of winning is a new level of sickness. … You know, I don't know if this is coronavirus or Trump derangement syndrome, but these people are infected badly." Stop. The Democrats have criticized the president for understating the severity of the threat to American citizens and for being unprepared for the increase in its spread, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has said is not a matter of if but when.
How does that mean they "seemingly hope that it comes here and kills millions of people" so they could defeat Trump? It doesn't.

Froma Harrop: How Trumpcare Could Lower Medical Costs (Creators Syndicate)
In 2016, candidate Donald Trump promised to repeal Obamacare and replace it with "something terrific." The replacement never materialized. The repeal, however, had been making progress in a piece-by-piece fashion. President Trump has made a frontal assault on the Affordable Care Act by asking the U.S. Supreme Court to strike it down altogether. As it happens, Obamacare has become popular, and so, with the next election approaching, Trump badly needs a replacement. Let me offer ideas. Some elements of my Trumpcare 2020 plan may sound heartless and extreme. But several fit policy changes the administration has already put in motion.

Susan Estrich: Real Rape (Creators Syndicate)
"Did you know him?" "No." "Oh, then you were really raped." The first time I had this conversation was in the back seat of a Boston police car in 1974. I've been having it ever since. What could it possibly mean to be raped but not really raped? I answered that question myself. As a young professor at Harvard, I read every single rape case that had ever been reported up to that time. The answer was very simple: When you are forced by someone you know to have sex without your consent, much less someone appropriate, it's not really rape because the police won't treat it that way; prosecutors won't treat it that way; and juries won't treat it that way.

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Michael Egan

Michael Egan


Trump Orders Movie Version of 'Unreadable' Constitution - Michael Egan, Humor Times

Editorial and Political Cartoons


Trivia Question of the Day

From 1927-1937, what US automobile company produced a model called the 'Dictator'?


Send your answer to Marty

Trivia Question from Yesterday

Improving on Jacques Heim's design, what product did Louis Réard introduce in July 1946?

       The Bikini                                                      Source

A bikini is typically a women's two-piece swimsuit featuring two triangles of fabric on top, similar to a bra and covering the woman's breasts, and two triangles of fabric on the bottom, the front covering the pelvis but exposing the navel, and the back covering the buttocks.

In May 1946, Parisian fashion designer Jacques Heim released a two-piece swimsuit design that he named the Atome. Like swimsuits of the era, it covered the wearer's navel, and it failed to attract much attention. Clothing designer Louis Réard introduced his new, smaller design in July. He named the swimsuit after the Bikini Atoll, where the first public test of a nuclear bomb had taken place only four days before. His skimpy design was risque, exposing the wearer's navel and much of her buttocks. No runway model would wear it, so he hired a nude dancer, Micheline Bernardini, from the Casino de Paris to model it at a review of swimsuit fashions.

Due to its controversial and revealing design, the bikini was accepted very slowly by the public. The swimsuit gained increased exposure and acceptance as film stars like Brigitte Bardot, Raquel Welch, and Ursula Andress wore them and were photographed on public beaches and seen in film. In many countries the design was banned from beaches and other public places.

The minimalist bikini design became common in most Western countries by the mid-1960s as both swimwear and underwear. By the late 20th century it was widely used as sportswear in beach volleyball and bodybuilding.        Source

Mark. was first, and correct, with:
   The Bikini.

Randall wrote:
   the bikini!
  . . . bless his heart

Dave said:
   The bikini style of women's swimwear. Its still popular with young women, although it seems likely the current trend of women demanding the same right to topless bathing suits as men will prevail.

Alan J answered:
   The Bikini.

Mac Mac replied:

Jim from CA, retired to ID, responded:
   God love him......the bikini

zorch said:
   He improved the bikini and made it itsy-bitsy and teeny-weeny.

Barbara, of Peppy Tech fame wrote:
   The answer is the bikini.
  An another subject, I enjoyed a recent photoshopped video of Trump's press conference from earlier this week.
  Here is a a link to the video on Twitter and a screenshot from the video:

Adam answered:
   The Two-Piece Bikini

John I from Hawai`i says,

Kevin K. in Washington, DC, replied:
   The bikini.

Rosemary in Columbus responded:

David of Moon Valley wrote:
   …The Bikini?…(though i doubt his concept included….)

DJ Useo said:
   He invented the bikini to the benefit of all.

Cal in Vermont answered:
   Ooo! The modern bikini!

Joe S     replied:
   The bikini, everyone should know that. All I know is I missed this year's Leap Year Ball because of my medical condition. We always invite Bob Dylan, just my luck this is the year he shows up. I'll find out tomorrow.
  A previous Leap Year Ball.

My Snowflake friend, Roy, in Tyler, TX took the day off.
mj took the day off.
Daniel in The City took the day off.
Harry M. took the day off.
Billy in Cypress U$A took the day off.
Deborah took the day off.
Stephen F took the day off.
Gary K took the day off.
Dave in Tucson took the day off.
Micki took the day off.
Jon L took the day off.
Michelle in AZ took the day off.
Saskplanner took the day off.
Kenn B took the day off.
Leo in Boise took the day off.
PGW. 94087 took the day off.
Ed K took the day off.
MarilynofTC took the day off.
George M. took the day off.
Gateway Mike took the day off.
Paul of Seattle took the day off.
Doug in Albuquerque took the day off.
Peter W took the day off.
Brian S. took the day off.
Steve in Wonderful Sacramento, CA, took the day off.
Gene took the day off.
Tony K. took the day off.
Noel S. took the day off.
James of Alhambra took the day off.

BttbBob   has returned to semi-retired status.

  March 1 Birthdays - Celebrities Born March 1 | Famous Birthdays

Sally has retired.

MAM     In memory.




Middle Class Political Economist






Music: "Power" from the album POWER

Artist: Seratones

Artist Location: Shreveport, Louisiana

Info: Colin M., a fan, wrote, "Power is an aptly titled album. They've distilled soul, funk, rock, folk, and more into a pure blend that hits you right in the gut. Magnificent. Favorite track: 'Power.'"

     AJ Haynes - Vocals, Guitar
     Adam Davis - Bass, Backup Vocals
     Jesse Gabriel - Drums, Percussion, Vibraphone, Backup Vocals
     Tyran Coker - Keyboard, Piano, Synth, Guitar, Backup Vocals
     Travis Stewart - Guitar, Backup Vocals
     Matt Combs - Strings

Price: $1 (USD) for song; $10 (USD) for 10-track album

Genre: Rock, Funk. Southern.


Seratones on Bandcamp


Other Links:



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Reader Suggestion

Michelle in AZ

When classical beauty is in the eye of the rightwing beholder | India Block | Opinion | The Guardian

Feds reject removal of 4 US Northwest dams in key report - Los Angeles Times

Doctor Appointments Late In The Day May Deliver Worse Care : Shots - Health News : NPR

The Reverse Freedom Rides And Their Long Aftermath : Code Switch : NPR

Russia Gets Its Disneyland, a Cold War Dream Come True - The New York Times

Governor's photo with drag queens stirs controversy in Kentucky

Partial sanity on women's health returns to Republican Party in . . . Utah?

Trump's Environmental Rollbacks Are Deeply Unpopular With Swing Voters - Mother Jones

Donald Trump's disinformation campaign juggernaut: It's gaining speed |

How Trump 'sabotaged' this country's ability to respond to a coronavirus pandemic

Seismic events claw at the Doomsday glacier by rolling icebergs slamming into the fragile ice shelf.

Inside Trump's frantic attempts to minimize the coronavirus crisis - The Washington Post

Joe Coulombe died Saturday, and people are mourning the Trader Joe's founder - The Washington Post

Thanks, Michelle!



New Venture

Michael Egan

A Cartoon Page for Non-Cartoonists

Michael Egan

Editorial and Political Cartoons



from Bruce



• Some people who hear punk music think that it is created by no-talent musicians who can't even tune their guitars. Sometimes, they are right. One of the punk singers with no discernible talent was a nutter named Jon the Postman because his name was Jon and he was a postman. According to punk critic Steven Wells, "He got on stage and screamed his way through whatever song came into his head. He had no discernable talent whatsoever, but he didn't give a f**k. To many, Jon the Postman symbolized what punk was all about." What does that mean? It means that punk is all about doing it - now. If you wait to get on stage until you're good enough to get on stage, you might never get on stage. So get on stage. Mr. Wells writes, "Jon the Postman did it. He got on stage, and he put out records. And everyone who ever saw him perform or listened to his music laughed like a drain. And then thought - 'F**k! If he can do it, so can I.' Jon the Postman wasn't anybody special. He was just a postman called Jon. But in 1976 and 1977 he lived his life as if he were a superstar. Jon the Postman WAS punk rock."

• Ian Svenonius, a member of the Washington, D.C., punk bank Nation of Ulysses, was once named Sassiest Boy in America by Sassy, a magazine for North American teenage girls. As his reward, he stayed two days in New York City, hung out with Sassy staff, got a Magic 8 Ball, and was allowed to take what he wanted of Sassy's collection of CDs that the staff did not want. Sassy writer Christina Kelly mentioned to Ian's friend Calvin Johnson that she thought that Chia Pet would be a good name for a band, and Calvin told her that she should start a band with that name. The following week she received a phone call from Calvin telling her that Chia Pet had a gig opening at Bard College for Ian's Nation of Ulysses and for Beat Happening (Calvin's own band). Christina rose to the challenge. She and some other Sassy employees and friends started the band Chia Pet and played. Calvin had not told Bard College anything about Chia Pet except that they were a New York band, and people at Bard College were excited when they recognized the Sassy employees in Chia Pet.

• Henry Rollins had some interesting and weird experiences as lead singer of hardcore group Black Flag. Sometimes, the band would go such long distances to get to their next gig that band members peed out the window rather than stop at a gas station. Sometimes, Mr. Rollins would go outside on a break from performing and find it hard to get back in to perform because the bouncer didn't think that he was in the band. Once, while in Minneapolis, Minnesota, he went to a used record store and heard a man tell a woman, "This place is great! I found the first Black Flag album for three bucks last week!" The woman replied, "Three bucks? I'll give you mine for free." And once he attended a Grateful Dead concert that he enjoyed very much - even the police officers were enjoying themselves and throwing Frisbees. One police officer looked at Mr. Rollins and said, "Nice tattoos. If you ever get bored, you can read yourself."

© Copyright Bruce D. Bruce; All Rights Reserved

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Bonus Links

Jeannie the Teed-Off Temp

Trump rallies conservatives - and drops charges of a coronavirus 'hoax' | Politico

Donald Trump's disinformation campaign juggernaut: It's gaining speed | Salon

Trump Didn't Just Botch the Coronavirus Response. He Enabled Its Spread. | Daily Beast via Yahoo

A Message for Trump: Coronavirus Threat Is About Public Health-Not the Stock Market or Your Reelection | Smirking Chimp

Pence Moved Slowly in Combating HIV Outbreak | FactCheck

As Trump Cries 'Hoax,' Nurses in California Warn Quarantines of 124 Health Workers Show US Hospitals Remain Unprepared for Coronavirus | Common Dreams

Trump complains that Fox News has the "worst polls" after network finds him losing to every Democrat | Salon

Trump lashes out at Fox News for new poll showing him losing to all the Democratic candidates | Vox

Federal Court Gives Trump a Big Gift - but Exposes the Impeachment Trial's Biggest Fraud | Smirking Chimp

'An Astonishing Rate of Corruption': Trump Has Amassed 3,000 Conflicts of Interest Since Taking Office | Common Dreams

Sociologist Andrew Whitehead: How Christian nationalism drives American politics | Salon

William Barr promotes Christian tyranny in latest speech | AlterNet

Jackie Speier's Question to DOJ on Epstein Raises Eyebrows in House Intel Committee | Daily Beast

Democrat gets in heated exchange with Pompeo at hearing: 'Do you believe coronavirus is a hoax?' | The Hill

At CPAC, Glenn Beck says the Bernie Sanders "revolution" will lead to "another Holocaust" | Media Matters

CPAC exiles grapple with the new devotion to Trump | Politico

There are fewer registered Republicans than independents for the first time ever | The Hill

The U.S. Military's #MeToo Reckoning That Wasn't | Smirking Chimp

Alex Jones' Infowars is attempting to profit from the coronavirus outbreak | Media Matters

Do You Really Have to Wash Your Hands for 20 Seconds? What if There's No Soap? | Slate

Joe Coulombe, Founder And Namesake Of Trader Joe's, Dies At 89 | NPR

1 memorable life: Freeman Dyson, 1923-2020 | Axios



Reader Comment

Current Events

Getting curbside assistance to in=person absentee vote at the place where my book club usually meets was a piece of cake yesterday, but it occurs to me that the man who helped me didn't ask which primary I wanted to vote in--there ARE two Republicans on their ballot. He brought me a Democratic ballot. I marked it & put it back in the folder. He asked me to wait while he put it through the machine (just in case there was a problem). Then, he confirmed that all went well as he brought my "I voted" sticker out to me.

I decided to vote in advance of Tuesday's voting day because I had a plumber come do a repair earlier this week. Hearing him cough & sniff as he worked, I've been afraid I'll come down with his cold. (Great business model--send an obviously ill workman to the home of a vulnerable, elderly handicapped person!) Anyway, figured I better vote while symptom-free. After the workman left, I washed my hands and credit card. I keep washing my hands, wearing gloves, and trying not to touch anything. So far so good, but it has only been 3 days so far.

Linda   >^..^<
     We are all only temporarily able bodied.

Thanks, Linda!





Selected Readings

from that Mad Cat, JD

Visit JD's site - Kitty Litter Music


In The Chaos Household

Last Night

Next week's sumo basho will proceed, but there will be no audience.

Tonight, Sunday:

CBS starts the night, as usual, with '60 Minutes', followed by a FRESH 'God Friended Me', then a FRESH 'NCIS: The Expendable One', followed by a FRESH 'NCIS: The 3rd One'.

NBC opens the night with a RERUN 'Little Big shots', followed by a FRESH 'Little Big Shots', then a FRESH 'Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist', followed by a FRESH 'Good Girls'.

ABC begins the night with a RERUN 'America's Funniest Home Videos', followed by a FRESH 'American Idol', then a FRESH 'The Rookie'.

The CW offes a RERUN 'Batwoman' followed by a RERUN 'Supergirl'.

Faux has a RERUN 'The Simpsons', followed by a RERUN 'Duncanville', then a FRESH 'The Simpsons', followed by a FRESH 'Duncanville', then a FRESH 'Bob's Burgers', followed by a FRESH 'Family Guy'.

MY recycles an old 'How I Met Your Mother', followed by another old 'How I Met Your Mother', then an old 'Big Bang Theory', followed by another old 'Big Bang Theory', then still another old 'Big Bang Theory', followed by yet another old 'Big Bang Theory'.

A&E has the movie 'The Mummy', followed by the movie 'The Mummy Returns'.

AMC offers the movie 'The Green Mile', 'The Walking Dead', followed by a FRESH 'The Walking Dead', then a FRESH 'Dispatches From Elsewhere'.

BBC  -   
 [7:00AM]   PLANET EARTH: FROZEN PLANET - The Ends of the Earth
 [7:49AM]   DOCTOR WHO - Ascension of the Cybermen
 [9:00AM]   PREMIER LEAGUE DARTS 2020 - Episode 4
 [10:00AM]   THE DEAD ZONE (1983)
 [12:28PM]   CAPTAIN PHILLIPS (2013)
 [3:26PM]   TITANIC (1997)
 [8:00PM]   DOCTOR WHO - The Timeless Children
 [9:30PM]   TITANIC (1997)
 [2:00AM]   DOCTOR WHO - The Timeless Children
 [5:00AM]   STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE - Far Beyond the Stars    (ALL TIMES EST)

Bravo has 'Real Housewives Of Atlanta', followed by a FRESH 'Real Housewives Of Atlanta', then a FRESH 'Shahs Of Sunset', followed by a FRESH 'Watch What Happens: Live'.

Comedy Central has the movie 'Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby', followed by the movie 'Wedding Crashers', then the movie 'Hot Tub Time Machine'.

FX has the movie 'Transformers: The Last Knight', followed by the movie 'Transformers: The Last Knight', again.

History has 'The Cars That Made America' (part 1), 'The Cars That Made America' (part 2), and 'The Cars That Made America Great' (part 3).

IFC  -   
 [6:00A]   Silent House
 [8:00A]   Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem
 [10:00A]   Underworld: Evolution
 [12:30P]   Underworld
 [3:00P]   Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
 [5:00P]   Anaconda
 [7:00P]   Transporter 2
 [9:00P]   Road House
 [11:45P]   Road House
 [2:30A]   Underworld: Evolution
 [5:00A]   The Three Stooges - Back to the Woods
 [5:30A]   The Three Stooges - Pardon My Scotch    (ALL TIMES EST)

Sundance  -   
 [6:00am]   Law & Order
 [7:00am]   Law & Order
 [8:00am]   Law & Order
 [9:00am]   Law & Order
 [10:00am]   Law & Order
 [11:00am]   Law & Order
 [12:00pm]   Young Guns
 [2:30pm]   Young Guns II
 [5:00pm]   Clear and Present Danger
 [8:00pm]   Saving Private Ryan
 [12:00am]   Sniper
 [2:15am]   An Officer and a Gentleman
 [5:15am]   Love Lust
 [5:30am]   Hogan's Heroes    (ALL TIMES EST)

SyFy has the movie 'Harry Potter & The Chamber Of Secrets', followed by a whole lotta 'Futurama'.

 [6:15 AM]      The Thin Man (1934) [ *Pre-Hayes Code*]
 [8:00 AM]      'G' Men (1935)
 [9:30 AM]      Johnny Belinda (1948)
 [11:15 AM]      Days of Wine and Roses (1962)
 [1:30 PM]      12 Angry Men (1957)
 [3:15 PM]      The Song of Bernadette (1943)
 [6:00 PM]      A Letter to Three Wives (1948)
 [8:00 PM]      Pinky (1949)
 [10:00 PM]      Cabin in the Sky (1943)
 [12:00 AM]      The Thief of Bagdad (1940)
 [2:00 AM]      Black Narcissus (1947)
 [4:00 AM]      Great Expectations (1946)    (ALL TIMES EST)

Monday   -  03/02/20

 [6:00 AM]      The Card (1952)    [AKA: 'The Promoter']
 [7:45 AM]      Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1969)
 [10:30 AM]      Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
 [2:30 PM]      The Window (1949)
 [4:00 PM]      Strangers on a Train (1951)
 [6:00 PM]      I Want You (1951)
 [8:00 PM]      Laura (1944)
 [9:45 PM]      The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947)
 [11:45 PM]      My Fair Lady (1964)
 [3:00 AM]      The Nun's Story (1959)
 [5:45 AM]    (ALL TIMES EST)

USA has a FRESH 'Dare Me'.

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The Sideshow - by Avedon Carol


The Doodles Hidden Inside Swiss Maps | Amusing Planet


Lawyer Letter From Flavor Flav


As Bernie Sanders gears up for rallies in California ahead of Super Tuesday voting, the Vermont senator's campaign has touted a downtown Los Angeles event on March 1 headlined by hip hop group Public Enemy. But the group's co-creator, Flavor Flav, isn't pleased.

The artist, real name William Drayton, has enlisted a law firm to try and get the presidential campaign to drop its use of the name Public Enemy in association with the rally because it promotes a "false narrative to the American people" that the group has endorsed Sanders.

"To be clear Flav and, by extension, the Hall of Fame hop hop act Public Enemy with which his likeness and name have become synonymous has not endorsed any political candidate in this election cycle and any suggestion to the contrary is plainly untrue," reads a letter dated Feb. 28 from Matthew H. Friedman, of Nevada-based law firm Ford & Friedman. The Sanders campaign did not immediately respond for comment.

The letter, obtained by The Hollywood Reporter, says that while the group's other founder, Chuck D, will be performing at the Sanders event, that doesn't constitute an endorsement of the band for the Democratic presidential hopeful.

The Sanders campaign has been promoting the March 1 event at the L.A. Convention Center on social media and in text messages since Wednesday. Its event page entreats, "Join Bernie Sanders, Sarah Silverman, and Dick Van Dyke, with a special performance by Public Enemy Radio."




A First Nation, a Fight for Ancestral Lands, And an Unlikely Alliance | Atlas Obscura


Hit With Copyright Suit


Three songwriters filed a countersuit against Lizzo in federal court on Friday, alleging that they have been denied proper credit for writing her breakout hit, "Truth Hurts."

Lizzo sued the songwriters - brothers Justin and Jeremiah Raisen, as well as Justin "Yves" Rothman - last October, seeking a determination that they did not deserve credit for the song.

On Friday, the trio fired back, alleging that "Truth Hurts" is substantially similar to "Healthy," a song they composed with Lizzo a few months earlier.

According to the countersuit, a musicologist found "strikingly similar lyric and musical elements" in the two songs. Both songs open with the now-famous line: "I just did a DNA test / turns out I'm a 100% that bitch." "Healthy" continues, "even when I'm holistic," while in "Truth Hurts," the next line is "even when I'm crying crazy." The countersuit contends there are other musical similarities as well, in the use of piano, Lizzo's "vamping," and in the overall structure of the chorus and verses.



Newhead News


Color Changes


Like many poisonous animals, the African monarch butterfly's orange, white and black pattern warns predators that it is toxic. Warning patterns like this are usually consistent across individuals to help predators learn to avoid them. However, a recent study, published February 27 in the open-access journal PLOS Biology, shows how a population of African monarch butterflies (Danaus chrysippus) breaks this rule and has highly variable warning patterns. The study, by Simon Martin of the University of Edinburgh, UK and colleagues shows that the unlikely answer lies in the interaction with a bacterium that specifically kills male butterflies.

Previous research had shown that all female butterflies in this East African population have two unusual features: Firstly, they have a new arrangement of their chromosomes where the chromosome containing genes that control color patterns is fused to their one of their sex chromosomes (called the W chromosome). This new chromosome is called the neo-W. Secondly, they are all infected with a bacterium called Spiroplasma that kills all of their sons. What was not clear, however, was whether these two features were linked, and whether they could explain the highly variable color patterns that changed from season to season.

To answer this, the researchers analyzed the entire DNA sequence of the bacteria and the female butterflies' chromosomes. This showed that the neo-W chromosome alters color patterns and has spread rapidly through the population, aided by the male-killing bacteria. However, because the bacterium only allows female offspring, it promotes the survival of one particular color pattern gene that is always passed from mother to daughter. This left one puzzle for the scientists still to solve - if the females all carried the same color gene, then why was the East African population so variable?

The study found that this female color gene has only a weak effect that is overridden by color genes from the father. Therefore, fathers with different patterns will produce daughters with different patterns. Seasonal fluctuations in wind patterns are thought to affect which subspecies of male immigrants end up in this region, leading to seasonal changes in female color patterns. Even though they always resemble their father, the infected hybrid daughters, unable to produce sons, represent a genetic dead-end for fathers, whose color pattern genes only survive for one generation before being wiped out.




Rare Photos of a Very Young George Harrison Taken by Paul McCartney During a Hitchhiking to Wales, 1959 |


New Mini-Moon


Our planet recently adopted a mini-moon that's roughly the size of a car, though astronomers aren't sure yet if it's an asteroid or an artificial object. An observatory in Hawaii is now providing us with a clearer view of Earth's intriguing new-yet temporary-celestial companion.

The new color image was captured on February 24, 2020, by the Gemini Observatory, which is located atop Hawaii's Mauna Kea volcano, according to a press release issued by the NSF's National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory. The mini-moon, if that's what it is, measures between 1.9 and 5 meters (6.2 to 16 feet) in diameter, and as the new photo suggests, it's actually quite spherical.

The object, a likely Temporarily Captured Orbiter (TCO), was assigned the provisional designation 2020 CD3 by the International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center earlier this week. The alleged mini-moon was detected on February 15, 2020 by astronomers Kacper Wierzchos and Teddy Pruyne from the Catalina Sky Survey at the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory. The object is believed to have entered into Earth's orbit back in 2018, but it won't stick around for long.

The object is very small and faint, so astronomers can't tell if it's a natural object, like an asteroid, or an artificial object, such as a discarded rocket booster or some other form of human-made debris. If it's proven to be a TCO, however, it would only be the second known mini-moon to be documented by astronomers, the other being 2006 RH120, which temporarily orbited Earth from September 2006 to June 2007.



Digby's Hullabaloo


Public-Health Hero

Anthony Fauci

Anthony Fauci has guided the US through the AIDS, Zika, and Ebola epidemics.

He's been the director of the US' National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984, advising six presidents. George W. Bush awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2008. Fauci is now helping to lead the response to the new coronavirus outbreak.

But the Trump administration has reportedly told Fauci and other top health officials "not to say anything else without clearance" from the White House, according to The New York Times. A NIAID spokesperson told Business Insider that "this is not true," however.

Fauci's comments about the coronavirus have contradicted Trump's several times. Whereas Trump said the US "will essentially have a flu shot for this in a fairly quick manner," Fauci has estimated that we're between a year and a year-and-a-half away from a coronavirus vaccine. Trump also expressed optimism that COVID-19 - the disease the virus causes - will disappear, but Fauci has suggested the world is on the brink of a pandemic.

US health experts were angry about the White House's restrictions on Fauci's speech, the Times reported, given that the world is in the midst of one of the worst public-health crises in years.

Anthony Fauci



Aerial Photographs of Vast Ocean Landscapes by Tobias Hägg Observe Earth's Propensity for Change | Colossal


Fires 54 Grad Students

UC Santa Cruz

The University of California, Santa Cruz, issued termination letters on Friday to 54 graduate students who have been waging a months-long strike for a cost-of-living-adjustment amid soaring rents.

The firings came as graduate students at the University of California, Davis, and University of California, Santa Barbara, began their own cost-of-living strikes in solidarity. One of their demands is that all UC Santa Cruz graduate workers who participated in strike activities be restored to full employment status.

The 54 UC Santa Cruz graduate students who received termination letters on Friday are just a fraction of the 233 graduate student instructors and teaching assistants who have refused to submit nearly 12,000 grades from the fall quarter since December.

This month, the students' grading strike expanded, as teaching assistants refused all teaching duties and research assistants refused additional work. Some classes and office hours have been canceled because of the strike.

The students are striking for a $1,412-a-month cost-of-living adjustment, which they say they desperately need amid a growing housing crisis in California. Most students are spending between 50% and 70% of their $2,434-a-month salary on rent, some forced to live in substandard apartments with many roommates in order to stretch their dollars.

UC Santa Cruz


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'Off-the-Shelf' Drugs


The Trump administration is testing existing "off-the-shelf" drugs to combat the coronavirus, a cabinet official said Saturday.

A national lab in Tennessee recently made "an important discovery" involving existing drugs, Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette said at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland.

"The scientists at our Oak Ridge National Laboratory were able to look at the protein strains and determine -- perhaps, it's still early -- that we can find some off-the-shelf drugs that can help us not only cure the disease but stop the spread of the infection," Brouillette said.

Brouillette was responding to a question about what his agency is doing to help combat the virus, which has caused markets to plunge and killed nearly 3,000 people across the globe. In the U.S., where 22 cases have been reported, the virus has killed one person -- a woman from Washington state -- and more cases are likely, President Donald Trump said Saturday.

In addition to the laboratory tests, Brouillette said he's harnessing the power of his agency's "super computers" as well as artificial intelligence capabilities to assist organizations like the Centers for Disease Control and the World Heath Organization to conduct modeling on the virus.




Stay Broke, Shoot Film: Alain Bibal's Iconic Rock Photography | Flashbak


Scientists Accidentally Discover


The group of newly discovered, electric forms of matter has a new addition. In this case, researchers at Northeastern University have accidentally identified a new configuration where layers of electrons form a uniform lattice.

"I'm tempted to say it's almost like a new phase of matter," says physics professor Swastik Kar in a statement. "Because it's just purely electronic."

Kar says he thought these results were a measurement error at first. His research team layered two "sheets" of particles: one of bismuth selenide and one of transition metal dichalcogenide. Both are called 2D materials because they're so nano-flat to almost be nonexistent-the closest real thing to a pure geometric plane.

The researchers layered these two sheets together and observed what they thought was a third layer between them. But like the famous grid illusion, Kar and his team thought they were seeing a visual artifact of some kind-an imprecise instrument at the nano scale. They reran the experiment to make sure their synthesis or measurement wasn't introducing an error.



From Boy Geniuses to Mad Scientists: How Americans Got So Weird About Science | Collector Weekly


Each Has Its Own Genetic Pattern

Mediterranean Islands

The Mediterranean Sea has been a major route for maritime migrations as well as frequent trade and invasions during prehistory, yet the genetic history of the Mediterranean islands is not well documented despite recent developments in the study of ancient DNA. An international team led by researchers from the University of Vienna, Harvard University and University of Florence, Italy, is filling in the gaps with the largest study to date of the genetic history of ancient populations of Sicily, Sardinia and the Balearic Islands, increasing the number of individuals with reported data from 5 to 66.

The results reveal a complex pattern of immigration from Africa, Asia and Europe which varied in direction and its timing for each of these islands. For Sicily, the article reports on a new ancestry during the Middle Bronze Age that chronologically overlaps with the Greek Mycenaean trade network expansion.

A very different story is unraveled in the case of Sardinia. Despite contacts and trade with other Mediterranean populations, ancient Sardinians retained a mostly local Neolithic ancestry profile until the end of the Bronze Age. However, during the second half of the 3rd millennium BC, one of the studied individuals from Sardinia has a large proportion of North African ancestry. Taken together with previous results of a contemporary central Iberian individual and a later 2nd mill. BC Bronze Age individual from Iberia, it clearly shows prehistoric maritime migrations across the Mediterranean Sea from North Africa to locations in southern Europe, affecting more than 1 percent of individuals reported in the ancient DNA literature from this region and time to date.

"Our results show that maritime migrations from North Africa started long before the era of the eastern Mediterranean seafaring civilizations and moreover were occurring in multiple parts of the Mediterranean," says Ron Pinhasi, a co-senior author of the Department of Evolutionary Anthropology, University of Vienna.

Mediterranean Islands


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