BartCop Entertainment Archives - Sunday, 20 January, 2019


20 January, 2019

(Updated Daily)

[177 days in a row]


Recommended Reading

from Bruce

Marc Dion: Waiting for the Third World (Creators Syndicate)
Back when we were fat, when we ruled the world, Americans knew how to tell if a country was "Third World." The country was invariably led by a bellicose dictator who said things like "enemies of the state" and who constantly claimed greatness for himself.

Froma Harrop: Are We Truly One Paycheck From Disaster? (Creators Syndicate)
The partial government shutdown has forced some federal workers to move money around to pay for food and rent. No surprise there. What's shocking is the many who don't have the money to move. They have no financial cushion to cover even one month's worth of ordinary expenses.

Mark Shields: Weeding Out the 2020 Presidential Candidates (Creators Syndicate)
… first we must demand that all self-selected presidential hopefuls tell us now why they want to be president and what real difference - in the lives of everyday Americans - their presidency would make if they were to win. If they cannot first do that, they deserve neither your time nor even your courtesy.

Ted Rall: Our Pointless, Vicious, Very American Culture of Shame (Creators Syndicate)
It's impossible to discuss shame culture without talking about the #MeToo movement. Criminal prosecution of accused sexual predators like Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey are exceptions. For the most part, #MeToo is a shame-based movement. Sometimes, as in the case of comedian Aziz Ansari's bad date, shame seems excessive and misplaced. In many cases, the targets seem to have had something coming - because it's not jail, we settle for job loss - and it's unlikely they would have faced consequences otherwise.

Lenore Skenazy: 4 Lessons From a Horrible Case (Creators Syndicate)
It may feel as if we are living in the most dangerous times ever. But in reality, crime is at a 50-year low. Lesson No. 3, therefore, teaches us that to ignore statistical odds and concentrate on the very scariest, saddest, least likely possibilities is a recipe for constant anxiety and pointless safety measures.

Susan Estrich: Hello, Dolly (Creators Syndicate)
She was my daughter's godmother. She was my friend. We knew her from politics, not Hollywood: She was close to "Lady Bird" Johnson and her legendary press secretary, Liz Carpenter. We had no family in California. And she fell in love with my beautiful baby.

Pamela Hutchinson: "From femme fatale to cattle rancher: how Barbara Stanwyck bucked convention" (The Guardian)
Her versatility made her a star of Hollywood's golden age, but Stanwyck's best characters were always fighters who, like herself, had tasted life's bitterness.

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Michael Egan

MTTDO - Michael Took The Day Off

Michael Egan


Russia If You're Listening: Cartoons from the Trump Presidency: Michael E Egan

Editorial and Political Cartoons



Trivia Question of the Day

Cardinal gems are gemstones which have traditionally been considered precious above all others. The five traditional cardinal gems are: Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, and _____?_____


Send your answer to Marty

Trivia Question from Yesterday

What was the nickname of Irish-American William Joyce, who broadcast Nazi propaganda to Britain from Germany during the Second World War?

       Lord Haw-Haw                                                      Source

Lord Haw-Haw was a nickname applied to the Irish-American William Joyce, who broadcast Nazi propaganda to Britain from Germany during the Second World War. The broadcasts opened with "Germany calling, Germany calling", spoken in an affected upper-class English accent.

The same nickname was also applied to some other broadcasters of English language propaganda from Germany, but it is Joyce with whom the name is now overwhelmingly identified. There are various theories about its origin.

The English language propaganda radio programme Germany Calling was broadcast to audiences in the United Kingdom on the medium wave station Reichssender Hamburg and by shortwave to the United States. The programme began on 18 September 1939 and continued until 30 April 1945, when the British Army overran Hamburg. The next scheduled broadcast was made by Horst Pinschewer (aka Geoffrey Perry), a German refugee serving in the British Army who announced the British takeover. Pinschewer was later responsible for the capture of William Joyce.        Source

Leo in Boise was first, and correct, with:
   William Joyce was known as Lord Haw-Haw.

Mark. said:
   Lord Haw-Haw.

Randall wrote:
   Lord Haw Haw

Alan J answered:
   Lord Haw-Haw.

Dave responded:
   Lord Haw-Haw. For some reason I knew this answer without looking it up. Joyce had an eventful life in his 39 years. Working as a teenaged civilian courier of the British Army in Ireland he barely avoiding an IRA death warrant in 1921 only because his family moved and the would be assassin waited for him on the wrong route as he walked home from school. The Black and Tan officer he worked for got wind of the close call (a large number of Irish traitors working for the Black and Tans were slaughtered that day) and hustled Joyce off to England and his family eventually followed him. Later, Joyce was heavily involved in the British fascist movement and fled to Germany to avoid arrest shortly before the war started. After his work spreading hate and discontent for Hitler ended with Germany's defeat, Joyce was recognized by a British officer and arrested after being shot and wounded. Although the American born Joyce was never a citizen of the UK, British authorities absurdly claimed Joyce owed allegiance to the King because he travelled to Germany after acquiring a British passport under false pretenses. Probably Joyce should have been turned over to the United States, but the British weren't in any mood for technicalities and were keen to get revenge on the notorious Lord Haw-Haw, and anyway he was a Nazi so f**k him. Accordingly William Joyce was tried and convicted by the UK of High Treason. The US State Department made no objection because the Americans didn't want to claim the traitor who left the States as a toddler. So Joyce became the last person hanged for treason in the UK, which served him right even if it wasn't actually legal.

Cal in Vermont replied:
   Lord Haw-Haw. He died at the end of a rope in 1946 at a British prison. The crime for which he died was, at it's heart, lying on a passport application which was usually adjudicated by means of a small fine. But the British were really really really mad. at. him. So off with his head!

Roy Adams, Still a Blue Beacon in the Still Red E. Texas wrote:
   Irish-American William Joyce was a great example of why so many were against those doggone Irish immigrants. Not unlike Donald Trump, Joyce was an enemy of this country, giving aid and comfort to the enemy with his totally bogus broadcast of absurd bullshit to our allies during WWII. He was known as Lord Haw-Haw, and was sentenced to death by hanging.

John I from Hawai`i says,
   "Lord Ha-Ha."

Adam answered:
   Lord Hee-Haw

zorch said:
   Lord Haw Haw.

Jim from CA, retired to ID responded:
   Lord Haw-Haw

Dave in Tucson replied:
   William Joyce's nom-de-air was Lord Haw Haw. Hanged in 1946 he may have been the inspiration for Rupert's Faux Noise.

  In his heyday

  Captured by British troops.

Kevin K. in Washington, DC, said:
   Dublin Rose
  William Joyce's nickname was Lord Haw-Haw, easily confused with a 70's - 80's comedy show for US crackers featuring Roy Clark, Buck Owens, and Minnie Pearl.

Joe S     wrote:
   It was Lord Haw Haw. I din't know the answer but was very curious to find out if was someone named Trump. Anyway...after finding the answer I recognise the name from one of the English mysteries I've been watching. I believe it was Foyle's War.

Deborah took the day off.

mj took the day off.

Billy in Cypress U$A took the day off.

Stephen F took the day off.

Mac Mac took the day off.

Gene took the day off.

George M. took the day off.

Michelle in AZ took the day off.

Harry M. took the day off.

David of Moon Valley took the day off.

Rosemary in Columbus took the day off.

Barbara, of Peppy Tech fame, took the day off.

Micki took the day off.

Daniel in The City took the day off.

Ed K took the day off.

Steve in Wonderful Sacramento, CA, took the day off.

DJ Useo took the day off.

Gateway Mike took the day off.

Marilyn of TC took the day off.

Jon L took the day off.

Paul of Seattle took the day off.

Noel S. took the day off.

Terry took the day off.

Tony K. took the day off.

G E Kelly took the day off.

The Other Dave took the day off.

Roy the Hoghead took the day off.

Casey in Traverse City, MI took the day off.

James of Alhambra took the day off.

Dale of Diamond Springs took the day off.

Sandra in Maine took the day off.

BttbBob   has returned to semi-retired status.

  January 20 Birthdays - Celebrities Born January 20 | Famous Birthdays

Sally has retired.

MAM     In memory.




Middle Class Political Economist



Reader Suggestion

Michelle in AZ

Fermentation is back: how will living organisms reshape your plate? | Food | The Guardian

Republicans' lack of alarm over the shutdown reveals a disturbing truth | Ross Barkan | Opinion | The Guardian

Arizona: Four women convicted after leaving food and water in desert for migrants | US news | The Guardian

California schools were once the nation's envy. What went wrong? | Education | The Guardian

President Pence? That vision should terrify women | Arwa Mahdawi | World news | The Guardian

US regions where drug companies marketed hit hardest by opioids crisis | US news | The Guardian

The US won't be prepared for the next natural disaster | World news | The Guardian

Review: Beach Boys Plumb Vaults for Post-'Pet Sounds' Gems - SFGate

Visionary of the Year winner Sal Khan keeps reaching further - San Francisco Chronicle

Ocasio-Cortez freaks out neo-Nazis

EXvangelicals #ExposeChristianSchools. Want to understand T***p base? Read these horror stories

Trump To Steal More Airtime To Change The Narrative.

Gillette's Masculinity Ad Is Actually Quite Conservative | HuffPost

What Happens When Teachers Can't Afford To Live In Their Own Cities | HuffPost

Scouts Of Central African Republic Are Prepared For Dirty Dishes - And Keeping The Peace : Goats and Soda : NPR

The Secret To The Perfect Biscuit May Not Be The Flour : The Salt : NPR

Trump's "Major Anniuncement" on border secutiry? Fuggedaboudit. Mama Coulter sent him to his room.

Sarah Kendzior -"This is a transnational crime syndicate masquerading as a government."

Opinion | How to Inoculate Against Anti-Vaxxers - The New York Times

Paramount Was Hollywood's 'Mountain.' Now It's a Molehill. - The New York Times

White Kentucky teens surround and harass Native American veteran during DC Indigenous Peoples March

Suicides among veterinarians has become a growing problem - The Washington Post

Shouting, near fisticuffs, emotions high: Today's Washington could get worse - The Washington Post

Nathan Phillips: Native American drummer on the MAGA-hat wearing teens who surrounded him - The Washington Post

Video of MAGA teens heaps fuel on Catholic debate about Trump and the abortion cause - The Washington Post

I cut off all contact with my mother. It made my life much better. - The Washington Post

U.S.-Mexico border: An interactive look at the barriers that divide these two countries - Washington Post

Trump says Democrats used to be for new border barriers. He's right. - The Washington Post

Thanks, Michelle!



from Bruce


• Claude Monet worked hard, painting outdoors in very bad weather and sometimes dangerous locations. Art critic Léon Billot wrote about him in the Journal de Havre on October 9, 1868, "It was during winter, after several snowy days … [and the] desire to see the countryside beneath its white shroud had led us across the fields. It was cold enough to split rocks. We glimpsed a little heater, then an easel, then a gentleman, swathed in three overcoats, with gloved hands, his face half-frozen. It was [Monsieur] Monet, studying an aspect of the snow. We must confess that this pleased us. Art has some courageous soldiers." Monet painted on the Normandy Coast, including the Manneporte arch at Etretat. Some people had been trapped under the arch at high tide and then washed out to sea and drowned. In November 1885 Monet himself almost died there. While he was painting, a large wave struck and slammed him and his canvas and his paints against a cliff and then swept them into the sea. Monet wrote Alice, his wife, "My immediate thought was that I was done for, as the water dragged me down, but in the end I managed to clamber out on all fours."

• In his old age, Pierre-Auguste Renoir was crippled by rheumatoid arthritis, but he continued to paint. Unable to walk, he was either carried in a sedan chair or pushed in a wheelchair. His hands were twisted, and according to his son Jean, "Visitors who weren't used to it couldn't take their eyes off the mutilation. Their reaction, which they didn't dare express, was 'It's not possible. With those hands, he can't paint these paintings. There's a mystery!'" According to Jean, "The mystery was Renoir himself." In order for Mr. Renoir to paint, a piece of cloth was pushed into the center of his hand, which was like a claw, and then a brush was pushed into his hand. A mechanism was created in order to move large paintings so that the part that Mr. Renoir wanted to work on was within his reach. With these adaptations, Mr. Renoir was able to continue to create masterpieces despite his infirmity. In 1919, his last year of life, Mr. Renoir painted both Girl with a Mandolin and The Concert, although he looked like a skeleton and his voice was so weak that people could barely hear him.

• Auguste Rodin, sculptor of The Thinker, suffered from rejection during his student days and early in his career. Three times he tried to get accepted into the prestigious Ecole des Beaux-Arts, and three times he was rejected. Following this major disappointment, he submitted a sculpture titled The Man with the Broken Nose, aka the bust of Bibi, to the Salon, but the judges rejected it because they thought that it was too realistic. Later, sculptor Jules Desbois visited Mr. Rodin, saw the sculpture, and asked to borrow it. "Take it," Mr. Rodin said. Mr. Desbois took it to the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, where he said, "Come and see what I've found. Look at this splendid antique statue. I've just discovered it in a secondhand dealer's shop." Everyone admired it, and then Mr. Desbois told them, "Well, Rodin, the man who did this, failed three times to get into the Ecole, and this piece, which you all thought was an antique, was rejected by the Salon."

• Many artists are impoverished early in their careers. When Pablo Picasso was living with Fernande Olivier, they sometimes ran out of money to buy food. One trick they used to get food was to order it and have it delivered. When the delivery boy would knock on their door with bags of food, Ms. Olivier would yell, "Put them down! I can't open [the door] now! I'm naked!" The delivery boy would put down the bags of food and leave, Mr. Picasso and Ms. Olivier would eat, and when they got the money, they would pay for the food. Even earlier, when Mr. Picasso lived in an unfurnished apartment with his friend Carlos Casagemas, they could not afford to buy or rent furniture, and so Mr. Picasso painted fine furniture on the walls. He even painted a maid and an errand boy. (By the way, young Pablo grew up watching his artist father create art. Pablo's first word reportedly was piz- the Spanish word for pencil is lápiz.)

• In 1534, Pope Paul III asked Michelangelo to paint the Last Judgment on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo worked on the painting for five and a half years, beginning in 1536. Finally, when on October 31, 1541, Pope Paul III saw the completed work of art without parts of it hidden by scaffolding, he was overcome by its artistic and spiritual vision and fell to his knees. The painting was not without controversy. While Michelangelo was working on the painting, papal court official Biaglio da Cesena objected to the nudity of the figures. Michelangelo showed his opinion of Biaglio's views of art by putting him in the painting - Biaglio is shown in hell, with horns, and with his nudity covered by a serpent's coils. Biaglio was not amused, but Pope Paul III was.

© Copyright Bruce D. Bruce; All Rights Reserved

David Bruce's Smashwords Bookstore: Retellings of Classic Literature, Anecdote Collections, Discussion Guides for Teachers of Literature, Collections of Good Deed Accounts, etc. Some eBooks are free.



Bonus Links

Jeannie the Teed-Off Temp

Impeach Trump Now - The Atlantic

Mitch McConnell Pens Op-Ed Opposing Democrats' Voting Bill | Esquire

Trump Begins Third Year With Low Job Approval and Doubts About His Honesty | Pew Research Center

Peter Carr Speaks | emptywheel

White students in MAGA hats taunt Native American elders - Vox

Ann Coulter blasts Trump shutdown compromise: 'We voted for Trump and got Jeb!' | TheHill

Laura Ingraham makes fun of new House Democrat's accent in cringeworthy segment - ThinkProgress

Marshawn Lynch calls Trump a 'motherf---er' in HBO interview | TheHill

Ben Shapiro claims abortion opponents wouldn't have killed baby Hitler, loses sponsors - ThinkProgress

Seth Meyers points out Giuliani's CNN collusion contradiction (VIDEO). | Slate

Rep. Louie Gohmert is Steve King's ally in white nationalism - ThinkProgress

Steve King fundraising off controversy surrounding white supremacy comments | TheHill

Doctors are frightened by climate change. Their industry is a big part of the problem. - Vox

Stephen Colbert Unloads on Fox & Friends' Brian Kilmeade: You Were 'Silent' During the Roger Ailes Scandal | The Daily Beast

The best signs from the 2019 Women's March. | Slate



Reader Comment

Current Events

Hey, Marty!

This is more of a question, actually: morbid curiosity made me turn on CNN to watch Trump's impotent (oops, I meant important, right?) message today, and the first hour was taken up by the naturalization ceremony of 5 people. However, before that ceremony began, would-be-king Trump came out and spoke shortly to the audience.

I need to see if I actually heard him that initial address, he actually said something to the effect of 'I'm doing great because I have a lot of money'!

I've tried to find a video of it, but couldn't find one anywhere, even at the CNN site. Did anyone else hear what he said? I may not have the wording correct, but the part where he bragged about having "a lot of money" is correct.

What an insane thing to say to Americans considering our economy and the all our furloughed workers! Does he truly not know what an assinine remark that is or is he deliberately trying to provoke our hate? The man is psychotic!

Your faithful reader,

Tiera in SD

Thanks, Tiera!

Found this - Remarks by President Trump at a Naturalization Ceremony, from earlier in the day, when a citizenship ceremony was held in the Oval office for 5 people. Yes, 5.

Read the whole thing - it's not often you get to read transcripted babbling.

Anyway, the 11th paragraph has a money line:

    Marcelo Ramos Ramirez is from Bolivia and has a beautiful, lawful permanent resident of the United States, and has been since 2013. He is the co-owner of a staffing company with his son Marcio. The business is thriving. He's doing really well. And it's expanding in all different ways. He says, "I know that in the [United States] you can achieve anything that you want, and I am a perfect example." In another words, he's making a lot of money. (Laughter.) Marcelo, thank you very much. (Applause.)

Finally, Lord Dampnut wraps it up with:

    As Americans, and American citizens, we are bound together in love, and loyalty, and friendship, and affection. We must look out for each other, care for each other, and always act in the best interests of our nation and all citizens living here today. We love each other. We're proud of each other.

    The beauty and majesty of citizenship is that it draws no distinctions of race, or class, or faith, or gender or background. No matter where our story begins, whether we are the first generation or the tenth generation, we are all equal. We are one team and one people proudly saluting one great American flag.

    Again, I want to congratulate you and welcome you to the family. It's a family. It's a beautiful family. It's a family doing very well. We're setting records economically. Our economy is the hottest in the world, and it's continuing, and continuing upward.

    Our unemployment is the best it's been in more than 50 years. And for certain individuals, it's the best it's ever been, historically. It will probably soon be now for everybody. It's an honor to have you. God bless you. God bless America. Congratulations. (Applause.) Thank you.

Remarks by President Trump at a Naturalization Ceremony | The White House

That ain't pride I'm feeling...





Selected Readings

from that Mad Cat, JD

JD is on vacation.

Visit JD's site - Kitty Litter Music


In The Chaos Household

Last Night

Back to sunny and warmer than seasonal.

Tonight, Sunday:

CBS fills the night with LIVE 'NFL Playoffs', followed by a FRESH 'Magnum PU', and pads the left coast with local crap.

NBC opens the night with the movie 'Minions', followed by 'Dateline'.

ABC begins the night with a RERUN 'America's So-Called Funniest Home Videos', followed by another RERUN 'America's So-Called Funniest Home Videos', then a FRESH 'Shark Tank', followed by a RERUN 'Shark Tank'.

The CW offers a FRESH 'Supergirl', followed by a FRESH 'Charmed'.

Faux has a RERUN 'The Simpsons', followed by a RERUN 'Bob's Burgers', then a RERUN 'The Simpsons', followed by a RERUN 'Bob's Burgers', then a RERUN 'Family Guy', followed by a RERUN 'The Cool Kids'.

MY recycles an old 'Cops', followed by another old 'Cops', then an old 'Big Bang Theory', followed by another old 'Big Bang Theory', then still another old 'Big Bang Theory', followed by yet another old 'Big Bang Theory'.

A&E has the movie 'Walking Tall', followed by the movie 'Men In Black', then the movie 'Men In Black II'.

AMC offers the movie 'The Matrix', followed by the movie 'The Matrix: Reloaded'.

BBC  -   
 [12:00PM]    xXx: STATE OF THE UNION (2005)
 [2:30PM]    xXx (2002)
 [5:00PM]    THE GREEN MILE (1999)
 [9:00PM]    THE GREEN MILE (1999)
 [1:00AM]    THE X-FILES - SEASON 7 - EPISODE 14-Theef
 [2:00AM]    THE X-FILES - SEASON 7 - EPISODE 15-En Ami
 [3:00AM]    THE X-FILES - SEASON 7 - EPISODE 16-Chimera
 [4:00AM]    THE X-FILES - SEASON 7 - EPISODE 17-all things
 [5:00AM]    THE X-FILES - SEASON 7 - EPISODE 18-Brand X    (ALL TIMES EST)

Bravo has 'Real Housewives Of Atlanta', followed by a FRESH 'Real Housewives Of Atlanta', 'Temptation Island', 'Real Housewives Of Atlanta', then a FRESH 'Watch What Happens Live'.

Comedy Central has the movie 'Meet The Fockers', followed by the movie 'Dirty Grandpa', and an old 'The Office'.

FX has the movie 'Now You See Me 2', followed by the movie 'Jason Bourne', then the movie 'Jason Bourne', again.

History has 'American Pickers', followed by a FRESH 'American Pickers: Bonus Buys'.

IFC  -   
 [6:00A]    Pee-wee's Playhouse-Love That Story
 [6:30A]    Pee-wee's Playhouse-Sick, Did Somebody Say Sick?
 [7:00A]    Pee-wee's Playhouse-Miss Yvonne's Visit7:30AThe Forbidden Kingdom
 [9:45A]    The Legend of Hercules
 [11:45A]    Mission: Impossible
 [2:15P]    Fury
 [5:15P]    American History X
 [8:00P]    Full Metal Jacket
 [10:45P]    Full Metal Jacket
 [1:30A]    Fury
 [4:30A]    Stan Against Evil-Hell Is What You Make It
 [5:00A]    Stan Against Evil-The Hex Files
 [5:30A]    Stan Against Evil-Larva My Life     (ALL TIMES EST)

Sundance  -   
 [6:00am]    law & order
 [7:00am]    law & order
 [8:00am]    law & order
 [9:00am]    law & order
 [10:00am]    close up with the hollywood reporter
 [11:00am]    m*a*s*h
 [11:30am]    m*a*s*h
 [12:00pm]    m*a*s*h
 [12:30pm]    m*a*s*h
 [1:00pm]    m*a*s*h
 [1:30pm]    m*a*s*h
 [2:00pm]    m*a*s*h
 [2:30pm]    m*a*s*h
 [3:00pm]    m*a*s*h
 [3:30pm]    m*a*s*h
 [4:00pm]    m*a*s*h
 [4:30pm]    m*a*s*h
 [5:00pm]    m*a*s*h
 [5:30pm]    m*a*s*h
 [6:00pm]    m*a*s*h
 [6:30pm]    m*a*s*h
 [7:00pm]    m*a*s*h
 [7:30pm]    m*a*s*h
 [8:00pm]    m*a*s*h
 [8:30pm]    m*a*s*h
 [9:00pm]    m*a*s*h
 [9:30pm]    m*a*s*h
 [10:00pm]    m*a*s*h
 [10:30pm]    m*a*s*h
 [11:00pm]    m*a*s*h
 [11:30pm]    m*a*s*h
 [12:00am]    m*a*s*h
 [12:30am]    m*a*s*h
 [1:00am]    m*a*s*h
 [1:30am]    m*a*s*h
 [2:00am]    m*a*s*h
 [2:30am]    m*a*s*h
 [3:00am]    m*a*s*h
 [3:30am]    m*a*s*h
 [4:00am]    m*a*s*h
 [4:30am]    m*a*s*h
 [5:00am]    m*a*s*h
 [5:30am]    m*a*s*h     (ALL TIMES EST)

SyFy has the movie 'Jurassic Park', followed by the movie 'The Lost World: Jurassic Park'.

 [6:00 AM]      The Bride Came C.O.D. (1941)
 [7:45 AM]      Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936)
 [10:00 AM]      Murder, My Sweet (1944)
 [12:00 PM]      Dodsworth (1936)
 [2:00 PM]      The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (1946)
 [4:00 PM]      Lili (1953)
 [5:30 PM]      The Remains of the Day (1993)
 [8:00 PM]      All That Heaven Allows (1955)
 [9:45 PM]      Giant (1956)
 [1:15 AM]      The Godless Girl (1929)     SILENT 
 [2:45 AM]      Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975)
 [4:45 AM]      A Dancer's World (1957)     (ALL TIMES EST)

Monday   -  01/21/19

 [6:00 AM]      Swing! (1938)
 [7:30 AM]      Within Our Gates (1920)    SILENT 
 [9:00 AM]      Losing Ground (1982)
 [10:30 AM]      A Warm December (1972)
 [12:30 PM]      Edge of the City (1957)
 [2:00 PM]      A Patch Of Blue (1965)
 [4:00 PM]      The Learning Tree (1969)
 [6:00 PM]      Daughters of the Dust (1991)
 [8:00 PM]      Glory (1989)
 [10:15 PM]      Philadelphia (1993)
 [12:30 AM]      A Soldier's Story (1984)
 [2:30 AM]      Devil in a Blue Dress (1995)
 [4:30 AM]      The Jackie Robinson Story (1950)     (ALL TIMES EST)

Antenna TV - Johnny Carson (from 02/20/74) - Sarah Miles, David Brenner, The Amazing Kreskin, and Joan Embery.

Bounce TV


Comet TV

Cozi TV

Decades TV Network


Find Justice - Justice Network

FNX - First Nations Experience

Get TV

Grit - Television With Backbone - Grit

Heroes and Icons

ION Television - Positively Entertaining

Laff - You Know You Want To. - Laff


MOVIES! TV Network

Quest Television Network

RTV - The Retro Television Network

Start TV

TBD - Schedule

the works

This TV

Any opinions?   Marty

Or reviews?   Marty

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The Sideshow - by Avedon Carol


Battle of the Ax Men: Who Really Built the First Electric Rock 'n' Roll Guitar? | Collectors Weekly


Gets Booed

Bill Maher

"Real Time" returned last night after a two-month hiatus, and Bill Maher wasted little time courting controversy - this time from his own studio audience. During a panel discussion with former congressman Barney Frank, Maher received boos from the crowd when he announced that Ann Coulter would be on the show next week.

"Yeah, that's called a newsmaker. A policymaker. You'll have to suck on that," he said in response to his audience's vocal disapproval. Coulter has appeared on "Real Time" on several occasions throughout the years, and the two are friends despite holding diametrically opposed political views.

It wasn't the first time Coulter was mentioned last night. During his monologue, which focused on the ongoing government shutdown as well as the latest bombshell revelations about Donald Trump and his inner circle, Maher alluded to the fact that Coulter and other Fox News personalities have the president's ear when it comes to major policy decisions. "Of course Trump was not having that. Nobody puts man-baby in the corner," Maher said of Trump's feud with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. "He was like, 'I'm not gonna let some woman push me around - is Ann Coulter OK with that?'"

Maher and Coulter both thrive on controversy, and neither is likely to be bothered by this response - or the fact that they're probably going to receive more boos during next Friday's episode of "Real Time."

Bill Maher



Someone Asks ER Doctors What Are The Most Amazing Things They Have Seen, And This Answer Wins | Bored Panda


Israel Ceremony


Roseanne Barr has said she finds Natalie Portman "repulsive" in a brand new interview.

The actor, whose sitcom Roseanne was cancelled following a racist tweet in 2018, criticised the Oscar-winning star for declining to participate in a prestigious ceremony as she "didn't want to be seen endorsing" the president of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, who was due to attend.

Speaking to daily newspaper Israel Hayom, Barr said: "It was really sickening, I find her repulsive. She was raised in incredible privilege of safety in the Jewish state and knows nothing about anti-Semitism."

Portman, who was born in Jerusalem, moved to the United States with her parents when she was three.

Referring to her former Roseanne co-star John Goodman, who now fronts spin-off show The Conners, Barr said he "should've fought harder" for her following her firing from ABC.



Newhead News


Secretly Arrested

Marzieh Hashemi

The U.S. government on Friday acknowledged for the first time that it secretly arrested an Iranian journalist earlier this week, demanding she testify to a federal grand jury as part of a federal probe that still remains a mystery.

The acknowledgement came in a federal judge's order stating that American-born Melanie Franklin, also known as Marzieh Hashemi, was taken into custody on a material witness warrant issued in Washington.

In an interview with the Associated Press, her son said that she had just come from the New Orleans area, shooting a documentary about Black Lives Matter.

The order, unsealed Friday in federal court in Washington, D.C., confirms that Franklin has not been accused of any crime and has made two court appearances before a federal judge.

"We still have no idea what's going on," said Hossein Hashemi, who is Hashemi's son and who is a research fellow at the University of Colorado

Marzieh Hashemi



China's Misguided War Against Sparrows | Amusing Planet


Comic Collection Stolen


A Florida man is reaching out to the comic-collecting community, hoping to reclaim nearly 450 valuable comic books that were recently stolen.

The Sun Sentinel reports that Randy Lawrence posted on social media last week that his registered Batman and Detective Comics collection valued at $1.4 million was stolen from an air-conditioned storage unit in Boca Raton.

Lawrence is asking other collectors to keep an eye out for anyone trying to sell his stolen comics . He says they're registered with the Certified Guaranty Company, a comic book grading service, and the size and rarity of the collection should make its source obvious.

The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office is investigating the break-in that occurred sometime between Nov. 28 and Jan. 8. A report says the storage facility management was reviewing surveillance videos.



Digby's Hullabaloo


Still Separating Families


In the five months since President Trump (R-Grifter) issued an executive order indefinitely suspending his administration's zero-tolerance family separation policy, immigration officials have continued to separate immigrant children and parents - at steadily increasing rates.

According to a report released Thursday by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), between July 1 and Nov. 7 last year, at least 118 immigrant children were separated from parents or adult guardians by officials at the border and referred to the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), the department in HHS that is responsible for the care of unaccompanied immigrant children in U.S. custody.

The key takeaway of the report, which prompted immediate calls for accountability from immigration advocates and some Democratic lawmakers, was that the total number of immigrant families separated by border officials under the Trump administration is unknown and likely significantly larger than what had previously been announced.

In a statement, U.S. Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., chair of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security, called the report's revelations "wholly unacceptable" and vowed to "fully investigate the actions leading to this disastrous decision and will hold the Trump administration to account for their cruel and incompetent actions."

Although the incidence of family separations at the border has dropped significantly from its peak, the practice has hardly stopped. According to the same tracking by ORR, the proportion of separated children referred to ORR care by DHS has increased steadily each month, from 0.47 percent in July to 0.91 percent during the first week of November 2018 alone. Overall, separated children made up 0.69 percent of all ORR intakes during this period- more than twice the rate observed by ORR officials in 2016.




The Wild Baroness of Greenwich Village Who Was the Real Artist Behind Duchamp's Urinal


L.A. County

Jailhouse Beating

A former Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy was convicted Friday of lying to federal investigators in an attempt to conceal the 2011 beating of a handcuffed man who was visiting his brother in jail, prosecutors said.

Byron Dredd, 36, was found guilty of making false statements to the FBI during a July 2012 interview in which he painted the victim as the aggressor, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Central District of California said in a news release.

Dredd and five other deputies assigned to the Men's Central Jail have already been convicted and sentenced in connection with the assault on the restrained victim, identified by the Los Angeles Times as Gabriel Carrillo. The newspaper reported that he had been left bloody and bruised by the attack.

The deputies handcuffed Carrillo and took him into an employee break room because they thought he was carrying a cellphone, which is against state law. The victim's hands remained restrained behind his back while they beat him, prosecutors said.

Dredd was in an adjacent room and witnessed the assault through a metal window. But he lied about what he saw, and false reports filed by Dredd and others led to Carrillo being charged with multiple crimes, including resisting an officer and battery, investigators said.

In attempting to cover it up, Dredd falsely told the FBI he saw Carrillo swing at and punch the deputes, then push another as he tried to escape. Prosecutors determined the statements were blatant lies because they had proof the victim was handcuffed the entire time.

Jailhouse Beating


5 Objects That Illuminate the Medieval Exchange Between Africa and Europe - Atlas Obscura


Melting Four Times Faster

North America's Glaciers

Across the world's icy landscapes, climate change is spurring a major meltdown. That includes the western U.S. and Canada where not only is ice vanishing, but it's doing so at a more rapid pace than it was just a decade ago, according to a new study released this week in Geophysical Research Letters.

The faster melt can be partial attributed to a shift in weather patterns over the past years, which has worked in concert with rising temperatures to speed along ice's demise.

The glaciers of North America are remnants of the Ice Age. They cling to high peaks from British Columbia to Montana where snow replenishes them each winter and temperatures have been cool enough to keep them more or less at equilibrium for centuries. But now humans have thrown that equation out of whack, pouring carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The result has been the death of ice.

There are ice monitoring stations to measure what's going on scattered across the West, but the new research uses satellites to see how much ice has changed. By detecting minute elevation changes from year-to-year from 2000-18, scientists were able to paint a comprehensive picture of ice in decline. Brian Menounos, a glacier researcher from the University of Northern British Columbia, told Earther the research could "improve modeling efforts for the fate of western North American glaciers in the decades ahead."

More than 80 percent of glaciers showed a loss in elevation, indicating they're losing ice faster than snow can replenish what's melting away. Northern parts of British Columbia's interior saw the most dramatic thinning.

North America's Glaciers



How Vincent van Gogh's Collection of Japanese Prints Inspired His 'Art of the Future' - Flashbak


Models Can't Keep Up

Magnetic North Pole

Rapid and erratic movements of Earth's north magnetic pole have prompted an early update to a model that assists with navigation. The scheduled fix was supposed to happen on January 15, but the US government shutdown has forced an unwelcome delay.

The magnetic north pole is shifting at an unprecedented rate. Over the last 30 years, the rate of distance that the magnetic north pole moves per year has sped up, around 15km per year to around 55km per year, according to Nature.

Unlike the static geographic north pole, the north magnetic pole is in constant flux, influenced by the movements of iron-rich fluids deep below the Earth's crust. Or at least that's the theory - the whole thing is still somewhat of a scientific mystery.

The World Magnetic Model (WMM) provides a five-year forecast of the Earth's magnetic field, which assists with navigation. But the rapid and irregular movements of the north magnetic pole over the past three years have made the 2015 WMM inaccurate. An unprecedented early update was supposed to happen on 15 January 2019, but that's been bumped to January 30 owing to the ongoing US government shutdown, reports Nature.

The WMM forecasts are produced by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the British Geological Survey (BGS) on behalf of the US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and the UK Defence Geographic Centre.

Magnetic North Pole


A Traveling Exhibition of 100 Stunning Selections from the 2018 Wildlife Photographer of the Year | Colossal


Something Surprising

Saturn's Rings

As the Cassini probe plunged into Saturn, it measured the gravitational pull of the rocks making up its iconic rings - and those readings tell us the rings might be a lot younger than we previously thought.

In fact, they might have formed around the same time dinosaurs were walking the Earth, with scientists estimating that the rings formed less than 100 million years ago, and maybe as little as 10 million years ago.

With Saturn clocking in at around 4.5 billion years old, it means the giant planet may have been without its distinctive halo for much of its life. Even from beyond the grave, Cassini is still teaching us more about our Solar System.

Astronomers have long suspected that Saturn's rings might not be that old, but thanks to Cassini's hyper-sensitive gravity measurements, there's now some solid evidence.

The gravitational pull of the rings indicates their mass, which in turn indicates how old they are. The more time these icy rocks spend out in space, the heavier they get, contaminated by passing space debris.

Saturn's Rings


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