This is Obamacare
Requires insurance companies to spend 80% of premium dollars on health care. If they don't, they'll be forced to give consumers a refund to make up the difference.
McCain To Fox News: No, The Shutdown Is The GOP's Fault (VIDEO)
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) channeled his inner-maverick Friday during an appearance on Fox News Channel, repeatedly reminding the conservative network that the government shutdown was brought about by the quixotic effort to halt the Affordable Care Act. … McCain said that while the administration deserves blame it was a GOP-induced shutdown that caused the problem in the first place.
Paul Krugman: The War On The Poor Is A War On You-Know-Who (New York Times)
One irony here is that at this point it's the liberals who believe in America, while the conservatives don't. I believe in our ability to change while retaining our essential nature; I believe that today's immigrants will be incorporated into the fabric of our society, just as Italian and Jewish immigrants - once regarded as fundamentally incompatible with American ways - became "white" by the middle of the 20th century.
Is It An IKEA Product Or A Death Metal Band? (Consumerist)
Not long ago, we shared with you the information that IKEA product names are pretty much meaningless, even in Swedish. That shouldn't surprise anyone. But can you tell the difference between an IKEA product name and a death metal band
Both Muhammad Ali and James Brown acknowledged that their own approach to flamboyant self-promotion was influenced by George Raymond Wagner. By what name is Mr. Wagner better known?
George Raymond Wagner (March 24, 1915 - December 26, 1963) was an American professional wrestler best known by his ring name Gorgeous George. In the United States, during the First Golden Age of Professional Wrestling in the 1940s-1950s, Gorgeous George gained mainstream popularity and became one of the biggest stars of this period, gaining media attention for his outrageous character, which was described as flamboyant and charismatic. He was inducted into Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame in 2002 and the WWE Hall of Fame as part of the Class of 2010.
Muhammad Ali and James Brown acknowledged that their own approach to flamboyant self-promotion was influenced by George. A 19-year old Ali met a 46-year old George at a Las Vegas radio station. During George's radio interview, the wrestler's promo caught the attention of the future heavyweight champion. If George lost to Classy Freddie Blassie, George exclaimed, "I'll crawl across the ring and cut my hair off! But that's not gonna happen because I'm the greatest wrestler in the world!" Ali, who later echoed that very promo when taunting opponent Sonny Liston, recalled, "I saw 15,000 people comin' to see this man get beat. And his talking did it. I said, 'This is a gooood idea!'" In the locker room afterward, the seasoned wrestler gave the future legend some invaluable advice: "A lot of people will pay to see someone shut your mouth. So keep on bragging, keep on sassing and always be outrageous."
Alan J was first, and correct, with:
Gorgeous George
Charlie wrote:
Gorgeous George
John A. responded:
Gorgeous George
Jim from CA, retired to ID, replied:
George Raymond Wagner was an American professional wrestler best known by
his ring name Gorgeous George
Sally said:
I know this one! George Raymond Wagner was AKA "Gorgeous George" the wrestler!
Here he is in all his glory!
My father loved wrestling, but my mother found it to be, "Tasteless and vulgar!" Even after we got a TV set (about a year before he died), she would not allow it to be shown in the home.
So, my father would say he had to go out on business, and go to someone's house to watch it. Sometimes we would go with him., but my mother would sit in the car rather than, "Be subject to all that violence."
I could take it or leave it, but George was fun to watch. He had a flamboyant gimmick, and used it. Oh, and he had ladies (ahem) galore, all clamoring to get his attention! (Probably another reason my mother looked upon the whole wrestling scene with disdain...
PS: Marty, I was wondering how B2BB can "take the day off," and still submit a trivia reply at the same time? Is he AKA Houdini reincarnated?? LOL!
Adam answered:
I'm just going to hazard a guess and say professional wrestler Gorgeous George.
Marian wrote:
Georgeous George, who had Chanel #5 sprayed inside the ring before he would enter.
Dale of Diamond Springs, Norcali, responded:
The grappling sensation "Gorgeous George"
A note to Joe and Bttb Bob. The best team won last night. Kudos to Great Pitching. Verlander is just awesome! Next year for my guys!
Lois Of Oregon answered:
Gorgeous George, had heard of him, but thanks to Marty, now
I know all about him, and he is my new hero! "Win if you
can, lose if you must, but always cheat!". Master Showman,
if the booze hadn't killed him, he could be have had a
career in politics, and the world might be a funnier place.
Randall replied:
Gorgeous George
MAM took the day off.
BttbBob wrote:
'Professional' wrestling's...
Even as a kid I thought it was all damn'd foolishness and a faked sport... All my friends thought that the local 'hero' in that so-called 'sport', Dick the Bruiser - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia was way cool. I just thought that he was damn'd ugly...
Whilst Dick wrestled weekly on live TV in the Detroit area in the late 50's-early 60's, he was from Indiana (a 'Hoosier'... go figure). Ol' Bruiser made his home in Indianapolis and was David Letterman's inspiration (another dagnab 'Hoosier') for naming his house band "The World's Most Dangerous Band" as Ol' Bruiser deemed himself "The World's Most Dangerous Wrestler"... There's some trivia fer ya.
Memo to JoeS: Sorry? There's no 'Sorry' in play-off baseball! What there is, is this - "Go sit down, Oakland! Yer outta here!" Just as the Giants last year coulda said it, justifiably, to the Tigers after sweeping 'em in the World Series. Ya know, "The thrill of victory and the agony of Da Feet"... (The Bosox, up next for "The D" are kinda scary, though, I gotta tell ya...)
Wikipedia Hi-jinks Moment - Shortly after the Tigers' pitcher Justin Verlander left the A's a-whifflin', someone changed the A's Wiki page to this:
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... It has since been changed back, but it's true that JV has owned the A's on the play-off field. In 4 starts, he's only allowed them one run in 31 innings (none in the last 30) on 13 hits and struck out 43. That's gettin' owned... Fact!
Go Tigers!
Born on this date:
And, Joe S answered:
I just love it when I know the answer to the Trivia Question of the Day without having to Google it. Unfortunately that wasn't the case today. I had to look up GORGEOUS GEORGE. I certainly remember Gorgeous George though, in my youth I was an avid fan of Pro Wrestling. I thought it was real. This looks real, doesn't it?
My two favorite "wrasslers" were Gorgeous George and Vern Gagne. George was a "bad boy" and Verne was a "good guy."
PS BttbBob I share your love of dragons. They are really real.
CBS begins the night with a RERUN'2½ Men', followed by a RERUN'2 Broke Girls', then a RERUN'NCIS: The 2nd One', followed by '48 Hours'.
NBC opens the night with a RERUN'Ironsides', followed by a RERUN'The Blacklist', then an hourlong RERUN'SNL'.
'SNL' is FRESH, with Bruce Willis hosting, music by Katy Perry.
ABC fills the night with LIVE'NASCAR Spring Cup', then pads the left coast with local crap and maybe a RERUN'Castle'.
The CW offers an old '2½ Men', followed by another old '2½ Men', then an old 'Family Guy', followed by another old 'Family Guy'.
Faux fills the night with LIVE'MLB Playoffs', then pads the left coast with local crap.
MY has an old 'Burn Notice', followed by another old 'Burn Notice'.
A&E has 'Bad Ink', another 'Bad Ink', 'Storage Wars', another 'Storage Wars', still another 'Storage Wars', yet another 'Storage Wars', 'Storage Wars Texas', and another 'Storage Wars Texas'.
[6:00AM] TOP GEAR - Season 2 - Episode 2
[7:00AM] TOP GEAR - Season 2 - Episode 3
[8:00AM] RAMSAY'S KITCHEN NIGHTMARES US - Season 1 - Ep 10 - Dillon's
[9:00AM] RAMSAY'S KITCHEN NIGHTMARES UK - Season 1 - Ep 1 - Bonapartes
[10:00AM] MASTERCHEF UK: THE PROFESSIONALS - Season 5 - Episode 9
[10:40AM] MASTERCHEF UK: THE PROFESSIONALS - Season 5 - Episode 10
[12:00PM] TOP GEAR - Season 10 - Episode 10
[1:00PM] TOP GEAR - Season 7 - Episode 1
[2:00PM] TOP GEAR - Season 7 - Episode 2
[3:00PM] TOP GEAR - Season 7 - Episode 3
[4:00PM] TOP GEAR WINTER OLYMPICS SPECIAL-Season 7 - Top Gear Winter Olympics Special
[5:00PM] STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION - Season 7 - Ep 18 - Eye of the Beholder
[6:00PM] STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION - Season 7 - Ep 19 - Genesis
[7:00PM] STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION - Season 7 - Ep 20 - Journey's End
[8:00PM] STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION - Season 7 - Ep 21 - Firstborn
[9:00PM] TORCHWOOD: MIRACLE DAY-Season 4 - Ep 5 - The Categories of LifeNEW
[10:00PM] ORPHAN BLACK - Season 1 - Ep 5 - Conditions of Existence
[11:00PM] DOCTOR WHO - Season 7 - Ep 5 - The Angels Take Manhattan
[12:00AM] TORCHWOOD: MIRACLE DAY-Season 4 - Ep 5 - The Categories of Life
[1:00AM] ORPHAN BLACK - Season 1 - Ep 5 - Conditions of Existence
[2:00AM] STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION - Season 7 - Ep 18 - Eye of the Beholder
[3:00AM] STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION - Season 7 - Ep 19 - Genesis
[4:00AM] STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION - Season 7 - Ep 20 - Journey's End
[5:00AM] STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION - Season 7 - Ep 21 - Firstborn (ALL TIMES EST)
Bravo has 'Real Housewives Of NJ', followed by the movie 'No Strings Attached', then the movie 'No Strings Attached', again.
Comedy Central has 'South Park', followed by the movie 'I Love You, Man', then 'Gabriel Iglesias: Hot & Fluffy', and 'Gabriel Iglesias: Aloha Fluffy'.
FX has the movie 'Hancock', followed by the movie 'Green Lantern', then the movie 'The Green Hornet'.
History has 'Pawn Stars', another 'Pawn Stars', still another 'Pawn Stars', yet another 'Pawn Stars', '101 Weapons That Changed The World'.
[6:00AM] Comedy Bang! Bang!-Andy Samberg Wears a Plaid Shirt and Glasses
[6:30AM] Comedy Bang! Bang!-Gillian Jacobs Wears a Red Dress with Sail Boats
[7:00AM] Comedy Bang! Bang!-Andy Richter Wears a Suit Jacket and a Baby Blue Button Down Shirt
[7:30AM] Comedy Bang! Bang!-Sarah Silverman Wears a Black Dress With a White collar
[8:00AM] Comedy Bang! Bang!-Bill Hader Wears a Grey Button Down Shirt and Sneakers
[8:30AM] Portlandia-Mixologist
[9:00AM] Portlandia-One Moore Episode
[9:30AM] The Three Stooges-Saved by the Belle
[9:55AM] The Three Stooges-Flagpole Jitters
[10:20AM] The Three Stooges-For Crimin' Out Loud
[10:45AM] The Three Stooges-The Sitter Downers
[11:10AM] The Three Stooges-Slippery Silks
[11:35AM] The Three Stooges-Sock-a-Bye-Baby
[12:00PM] Malcolm in the Middle-Morp
[12:30PM] Malcolm in the Middle-Graduation
[1:00PM] Malcolm in the Middle-Houseboat
[1:30PM] Malcolm in the Middle-Emancipation
[2:00PM] Comedy Bang! Bang!-Zach Galifianakis Wears a Blue Jacket & Red Socks
[2:30PM] Comedy Bang! Bang!-Seth Rogen Wears a Plaid Shirt & Brown Pants
[3:00PM] Comedy Bang! Bang!-Elizabeth Banks Wears a Red Dress
[3:30PM] Comedy Bang! Bang!-Adam Scott Wears a Red Oxford Shirt & Jeans
[4:00PM] Comedy Bang! Bang!-``Weird Al'' Yankovic Wears a Hawaiian Shirt
[4:30PM] Comedy Bang! Bang!-Aziz Ansari Wears a Charcoal Blazer
[5:00PM] Comedy Bang! Bang!-David Cross Wears a Red Polo Shirt and Brown Shoes with Red Laces
[5:30PM] Whitest Kids U'Know
[5:45PM] DeepStar Six
[8:00PM] Cloverfield
[9:45PM] Silent Hill
[12:30AM] The Midnight Meat Train
[2:30AM] Silent Hill
[5:15AM] Comedy Bang! Bang!-Zoe Saldana Wears a Tan Blouse and Glasses
[5:45AM] Whitest Kids U'Know (ALL TIMES EST)
Sundance -
[6:00AM] Wordplay
[7:45AM] The Lady and the Reaper
[8:00AM] Victor/Victoria
[11:00AM] The First Time
[1:00PM] Dream School-50 Cent, Oliver Stone, David Arquette & Cliff Dorfman
[2:00PM] Philadelphia
[4:45PM] The Color Purple
[8:00PM] The Tree of Life
[11:00PM] Vanishing Point
[1:15AM] Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
[4:00AM] Confidence (ALL TIMES EST)
SyFy has the movie 'Freddy Vs. Jason', followed by the movie 'Fright Night'.
Fewer gay and bisexual characters are part of the new broadcast TV season following a record-setting year, while cable depictions continued to increase, according to a new study from a media advocacy group.
GLAAD's 18th annual "Where We Are on TV" report released Friday says 3.3 per cent of 796 regularly appearing characters on prime-time broadcast dramas and comedies are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.
Last season's study by GLAAD put LGBT depictions at 4.4 per cent.
There are 46 LGBT regular and recurring characters on broadcast, with half of them women and 28 per cent ethnic minorities, GLAAD said. One transgender character, Unique, is on Fox's "Glee."
Two networks, ABC and Fox, showed increases this year and had the highest proportions of LGBT characters with 5.4 per cent each, the study found. The CW's 3 per cent put it in third place, followed by CBS with 1.9 per cent and NBC with 1 per cent.
A family in costumes arrives at New York's Comic-Con convention October 11, 2013. The event draws thousands of costumed fans, panels of pop culture luminaries and features a sprawling floor of vendors in a space equivalent to more than three football fields at the Jacob Javitz Convention Center on Manhattan's West side and has grown into one of the largest cons drawing an expected 120,000 fans .
Photo by Mike Segar
As a kid, Randy Moore was haunted by Disney World, where he made an annual trip during summers with his dad. So as an adult, and a filmmaker, Moore wanted to capture and question the allure of such manufactured-fantasy.
The result is "Escape From Tomorrow," which was shot guerrilla-style at Disneyland and Disney World without permission from the famously proprietary Walt Disney Co., and which has actually made it to the screen.
"I was pretty confident that Disney wasn't about to go out of their way and give me permission," Moore said, "so I didn't ask them for it."
The writer-director insists there was no other way to tell his story of a frustrated family man who begins losing his grip on reality during a trip to Disney World. So Moore and his crew bought season passes to Disneyland in Anaheim, Calif., and Disney World in Orlando, Fla., and used hand-held digital cameras to shoot scenes and tiny digital audio recorders to capture sound.
"Escape From Tomorrow," available on video-on-demand and in select theaters Friday, first premiered at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year.
In case you've been locked in an underground cage, forced to cook meth against your will, you will probably recall that "Breaking Bad" protagonist (and antagonist, depending on season) Walter White died in the series finale. The fake man got an obituary in the real paper. Now he is getting a funeral. But it's for a good cause.
On Saturday, Oct. 19, fans ("mourners") can attend a final send-off to Bryan Cranston's character in Albuquerque, New Mexico. A reception will follow at a local steakhouse.
Attendance to both require payment, though all proceeds go to the Vernon's Steakhouse Walter White Endowment Fund at the Albuquerque Community Foundation benefiting Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless (AHCH).
"Breaking Bad" set decorator Michael Flowers will deliver the eulogy.
School girls dressed as various Hindu deities pose as they wait to perform during Durga Puja festival celebrations at their school in the southern Indian city of Chennai October 11, 2013. The festival that started on Friday is the biggest religious event for Bengali Hindus. Hindus believe that the goddess Durga symbolises power and the triumph of good over evil.
Photo by Babu
Two groups with ties to the 1950s R&B group The Clovers who had been fighting over the use of the band's name have come to an agreement.
Lawyers for the two groups filed a document Friday in federal court in Washington saying they've settled a lawsuit over the name.
The original group The Clovers started performing in the Washington area and gained fame in the 1950s, in particular for their song "Love Potion No. 9." The group's fame fell off in the 1960s, however, and the members moved on, with different band mates still using The Clovers name over the years.
Earlier this year, Florida resident Harold Winley, who was part of the group in the 1950s, sued to be able to use the name when performing. Winley's former band mate, Harold Lucas, trademarked the name in the 1980s with other performers, and they continued to use it after Lucas' death. Winley sued the Lucas group, saying they should be barred from using the name.
As a result of an agreement between the groups, however, Winley will now perform as Harold Winley and the Clovers. The Lucas group will continue to call themselves The Clovers.
Prague said Friday it was mulling a lawsuit against the National Geographic TV channel (R-Rupert Owned) over a show depicting the Czech capital's historic centre as a hotbed of thieving cabbies, pickpockets, prostitutes and drug dealers.
Hosted by Irish presenter Conor Woodman under the tagline "I get scammed so you don't have to," the channel's Scam City show focused on 10 cities popular with tourists, including Prague.
In the Czech capital, Woodman is shown getting ripped off by a taxi driver, tricked by pimps and buying fake drugs on the street, but investigators believe some of the footage was staged.
"The police have concluded the report was shot using actors... which means it may have tarnished the reputation and good name of Prague," city councillor Lukas Manhart told AFP.
A costumed fan arrives at New York's Comic-Con convention October 11, 2013. The event draws thousands of costumed fans, panels of pop culture luminaries and features a sprawling floor of vendors in a space equivalent to more than three football fields at the Jacob Javitz Convention Center on Manhattan's West side and has grown into one of the largest cons drawing an expected 120,000 fans.
Photo by Mike Segar
The undercover narcotics cop accused of assaulting the driver of an SUV in the highly publicized incident of road rage last month infiltrated the Occupy Wall Street group for police, according tolaw enforcement sources.
He was even "arrested" at one of their protests, one member of the group says.
Police this week charged the cop, Wojciech Braszczok, 32, with gang assault, assault and criminal mischief in connection with the Sept. 29 attack in New York City on SUV driver Alexian Lien.
But new details have emerged about Braszczok's apparent double-life as a member of the New York City Police Department. Braszczok was known within the Occupy Wall Street movement as "Al," according to the group member.
Braszczok apparently showed up at Occupy Wall Street parties and was "arrested" at a protest last year, according to the member of the group. It's unclear whether that was a bogus move to strengthen his cover.
A North Dakota farmer who discovered an oil spill the size of seven football fields while out harvesting wheat says that when he found it, crude was bubbling up out of the ground.
Farmer Steve Jensen says he smelled the crude for days before the tires on his combines were coated in it. At the apparent break in the Tesoro Corp.'s underground pipeline, the oil was "spewing and bubbling 6 inches high," he said in a telephone interview Thursday.
What Jensen had found on Sept. 29 turned out it was one of the largest spills recorded in the state. At 20,600 barrels it was four times the size of a pipeline rupture in late March that forced the evacuation of more than 20 homes in Arkansas.
But it was 12 days after Jensen reported the spill before state officials told the public what had happened, raising questions about how North Dakota, which is in the midst of an oil boom, reports such incidents.
Tesoro Logistics, a subsidiary of the San Antonio, Texas-based company that owns and operates parts of Tesoro's oil infrastructure, said in a statement that the affected portion of the pipeline has been shut down.
A Christie's worker poses with artist Kader Attia's artwork "Ghost", as part of Christie's "Thinking Big" auction on display in London October 11, 2013. "Thinking Big" is an exhibition and auction of contemporary monumental sculptures held in conjunction with the Saatchi Gallery, which will be auctioned in London on October 17, according to a news release.
Photo by Luke MacGregor
The killing of a rare white "spirit" moose, considered to be sacred by some Canadian aboriginal groups, sparked outrage Thursday.
But the hunters at the center of the controversy said they had been unaware of its significance and are trying to make amends.
The animal was shot last week in Nova Scotia. It was brought to Hnatiuk's Hunting & Fishing Ltd. in the town of Lantz, which snapped a photo of the carcass and posted it on its Facebook page.
The page received 10,000 hits within three days as news of the animal's death went viral, with online postings berating the hunters as "idiots" and "ignorant" with "no respect or common sense."
The three local hunters, whose names were withheld, have apologized to the local Mi'kmaq tribe and agreed to hand over the hide for a ceremony to honor the animal and dispell a curse.
Former presidential candidate Mitt Romney (R-White Horse Prophesy) and his wife passed another hurdle Friday in their plans to tear down their 1936 beachfront home in San Diego's affluent La Jolla community and build an 11,000-square-foot mansion in its place.
The California Coastal Commission voted 7-4 on Friday to allow the city-approved permit for the project, ruling that it did not pose a significant issue under the California Coastal Act, said the panel's legislative liaison Sarah Christie.
A former neighbor, Anthony Ciani, had challenged the city permit, saying it was granted because the Romneys exaggerated the size of the lot by claiming the beach in front.
The commission ruled the Romneys do own that portion of beach.
A devotee of the Chinese Jui Tui Shrine takes part in a street procession during the annual vegetarian festival in Phuket October 11, 2013. The festival, featuring face-piercing, spirit mediums and strict vegetarianism, celebrates the local Chinese community's belief that abstinence from meat and various stimulants during the ninth lunar month of the Chinese calendar will help them obtain good health and peace of mind.
Photo by Athit Perawongmetha
The art collection of a Holocaust survivor who became one of the foremost Pablo Picasso dealers goes on sale in New York next month for an expected $170 million.
The 160 drawings, paintings and sculptures owned by Jan Krugier include Old Masters and 20th century European masterpieces, as well as Latin American and African art.
Auction house Christie's expects the collection to fetch around $170 million when it goes under the hammer as individual lots on November 4-5.
The highlights include a Kandinsky autumn landscape from 1911 expected to sell for up to $25 million, as well as Picasso drawings, paintings and sculptures.
A US judge has ordered an end to a smoking ban imposed in public parks and beaches across New York state last February.
The ruling applies to 179 parks across the state, as well as beaches, sporting grounds, picnic spots, camping areas and historic sites run by the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation.
A New York-based group, Citizens Lobbying Against Smoker Harrassment (C.L.A.S.H), had challenged the ban, on the grounds that parks had exceeded their authority.
New York State Supreme Court Justice George Ceresia ruled in their favor, declaring that the state parks agency had "extended their reach beyond interstitial rulemaking and into the realm of legislating."
Rahul Kadakia, senior vice president and head of the Jewelry Department at Christie's Auction house, holds up 'The Orange' diamond during a media preview in New York, October 11, 2013. 'The Orange' is the largest fancy vivid orange diamond known to exist with a carat weight of 14.82 carats and is expected to fetch up to $20 Million USD at auction November 12 in Geneva.
Photo by Carlo Allegri
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