BartCop Entertainment Archives - Saturday, 24 August, 2019


24 August, 2019

(Updated Daily)

[393 days in a row]


Recommended Reading

from Bruce

Paul Krugman: From Voodoo Economics to Evil-Eye Economics (NY Times Column)
Almost four decades ago then-candidate George H.W. Bush used the phrase "voodoo economic policy" to describe Ronald Reagan's claim that cutting taxes for the rich would pay for itself. He was more prescient than he could have imagined.

Mary Beard: The 'undemocratic back-stop'? Why democracy has never been so simple (TLS)
I don't often think that the whole nation (me included) should be given compulsory lessons in "civics". In fact I have never been much in favour of compulsory lessons in anything, beyond reading, writing and 'rithmatic (or whatever the modern equivalents would be - "keyboard skills" and coding, I guess). But I have been so infuriated by the massive misuse of the word "democracy" over the past few weeks that I am beginning to think that a big teach-in is necessary.

Mary Beard: A sorceress at Pompeii? (TLS)
But sorceress? Now part of my heart leaps up to find a newly found object attributed to the ownership of a woman. But part of my heart leaps down at the sense that once again the only places we think of women are absolutely stereotypical "female" areas. (I get so fed up going into museums which genuflect to women in the ancient world with a case on cosmetics … apparently entirely forgetting that most women in the ancient world, like the modern, spent a lot more time working than primping. And some ancient men were well known to use "products" too.)

Nick Catucci: Taylor Swift Reaches For New Heights of Personal and Musical Liberation on 'Lover' (Rolling Stone)
Her epic seventh album is all about big moods, dreamy Eighties throwbacks and evolutionary freedom.

Jonathan Chait: Trump Says Jews Should Love Him Because He's Almost Literally Jesus (NY Mag)
President Trump has been vexed recently by the refusal of the majority of the American Jewish community to support him. For insight into the mysterious paradox of why a traditionally liberal social minority remains unenthusiastic about his brand of blood-and-soil authoritarian demagoguery, he has turned to Wayne Allyn Root.

Jonathan Chait: McConnell Recruiting Senate Democrats to Destroy the Next Democratic Presidency (NY Mag)
The possibility that Democrats might win the presidency and the Senate in the next election, and then actually pass some laws, is concerning enough to Mitch McConnell that the Senate majority leader is trying to talk them out of it. McConnell has an op-ed in the New York Times, a venue selected to speak to Democratic Party elites, urging them not to eliminate the Senate's legislative filibuster. McConnell would obviously love to have the power to stymie the next Democratic agenda. Why, though, would Democrats allow McConnell to do this to them, when it lies within their power to change the Senate rules?

Alexandra Petri: Oh, good, Donald Trump is God now (Washington Post)
Also, he is the King of Israel. Great! And he brought Christmas back. Even better! That was just the first sign of many signs that he would perform. He made the lion lie down with the lamb, and then he stood with the lion after the resulting incident. He healed the nation's wounds (or will, once he gets a magic and only somewhat habit-forming spray from Johnson and Johnson), and you should see what he can do with the jawbone of an ass! And he suffered the little children to come unto him. At any rate, they suffered.

Alexandra Petri: Moon can't bear watching Earth do this to itself (Washington Post)
Gazing down with a vaguely orange tint at a new fire blossoming on the Earth where a fire should not be, the Moon confided that it felt sad and powerless watching the Earth destroy itself. "At first it was small things. Losing a species here or there. Just careless, really. These things happen to a planet on its way up. Earth still seemed to have it together. But now?" The moon looked on in mingled horror as the Earth began emitting large quantities of smoke. "I don't know where this ends. Do you have any idea what that does to your lungs?"

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Michael Egan

Michael Egan


Editorial and Political Cartoons


Trivia Question of the Day

The Ampullae of Lorenzini are special sensing organs found on what kind of creature?


Send your answer to Marty

Trivia Question from Yesterday

The name of this typically heavy rye bread stems from the Germanic vernacular for "devil's fart". By what name is this bread better known?

       Pumpernickel                                                      Source

Pumpernickel is a typically heavy, slightly sweet rye bread traditionally made with sourdough starter and coarsely ground rye. It is often made today with a combination of rye flour and whole rye berries.

The word stems from an old Bavarian term for "hard", either referring to the process used to grind the grain into flour, or the density of the final bread product. According to Langenscheidts Taschen Wörterbücher (1956), it refers to a form of "pumping work". The philologist Johann Christoph Adelung states that the word has an origin in the Germanic vernacular where pumpern was a New High German synonym for being flatulent, and Nickel was a form of the name Nicholas, commonly associated with a goblin or devil (e.g. Old Nick, a familiar name for Satan), or more generally for a malevolent spirit or demon. Hence, pumpernickel means "devil's fart", a definition accepted by the publisher Random House, and by some English language dictionaries, including the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. The American Heritage Dictionary adds "so named from being hard to digest". A variant of this explanation is also given by the German etymological dictionary Kluge that says the word is older than its usage for the particular type of bread, and may have been used as a mocking name for a person of unrefined manners ("farting Nick") first. The change of meaning may have been caused by its use as a mocking expression for the (in the eyes of outsiders) unrefined rye bread produced by the Westphalian population.        Source

Mark. was first, and correct, with:

Randall wrote:

Mac Mac said:

Alan J answered:

Leo in Boise replied:

Dave responded:
  Photos: American version of pumpernickel bread | Traditional pumpernickel bread

mj wrote:
   Best served
  With strongly flavored meats like pastrami or corned beef. The demon bread is Pumpernickel.

Kevin K. in Washington, DC, said:
   It's Pumpernickel.

Adam answered:

Roy the Texas Liberal in Tyler, TX replied:
   I lived in Germany in the late 70s-mid 80s and was fairly conversant in the language. Heck, I even lived over a bakery for almost a year. But it wasn't until watching The Big Bang Theory one evening that I learned from Howard Wolowitz that pumpernickel is Devil's Fart in German.

zorch responded:

Jim from CA, retired to ID, said:

Deborah wrote:
   I'm going with a WAG: Pumpernickel.
  My dad was stationed in Germany during the Korean War, and he became a fan of all breads that weren't white. While we kids didn't know the meaning of the word, we loved the flavor and texture of pumpernickel and rye and wheat breads. Good stuff.

Marilyn of TC answered:
   Devil's fart is now Pumpernickel Bread. I grew up eating this at home.

Cal in Vermont replied:
   This bread with fabulous name is Pumpernickel. My wife, of all people, told me what it meant decades ago and I am eternally in her debt.

Rosemary in Columbus responded:

Michelle in AZ said:

Dave in Tucson took the day off.
Daniel in The City took the day off.
Barbara, of Peppy Tech fame took the day off.
DJ Useo took the day off.
George M. took the day off.
Billy in Cypress U$A took the day off.
John I from Hawai`i took the day off.
David of Moon Valley took the day off.
Joe S     took the day off.
Micki took the day off.
Kenn B took the day off.
Stephen F took the day off.
Brian S. took the day off.
Ed K took the day off.
Doug from Albuquerque, New Mexico took the day off.
Harry M. took the day off.
Saskplanner took the day off.
Steve in Wonderful Sacramento, CA, took the day off.
Gateway Mike took the day off.
Gene took the day off.
Jon L took the day off.
G E Kelly took the day off.
Tony K. took the day off.
Paul of Seattle took the day off.
Noel S. took the day off.
James of Alhambra took the day off.

BttbBob   has returned to semi-retired status.

  August 24 Birthdays - Celebrities Born August 24 | Famous Birthdays

Sally has retired.

MAM     In memory.




Middle Class Political Economist



Reader Suggestion

Michelle in AZ

Amazon rainforest fires: global leaders urged to divert Brazil from 'suicide' path | Environment | The Guardian

In Bolsonaro's burning Brazilian Amazon, all our futures are being consumed | Eliane Brum | Opinion | The Guardian

'It's devastating'. End of GM in Ohio town as Trump fails to bring back midwest jobs | Business | The Guardian

Trump has 'squandered' a good economy on tax cuts for billionaires, now he needs someone to blame

Trump negotiates blindfolded, with a sledgehammer - China uses a stiletto

1619: Slavery to Jim Crow to race bias, time for real racial equality

Republicans Come to Texas to Prepare for the 2021 Redistricting Battle - The Texas Observer

Proud Boys Leader Admits Their Rallies Are For Fighting And Wasting Money | HuffPost

How Norway Is Teaching America To Make Its Prisons More Humane | HuffPost

Hail Satan?: The Satanists battling for religious freedom - BBC News

BBC - Future - Can you cool a house without air conditioning?

BBC - Culture - Netflix's new Dark Crystal series is weird and brilliant

The alt-right manifesto that has Trumpworld talking - POLITICO

16th Century Mexican Maps Blend Indigenous Tradition And Spanish Influence : NPR

Opinion | Four Black Men Were Freed From Death Row. Republicans Put Them Back. - The New York Times

Why American Prisons Owe Their Cruelty to Slavery - The New York Times

The speech we want to hear: 'This is madness' - The Washington Post

"America's Best Christian" Mrs. Betty Bowers Reviews "When Christians Break Bad"

Planned Parenthood threats: 3 men arrested for threatening violence against abortion providers this month - CBS News

Amazon removes hundreds of toxic and unsafe products after news report | Technology | The Guardian

Plan clears way for mining and drilling on land stripped from Utah monument | Environment | The Guardian

Protesters besiege Brazilian embassies worldwide over Amazon fires | World news | The Guardian

Hotline for detained migrants featured on Orange is the New Black shut down | US news | The Guardian

obama cancels student debt for wounded veterans - Google Search
     Google WTF??? This was Obama's move, and all the pages of my search return only trump.

Thanks, Michelle!



from Bruce



• Mary Garden was a celebrity soprano and diva, and people enjoyed spreading gossip about her - which is a form of advertising for a diva. One story was about the long golden blond hair she needed to play the role of Mélisande. Gossipers said that she sent people throughout France to find a woman with long golden blond hair. When the right woman was found, Ms. Garden paid her hundreds of dollars for her hair and had it made into a wig. Another story involved a donkey that appeared with her in one of Massenet's operas. Gossipers said that Ms. Garden had trained the donkey to look interested and prick up its ears whenever she sang but to look bored and let its ears droop whenever anyone else sang!

• One of Ramones lead singer Joey Ramone's early jobs was passing out advertising fliers for West Village massage parlors; however, he wasn't a good employee. He used to throw away the fliers and use his pay to buy himself beers instead of doing the work he was supposed to be doing. When Joey was 13, he taught his mother how to smoke marijuana. She used to let him and his brother smoke marijuana in the basement because she worried that they would be arrested if they smoked it outside the house.


• Even as a kid, Debbie Gibson loved music and soon knew that she wanted to be a singer and musician. When she was a two-year-old toddler, she wanted a present: a guitar. However, because her hands were too little to play a guitar, her parents got her a ukulele instead. When Diane, Debbie's mother, bought a piano later, Diane was not able to learn to play it. Instead, the Gibson daughters, including Debbie, played the piano for hours each day. Debbie remembers, "It got so bad, especially after [the fourth and youngest Gibson daughter] Denise started, we had to get two pianos. Between the four of us, there was at least eight hours of practicing a day." At age four, Debbie played a song that she had learned by ear: "Billy, Don't Be a Hero," by Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods. Debbie wrote her very first song while she was in kindergarten. Her teacher gave the little students some advice that Debbie turned into a song: "Make Sure You Always Know Your Classroom." (Her sisters had to write down the lyrics she had created because Debbie didn't know how to write yet.) Also while she was in kindergarten, Debbie made an Easter bonnet along with the other children. But Debbie went home and created another Easter bonnet that she wore to school the next day. Her teacher, Mrs. Murray (no first name given), remembers that it was "three times the size of the hats the class had made. And she'd pasted everything she could find on it - everything, it seemed, but the kitchen sink!"

• On the WWW is the "Bikini Kill Archive" in which fans of Kathleen Hanna's riot grrrl group Bikini Kill are invited to do this: "Please add your Bikini Kill story to this blog! It can be totally off the top of your head and doesn't need to be fancy. Maybe it's your reaction to a song we wrote, something weird that happened at one of our shows, a personal anecdote or just WHATEVER. Feel free to send images too!" A young woman who calls herself Harriet Doorstop wrote about discovering Bikini Kill's music as a 14-year-old growing up in rural southeastern Minnesota. Ms. Doorstop wrote, "All I ever remember doing after that was smiling. Smiling as I read about Bikini Kill, Sleater-Kinney, Hole, and Bratmobile. Smiling as I listened to Rebel Girl on youtube. Smiling as I ordered an album called Pussy Whipped ('Pussy Whipped'??? Holy sh[*]t!) off the internet. Smiling as I started learning how to play the guitar…. Smiling was never something that I did a whole lot before. I never felt like I was entitled to. Now I know that I am, though." She also wrote that she intended to start a band. Of course, Ms. Hanna reads the Bikini Kill Archive. She posted this message for Ms. Doorstop: "Your band is gonna change the world. Don't delay, start it now!!!?xoxoKathleen." Kathleen Hanna could very well be right. It could happen.

© Copyright Bruce D. Bruce; All Rights Reserved

250 Music Anecdotes (Kindle eBook: $1.99)

250 Music Anecdotes - Buy the Paperback



Bonus Links

Jeannie the Teed-Off Temp

This Is What a World Without American Leadership Looks Like | Slate

Trump's Greenland Thing Isn't Funny Anymore | RSN | Charlie Pierce

If Trump Were an Airline Pilot | The Atlantic

This gay teen figured out a way to keep Trump's rallies empty AF | Queerty

If a Child Is Jailed and No One Is There to Hear Him Cry | The Atlantic

Psychiatrist warns Trump may be 'at significant risk for deteriorating into full-blown psychosis | AlterNet

The Demoralizing Reality of Life Under Trump | Slate

Trump dismisses recession warnings: 'I always find a way to win' | Politico

An Impeachment Trial Would Take Away Trump's Control Of The News Cycle | BuzzFeed

ICE shut down hotline for detained immigrants after it was featured on 'Orange Is the New Black': report | The Hill

To ward off recession, Trump should keep his mouth and smartphone shut | The Hill

Trump's new favorite poll inflates his approval rating by about 10 points | Vox

Europe's Response to the Amazon Fires Shows How to Get Tough on Climate Change Outlaws | Slate

Michigan city council candidate wants to keep town 'a white community' | The Hill

Michigan City Council Candidate Wants To Keep Community White 'As Possible' | TPM

6 Bonkers and Vile Moments in New Interview With Epstein Pal | Daily Beast

Jeffrey Epstein, My Very, Very Sick Pal | Mother Jones

Justice Department Sent Immigration Judges Anti-Semitic Blog Post From White Nationalist Hate Group | Slate

Taylor Swift says Trump is 'gaslighting the American public' | The Hill

Colin Kaepernick Reveals the Source of His Inspiration for National Anthem Protest | The Root



Reader Comment

Current Events


LOOK at that jumped-up Trump piece of trash Boris Johnson being an ass at the Elysee Palace! Shame on his mother

Linda   >^..^<
     We are all only temporarily able bodied.

Thanks, Linda!





Selected Readings

from that Mad Cat, JD

JD is on vacation.

Visit JD's site - Kitty Litter Music


In The Chaos Household

Last Night

Running late, again.

Tonight, Saturday:

CBS fills the night with LIVE 'NFL Preseason Football', then pads the left coast with local crap and maybe an old '48 Hours'.

NBC opens the night with a RERUN 'America's Got Talent', followed by 'Dateline'.
Of course, 'SNL' is a RERUN, with Seth Meyers hosting, music by Paul Simon.

ABC fills the night with LIVE 'NFL Preseason Football', then pads the left coast with local crap.

The CW offers a night of nothing but '2½ Men'.

Faux has a RERUN 'So You Think You Can Dance', followed by a RERUN 'Beat Shazam'.

MY recycles an old 'Major Crimes', followed by the movie 'Rizzoli & Isles'.

A&E has 'Live PD', followed by a FRESH 'Live PD: Rewind', then a FRESH 'Live PD'.

AMC offers has the movie 'X2', followed by the movie 'Lethal Weapon', then the movie 'Lethal Weapon 2'.

BBC  -   
 [6:00AM]   DOCTOR WHO - SEASON 5 - EPISODE 1-The Eleventh Hour
 [7:00AM]   DOCTOR WHO - SEASON 5 - EPISODE 2-The Beast Below
 [10:00AM]   THE CABLE GUY (1996)
 [4:00PM]   GHOSTBUSTERS (1984) TV-PG (VL)
 [6:30PM]   GHOSTBUSTERS II (1989)

Bravo has the movie 'Catch Me If You Can', followed by the movie 'Catch Me If You Can', again.

Comedy Central has the movie 'Tommy Boy', followed by the movie 'Broken Lizard's Super Troopers'.

FX has the movie 'Furious 7', followed by the movie 'The Fate Of The Furious'.

History has 'Ancient Aliens', followed by a FRESH 'Ancient Aliens: Declassified'.

IFC  -   
 [6:00A]   Batman - Ma Parker
 [6:33A]   Batman - The Clock King's Crazy Crimes
 [7:06A]   Batman - Clock King Gets Crowned
 [7:39A]   Batman - An Egg Grows in Gotham
 [8:12A]   Batman - The Yegg Foes in Gotham
 [8:45A]   The Three Stooges - Income-Tax Sappy
 [9:05A]   The Three Stooges - Back From the Front
 [9:30A]   Admission
 [12:00P]   A Night at the Roxbury -
 [2:00P]   Hall Pass -
 [4:30P]   Stripes
 [7:00P]   Fast Times at Ridgemont High
 [9:00P]   Police Academy
 [11:15]   PPolice Academy 2: Their First Assignment
 [1:15A]   Stripes
 [3:45A]   Hall Pass     (ALL TIMES EDT)

Sundance  -   
 [6:30am]   The Andy Griffith Show
 [7:05am]   The Andy Griffith Show
 [7:40am]   The Andy Griffith Show
 [8:15am]   The Andy Griffith Show
 [8:50am]   The Andy Griffith Show
 [9:25am]   The Andy Griffith Show
 [10:00am]   The Andy Griffith Show
 [10:30am]   The Andy Griffith Show
 [11:00am]   M*A*S*H
 [11:30am]   M*A*S*H
 [12:00pm]   M*A*S*H
 [12:30pm]   M*A*S*H
 [1:00pm]   M*A*S*H
 [1:30pm]   M*A*S*H
 [2:00pm]   M*A*S*H
 [2:30pm]   M*A*S*H
 [3:00pm]   M*A*S*H
 [3:30pm]   M*A*S*H
 [4:00pm]   M*A*S*H
 [4:30pm]   M*A*S*H
 [5:00pm]   M*A*S*H
 [5:30pm]   M*A*S*H
 [6:00pm]   M*A*S*H
 [6:30pm]   M*A*S*H
 [7:00pm]   M*A*S*H
 [7:30pm]   M*A*S*H
 [8:00pm]   M*A*S*H
 [8:30pm]   M*A*S*H
 [9:00pm]   First Blood
 [11:00pm]   Rambo: First Blood Part II
 [1:00am]   Face/Off
 [4:00am]   First Blood    (ALL TIMES EDT)

SyFy has the movie 'The Fast & The Furious: Tokyo Drift', followed by the movie 'Captain America: Civil War'.

TCM spends 24 hours with Shirley MacLaine
 [6:00 AM]      The Sheepman (1958)
 [7:30 AM]      Two Loves (1961)
 [9:30 AM]      Woman Times Seven (1967)
 [11:30 AM]      Two For The Seesaw (1962)
 [1:30 PM]      The Trouble with Harry (1955)
 [3:30 PM]      Some Came Running (1958)
 [6:00 PM]      Gambit (1967)
 [8:00 PM]      Terms of Endearment (1983)
 [10:30 PM]      Steel Magnolias (1989)
 [12:45 AM]      Sweet Charity (1969)
 [3:30 AM]      The Yellow Rolls-Royce (1964)

Sunday   -  08/25/19

TCM spends 24 hours with Dustin Hoffman
 [6:00 AM]      The Tiger Makes Out (1967)
 [7:45 AM]      Hero (1992)
 [9:45 AM]      Death of a Salesman (1985)
 [12:15 PM]      Hook (1991)
 [2:45 PM]      Papillon (1973)
 [5:30 PM]      Tootsie (1982)
 [8:00 PM]      The Graduate (1967)
 [10:00 PM]      Marathon Man (1976)
 [12:15 AM]      Midnight Cowboy (1969)
 [2:15 AM]      Straight Time (1978)
 [4:15 AM]      Agatha (1979)

Antenna TV - Johnny Carson

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Comet TV

Cozi TV

Decades TV Network - Weekend Binge - "77 Sunset Strip"


Find Justice - Justice Network

FNX - First Nations Experience

Get TV

Grit - Television With Backbone - Grit

Heroes and Icons

ION Television - Positively Entertaining

Laff - You Know You Want To. - Laff


MOVIES! TV Network

Quest Television Network

RTV - The Retro Television Network

Start TV

TBD - Schedule

the works

This TV

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The Sideshow - by Avedon Carol


Kite Aerial Photography: Seeing the World from New Heights | Kuriositas


How Much Money

'Dancing With The Stars'

Another season of dancing is happening, but it comes at a price. Dancing With the Stars' salaries for the celebrity cast have been revealed - and it's juicy to see how much everyone could make.

It was announced that Lamar Odom, Bachelorette star Hannah Brown, Christie Brinkley and - hello, politics! - former White House press secretary spokesliar Sean Spicer (R-Unemployable) are among the stars hitting the dance floor this season. Now, Variety reports that each contestant will earn $125,000 just for doing the rehearsals and starring in the first two weeks' worth of episodes.

After the third week, fees go up - although they won't be as high as in earlier seasons. Previously, a Dancing With the Stars participant could earn up to $345,000, but this year the maximum a winner will get is $295,000.

Still, that's hardly shabby. And let's be honest: For many stars the money is just a bonus, as the sheer nature of being on the show can lead to a career resurgence. Prime example: past winner Alfonso Ribeiro, who went on to host the newest incarnation of America's Funniest Home Videos after winning season 19.

'Dancing With The Stars'



Gimme Shelter From Hell's Angels: Meredith Hunter, Alan Passaro And The Rolling Stones Horror Show | Flashbak


Nasa Names Rock On Mars

Rolling Stones

Nasa has honoured the Rolling Stones by naming a small Martian rock after the London band.

The US space agency decided to call the golf ball-sized rock 'Rolling Stones Rock' after it appeared to move around 1 metre across the surface of Mars on 26 November, 2018.

It was propelled by the spacecraft InSight's thrusters as it touched down on the Red Planet last year for its latest mission.

Rolling Stones Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts and Ronnie Wood said they were happy with the news.

Nasa said it was the farthest it had ever seen a rock roll while landing a spacecraft on another planet.

Rolling Stones


Newhead News


D23 Expo

Disney Legends

Disney CEO Bob Iger kicked off the company's D23 Expo in Anaheim, California by thanking the fans of the company and stressing the "exhilarating" pace at which new content will be released.

Iger presented the Legends Awards to 12 new individuals to start the Expo. Here are the new inductees:

Robert Downey Jr. was recognized for his performance as Tony Stark (or Iron Man) in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since 2008. Downey Jr. joked about the first time he went to Disneyland and was "transported to another place," referring to when he was arrested at the park in his youth. He went on to say that it has been a "gift" to place Tony Stark for so many years.

Bette Midler is one of the most iconic stars of this lifetime. Her role in Hocus Pocus has a soft spot in so many peoples hearts, among her over countless roles. Midler's daughter was in appearance to accept the award on her behalf, Sophie Von Haselberg got emotional reading the speech from her mother about the artsists of the past that influence Middler personally.

Ming-Na Wen was recognized for "breaking the mold" with her performance, beginning as Mulan and moving into the Star Wars universe in the upcoming series.

Disney Legends



25 Rarely Seen Behind the Scenes Photographs From the Making of 'Easy Rider' (1969) |


Publishers Sue

Amazon's Audible Inc's Audible was sued by some of the top U.S. publishers for copyright infringement on Friday, aiming to block a planned rollout of a feature called 'Audible Captions' that shows the text on screen as a book is narrated.

The lawsuit was filed by seven members of the Association of American Publishers (AAP), including HarperCollins Publishers, Penguin Random House, Hachette Book Group, Simon & Schuster, and Macmillan Publishers.

"Essentially Audible wants to provide the text as well as the sound of books without the authorization of copyright holders, despite only having the right to sell audiobooks," AAP said in a statement.

The lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Amazon's Audible


Digby's Hullabaloo


Stopped By Border Agent


A British journalist has said he was stopped at a US airport by a border agent who accused the writer of being part of the "fake news media", a term regularly used by Donald Trump to attack media coverage he disapproves of.

James Dyer, online editor-in-chief at Empire Magazine, said he was questioned by the Customs and Border Protection agent after he displayed his journalist visa at Los Angeles International Airport border control.

"He wanted to know if I'd ever worked for CNN or MSNBC or other outlets that are 'spreading lies to the American people'," Mr Dyer tweeted of the incident on Thursday. "He aggressively told me that journalists are liars and are attacking their democracy."

"Apparently the only truth now comes from YouTube and the president. All this said under a CBP sign that says 'we are the face of our nation'. And with a framed picture of 45 staring down. In f***ing California!!! Welcome to Trump's America!" Mr Dyer added.

Mr Dyer said the agent let him go after he revealed he was in the US to write about an upcoming Star Wars movie.




40 Times People Had No Idea What They Were Looking At, But The Internet Knew What It Was Right Away (New Pics) | Bored Panda


Leaked Documents

Amazon Fires

Jair Bolsonaro hopes to sabotage conservation efforts in the Amazon, leaked documents show.

A series of powerpoint slides reveal that Brazilian government officials intend to build a bridge, motorway and hydroelectric plant through the rainforest.

The plans, which were leaked to Open Democracy, have emerged as fires rage throughout the Amazon.

Brazil's space research centre, Inpe, has detected 72,843 fires so far this year - an 84 per cent rise compared to 2018.

The leaked slides are thought to have been used at a meeting in February, held between Brazilian government officials and local leaders in the Para state, which is the site of Amazonia National Park.

Amazon Fires


A French Chateau Hoarding the World's Largest Private Collection of Fighter Jets | Messy Nessy Chic


Begins Voyage North

'Floating Chernobyl'

Russian dancers pranced and a naval band played as a floating nuclear power plant dubbed "Chernobyl on ice" by its critics cast off from one of the world's northernmost ports Friday.

The stations "are badly needed, not only in Russia but elsewhere," Sergei Ivanov, Russia's special presidential representative for environmental protection, ecology and transport, told the gathered dignitaries and reporters as Akademik Lomonosov - painted red, white and blue for Russia's national colors - set off for the Arctic port town of Pevek.

For its supporters, the launch heralds a new era of development in the inhospitable Russian Arctic. If all goes according to plan, Lomonosov will be the first of several floating nuclear reactors powering remote outposts dotting the northern coast.

Greenpeace Russia has led protests against its development since it was announced in 2017, calling it dangerous. A Russian union representing the victims injured in the 1986 Chernobyl disaster that resulted in thousands of cases of childhood cancer alone has also voiced fierce opposition to the plant with concerns it could put millions of lives at risk.

Not quite a ship but certainly more expansive than an average barge, the Lomonosov measures about 1,548 feet in length with a width of 98 feet and displacement of 21,500 tons. It has a helicopter pad and a command deck. Inside, it smells, feels and looks like a ship with narrow corridors and winding mazes of piping caked in the dull yellow preferred by Russian sailors.

It is equipped with two pressurized water reactors - a version of naval reactors used by Russia's atomic icebreakers, Dmitry Alekseyenko, the deputy head of floating nuclear power plant construction and operation, told NBC News.

'Floating Chernobyl'



The Not-So-Chill History of Hawai'i's Breeziest Shirt | Atlas Obscura


Ancient Skeletons With Alien-Like Heads


Archaeologists have unearthed three ancient skeletons in Croatia - and two of them had pointy, artificially deformed skulls.

Each of those skulls had been melded into a different shape, possibly as a way to show they belonged to a specific cultural group.

Artificial cranial deformation has been practiced in various parts of the world, from Eurasia and Africa to South America. It is the practice of shaping a person's skull - such as through using tight headdresses, bandages or rigid tools - while the skull bones are still malleable in infancy.

Ancient cultures had different reasons for the practice, from indicating social status to creating what they thought was a more beautiful skull. The earliest known instance of this practice occurred 12,000 years ago in ancient China, but it's unclear if the practice spread from there or if it emerged independently in different parts of the world, according to a previous Live Science report.

In this case, archeologists found these three skeletons in a burial pit in Croatia's Hermanov vinograd archeological site in 2013. Between 2014 and 2017, they analyzed the skeletons using various methods, including DNA analysis and radiographic imaging- a method that involves using radiation to view the inside of an object such as a skull.



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Himalaya Mystery

Skeleton Lake

Nestled in the Indian Himalayas, some 16,500 feet above sea level, sits Roopkund Lake. One hundred and thirty feet wide, it is frozen for much of the year, a frosty pond in a lonely, snowbound valley. But on warmer days, it delivers a macabre performance, as hundreds of human skeletons, some with flesh still attached, emerge from what has become known as Skeleton Lake.

Who were these individuals, and what befell them? One leading idea was that they died simultaneously in a catastrophic event more than 1,000 years ago. An unpublished anthropological survey from several years ago studied five skeletons and estimated they were 1,200 years old.

But a new genetic analysis carried out by scientists in India, America and Germany has upended that theory. The study, which examined DNA from 38 remains, indicates that there wasn't just one mass dumping of the dead, but several, spread over a millennium.

Genetic analysis has helped make some sense of the jumble of bones. The researchers, led in part by Niraj Rai, an expert in ancient DNA at the Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences in India, and David Reich, a geneticist at Harvard University, extracted DNA from the remains of dozens of skeletal samples, and managed to identify 23 males and 15 females.

Based on populations living today, these individuals fit into three distinct genetic groups. Twenty-three, including males and females, had ancestries typical of contemporary South Asians; their remains were deposited at the lake between the 7th and 10th centuries, and not all at once. Some skeletons were more ancient than others, suggesting that many were interred at the lake lifetimes apart.

Skeleton Lake


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In Memory

Celso Piña

The prolific and celebrated Mexican accordion player Celso Piña died Wednesday of a heart attack in his hometown of Monterrey, Mexico. He was 66 years old.

Piña contributed greatly to the evolution of cumbia. The Colombian folk genre has had an interesting life span since its 17th century origins and very few musicians have added to that colorful history more than Celso Piña.

The genre has roots in the African slave trade and percolated as regional dance form until it became the soundtrack to the upscale ballrooms and nightclubs of Mexico during the 1950s and '60s. A young Celso Piña first heard it in the '70s and was eventually drawn to the Colombian accordion masters who played both cumbia and its musical cousin, vallenato. He channeled that passion into Celso Piña y su Ronda Bogotá, a band he started with his brothers Eduardo, Rubén and Enrique.

How a kid from the dusty mountain town of Monterrey on the northern edge of Mexico became known for transporting Colombian folk music to stages around the world is part of the colorful legend he leaves behind. He came to be known as "El Rebelde del Acordeón" (The Rebel of the Accordion) as he deftly and artistically inserted cumbia into a wide swath of contemporary Latin music from hip-hip to rock to electronic and beyond. Barrio Bravo (2002) earned him a Latin Grammy nomination but more importantly it kickstarted a series of high-profile collaborations with artists such as Cafe Tacvba, Lila Downs, Gloria Trevi, Natalia Lafourcade among so many others. He was just featured on a single by Mexican-Cuban artist Leiden's track "Tu Boca."

Celso Piña was not a typical music star. He was the last of the underdogs. An idol who came from the barrio, to the barrio, and later on, to the world. Through local songs that talked about very specific things from his community, he sent a universal message. In the end, we all laugh, cry ... and dance.

The legacy Celso left is really important. He let rich people know there is a vast culture in poor Mexican neighborhoods. He was a proud ambassador of his beloved Barrio Independencia.

Gabriel García Márquez called him El Acordeonista de Hamelin (the accordion player of Hamelin). Celso was a unifier. His music was the true meaning of democracy: no matter if you were old, young, fat, skinny, tall or short, you would certainly dance to his music.

Celso Piña


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