From 'TBH Politoons'
Great Site!
Thanks, again, Tim!
Dave Romm's Review
CDs from TV Shows II
By Dave Romm
Without really knowing who he was, Ernie Kovacs was a seminal influence on me. He died when I too young to appreciate him, but his influence was great and lives on. His characters, his conceptual style of comedy, the little bits he developed that other people used to great effect are all underappreciated. One of the prime creative talents in the new medium of televison in the 50s ("Television is often called a medium because it's so rarely well done." said Ernie, and he should know.), he took tv where few had even dared. You can see Kovacs in his few movies, his tv show(s) are excerpted for in tapes and DVD. And now you can listen to Ernie Kovacs Record Collection. He had a keen ear for music, and more than just The Song of The Nairobi Trio (aka Solfegio). The CD had Ferrante and Teicher, Yma Sumac, a good version of Prokofiev's Lt. Kije as well as Ernie and Edie singing. A more full listing is here. The odd instrumentals and diversity of music appeal to me independent of the Kovacs Touch with video and comedy. This works as a music compilation, even if you're unfamiliar with Ernie Kovacs. And if you aren't, you should be.
Maybe television wasn't their first medium, but the Warner Bros. cartoons are a broadcast fixture and have been for fifty years. I suspect that there are kids who have heard Mel Blanc's voice more than their parents, and he's been dead since 1989. One of the distinuguishing features of WB cartoons is the music. "Smellovision replaces television" says a very old Elmer Fudd in one episode. A subheadline reads: "It'll never work, says Carl Stalling". Ah, in jokes. Carl Stalling wrote and/or directed the music for many cartoons, and stayed at Warner Bros. for 22 years. While there are several releases in the Carl Stalling Project, I'm going to go on about a related CD, Bugs Bunny on Broadway. Opening with the Merrie Melodies Main Title Music and closing with the Merrie Melodies Closing Theme -- "That's All Folks" (both newly recorded as are several cuts), the cuts are not so much songs as soundtracks to cartoons. Jumpin' Jupiter has the Power House Theme (you'd know it if you heard it; for a much more in depth look at this piece go to the site of composer Raymond Scott) plus the Wagnerian What's Opera Doc? and the fun The Rabbit of Seville are played in full. I was surprised how well the music works independently of the cartoon. And if you're making a video (for personal use), you need the closing theme...
Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego started off life as a computer game, and remains so. But for a while it was on tv, and generated some pretty good music. Carmen Sandiego: Out Of This World is a bargain at $2.99 (though I got my copy in a dollar store) and has not only a good version of the theme, but boasts Cake For Breakfast (my favorite cut; such bad advice for kids that there's A Brief Disclaimer beforehand...) and songs by They Might Be Giants and Rockapella and Lynne Thigpen and XTC. Eleven cuts is short but sweet. Kids learn geography and music, and you get to have fun too.
Dave Romm is a conceptual artist with a radio show and a web site and a very weird CD collection. He reviews things at random for obscure web sites. You can read all his music recommendations from Bartcop-E here.
He's Been Busy, Again!
The Worried Shrimp
it's the OIL stupid!
evil doers premiere
In The Chaos Household
Last Night
Looks like Mo will none the worse for her awful experience. Got a new 'cat-proof' cage for the her, and moved the table in the backyard where the cages sit in the daytime. Tote them out there everyday so they can get their fresh air & sun...LOL
The trip to John Wayne was uneventful, thankfully. Took lots of pictures, too.
Running later than usual. And that's late!
Tonight, Monday, CBS has the usual 4 sitcom reruns - 'King Of Queens', 'Yes, Dear', 'Raymond', and 'Becker'. They are followed by '48 Hours'.
Scheduled on a fresh Dave are Tom Cruise and the Flatlanders.
Scheduled on a fresh Craiggers is Guided By Voices.
NBC has a rerun of 'Fear Factor', then the fresh debut of 'Dog Eat Dog', and then a rerun 'Crossing Jordan'.
Scheduled on a fresh Jay are Edie Falco and Wyclef Jean.
As usual, if it's Monday, Conan is a rerun.
Scheduled on a fresh Carson Daly is ?
ABC has the movie 'Goldfinger'.
Scheduled on a fresh Bill Maher are Tommy Smothers, Alanis Morissette & Vivica A. Fox.
The WB has reruns of '7th Heaven' and 'Gilmore Girls'.
Faux has the movie 'American Pie'.
UPN has reruns of 'The Hughleys', 'One On One', 'The Parkers', and 'Girlfriends'.
Anyone have any opinions?
Or reviews?
(See below for addresses)
Wango Tango
Kelly & Ozzy
Kelly Osbourne is joined by her father, Ozzy Osbourne, following her rendition of Madonna's "Papa Don't Preach" at the annual Wango Tango Music Festival at the Rose Bowl
in Pasadena, Calif., Saturday, June 15, 2002. A wide variety of performers including Mary J. Blige, Celine Dion and No Doubt were featured in the all-day music festival.
Photo by Chris Pizzello
Fun Link
Cooking with Chris Walken
Cooking with Chris Walken
Reader Toon
from Sven
Thanks, Sven!
'Spartacus the Scholar'
Kirk Douglas
You can now call Kirk Douglas ''Spartacus the Scholar.'' ( Spartacus is the featured movie on TCM tonight )
The 85-year-old actor received top honors Friday from the University of California, Los Angeles, during the school's graduation ceremony for theater, film and television students.
The UCLA Medal, presented to people for cultural, political and humanitarian achievements, is the highest honor the school can award. Previous recipients include former
Presidents Carter and Clinton, former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres, and actors Laurence Olivier and Carol Burnett.
Douglas, best known for the films "Paths of Glory" and "Gunfight at the O.K. Corral," also helped break the notorious Hollywood blacklist during the 1950s by giving accused
Communist-sympathizer Dalton Trumbo credit for the screenplay of "Spartacus."
Kirk Douglas
Pushes Education
Dorothy Hamill
As an eighth-grader, Dorothy Hamill's days began at 4:30 a.m. when she and her mother would drive to New York for skating practice.
The hectic schedule took its toll on her school work, and the future Olympic champion found herself in front of the guidance counselor, she told students Friday at her old school, Eastern Middle.
"You know, you may break your neck someday and you may need your education," Hamill remembered the counselor telling her, the Greenwich Time reported.
Dorothy Hamill
More Wango Tango
Gwen Stefani
Gwen Stefani of No Doubt performs during the band's set at the annual Wango Tango Music Festival at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, Calif., Saturday, June 15, 2002. A wide variety
of performers including Mary J. Blige, Celine Dion and Pink were featured in the all-day music festival.
Photo by Chris Pizzello
Snarky Gossip
Egg Boy
Internet gossip hound Matt Drudge prides himself on being a provocateur, but he can't take criticism himself. After Michelangelo Signorile wrote in the New York Press
that "Cybgergossip Matt Drudge may say that he is not gay, but one thing is clear, no matter his sexual orientation: he's a nasty faggot," Drudge delinked the N.Y. Press,
its editor Russ Smith's gassy "Mugger" column, and Taki's Press pillar from his Web site. Smith tried to make amends by writing that he doesn't agree with Signorile, and
sucked up to Drudge by calling him "the Internet pioneer" and "enormously influential." He whined, "I hope [to] be reinstated at the Drudge Report."
Egg Boy
Tried to Hang Self as Child
Ozzy Osbourne
Rock rebel Ozzy Osbourne tried to hang himself from a clothes-line during a wild childhood, but was stopped in the nick of time by his angry father, according
to a book excerpt released Monday.
"The teen-ager who was to become one of rock's most outrageous men may have died right there except that he was caught in the act by his father -- who then gave
him a sound beating," added the excerpt, published in Britain's The Sun newspaper.
Rich and famous at 58 -- he recently sang for Queen Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace in London -- Osbourne was so poor as a child he only owned one pair of shoes and socks at a time.
"My mother was an amateur singer, my father was an amateur drunk," he was quoted as saying of his parents.
He later joined in gang fights with dustbin lids, iron pokers and even once a set of meat cleavers. "I can remember one pitched battle where I deliberately tried to drown some kid.
Where I came from it was kill or be killed," he said.
Not surprisingly, Osbourne drank hard. At 17 he ended up in jail for six weeks for breaking into a shop. In prison, to escape a murderer's unwelcome attention, he smashed him over
the head with a metal chamber pot, the excerpt said.
The rocker left school early and worked as a slaughterman, killing 250 cattle a day and cutting the guts out of sheep, the book added. "It fostered his weird reputation for a
fascination with animals and death," it said.
Ozzy Osbourne
In The Kitchen With BartCop & Friends
Wedding News
Charlie & Denise
Actor Charlie Sheen, who played a confirmed bachelor on TV's "Spin City," married actress Denise Richards in a Saturday evening ceremony at the Los Angeles home of the ABC show's
producer, the couple's publicist said on Sunday.
The marriage is the first for Richards, who appeared in the recently released "Undercover Brother," and the second for Sheen, who won a Golden Globe acting award this year for his
portrayal of a party-loving aide to New York City's mayor.
The couple were wed in a Catholic ceremony attended by their family members, including the groom's father, actor Martin Sheen, said spokeswoman Tracy Shaffer.
The bride and groom both wore garments designed for them by Giorgio Armani -- a two-button tuxedo jacket for Sheen and a white satin gown and crystal beaded jacket for Richards.
Charlie & Denise
In Basel
'The Hospice'
In Basel hat am Dienstag die Art 33 ihre Tore geoeffnet. Von Gilles Barbier stammt "L'Hospice", eine Figurengruppe mit greisen Comcishelden. Die Basler Kunstmesse
dauert bis 17. Juni 2002. 268 Galerien praesentieren rund 5000 Werke von ueber 1000 Kuenstlern des 20. und 21.Jahrhunderts.
Photo by Georgios Kefalas
3-Peat Cheap
L.A. Lakers
The L.A. Lakers may have won another NBA trophy, but owner Jerry Buss still has his priorities. The team talked about having its celebration at the Ritz-Carlton. But a
source tells us that when the hotel informed Buss the party would cost $59,000, he decided to have it at Mickey Mantle's. A Laker rep says the team chose the Central
Park South restaurant "for several reasons, price being one of them" …
L.A. Lakers
BartCop TV!
Another Vile Reality Dating Series
NBC Joins 'Crowd'
NBC has ordered five hourlong episodes of a relationship reality series tentatively titled "3's a Crowd" for a summer run, likely in August.
The series is set in a house somewhere in Southern California, where two young men will live for some six weeks. Every week, they're introduced to new potential femme suitors.
Each week women will be voted off. At the end of the series, those who have been eliminated get the chance to vote for the couple they think is most likely to truly fall in
love. That couple will be deemed the show's winners.
NBC Joins 'Crowd'
'The Big Toddle'
Isabella, 3 and a half, offers her teddy-bear to a guardsman in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace, London, Monday June 10, 2002. Isabella was with a group of children who
participated in the, Big Toddle, a fund raising walk for children aged up to 5, which ended at Buckingham Palace.
Photo by Max Nash
Building His Vision
Jerry Falwell
The Rev. Jerry Falwell has a vision for his 4,300 acres here: golf courses, recreation centers and apartments, all part of a master-planned Christian community
where members of his flock can live from "birth to antiquity."
"You'll never have to leave this place," said Falwell, 68. "You can come in at age 2, in our early learning center ... age 5 into our kindergarten, age 6 through
18 in our elementary and high school. Then on to Liberty University for four years."
When Falwell followers turn 55, they would be eligible for Liberty Village, a 1,135-unit retirement center with its own markets, putting green and chapel.
But don't mistake the place — already partly built — as a "compound," he said. "No wall is going to go up," he said. "If a non-Christian family applied, they would be accepted."
Jerry Falwell
Oldest Intact Sarcophagus
Archaeological Discovery
Archaeologists have discovered what may be the oldest intact sarcophagus ever found, belonging to an overseer of workers who built the pyramids, Egypt's top archaeologist said Saturday.
The limestone sarcophagus still had its lid glued to it, which "proves that no one opened it since (about) 4,600 years ago," said Zahi Hawass, who also led the excavation.
The body of the owner is still inside, Hawass told The Associated Press. He said the sarcophagus will be opened in September.
The tomb yielded pieces of pottery showing that it dates back to the 4th Dynasty (2613 B.C. - 2494 B.C.), a statement from Hawass' office said. By contrast, the tomb of King
Tutankhamun dates from around 1350 B.C. That tomb was found almost intact by Harold Carter in 1922.
Hieroglyphics found in a tomb recently discovered near the Giza Pyramids revealed that the name of the sarcophagus' owner was Ny-Nsw-Wsert, and that his title was "overseer of
the administrative district," meaning he was in charge of the work force, Hawass said.
He said the discovery was further proof that the Pyramids were built by Egyptians and not by people of a lost civilization.
For a bit more, Archaeological Discovery
Still Seeking Volunteers
'The Osbournes'
Very freshly updated - 'The Osbournes' ~ Page 2 !
'The Osbournes' ~ Page 1
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