BartCop Entertainment Archives - Monday, 7 May, 2007


7 May, 2007

(Updated Daily)

[985 days in a row]


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Thanks, again, Tim!


Baron Dave Romm

The Exact Opposite Part V

By Baron Dave Romm

The Exact Opposite Part V

To the GOP, telling the truth is a sign of weakness

The Exact Opposite series so far: Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV

Hell and High Water: Global Warming--the Solution and the Politics--and What We Should Do by Joseph Romm.
A clear, concise and convincing book on climate change and why we need to hurry to fix the problem.

Climate Progress: An Insider's View of Climate Science, Politics and Solutions

Shockwave Radio Theater Podcasts
for iTunes and iPods, with pictures

Shockwave Radio broadcasts on
Bookmark my bookmark page.

Nascent Wikipedia entry for Shockwave Radio Theater

Cognitive Dissonance: How to get people to believe the exact opposite

The right-wing loonies of today have their historical precedent, but they seem to avoid reality with a new zeal. And yet, conservatives aren't that dumb and Republicans aren't that gullible... I hope. Why are they do easily fooled into believing the exact opposite of the truth these days? Paul Krugman examines Sweet Little Lies (Nevada Thunder archive of NYTimes, April 9, 2007):

Four years into a war fought to eliminate a nonexistent threat, we all have renewed appreciation for the power of the Big Lie: people tend to believe false official claims about big issues, because they can'Äôt picture their leaders being dishonest about such things.
But there'Äôs another political lesson I don'Äôt think has sunk in: the power of the Little Lie 'Äî the small accusation invented out of thin air, followed by another, and another, and another. Little Lies aren'Äôt meant to have staying power. Instead, they create a sort of background hum, a sense that the person facing all these accusations must have done something wrong.
For a long time, basically from 9/11 until the last remnants of President Bush'Äôs credibility drowned in New Orleans, the Bush administration was able to go big on its deceptions. Most people found it inconceivable that an American president would, for example, assert without evidence that Saddam and Al Qaeda were allies. Mr. Bush won the 2004 election because a quorum of voters still couldn'Äôt believe he would grossly mislead them on matters of national security.
Before 9/11, however, the right-wing noise machine mainly relied on little lies. And now it has returned to its roots.
The Clinton years were a parade of fake scandals: Whitewater, Troopergate, Travelgate, Filegate, Christmas-card-gate. At the end, there were false claims that Clinton staff members trashed the White House on their way out. Each pseudoscandal got headlines, air time and finger-wagging from the talking heads. The eventual discovery in each case that there was no there there, if reported at all, received far less attention. The effect was to make an administration that was, in fact, pretty honest and well run 'Äî especially compared with its successor 'Äî seem mired in scandal.
Even in the post-9/11 environment, little lies never went away. In particular, promoting little lies seems to have been one of the main things U.S. attorneys, as loyal Bushies, were expected to do. For example, David Iglesias, the U.S. Attorney in New Mexico, appears to have been fired because he wouldn'Äôt bring unwarranted charges of voter fraud. There'Äôs a lot of talk now about a case in Wisconsin, where the Bush-appointed U.S. attorney prosecuted the state'Äôs purchasing supervisor over charges that a court recently dismissed after just 26 minutes of oral testimony, with one judge calling the evidence 'Äúbeyond thin.'Äù But by then the accusations had done their job: the unjustly accused official had served almost four months in prison, and the case figured prominently in attack ads alleging corruption in the Democratic governor'Äôs administration.
This is the context in which you need to see the wild swings Republicans have been taking at Nancy Pelosi.
First, there were claims that the speaker of the House had demanded a lavish plane for her trips back to California. One Republican leader denounced her 'Äúarrogance of extravagance'Äù 'Äî then, when it became clear that the whole story was bogus, admitted that he had never had any evidence.
Now there'Äôs Ms. Pelosi'Äôs fact-finding trip to Syria, which Dick Cheney denounced as 'Äúbad behavior'Äù 'Äî unlike the visit to Syria by three Republican congressmen a few days earlier, or Newt Gingrich'Äôs trip to China when he was speaker. Ms. Pelosi has responded coolly, dismissing the administration'Äôs reaction as a 'Äútantrum.'Äù But it'Äôs more than that: the hysterical reaction to her trip is part of a political strategy, aided and abetted by news organizations that give little lies their time in the sun.
Fox News, which is a partisan operation in all but name, plays a crucial role in the Little Lie strategy 'Äî which is why there is growing pressure on Democratic politicians not to do anything, like participating in Fox-hosted debates, that helps Fox impersonate a legitimate news organization.
But Fox has had plenty of help. Even Time'Äôs Joe Klein, a media insider if anyone is, wrote of the Pelosi trip that 'Äúthe media coverage of this on CNN and elsewhere has been abysmal.'Äù For example, CNN ran a segment about Ms. Pelosi'Äôs trip titled 'ÄúTalking to Terrorists.'Äù
The G.O.P.'Äôs reversion to the Little Lie technique is a symptom of political weakness, of a party reduced to trivial smears because it has nothing else to offer. But the technique will remain effective 'Äî and the U.S. political scene will remain ugly 'Äî as long as many people in the news media keep playing along. Copyright 2007 The New York Times Company

I hope Krugman and the NYTimes will forgive me for reproducing the whole article, but I couldn't find good excerpts: The whole thing is worthy.

Let's go back to the first paragraph. The Big Lie has power because "people tend to believe false official claims about big issues, because they can'Äôt picture their leaders being dishonest about such things". This is known as Cognitive Dissonance.

For all the right-wing insisting that you can't trust government, that Washington Insiders were the problem all along, they are so easily swayed by a conservative government and Republican Washington Insiders. They don't see the dissonance. The more you are convinced of a position, the more easily you can be swayed when someone lies to you about it.

"G_d is great, and therefore we will win this High School Football Game."

"We fight them there so se don't fight them here, therefore we should cut taxes."

"9/11 was bad, so we should go get Saddam Hussein."

Cognitive Dissonance and The Big Lie know no political boundary. They are used all the time, in commercials and marriages. But Karl Rove and company excel at getting people to believe the exact opposite even as they cover their legal asses by denying the most eggregious lies in public (but not under oath). Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11, and was a dire enemy of Osama bin Laden, yet most of the country is convinced otherwise. Cutting taxes under Reagan and Bush has been a disaster, but most of the country is convinced otherwise.

This transcends stupidity. It has become a religious argument. Very deliberately, it has become a religious argument. The easiest way to change someone's behavior is by convincing them that a Higher Power is involved. When a higher power invoked for Alcoholic's Anonymous and helps people quit drinking, this is a good thing. When a higher power is invoked for political purposes and gets people to shoot doctors or fly airplanes into buildings, it is evil.

As I've written about previously, I think Republicans lost it when Ronald Reagan was elected specifically to balance the federal budget, but the 1981 budget contained obscene deficits from which the US has never recovered. At the time, Reagan lied and said the budget would be balanced by 1983... then 1984... then gave up and said that deficits were a good thing. A large swath of the American electorate has always been more than a little crazy, but this brazen lie by a man they had put their trust in just put them over the edge.

Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman: "Absolute, deliberate lies"

Republicans have gained political traction by beating up Democrats for not supporting out troops, but the exact opposite is the case, as Republicans don't give a damn about our tired and underarmored troops who come back to urine-soaked VA hospital beds. If you support our troops, you will vote Democratic.

Glenn Greewald The Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch frauds April 25, 2007:

It is difficult to watch these clips from yesterday's House hearings investigating the absolute, deliberate lies regarding Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch fed to the American public by the U.S. military -- with an eager and accommodating assist from our excellent and intrepid media -- and feel anything other than disgust (and this is just beyond comment). But as anger-inducing as it all is, there is really nothing remarkable about any of it.
What these episodes actually do is illustrate how virtually every rotted and broken branch of our political and media culture operate: First, it has been well-known for several years that the U.S. military outright invented lies regarding literally every aspect of the Jessica Lynch story. And the Tillman family for years has been vocally complaining about the lies they were told by the Pentagon regarding the circumstances surrounding Pat Tillman's death, the pressure on other soldiers to conceal the truth, and the crass and disgusting exploitation of those lies to serve the administration's political interests. None of this is new. So why is Congress holding hearings to investigate these matters only now?
The answer, of course, is because the Republicans who controlled Congress for the last four years absolutely suppressed any attempt whatsoever to exert oversight on the administration. They not only investigated nothing, they aggressively blocked every real investigation into allegations of wrongdoing and corruption on the part of the administration. Our government literally ceased to function the way it is designed to, because Congressional Republicans deliberately abdicated their duty of checks on the executive and actively helped to conceal every improper and deceitful act.
The only reason any of this is being aired now is because the American people removed the President's party from control of Congress and they are no longer able to keep concealed the Bush administration's misconduct.
As Greenwald points out, the truth about Jessica Lynch had been known for a long time... outside of the US. Guardian, May 15, 2003:

Her rescue will go down as one of the most stunning pieces of news management yet conceived. It provides a remarkable insight into the real influence of Hollywood producers on the Pentagon's media managers, and has produced a template from which America hopes to present its future wars.

The exact opposite of right-wing political correctness is true: The news media is conservative and Hollywood is controlled by the right wing.

The Myth of the Liberal Media

Right Wing Poliical Correctness has that the media is controlled by liberals and/or have a liberal bias. When you actually look at the facts, the exact opposite is true. The media is very conservative, to the point where most news outlets cannot be considered examples of "journalism". This is a large subject, which I'll tackle in detail next time. For now, I leave you with a link to Bill Moyer's Journal, about the intelligence failure leadeing up to the War In Iraq. This is a huge story that was suspicious at the time. The conservative news media just printed the propaganda from the White House with little or no real journalism. Why does it take the courage of Blll Moyers to report the facts five years later when the mainstream media barely acknowledges their failure?

As of May 7, you can stream the video of Bill Moyor's Journal for May 4th, 2007, aired on PBS. Excerpt of transcript:

BILL MOYERS: The President said the source was British intelligence. But you discovered it was Italian intelligence. Do you know why the President said it was British intelligence?
CARLO BONINI: Well, what happened here is what we call competitive intelligence.
BILL MOYERS: What do you mean competitive? Why is it competitive?/
CARLO BONINI: It means that you put a piece of raw intelligence in the circuit of the intelligence - allied intelligence agencies. And what happens is in the morning what is false turns into true facts at night. This information is given to the US intelligence. In the meantime, the same information is given to the British intelligence. The US intelligence checks the informations with the British intelligence. And the British intelligence says, "Yeah, we have the same information." The point is that the two intelligence agencies, they don't have to share their sources. So nor the Americans or the Brits are going to say from whom they got the informations. But they got a confirmation.
CARLO BONINI: Then they talk to the Italians. And the Italians say, "Oh, you had a confirmation from the British?" Rome talks to London, "Hey, you got a confirmation from Washington?" So the same piece of junk obtained in 48 hours, two different confirmations. It's a mirror game. I can say briefly when US intelligence received the informations from the Italians, they - I mean, the CIA urged the DGSE - the French intelligence, the French CIA - to check the informations because Niger is a former French colony. There's no better intelligence agency than the French one to double check a story like this. They worked hard on the information, and they came back saying there is nothing. This intelligence you received is simply junk intelligence. There is no evidence of such a deal between the Niger government and the Iraqi government.

Bonus picture!

Signs from Mayday Parade, Minneapolis May 6, 
On the street awaiting the Mayday Parade in Minneapolis, MN
May 6, 2007
gallery coming soon!

Baron Dave Romm is a conceptual artist and a noble of Ladonia who produces Shockwave Radio Theater, writes in a Live Journal demi-blog, plays with a very weird CD collection and an ever growing list of political links. Dave Romm reviews things at random for obscure web sites. You can read all his music recommendations from Bartcop-E. Podcasts of Shockwave Radio Theater. Permanent archive. More radio programs, interviews and science fiction humor plays can be accessed on the Shockwave Radio audio page.

Thanks to everyone who has sent me music to play on the air.

"What doesn't have credibility today is the truth."
-- Bill Moyers, The Daily Show 6/22/05

Thanks (again), Baron Dave!




Recommended Reading

from Bruce

Richard Roeper: Hey Rush, here's a little back at ya (
Rush Limbaugh is the master of the preemptive strike. Sometimes when Limbaugh says something controversial, he'll immediately launch into a bit about how the "drive-by media" will misinterpret his remarks.

Cathy Renna: An Ellen for the Ages (
It is hard to believe that a decade has passed since Ellen DeGeneres and her television character came out. How could you forget the iconic April 14, 1997, cover of Time ("Yep, I'm Gay") and the extraordinary amount of attention the April 30, 1997, coming-out episode of Ellen garnered? Over 42 million people watched it, 2,000 of whom I had the privilege of being with in Birmingham, Ala., after we rallied to create an event when the local ABC affiliate refused to air the episode. It was the largest gay event in Alabama history. It was a life-changing experience for me as an activist and even more so for the LGBT community in Alabama and beyond.

Brantley Bardin: What a woman! (
Rebecca Romijn doesn't want to be a spokeswoman for LGBT people. But with her transgender role on ABC's hit series Ugly Betty, that's what she's become. It couldn't happen to a nicer girl.

Danielle Riendeau: "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" Returns (
Writer Jane Espenson on the new "Buffy" comic book.

Joss Whedon - "Buffy Season 8" Comic Book - Interview
So what if Buffy the Vampire Slayer has died twice? After all, nobody really passes away in the Buffyverse - there's always an afterlife for anyone with a good story line.

Sarah Warn: The Julie Goldman Celesbian Interviews Special (
Satirical new video interviews with lesbian celebrities.

Danielle Riendeau: Julie Goldman's Rising Star (
According to out comedian Julie Goldman, performing on an Olivia cruise isn't all fun and games; it's hard work keeping 1,500 vacationing women laughing. "It's exciting," she said. "It's tough, though, lesbians can either be incredibly supportive and fun, or they can be a tough nut to crack."

Frederica Mathewes-Green: 'Spider-Man 3': More Than an Action Movie (
In this latest superhero film, action is interwoven with powerful moral truths and religious themes. Spoiler alert: This essay reveals plot points in "Spider-Man 3."

Steve Bass: The Top 25 Web Hoaxes and Pranks
Whether they take the form of a comic image of a giant cat or a desperate plea from a sick child, chain e-mail messages and Internet frauds are elements of the online landscape that we've all encountered. No topic is off limits: a medical warning, a promise of free money, or a believably (or shoddily) Photoshopped image. But at the end of the day, they're just elaborate hoaxes or clever pranks--and we've collected 25 of the most infamous ones ever to have graced the Internet or our inboxes.




Keeley Hazell, a well known 19 year old Page 3 tabloid pin-up girl, alleged to be fancied by the Prince

22 TO 1



(observing who Prince William might pick to marry now that he has broken up with Kate Middleton....Britney Spears and Kylie Minogue are also in the British Bookie's odds making money)

zEN mAN archives


Reader Suggeston

Average American

I thought you would enjoy this caustic entry entitled "Thoughts of the Average American":

Thoughts of the Average American

Thanks and keep up the good work,


Link intentionally disabled 12:45pm (pdt)


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Selected Readings

from that Mad Cat, JD















Ark Of Darkness


In The Chaos Household

Last Night

Hot, windy and very dry.

The kid brought home a cold & now it's my turn. Ack.

Tonight, Monday:

CBS opens the night with a FRESH 'How I Met Your Mother', followed by a FRESH 'Old Christine', then a FRESH '2½ Men', followed by a FRESH 'King Of Queens', then a FRESH 'CSI: The 2nd One'.
On a FRESH Dave are Regis Philbin and Darlene Love.
On a FRESH Craig are Sophia Bush and Ne-Yo.

NBC begins the night with a FRESH 'Deal Or No Deal', followed by a FRESH 'Heroes', then a FRESH 'The Real Wedding Crashers'.
On a FRESH Leno are Mike Myers, 6-year-old piano prodigy Ethan Bortnick, and the Cat Empire.
On a FRESH Conan are Amanda Peet, Morgan Spurlock, and Secondhand Serenade.
On a RERUN Carson Daly are Jenny McCarthy and Paul Wall.

ABC starts the night with a FRESH 90-minute 'Dancing With The Stars', followed by a FRESH 90-minute 'The Bachlor'.
On a RERUN Jimmy Kimmel (from 4/10/07) are Jim Belushi, Leeza Gibbons, and Pink.

The CW offers a FRESH 'Everybody Hates Chris', followed by a FRESH 'All Of Us', then a FRESH hourlong 'Girlfriends.

Faux has a RERUN 'House', followed by a FRESH '24'.

MY has a FRESH 'IFL Battleground'.

A&E has 'Cold Case Files', 'CSI The 2nd One', 'The Sopranos', and more 'The Sopranos'.

AMC offers the movie 'Stakeout', followed by the movie 'Guarding Tess', then the movie 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off'.

BBC  -   
 [12:00 PM]    Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares - Ep 7 Oscars;
 [1:00 PM]    What Not To Wear - What Not To Wear On Holiday;
 [2:00 PM]    The Weakest Link - Episode 100;
 [3:00 PM]    How Clean Is Your House? - Episode 12;
 [3:30 PM]    How Clean Is Your House? - Episode 13;
 [4:00 PM]    Changing Rooms - Ep. 10 Paignton;
 [4:30 PM]    Changing Rooms - Ep. 11 West Hampstead;
 [5:00 PM]    Footballers Wive$ - Episode 6;
 [6:00 PM]    The Weakest Link - Episode 101;
 [7:00 PM]    BBC World News - BBC World News;
 [7:30 PM]    How Clean Is Your House? - Episode 9;
 [8:00 PM]    Waking the Dead - Episode 3;
 [10:00 PM]    Footballers Wive$ - Episode 7;
 [11:00 PM]    Waking the Dead - Episode 3;
 [1:00 AM]    Footballers Wive$ - Episode 7;
 [2:00 AM]    The Weakest Link - Episode 100;
 [3:00 AM]    Murder Prevention Unit - Episode 4;
 [4:00 AM]    Murder Prevention Unit - Episode 5;
 [5:00 AM]    Murder Prevention Unit - Episode 6;
 [6:00 AM]    BBC World News - BBC World News.    (ALL TIMES EDT)

Bravo has 'Inside The Actors Studio', another 'Inside The Actors Studio', and the movie 'Beverly Hills Cop III'.

Comedy Central has 'Scrubs', another 'Scrubs', an old 'Jon Stewart', an old 'Colbert Report', 'Chappelle's Show', 'South Park', 'Scrubs', and another 'Scrubs'.
On a FRESH Jon Stewart is Lee Gutkind.
On a FRESH Colbert Report is Richard Preston.

FX has the movie 'Sideways', followed by 'The Riches'.

History has 'Modern Marvels', 'Pacific Bermuda Triangle', 'Cities Of The Underworld', and 'New Maya Revelations'.

IFC  -   
 [06:45 AM]    Quitting;
 [08:45 AM]    No Telling;
 [10:20 AM]    Karate Bear Fighter;
 [11:50 AM]    Red Bull Ride to the Hills;
 [12:20 PM]    Quitting;
 [02:20 PM]    No Telling;
 [04:00 PM]    Fall Time;
 [05:30 PM]    Karate Bear Fighter;
 [07:00 PM]    Way Off Broadway;
 [08:30 PM]    Media Lab Shorts Uploaded;
 [09:00 PM]    Stage Beauty;
 [11:00 PM]    The Bridge;
 [12:40 AM]    Media Lab Results;
 [12:50 AM]    IFC News Special;
 [01:00 AM]    Stage Beauty;
 [03:00 AM]    The Bridge;
 [04:40 AM]    Quitting.    (ALL TIMES EDT)

SciFi has all 'Star Trek: Enterprise' all night.

Sundance  -   
 [05:00 AM]    Boom!;
 [07:00 AM]    The Firefly Man;
 [08:00 AM]    September 11;
 [10:00 AM]    Monsterthursday;
 [12:00 PM]    The Liberace of Baghdad;
 [01:00 PM]    With No Direction Home;
 [01:00 PM]    14 Million Dreams;
 [02:00 PM]    Helen's War: Portrait of a Dissident;
 [03:00 PM]    Santiago Calatrava's Travels;
 [05:00 PM]    Winning;
 [06:00 PM]    The Liberace of Baghdad;
 [07:00 PM]    Episode 3;
 [08:00 PM]    (Episode 1);
 [09:00 PM]    Sir! No Sir!;
 [10:00 PM]    The Ground Truth;
 [11:00 PM]    Dimmer;
 [12:00 AM]    Twentynine Palms;
 [02:00 AM]    Koma;
 [03:00 AM]    Riff-Raff;
 [05:00 AM]    Monsterthursday.    (ALL TIMES EDT)

TCM celebrates Gary Cooper, who was born on this day in 1901, then spends the night with Katharine Hepburn and her first 6 films, in sequential order.
 [6:00 AM]      The Adventures of Marco Polo (1938);
 [7:45 AM]      The Real Glory (1939);
 [9:30 AM]      Along Came Jones (1945);
 [11:00 AM]      A Farewell To Arms (1932);
 [12:30 PM]      Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936);
 [2:30 PM]      The Wedding Night (1935);
 [4:00 PM]      The Cowboy And The Lady (1938);
 [5:45 PM]      Meet John Doe (1941);

 [8:00 PM]      A Bill of Divorcement (1932);
 [9:30 PM]      Christopher Strong (1933);
 [11:00 PM]      Morning Glory (1933);
 [12:30 AM]      Little Women (1933);
 [2:30 AM]      Spitfire (1934);
 [4:00 AM]      The Little Minister (1934).

Tuesday  -  05/08/07

TCM spends another night with Katharine Hepburn.
 [6:00 AM]      Festival of Shorts #22 (1999);
 [6:45 AM]      The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1938);
 [8:30 AM]      Strike Me Pink (1936);
 [10:30 AM]      Something to Sing About (1936);
 [12:15 PM]      Stingaree (1934);
 [1:30 PM]      His Greatest Gamble (1934);
 [2:45 PM]      Living on Love (1937);
 [4:00 PM]      Double Danger (1938);
 [5:15 PM]      A Man to Remember (1938);
 [6:45 PM]      Fugitives For A Night (1938);
 [8:00 PM]      Alice Adams (1935);
 [9:45 PM]      Katharine Hepburn: All About Me (1993);
 [11:00 PM]      Sylvia Scarlett (1936);
 [12:45 AM]      Mary of Scotland (1936);
 [3:00 AM]      A Woman Rebels (1936);
 [4:30 AM]      Quality Street (1937).

Any opinions?

Or reviews?

(See below for addresses)


Cast member Eric Idle kisses the hand of co-star Cheri Oteri at the premiere of "Shrek the Third" at the Mann's Village theater in Los Angeles May 6, 2007. The movie opens in the U.S. on May 18.
Photo by Mario Anzuoni

Bush Yoga


Sweat Equity


Singer Harry Connick Jr. wielded a paintbrush. R&B heartthrob John Legend did a little laundry.

The two were among the musicians performing at the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival and giving back to a region still trying to recover from Hurricane Katrina.

Other Jazz Fest musicians also are giving back: Marcia Ball, Ivan Neville and Walter "Wolfman" Washington were among the performers who helped raise money for instruments in New Orleans area schools. On Monday, singer Joss Stone is to work with Habitat for Humanity and the Internet-based travel company Travelocity to promote volunteer work in New Orleans.

A number of Jazz Fest performers also have recorded or committed to record Fats Domino songs for a tribute benefiting the Tipitina's Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to providing the city's public schools with instruments and helping artists recover from the hurricane. Among those involved are Bonnie Raitt, pianist Henry Butler and Norah Jones.



Thousands of naked volunteers pose for U.S. photographer Spencer Tunick at Mexico City's Zocalo square May 6, 2007. A record 18,000 people took off their clothes to pose for Tunick on Sunday in Mexico City's Zocalo square, the heart of the ancient Aztec empire.
Photo by Daniel Aguilar

JST Virtual Science Center | EARTH GUIDE


Only Conservatives Are Balanced?

Keith Olbermann

In an angry commentary on April 25, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann accused Rudolph Giuliani of using the language of Osama bin Laden with "the same chilling nonchalance of the madman" to argue that Republicans would keep Americans safer than Democrats from terror.

Eight days later, Olbermann hosted MSNBC's coverage of the first debate among Republican candidates for president.

MSNBC's use of Olbermann as a host for major events predated his "special comments," which began appearing late last summer at the end of "Countdown," his irreverent prime-time newscast. The periodic commentaries often seethe with anger toward the Bush administration and against the war. Spread quickly over the Internet, they've made him a liberal icon and raised his show's ratings.

Keith Olbermann


Fiendish Curiosities


Thousands Bid Farewell

Don Ho

Thousands of fans of different generations gathered on a beach at Waikiki to honor Hawaiian crooner Don Ho, some clad in bikinis and others in electric wheelchairs.

At a sunset memorial on the beach Saturday, they brought flowers and reminisced about the late entertainer's earlier years.

At an earlier private ceremony on the grounds of the Sheraton Waikiki, guests included politicians, musicians and family members, all of whom where dressed in white, except for Ho's wife, Haumea, who wore a floral orange dress and a maile lei.

Some of his 10 children sang songs during the tearful ceremony. An Air Force honor guard presented a 21-gun salute and handed a U.S. flag to Ho's family. Ho had been a retired Air Force pilot.

Don Ho



In The Kitchen With BartCop & Friends


The New Fascists


The local government in Treviso has ordered the northern Italian city's Chinese restaurants to remove red lanterns from their windows because they look too "oriental".

"It's spoiling the appearance of the city," the head of the council's town planning department, Sergio Marton, told Corriere della Sera daily.

"The Chinese put up all sorts of stuff: lanterns, lions, dragons, there's even one (establishment) that did its whole front in oriental style."

Treviso, just outside Venice in the north-eastern Veneto region, is run by the populist, anti-immigrant Northern League.



Actor Jack Nicholson watches the WBO junior featherweight title eliminator boxing match between Rey Bautista and Sergio M. Medina on Saturday, May 5, 2007, at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.
Photo by Kevork Djansezian

Cool Ads


Mints World's Biggest Gold Coin


Got change for a million? Canada does: the world's biggest pure gold coin at 200 pounds. Already, three buyers have shelled out for one of the 1 million Canadian dollar coins introduced last week.

The Royal Canadian mint made the coins - 20 inches in diameter and 1 inch thick - mostly to seize the bragging rights from Austria, which had the record with a 70-pound, 15-inch wide coin.

"They're not doing this because there is huge demand for 100-kilo gold coins," Bret Evans, editor of Canadian Coin News said Saturday. "They're doing it because it gives them some bragging rights in having the largest purest gold coin in the world."



Vidiot Speak
(formerly 'The Vidiot')


New Zealand War Veterans To Sue

Agent Orange

New Zealand war veterans plan to sue the government claiming five billion dollars (3.65 billion US) for exposure to the deadly defoliant Agent Orange during the Vietnam War, the Sunday News said.

It said the lawsuit would claim that consecutive governments and officials since 1962 have been guilty of "malfeasance" -- breaking the law and bringing harm to others while in office -- and failing to provide duty of care.

Prime Minister Helen Clark, four former prime ministers, ex-ministers and governors general are all targeted in the suit, the paper reported.

Agent Orange


Walter Becker, of Steely Dan, performs during the 2007 Jazz and Heritage Festival in New Orleans on Sunday, May 6, 2007.
Photo by Dave Martin

Non-Profit Guerrilla Advertisements


Mad Nazi Dream

Racial Purity

On a sunny April morning in 1944, 6-year-old Alodia Witaszek was combed and scrubbed, sitting in the children's home that had primed her for membership in Hitler's master race.

Over the past year she had been snatched from her family, gone hungry in a concentration camp and been beaten for speaking her native Polish. Now she had a German name, "Alice Wittke," and a new - German - mother.

Only years later would she discover the full truth: that she was among some 250 children seized from their families as part of a Nazi attempt to improve the Aryan gene pool in pursuit of a mad dream of racial purity.

Racial Purity


Birth of one parrot


150 Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Unearthed


Paleontologists unearthed a flesh-eating dinosaur some 150 million years old in southern Argentina with all its joints in place, the first time such a beast has been dug up so intact, one of the finders told AFP on Friday.

The seven-meter (23-foot) tall, two-legged dinosaur, dubbed the Condorraptor, was found fossilized with parts of its jaw and head showing in rock near the village of Cerro Condor in Patagonia, at a site where paleontologists had been working for five years.

"It is an unprecedented discovery. It is the first time in the world that a carnivorous dinosaur of the Middle Jurassic period has been found fully jointed," said Pablo Puerta, a paleontologist at the Egidio Feruglio museum in the town of Trelew.



Donald Fagan of Steely Dan arrives on stage to perform during the 2007 Jazz and Heritage Festival in New Orleans on Sunday, May 6, 2007.
Photo by Dave Martin



Popular In Peru

Frog Juice

Carmen Gonzalez plucks one of the 50 frogs from the aquarium at her bus stop restaurant, bangs it against tiles to kill it and then makes two incisions along its belly and peels off the skin as if husking corn.

She's preparing frog juice, a beverage revered by some Andean cultures for having the power to cure asthma, bronchitis, sluggishness and a low sex drive. A drink of so-called "Peruvian Viagra" sells for about 90 cents.

Gonzalez adds three ladles of hot, white bean broth, two generous spoonfuls of honey, raw aloe vera plant and several tablespoons of maca - an Andean root also believed to boost stamina and sex drive - into a household blender.

At least 50 customers a day ask for steaming beer mugs of frog juice at Gonzalez's countertop-only restaurant in eastern Lima, and many treat the concoction as their morning - and afternoon - cup of coffee.

Frog Juice


Capn Crunch's first name revealed


Web Hoaxes & Pranks

Top 25

Whether they take the form of a comic image of a giant cat or a desperate plea from a sick child, chain e-mail messages and Internet frauds are elements of the online landscape that we've all encountered. No topic is off limits: a medical warning, a promise of free money, or a believably (or shoddily) Photoshopped image. But at the end of the day, they're just elaborate hoaxes or clever pranks--and we've collected 25 of the most infamous ones ever to have graced the Internet or our inboxes.

Though some of these deceptions originated years ago, the originals--and dozens of variants--continue to make the rounds. If you keep a patient vigil over your e-mail, you too may eventually spot a message urging you to FORWARD THIS TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW!!! And if you haven't had enough when you finish reading this article, take a hoax test at the Museum of Hoaxes, and then hop over to Snopes, the premier myth-dispelling site for coverage of zillions of other falsifications.

From the supposed last photo taken at the top of the World Trade Center to the endlessly revised request for assistance from a Nigerian functionary, here are our top twenty-five Web and e-mail hoaxes.

For the next 20: Top 25


sad kermit


A pair of Macaroni Penguins exhibit courtship behavior at the Penguins exhibit at Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium in Pittsburgh, Sunday, May 6, 2007.
Photo by Gene J. Puskar

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