BartCop Entertainment Archives - Monday, 30 March, 2009


30 March, 2009

(Updated Daily)

[612 days in a row]


Baron Dave Romm

Earth Hour 2009

By Baron Dave Romm

Earth Hour 2009

And some Spring Cleaning

Shockwave Radio Theater podcasts

Earth Hour 2009

Saturday, March 28, 2009CE was the third annual Earth Hour. At 8:30pm, local time, everyone was encouraged to switch off their lights for an hour. I took this symbolic gesture to also mean turning off unnecessary power drains, and wound up turning off the computer.

I went up to the roof of our building, which has a view of Minneapolis, MN from the South. What follows are four pictures. Two taken earlier to show you what Mpls looks like in the day and on a normal evening. The latter two taken Saturday night.

Minnapolis, MN during the day
Minneapolis, MN during the day. May 21, 2008CE

Minneapolis, MN at night
Minneapolis, MN during a normal (if stormy) evening. June 11, 2008CE

Minneapolis, MN just 
before Earth Hour 2009

Minneapolis, MN just before Earth Hour 2009, 8:30pm
Note Wells Fargo building (yellow, in middle) all lit up;
Target building (colored lights to left) still on, but the building in center right has lights off

Minneapolis, MN during 
Earth Hour 2009
Minneapolis, MN during Earth Hour 2009, 9:30pm
Note that Wells Fargo, Target and other buildings with lights off.

Spring Cleaning: Looking Back at Predictions

My prognostication batting average in 2008 was pretty good, largely because I didn't make many predictions. My biggest predictions regarding the 2008 presidential race both turned out to be true: Hillary Clinton was not the Democratic Nominee (which I'd been saying since 2004 and Rudy Giuliani would not be the Republican nominee (though I had grand visions of a race between former NYC mayor Rudy, NY Sen. Hillary and current NYC mayor Bloomberg).

While I didn't go out on a limb and say Obama would be the candidate, when push came to shove he was my guy from my first vote on the subject, the Minnesota Caucuses.

And while I didn't specifically say that McCain would be the goppie's choice, I pretty much poo-poo'd all the one-time frontrunners like Fred Thompson and Mike Huckabee, saying that McCain would be their strongest candidate.

I warned that Bush and co. were about to steal more votes and were putting a potential military coup in place. While my worst fears were not realized, I do think it's because of people like me that the election went off as well as it did. As it was, the GOP tried to screw around a lot. Here in Minnesota, the Senate race is still in legal limbo as of this writing, 3/29/08. When the election results were first reported, the GOP candidate was up by a thousand. When the ballots were looked at closely, the Democratic candidate won by more than 200. Why are all the "mistakes" always in favor of the Republicans?

And to come full circle, my worst prediction was about Hillary Clinton. I predicted that she would rather be a powerful senator than president... or Secretary of State. But she took the job at State. Well, it's too early to comment on her tenure, but she seems to be doing okay. Her departure has thrown New York politics in a tizzy, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

A few predictions

I predict Obama will lay his New Foundation... eventually. Obama's been doing pretty well picking his fights. In a few months when all his team is in place and we've purged the Bush-era incompetent ideologues from positions of power, he can start using his bully pulpit and carry a big stick.

Conventional wisdom:
Conservatives are people who haven't figured out that they've lost.
Liberals are people who haven't figured out that they've won.

We're seeing the Conventional Wisdom played out. The GOP wants as much money for support personnel in Congress as they got when they had 20% more goppies actually elected. I don't mind them fighting for their principles (though I wish they had some), but I do think it's the height of arrogance to continue to act like they control the reins.

Unfortunately, Democrats don't act like they are in power. They've let the far right change one of the most important of Obama's messages: He ran on a "post partisan" platform, which the extremists have morphed into an insistence on "bi partisan" legislation.

We should ignore people who were wrong and pay attention to people who were right. Issues like Global Warming, Iraq, the economy, torturing prisoners, no-bid contracts, sleaze and corruption in the Bush administration and many more need a firm and objective leader.

And Obama isn't quite there yet. It's still early, but so far he's done what Bill Clinton did wrong: He proposed the compromise. The extremists than took the initial proposal and pushed it further to the right. This is how we ended up with, among other things, the deregulation that is at the heart of the financial crisis. Obama's going to have to play smarter.

There will be a terrorist attack on the US in a few months. I hate to agree with Dick Cheney, but that's how it's worked for decades: The bad guys like to test out the new president's resolve.

Reagan cravenly made a deal with the Iranians that got our hostages out, and that was a disaster: More American hostages were taken and not all of them made it out alive. Al Queda was trained and funded by the cold warriors. Soon after, the terrorists blew up the American Embassy in Beirut. Reagan cut and ran as fast as he could. And then quickly mounted a nonsensical "rescue" of Grenada.

Poppy Bush wasn't president yet, but had won the election and clearly Reagan was out of the loop when Libyans bombed Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. The US eventually sent bombers to scare Qadaffy (and kill his son), but other countries were scared too and didn't let the flight from English bases pass over their country.

The World Trade Center was bombed on Feb. 26, 1993, just as Clinton was coming into office. (Odd that the radicals blame Clinton for the first WTC attack, barely a month into his presidency and also blame him for the 9/11 attacks, which took place months after he left and happened largely because Republicans ignored the advice of the outgoing administration.) Clinton went after the terrorists, and got them. Without demeaning the country by torture, he tried and convicted the thugs who did it. Al Queda was growing in power thanks to oil money, but they never succeeded in an attack on US soil until the Bush screw ups.

I won't recap 9/11 or the incompetence before, during and after, except to note that the new president was tested. And failed.

So yes, I think Obama will face a terrorist attack in the near future. What that attack might be or in what form, I don't know. But I'm certain he'll handle it better than Bush/Cheney. That won't be the hard part. The hard part will be dealing with the issue thoroughly and regaining world leadership.

I hope I'm wrong about this.

The economy is going to get worse before it gets better. Not much of a prediction, really. We can see some light at the end of the tunnel and Obama is handling the situation about as well as can be expected, but the problems are institutional and will take a while to sort out and longer to effect a permanent solution.

Global Warming/Climate Change will become worse and more evident but the extreme right will dig in harder in denial. The conservative "culture of death" is at its worst with the deniers. Too many on the right are utter morons, but that's not the problem: The problem is that sphincter conservatives don't have the shared values of true Americans. They have dug themselves into a hole. and they don't have the balls to admit they were wrong. This is the issue that may doom the Republican Party as we know it.

Baron Dave Romm is a conceptual artist and a noble of Ladonia who produces Shockwave Radio Theater, writes in a Live Journal demi-blog maintains a Facebook Page, plays with a very weird CD collection and an ever growing list of political links. Dave Romm reviews things at random for obscure web sites. You can read all his music recommendations from Bartcop-E. Podcasts of Shockwave Radio Theater. Permanent archive. More radio programs, interviews and science fiction humor plays can be accessed on the Shockwave Radio audio page.

Thanks to everyone who has sent me music to play on the air.

"How about President Barack Obama's first primetime press conference last night? He was cogent, eloquent, and in complete command of the issues. I'm thinking to myself, what the hell am I supposed to do with that?"
-- David Letterman 2/11/09

Thanks (again), Baron Dave!


GOP's More Detailed Budget To Be Written in Invisible Ink


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Recommended Reading

from Bruce

MAUREEN DOWD: Blue Eyed Greed? (
With the Obamas in the White House, brown eyes may finally and rightfully overtake blue as the windows of winners.

Froma Harrop: Springtime for New England Republicans? (
Contrary to myth, New England is not firmly sewn in the Democratic bag. Three of the states - Connecticut, Vermont and Rhode Island - have Republican governors. Meanwhile, independents make up huge voting blocs throughout the region.

Susan Estrich: Looking for the Line (
Nothing gets people's attention faster than picketing them at home - which is not necessarily a reason to do it. Last week, at the height of the furor over the AIG bonuses, activists managed to locate the homes of a number of those who momentarily received bonuses, and brought their protests home.

HEATHER ROBINSON: Granny's Got Your Back (
Older activists who refuse to take injustice sitting down are taking to the streets.

Brian Juergens: Interview with the next drag superstar BeBe Zahara Benet (
Meet the winner of "RuPaul's Drag Race"!

Oxford Literary Festival: Ian McEwan on language and inheritance (
Ian McEwan reveals the influence of his childhood on his work and how he used to struggle with language.

Charlotte Abbott: "Cheever's Demons: A Conversation With Blake Bailey" (
In the life of fiction master John Cheever, biographer Blake Bailey finds a haunting tale of mid-century homosexual self-loathing.

Dana Stevens: Driving Mr. Crazy (
A great movie about a Senegalese cab driver and a suicidal old man.

Roger Ebert: GOODBYE SOLO (NO MPAA RATING; 4 stars)
Two actors. One from Africa. The other who was a bodyguard for Elvis. Who but Ramin Bahrani would find these men and pair them in a story of heartbreaking depth and power? Bahrani is the new great American director. He never steps wrong. In "Goodbye Solo," he begins with a situation that might unfold in a dozen different ways and makes of it something original and profound. It is about the desire to help and the desire to not be helped.

Joe Weider: Using Exercise to Fight Cellulite (
Tip of the Week: Never train on a full stomach, or an empty one.

Kathy Freston: "The Weight Loss Hype: Why Counting Calories Never Works" (
We've known for more than a decade that the key to weight-loss is to consume fewer calories than you're burning--in other words, eat less, exercise more, or both.

David Bruce: Dante's "Paradise": A Discussion Guide (
Free download.

ATC (A Touch of Class): Until (






(observing the frightening late night robe like fleece blanket with sleeves cable cult zombies....gathering in bars and spreading like a virus through your neighborhood)

zEN mAN archives



Hubert's Poetry Corner

Class Reunion Surprises?

A sign of the times for ALL?

"Class Reunion Surprises?"


Bracket of Evil


The Weekly Poll

The next Poll will be April 7th - BadToTheBoneBob's 'out state' on vacation.


Sick Days


Trivia Question Of The Day

On the TV series 'Star Trek', how many times did Captain Kirk say "Beam me up, Scotty"?

   A     0
   B     1
   C    11
   D    17
   E    22

Send your answer to Marty

Trivia Question from Yesterday

Who is the only actor to appear in both pilots of the original "Star Trek" (1966) TV series?

   A    Majel Barrett
   B    DeForest Kelley
   C    Nichelle Nichols
  D    Leonard Nimoy
   E    William Shatner                   Source

Marian the Teacher was first, and correct, with:
   Leonard Nimoy

mj reasoned it out with:
   I'm pretty sure it was D, Nimoy. Shattner, and Takei werenn't in the first and Kelly, I'm pretty sure was in neither, nor was Nicols . Barrett wasn't in second.

Charlie said:
   Jeffrey Hunter played the skipper in the original pilot, and most of the other characters, except Spock, weren't introduced right away, so the answer is
  D Leonard Nimoy

  I was one of those who only casually watched a couple of episodes during the original run, but saw every one at least twice in reruns a few years later. I do not consider myself a big "Trekkie," but I had my run with it. I also liked "Next Generation," but have long since lost track of the franchise.

Alan J replied:
   D Leonard Nimoy

Adam in NoHo answered:
   I may have to turn in my Trekkie card on this one, but you could have convinced me Majel Barrett appeared as Nurse Chapel.
  It was, in fact, Nimoy, playing many of the character traits in the 2nd pilot assigned to Barrett's character in the 1st pilot, 'The Cage'.
  George Takei was in both pilots, as well.

Jim from CA responded:
   Leonard Nimoy

Dan wrote:
   I'm a Star Trek fan from day one. At 8 years old I got my parents to take me to my grandparents house so I could watch the premiere episode on their color TV. Leonard Nimoy as Spock was in both The Cage and Where No Man Has Gone Before. I even had my hair cut like Spock. Dan.

DanD replied:
   One time back in those dark Reaganite days of the early Eighties (1981/84), way before the intertubes, for some reason one of the many TV stations of the Los Angeles Basin broadcast their version of an "early" Star-Trek Marathon. they actually started that intergalactic spooge-fest with the really first pilot of that neo-scientifically paleolithic television series.
  But I am now in a quandary. I do remember that first pilot as having a GRINNING Mr. Spock (I think he got into some Andorean Rum). But I do not remember if the second pilot had a Mr. Spock in it. I do believe that I also remember past all them chemical additives I was subjecting my body to during those "moving to California" days (after summarily ditching what should have been my Air Force career) that the foxy nurse (well, not really) played my Majel Barrett in the second pilot ('cause in the first pilot Mrs. Roddenberry actually played a character that was closer to the "Spock" of subsequent ST issues than of that initial offering) was actually the cast member being referred to for this particular trivia ping.
  So my guess is "A" (but don't hold me to it ... unless I'm right, of course).

Sally said:
   Leonard Nimoy (D) is the only actor to appear in both pilots of the original "Star Trek" (1966)...
  Today, the term, "Soccer Mom" is quite common, but back when I was raising My kids, I fell into the category of "Trekkie Mom!" My son is coming from CA for a visit in April, and my g/son has a PILE of old Star Trek (AWA Star War) movies for us to watch together while he is here! I just hope we will have time for some garden clean up too...
The Trekkie

  PS: Shout out to my compadre, JoeS who is suffering from the dreaded, "Black screen!" (and I thought my mouse flu was bad...) Of COURSE I missed you! Hang in there, and sit a bit closer to your teeny tiny screen until the new one arrives!! I am feeling for you Mr S! :)

MAM     noted:
   D Leonard Nimoy was the only actor to appeare in both pilots of the original "Star Trek" series. One was an pilots were titled "The Cage" and "Where No Man Has Gone Before".

  YouTube - Nimoy and Shatner in "Where No Man Has Gone Before"
  You Tube - Gene Roddenbery introduces the Star Trek Series and "The Cage":

And, Joe S () wrote:
   Internet keeps going in and out, must be from our nice little, damned blizzard! The answer is, D Leonard Nimoy. No time for witty comments.




Selected Readings

from that Mad Cat, JD















Ark Of Darkness


In The Chaos Household

Last Night

Mostly overcast and gray.

Tonight, Monday:

CBS opens the night with a FRESH 'Big Bang Theory', followed by a FRESH 'How I Met Your Mother', then a FRESH '½ Men', followed by a FRESH 'Rules Of Engagement', then a FRESH 'CSI: The 2nd One'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Dave are Seth Rogen, Tom Dreesen, and Adele.
Scheduled on a FRESH Craig are William Shatner and Regina King.

NBC begins the night with a FRESH 'Chuck', followed by a FRESH 'Heroes', then a FRESH 'Medium'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Leno are Vin Diesel, Lisa Lampanelli, and Gavin DeGraw.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jimmy Fallon are Bill Hader, Emma Roberts, and Glasvegas.
On a RERUN Carson 'The Scab' Daly (from 3/3/09) is Charles Hamilton.

ABC starts the night with a FRESH 'Dancing With The Stars', followed by a FRESH 'Murder He Wrote Castle'.
On a RERUN Jimmy Kimmel (from 3/11/09) are Jaime Pressly, Kirstin McMillan, and the Pretenders.

The CW offers a FRESH 'Gossip Girl', followed by a FRESH 'One Tree Hill'.

Faux has a FRESH 'House', followed by a FRESH '24'.

MY has a FRESH 'Masters Of Illusion', followed by a RERUN 'Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed'.

A&E has 'CSI: The 2nd One', 'Intervention', another 'Intervention', followed by a FRESH 'Paranormal State', and another 'Paranormal State'.

AMC offers the movie 'Mystic River', followed by the movie 'The Godfather'.

BBC  -   
 [12:00 PM]    You Are What You Eat - Episode 12
 [12:00 PM]    You Are What You Eat - Episode 12
 [12:30 PM]    You Are What You Eat - Episode 13
 [1:00 PM]    How Clean Is Your House? US - Episode 3
 [1:00 PM]    How Clean Is Your House? US - Episode 3
 [1:30 PM]    How Clean Is Your House? - Episode 5
 [2:00 PM]    Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares - Ep 5 Sandgate
 [3:00 PM]    Gordon Ramsay's F Word - Episode 8
 [4:00 PM]    How Clean Is Your House? US - Episode 5
 [4:00 PM]    How Clean Is Your House? US - Episode 5
 [4:30 PM]    How Clean Is Your House? - Episode 6
 [5:00 PM]    Gordon Ramsay's F Word - Episode 9
 [6:00 PM]    Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares - Ep. 4 Moore Place
 [7:00 PM]    BBC World News America
 [8:00 PM]    Top Gear - Episode 8
 [9:40 PM]    The F Word Meets Top Gear
 [9:40 PM]    The F Word Meets Top Gear
 [10:00 PM]    BBC World News America
 [11:00 PM]    Top Gear - Episode 8
 [12:40 AM]    The F Word Meets Top Gear - The F Word Meets Top Gear
 [1:00 AM]    Top Gear - Episode 8
 [2:40 AM]    The F Word Meets Top Gear - The F Word Meets Top Gear
 [3:00 AM]    The Graham Norton Show - Ep 10 Sharon Osbourne, David Boreanaz and Stereophonics
 [4:00 AM]    You Are What You Eat - Episode 12
 [4:30 AM]    You Are What You Eat - Episode 13
 [5:00 AM]    Cash in the Attic - Ep. 22 Crawley
 [5:30 AM]    Cash in the Attic - Ep. 23 Morris
 [6:00 AM]    BBC World News     (ALL TIMES EDT)

Bravo has the movie 'Ghostbusters II', followed by the movie 'Ghostbusters II', again.

Comedy Central has 'Scrubs', another 'Scrubs', an old 'Jon Stewart', an old 'Colbert Report', 'Futurama', 'South Park', another 'South Park', and another 'Futurama'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jon Stewart is Jack Cafferty.
Scheduled on a FRESH Colbert Report is Derrick Pitts.

FX has the movie 'S.W.A.T', followed by the movie 'Fantastic Four', then the movie 'Elektra'.

History has 'Ax Men', 'Modern Marvels', followed by a FRESH 'Battles BC', then a FRESH 'Ax Men'.

IFC  -   
 [6:00 AM]   Dallas 362
 [7:45 AM]   The Baxter
 [9:20 AM]   A Slipping-Down Life
 [11:20 AM]   Dallas 362
 [1:00 PM]   The Baxter
 [2:35 PM]   Tyger
 [2:45 PM]   A Slipping-Down Life
 [4:45 PM]   Dallas 362
 [6:30 PM]   Last Night at the Alamo
 [8:00 PM]   The Royal Tenenbaums
 [10:00 PM]   C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America
 [11:35 PM]   La Perra
 [12:00 AM]   Confidence
 [12:00 AM]   Confidence
 [1:45 AM]   The Royal Tenenbaums
 [3:45 AM]   C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America
 [5:20 AM]   The Baxter    (ALL TIMES EDT)

SciFi has all 'Star Trek: TNG' all night.

Sundance  -   
 [06:00 AM]   Iconoclasts - Season 1: Samuel Jackson on Bill Russell
 [07:05 AM]   The Rock and Roll Kid
 [08:00 AM]   The Planet
 [09:25 AM]   Guerrilla Girl
 [11:00 AM]   Nimrod Nation: Episode 5
 [11:30 AM]   One Punk Under God: Episode 5
 [12:00 PM]   House of Boateng: Episode 2
 [12:30 PM]   The Education of Ms. Groves: Episode 2
 [01:00 PM]   The Rock and Roll Kid
 [01:55 PM]   Iconoclasts - Season 1: Samuel Jackson on Bill Russell
 [02:50 PM]   The Planet
 [04:15 PM]   Paper Dolls
 [05:45 PM]   Hometown Baghdad
 [07:25 PM]   Guerrilla Girl
 [09:00 PM]   Siege, The
 [10:30 PM]   Heavy Metal Jr.
 [11:00 PM]   One Punk Under God: Episode 1
 [11:30 PM]   Nimrod Nation: Episode 5
 [12:00 AM]   My Life Without Me
 [02:00 AM]   A Dirty Carnival
 [04:30 AM]   The Siege     (ALL TIMES EDT)

TCM spends the night with Warren Beatty, who was born on this day in 1937.
 [6:00 AM]      Kiss Me Kate (1953)
 [68:00 AM]      Lili (1953)
 [69:30 AM]      Beach Blanket Bingo (1965)
 [611:15 AM]      Bye Bye Birdie (1963)
 [61:15 PM]      Cheaper by the Dozen (1950)
 [62:45 PM]      The Bad News Bears (1976)
 [64:30 PM]      Herbie Rides Again (1974)
 [66:00 PM]      Fun in Acapulco (1963)
 [8:00 PM]      Heaven Can Wait (1978)
 [610:00 PM]      The Fortune (1975)
 [612:00 AM]      The Parallax View (1974)
 [62:00 AM]      Bugsy (1991)
 [64:30 AM]      Mickey One (1965)

Tuesday  -  03/31/09

 [6:15 AM]      Union Station (1950)
 [7:45 AM]      Born Yesterday (1950)
 [9:30 AM]      All the King's Men (1949)
 [11:30 AM]      Johnny Guitar (1954)
 [1:45 PM]      Marty (1955)
 [3:30 PM]      Sweet Smell Of Success (1957)
 [5:30 PM]      Elmer Gantry (1960)
 [8:00 PM]      I Married A Monster From Outer Space (1958)
 [9:30 PM]      Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
 [11:00 PM]      The 27th Day (1957)
 [12:30 AM]      The H-Man (1958)    [AKA: 'Bijo to Ekitainingen']
 [2:00 AM]      Forbidden Planet (1956)
 [3:45 AM]      The Lost Missile (1958)
 [5:00 AM]      Hidden Values: The Movies of the '50s (2001)     (ALL TIMES EDT)

TNT has a FRESH 'Saving Grace'.

Any opinions?

Or reviews?

(See below for addresses)


Singer Buffy Sainte-Marie poses with her award after winning Best Aboriginal Album during the Juno Awards Gala in Vancouver, British Columbia March 28, 2009.
Photo by Andy Clark


Click Here!


Sporno: 20 Pictures In Which Sport and Porn Collide


Kids' Choice Awards


Winners from the 22nd annual Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards:

    • Favorite Movie: "High School Musical 3: Senior Year."

    • Favorite Movie Actor: Will Smith, "Hancock."

    • Favorite Movie Actress: Vanessa Hudgens, "High School Musical 3: Senior Year."

    • Favorite Animated Movie: "Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa."

    • Favorite Voice from an Animated Movie: Jack Black, "Kung Fu Panda."

    • Favorite Song: Beyonce, "Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It)."

    • Favorite Male Singer: Jesse McCartney.

    • Favorite Female Singer: Miley Cyrus.

    • Favorite Music Group: Jonas Brothers.

    • Favorite TV Show: "iCarly."

    • Favorite Reality Show: "American Idol."

    • Favorite TV Actress: Selena Gomez, "Wizards of Waverly."

    • Favorite TV Actor: Dylan Sprouse, "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody."

    • Favorite Cartoon: "SpongeBob SquarePants."

    • Favorite Male Athlete: Peyton Manning.

    • Favorite Female Athlete: Candace Parker.

    • Favorite Video Game: "Guitar Hero World Tour."

    • Favorite Book: "Twilight" series.



Tommy James performs at Quicken Loans Arena durning the Moondog Coronation Ball in Cleveland, Ohio on Saturday, March 28, 2009. The concert is part of a week-long collection of performances leading up to the The 24th Annual Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, which will be held at the Rock Hall in Cleveland, Ohio, on Saturday, April 4.
Photo by Jason Miller


8 of the Manliest Sports


In Malawi


Madonna toured an impoverished village and discussed plans Sunday for building a new school in Malawi, the central African nation where officials said she would begin proceedings this week to adopt a young girl.

Madonna, casually dressed with a white fedora, walked through the village of Chinkhota holding the hand of her 12-year-old daughter, Lourdes. Dozens of reporters looked on.

The 50-year-old pop star refused to answer questions about reports that she was in Malawi to adopt a four-year-old girl. She said it was "amazing" to be back in the country where she runs a charity organization and from where she adopted her son David, 3, last year.

A security guard with the convoy said Madonna was speaking to villagers about building a school there, and she was seen looking at an artist's impression of the proposed building. Hours earlier, Madonna landed at the airport in the capital of Lilongwe.




In The Kitchen With BartCop & Friends


Kosher Tequila

Agave 99

A New York businessman is launching a new kosher tequila in time for Cinco de Mayo. Martin Silver says Agave 99 will be on the market in time for the holiday that celebrates Mexico's defeat of French forces on May 5, 1862. Silver, president of Long Island-based Star Industries, says he wants to satisfy the craze for high-end tequila with one that observant Jews can drink.

Silver says a half million cases of the 99-proof kosher tequila are being produced at a Mexican plant using methods certified by a rabbi. It will retail for $41.95 a bottle.

The product launch - with Mexican songs sung in both Yiddish and Spanish - is set for May 5, but it will also be sold earlier for Passover, which starts at sundown on April 8 this year.

Agave 99


Jazz singer Diana Krall and her husband Elvis Costello arrive on the red carpet during the Juno Awards in Vancouver, British Columbia March 29, 2009.
Photo by Richard Lam


Museum of eroticism of Paris


Narrates Documentary

Sean Penn

Oscar winner Sean Penn has narrated a new TV documentary, which chronicles the injustices surrounding dozens of parents who were jailed on bogus child-abuse charges in Bakersfield, California in the 1980s.

The actor didn't hesitate to get involved in the project, called Witch Hunt, because he wanted to expose those in public office who had made decisions that wrecked innocent families.

Penn hopes the film, which will air in America on 12 April (09), prompts people to question the evidence in high-profile cases and stand up to those in office who encourage and benefit from public hysteria.

"The public hysteria that surrounded this case is every bit as essential to discuss as the public corruption. These lightning-rod crimes tend to challenge our lawful assumption of innocence until proof of guilt."

Sean Penn


Vidiot Speak


Urban Attacks On Rise


A coyote ambling into a Chicago sandwich shop or taking up residence in New York's Central Park understandably creates a stir. But even here on the high plains of Colorado, where the animals are part of the landscape and figure prominently in Western lore, people are being taken aback by rising coyote encounters.

Thanks to suburban sprawl and a growth in numbers of both people and animals, a rash of coyote encounters has alarmed residents.

Wildlife officials are working to educate the public: Coyotes have always been here, they've adapted to urban landscapes and they prefer to avoid humans.

"Ninety-five percent of this problem is a human problem, and we really need to focus on that 95 percent to solve it," said Nicole Rosmarino, wildlife program director of the environmental group WildEarth Guardians.



Peter Noone performs at Quicken Loans Arena durning the Moondog Coronation Ball in Cleveland, Ohio on Saturday, March 28, 2009. The concert is part of a week-long collection of performances leading up to the The 24th Annual Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, which will be held at the Rock Hall in Cleveland, Ohio, on Saturday, April 4.
Photo by Jason Miller


Playboy Archive


Welcomes Sudan's President

Arab Summit

Qatar's leader embraced Sudan's president in a red-carpet welcome Sunday as he arrived to attend an Arab Summit in his most brazen act of defiance against an international arrest warrant on charges of war crimes in Darfur.

For host Qatar - a key U.S. ally that is home to American warplanes and more than 5,000 U.S. troops - the Arab League meeting beginning Monday also showcases its desire to stake out a prominent role in regional affairs even at the risk of angering the West.

Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir had promised to attend the 22-nation gathering after assurances from members they would not enforce the International Criminal Court's arrest order issued March 4. But his lavish arrival sent an apparent message that al-Bashir will have a center stage role at the two-day meeting.

It was a low-risk trip for al-Bashir with high symbolic value for his Arab backers, who argue that carrying out the ICC's arrest would further destabilize Sudan as the Darfur conflict between the Arab-led government and ethnic African rebels enters its seventh year.

Arab Summit


Matt Hoyle Photography - Barnumville


Australian Fest

Cane Toads

Thousands of poisonous cane toads met their fate Sunday as gleeful Australians gathered for a celebratory mass killing of the hated amphibians, with many of the creatures' corpses being turned into fertilizer for the very farmers they've plagued for years.

Hundreds of participants in five communities across northern Queensland snacked on sausages, sipped cold drinks and picked up prizes as the portly pests were weighed, measured and killed in the state's inaugural "Toad Day Out" celebration.

The toads - which can grow up to 8 inches (20 centimeters) in length - were imported from South America to Queensland in 1935 in a failed attempt to control beetles on sugarcane plantations. Trouble was, the toads couldn't jump high enough to eat the beetles, which live on top of cane stalks.

The toads bred rapidly, and their millions-strong population now threatens many local species across Australia. They spread diseases, such as salmonella, and produce highly toxic venom from glands in their skin that can kill would-be predators. The toads are also voracious eaters, chomping up insects, frogs, small reptiles and mammals - even birds. Cane toads are only harmful to humans if their poison is swallowed.

Cane Toads


Drag queen comedian and singer Hedda Lettuce poses with actor Chris Noth, right, at the 20th Annual GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) Media Awards on Saturday, Mar. 28, 2009 in New York.
Photo by Evan Agostini


StillTasty: Your Ultimate Shelf Life Guide


More Wangs

Name Game

The number of people in Britain with surnames like Cockshott, Balls, Death and Shufflebottom -- likely the source of schoolroom laughter -- has declined by up to 75 percent in the last century.

A study found the number of people with the name Cock shrank to 785 last year from 3,211 in 1881, those called Balls fell to 1,299 from 2,904 and the number of Deaths were reduced to 605 from 1,133.

People named Smellie decreased by 70 percent, Dafts by 51 percent, Gotobeds by 42 percent, Shufflebottoms by 40 percent, and Cockshotts by 34 percent, said Richard Webber, visiting professor of geography at King's College, London.

Webber also found that between 1996 and 2008, the names Zhang, Wang, and Yang and experienced the fastest growth. Zhang rose by 4719 percent, while Wang grew by 2225 percent.

Name Game


Funny Exams


Weekend Box Office

'Monsters vs. Aliens'

DreamWorks Animation's action comedy "Monsters vs. Aliens," which features creatures from 1950s flicks in a showdown with invading extraterrestrials, launched itself into the No. 1 spot with a $58.2 million debut, according to studio estimates Sunday.

It was the biggest debut so far in 2009, topping the $55.2 million first weekend of "Watchmen" in early March.

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to Media By Numbers LLC. Final figures will be released Monday.

    1. "Monsters vs. Aliens," $58.2 million.
    2. "The Haunting in Connecticut," $23 million.
    3. "Knowing," $14.7 million.
    4. "I Love You, Man," $12.6 million.
    5. "Duplicity," $7.6 million.
    6. "Race to Witch Mountain," $5.6 million.
    7. "12 Rounds," $5.3 million.
    8. "Watchmen," $2.755 million.
    9. "Taken," $2.75 million.
   10. "The Last House on the Left," $2.6 million.

'Monsters vs. Aliens'


Absolutely Incredible Art made with Old Cassette Tapes



In Memory

Maurice Jarre

Maurice Jarre, Oscar-winning composer of music for films including "Doctor Zhivago" and "Lawrence of Arabia", died overnight Sunday in Los Angeles aged 84.

The death of Jarre, who won a third Oscar for his score for "A Passage to India", was announced to AFP by the manager of his son, electronic music pioneer Jean-Michel Jarre.

The elder Jarre wrote the music for more than 150 films by great directors including John Frankenheimer, Alfred Hitchcock, John Huston and Luchino Visconti.

In 1952 he wrote his first score, for the short "Hotel des Invalides," at the request of director Georges Franju.

Maurice Jarre, who settled in the United States in the mid-1860s, also wrote symphonic music and music for theatre and ballet.

Maurice Jarre



A three-month-old lion cub reacts to visitors, in his enclosure at Belgrade Zoo, Serbia, Wednesday, March 18, 2009.
Photo by Srdjan Ilic


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