BartCop Entertainment Archives - Friday, 19 September, 2008


19 September, 2008

(Updated Daily)

[421 days in a row]


McCain Reverses Position on Regulation of Bowels


Recommended Reading

from Bruce

Michael Kinsley: Politicians Lie, Numbers Don't (

Jonathan Alter: A Reality Check On 'Change' (
Being labeled a 'maverick' sounds good to the public, but it makes it hard to forge bipartisan deals.

Aaron Barnhart: Leno takes aim at Palin campaign (McClatchy Newspapers)
"Did you all see Sarah Palin's interview with Charlie Gibson? In fact, John McCain was watching it at home and at one point he turned to his wife and said, "She looks really familiar."

David Foster Wallace: Commencement Address at Kenyon College (May 21, 2005)
Here is just one example of the total wrongness of something I tend to be automatically sure of: everything in my own immediate experience supports my deep belief that I am the absolute center of the universe; the realest, most vivid and important person in existence. We rarely think about this sort of natural, basic self-centeredness because it's so socially repulsive. But it's pretty much the same for all of us. It is our default setting, hard-wired into our boards at birth.

"Infinite Jest" by David Foster Wallace: A Review by David L. Ulin (
I didn't know David Foster Wallace all that well. We met a couple of times, and once, I interviewed him onstage at the Writers Guild Theater in Beverly Hills. I asked him on a few occasions if he'd review for the paper, but he said he'd had a bad experience and had sworn off reviewing for good. We shared a literary agent.

Boris Kachka: The End (
The book business as we know it will not be living happily ever after. With sales stagnating, CEO heads rolling, big-name authors playing musical chairs, and Amazon looming as the new boogeyman, publishing might have to look for its future outside the corporate world.

Ian Welsh: Standing With the Good Samaritan Against So Many "Christians" (
Whenever I read these words I think that Jesus is a man I could love and respect. And whenever I read these words I am saddened by how few of his followers today are worthy of the word "Christian."

Donald Liebenson: Police Add Uncertainty to the Mix (
At parent orientation for incoming high school freshman, the principal encouraged us to get involved with our kids, to ask questions. So I sat my son down and, bracing myself, asked about the mixtape.

ANNIE HOLUB: Kiss and Tell (
In the 13 years since Jill Sobule's "I Kissed a Girl", homosexuality has shed some of its taboo -- but Katy Perry's song is, at best, a reminder that there's still a long way to go.

STUART HENDERSON: "The Energy Moving Through the Air: An Interview with Calexico's Joey Burns" (
In a business that is dominated by both the hyper-commodification of artistry and the lazy emphasis on marketing and artifice rather than imagination and creativity, Calexico's "just play" approach is like the whisper of another era.

Ellen Gray: No passion for pie: Kristin Chenoweth can do without the dessert that's a theme on 'Daisies' (Philadelphia Daily News)
Kristin Chenoweth is not "a pie person."

Will Harris: A Chat with Cybill Shepherd, Co-star of "Cybill" (
People started paying too much attention (to 'Cybill') and trying to get us to be nice and ladylike all the time and leave the gross jokes to Drew Carey. They didn't like that we were pushing the envelope like that.


Subscribe to BartCop!


The Weekly Poll

'Informed Voter' Edition...

On August 25th The Democratic National Convention released the official platform.    Click here: 2008 Democratic Party Platform - (WARNING: pdf format)

This week's poll is...

What changes, if any, would you make to this platform?

    A.)  None. It is fine as it is...

    B.)  I would include __________...

    C.)  I would not have included __________...

    D.)  I would alter this particular position __________...

Remember Pollfans, an informed voter, is a happy voter!


Send your response to BadtotheBoneBob ( BCEpoll 'at' )


Member of Alaska National Guard Slams Sarah Palin


Trivia Question Of The Day

Although its botanical name suggests it is native to Persia, this fruit actually originated in China. Which of the 5 listed below is it?

   A:    Cherry
   B:    Pawpaw
   C:    Peach
   D:    Pomegranate
   E:    Quince

Send your answer to Marty

Trivia Question from Yesterday

Who is generally attributed with the creation of the US Dollar sign in 1778?

   A:    John Addams
   B:    Benjamin Franklin
   C:    Alexander Hamilton
  D:    Oliver Pollock
   E:    George Washington                 Source

Oliver Pollock (1737, Coleraine, Ireland - December 17, 1823, Pinckneyville, Mississippi) was a merchant and financier of the American Revolutionary War, of which he has long been considered a historically undervalued figure. He is often attributed with the creation of the US Dollar sign in 1778.

Marian the Teacher was first, and correct, with:
   Oliver Pollock

Sandra in Bangor replied:
   i would guess ben franklin, the printer.

My old pal Willow answered:
   D: Oliver Pollack

Alan J responded:
   D. Oliver Pollock

Sally said:
   Irish laddie, Oliver Pollock (D) is thought to be the creator of the US Dollar sign in 1778. Actually it was merely the process of elimination here. I had Ben Franklin on the top of my list because he was so inventive, but he was too busy being a scientist, statesman, printer, philosopher, musician, economist, AWA inventor, back then. If by "John Addams" you meant a politician from Illinois, John Huy Addams,he wasn't born until the early 1800s. (The President "John Adams" spells his name with only one "D" BTW.) First Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton was too obvious (and only 23 years old at the time) and GW (Not Bush) was busy fighting the Revolutionary War - I can't imagine his need for the capitalist icon ($) during a freaking war!
  Beautiful day in northern NJ for a change,
  PS: Has anyone ever actually thought about, "Who" really founded the "United States?" (One needs to put aside all that was taught to them in school, which I believe was put in "school books" as an optical illusion of sorts...)
  PPS: "Cheer up" DannyD! Should Sarah Palin be elected Vice (yeah, sure) President in November (cough, choke), I am moving to Greenland! Wanna come along? :)

~ Tony In Philly answered:
   The Google says:
  D: Oliver Pollock

Charlie responded:
   We blame that on
  D: Oliver Pollock
  "Love of money has been denounced by moralists since the world began. I do not wish to add another to the moral denunciations, of which the efficacy in the past has not been encouraging. I wish show how the worship of money is both an effect and a cause of diminishing vitality, and how our institutions might be changed so as to make the worship of money grow less and general vitality grow more. It is not the desire for money as a means to definite ends that is in question. A struggling artist may desire money in order to have leisure for his art, but this desire is finite, and can be satisfied by a very modest sum. It is the worship of money that I wish to consider: the belief that values may be measured in terms of money, and that money is the ultimate test of success in life. This belief is held in fact, if not in words, by multitudes of men and women, and yet it is not in harmony with human nature, since it ignores vital needs and the instinctive tendency towards some specific kind of growth. It makes men treat as unimportant those of their desires which run counter to the acquisition of money, and yet such desires are, as a rule, more important to well-being than any increase of income. It leads men to mutilate their own natures from a mistaken theory of what constitutes success, and to give admiration to enterprise which add nothing to human welfare. It promotes a dead uniformity of character and purpose, a diminution in the joy of life, and a stress and strain which leaves whole communities weary, discouraged, and disillusioned."
     ~Bertrand Russell
        Principles of Social Reconstruction

socdan said:
   From, Oliver Pollock included in correspondence to George Clark the dollar symbol to represent the US dollar. That the symbol itself may have been used to denote other currencies before that is the subject of scholarly debate, with which I am not competent to be involved.

And, Joe S ("The white man's dollar is his god, and to stop this will be to stop outrages in many localities."  ~ Ida B. Wells) [whose name was omitted yesterday] wrote:
   D: Oliver Pollock. I'm guessing it's the guy I've never heard of.


Thanks to Charlie for the picture.


Photo from Marsha

Mystery Bug


Mystery bug by Marsha Ann Griffith

Snapped this cute little fellow a few weeks ago, and still can't identify him. Maybe one of your readers can figure out what he is.



Thanks, again, Marsha!
Since no one identified this bug, thought I'd run it again.




Selected Readings

from that Mad Cat, JD





Perfunctory Crap!




















Ark Of Darkness


In The Chaos Household

Last Night

Feels like fall.

Tonight, Friday:

CBS begins the night with a RERUN 'Ghost Whisperer', followed by a RERUN 'NUMB3RS', then another RERUN 'NUMB3RS'.
On a RERUN Dave (from 9/4/08) are Robin Williams, Shannen Doherty, and Duffy.
Scheduled on a FRESH Craig are Kristen Bell and Josh Radnor.

NBC starts the night with a FRESH 'America's Tougest Jobs', followed by 'Dateline'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Leno are Brooke Shields and Dolly Parton.
Scheduled on a FRESH Conan are Ice-T, Dwayne Wade, and Shane Mauss.
Scheduled on a FRESH Carson 'The Scab' Daly it's TBA.

ABC opens the night with a 2-hour RERUN 'America's So-Called Funniest Home Videos', followed by another unwatchable '20/20'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jimmy Kimmel are Danny Devito, Michelle Monaghan, and Cold War Kids.

The CW fills the night with a FRESH 'WWE Friday Steroid SmackDown!'.

Faux has a FRESH 'Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?', followed by a FRESH 'Don't Forget the Lyrics!'.

MY has 'The Academy', followed by 'Paradise Ho-Tell'.

PLEASE check local PBS listings for a FRESH 'Bill Moyers Journal', and a FRESH 'NOW With Bill Moyers David Brancaccio'.

A&E has all 'CSI: The 2nd One' all night.

AMC offers the movie 'Midway', followed by the movie 'Pearl Harbor'.

BBC  -   
 [12:00 PM]    How Clean Is Your House? - Episode 5
 [12:30 PM]    How Clean Is Your House? - Episode 6
 [1:00 PM]    Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares - Ep 6 The Granary
 [2:00 PM]    Cash in the Attic - Episode 5
 [3:00 PM]    Bargain Hunt - Ep. 21 Kedleston 70
 [3:30 PM]    Bargain Hunt - Ep. 22 Wetherby 54
 [4:00 PM]    You Are What You Eat - Episode 7
 [4:30 PM]    You Are What You Eat - Episode 8
 [5:00 PM]    How Clean Is Your House? - Episode 7
 [5:30 PM]    How Clean Is Your House? - Episode 8
 [6:00 PM]    Newsnight - Episode 29
 [7:00 PM]    BBC World News America
 [8:00 PM]    Monty Python's Flying Circus - Ep. 7 Salad Days
 [8:40 PM]    Monty Python's Flying Circus - Ep. 8 The Cycling Tour
 [9:20 PM]    Star Stories - Jude Law & Sadie Frost
 [10:00 PM]    Newsnight - Episode 29
 [11:00 PM]    Monty Python's Flying Circus - Ep. 7 Salad Days
 [11:40 PM]    Monty Python's Flying Circus - Ep. 8 The Cycling Tour
 [12:20 AM]    Star Stories - Jude Law & Sadie Frost
 [1:00 AM]    Monty Python's Flying Circus - Ep. 7 Salad Days
 [1:40 AM]    Monty Python's Flying Circus - Ep. 8 The Cycling Tour
 [2:20 AM]    Star Stories - Jude Law & Sadie Frost
 [3:00 AM]    The Graham Norton Show - Ep 9 Dustin and Lisa Hoffman
 [4:00 AM]    Bargain Hunt - Ep. 9 Ardingly 49
 [4:30 AM]    Bargain Hunt - Ep. 10 Kedleston 45
 [5:00 AM]    Cash in the Attic - Episode 4
 [5:30 AM]    Cash in the Attic - Episode 7
 [6:00 AM]    BBC World News    (ALL TIMES EDT)

Bravo has the movie 'While You Were Sleeping', followed by the movie 'Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous', then the movie 'Miss Congeniality 2: Armed And Fabulous', again.

Comedy Central has 'Scrubs', another 'Scrubs', last night's 'Jon Stewart', last night's 'Colbert Report', 'Chappelle's Show', another 'Chappelle's Show', 'Comedy Central Presents' (Corey Holcomb), and another 'Comedy Central Presents' (Robert Kelly).

HBO offers a FRESH Real Time with Bill Maher - scheduled guests include musician, journalist Naomi Klein, political blogger Andrew 'Bareback Andy' Sullivan, and economist Paul Krugman.

FX has the movie 'The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen', followed by the movie 'V For Vendetta', then the movie 'The Honeymooners'.

History has 'Modern Marvels', 'The Works', followed by a FRESH 'Gangland', and a FRESH 'Shockwave'.

IFC  -   
 [7:30 AM]    IFC News Election Special
 [8:00 AM]    Mad Dog Morgan
 [9:45 AM]    The Hard Word
 [11:35 AM]    IFC Short Film Showcase
 [12:35 PM]    The Pianist
 [3:15 PM]    Mad Dog Morgan
 [5:00 PM]    The Hard Word
 [6:45 PM]    Shopping
 [8:30 PM]    Kinsey
 [10:30 PM]    Z Rock
 [11:00 PM]    The Whitest Kids U'Know
 [11:30 PM]    Gunslinger Girl
 [12:00 AM]    A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child
 [1:35 AM]    Z Rock
 [2:00 AM]    The Whitest Kids U'Know
 [2:30 AM]    Gunslinger Girl
 [3:00 AM]    A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child
 [4:35 AM]    Shopping    (ALL TIMES EST)

SciFi has 'Stargate SG-1', 'Stargate Atlantis', another 'Stargate Atlantis', and a FRESH 'Stargate Atlantis'.

Sundance  -   
 [04:30 AM]    State of Fear
 [06:05 AM]    The Cruise
 [07:30 AM]    In Between Days
 [09:00 AM]    The Staircase: Chapter 7. The blowpoke returns
 [10:00 AM]    It's Not Easy Being Green Season 2: Episode 8
 [10:35 AM]    Eco Documentaries - Season 2: Off the Grid: Life on the Mesa
 [11:45 AM]    Big Ideas for a Small Planet - Season 2: Live
 [12:30 PM]    The Tiger and the Snow
 [02:45 PM]    Colma: The Musical
 [04:30 PM]    Looking for Leonard
 [06:00 PM]    The Life and Times of Vivienne Vyle: Episode 2
 [06:30 PM]    The True History of The Traveling Wilburys
 [07:00 PM]    Being Julia
 [09:00 PM]    Live From Abbey Road - Season 2: Rascal Flatts, Kate Nash & Herbie Hancock
 [10:00 PM]    Follow My Voice: With the Music of Hedwig
 [12:00 AM]    She Killed in Ecstasy
 [01:15 AM]    The True History of The Traveling Wilburys
 [02:00 AM]    Live From Abbey Road - Season 2: Rascal Flatts, Kate Nash & Herbie Hancock
 [03:00 AM]    John Safran vs. God: Episode 3
 [03:30 AM]    City of Men - Season 4: Episode 1: The Line Up
 [04:00 AM]    Female Perversions (1996)     (ALL TIMES EST)

 [7:00 AM]      In Name Only (1939)
 [8:45 AM]      The Keyhole (1933)
 [10:00 AM]      I Found Stella Parish (1935)
 [11:30 AM]      MGM Parade Show #10 (1955)
 [12:00 PM]      The Fastest Guitar Alive (1967)
 [1:30 PM]      Hootenanny Hoot! (1963)
 [3:15 PM]      Your Cheatin' Heart (1964)
 [5:00 PM]      A Face In The Crowd (1957)
 [7:15 PM]      Private Screenings: Patricia Neal (2004)
 [8:00 PM]      Cyrano De Bergerac (1950)
 [10:00 PM]      Moulin Rouge (1952)
 [12:15 AM]      Enter Laughing (1967)
 [2:15 AM]      13 Ghosts (1960)
 [3:45 AM]      The Tingler (1959)
 [5:15 AM]      Festival of Shorts #26 (2000)     (ALL TIMES EST)

Saturday  -  09/20/08

 [6:00 AM]      Pride And Prejudice (1940)
 [8:00 AM]      Topper (1937)
 [10:00 AM]      Merrily We Live (1938)
 [12:00 PM]      The Westerner (1940)
 [2:00 PM]      The Fall of the Roman Empire (1964)
 [5:15 PM]      Anatomy Of A Murder (1959)
 [8:00 PM]      Witness For The Prosecution (1957)
 [10:00 PM]      The Paradine Case (1947)
 [12:15 AM]      Victim (1961)
 [2:00 AM]      Hostile Witness (1968)
 [3:45 AM]      A Night to Remember (1958)     (ALL TIMES EST)

Any opinions?

Or reviews?

(See below for addresses)


Elizabeth Jagger on the catwalk at the Fashion For Relief show, during London Fashion Week at the Natural History Museum in central London, Wednesday Sept. 17, 2008. Funds were raised by the show and a following auction for The White Ribbon Alliance charity to be used directly to promote and increase awareness of the need to make pregnancy and childbirth safe for women and newborns in developing and developed countries.
Photo by Lefteris Pitarakis


Click Here!


Grants For Farmers Hurt By Hurricanes

Farm Aid

Farm Aid founder Willie Nelson says the organization will give $30,000 to groups that help family farmers in areas of Texas and Louisiana hit hardest by Hurricanes Ike and Gustav.

Nelson, a native Texan, announced the grants Thursday. They include $7,500 each to the Lutheran Social Services of the South, the Southern Mutual Help Association, the Louisiana Interchurch Conference and the Federation of Southern Cooperatives.

Somerville-based Farm Aid says more money will be distributed as the extent of the hurricane damage becomes clearer.

Farm Aid


Surviving Dead Fundraiser


Barack Obama has the Dead on his side again.

The Democratic presidential candidate's campaign has confirmed a long-rumored fundraising concert that will include four remaining members of the Grateful Dead at Penn State University's Bryce Jordan Center.

Bob Weir, Phil Lesh and Mickey Hart played at a get-out-the-vote concert in February in California for the campaign.

A Pennsylvania spokeswoman for the campaign says the trio will be joined by a fourth surviving member, Bill Kreutzmann, at the Oct. 13 show in State College.



In this photo supplied by the club Drom, flutist Sir James Galway performs in New York Monday, Sept 15, 2008, at Drom, on the Lower East Side with the Cuban jazz group Tiempo Libre. From downtown to uptown, Galway charms the crowds. Two nights later, he performed a dazzling concerto at Lincoln Center with the New York Philharmonic.
Photo by Serdar Ilhan


New Piece Of Music Found


A French museum has found a previously unknown piece of music handwritten by Mozart, a researcher said Thursday. The 18th century melody sketch is missing the harmony and instrumentation but was described as important find.

Ulrich Leisinger, head of research at the International Mozarteum Foundation in Salzburg, Austria, said there is no doubt that the single sheet was written by the composer.

"His handwriting is absolutely clearly identifiable," he added. "There's no doubt that this is an original piece handwritten by Mozart."

The work, described as the preliminary draft of a musical composition, was found by a library in Nantes in western France as staff were going through its archives. Leisinger says the library contacted his foundation for help authenticating the work.



History Detectives

Federico Garcia Lorca

The family of Spanish civil war poet Federico Garcia Lorca said it would allow authorities to dig up a common grave in which he is believed to be buried with three other men executed by fascists in 1936, a newspaper reported Thursday.

Garcia Lorca's family had until now opposed the opening of the grave, which is also believed to contain the remains of two anarchist bullfighters and a school teacher who were shot dead by partisans of General Francisco Franco near Granada.

"We won't stop it," his niece and family spokeswoman, Laura Garcia Lorca, told El Pais. "Even if we don't want it to be done, we respect the wishes of the other parties involved."

Nieves Galindo, the grand-daughter of school teacher Diascoro Galindo, petitioned high-profile judge Baltasar Garzon on Friday to open the grave site in order to verify that her relative is indeed buried there.

Federico Garcia Lorca



In The Kitchen With BartCop & Friends


Screenwriters Lauded

Humanitas Prize

It's tie for the "Lars and the Real Girl" and "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" screenwriters.

Both Nancy Oliver and Ronald Harwood took home $10,000 feature film awards at the annual Humanitas Prize. Screenwriters in 10 categories accepted $95,000 in prize money. Since 1974, the Humanitas Prize has awarded more than $2.8 million for film/TV writing.

The awards were announced Wednesday by Emmy-winning screenwriter-producer John Wells, the new Humanitas Prize president. Wells previously won a Humanitas Prize for his work on "The West Wing." His other TV credits include "ER," "Third Watch," and "China Beach." More than 80 screenwriters, directors and producers serve on the judging committee.

The 2008 Humanitas Prize winners - Humanitas Prize


The stars of '9 to 5: The Musical' and composer (L-R) Stephanie J. Block, Allison Janney, Dolly Parton and Megan Hilty are pictured at a news conference promoting the musical in Los Angeles September 18, 2008.
Photo by Fred Prouser


Looking For Official Rock 'N' Roll Song


Ten finalists have been named by Oklahoma's Official Rock Song Advisory Panel in a contest to elect the Official Rock 'N' Roll Song of Oklahoma. Among the contenders are bluesman J.J. Cale, new wavers the Call, surf heroes the Ventures, '50s rockabilly goddess Wanda Jackson, pop-rockers the All-American Rejects, and psychedelic eccentrics the Flaming Lips.

The Oklahoma History Center will celebrate the state's rock 'n' roll history with an exhibit entitled "Another Hot Oklahoma Night," slated to open May 2, 2009. Voting for the Official Oklahoma Rock Song will take place on through November 15, 2008.

"After Midnight" - J.J. Cale
"Heartbreak Hotel" - Mae Boren Axton
"Oklahoma" - The Call
"Never Been To Spain" - Hoyt Axton
"Move Along" - All-American Rejects
"Home Sweet Oklahoma" - Leon Russell
"Endless Oklahoma Sky" - John Moreland & The Black Gold Band
"Walk Don't Run" - The Ventures
"Do You Realize?" - The Flaming Lips
"Let's Have A Party" - Wanda Jackson



I'm Pissed
(formerly 'The Vidiot')


Denies Drug Allegations

Ryan O'Neal

A day after Ryan O'Neal and his son were arrested on suspicion of drug possession, his lawyer denied any wrongdoing by the actor.

"The drugs found were not his," attorney Mark Werksman told The Associated Press on Thursday. "He would never use them."

O'Neal was arrested along with his son, Redmond, after authorities searched their home early Wednesday. The search was part of a routine sweep by deputies checking on Redmond O'Neal, who remains on probation after pleading guilty earlier this year to a pair of drug possession felonies.

The pair were released after posting $10,000 bail. Los Angeles County prosecutors will evaluate whether to press charges against the men.

Ryan O'Neal


U.S. film director, Woody Allen gestures during the press conference promoting his new film, ''Vicky Cristina Barcelona', at the 56th San Sebastian Film Festival in San Sebastian, northern Spain, Thursday, Sept. 18, 2008. The San Sebastian Film Festival, the oldest and most prestigious in the Spanish speaking World, opens Thursday with a strong focus on European and U.S. movies.
Photo by Alvaro Barrientos


How He Did It

Palin's 'Hacker'

Word got out late yesterday that Republican vice presidential hopeful Sarah Palin's personal Yahoo mail account ( had been hacked , with some screenshots of messages and photos of her family posted on and, later, Just whodunnit remains unclear, but details of just how the hack was executed have been emerging today -- and it was embarrassingly and eerily simple.

Palin's Yahoo account had been in the limelight this week after reports that she had used her personal email account to conduct official state government business.

Initially, the Anonymous group, best known for its online protests against the Church of Scientology, was pegged with the hack, but the group has since posted a message on its site denying its involvement. The latest word is that it may have been a one-man effort , according to a post. The person claiming to have executed the hack said in a post (which has since been removed) on the 4chan bulletin board site that he used Wikipedia to get Palin's birthdate, her ZIP code, and then Googled for information for her security question -- where she met her husband -- in an effort to trick Yahoo into reassigning her password.

Palin's 'Hacker'


More Bad Judgment

Open Government?

The hacking of Sarah Palin's Yahoo email has raised serious questions about whether she was trying to hide official government business from the public. The prospect is especially worrying given the Bush Administration's use of Yahoo accounts at the RNC and the subsequent disappearance of those emails.

The Times reports that using webmail for official business was SOP in Alaska:

While Ms. Palin took office promising a more open government, her administration has battled to keep information secret. Her inner circle discussed the benefit of using private e-mail addresses. An assistant told her it appeared that such e-mail messages sent to a private address on a "personal device" like a BlackBerry "would be confidential and not subject to subpoena."

Rovian tactics aside, Wednesday's hacking episode proves that it's rather boneheaded to put state business on Yahoo. True, all e-mail addresses are vulnerable to hacking. But Yahoo is a big target-lots of people spend a lot of time trying to crack Yahoo accounts. Do a quick search for "hack yahoo," and you'll be presented with myriad methods of attack. Alaska's private e-mail system probably does not include a "Did you forget your password?" function. Yahoo, of course, does-and that function presents a key method of entry for hackers.

Open Government?


Indicted In Shooting

Billy Joe Shaver

A McLennan County grand jury has indicted country singer Billy Joe Shaver on felony charges for his alleged role in an April 2007 shooting at a Lorena bar.

Shaver, 69, is charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, a second-degree felony, and a charge of unlawful carrying of a handgun by a licensed holder on a licensed premises, a third-degree felony, the Waco Tribune-Herald reported in its online edition Wednesday.

One witness said Shaver followed the victim, Billy B. Coker, out of Papa Joe's Texas Saloon in Lorena on April 1, 2007, and asked, "Where do you want it?" before shooting him in the face, according to an arrest warrant affidavit filed last year.

Another witness said that after hearing gunfire, she went outside and heard Shaver say to Coker, "Tell me you are sorry," and "Nobody tells me to shut up," according to the affidavit signed by then-acting Lorena Police Chief John Moran.

Billy Joe Shaver


Black grapes are seen at the Chateau Haut Brion in France's Bordeaux region in Pessac, southwestern France, September 9, 2008, as the traditional harvest begins.
Photo by Regis Duvignau


Sued Again

Gary Coleman

Gary Coleman has been sued by a man who claims the actor punched him and ran into him with his truck in a Payson bowling alley parking lot, causing knee, back and neck injuries.

Colt Rushton, 24, of Spanish Fork, says he and Coleman got into an argument Sept. 6 after he began taking pictures of the "Diff'rent Strokes" actor with a cell phone.

In the civil lawsuit, filed Wednesday in 4th District Court, Rushton's account of the confrontation said Coleman's bodyguard, Paul Rohbock, told Rushton he would have to pay $20 per picture if he continued taking photos.

The lawsuit contends Rushton was attacked from behind by Rohbock or Coleman's wife, Shannon Price, and that his cell phone was taken away. The lawsuit also contends Coleman punched Rushton in the chest several times.

Gary Coleman


Trial Likely

Britney Spears

Britney Spears' trial for driving without a valid California license is all set for next month - and the attorney representing her in the criminal matter isn't happy about it.

J. Michael Flanagan, the pop singer's attorney, said the matter is going before a jury due to unfavorable "special treatment" by prosecutors and a judge. Because the violation is a misdemeanor, Spears is not required to attend the trial.

Flanagan has repeatedly argued that the singer is being treated more harshly than other people who have been caught driving without a valid California license. He said under normal circumstances, Spears should be allowed to pay a $10 fine and not face criminal prosecution.

Britney Spears


IOKIYAR - No Charges Expected

Mark Foley

Former U.S. Rep. Mark Foley isn't expected to face charges after a lengthy investigation into his lurid messages to underage congressional pages, two federal law enforcement officials told The Associated Press on Thursday.

Foley resigned in 2006 after being confronted with the e-mails and instant messages he sent to male pages. He has since been under investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the FBI.

Shortly after Foley's resignation, Roth announced Foley was gay and had been molested by a priest as a teenage altar boy. Foley also checked himself into an Arizona treatment facility for what his attorneys said was "alcoholism and other behavioral problems."

Florida authorities had said their investigation was hampered because neither Foley nor the House would let its investigators examine his congressional computers.

Mark Foley


The glowering visage of a Kodiak bear captured in oil on canvas by artist Alvin Amason of the Alutiiq (Sugpiaq) people on Kodiak Island. Priced at $29,000, Amason's painting is on display at the Alaska House gallery, which opened this week in New York, offering more than 200 works by prominent native Alaskan artists.
Photo by David Minthorn


Spinning Dancing Duo's Retirement

Seinfeld & Gates

TV viewers can return to their favorite programs without fear of seeing Bill Gates shaking his tushie now that Microsoft Corp. has retired a bizarre two-week-old ad campaign featuring the software giant's chairman with comedian Jerry Seinfeld.

Bloggers and online media have suggested that the Redmond, Wash.-based company yanked the Seinfeld ads after they were poorly received. The ads show Gates and Seinfeld trading banter at a mall shoe store and while living with a suburban family, trying to get in touch with regular people. Seinfeld asks Gates nonsensical questions about the future of computing, and Gates responds with "signs" that he's on the right track, including "adjusting his shorts," as Seinfeld called the awkward hip shake, and doing "the robot," a dance move.

However, a senior vice president in Microsoft's central marketing group, Mich Mathews, contended in an interview Thursday that it was always the plan to replace the Seinfeld-Gates ads with ones that focus on Windows.

Seinfeld & Gates


Another First For Bush

Household Wealth

U.S. household wealth has declined for a third straight quarter for the first time on record as home prices fell and the value of financial assets diminished, the Federal Reserve said on Thursday.

U.S. household net worth in the second quarter fell 0.8 percent to $55.993 trillion from an upwardly revised $56.431 trillion in the first quarter and $58.943 trillion in the final three months of 2007, the Fed said in its quarterly "flow of funds" report.

The U.S. central bank said it has never before recorded three straight quarters of declining household wealth since it began tracking quarterly changes in 1951. Net wealth fell for two consecutive quarters in the second and third quarters of 2002.

Household Wealth


Move Aside Cannes

Pyongyang Film Festival

Communist North Korea rolled out its version of the red carpet this week when the reclusive state opened its biannual international film festival, allowing its masses to watch forbidden foreign films.

Movies are near to the heart of leader Kim Jong-il, a fan of Daffy Duck, Steven Spielberg and Elizabeth Taylor, who is thought to have a library of about 20,000 films that includes all of the James Bond movies, intelligence sources have said.

In recent years, the North has screened about 70 films from about 30 countries at the festival, that include its own movies as well as films from Europe, the United States and the Asia-Pacific region.

The event, once called "The Film Festival of Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries", used to show obscure films from far-flung corners of the world.

Pyongyang Film Festival


Three-month-old Sumatran tiger cubs Jalur, Berani and Cinta, with their mother Molek, relax in their enclosure at Auckland Zoo after they were put on display to the public in Auckland, New Zealand, Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2008. There are fewer than 400 Sumatran tigers in the wild, and just 160 in captive facilities.


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