BartCop Entertainment Archives - Friday, 6 September, 2013


6 September, 2013

(Updated Daily)

[709 days in a row]


Recommended Reading

from Bruce

nathanwopyle: NYC Basic Tips and Etiquette, Series 2 (Imgur)
Kissing in public. How long is too long? If someone could steal your luggage, that is too long.

Paul Krugman: The Austerian Mask Slips (New York Times)
But the larger point here, surely, is that Rehn has let the mask slip. It's not about fiscal responsibility; it never was. It was always about using hyperbole about the dangers of debt to dismantle the welfare state.

Katy Waldman: Are Our Schools Churning Out Stepford Kids? (Slate)
The new ideal student, she says, is a compliant "good citizen" who keeps her head down and who "doesn't externalize problems or talk too much or challenge the rules too frequently or move around excessively or complain about the curriculum or have passionate outbursts."

Simon Doonan: Kate Moss and Me (Slate)
Encounters with the coolest girl in the world-and how we both found a home in fashion.

Mark Morford: Burning Man 2013 in Photos (SF Gate)
This was my 10th burn, and it was easily the most intense, chaotic, impossibly frenetic and teemingly busy, and also ridiculous, and fantastic, and wonderful, and exhausting, and difficult to track or orient, of any I can remember, due to the sheer numbers, the id-squishing pulse of the place.

Secret Fore-Edge Paintings Revealed in Early 19th Century Books at the University of Iowa (Colossal)
Fore-edge painting, which is believed to date back as early as the 1650s, is a way of hiding a painting on the edge of a book so that it can only be seen when the pages are fanned out.

Ana Samways: "Sideswipe: Today I learned (Via Reddit)" (NewZealand Herald)
After a girl in his community was killed by a red-light runner, a 74-year-old Chinese man spent an entire day hurling bricks at bad drivers. With his neighbourhood cheering him on, he smashed more than 30 red-light runners' cars before the police asked him to stop.

David Brown: Upset kid at Diamondbacks game gets souvenir ball after all (Big League Stew)
That's the true spirit of being a baseball fan. Buying another guy a beer, especially if one has been spilt, for example. Or, if you're not old enough to do that, coming through with a $10 or $15 baseball. Even if it's a weird silver color with a D-backs logo and it never would be confused with an actual game ball and that's not the point!

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Trivia Question of the Day

What was the term used by Allied aircraft pilots in World War II to describe various UFOs or mysterious aerial phenomena seen in the skies?


Send your answer to Marty

Trivia Question from Yesterday

To a sailor, what does the Line-Crossing Ceremony commemorate?

      First crossing of the equator                                                      Source

The ceremony of Crossing the Line is an initiation rite in the British Merchant Navy, Dutch merchant navy, Royal Navy, U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Marine Corps, Russian Navy, and other navies that commemorates a sailor's first crossing of the Equator. The tradition may have originated with ceremonies when passing headlands, and become a "folly" sanctioned as a boost to morale, or have been created as a test for seasoned sailors to ensure their new shipmates were capable of handling long rough times at sea. Sailors who have already crossed the Equator are nicknamed (Trusty/Honorable) Shellbacks, often referred to as Sons of Neptune; those who have not are nicknamed (Slimy) Pollywogs.

Equator-crossing ceremonies, typically featuring King Neptune, are also sometimes carried out for passengers' entertainment on civilian ocean liners and cruise ships. They are also performed in the merchant navy and aboard sail training ships.        Source

Alan J was first, and correct, with:
   Crossing the Equator

Sandra in Bangor said:
   crossing the equator

Charlie wrote:
   Crossing the equator for the first time.

mj replied:
   The ceremony
  Over which King Neptune presides, marks the first time a sailor has crossed the equator. During troop transport in WWII, my dad and his fellow first timers got to take a dip in the bilge water.

Jim from CA, retired to ID, has headed to California......back in a week.

Adam answered:
   Crossing the International Date Line.
  I belive there is much rum and buggery involved, but I could just be thinking of something else......

Marian responded:
   a ceremony performed when a ship crosses the equator

Sally said:

To all who celebrate, wishing you:

  To a sailor, the Line-Crossing Ceremony commemorates the sailor's first crossing of the Equator.

  Apparently it is a big deal, and sailors even get a certificate of achievement for doing so!
  PS: The cricket's chirping has weakened, hope he's okay... I have to wait for the kid's to capture him, I can't see him hiding under the desk...

Kevin in NJ wrote:
   Crossing the Equator by sea. You get to meet King Neptune and become a shellback, up from a pollywog. I did it on a 20 passenger boat in the Galapagos. Awesome! It was a party.

Dale of Diamond Springs, Norcali, responded:
   Crossing the Equator. I knew that but didn't know the story behind it. From Al's Internet:
  The tradition of the line crossing ceremony lived on into the WW2 era, and for many navies in the world at the time, it constituted a rite of passage for sailors. In the British Royal Navy and the United States Navy, for example, Pollywogs who had not yet crossed the line transformed into Shellbacks with the ceremony, entering a brotherhood of trusty sailors. The ceremony traditionally was presided over by a Shellback dressed as King Neptune, ruler of the high seas; other Shellbacks might dress as the king's court. As popularly known, the ceremony involved the embarrassment of Pollywogs for the entertainment of Shellbacks. Pollywogs often had to run through a gauntlet of various obstacles, then swear loyalty to King Neptune by kissing his signet ring and/or his bare foot.

BttbBob   will be back in a few days - he's off Takin Care Of Business
  September 6 Birthdays - Celebrities Born September 6 | Famous Birthdays

Randall replied:
   Time Travel

MAM   took the day off.

And, Joe S     said:
   First crossing of the equator. Everybody knows that. (Don't they?)



Middle Class Political Economist

Now a Blogger-Columnist at US News and World Reports "Economic Intelligence"


Reader Suggestion

Michelle in AZ

Daily Kos: The unmentioned option in Syria

Daily Kos: Daily Show explains why Middle East is so f***ed up: it's the maps

Creative ways to recycle a plane -

Minecraft at 33 million users - a personal story | Technology |

Science Is Not Religion | Jeff Schweitzer

Daily Kos: TX State Sen. Wendy Davis Wins Lawsuit Against Racist GOP Redistricting Plan

Daily Kos: Breaking News: Police in riot gear called out on the Walmart Strikers and protesters in Renton, WA

Daily Kos: Kansas tightens food stamp eligibility, kicking up to 20,000 off of aid

BBC News - Invasive alien species threaten urban environments

Thanks, Michelle!


David E Suggests

Reinvented Oil Rigs

5 Incredible, Reinvented Oil Rigs


Thanks, Dave!


From The Creator of 'Avery Ant'

"The Problem With Young People Today"

(Crabby Old Fart)


Team Coco

CONAN Highlights

Iran's President Gives Jews More Twitter Love

Hassan Rouhani is a social media whiz who can't stop giving the chosen people shoutouts.
Available Worldwide.

Congress Isn't So Nasty After All

It turns out your elected officials are addicted to giving props to their colleagues.
Available in Select Nations Only



from that Mad Cat, JD






Visit JD's site - Kitty Litter Music


Ark Of Darkness


In The Chaos Household

Last Night

So toasty even Satan would be bitching about the heat.

Tonight, Friday:

CBS begins the night with the FRESH 'TEACH', followed by a RERUN 'Blue Bloods'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Dave are Arsenio Hall, Dan Naturman, and Laura Mvula.
Scheduled on a FRESH Craig are Tom Lennon and the Wild Feathers.

NBC starts the night with a RERUN 'Betty White's Off Their Rockers', followed by another RERUN 'Betty White's Off Their Rockers', then 'Dateline'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Leno are Simon Cowell, Adam Carolla, and American Authors.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jimmy Fallon are Katie Couric, Patton Oswalt, New Politics, and Tamar Braxton.
On a RERUN Carson 'The Scab' Daly (from 4/26/13) are Tracy Spiridakos, Neil Shubin, and ZZ Ward.

ABC opens the night with a RERUN 'Last Man Standing', followed by a RERUN 'The Neighbors', then a RERUN 'Shark Tank', followed by '20/20'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jimmy Kimmel are Celine Dion and Jim O'Heir.

The CW offers a FRESH 'Perfect Score', followed by another FRESH 'Perfect Score', then a FRESH 'America's Next Top Model'.

Faux has a RERUN 'Bones', followed by a RERUN 'The Following'.

MY has an old 'Monk', followed by another old 'Monk'.

A&E has all 'Storage Wars' all night.

AMC offers the movie 'Space Cowboys', followed by the movie 'Glory Road', then the movie 'The Shawshank Redemption'.

BBC  -   
 [8:00AM]    MASTERCHEF UK: THE PROFESSIONALS - Season 5 - Episode 23
 [9:00AM]    MASTERCHEF UK: THE PROFESSIONALS - Season 5 - Episode 24
 [10:00AM]    STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION - Season 5 - Ep 12 - Violations
 [11:00AM]    STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION - Season 5 - Ep 13 - The Masterpiece Society
 [12:00PM]    STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION - Season 5 - Ep 14 - Conundrum
 [1:00PM]    RAMSAY'S KITCHEN NIGHTMARES US - Season 3 - Ep 5 - Hot Potato Cafe
 [2:00PM]    RAMSAY'S KITCHEN NIGHTMARES US - Season 5 - Ep 14 - Chiarella's
 [3:00PM]    RAMSAY'S KITCHEN NIGHTMARES US - Season 4 - Ep 10 - Zeke's
 [4:00PM]    MASTERCHEF UK: THE PROFESSIONALS - Season 5 - Episode 23
 [5:00PM]    MASTERCHEF UK: THE PROFESSIONALS - Season 5 - Episode 24
 [6:00PM]    STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION - Season 6 - Ep 7 - Rascals
 [7:00PM]    A KNIGHT'S TALE
 [10:00PM]    LUTHER 2013 - Episode 4 NEW
 [11:00PM]    A KNIGHT'S TALE
 [2:00AM]    LUTHER 2013 - Episode 4
 [3:00AM]    STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION - Season 6 - Ep 5 - Schisms
 [4:00AM]    STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION - Season 6 - Ep 6 - True Q
 [5:00AM]    STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION - Season 6 - Ep 7 - Rascals     (ALL TIMES EST)

Bravo has the movie 'Gone In 60 Seconds', followed by the movie 'The Fast & The Furious'.

Comedy Central has last night's 'Colbert Report', last night's 'Jon Stewart', 'Tosh.0', 'South Park', another 'South Park', still another 'South Park', yet another 'South Park', and 'Tosh.0'.

FX has the movie 'Star Trek', followed by the movie 'xXx'.

History has all 'Counting Cars' all night.

IFC  -   
 [6:00AM]    Whitest Kids U'Know
 [6:15AM]    Comedy Bang! Bang! -Andy Richter Wears a Suit Jacket and a Baby Blue Button Down Shirt
 [6:45AM]    Comedy Bang! Bang! -Sarah Silverman Wears a Black Dress with a White collar
 [7:15AM]    Godsend
 [9:30AM]    Exorcismus
 [11:45AM]    Joy Ride
 [1:45PM]    Godsend
 [4:00PM]    Exorcismus
 [6:15PM]    The Blair Witch Project
 [8:00PM]    The Hills Have Eyes 2
 [10:00PM]    Comedy Bang! Bang! -Bill Hader Wears a Grey Button Down Shirt and Sneakers
 [10:30PM]    Arrested Development -Making a Stand
 [11:00PM]    Arrested Development -S.O.B.s
 [11:30PM]    Arrested Development -Fakin' It
 [12:00AM]    Arrested Development -Family Ties
 [12:30AM]    Arrested Development -Exit Strategy
 [1:00AM]    Comedy Bang! Bang! -Bill Hader Wears a Grey Button Down Shirt and Sneakers
 [1:30AM]    Scream 3
 [4:00AM]    The Hills Have Eyes 2     (ALL TIMES EST)

Sundance  -   
 [6:00AM]    Full Grown Men
 [7:30AM]    The Haunting in Connecticut
 [9:15AM]    The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys
 [11:30AM]    The City of Your Final Destination
 [2:00PM]    Big Trouble in Little China
 [3:45PM]    The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys
 [6:00PM]    Searching for Bobby Fischer
 [8:00PM]    Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans
 [10:30PM]    A Perfect Murder
 [12:30AM]    Don't Say a Word
 [3:00AM]    Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai
 [5:30AM]    The Writers' Room-American Horror Story    (ALL TIMES EST)

SyFy has 'Haven', followed by a FRESH 'WWE Steroid SmackDown', and 'Ghost Mine'.

 [6:00 AM]      The Affairs of Martha (1942)
 [7:15 AM]      Lost Angel (1943)
 [9:00 AM]      A Stranger In Town (1943)
 [10:15 AM]      Holiday Affair (1949)
 [11:45 AM]      A Life Of Her Own (1950)
 [1:45 PM]      Period Of Adjustment (1962)
 [3:45 PM]      Fitzwilly (1967)
 [5:30 PM]      Funny Girl (1968)
 [8:00 PM]      Metropolis (1927)     SILENT 
 [10:45 PM]      Things To Come (1936)
 [12:30 AM]      Escape From New York (1981)
 [2:15 AM]      Brazil (1985)
 [5:00 AM]      TCM Presents Elvis Mitchell Under the Influence: Quentin Tarantino (2008)
 [5:30 AM]      TCM Presents Elvis Mitchell Under the Influence: Ed Norton (2008)    (ALL TIMES EST)

Saturday   -  09/08/13

 [6:00 AM]      You For Me (1952)
 [7:30 AM]      Rogue's March (1953)
 [9:00 AM]      Battle in Outer Space (1960)
 [10:45 AM]      Phantom Raiders (1940)
 [12:00 PM]      Flipper (1963)
 [1:45 PM]      The Master of Ballantrae (1953)
 [3:30 PM]      Along Came Jones (1945)
 [5:15 PM]      Battle Cry (1955)
 [8:00 PM]      Giant (1956)
 [11:30 PM]      McLintock! (1963)
 [2:00 AM]      The Awful Dr. Orloff (1964)
 [3:30 AM]      Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
 [5:00 AM]      Her Name Was Ellie, His Name Was Lyle (1967)
 [5:00 AM]      The Hurrying Kind (1962)    (ALL TIMES EST)

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From L- R: Mary Kay Place, Kevin Kline, and Jobeth Williams arrive to the "The Big Chill" reunion screening at the 38th Toronto International Film Festival in Toronto, September 5, 2013.
Photo by Mark Blinch


The Sideshow - by Avedon Carol


Academy Awards

Honorary Oscars

And the honorary Academy Awards go to - Angelina Jolie, Steve Martin, Angela Lansbury and Italian costume designer Piero Tosi.

The film academy announced Thursday that Jolie will receive the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award, while Martin, Lansbury and Tosi will get Oscars recognizing their career achievements.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' Board of Governors voted on the recipients of the honorary Oscars earlier this week. The awards will be presented at an untelevised ceremony on Nov. 16 at Hollywood & Highland Center's Ray Dolby Ballroom.

Honorary Oscars


Musician Jimmy Buffett watches the quarterfinal between Victoria Azarenka, of Belarus, and Daniela Hantuchova, of Slovakia, at the U.S. Open tennis tournament Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2013, in New York.
Photo by Darron Cummings




MSNBC's prime-time lineup is getting some star power with Alec Baldwin, at least for one night a week.

The cable news network announced Thursday that the actor will host "Up Late with Alec Baldwin," a current events and culture talk show to air Friday nights at 10 p.m. Eastern time. The show is modeled after a podcast he's been doing for WNYC radio in New York, interviewing personalities like David Letterman, Dick Cavett and Republican political strategist Ed Rollins.

The network said the show will begin in October. The two-time Emmy winner for "30 Rock" and 16-time host of "Saturday Night Live" will be back in familiar territory. MSNBC says Baldwin's show will tape at 30 Rockefeller Plaza in New York.

Alec Baldwin


Newhead News


National Book Award

Maya Angelou

The book world is finally honouring Maya Angelou.

The poet and author of "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" will be this year's recipient of the Literarian Award, an honorary National Book Award for contributions to the literary community, the National Book Foundation announced Thursday. It is the first major literary prize for the 85-year-old Angelou, who has been celebrated everywhere from the Grammy Awards to the White House. She has received three Grammys for best spoken word album, a National Medal of Arts and the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the country's highest civilian honour.

Speaking by telephone with The Associated Press on Thursday, Angelou said she couldn't wait to be in the same room as "some very big names in the literary world" and that the Literarian prize made her feel that she was "picking in high cotton."

E.L. Doctorow, a familiar name among prize judges, will receive an honorary medal for "contributions to American letters." Doctorow, 82, won the National Book Award in 1986 for "World's Fair" and was a finalist three other times. A native of New York City, he is best known for the million-selling historical novel "Ragtime," which has been adapted into a feature film and a Broadway musical.

Maya Angelou


Director David Cronenberg speaks during the news conference for "The Cronenberg Project" at the 38th Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) in Toronto, September 5, 2013.
Photo by Mark Blinch


Grand Marshal of 2014 Rose Parade

Vin Scully

Vin Scully will usher in 2014 as grand marshal of the 125th Rose Parade, an honour the Los Angeles Dodgers broadcaster initially wasn't sure he would accept.

The more he thought about it, though, the more he warmed up to the idea, calling it "one of those one-in-a-million experiences."

Scully will be joined by his wife, Sandi, for the 5 1/2-mile ride down Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena on Jan. 1. He was introduced as grand marshal on Thursday at Tournament House.

Scully, who turns 86 in November, recently announced he will return to the booth for a record 65th season in 2014. He began his broadcasting career in 1950, when the Dodgers were in Brooklyn. He works alone calling all nine innings of the team's televised games, with the first three innings simulcast on the radio.

Vin Scully


Wake-up Call


Launching Radio Ad

Oneida Indian Nation

An American Indian tribe in upstate New York said Thursday it will launch a radio ad campaign pressing for the Washington Redskins to shed a name often criticized as offensive.

The Oneida Indian Nation said the first ad will run on radio stations in Washington before the team hosts the Philadelphia Eagles in its season opener Monday night. In the ad, Oneida Nation Representative Ray Halbritter says NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell should "stand up to bigotry" by denouncing "the racial slur" in the team's name.

The radio ad said Goodell had rightly been critical this summer after an Eagles wide receiver was caught on video making a racial slur against African-Americans.

The ads launch as the Washington Redskins this year face a fresh barrage of criticism over their nickname, with local leaders and pundits calling for a name change. In May, 10 members of Congress sent letters to Redskins owner Dan Snyder and Goodell urging the team to change the name.

Oneida Indian Nation


Actor Sean Connery (R) watches the match between Andy Murray of Britain and Stanislas Wawrinka of Switzerland at the U.S. Open tennis championships in New York September 5, 2013.
Photo by Eduardo Munoz


Shut Down

'One Life to Live'

After being resurrected in online form, "One Life to Live" is once again hanging in the balance.

Prospect Park, which revived "OLTL" after it was canceled by ABC, has shelved the series until it can resolve its lawsuit with the network, an individual close to the production told TheWrap.

Prospect Park sued ABC for $25 million in April, saying that the network had sabotaged the online series. According to Prospect Park's complaint, the company agreed to loan "One Life to Live" characters to ABC on a temporary basis for use on "General Hospital," but the network then refused to consult Prospect Park on storylines and ultimately killed off two characters, making it difficult if not impossible to bring them back onto "One Life to Live."

ABC has called Prospect Park's lawsuit "baseless."

'One Life to Live'


Director Kitty Green (4th L) poses with members of women's rights group Femen during a red carpet for the movie "Ukraine is not a Brothel" at the 70th Venice Film Festival September 5, 2013.
Photo by Alessandro Bianchi


Driving Charge Dropped

Sally Struthers

Maine prosecutors have dropped a drunk-driving charge against actress Sally Struthers under an agreement in which she pleaded guilty to a lesser charge.

Struthers didn't have to appear in court in Alfred last week when her plea was entered to a charge of driving to endanger. The Portland Press Herald ( ) reports she was ordered to pay $1,210 in fines and fees, and her driver's license was suspended for a month.

The 66-year-old Struthers is best known for her role as Gloria Stivic in the 1970s TV sitcom "All in the Family."

Police arrested her on Sept. 12, 2012, in the resort town of Ogunquit, where she was performing at the Ogunquit Playhouse in the musical "9 to 5."

Sally Struthers


Actor Rainn Wilson plays in an exhibition doubles match with fellow actor Jason Biggs against tennis greats Chris Evert and Monica Seles at the U.S. Open tennis championships in New York September 5, 2013.
Photo by Shannon Stapleton


Vatican't Recalls Immune Envoy

Dominican Republic

The Vatican't has recalled its ambassador to the Dominican Republic and relieved him of his duties pending an investigation, after local media accused him of pedophilia, a spokesman for the Roman Catholic Church said on Wednesday.

The Dominican Attorney General later announced that a special prosecutor had been appointed to investigate Archbishop Josef Wesolowski, who has been nuncio, or ambassador, in the capital Santo Domingo for nearly six years.

Vatican't spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said the Holy See had started a probe of Wesolowski and that he had been recalled "in the last few weeks," specifically over the pedophilia accusations.

Monsignor Agripino Núñez Collado, a church official in the Caribbean nation, told reporters the Vatican acted as soon as the pope had been informed of Wesolowski's alleged "missteps."

He said Wesolowski faces possible punishment by the Vatican but may be immune from prosecution in the Dominican Republic because a nuncio has diplomatic status.

Dominican Republic


Mariachis perform "Guadalajara" during their attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the largest number of mariachis performing the same song, in Guadalajara September 5, 2013. Seven hundred mariachis from various countries, including Mexico, Japan, Colombia and Venezuela, broke the record on Thursday after performing the song for five minutes in Guadalajara, according to local media.
Photo by Alejandro Acosta


Academy Blames Victim


A female U.S. Navy midshipman who accused three former naval academy football players of rape, asked a court on Thursday to prevent the academy's superintendent from deciding whether the men will face court-martial.

The men, Tra'ves Bush, 22, Eric Graham, 21, and Joshua Tate, 21, are charged with sexually assaulting the woman in April 2012 at an off-campus party in Annapolis, Maryland, the site of the elite U.S. Naval Academy.

The allegations are the latest in a spate of high-profile U.S. military sexual assault cases, some involving personnel whose job it was to prevent sexual abuse. In a May 24 speech at the Naval Academy, President Barack Obama urged graduates to stamp out sexual assault from their ranks.

The woman's lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Maryland seeks a court order directing the Academy superintendent, Vice Admiral Michael Miller, "to recuse himself for bias" due to a "direct interest in ensuring that nothing...diminishes or undermines the reputation of the Naval Academy."

The men are charged with sexual assault and making false statements and may face a summary or general court-martial, administrative procedures or have the charges dropped, the academy said. It said a decision on whether to court-martial the men was expected to take several weeks.



Men chew qat inside a sesame oil mill in the old city of Sanaa, September 5, 2013. Pure sesame oil is extracted in traditional mills powered by camels in Yemen for reasons that range from cooking to therapeutic purposes.
Photo by Mohamed al-Sayaghi


How To Lower


The challenges of being poor - like scrounging for rent and devising new ways to cut back on spending - vacuums up large amounts of mental energy.

New research from Princeton University shows that the mental demands from not having a cushy bank account can suppress cognitive functioning by 13 IQ points, the equivalent of a full night's sleep - potentially leading to bad decisions that keep the cycle of poverty spinning along.

For the first experiment, which took place at a mall in New Jersey, researchers looked at 400 random subjects with a median annual income of $70,000, the poorest of which made about $20,000. The subjects were asked to think about different financial scenarios, like having to pay $1,500 for a car repair, while at the same time performing common cognitive tasks.

Researchers found that under low-pressure financial scenarios, poor and rich folks performed equally well on the cognitive tasks. Under higher-pressure financial scenarios, however, those with the smallest pay checks performed significantly worse than their unfazed, wealthier counterparts.



An Amazonian dancer performs while holding a snake during the Mistura gastronomic fair in Lima September 5, 2013. The fair seeks to promote Peruvian cuisine by showcasing food and products from all over the country. Exponents of Peruvian cuisine and foreign chefs are also participating in the fair, which runs from September 5 to 15. The fair brings together the various players in the gastronomic chain of Peru such as farmers, pisco producers, bakers, chefs, confectioners, huariques, culinary schools, food retailers and food-related industries.
Photo by Enrique Castro-Mendivil


Final Toast

Doolittle Raiders

The last of the Doolittle Raiders from World War II will make their final toast together in a Nov. 9 ceremony at the national Air Force museum in southwest Ohio.

An Air Force museum spokesman told The Associated Press on Thursday that all four remaining survivors of the 1942 bombing attack on Japan plan to participate. All are in their 90s.

By tradition, the Raiders reunite each year and toast "those who have gone" from the original 80. They use special silver goblets with engraved names. For years, the plan was for the last two survivors to make the final toast. However, after Maj. Thomas Griffin of Cincinnati died in February at age 96, it was decided to have a final ceremony this year because of the survivors' advancing ages.

The toast ritual grew from reunions led by Lt. Col. James "Jimmy" Doolittle, who commanded the mission credited with helping change the course of the war in the aftermath of Japan's Pearl Harbor attack and a string of Japanese successes in the Pacific region.

Doolittle Raiders



A yet unnamed female elephant calf walks in its enclosure at Schoenbrunn zoo in Vienna September 5, 2013. The elephant was born on September 4 after 645 days of pregnancy of its mother Tonga, following the first ever successful insemination of an African elephant using frozen sperm taken from a wild elephant bull in South Africa.
Photo by Heinz-Peter Bader


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Legal Stuff

Established 26 July, 2001

Heh heh heh

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