BartCop Entertainment Archives - Friday, 28 February, 2020


28 February, 2020

(Updated Daily)

[581 days in a row]


Recommended Reading

from Bruce

Tom Danehy: Tom has some thoughts about sacrifice and lent (Tucson Weekly)
My five toughest Lents have been: •1978, when I gave up meat and fish. I was the sports editor of the Arizona Daily Wildcat at the time. A guy named Steve Williams was a copy editor. (Yes, that job used to exist. I think about it every time a sportswriter in the morning paper uses "sprung" instead of "sprang" or "rung" instead of "rang" as the past tense of "spring" or "ring." That stuff drives me nuts!)

Angelica Jade Bastién: It Doesn't Take Much to Be Seen As an Unruly Woman (Vulture)
Here's the thing about being an unruly woman. It doesn't take much to gain that distinction. Talk too much, too loudly, and that's enough. … What makes Harley Quinn so thrilling is that she provides another option - one where the unruly woman is allowed to cut loose and triumph over the emblems of misogyny in her life.

Alison Wilmore: Birds of Prey Tries to Figure Out a Post-Joker Harley Quinn, to Mixed Results (Vulture)
The latest outing for Margot Robbie's comic book antiheroine has a lot of ideas, and less of a sense of what to do with them.

Lynn Steiger Strong: "A dirty secret: you can only be a writer if you can afford it" (The Guardian)
There is nothing more sustaining to long-term creative work than time and space - and these things cost money.

Charles Bramesco: "David Cronenberg: 'Movies were made for sex'" (The Guardian)
The acclaimed film-maker goes in front of the camera for a new thriller and talks about age, sex and how difficult he finds it to get funding for a new project.

Martin Farrer: "Coronavirus: Trump says US risk 'very low' as Australian PM warns pandemic is 'upon us'" (The Guardian)
US president says cases could fall to zero in a 'few days' but Scott Morrison launches emergency plan to deal with threat of global outbreak.

David Bruce's Amazon Author Page

David Bruce's Smashwords Page

David Bruce's Blog #1

David Bruce's Blog #2

David Bruce's Blog #3

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Michael Egan

Michael Egan


Trump Orders Movie Version of 'Unreadable' Constitution - Michael Egan, Humor Times

Editorial and Political Cartoons


Trivia Question of the Day

In 1999 Edson Arantes do Nascimento was elected Athlete of the Century by the International Olympic Committee. By what name is this national hero better known?


Send your answer to Marty

Throwback Thursday Trivia Question from Yesterday

In commercials that ran from 1968 to 1984, Ty-D-Bol featured a nautical spokesperson piloting a boat. Where was his boat located?

       Toilet Tank                                                      Source

Ty-D-Bol, an American brand of toilet cleaner, was introduced in 1958. In its original format, the product is a blue cleanser/disinfectant liquid released into the toilet tank from an automatic dispenser.

The brand has changed owners repeatedly; Willert Home Products of Saint Louis, Missouri, which acquired the brand in 2010, currently manufactures Ty-D-Bol in South St. Louis.

The company is best known for its nautical spokesperson, the Ty-D-Bol Man, who piloted a boat inside the toilet tank in TV commercials from 1968 to 1984.        Source

1971 Ty D Bol Commercial

1977 Ty-D-Bol "Man in the Boat" Commercial

Mark. was first, and correct, with:
   The Ty-D-Bowl Man sailed his boat in the toilet tank.

Randall wrote:
   IN the toilet tank

Cal in Vermont said:
   In a toilet tank. Anything to be in showbiz!

Alan J answered:
   The toilet tank.

zorch replied:
   The boat was inside the toilet tank.

Stephen F responded:
   Inside the toilet tank.

Mac Mac said:
   Toilet tank

Roy in Tyler, TX, Still trying to turn the state Blue wrote:
   That Ty-D-Bol guy in the boat keeping your john clean as a whistle was floating in the tank, not in the bowl.

  Lift the lid and there he is!

Adam answered:
   in your toilet bowl

Gary K replied:
   In the tank for the toilet ??

Deborah responded:
   The boat was in the toilet tank. Pretty cheesy.
  It's been shorts and t-shirts weather all weak. The green hills are starting to brown, about 2 months early, due to lack of rain and unseasonably warm temperatures. Sure makes for nice evenings on the patio, though,

Jim from CA, retired to ID, said:
   blue cleanser/disinfectant liquid released into the toilet tank from an automatic dispenser.

Dave in Tucson wrote:
   The Ty-D-Bol boat was located in the toilet tank. Perhaps a bit hazardous if the boat was in the other watery part of the toilet?

Barbara, of Peppy Tech fame answered:
   The Ty-D-Bol man's boat was located in a toilet tank. Kind of an odd concept when you think about it!

Daniel in The City responded:
   In a toilet

DJ Useo replied:
   His boat was in the toilet tank. Yuck!

Dave took the day off.
Micki took the day off.
Jon L took the day off.
John I from Hawai`i took the day off.
Michelle in AZ took the day off.
Rosemary in Columbus took the day off.
mj took the day off.
Kevin K. in Washington, DC, took the day off.
Harry M. took the day off.
Billy in Cypress U$A took the day off.
David of Moon Valley took the day off.
Joe S     took the day off.
Saskplanner took the day off.
Kenn B took the day off.
Leo in Boise took the day off.
PGW. 94087 took the day off.
Ed K took the day off.
MarilynofTC took the day off.
George M. took the day off.
Gateway Mike took the day off.
Paul of Seattle took the day off.
Doug in Albuquerque took the day off.
Peter W took the day off.
Brian S. took the day off.
Steve in Wonderful Sacramento, CA, took the day off.
Gene took the day off.
Tony K. took the day off.
Noel S. took the day off.
James of Alhambra took the day off.

BttbBob   has returned to semi-retired status.

  February 28 Birthdays - Celebrities Born February 28 | Famous Birthdays

Sally has retired.

MAM     In memory.




Middle Class Political Economist






Music: "You Can't Judge a Book by Looking at Its Cover"

Artist: katahoula

Artist Location: Seattle, Washington

Info: "Seattle psychedelic blues band that plays a wide range of blues, blues rock and folk, drums, bass, electric guitar, accordion and harmonies."

"We recorded this track for Bo Diddley's birthday."

     Angelina Baldoz-bass, vocals
     Eric Richards-guitar

Price: $1 (USD) for single.

Genre: Blues Rock.


katahoula on Bandcamp

"You Can't Judge a Book by Looking at Its Cover"

Other Links:



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Reader Suggestion

Michelle in AZ

The best English-language remakes - ranked! | Film | The Guardian

America is about to get a godawful lesson in why health care should never be a for-profit business

White House mobilizes to stunt information flow to the public on coronavirus

Mike Pence's Defining Moment As Governor? Enabling An HIV Outbreak. | HuffPost Life

Coronavirus Exposes Worst Traits Of Trump Administration, Conservative Columnist Says | HuffPost

Jimmy Kimmel Asks Republicans To Name A Country On A Map And It Doesn't Go Well | HuffPost

Opinion | When a Pandemic Meets a Personality Cult - The New York Times

'Mockingbird' at Madison Square Garden wowed 18,000 students, for free - The Washington Post

House passes bill to help eradicate swamp rats invading California and other states - Los Angeles Times

Thanks, Michelle!



New Venture

Michael Egan

A Cartoon Page for Non-Cartoonists

Michael Egan

Editorial and Political Cartoons



Team Coco


CONAN Highlight: Feel The Bern With Bernadryl

Are you struggling to feel genuine excitement about Bernie Sanders? Bernadryl can help.



Bonus Links

Jeannie the Teed-Off Temp

The press crucified Obama for Ebola, gives Trump a pass for coronavirus | PressRun

We face an emergency - and mainstream media is covering up Trump's alarming incoherence | Salon

Sanders rips Pence: His last response to an epidemic was to 'pray' it away | The Hill

The 31 wildest lines from Donald Trump's self-congratulatory coronavirus press conference | CNN

Conspiracy theories to colonialism: GOP covers up Trump's incompetent coronavirus response | Salon

Report: US health workers responding to coronavirus quarantine lacked training, protective gear | The Hill

Coronavirus May Explode in U.S. Overnight Just Like in Italy | Daily Beast

Where the Coronavirus Bioweapon Conspiracy Theories Really Come From | Slate

Trump Administration Robs Health Programs for Poor to Pay for Coronavirus Response | Smirking Chimp

As Coronavirus Flares, Trump Cancels $3 Billion Healthcare Grant To New York | Maven

FactChecking Trump's Coronavirus Press Conference | FactCheck

Trump Spends 45 Minutes With 'Deep State' Play Actors Amid Coronavirus Mayhem | Daily Beast

A government run by ideologues can make the impact of a pandemic far worse | AlterNet

White House just admitted Trump confused coronavirus with Ebola. But they may be lying! | Front Page Live

Ex-Obama health adviser calls Trump comments on coronavirus response 'incoherent' | The Hill

Trump Spends 45 Minutes With 'Deep State' Play Actors Amid Coronavirus Mayhem | Daily Beast

Trump shakes up Justice Department, intelligence community | The Hill

Pentagon policy chief's firing was part of White House purge | Politico

EPA official's private response to Trump's water pressure claims: 'Sigh' | The Hill

Court won't let Trump pardon void guilty verdict against Arpaio | Politico

Rand Paul and Trump thrust fate of surveillance law into doubt | Politico

Trump store selling 'woke' merchandise as part of outreach to black voters | The Hill

Top General Orders Removal of All Confederate Paraphernalia From Marine Bases | Slate

Marine commandant orders removal of Confederate paraphernalia at bases | The Hill

The war on Israeli democracy | Vox

James O'Keefe Takes Victory Lap on ABC News Sting, but His Favorite Media Sage Isn't Celebrating: 'Good Grief' | Daily Beast

This Is What Happens When You Take 550 Doses of LSD At Once | Vice



from Bruce


• A man lived near Rabbi Zusya. Because the Rabbi was very poor, the man gave him money each day so that the Rabbi could buy the necessities of life for himself and his family. Because of this, God rewarded the man handsomely. The man then thought, If God rewards me handsomely for what I give to Rabbi Zusya, wouldn't God reward me even more if I were to give money to Rabbi Zusya's master, who is an even better man than Rabbi Zusya? The man gave money to Rabbi Zusya's master, but the man then suffered financial misfortunes. Therefore, the man went to Rabbi Zusya and asked why this had happened. Rabbi Zusya answered, "As long as you gave to those who had need, and did not worry about their worth, God did the same. But when you sought to give only to those who were worthy, God did the same."

• During an audience that Pope John XXIII gave to several priests, he noticed one German priest who stood out because of his excellent clothing. As he discovered through the priest's answers to his questions, the priest came from a diocese of millionaires. As the two men talked, the priest volunteered information about how he was able to coax the rich people in his diocese to give generously during the collection at Mass. Before each collection, the priest always said, "When the basket goes around, I don't want to hear any clinking, only rustling." This information made Pope John XXIII sad. He told the well-dressed priest, "Do you know, dear friend, that when poor men sacrifice a coin of theirs, that a part of their heart goes into the collection basket with it? … That's the reason I would rather hear clinking."

• One day, Nasrudin saw a beggar who asked him for money. When Nasrudin asked what the beggar needed the money for, the beggar replied that he wanted money to buy himself new clothing, to take his friends to a good restaurant for a good meal, and to finish the evening by taking his friends to a coffeehouse. Therefore, Nasrudin gave the beggar a coin of great value. Soon, another beggar came to Nasrudin and asked for money. When Nasrudin asked this beggar what he needed the money for, the beggar replied that he wanted to buy some bread and cheese. Nasrudin asked whether the beggar wanted some new clothing and to treat his friends to food and coffee, but the beggar replied that he had simple tastes and spent most of his time praying. Therefore, Nasrudin gave this man a coin of small value.

• Dr. Alfred G. Robyn, the noted Bach authority, composer, organist, and pianist, once went to a dentist for bridge work. The dentist was pleased to discover that his patient was a famous pianist and asked him to serve as accompanist for a series of recitals at which he - the dentist - was singing. Dr. Robyn agreed, but he was surprised when, after the recitals, the dentist sent him a bill for the dental work, itemizing such tasks as "examining teeth, cleaning teeth, preparing teeth," and so on. In response, Dr. Robyn sent the dentist his own bill, itemizing such tasks as "opening piano lid, putting music on rack, playing on black keys, playing on white keys, closing piano lid," and so on. Finally, Dr. Robyn compared the two bills - the dentist's and his own - and added this P.S.: "You owe me fifty cents."

© Copyright Bruce D. Bruce; All Rights Reserved

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Reader Comment

Current Events

Linda   >^..^<
     We are all only temporarily able bodied.

Thanks, Linda!





Selected Readings

from that Mad Cat, JD

JD is on vacation.

Visit JD's site - Kitty Litter Music


In The Chaos Household

Last Night

Cloudy, extra humid, and warmer than seasonal.

Tonight, Friday:

CBS begins the night with a FRESH 'MacGyver', followed by a FRESH 'Hawaii Five-0', then a RERUN 'Blue Bloods'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Stephen Colbert are Tyra Banks and Coyote Peterson.
On a RERUN James Corden, OBE, (from 1/22/20) are Charlie Hunnam, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, and Elbow.

NBC starts the night with a FRESH 'Lincoln Rhyme: Hunt For The Bone Collector', followed by 'Dateline'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jimmy Fallon are Norman Reedus, Hailey Bieber, and A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie.
On a RERUN Seth Meyers (from 1/30/20) are Leslie Jones, Max Greenfield, Taika Waititi, and Chris Coleman.
On a RERUN Lilly Singh (from 2/4/20) are D'Arcy Carden and Ali Kolbert.

ABC opens the night with a FRESH 'Shark Tank', followed by '20/20'.
On a RERUN Jimmy Kimmel it's TBA.

The CW offers a FRESH 'Charmed', followed by a FRESH 'Dynasty'.

Faux fills the night with LIVE 'WWE Friday Night SmackDown'.

MY recycles an old 'CSI: Miami', followed by another old 'CSI: Miami'.

A&E has 'Live PD', followed by a FRESH 'Live PD: Rewind', then a FRESH 'Live PD'.

AMC offers the movie 'GoodFellas', followed by the movie 'The Outsiders'.

BBC  -   
 [8:00AM]   STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION - Peak Performance
 [9:00AM]   STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION - Shades of Gray
 [11:00AM]   STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION - The Ensigns of Command
 [12:00PM]   STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION - The Survivors
 [1:00PM]   STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION - Who Watches the Watchers
 [6:00PM]   STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION - The Vengeance Factor
 [8:00PM]   THE GREEN MILE (1999)
 [12:00AM]   THE GREEN MILE (1999)

Bravo has the movie 'Walk The Line', followed by the movie 'Coyote Ugly', then the movie 'Coyote Ugly', again.

Comedy Central has 3 hours of old 'South Park' and 'Kevin Hart: Seriously Funny'.

FX has the movie 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier', followed by a FRESH 'The Weekly', and another 'The Weekly'.

History has 'The UnXplained', followed by a FRESH 'The UnXplained: Mysterious Phenomena'.

IFC  -   
 [6:31A]   Rudy
 [9:00A]   Drillbit Taylor
 [11:30A]   Here Comes the Boom
 [2:00P]   That '70s Show
 [2:30P]   That '70s Show
 [3:00P]   That '70s Show
 [3:30P]   That '70s Show
 [4:00P]   That '70s Show
 [4:30P]   That '70s Show
 [5:00P]   That '70s Show
 [5:30P]   That '70s Show
 [6:00P]   Two and a Half Men
 [6:30P]   Two and a Half Men
 [7:00P]   Two and a Half Men
 [7:30P]   Two and a Half Men
 [8:00P]   Two and a Half Men
 [8:30P]   Two and a Half Men
 [9:00P]   Two and a Half Men
 [9:30P]   Two and a Half Men
 [10:00P]   Two and a Half Men
 [10:30P]   Two and a Half Men
 [11:00P]   Two and a Half Men
 [11:30P]   Two and a Half Men
 [12:00A]   Two and a Half Men
 [12:30A]   Two and a Half Men
 [1:00A]   That '70s Show
 [1:30A]   That '70s Show
 [2:00A]   That '70s Show
 [2:30A]   That '70s Show
 [3:00A]   That '70s Show
 [3:30A]   That '70s Show
 [4:00A]   Drillbit Taylor     (ALL TIMES EST)

Sundance  -   
 [6:15am]   The Andy Griffith Show
 [6:50am]   The Andy Griffith Show
 [7:25am]   The Andy Griffith Show
 [8:00am]   The Andy Griffith Show
 [8:30am]   Malcolm X
 [1:00pm]   Law & Order
 [2:00pm]   Law & Order
 [3:00pm]   Law & Order
 [4:00pm]   Law & Order
 [5:00pm]   Law & Order
 [6:00pm]   Law & Order
 [7:00pm]   Law & Order
 [8:00pm]   Law & Order
 [9:00pm]   Law & Order
 [10:00pm]   Law & Order
 [11:00pm]   Law & Order
 [12:00am]   Law & Order
 [1:00am]   Law & Order
 [2:00am]   Face/Off
 [5:00am]   The Andy Griffith Show
 [5:35am]   The Andy Griffith Show    (ALL TIMES EST)

SyFy has the mvoie 'King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword', followed by the movie 'xXx: Return Of Xander Cage'.

 [6:00 AM]      The Great Ziegfeld (1936)
 [9:00 AM]      Mrs. Miniver (1942)
 [11:30 AM]      The Actress (1953)
 [1:15 PM]      The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean (1972)
 [3:30 PM]      Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958)
 [5:45 PM]      East of Eden (1955)
 [8:00 PM]      Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
 [10:00 PM]      Splendor in the Grass (1961)
 [12:15 AM]      Shampoo (1975)
 [2:15 AM]      Best Friends (1982)
 [4:15 AM]      The Seventh Cross (1944)    (ALL TIMES EST)

Saturday   -  02/29/20

 [6:15 AM]      Brewster's Millions (1945)
 [7:45 AM]      Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933) [ *Pre-Hayes Code*]
 [9:30 AM]      The Champ (1979)
 [11:45 AM]      The Four Musketeers (1975)
 [1:45 PM]      The Swarm (1978)
 [4:00 PM]      The Miracle Worker (1962)
 [6:00 PM]      The Graduate (1967)
 [8:00 PM]      Tootsie (1982)
 [10:15 PM]      Oh, God! (1977)
 [12:15 AM]      The Sunshine Boys (1975)
 [2:15 AM]      California Suite (1978)
 [4:15 AM]      Hot Millions (1968)    (ALL TIMES EST)

Antenna TV - Johnny Carson (from 02/28/86) - Gene Siskel, Roger Ebert, Robin Barnett, and Don Novello.

Bounce TV



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Laff - You Know You Want To. - Laff


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The Sideshow - by Avedon Carol


Skipping Cesars

Roman Polanski

Filmmaker Roman Polanski is skipping the awards ceremony for France's equivalent of the Oscars - where his latest movie leads this year's nominations - because of protests prompted by a new rape accusation against him.

Women's rights activists have called for a boycott of Friday's Cesars ceremony in Paris, and plastered anti-Polanski banners and graffiti at the event venue and the Cesar academy headquarters.

The entire male-dominated leadership of the Cesars stepped down recently amid a spat over its byzantine decision-making structure and over how to deal with the Polanski problem.

Last year, a Frenchwoman came forward to accuse Polanski of raping her in 1975 in his Swiss chalet when she was 18. Polanski denied it, and the allegations are too old for an investigation.

But the accusation put the director under fresh scrutiny in France, where he has long been revered as one of the country's premier filmmakers despite the outstanding rape charge in the U.S. Other accusations have also emerged.

Roman Polanski



Disney World Boat Sinks

Jungle Cruise

Around midday on Thursday, one of the boats used in the classic Jungle Cruise ride at the Orlando theme park started sinking while filled with passengers.

Witnesses documented the mishap on social media, showing guests still standing inside the boat as the murky water slowly rose around their legs. All those on board were safely rescued, but later images captured the vessel nearly completely submerged, its canopy roof still visible and what appears to be a lone park employee on board.

The ride, located in Magic Kingdom's Adventureland area, is for all ages and lasts approximately 10 minutes, according to the official Disney World website, which describes it as a "journey that you won't soon forget."

Everyone made it off the boat safely, and staff members worked individually with the guests to ensure the rest of their park visit went smoothly, the representative said. The attraction has since reopened.

Jungle Cruise


Newhead News


Inspects Russia's Answer To Disneyland


President Vladimir Putin inspected Russia's answer to Disneyland on Thursday, the country's first large-scale indoor theme park which Moscow says will be the biggest of its kind in Europe when it opens on Saturday.

The theme park, called "Ostrov Mechty" - or Dream Island - is built in the shape of a toy castle that spreads across 30 hectares in an industrial neighbourhood in southern Moscow and is filled with rides, attractions and restaurants.

Joined by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, Putin strolled through the park inspecting a scale model of the facility and stopping to take pictures with a group of disadvantaged children brought in for his visit.

Russia has strived in recent years to build bigger and better facilities than the West to show it remains a force to be reckoned with, and has prided itself on major construction and infrastructure projects.

Municipal authorities say it is the largest indoor theme park of its kind in Europe and that its main glass dome is several times larger than the dome at the Galeries Lafayette in Paris and more than double the size of one atop the German Reichstag in Berlin.




Moscow Police Seize

Homemade 'Batmobile'

A homemade vehicle bearing a striking resemblance to the "Batmobile" featured in a recent Batman film has been seized in central Moscow, Russia's interior ministry announced.

Traffic police brought the all-black, lowrider vehicle with giant wheels to a screeching halt as it cruised down one of the main roads into the city centre on Saturday evening.

They impounded the car, styled after the famous car belonging to the superhero and owned by a 32-year-old Muscovite.

Police said Tuesday that the vehicle was assembled illegally at a private workshop, is not registered as a vehicle and does not adhere to road safety standards, as well as being supersized for a standard car at six metres (20 feet) long.

The car was built in the United States, then customised in Russia at an auto tuning workshop called Fast Boom Pro, whose logo is visible in a police video, Russian auto sites reported.

Homemade 'Batmobile'


Digby's Hullabaloo


Biggest Explosion

Ophiuchus Cluster

Astronomers have discovered the biggest explosion seen in the universe, originating from a super-massive black hole.

Scientists reported Thursday that the blast came from a black hole in a cluster of galaxies 390 million light-years away.

The explosion was so large it carved out a crater in the hot gas that could hold 15 Milky Ways, said lead author Simona Giacintucci of the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington.

It's five times bigger than the previous record-holder.

Astronomers used NASA's Chandra X-Ray Observatory to make the discovery, along with a European space observatory and ground telescopes. They believe the explosion came from the heart of the Ophiuchus cluster of thousands of galaxies: a large galaxy at the center contains a colossal black hole.

Ophiuchus Cluster




Most Amphibians

At first glance, most salamanders don't stand out: Their mottled, earth-toned skin helps them blend into the background of forests and streams around the world. But shine the right type of light at them, and they will light up like glow sticks.

That's the finding of a new study, which reveals for the first time that most amphibians, from salamanders to frogs, have biofluorescence, a trait in which fluorescent compounds in the body absorb surrounding light and re-emit it at specific wavelengths, including red, green, and blue. Previously, swell sharks, corals, and some fish were shown to glow when the right light hit, but only a few land-dwelling animals were known to biofluoresce.

In the new study, scientists placed specimens from 32 species-including salamanders; frogs; and limbless, wormlike amphibians known as caecilians-onto a dark background and shone a blue or ultraviolet light on them. Then, they took pictures using a digital camera with a filter that captures green to yellow wavelengths. The researchers found that all of the animals were biofluorescent, they report today in Scientific Reports.

Although there were some differences, such as the intensity of the color or the body parts that glowed, they all emitted a greenish to yellow light from their skin. Some had glittering bones (one salamander's finger bones flashed neon green, for example), and others had sparkling skin mucus and even urine.

This widespread occurrence suggests biofluorescence appeared early in the evolutionary history of amphibians, the researchers say. But why it appeared is another matter entirely. Although some animals use biofluorescence to find mates or communicate, scientists still aren't exactly sure how or why amphibians glow. But, they say, it could help them locate each other under the low light of their natural environments.

Most Amphibians



550 Times Usual Dose


A paper on three case reports has shown what can happen when you accidentally take more LSD than you bargained for, including one woman who accidentally snorted 550 times the average dose of LSD.

Recently, there has been a resurgence of interest in using LSD to treat addiction, PTSD, depression, and a range of other conditions. Studies have tended to focus on microdosing with LSD, or at least administering "normal" doses of the drug. Researchers aren't usually keen on giving people a gigantic overdose of LSD just to see what happens next.

However, there are cases of people out there who have taken unusually large doses all by themselves, and this new study explores what can happen, and the after-effects of an LSD overdose.

A third case, where the dose was well and truly above what is normal for a recreational dose, involved a woman in her 40s who accidentally snorted 55 milligrams of pure LSD, which she had thought was cocaine. That's 550 times the usual recreational dose of LSD.

Following the alarmingly high dose, the woman - who had been on morphine for foot pain for about a decade - reported positive effects on her pain levels, discontinued her morphine-use, and didn't even experience withdrawal. When the pain later returned, she used morphine at a lower dose, as well as regularly microdosing with LSD, eventually stopping morphine altogether, believing it to be unnecessary.




Top 20

Global Concert Tours

The Top 20 Global Concert Tours ranks artists by average box office gross per city and includes the average ticket price for shows Worldwide. The list is based on data provided to the trade publication Pollstar by concert promoters and venue managers.

    1. U2; $6,835,590; $136.37.
    2. Elton John; $3,756,085; $136.12.
    3. Andrea Bocelli; $2,642,269; $185.73.
    4. Post Malone; $1,985,105; $116.11.
    5. Cher; $1,626,347; $123.09.
    6. Tool; $1,444,017; $114.76.
    7. Marc Anthony; $1,401,295; $112.40.
    8. Jonas Brothers; $1,328,951; $97.39.
    9. Bad Bunny; $1,295,959; $95.74.
   10. Shawn Mendes; $1,286,725; $68.99.
   11. André Rieu; $1,252,373; $86.94.
   12. The Black Keys; $1,082,906; $103.61.
   13. Trans-Siberian Orchestra; $1,080,676; $65.83.
   14. The Lumineers; $633,515; $56.27.
   15. Bryan Adams; $620,556; $71.45.
   16. Jerry Seinfeld; $592,045; $117.53.
   17. The World of Hans Zimmer; $556,096; $67.21.
   18. Casting Crowns / Hillsong Worship; $525,080; $43.91.
   19. Pentatonix; $502,371; $73.53.
   20. The Kelly Family; $437,151; $59.06.

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Bill Clinton - Chris Wallace/Faux News - 09/23/06 - Transcript

Stephen Colbert - White House Correspondents' Association Dinner Transcript

The complete transcript - Barack Obama - 2016 White House correspondents' dinner speech

The complete transcript - Larry Wilmore - 2016 White House correspondents' dinner speech

The complete transcript - Michelle Wolf - 2018 White House correspondents' dinner speech

100 Most Banned Books

Photos from D.C. - Nancy Maynard

Melania Trump's nude British GQ photo shoot | British GQ

Melania Trump like you've never seen her before | New York Post

Melania Trump's girl-on-girl photos from racy shoot revealed | New York Post

Johnsonburg, PA - page 5


Church of Reality - click here for more information


Disinfotainment Today - Click Here!

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War Is A Crime : Click Here!

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Drink In Hand - Click Here!

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