BartCop Entertainment Archives - Wednesday, 13 October, 2004
13 October, 2004
(Updated Daily)
Issue #125
Disinfotainment Today
By Michael Dare
The Only Daily That Comes Out Weekly
Issue #125
is brought to you by
Instructions of the Week
Put both lids of the toilet up and add 1/8 cup of pet shampoo to the water in the bowl. Pick up the cat and soothe him while you carry him towards the bathroom. In one smooth movement, put the cat in the toilet and close both lids. You may need to stand on the lid. The cat will self agitate and make ample suds. Never mind the noises that come from the toilet, the cat is actually enjoying this. Flush the toilet three or four times. This provides a "power-wash-and rinse." Have someone open the front door of your home. Be sure that there are no people between the bathroom and the front door. Stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift both lids and the cat will rocket out of the toilet, streak through the bathroom, and run outside where he will dry himself off. Both the commode and the cat will be sparkling clean.
The Dog
Headline of the Week
Administration Now Claims Saddam Both Did and Did Not Have Nukes Before War
Quantum physics explanation based on Schrodinger's cat paradox.
Stupid Answers of the Week
To the question: "Other than Disinfotainment Today, what are you reading RIGHT NOW and why?," I must add a new question. Why, when I ask truly stupid questions, do I get lots of answers, but when I ask a question that's actually supposed to help me decide what to read next, everyone clams up? Okay, not everyone...
Right now, I'm reading Pirates! In an adventure with Scientists by Gideon Defoe. I'm reading it because told me it was funny. Its ok, I guess.
- Nick Kent
The DaVinci Code, because a girl I'm after lent it to me. Besides, it's about time - everybody and his grandmother's read it already.
- Scott Peterson
Sorry can't read more than one thing at a time, so it's just disinfotainment today.
- Paul
The "signs"
- chris mcfarland
I am reading "Harry Potter and the Strange Parallels." That's not the real title of the book, but the more I read it the more I wonder if it should be. In the fifth book in the series, the media is covering up a very important event that everyone should know about. They are printing lies about it. They are conducting a smear campaign against Harry. Also, the government of the wizarding world is growing more oppressive every day. They interfere with education and with free speech. They spy on private communications. They are preparing for a war on their own people.
- Robin Reed
And on another note...
It was the late Bill Hicks and not Dennis Miller that wrote the "What you reading for" line. Dennis Miller may have said it, and if he did, he stole it from Bill Hicks which would have been a fairly safe thing to do as Hicks died in 1994 just as he was becoming well known. No talent assholes steal from others all the time. Rosie O'Donnell, if you remember, started out as a stand up comic and she would do Jerry Seinfeld's entire act. Besides, you can tell Miller didn't write it. It's funny.
- Steven Bennett
That is a Bill Hicks bit, and Bill Hicks would never have even thought of voting for a Bush. The funniest thing I ever saw was Sam Kenison, Bill Hicks, and the other "outlaws of comedy" in a hockey rink in Bellingham as they tore ass between an early show in Vancouver and a later show in Seattle. Awesome. Especially the bit where Rush Limbaugh is dressed in a latex baby outfit in a bathtub with George and Barbara Bush and Ronald Reagan pissing on him. It changed my life and I have never been the same since, in a better way than some other things that go on in life.
- Erik D. Hilsinger
Political Videos of the Week
Jib Jab has a new one called It's Good to be in D.C. (paid for by The Tonight Show!) and it's a worthy sequel to their blockbuster This Land, but there's something better. This is a direct link to War by Manuel Fallmann from who got it from, where you have to navigate around a bit to find it. Go to mindistortion anyway because their other stuff is amazing too. Stark black and white imagery brings the file size WAY down, so the films load fast and blow you away. Crank up the speakers for funk punk, all so simple it makes South Park look like Fantasia, but it perfectly suits the message and music. If Good to be in D.C. is Weird Al, War is The Clash and Tom Waits. (Don't miss the intro too.)
I never met Rodney Dangerfield but I did work with Harold Ramis, who was partially responsible for Rodney's rise to fame by using him in Caddyshack. Here's what he told me about Rodney...
"You know how fame has effected Rodney? During Caddyshack, whenever he was on the set, he'd say 'Could you hurry it up, please, I got a hooker waiting for me in my dressing room.' After Caddyshack made him a big star, whenever he was on the set, he'd say 'Could you hurry it up, please, I got a couple hookers waiting for me in my dressing room.'"
"I could tell that my parents hated me. My bath toys were a toaster and a radio."
"I remember the time I was kidnapped, and they sent a piece of my finger to my father. He said he wanted more proof."
"I never got any respect from my old man. I said, 'Nobody likes me.' He said, 'Don't feel that way. Everybody hasn't met you yet.' "
"And my wife. As soon as I got married I knew I was in trouble. My in-laws sent me a thank-you note."
"My wife, let me tell you about my wife. She wants to have sex in the back seat of the car, but she wants me to drive."
"My wife made me join a bridge club. I jump off next Tuesday."
"The other night I had a fight with my dog. My wife said the dog was right."
"I got no respect again last week. I went to buy a new suit and told the salesman I'd like to see something cheap. He told me to look in the mirror."
"My wife's a water sign, I'm an earth sign; together we make mud.
"I mean, she's attached to a machine that keeps her alive the refrigerator.
"It takes her an hour and a half to watch '60 Minutes.' OK, she's dumb.
"The other night, she met me at the front door wearing a see-through negligee. The only trouble is she was coming home.
"No respect I don't get no respect at all. Are you kidding?"
"They got my shirt and tie next to Lindbergh's plane.
"I tell myself they're using it to wipe off the plane."
"I was an ugly kid. My mother had morning sickness after I was born."
"I'm so ugly, when I was a kid, my father bought a new billfold, and, instead of my picture, he carried the picture of the kid who came with the wallet."
"Life on the road was murder. I played one date, it was so far out in the sticks, I was reviewed by Field and Stream."
"I tell you, I don't get no respect. When I step into an elevator, the attendant looks at me and says, 'Basement?' "
"I told my doctor that when I woke up in the morning I couldn't stand looking at myself in the mirror. He said, 'At least we know your vision is perfect.' "
"When I played hide-and-seek, they didn't even look for me."
Stupid Question of the Week
In a recent Drudge Report item, an anonymous White House official charged that Team America was trivializing the war on Terror. Why does the White House respond to a teaser trailer for a movie starring puppets but not to Fahrenheit 9/11??
Gallery of the Week
Relive your childhood with this fantastic illustrated
Dueling Quotes
"I have not suggested there's a connection between Iraq and 9/11."
"I think there's overwhelming evidence that there was a connection between al-Qaeda and the Iraqi government."
"I said there was a connection between al-Qaeda and the Iraqi government, not between Iraq and 9/11."
- Dick Cheney: between Bush's butt cheeks -
Most Confusing Philosophy from a Guy Who Died This Week
Deconstruction: a method of literary criticism that assumes language refers only to itself rather than to an extratextual reality, that asserts multiple conflicting interpretations of a text, and that bases such interpretations on the philosophical, political, or social implications of the use of language in the text rather than on the author's intention. (If that's what he really meant.)
"Derrida was known as the father of deconstructionism, a branch of critical thought or analysis developed in the late 1960s and applied to literature, linguistics, philosophy, law and architecture.
"Derrida focused his work on language, showing that it has multiple layers and thus multiple meanings or interpretations, challenging the notion that speech is a direct form of communication or even that the author of a text is the author of its meaning.
"Deconstructionists like Derrida explored the means of liberating the written word from the structures of language, opening limitless textual interpretations. Not limited to language, Derrida's philosophy of deconstructionism was then applied to western values."
Sophistimicated Doowacky of the Week
Don't Take My Word For It
"Had we seen the war for what it was, we would not have started with Iraq, but with Iran, the mother of modern Islamic terrorism, the creator of Hezbollah, the ally of al-Qaeda, the sponsor of Zarqawi, the longtime sponsor of Fatah and the backbone of Hamas."
"Over the years, some have speculated that Strangelove was inspired by Edward Teller, Henry Kissinger or Werner Von Braun. But the real model was almost certainly Herman Kahn, an eccentric, voluble nuclear strategist at the RAND Corporation, a prominent Air Force think tank. In 1960, Mr. Kahn published a 652-page tome called "On Thermonuclear War," which sold 30,000 copies in hardcover.
"According to a special-feature documentary on the new DVD, Mr. Kubrick read On Thermonuclear War several times. But what the documentary doesn't note is that the final scenes of Dr. Strangelove came straight out of its pages."
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear."
- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 42 B.C. -
"We have been told by several avid Bush supporters that the days when newspapers publish editorials without personal repercussions are over.
"The new mode of operation, I am told, is that when a newspaper prints an editorial of which some sectors might disagree, the focus is now upon how to run the newspaper out of business.
"Unfortunately, for the Iconoclast and its publishers there have been threats -- big ones including physical harm."
"Over the last few days, I've heard through various sources that the Crawford, Texas newspaper, The Iconoclast, is hemorrhaging subscribers and advertisers as a result of last week's editorial supporting Kerry over Dubya. There is a real chance they will be forced to shut down due to loss of revenue, so I just subscribed for a year (a whopping $45; six months is $22.50). I suggest you do the same to support free speech and standing up for what's right.
- John D. Pearce -
"To err is human, but when the eraser wears out ahead of the pencil, you're overdoing it."
- Josh Jenkins -
"Suppose a man who was not blind beheld the many bubbles on the Ganges as they drive along, and he watched them and carefully examined them, then after he had carefully examined them they would appear to him empty, unreal and insubstantial. In exactly the same way does the monk behold all physical phenomena, feelings, perceptions, mental formations, and states of consciousness - whether they be of the past, or the present, or the future, far or near. And he watches them, and examines them carefully; and, after carefully examining them, they appear to him empty, void and without a Self."
- Buddha: Majjhima Nikaya -
"Bush can't defend his policies, so he's conjuring up an image of Kerry as a looming threat whose strategy of defeat and insistence on global cooperation would 'paralyze America in dangerous times.' The dirty little secret is that Bush, if elected, is more likely to pull out of Iraq once elections are held in January, while Kerry, with his commitment to international norms and behavior, would be inclined to stay the course with the assistance of the world community."
"Did my critics create themselves out of nothing? Did they create the heavens and the earth? Their ideas are foolish. Do they possess and control the treasures of you Lord? Do they have a ladder by which they climb up to God, and overhear him? Let their eavesdroppers bring proof that they have heard him. Do they know the mysteries of existence, and can they write them down? Do they have another god besides God? Let God be exalted above their idols. If they saw part of the heavens fall from the sky, they would still say: 'It is only a mass of clouds.'"
- Qur'an, At-Tur, Surah 52:35-44 -
"My call for a spiritual revolution is thus not a call for a religious revolution. Nor is it a reference to a way of life that is somehow other-worldly, still less to something magical or mysterious. Rather, it is a call for a radical re-orientation away from our habitual preoccupation with self towards concern for the wider community of beings with whom we are connected, and for conduct which recognizes others interests alongside our own."
- His Holiness the Dalai Lama -
"You can't keep blaming yourself. Just blame yourself once, and move on."
- Homer Simpson -
"Negative feelings, such as violence, are damaging to life, whether we act upon them ourselves, or cause or condone them in others.
"They are born of greed, anger, or delusion, and may be slight, moderate, or intense. Their fruit is endless ignorance and suffering.
"To remember this is to cultivate the opposite."
- The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, 2:34 -
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."
- Herm Albright -
"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and I could say, 'I used everything that you gave me.'"
- Erma Bombeck -
"I mean, you could threaten to kill my family and I would not make another puppet movie. If my mother would die if I would not make another puppet movie, she'd be dead. I'm totally serious."
"How can I pontificate like this? After all, it is ONLY a series of books by Stephen King who could shat a novel both before and after breakfast. Somewhere along the line The Dark Tower series became so much more than that, can I hear ya say thankya? I have moments ago closed the book. The last book (we've been assured) ever to be written regarding Roland Deschain and his ka-tets quest towards the omnipresent Dark Tower. This series is perhaps as close as our generation (and its spanned more lifetime than I myself have) will ever come to their very own Lord of the Rings. It is the most epic tale I've ever had the opportunity to read and, like Roland's quest itself, it was nearly snuffed."
"[T]he government is calling up more and more troops from the reserves. For what? Man, there is a huge fucking scam going on here! There are civilian contractors crawling all over this country. Blackwater, Kellogg Brown & Root, Halliburton, on and on. These contractors are doing everything you can think of from security to catering lunch!
"We are spending money out the ass for this shit, and very few of the projects are going to the Iraqi people. Someone's back is getting scratched here, and it ain't the Iraqis'!
"My life is left to chance at this point. I just hope I come home alive."
"What journalism needs is guidelines about when a source should be promised anonymity. The more refined and widely accepted these guidelines are, the fewer times a journalist must face the choice of betrayal or jail. This isn't much help for those who already made these promises. But if the profession would only display a bit of perspective about its own importance and its own problems, maybe society and the special prosecutor could be persuaded to allow past promises to be kept, in exchange for less promiscuous promising in the future."
"Dick Bruce Cheney may have actually set a new record for lying as he immediately launched into the very familiar Iraq war mantra many of us may be able to recite along with him by now, we've heard it so much. But this time as the angry, irritated 63 year old man from Wyoming continued to drone on, John Edwards provided no wiggle room and elucidated the popular, happy lies of Mr. Halliburton."
"If you look at Natural Resource Defense Council's website, you'll see over 400 major environmental roll-backs that have been promoted by this administration during the last three and a half years, and I tell you it's part of a concerted deliberate attempt to eviscerate 30 years of environmental law.
"It's a stealth attack. They have concealed their radical agenda from the American public using Orwellian rhetoric. When they destroy the forest, they call it the Healthy Forest Law; when they destroy the air they call it the Clear Skies Bill. And most insidiously they have put polluters in charge of virtually all the agencies that are supposed to protect Americans from pollution. The head of the Forest Service is a timber industry lobbyist. The head of public lands is a mining industry lobbyist who believes that public lands are unconstitutional. The head of the air division at EPA is a utility lobbyist who has represented the worst air polluters in America. The second in command at EPA is a Monsanto lobbyist. The head of Superfunds, an agency critical to quality of life here in Oregon, is a lobbyist whose last job was teaching corporate polluters how to evade Superfunds."
"As things now stand, Bush is left with only one argument and justification for having launched a war that has cost 1,000 lives, $150 billion and whatever goodwill America had won in the aftermath of 9/11. His last-resort reason: Saddam Hussein might have developed weapons that he might have given to terrorists that might attack the United States. And even that reasoning is undermined by the new report of the Iraq Survey Group, which says that Saddam's capacities, whatever they might have been, were withering, not 'gathering,' under the weight of inspections."
"[T]he total number of deaths caused by conventional medicine is an astounding 783,936 per year. It is now evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the US."
- Gary Null, PhD; Carolyn Dean MD, ND; Martin Feldman, MD; Debora Rasio, MD; and Dorothy Smith, PhD:
Death by Medicine -
"It has been argued that our oil-protection role is a peculiar feature of the war in Iraq, where petroleum installations are strewn about and the national economy is largely dependent on oil revenues. But Iraq is hardly the only country where American troops are risking their lives on a daily basis to protect the flow of petroleum. In Colombia, Saudi Arabia, and the Republic of Georgia, U.S. personnel are also spending their days and nights protecting pipelines and refineries, or supervising the local forces assigned to this mission. American sailors are now on oil-protection patrol in the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Sea, the South China Sea, and along other sea routes that deliver oil to the United States and its allies. In fact, the American military is increasingly being converted into a global oil-protection service."
"Mike, I am a truck driver right now in Iraq. Let me give you this one small fact because I am right here at the heart of it: since I started this job several months ago, 100% (that's right, not 99%) of the workers I am aware of are inflating the hours they claim on their time sheets. There is so much more I could tell you. But the fact is that MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of dollars are being raped from both the American taxpayers and the Iraqi people because of the unbelievable amount of greed and abuse over here. And yes, my conscience does bother me because I am participating in this rip-off."
"John Kerry, made famous by Mr. Bush's ads for being one person with two different ideas, was no match for President Bush, who is apparently two different people with no ideas."
"As our recent history teaches, what begins as a threat to the Jews is soon a menace to the entire world. It is but a short step between a knifing in Jerusalem and bombing the World Trade Centre in New York. All of this indicates the pattern of our position in the coming years. One hand we will outstretch in peace, the other we will keep poised on the trigger. We will live in peace and not with illusions. The danger has not passed. The hand of peace will, in time of need, pull that trigger."
"As you may have noticed, it's amazing how much the Bush Administration will promote the use of provocation as a foreign policy tool. From a wider perspective, this falls perfectly in line with the Administration's foreign policy centerpiece - the unilateral, preemptive strike. Although all U.S. leaders have reserved the right to preemptive unilateralism, this is the first administration ever to make it the hallmark of their foreign policy agenda.
"In fact, in its simplest form, virtually every aspect of Bush's foreign policy initiatives point toward one thing...military confrontation. Rest assured that, if Bush manages to win a second term, we will be embroiled in military conflict with Iran, Syria and North Korea faster than you can shake your head in disbelief."
"In the 21st century, people all over the world are beginning to acknowledge and appreciate the importance of the whistleblower. The one who has the courage to take responsibility on behalf of all humanity, the one who has the courage to act on behalf of all humanity. The whistleblower has in mind the safety of life on this earth, the people. He or she acts to prevent catastrophe by informing the public directly through the mass media - such is the combined power of knowledge and of conscience. In this age of mass communications information should no longer be secret, and in a democracy it should be open and available to the people. It is the task of the individual, who later becomes a whistleblower, to be the eyes and ears of the people, even if it will cost him his liberty."
"Both candidates would continue the war, and they agree that withdrawing without victory is not an option. Both would increase the training of Iraqi soldiers and police so that the Iraqis themselves, ultimately, can fight their own battles. Both would draw the United Nations and other countries in, although Kerry promises to do so with more energy and credibility. Both believe an elected Iraqi government will yield a legitimate Iraqi government and enable the war to wind down.
"There's only one problem with this reasoning: It's wrong."
"[I]f it shall become necessary, to repel invasion, the President may, without violation of the Constitution, cross the line, and invade the territory of another country; and that whether such necessity exists in any given case, the President is to be the sole judge."
- William H. Herndon in a letter to his former law partner, Abraham Lincoln -
"Allow the President to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such a purpose -- and you allow him to make war at pleasure. If today, he should choose to say he thinks it necessary to invade Canada, to prevent the British from invading us, how could you stop him? You may say to him, 'I see no probability of the British invading us' but he will say to you, 'Be silent; I see it, if you don't.'"
- Abraham Lincoln in response to the letter from William H. Herndon, Feb. 15, 1848 -
"Conservatism makes no poetry, breathes no prayer, has no invention; it is all memory."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson -
"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors."
- Plato -
"The Armed Forces are already chronically understaffed. In 2003, General Eric Shinseki testified before Congress that an additional 50,000 troops would be needed beyond what the Bush administration said would be necessary to stabilize Iraq after the invasion. The President ignored him. We do not have enough troops in Afghanistan to be able to stabilize the country, as shown by the continual putting off of elections well past their announced date. In an effort to free up yet more troops in the coming years, we are moving troops away from the Demilitarized Zone in Korea and reducing the number of troops on the Korean Peninsula at a time when North Korea poses more of a danger to the U.S. - not less. Because of the President's military adventurism, our Armed Forces are under enormous pressure. The only place to go for more troops is a draft."
"A true Patriot loves his country always, and his government as warranted..."
- Samuel Langhorne Clemens -
"Now that criminals like Martha Stewart are safely in jail and terrorists like Cat Stevens can no longer enter America - I sure feel safe now! Maybe it's time for me to take the bars off the windows!"
- Marc Perkel -
"Let's not start sucking each other's dicks quite yet."
- Pulp Fiction -
Everything Else
Mordechai Vanunu
c/o Cathedral Church of St. George
20 Nablus Road
PO Box 19018
Jerusalem 91190
Don't let this happen to you.
and call it tax deductible.
"I read Hollywoodland and now I'm a millionaire."
- Algerian con artist -
"I read Hollywoodland and now my tits are bigger."
- Dom Deluise -
"I read Hollywoodland and now my penis is too big."
- Michael Dare -
dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY is free and may be reproduced in any form. It consists of information from dozens of sources, cut up, thrown in the air, and recycled randomly. It is sent all over the place, so I apologize if you're seeing the same thing twice. If you see a joke, graphic, or news item that came from or through you, thanks, send more, and please accept the fact that much of dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY is unacknowledgeable, and if I sought permission from everyone whose bastardized material showed up here, I'd never get anything else done. Please note that I don't even put my own name on it. If you're still pissed off, hey, it's either satire or fair use.
'Best of TBH Politoons'
Thanks, again, Tim!
Drop by and light a candle!
Thanks, Terry!
First Person Report
from Heather
So, I go to my District 11 Democrats meeting which was obviously cancelled without notifying me. Whatever. I am driving home and at the intersection I see news vans, cops and freakin' Secret Service agents swarming.
I realize that it's the
pResident himself having dinner at
Dick's Hideaway(appropriate name eh?). I do a 4-wheel drift in my PT Cruiser into the parking lot, call my son at home and tell him to grab the
Kerry yard sign and get down there.
He books it to the location where
Bushies are gathering by the minute. I stand out on the corner with my
Kerry/Edwards sign and button on my Boston Red Sox t-shirt. The crowd starts chanting "4 more years, 4 more years". That sealed it - the son and I started chanting "Kerry, Kerry, Kerry" to drown them out. Some older women join us and several cars driving by are giving us the chant back along with the thumbs-up sign.
Then a
Fox 10 news guy asks if he can interview me. I tell him absolutely. He gets my name and asks me why I am there and I tell him to show my displeasure with Bush. He then asks how I knew the man was there and I tell him that I saw the crowd and KNEW it had to be him so I had to stop and protest. He asked why I was voting Kerry and I tell him "to bring honesty and integrity back to the White House". My son is
taking pictures with his
Palm Zire 71. The pResident then piles into his limo and drives by and I am waving my sign in his face shouting "Kerry, Kerry, Kerry" while the Secret Service is keeping an eye on me. Several of the Bushies start yelling at me and as Bush drives by I see his fat, pasty white face maybe 10 feet from me looking out the window and waving. I wave my sign at him and give him the thumbs down (which was not my first hand gesture inclination). After he drove by I was almost physically ILL from seeing his ugly mug. As I am walking back to my car one old geezerly Bushie starts to get up in my grill saying "not Fonda Kerry" and "Kerry is a loser". I yell
"Bush Lied, Soldiers Died" and the dude thought he would intimidate me until my big, beautiful 6'3" son comes up beside me so he runs like the weasel he is. The son and I stand there sickened that we saw the man so close - it was creepy. We really wished we had dropped 'trou and mooned him.........ahhhhh, "hindsight" is 20/20.
Wednesday, October 13th - TODAY!
Freeway Free Speech Day
On Wednesday, Oct. 13th, activists across the country will be placing handpainted signs on freeways and major trafficways to express their first amendment right to free and unfettered political speech.
So far there are over 650 of us signed in from 175 cities and 45 states, and by the 13th we'll number well over a thousand. The rules are simple: paint a sign and put it up where people will see it. If you use the freeway, I suggest using trees and infrastructure along the sides (approached from off the freeway, please) rather than overpasses as they tend to stay up much, much longer. This event will be getting major national coverage, from Air America, MTV, Pacifica Radio and mainstream national and local news orgs, so there's a good chance some overpasses will be watched. Overall though, just do what you want, and say what you want. That's the point.
My hope is that once people have put up their first sign and seen how easy and effective it is, once people have tasted that fresh clean air of individual self expression, there'll be no turning back. Please join us on the 13th... Cardboard, paint, and something to say - that's all it takes.
Scarlet P.
Thanks, Mr. Pimpernel!
from Mark
Another Bumpersticker
Reader Suggestions
More Bumper Stickers
If the war is so essential to our national security, why don't the Bush daughters enlist?
George Bush: The Decapitation President
George Bush: The Job-Loss President
George Bush: The Big-Deficit President
George Bush: I Lie, So Kerry Must Lie, Too
Why Aren't The Iraqis Happy That Bush--Not Saddam--Are Torturing Them?
We Anti-War Protesters Were Right
George Bush: The Shouty And Pouty President
Thanks, Bruce!
Purple Gene Reviews
'The Sluggers Wife'
'THE SLUGGERS WIFE' (1985) - Directed by HAL ASHBY and Screen play by
So I had my evening all planned out! I was going to
watch Alexandra Pelosis' Documentary called
HBO) about the Democratic behind
the scenes 2004 primaries (She did
JOURNEYS WITH GEORGE - about Bushs' 2000 primary)! Then I would take
CHICKS (all the cool rock stars for KERRY)!!!
But I got completely waylaid by the HOUSTON ASTROS!!
Bear with me.. this is daughter
Lisas' boyfiend has a brother named MIKE GALLO who is
a pitcher for the Houston Astros...well the Astros
happen to be playing the Atlanta Braves tonight in the
first phase of the pennant race to go to the World
Series (the Astros have never made it past the first
round!) I start watching the game at 5 PM PST.
But being the REMOTE FREAK that I am, I SURF between
the commercials and see a movie playing on the LOVEw
channel called "The Sluggers Wife" - talk about
Serin-frickin'-dippity....this movie is about the
Houston Astros playing the Atlanta Braves in the
pennant race for the World Series....1985
TOO WEIRD????? NOT YET - HOLD ON!!! A friend of mine
Michael O'Keefe (Zen Irish singer, songwriter,
activist, golfer and ACTOR (Caddy Shack,
The Great Santini and
THE HOT CHICK)) was playing the baseball
player (Daryl Palmer) and
Rebecca De Mornay
(Risky Business,
And Got Created Woman
The Hand that Rocks the Cradle) was playing the budding singer
(Debbie Huston)...Now I'm caught between the real game
and this movie....back and forth....
Well.....The Sluggers Wife is one of the most
preposterous films I've ever seen...and it's a
Neil Simon script..UGH and to make it worse...Rebecca
singing PRINCES' "Little Red Corvette" (beyond bad)
and Michael murders "Singing in the Rain"!!!
Daryl Palmer is a baseball star and a love sick fool
who can't seem to hit the ball at all without his
"wanna be a pop star" wife Debbie at every game...well
a girl has her career to think about and they split up
and Daryl goes into a SLUMP!!!
So it's the last game of the pennant race and Daryl,
who plays for the braves, is up to bat (Debbie has
come back to watch this game)...the pitch...the
swing..this one is hit fielder goes way
back....jumps up and steals the almost home run! The
Astros win...Daryls' Braves lose but the "Slugger" has
found himself and He and Debbie agree to MAYBE to get
back together! (Awful Awful song called "Love is the
way to GO" (Written by Quincy Jones) blares as they
walk out of the park!
I switch over to the real game and the real Astros win
tonight 12 to 3. Wow...what a night. GO MIKE!
I give the "The Sluggers Wife" 3 and 1/2 broken bats out
of 10 for "swinging too hard" and "striking Out" (man
the eighties music sucked really bad!)
~ Purple Gene
Thanks, Purple Gene!
Selected Readings
from that Mad Cat, JD
In The Chaos Household
Last Night
Sunny & warm. Hot inland.
Ran out to the Valley to see Uncle Jimmy - was 95° as I drove by North Hollywood Toyota on the 134.
He re-tiled the kitchen floor & wanted to show it off.
For the first time in decades his house was silent. He said between the news & all the political commercials cluttering up his favorite radio stations he found himself yelling back too often.
Told him he wasn't the only one having a running dialog with the TV/radio these days.
Tonight, Wednesday:
CBS starts the night on the East Coast with a RERUN 'NCIS', followed by the LIVE 'Joint Appearance/Presidential Debate'.
On the left Coast, the night starts early with the LIVE 'Joint Appearance/Presidential Debate', followed by '60 Minutes', then a RERUN 'NCIS', followed by an hour of local crap.
Scheduled on a FRESH Dave are Jennifer Lopez and Sue Johanson.
Scheduled on a FRESH 'Craiggers' with guest host Tom Dreesen are Dennis Franz and Michael Buble.
NBC opens the night on the East Coast with a RERUN 'Law & Order', then the LIVE 'Joint Appearance/Presidential Debate'.
On the left coast, the night opens early with the LIVE 'Joint Appearance/Presidential Debate', followed by an hour of local crap, then 'Dateline', followed by a RERUN 'Law & Order'
Scheduled on a FRESH Leno are Queen Latifah and Bob Marley.
Scheduled on a FRESH Conan are Matt Stone & Trey Parker, and Libertines.
Scheduled on a FRESH Carson Daly are Bernard Hopkins, Rob Corddry, and Jim Gaffigan.
ABC begins the night on the East Coast with a FRESH 'Lost', followed by the LIVE 'Joint Appearance/Presidential Debate'.
On the left coast, the night begins early with the LIVE 'Joint Appearance/Presidential Debate', followed by a FRESH 'Lost', then 2 hours of local crap.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jimmy Kimmel are Rupert Everett, Bobby Cannavale, and Jem.
The WB offers a FRESH 'Smallville', followed by a FRESH 'The Mountain'.
Faux has LIVE 'Major League Baseball Playoffs'.
UPN has a FRESH 'America's Next Top Model', followed by a FRESH 'Kevin Hill'.
A&E has 'American Justice', another 'American Justice', and the FRESH 'Zen & The Art Of Competitive Eating'.
AMC offers the movie 'Once Upon A Time In The West', followed by the movie 'Coogan's Bluff', then the movie 'Escape From Alcatraz'.
[2pm] 'As Time Goes By' - Episode 7;
[2:40pm] 'Are You Being Served?' - The Old Order Changes;
[3:20pm] 'Keeping Up Appearances' - Episode 7;
[4pm] 'The Saint' - The People Importers;
[5pm] 'The Weakest Link' - Episode 59;
[6pm] 'BBC World News';
[6:30pm] 'Cash in the Attic' - Vita;
[7pm] 'My Hero' - The Family Way;
[7:40pm] 'Absolutely Fabulous' - Magazine;
[8:20pm] 'Keeping Up Appearances' - Episode 9;
[9pm] 'My Family' - Breakable;
[9:40pm] 'Kumars at No. 42' - Robson Green;
[10:20pm] 'Coupling' - Flushed;
[11pm] 'My Family' - Breakable;
[11:40pm] 'Kumars at No. 42' - Robson Green;
[12:20am] 'Coupling' - Flushed;
[1am] 'My Hero' - The Family Way;
[1:40am] 'Kumars at No. 42' - Robson Green;
[2:20am] 'Keeping Up Appearances' - Episode 9;
[3am] 'My Family' - Breakable;
[3:40am] 'Absolutely Fabulous' - Birthday;
[4:20am] 'Coupling' - Flushed;
[5am] 'The Office' - Episode 4;
[5:40am] 'Brilliant!' - Episode 3;
[6am] 'BBC World News'. (ALL TIMES EDT)
Bravo has 'West Wing', followed by the movie 'Clear & Present Danger'.
Comedy Central has 'MAD TV', 'Crank Yankers', 'Reno 911!', 'Soth Park', another 'South Park', and 'Chappelle's Show'.
On a RERUN Jon Stewart is Rosie Perez.
History has all 'Modern Marvels' all night.
[6AM] 'A Price Above Rubies' (1998);
[8AM] 'IFC Short Film Collection II' (2004);
[10AM] 'God Said, "Ha!"' (1998);
[11:30AM] 'Mr. Jealousy' (1997);
[1:15PM] 'Running With The Bulls' (2003);
[2PM] 'At The Angelika #89' (2004);
[2:30PM] 'IFC Short Film Collection I' (2003);
[4:30PM] 'Delicatessen' (1991);
[6:15PM] 'At The Angelika #89 (2004);
[6:45PM] Short: 'Charnel House' (2002);
[7:15PM] 'Mr. Jealousy' (1997);
[9PM] 'Birthday Girl' (2003);
[10:45PM] 'The Broken Hearts Club' (2000);
[12:30AM] 'Birthday Girl' (2003);
[2:15AM] 'Goya In Bordeaux' (1999);
[4:15AM] 'The Broken Hearts Club' (2000). (ALL TIMES EDT)
SciFi has 'Beyond Belief', 'Proof Positive', a FRESH 'Ghost Hunters',
'Scare Tactics', and another 'Scare Tactics'.
Sundance -
[7AM] 'The Al Franken Show' (10/12/04) (Original Production);
[8AM] 'Blackboards' (World Cinema);
[9:25AM] 'The Delicious' (Short);
[9:45AM] 'Black Box Germany' (Feature);
[11:30AM] 'Shorts Program 105 (Short);
[12:30PM] 'Marathon' (World Cinema);
[1:45PM] 'Good Night Valentino' (Short);
[2PM] 'Fellini: I'm a Born Liar' (Feature);
[3:50PM] 'Contemporary Case Studies (as witnessed from life)' (Short);
[4:05PM] 'Blackboards' (World Cinema);
[5:30PM] 'Justifiable Homicide' (Documentary);
[7PM] 'Cul de Sac: A Suburban War Story' (Documentary);
[8PM] 'Personal Velocity' (Feature);
[9:30PM] 'Son Frere' (Feature);
[11PM] 'Tanner on Tanner: Boston or Bust' (Original Production);
[11:30PM] 'The Al Franken Show' (10/13/04) (Original Production);
[12:30AM] 'The Long Good Friday' (Feature);
[2:30AM] 'The Al Franken Show' (10/13/04) (Original Production);
[3:30AM] 'Wigstock: The Movie' (Documentary);
[5AM] 'Saturn's Return' (Short);
[5:30AM] 'Justifiable Homicide' (Documentary). (ALL TIMES EDT)
[6am] 'New Moon' (1940);
[8am] 'Babes on Broadway' (1941);
[10am] 'Panama Hattie' (1942);
[11:30am] 'Girl Crazy' (1943);
[1:30pm] 'Shine On Harvest Moon' (1944);
[3:30pm] 'Romance On The High Seas' (1948);
[5:30pm] 'Look For The Silver Lining' (1949);
[8pm] 'Meet Me In St. Louis' (1944);
[10pm] 'The Harvey Girls' (1946);
[12am] 'Good News' (1947);
[2am] 'Easter Parade' (1948);
[4am] 'The Barkleys Of Broadway' (1949). (ALL TIMES EDT)
Thursday - 10/14
[6am] 'Tarzan, The Ape Man' (1959);
[7:30am] 'Watusi' (1959);
[9am] 'Butterfield 8' (1960);
[11am] 'Cimarron' (1960);
[1:30pm] 'The Day They Robbed The Bank Of England' (1960);
[3pm] 'Home From The Hill' (1960);
[6pm] 'The Time Machine' (1960);
[8pm] 'Hell Below' (1933);
[10pm] 'Paths Of Glory' (1957);
[12am] 'Sergeant York' (1941);
[2:30am] 'The Dawn Patrol' (1938);
[4:15am] 'The Lost Patrol' (1934). (ALL TIMES EDT)
Any opinions?
Or reviews?
(See below for addresses)
Springsteen Leads Stars
Vote for Change Finale
The Vote for Change tour, a rock 'n' roll roadshow designed to help oust resident Bush, wrapped Monday with a star-studded finale at Washington, D.C.'s MCI Center.
To close the show, more than a dozen major acts teamed for covers of the Nick Lowe-written, Elvis Costello-popularized "(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding" and Patti Smith's "People Have the Power," backed by Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band.
Broadcast live on cable's Sundance Channel mixed with documentary clips by filmmakers Albert Maysles and D.A. Pennebaker, the show capped a multiple-bill barnstorming tour through nine key presidential election swing states, including Ohio, Pennsylvania, Missouri and North Carolina.
Although the tour has essentially wrapped, one more show is planned Wednesday in East Rutherford, N.J., with Springsteen, Jackson Browne and John Fogerty, as well as Springsteen's wife/E Street Band singer/guitarist Patti Scialfa on the bill.
Vote for Change Finale
Seeks Probe of Anti-Kerry Broadcast
Democratic Party
The Democratic Party and 18 senators are seeking a pair of federal investigations into Sinclair Broadcast Group's plans to preempt network primetime programing on its 62 TV stations nationwide later this month to air a documentary critical of Sen. John Kerry's antiwar activities.
Democratic FCC commissioner Michael Copps called Sinclair's decision "an abuse of the public trust."
"It is proof positive of media consolidation run amok when one owner can use the public airwaves to blanket the country with its political ideology -- whether liberal or conservative," he said. "This is the same corporation that refused to air "Nightline's" reading of our war dead in Iraq. It is the same corporation that short shrifts local communities and local jobs by distance-casting news and weather from hundreds of miles away."
Democratic Party
Singer Sir Elton John (R) and former tennis great Billie Jean King hug each other as they sit on the bench between games during the 12th annual World TeamTennis Smash Hits, an annual tennis event benefiting the Elton John AIDS Foundation, in Irvine, California, October 11, 2004.
Photo by Lucy Nicholson
To Air On Comedy Central
'Last Comic Standing 3' - Finale
The finale of NBC's "Last Comic Standing 3" will be aired - not on the peacock network - but on Comedy Central.
The last episode will be seen 8 p.m. ET on the cable network on Saturday, which has run same-week repeats of the show since the beginning of the season.
The mystery surrounding the "Last Comic Standing 3" finale has been more confusing than funny. First, host and executive producer Jay Mohr posted a message on his Web site Thursday insisting the show had been canceled. On NBC's schedule, the finale had been replaced by three episodes of the animated comedy "Father of the Pride." Then, an NBC spokesman told The Associated Press Friday the third season finale was being shot and would air.
'Last Comic Standing 3' - Finale
Place Anti-Bush Ad in Washington Post
Norwegians including artists and politicians made a rare foray into U.S. politics Tuesday with an advertisement in a U.S. newspaper saying that resident Bush's war on terror was backfiring.
The Norwegian group "" said it used about $50,000 in donations from 4,000 people to fund the advertisement in the Washington Post to tell Bush that 80 percent of people in NATO-member Norway opposed the U.S.-led war in Iraq.
"Mr. President, your country can once again be a leading example of democracy and freedom, inspiring a world where terrorism can no longer breed," it said. "Your present policy only fosters resistance, more than ever, everywhere."
Dual Citizenship
Jim Carrey
Canadian-born funnyman Jim Carrey has made good on his plan to become an official U.S. citizen - but insists he's not renouncing his ties north of the border.
"I have no intention of giving up my Canadian heritage, and all those who loved and supported me," Carrey, who is now a dual citizen, said in a statement.
Carrey said he became an official U.S. citizen last week because of his love for his adopted home.
Last winter, when Conan O'Brien brought his late-night talk show to Toronto, Carrey spoke of his plans to become an American citizen, saying he wanted to be able to vote in U.S. elections.
Jim Carrey
Undated photo of the 23.1 carat Carmen Lucia ruby that will go on public display for the first time Saturday, Oct. 16, 2004 at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History in Washington. Discovered in Burma in the 1930s, the stone has been in private hands until now.
Producing Academy Awards
Gil Cates
Gil Cates has signed on to produce next year's Academy Awards broadcast, his 12th time overseeing Hollywood's biggest bash.
The 77th Oscars show will air live from the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood on Feb. 27.
Gil Cates
Fires Back Against 'Last DJ' Lawsuit
Tom Petty
Veteran rocker Tom Petty has blasted as "a total falsehood" a claim that his 2002 song "The Last DJ" was ripped off a California songwriter.
In a $4.5 million lawsuit recently filed against Petty and Los Angeles radio personality Jim Ladd in Los Angeles County Superior Court, Jim Wagner claims he composed a song titled "The Last Great Radio DJ" which he sent to the KLOS-FM announcer as a demo in 2000.
"My song, 'The Last DJ,' was written completely without any outside influence," Petty responded in a statement posted on his official Web site. "It is a wholly original composition. Claiming that Jim Ladd ever gave me another piece of music or discussed the plaintiff or his song with me in any way whatsoever is a total falsehood. Nothing of the kind ever happened.
Tom Petty
(formerly 'The Vidiot')
Proposes $1.2M Indecency Fine for Fox
Federal regulators proposed a record indecency fine of nearly $1.2 million Tuesday against Fox Broadcasting Co. for an episode of its reality series "Married by America" that included graphic scenes from bachelor and bachelorette parties.
FCC commissioners voted unanimously to fine each of the 169 Fox TV stations that aired the program $7,000. Fox has 30 days to appeal the fines, which total $1,183,000.
The fine is the most ever for a television broadcaster. The previous record of $550,000 was levied against CBS last month for the Super Bowl halftime show last February that included a racy duet in which singer Janet Jackson's breast was briefly exposed.
William Shatner is shown in this undated publicity photo. Shatner has released an 11-song collection this week, a follow-up to his 1968 spoken-word debut. The new album titled 'Has Been,' once again pairs Shatner's choppy, emphasis-added words to music, but this time he's penned his own lyrics and tempered the cheese quotient with a few musical friends.
Gives $10 Mln to L.A. Child Hospitals
Mel Gibson
Actor Mel Gibson gave $10 million to two Los Angeles hospitals on Tuesday to help children with serious medical problems who cannot afford treatment or get proper care in their own countries.
The actor, whose Christian-themed movie "The Passion of the Christ" was a box office smash this year, gave $5 million to the Mattel Children's Hospital at the University of California Los Angeles, and $5 million to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, a statement from the hospitals said.
Mel Gibson
TV Clout In Bush's Corner
David, Frederick, Robert and J. Duncan Smith
Few Americans have heard of David D. Smith, a low-key Baltimore businessman with a million-dollar salary. Or, for that matter, of his three brothers, Frederick, Robert and J. Duncan.
But the four men, while shunning the media spotlight, have assembled the nation's largest collection of television stations, a family-run operation that reflects their conservative views and time and again has sided with resident Bush.
After the 2001 terrorist attacks, the Smiths' company, Sinclair Broadcasting Group Inc., ordered its local anchors to read editorials backing the administration against al Qaeda. Earlier this year, Sinclair sent a vice president who has called John F. Kerry a liar to Iraq to find good news stories that it said were being overlooked by the biased liberal press. And the Smith brothers and their executives have made 97 percent of their political donations during the 2004 election cycle to Bush and the Republicans.
Now Sinclair's decision to order its 62 stations to carry a movie attacking Kerry's Vietnam record is drawing political fire -- not least from the Democratic National Committee, which plans to file a federal complaint today accusing the company of election-law violations. "Sinclair's owners aren't interested in news, they're interested in pro-Bush propaganda," said DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe, whose complaint will accuse the firm oflaint will accuse the firm of making an in-kind contribution to the Bush campaign.
How the Smith brothers turned a handful of stations they took over in 1986 into a national chain of network affiliates is a testament not only to their ingenuity but to relaxed federal restrictions that critics say allow such companies to amass too much market power. David Smith, 53, who once founded a firm that made transmitters for UHF stations, now controls stations from Buffalo to Sacramento, including 20 Fox affiliates, eight from ABC, four from NBC and three from CBS.
For a lot more, David, Frederick, Robert and J. Duncan Smith
Angry Over New Video
Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson is angered by the way he is mocked in rapper Eminem's recently released video "Just Lose It" and has asked cable music stations to remove the video from their rotations.
In the video, Eminem is costumed as Jackson and is seen with a group of boys in the background, jumping around as he sings about Jackson's child molestation allegations: "Come here, little kiddie, on my lap. Guess who's back with a brand new rap."
"I am very angry at Eminem's depiction of me in his video," Jackson said Tuesday in an interview with comedian Steve Harvey on Los Angeles radio station 100.3 FM. "I feel that it is outrageous and disrespectful. It is one thing to spoof, but it is another to be demeaning and insensitive."
Michael Jackson
The Volcano of Fire, as it is known, on the border of the Mexican states of Jalisco and Colima, spews out a column of steam as it is seen above clouds from a neighboring peak during early morning activity October 12, 2004. The volcano's continued activity has yet to cause nearby villages and towns to be evacuated although local disaster prevention authorities are keeping a very close eye on its progress.
Photo by Bernardo De Niz
Three Masters on View Together
Monet, Turner and Whistler
One hundred works by three 19th-century master painters - Monet, Turner and Whistler - are on view in Paris for the first time in an exhibit that showcases the fruits of their intense artistic dialogue.
The show opens Wednesday at the Grand Palais in Paris. The display of rarely loaned masterpieces from private collections and major museums is one of the biggest art shows of the year in the French capital.
The three-man exhibit is a rare opportunity to compare the works of one of the founders of English watercolor landscape painting, J.M.W. Turner, with two virtuosos who followed him, American-born James McNeill Whistler and French impressionist Claude Monet.
Monet, Turner and Whistler
Reputed Remains Resurface
Veronica Lake
With her peek-a-boo blond hairdo and sultry looks, Veronica Lake was the "it-girl" of the 1940s silver screen. When she died penniless three decades later, her ashes sat anonymously in a funeral home for nearly three years before they were scattered off the Florida coast. Or were they?
While questions about the ashes' authenticity hang over the event like Lake's signature hairstyle, the boutique's owner is convinced they are the real thing.
Lake was once one of Hollywood's brightest lights, a contemporary of Oscar winners Ingrid Bergman and Joan Crawford, a co-star with Alan Ladd in the film nowford, a co-star with Alan Ladd in the film noirs "This Gun for Hire" and "The Glass Key," and with Joel McCrea in Preston Sturges' "Sullivan's Travels."
But when the actress died in her early 50s on July 7, 1973, she was an entertainment footnote. She was working as a New York cocktail waitress, drinking heavily and married to her fourth husband, a commercial fisherman known as "Captain Bob."
For the rest, Veronica Lake
Prime-Time Nielsen
Prime-time viewership numbers compiled by Nielsen Media Research for Oct. 4-10. Top 20 listings include the week's ranking, with viewership for the week and season-to-date rankings in parentheses. An "X" in parentheses denotes a one-time-only presentation.
1. (1) "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation," CBS, 28.4 million viewers.
2. (3) "Without a Trace," CBS, 21.3 million viewers.
3. (2) "CSI: Miami," CBS, 20.7 million viewers.
4. (4) "Desperate Housewives," ABC, 20 million viewers.
5. (9) "Survivor: Vanuatu," CBS, 19.5 million viewers.
6. (8) "Everybody Loves Raymond," CBS, 17.4 million viewers.
7. (6) "ER," NBC, 17.1 million viewers.
8. (7) "CSI: NY," CBS, 16.9 million viewers.
9. (10) "Lost," ABC, 16.5 million viewers.
10. (10) "Two and a Half Men," CBS, 16.4 million viewers.
11. (5) "NFL Monday Night Football: Kansas City at Baltimore," ABC, 16.4 million viewers.
12. (12) "The Apprentice 2," NBC, 16.2 million viewers.
13. (13) "Cold Case," CBS, 15.5 million viewers.
14. (20) "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition," ABC, 15.2 million viewers.
15. (16) "NCIS," CBS, 14.3 million viewers.
16. (X) "CSI: Miami," CBS, 13.8 million viewers.
17. (13) "Joey," NBC, 12.8 million viewers.
18. (25) "Law & Order: Criminal Intent," NBC, 12.8 million viewers.
19. (19) "Law & Order," NBC, 12.5 million viewers.
20. (22) "Crossing Jordan," NBC, 12.4 million viewers.
Microscopic view of THC crystals, are seen on a bud of cannabis at the Pollinator Company, a shop in Amsterdam that sells equipment to isolate THC from marijuana in Amsterdam in this Sept. 20 , 2004 file photo. The Netherlands rolled out a program last year that allows patients to buy prescription marijuana at any pharmacy. Some medical insurance policies cover at least part of the cost, but often not enough to offset the pharmacy price. In a country where any adult can walk into a 'coffee shop' and smoke a joint for much less than the government price, many say the experiment is a bust.
Photo by Peter Dejong
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