Stupid Question of the Week
Other than Disinfotainment Today, what are you reading RIGHT NOW and why?
Another Stupid Answer of the Week
Howdy! Let me make this CLEAR: You are voting AGAINST bush. Fine, please do so. Now what are you voting FOR? (To quote Dennis Miller) "I was sitting in a Waffle House while reading a book and the waitress comes up to me and asks 'What are you reading FOR?;' Dennis interprets this as 'Why are you reading?' His comeback is 'So I won't be a *&^%$#@! WAFFLE WAITRESS!!!'" So my question is simple: what are you voting FOR? As opposed to "What are you voting AGAINST?" Tell me. Consider this my "stupid question" FOR YOU...
- Dan W -
I have, in the past, thrown away my vote by writing in the name of the person I actually wanted to be president of the United States, Jim Channon, whose 1st Earth Battalion manual is a genuinely practical guideline towards using the United States armed forces to bring peace to the planet earth. For decades, I stuck to my principles, refusing to vote against and only voting for a candidate, and for decades I proudly declared that nothing that was happening was my fault since no one I ever voted for ever won an election. Yep, I voted for Nader too.
This year, I would have voted "for" Kucinich, I would have voted "for" Dean, I would have voted "for" Nader, because they're all people I would actually like to see occupying the White House, but not one of them has/had a chance. This year, I'm not throwing my vote away. This year, I'm not voting FOR anyone. I'm only voting against, and that means the only candidate who has a chance in hell of unseating the Mongoloid figurehead of the Bush Family Evil Empire. No, I'm not voting "for" Kerry, but I am voting for him. Doesn't make me a Democrat, just a pragmatist.
Clinton, in admitting that he had once smoked pot, though he didn't inhale, seemed to be giving the secret message to pot smokers that he was one of them, that he might be somewhat rational in his approach to the problem, so they voted for him. Once in office, he proceeded to build more prisons and arrest more pot smokers than any administration in history.
So it's not as though anything that any politician says can be trusted, including John Kerry. He's actually promised, on numerous occasions, to sign the Kyoto protocols, which is reason enough to vote for him, but once in office, I doubt he'd sign the damn thing. He says he'll get us out of Iraq (eventually) but nobody can. We're building THE WORLD'S BIGGEST EMBASSY in Iraq. We're not leaving. It's only a question of how many targets/troops we're going to keep there.
Of course the pessimist in me says the election is pre-stolen, that NOBODY'S vote counts, that Bush is going to win no matter how many people vote against him. The all-pervading myth currently being spread by everybody is that your vote counts.
The bigger issue is that a Kerry win is the only possible proof that we even have a slight vestige of a democratic system left in America. A Kerry win is the only way to show the world that the election wasn't stolen like the last one.
I'm a flip-flopper. I'm abandoning one principle for another. I'm not voting FOR, I'm voting AGAINST, and the only vote against the Bush regime that makes the slightest bit of sense is for Kerry. When Kerry totally fucks up, as he no doubt would, for the first time in my life I won't be able to say "don't blame me, I didn't vote for the bastard."
Dickhead of the Week
Phil Parlock, a Republican, is a specialist in staging events where it looks like Democrats make his children cry.
Sophistimicated Doowacky of the Week
We all know how it works. If enough websites create a link somewhere using the same word, say failure, then when you type the word "failure" into Google and click on I FEEL LUCKY, you're taken to the site. Don't take my word for it. It's no fun at all to just click on the above link. Go to Google. Type in "failure." Click on I FEEL LUCKY. Ta-daa! Then click on the button that says "en espanol." When the page comes up in Spanish, right click on the page (if you're using IE) and click on "translate into English." Marvel at the fact that "Ever since it assumed the position, President Bush has promulgated outstanding initiatives to improve the state schools when settling down higher standards, to require than accounts surrender and to increase the local air traffic control." It's just like he wrote it himself.
Don't Take My Word For It
"You measure democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists."
- Abbie Hoffman -
"If one of my patients frequently said one thing and did another, I would want to know why. If I found that he often used words that hid their true meaning and affected a persona that obscured the nature of his actions, I would grow more concerned. If he presented an inflexible worldview characterized by an oversimplified distinction between right and wrong, good and evil, allies and enemies, I would question his ability to grasp reality. And if his actions revealed an unacknowledged - even sadistic - indifference to human suffering, wrapped in pious claims of compassion, I would worry about the safety of the people whose lives he touched. For the past three years, I have observed with increasing alarm the inconsistencies and denials of such an individual. But he is not one of my patients. He is our President."
- Dr. Justin Frank: Bush on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the President -
"The United States Justice Department under the leadership of the Attorney General, John Ashcroft, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, arrested and detained more than 5,000 Muslim and Arab immigrants on suspicion of posing a threat to national security. Of those 5,000 arrested and detained, most have been released without prosecution and conviction. Of that subgroup prosecuted by the U.S. Justice Department, none have been convicted of any crimes related to terrorist activities in the United States. None received an official apology from the U.S. government."
"Before I begin, let me state that I am a soldier currently deployed in Iraq, I am not an armchair quarterback. Nor am I some politically idealistic and naive young soldier, I am an old and seasoned Non-Commissioned Officer with nearly 20 years under my belt. Additionally, I am not just a soldier with a mud's-eye view of the war, I am in Civil Affairs and as such, it is my job to be aware of all the events occurring in this country and specifically in my region.
"I have come to the conclusion that we cannot win here for a number of reasons. Ideology and idealism will never trump history and reality."
"An Army Reserve staff sergeant who last week wrote a critical analysis of the United States' prospects in Iraq [the Al Lorentz article linked above] now faces possible disciplinary action for disloyalty and insubordination. If charges are bought and the officer is found guilty, he could face 20 years in prison. It would be the first such disloyalty prosecution since the Vietnam War."
"As those of you who read Tomdispatch regularly know, I've long hammered away at our permanent bases, also known in Pentagonese as 'enduring camps' â€" something close to an oxymoron. If you didn't factor those 'camps' into the equation that was Iraq, the Bush administration's policies there made no sense from the start. (And almost no American could have done so, since almost no one knew about them.)"
"I will say what I want and... [Bush] will say what he wants. I call for this because war is not a joke."
- Saddam Hussein offering to debate George W. Bush on 60 Minutes -
"Overthrown Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, who was arrested by US forces last December, reportedly plans to run as a candidate in the Iraqi elections scheduled for January 2005.
"Saddam's lawyer Giovanni di Stefano told Denmark's B.T. newspaper that Saddam decided during one of their discussions that he would declare his candidacy for the elections.
"According to Ollie North, President Reagan was at the airport every time a dead American serviceman's body came home. The British also formally greet their returning dead with honor and respect. Only in the United States does the government even forbid news organizations from greeting the dead."
"Will George W. Bush be allowed to finish the battle against the forces of evil that threaten our very existence?"
"Before the U.S. war in Iraq, Lukoil signed lucrative contracts with Saddam Hussein's government, only to see the agreements suspended -- first by Saddam and then by the U.S. interim government. The largest contract, to develop the massive West Qurna field, could yield 500,000 million barrels a day.
"While the West Qurna deal was not a decisive factor in the ConocoPhillips-Lukoil partnership, Iraq plays significantly into both companies strategies, analysts say.
"This was like the icing on the cake for both companies, said Chris Waefer, chief strategist for Moscow's Alfa Bank."
"Something stinks in Riverside County, California, and its not the local dump. The nasty odor assailing the resident's nostrils is the smell of rotten politics. But it's Riverside, so why should you care? [I live in Riverside County] Well there's just one reason. What's happening in Riverside County is a snapshot of what's happening all over the country, probably in your state."
"We all know Bush's record since April 2001. And we all know Nader's response. The facts â€" and their consequences for millions all around the world â€" matter to Nader as little as they matter to Bush. Nader is running in 2004 because not to run would be a tacit admission of the damage he's already caused â€" and that's no way to defend a delusion. Nader had to run again, or admit that he'd been wrong. And he can't do that. What he prefers is this: to endanger every cause and value he claims to believe in â€" and to accept GOP money and assistance, though he knows, he knows, that Republicans help him because his candidacy helps Bush. But in accepting assistance from the radical right, Nader loses the final thing that set him apart: the claim to being the one pure choice. Instead, he's descended into the same expediency he criticizes in Democrats. In the most literal way possible, he has become his enemy."
"Oh, to this day, every picture I make I get criticism from the Jewish community. I keep getting letters from little old Jewish ladies: 'You think Hitler is funny?' You get it or you don't."
"Government does two things well - nothing and overreact."
- Donald Rumsfeld -
"Most Iraqis, I am told, believe that they are 'better off' becoming violently ill from drinking filthy water while dodging bullets under the elusive promise of shifting democracy and inevitable specter of bloody civil war than they were being victimized by the clean water and electricity Saddam Hussein ruthlessly used to curry favor."
"My opponent says we didn't have any allies in this war. What's he say to Tony Blair? What's he say to Alexander Kwasniewski of Poland?"
Dubya in the first debate -
"Alexander Kwasniewski said, and I quote... 'They deceived us about the weapons of mass destruction... We were taken for a ride.' What would I say to him? I'd say I apologize for the actions of my predecessor."
- Kerry in the first debate in my dreams -
"Reality cannot be ignored except at a price; and the longer the ignorance is persisted in, the higher and more terrible becomes the price that must be paid."
- Aldous Huxley -
"So it's no surprise that over the past four years, we've learned to pay attention when the Bush administration and its minions in the press start dropping hints about the next big attack. They've most recently floated the idea of a catastrophic October Surprise assault, which they suggest could necessitate postponing the election. One official warned, 'I can tell you one thing, we won't be like Spain,' in an apparent reference to the conservative ruling party's having lost power days after the Madrid train bombings.
"But Spain's election was a high-turnout, democratic contest in which voters fair and square booted an unpopular, lying, war-mongering administration. Why can't US voters have the same chance?"
"Avail yourself also of any helpful circumstances over and beyond the ordinary rules."
- Sun Tzu: The Art of War -
"You know, the president's father did not go into Iraq, into Baghdad, beyond Basra. He said in his book that the reason he didn't was because there was no viable exit strategy. And he said our troops would be occupiers in a bitterly hostile land. I knew George Bush. George Bush was a friend of mine....and you sir ARE NO GEORGE BUSH!"
- John Kerry in another dream -
"The first thing candidates tell us when they go on Oprah or Dr. Phil is that they always put family first, presumably because it's reassuring for us to know that, should the launching of a rogue missile coincide with a first daughter's ballet recital, well, sorry there'll be other missile attacks, but a kid goes through third grade only once."
"He showed for all to see what a minor mind he goes around with. I looked at this guy Bush last night and thought about young people dying in Iraq because of him. And there will be more and more because he is a man sitting with a car full of people on the train tracks and he doesn't know enough to get off with the train coming. Watch the ages of the dead night after night, day after day - 21 ... 23 ... 19 ... 25 ... Anybody responsible for getting people this young killed is a national menace. Dumb people always are."
"At 8:20 AM on Wednesday, September 29, armed US Marshals and FCC Agents raided the house from which
Free Radio Santa Cruz broadcasts. Agents entered with guns drawn, showing the warrant to a couple of residents but not serving the warrant to anyone at that time. All residents, some wearing only their bathrobes and PJ's, were herded to the sidewalk in front of their house."
"When Marine Lance Cpl. James Crosby left Iraq, he was unconscious, strapped to a gurney, his legs paralyzed and his guts lacerated by shrapnel. That's when the military cut his pay in half.
"'Before you leave the combat zone, they swipe your ID card through a computer, and you go back to your base pay,' said Crosby, who is now undergoing rehabilitation at the West Roxbury Veterans Administration."
"One of the cardinal rules of human nature is this: 'Punishment ALWAYS leads to resistance.' Human beings are hard-wired that way. According to John Gray's excellent book Children are from Heaven, if a young child thinks that a punishment is unjust, he or she will resist it -- even to the death. And this eternal truth also applies to grown-ups. Ariel Sharon is a really slow learner. After all these years, he is STILL unclear on the concept."
"Love people and use things, don't love things and use people."
- Xarvon, alien investigator -
"Who's behind these private companies? It's hard to tell: The corporate lines -- even the bloodlines -- of these 'competitors' are so intricately mixed. For example, at Diebold -- whose corporate chief, Wally O'Dell, a top Bush fundraiser, has publicly committed himself to 'delivering' his home state's votes to Bush next year -- the election division is run by Bob Urosevich. Bob's brother, Todd, is a top executive at 'rival' ES&S. The brothers were originally staked in the vote-count business by Howard Ahmanson, a member of the Council for National Policy, a right-wing 'steering group' stacked with Bushist faithful.
"Ahmanson is also one of the bagmen behind the extremist 'Christian Reconstructionist' movement, which openly advocates a theocratic takeover of American democracy, placing the entire society under the "dominion" of 'Christ the King.' This 'dominion' includes the death penalty for homosexuals, exclusion of citizenship for non-Christians, stoning of sinners and -- we kid you not -- slavery, 'one of the most beneficent of Biblical laws.'"
"Either you think, or else others have to think for you and take power
from you, pervert and discipline your natural tastes, civilize and
sterilize you."
- F. Scott Fitzgerald -
"That (Bush) coasted on his family name was understandable. Lots of guys do that. But Georgie, as we called him then, has absolutely no intellectual curiosity about anything. He wasn't interested in ideas or books or causes. He didn't travel; he didn't read the newspapers; he didn't watch the news... How he got out of Yale without developing some interest in the world besides booze and sports stuns me. Hell, it's not George's substance abuse that bothers me as much as his lack of substance."
- Tom Wilner, Dubya's frat brother, quoted in Kitty Kelley's The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty -
"The secret of getting ahead is getting started."
- Sally Berger -
"You can make more friends in a month by being interested in them than in ten years by trying to get them interested in you."
- Charles Allen -
"More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren't so busy denying them."
- Harold J. Smith -
"I am building my mind all by myself
And growing worthier for the tasks ahead
Who knows when shall I be able to declare with all my heart:
I have reached my Realisation,
Come all, follow me,
The Master is calling you all,
May my life bring forth new life in you all,
And thus may my country awake."
"The Jews and Arabs should sit down and settle their differences like good Christians."
- Warren Robinson Austin, US diplomat -
"Any sign of the trapped miners, Chief? Find Amelia Earhart yet? Hey, Doc, let me know if you find my dignity. Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Take it easy, Doc, you're boldly going where no man has gone before! You put your left hand in, you take your left hand out... Now I know how a Muppet feels. If your hand doesn't fit, you must quit!" You know, in Arkansas we're now legally married. Could you write a note for my wife saying that my head is in fact not up there? Do you see my tattoo? Can you hear me NOW?
Everything Else
You know you like puns too much when you think that "Only Hugh can prevent florist friars" is funny even without a joke attached.
They're blonde. They're chewable. They're
Can't figure out which recordable DVD format to buy? Read
What if Francis Ford Coppola directed
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? Don't miss the hilarious
Chocolypse Now.
It's John Cleese's 65th birthday on October the 27th. He'll be 65. You can surprise him with a birthday message
here. Something like this... "I understand it's your birthdeus ex machina. This is a day in which we excellibrate the annichapterandversary with a fringe on top of the birth of a nation of I've got to go to the John Cleese. If there were no John Cleese, practitioners of word association football would have to invent his spleen. If I were to bake in my loins a cakewalk on the wild side, and I covered it with David Frosting me an arm and a leg, chopping would John a new Cleese on life be able baker Charlie to blow winds and crack your cheeks out the candles in the wind? I would you mind stepping aside hope springs eternal so on the button. In any case of anthrax, I offer in a brutal manner my broken heartiest congratuleague of nations for achieving this milestone the bastards for heresy."
Fellow WGA members Dare and Cleese

Mordechai Vanunu
c/o Cathedral Church of St. George
20 Nablus Road
PO Box 19018
Jerusalem 91190
Don't let this happen to you.
and call it tax deductible.
"Money back guarantee if it's not the funniest book you've read this year."
- my publicist -
"You're fired. I can't pay people back."
- Michael Dare -
dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY is free and may be reproduced in any form. It consists of information from dozens of sources, cut up, thrown in the air, and recycled randomly. It is sent all over the place, so I apologize if you're seeing the same thing twice. If you see a joke, graphic, or news item that came from or through you, thanks, send more, and please accept the fact that much of dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY is unacknowledgeable, and if I sought permission from everyone whose bastardized material showed up here, I'd never get anything else done. Please note that I don't even put my own name on it. If you're still pissed off, hey, it's either satire or fair use.
'Best of TBH Politoons'
Thanks, again, Tim!
Fun Link
'Whack The Vote'
Do you ever think that what politicians really need is a good whack?
Well boy are you in luck!
Today, instead of voting for the candidate you like, vote against the
other guy by giving him a "friendly tap" on the head with a big hammer.
Thanks, Ivo!
Recommended Reading
'Dear Mike'
Thanks, Bruce!
from Mark
Another Bumpersticker
Reader Suggestion
More Bumper Stickers
My Pet Goat Would Make A Better President
When Bush Captures Osama For The October Surprise, Everybody Yell,
"What Took You So Long?"
The Draft: Leave No Poor Child Behind
George W. Bush: Incompetent And Damn Proud Of It
Dick Cheney: Lying With Gravitas
Thanks, Bruce!
Purple Gene Reviews
"Che! (1969)" with Omar Sharif and Jack Palance:
This is the story of an inspired Argentinian who
became the insurrectionary figurehead of the Cuban
Revolution....No...I'm not talking about the new movie
"The Motorcycle Diaries" ( an exquisite film about the
young Ernesto "Che" Guevara and his Journies through
South America - directed by
Walter Salles) ......I am
talking about an unbelievably Banal Hollywood BOMB!!
"Che!" - starred Omar Sharif as the "Chic" Communist
hunk who became a "Pinko" T-Shirt superstar in the 60sand was directed by Richard Fleischer. I vaguely
recall watching this "Hollywood Spagetti-western"
while smoking a pot-filled Cuban Cigar somewhere in
the surrealistic haze of a Saturday night in the
It was back in the days after Vietnam and the Cuban
Missile Crisis when all of us protesters became
Cynical and slovenly!!! Well I could tell right away
what kind of movie this was when
Jack Palance entered
stage left as "FIDEL CASTRO"!!! It reminded me of
Victor Mature
playing "CHIEF CRAZY HORSE"...totally
Absurd and thoroughly forgettable.
I guess I wanted to review this movie for everyone
because it epitomized all the fraudulent typecasting
and completely bogus characters that hit the big Dick Cheney and George Bush played by
themselves and delivering a thoroughly horrific
Purple Gene gives "Che" zero stars and unless you can
find a good Cuban Cigar that you can fill with pot,
don't go see this movie!!!!!
~ Purple Gene
Thanks, Purple Gene!
Selected Readings
from that Mad Cat, JD
In The Chaos Household
Last Night
Sunny, but autumnal.
Tonight, Wednesday:
CBS starts the night with '60 Minutes', followed by a RERUN 'CSI: Miami', then a FRESH 'CSI: NY'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Dave are Jamie Foxx, Paul Teutul Sr. and Paul Teutul Jr.
Scheduled on a FRESH Craiggers' with guest host TBA are Mekhi Phifer, Sam Roberts.
NBC opens the night with a FRESH 'Hawaii', followed by a RERUN 'Law & Order', then a FRESH 'Law & Order'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Leno are Laura 'Pickles' Bush and Rocky La Porte.
Scheduled on a FRESH Conan are Hilary Duff, Anthony Kiedis, and Rilo Kiley.
Scheduled on a FRESH Carson Daly are Neve Campbell, Nick Swardson, and Lil' Flip.
ABC begins the night with a FRESH 'Lost', followed by a FRESH 'The Bachelor', then a FRESH 'Wife Swap'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jimmy Kimmel are David Cross and Eva Longoria.
The WB offers a FRESH 'Smallville', followed by a FRESH 'The Mountain'.
Faux has a FRESH 'That 70s Show', followed by a FRESH 'Quintuplets', then a RERUN 'Bernie Mac', followed by another RERUN 'Bernie Mac'.
UPN has a FRESH 'America's Next Top Model', followed by a FRESH 'Kevin Hill'.
A&E has 'American Justice', another 'American Justice', 'Family Plots', 'Airline', and 'Biography' (John Stamos).
AMC offers the movie 'Harlem Nights', followed by the movie 'Jaws 2', then the movie 'Jaws The Revenge'.
[2pm] 'As Time Goes By' - Episode 2;
[2:40pm] 'Are You Being Served?' - Fifty Years On;
[3:20pm] 'Keeping Up Appearances' - Episode 2;
[4pm] 'The Saint' - The Desperate Diplomat;
[5pm] 'The Weakest Link' - Episode 52;
[6pm] 'BBC World News';
[6:30pm] 'Cash in the Attic' - Tredwen;
[7pm] 'My Hero' - The Consultant;
[7:40pm] 'Absolutely Fabulous' - Iso Tank;
[8:20pm] 'Keeping Up Appearances' - Episode 8;
[9pm] 'My Family' - Ben Wants to be a Millionaire;
[9:40pm] 'Kumars at No. 42' - Richard E. Grant and Michael Parkinson;
[10:20pm] 'Coupling' - 9 1/2 Months;
[11pm] 'My Family' - Ben Wants to be a Millionaire;
[11:40pm] 'Kumars at No. 42' - Richard E. Grant and Michael Parkinson;
[12:20am] 'Coupling' - 9 1/2 Months;
[1am] 'My Hero' - The Consultant;
[1:40am] 'Absolutely Fabulous' - Iso Tank;
[2:20am] 'Keeping Up Appearances' - Episode 8;
[3am] 'My Family' - Ben Wants to be a Millionaire;
[3:40am] 'Kumars at No. 42' - Richard E. Grant and Michael Parkinson;
[4:20am] 'Coupling' - 9 1/2 Months;
[5am] 'The Office' - Episode 3;
[5:40am] 'Brilliant!' - Episode 2;
[6am] 'BBC World News'. (ALL TIMES EDT)
Bravo has 'West Wing', followed by the movie 'The Princess Bride', and 'Celebrity Poker Showdown'.
Comedy Central has 'MAD TV', 'Crank Yankers', 'Reno 911!', 'South Park', another 'South Park', and 'Chappelle's Show'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jon Stewart is Bob Schieffer.
History has all 'Modern Marvels' all night.
[6AM] 'Ratcatcher' (1999);
[7:30AM] 'Running Time' (1997);
[8:45AM] Short: 'Dollhouse';
[9AM] 'Barry Lyndon' (1975);
[12:15PM] 'The Broken Hearts Club' (2000);
[2PM] 'IFC Short Film Collection II' (2004);
[4PM] 'Running Time' (1997);
[5:15PM] 'IFC In Theaters' (2004);
[5:30PM] 'This Is Not A Film' (2003);
[7PM] Short: 'Patchwork Monkey' (2003);
[7:15PM] 'The Climb' (1998);
[9PM] 'Big Night' (1996);
[11PM] 'Afterglow' (1997);
[1AM] 'Big Night' (1996);
[3AM] 'Brother Of Sleep' (1995);
[5:15AM] 'A Brief History of Errol Morris' (1999). (ALL TIMES EDT)
SciFi has 'Beyond Belief: Fact Or Fiction?', followed by the SERIES PREMIERE of 'Proof Positive - Evidence Of The Paranormal', then the SERIES PREMIERE of
'Ghost Hunters', followed by 'Scare Tactic', and another 'Scare Tactic'.
Sundance -
[7AM] 'The Al Franken Show' (10/05/04) (Original Production);
[8AM] 'Shorts Program 106' (Short);
[9AM] 'Gacaca: Living Together Again in Rwanda?' (Documentary);
[10AM] 'Silence... We're Rolling' (World Cinema);
[11:40AM] 'Morning Breath: A Brooklyn Love Story' (Short);
[12PM] 'Pumpkin' (Feature);
[2PM] 'My Father's Son' (Documentary) ;
[3:30PM] 'The Times of Harvey Milk' (Feature);
[5PM] 'By Hook or By Crook' (Feature);
[6:40PM] 'Morning Breath: A Brooklyn Love Story' (Short);
[7PM] 'Persons of Interest' (Feature);
[8:05PM] 'Shorts Program 106' (Short);
[9PM] 'A.K.A.' (Feature);
[11PM] 'Tanner on Tanner: Dinner at Elaine's' (Original Production);
[11:30PM] 'The Al Franken Show' (10/06/04) (Original Production);
[12:30AM] 'Tanner '88: The Boiler Room' (Short);
[1AM] 'Tanner '88: Reality Check' (Short);
[1:35AM] 'Good Husband, Dear Son' (Documentary);
[2:30AM] 'The Al Franken Show' (10/06/04) (Original Production);
[3:30AM] 'Jack The Dog' (Feature);
[5:30AM] 'The Times of Harvey Milk' (Feature). (ALL TIMES EDT)
TCM presents another all-singing/all-dancing day.
[7am] 'Gold Diggers Of 1933' (1933);
[9am] 'Gold Diggers Of 1935' (1935);
[11am] 'Rose Marie' (1936);
[1pm] 'The Great Ziegfeld' (1936);
[4pm] 'Swing Time' (1936);
[6pm] 'On Your Toes' (1939);
[8pm] 'Top Hat' (1935);
[10pm] 'Show Boat' (1936);
[12am] 'Born To Dance' (1936);
[2am] 'Gold Diggers Of 1937' (1936);
[4am] 'Babes in Arms' (1939). (ALL TIMES EDT)
Thursday - 10/07
[6am] 'You Can't Escape Forever' (1942);
[7:30am] 'Escape From Crime' (1942);
[8:30am] 'Slightly Dangerous' (1943);
[10:15am] 'Having Wonderful Crime' (1945);
[11:30am] 'Shadow Of A Woman' (1946);
[1pm] 'The Unsuspected' (1947);
[3pm] 'Scene Of The Crime' (1949);
[5pm] 'Cry Danger' (1951);
[6:30pm] 'Count The Hours' (1953);
[8pm] 'The Farmer's Daughter' (1947);
[10pm] 'Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb' (1963);
[12am] 'The Best Man' (1964);
[2am] 'One, Two, Three' (1961);
[4am] 'The Great Dictator' (1940). (ALL TIMES EDT)
Any opinions?
Or reviews?
(See below for addresses)
Performing artist Wyclef Jean (L) poses with rock legend Lou Reed and bassist Jerry Wonder before Jean's performance at the ACLU Freedom Concert in Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center in New York, October 4, 2004. Jean was joined by an array of celebrities including Paul Simon, Edie Brickell, Robin Williams, and Jessica Lange to promote the American Civil Liberties Union.
Photo by Shannon Stapleton/Handout
Celebrities Raised Money
Robin Williams, Paul Simon and a host of other entertainers took the stage at a benefit for the American Civil Liberties Union, which forfeited money from a federal fund drive because it refused to screen its employees against a suspected terrorist "watch list."
The benefit, held at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, was produced by composer Philip Glass and featured about two dozen performers, including Richard Gere, Sarah Jones, Tony Kushner, Jake Gyllenhaal and his sister, Maggie Gyllenhaal.
Simon played "America" and a gospel song, and Lou Reed played "Walk on the Wild Side." Other performers spoke about U.S. Supreme Court cases that affected civil liberties, some reading passages from the decisions.
The ACLU withdrew from the Combined Federal Campaign, a program that accepts donations from government and military personnel, because rules put in place under the Patriot Act require participating charities to make sure no employees are on a 143-page list of names and aliases of possible terrorists.
Broadway Stars Pay Tribute
Tony Randall
Friends of Tony Randall, many of whom have graced the Great White Way numerous times, filled the Majestic Theatre to pay tribute to the actor and Broadway producer, who died last May.
The theater, the home of "The Phantom of the Opera," was instilled more with spirit and laughter Tuesday than sadness. Speakers - including Harry Belafonte, Garry Marshall and Eli Wallach - shared personal stories with the audience.
Ben Vereen crooned "Life Is Just a Bowl of Cherries" to the audience. Before he began, the "Roots" star said the song's title was a motto by which Randall lived each day.
When mezzo-soprano Marilyn Horne strolled onto the stage, she warned the crowd she wasn't going to perform opera - she now teaches it - but did sing "At the River," a song she believed meant passing on to the other side was like meeting your friends on the other side of a river.
The crowd welcomed Tony-winning Julie Harris - accompanied by Maria Tucci - with boisterous applause. Tucci, Randall's last co-star in "Right You Are," was brought to tears when speaking about the last time she saw Randall. Harris patted Tucci on the cheek when the tears arrived.
The tribute ended - appropriately - with Jack Klugman, who starred with Randall on stage and on television in "The Odd Couple," Randall's most well-known work, as well as other theatrical productions such as "The Sunshine Boys" and "Three Men on a Horse."
Tony Randall
Joanne Woodward, left, and Paul Newman pose for a photograph at a party in memory of Tony Randall at Sardi's in New York Tuesday Oct. 5, 2004. Newman spoke earlier in the day at 'A Tribute to Tony Randall' at New York's Majestic Theatre where Randall was remembered.
Photo by Tina Fineberg
Donation To Clinton Library
Lou Harrison
Police on Tuesday recovered a suitcase that had been stolen from George Harrison's sister as she donated Beatles memorabilia to Bill Clinton's presidential library.
Lou Harrison had driven from her Benton, Ill., home to downtown Little Rock to donate her personal signed copy of a 1964 Beatles album to the library. After dropping off the album, she found a window of her car smashed in and her suitcase gone.
She said she couldn't give her copy of the "Meet The Beatles" album to both of her grandsons, so she decided they and the whole world could share it as a display at the Clinton library, which is scheduled to open Nov. 18.
She said she made the donation because Clinton "had the same positive attitude to life as The Beatles."
"He was charismatic, intelligent and all the rotten stuff that happened to him, that's what happened to every alpha male in history - all the women would chase him," Harrison said. "Apart from that, he was a fantastic president and we'd be better off if he were still there."
Lou Harrison
Lambasts Blair Over Iraq
Tom Sharpe
British author Tom Sharpe used a presentation of his latest novel in Spain to lash out at British Prime Minister Tony Blair for supporting the US-led war in Iraq.
"Tony Blair is right wing, much more to the right than (former prime minister) Margaret Thatcher," opined Cambridge-educated Sharpe, attending the presentation in Barcelona of his latest satirical farce Wilt in Nowhere.
"He is doing much more damage than Thatcher and is destroying our faith in politics," Sharpe alleged.
Warming to his theme, Sharpe, 76, added: "(US) resident (George W.) Bush doesn't need toilet paper. He has Blair," and said he hoped that Democratic challenger John Kerry would unseat Bush in next month's US presidential election.
Tom Sharpe
Honorary Citizenship
John Kerry
The tiny Czech village of Horni Benesov has decided to award US Democrat presidential candidate John Kerry honorary citizenship as his ancestors hailed from the hamlet, its mayor Josef Klech said.
Kerry's Jewish great-grandparents Benedikt and Mathilda Kohn and grandfather Fritz Kohn came from the small mountain town of 2,300 inhabitants in the east of the Czech Republic.
"We are proud to have such a connection with a US presidential candidate and want to show that the descendant of Jewish great grandparents from such a small place can go on to achieve great things," Klech told AFP.
"That's why we've decided to award the village's first ever honorary citizenship to him," he added.
John Kerry
Desperate Republicans
Michael Moore
Republicans say filmmaker Michael Moore should be prosecuted for offering underwear, potato chips and Ramen noodles to college students in exchange for their promise to vote.
The Michigan Republican Party has asked four county prosecutors to file charges against Moore, charging that his get-out-the-vote stunt amounts to bribery.
Moore, a Michigan native, is touring the country and imploring "slackers" who usually don't vote to head to the polls this year, saying they could make the difference in the presidential race. Moore has made stops at three Michigan universities as part of a 60-city pre-election tour.
During each program, habitual nonvoters are invited on stage to pledge to vote. First-time student voters are offered gag prizes such as clean underwear.
The GOP said Moore also offered students a clean dorm room, a year's supply of Tostitos and a package of Ramen noodles.
Michael Moore
Sharon Novotny tries a 'Kerryberry' sundae during her lunch at the Valley Dairy restaurant in Butler, Pa., Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2004. Patrons of the western Pennsylvania restaurant chain show their support for a 2004 presidential candidate by ordering either a 'Bushberry' or 'Kerryberry' sundae, a heap of ice cream drizzled with strawberry syrup and topped with either a red or blue plastic pick.
Photo by Keith Srakocic
Signature Guitar Heads to Auction
Paul McCartney
The first Paul McCartney Signature 1964 Epiphone Texan, serial No. 001, will be auctioned to benefit Adopt-A-Minefield, the land mine clearance and survivor assistance program.
The auction begins Wednesday (Oct. 6) at 8 a.m. EST and concludes Oct. 14. It coincides with the Oct. 15 Adopt-A-Minefield Los Angeles Gala, hosted by McCartney and his wife, Heather Mills McCartney, at the Century City Plaza Hotel. McCartney will perform with Neil Young at the event, which will be hosted by Jay Leno.
The guitar is an exact replica of the one McCartney used to write and perform the Beatles' "Yesterday" in 1965. It will be signed by the artist and made available to bidders exclusively at and
Paul McCartney
Speaking at University of Minnesota
More Michael Moore
Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore will speak at the University of Minnesota on Friday, an appearance that had been in doubt after campus Republicans objected to any use of school funds to pay for the event.
Moore will speak at 8 p.m. at Williams Arena, with his appearance sponsored by the Minnesota Alliance for Progressive Action. Tickets are $6 for the general public, $5 for students. The arena holds 14,000 people.
Last week, before Moore's speech was nailed down, the Minnesota College Republicans chapter said it would fight if his appearance involved the use of school money. University officials then said no public or student money would be used if he appeared.
The university bookstore had been interested in sponsoring the speech, but Foster said it dropped out and MAPA was the sole sponsor.
More Michael Moore
(formerly 'The Vidiot')
Again Denied Parole
John Lennon's Killer
John Lennon's killer will remain in prison for at least two more years after being denied parole Tuesday because of the "extreme malicious intent" he showed in gunning down the former Beatle in 1980.
Mark David Chapman, 49, was notified of the decision late Tuesday after appearing before a three-member panel earlier in the day.
His next appearance before the parole board will be in October 2006.
John Lennon's Killer
The Dalai Lama (R) listens as a man in pre-hispanic dress reads a statement for him during an event to promote religious tolerance in Mexico City's national anthropology museum October 5, 2004. The Dalai Lama invited the guest wearing costume evocative of pre-hispanic Aztec ceremonies on to the stage to speak.
Photo by Andrew Winning
Hot Box Office in British Theater
In a country enraged by Tony Blair's decision to join America in invading Iraq, nothing fills a theater faster than a play about George W. Bush.
Combine the two leaders and you have a surefire hit in Britain, which is currently enjoying a renaissance in political theater.
The political palette offers many hues -- from the satire of "The Madness of George Dubya" and "Embedded" through to David Hare's complex polemic "Stuff Happens."
"The Bush administration's wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are proving to be as good to the theater as they have been to America's major arms dealers," said The Independent newspaper.
In satires all too often preaching to the converted, Bush is mocked as a trigger-happy global cowboy.
Stamp to Be Unveiled In Iowa
John Wayne
John Wayne's contributions to film will be honored during the unveiling of a commemorative stamp at his Iowa birthplace, Winterset.
The John Wayne stamp is the 10th entry in the "Legends of Hollywood" stamp series.
The John Wayne stamp was officially issued on Sept. 9 at Hollywood's famous Grauman's Chinese Theatre.
John Wayne
A group of men costumed as the 'Eight Generals,' characters of the Taiwanese pantheon, stand by before performing a traditional dance to clear the way for the City God, during the opening of the Taipei Arts Festival, Sunday, Oct. 3, 2004, in Taipei, Taiwan. The festival which, runs through Oct. 31, is part of the 120th anniversary of Taipei City.
Photo by Jerome Favre
Probe Results Unlikely Until After Election
CBS News
An external review of how CBS News came to use disputed documents in a report on resident Bush's military record will probably not be concluded until after the November election so as not to interfere with the presidential race, a top executive said on Tuesday.
Les Moonves, the co-president of CBS parent company Viacom, told an analyst meeting that the review of the CBS "60 Minutes II" report being done by former Attorney General Dick Thornburgh and retired Associated Press chief Louis Boccardi had no timetable for completion. But he said he did not want it to interfere with the Nov. 2 election.
CBS News
In Memory
Rodney Dangerfield
Rodney Dangerfield, the bug-eyed comic whose self-deprecating one-liners brought him stardom in clubs, television and movies and made his lament "I don't get no respect" a catchphrase, died Tuesday. He was 82.
Dangerfield, who fell into a coma after undergoing heart surgery, died at 1:20 p.m., said publicist Kevin Sasaki. Dangerfield had a heart valve replaced Aug. 25 at the University of California, Los Angeles, Medical Center.
Sasaki said in a statement that Dangerfield suffered a small stroke after the operation and developed infectious and abdominal complications. But in the past week he had emerged from the coma, the publicist said.
Clad in a black suit, red tie and white shirt with collar that seemed too tight, Dangerfield convulsed audiences with lines such as: "When I was born, I was so ugly that the doctor slapped my mother," "When I started in show business, I played one club that was so far out my act was reviewed in Field and Stream," and "Every time I get in an elevator, the operator says the same thing to me: `Basement?'"
In a 1986 interview, he explained the origin of his "respect" trademark:
"I had this joke: `I played hide and seek; they wouldn't even look for me.' To make it work better, you look for something to put in front of it: I was so poor, I was so dumb, so this, so that. I thought, `Now what fits that joke?' Well, `No one liked me' was all right. But then I thought, a more profound thing would be, `I get no respect.'"
Dangerfield is survived by his wife, Joan, and two children, Brian and Melanie, from a previous marriage.
Rodney Dangerfield
Rodney Dangerfield was the first entertainer to own a Website ( which was launched in February 1995.
A pair of black vultures wait in their cage to be reintroduced into the wild at the newly inaugurated Mediterranean Nature Center in Campanet, on Spain's Mallorca island, October 5, 2004. The nature center aims to recover, protect and reintroduce the black vulture in Mallorca and in eastern Mediterranean countries where it is believed to be extinct.
Photo by Dani Cardona
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