BartCop Entertainment Archives - Tuesday, 22 March, 2005


22 March, 2005

big hammer - bigger hammer

(Updated Daily)


Issue #144

Disinfotainment Today

By Michael Dare

Issue #144
is brought to you by

Political Commentary from the 19th Century
"Taken from a county jail
By a set of curious chances
Liberated then on bail
on my own recognizances
wafted by a favoring gale
As one sometimes is in trances
To a height that few can scale
Save by long and weary dances
Surely never had a male
Under such like circumstances
So adventurous a tale
Which may rank with most romances"
- Gilbert and Sullivan on the Robert Blake case -
"To sit in solemn silence in a dull, dark dock,
In a pestilential prison, with a life-long lock,
Awaiting the sensation of a short, sharp shock,
From a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block!"
- Gilbert and Sullivan on the Scott Peterson case -
"Oh, better far to live and die
Under the brave black flag I fly,
Than play a sanctimonious part
With a pirate head and a pirate heart.
Away to the cheating world go you,
Where pirates all are well-to-do;
But I'll be true to the song I sing,
And live and die a Pirate King."
- Gilbert and Sullivan on the Bernard Ebbers case -
"Every moment brings a treasure
Of its own especial pleasure;
Though the moments quickly die,
Greet them gaily as they fly,
Greet them gaily as they fly.
Far away from toil and care,
Revelling in fresh sea-air,
Here we live and reign alone
In a world that's all our own.
Here, in this our rocky den,
Far away from mortal men,
We'll be queens, and make decrees
They may honour them who please.
Let us gaily tread the measure,
Make the most of fleeting leisure,
Hail it as a true ally,
Though it perish by-and-by.

- Gilbert and Sullivan on the Michael Jackson case -
I probably shall not exclaim as I die,
"Oh, willow, titwillow, titwillow!"
- Gilbert and Sullivan on the Terri Schiavo case -
Stop the Presses
Sending Condoleezza Rice to China was such a diplomatic success that the Bush administration now plans on sending Natalie Cole to Newcastle, Phoebe Snow to Antarctica, Chris Rock to Gibraltar, and Andy Dick to prison.
Stupid Answers of the Week
Protect your precious bodily fluids...
drink Sprite!
Last week's question...
Pepsi has a new commercial where a Roman soldier says "I have a Pepsi for Spartacus," and then they show the scene from Spartacus where the slaves stand up one at a time and say "I'm Spartacus." Stanley Kubrick would not approve. What other commercial uses of Stanley Kubrick movies would he not approve of?
The answers...
    2001: A Space Odyssey:
    Bowman: "HAL open the pod bay door!"
    HAL 9000: "I'm afraid I can't do that Dave."
    Bob Vila (in spacesuit): "Having trouble with your old garage door opener? Install a New Sears garage door opener for only 99.99 plus shipping."
- Hal Robinson
    Gen. Jack Ripper: Have you ever seen a Commie drink water?
    Mandrake: Only Dasani...
- James and Katherine Allard
    A 30-second spot promoting Bush's war on Iran.
    VOICE-OVER NARRATOR: "We know they're a potential nuclear threat. We know they support known terrorists. We know they harbor terrorist organizations. We know they have held Americans hostage. We know they hate us for our freedom. We know they're a nation run by EVIL MUSLIMS..."
    NARRATOR (Dramatically): "Coming, this June, the event that will spell an end to the Iranian dictators that terrorize their own people -- and the world..."
    NARRATOR (Triumphantly, with fanfare of trumpets):"...THE INVASION OF IRAN!"
    CUT TO LEGEND ON SCREEN, WHITE ON BLACK BACKGROUND: Securing the peace,one nation at a time.
    NARRATOR: "Brought to you by President Bush, bringing peace and freedom to the world since 2001."
    This is my Pepsi. There are many like it but this one is mine. My Pepsi is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my Pepsi is useless. Without my Pepsi, I am useless. I must drink my Pepsi true. I must drink straighter than Coke, which is trying to kill me. I must drink him before he drinks me. I will. Before God I swear this creed: my Pepsi and myself are defenders of my country, we are the masters of my enemy, Coke. We are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no Coke, but peace. Amen.
- Pentimental
    A couple of US Marines are on R&R in Saigon. A skanky whore tries to hustle some business from them. She repeats the same thing over and over, "Me so horny! Me so horny!"
    One of the soldiers pulls out a prescription bottle and shows it to his buddy. CLOSE UP on VIAGRA. They high-five each other, then put their arms around the hooker's waist and lead her away. They both turn, look at the camera and wink .
- Vince DC
Montreal, Canada
    Viagra: At the last scene of Eyes Wide Shut: Nicole says to Tom: "let's fuck."
- Frank Michel
    Jack Torrance: "We'll leave the light on for you."
- Marta Martin
    Jack Nicholson hawking Ti-Dee-Bowl toilet bowl cleaner by screaming "Heeeeere's Johnny" while repeatedly stabbing the bowl with a brush as water flies in your face and terrifying string music screams.
- Brad Schreiber
Stupid Question of the Week
    His name is Charles Wonderlake. That's a name I couldn't make up. He showed up at my door about six months ago, a friend of my older son, early 20s, very bright, fast, eager to please, dirty, living out of his car, offering a joint of which I partook while listening to his sad tale, out on the street, nowhere to go, willing to work, doing little errands around the house I didn't ask for, some of which needed doing, others of which needed undoing, like I said, eager to please. If I had to cast him, I'd use River Phoenix a couple of days after his death.
    Many of the houses next to mine are abandoned, but the worst is the one closest, right off my driveway, a total wreck but useful for storage. It has a sofa and a table, so Charles asked if he fixed it up, could he stay?
    Being a charitable sort, I said sure, but not on any kind of permanent basis. I couldn't afford to supply him with food, electricity, or water, of which I had barely enough to keep my family alive. In moments like these, I tend to think of the Dares on a makeshift raft in the middle of the ocean, with just enough room and supplies to keep us going. When some hapless floater who has found himself overboard shows up, I'm not going to let them drown, but I'm not going to let them jeopardize our existence either. Charles was another of a long line of the overboard who found themselves clinging to my raft. I don't have a car, so I asked for an occasional ride to town in exchange. Done deal.
    He borrowed a broom and cleaned up the place in a jiffy. It looked as good as a decrepit abandoned shack surrounded by garbage in the middle of the desert could look. He spent the night.
    The next night he showed up with another kid from the street, a genuine waif, couldn't have been more than 12, hollow eyes, sunken cheeks, dirty, needing food. I fed him, then Charles took him into the abandoned shack and slept with him.
    The next morning he was gone but he showed up later with two more dirty kids from the street looking stoned out of their minds. Charles told me he was just helping them out, that they had nowhere to go. I told Charles I couldn't care for all these kids who were obviously in need of a bath and nourishment but he didn't care. He marched them out to spend the night. What the fuck? Charles had turned into a cross between Fagin and Michael Jackson, a devious, dirty, streetwise, drug addled, conniving exploiter of street urchins whose motives were suspicious to say the least.
    Since my son introduced us, I gave him the responsibility. I told him to go out and tell Charles that his privileges were revoked and I was about to call the cops. Five minutes later he was gone.
    I considered calling the cops anyway but what was I to say. We didn't know his last name at the time and I hadn't bothered to write down his car's license. Some guy named Charles is driving around with some homeless kids? Stop the presses.
    My younger son, Max, goes to Desert Springs Middle School. If I had to cast him, I'd use Patrick Fugit, the kid in Cameron Crowe's Almost Famous. I'd forgotten about Charles until two weeks ago when Max came home on a Friday to tell me his school had a new lunch guard. It was Charles. Max had gone up to Charles and said hi. Charles said hi back.
    I was mildly disturbed and gave myself the weekend to think about it. I didn't have to think long. The next morning I heard a gentle knock at the door. It was Charles. It was very early and everyone else was still asleep. He wanted to talk to Buster, who woke up and got dressed.
    Charles had a landscaping job in town at some rich guy's house. He couldn't do it alone, so he offered to split the pay with Buster if he'd come help. Buster wanted to go because he's even broker than me. Though I wouldn't leave Charles alone with Max in a million years, Buster's 6'4" and can handle himself. If I had to cast him, I'd use Keanu Reeves in his Bill and Ted days. My friend Ed, another overboard friend, was camped out on the living room sofa. If I had to cast him, I'd use Alec Baldwin in his Glengarry Glen Ross mode because he asked me to. He gave Charles ten bucks to pick up some beer, then Buster took off with Charles for an honest day's work.
    When Charles dropped Buster back home, he was exhausted and his hands were raw and full of splinters. He had had to shovel rocks with an old shovel without any gloves. Eventually he had to take off his shirt to wrap it around the handle, so he was sunburned too. Where was the money? It was at least $25 and Charles would pay him after HE got paid. Where was Ed's beer? Charles forgot about it. There was one wonderful piece of news. He found out Charles' last name. Wonderlake. Will wonders never cease?
    The next day, Ed and Buster went to town in search of Charles. They went to the house that Buster had worked at. The owner who had hired Charles told them that he had not only paid Charles the day before, including the money for Buster, but Charles had stolen an additional $30.
    Charles showed up at work the next day. During lunch, Max walked up to him and asked about the money he owed Ed and his brother. "Fuck them," said Charles. "Buster didn't do crap. They're not getting a penny."
    For two whole days, every muscle in Buster's body was aching from the work he did. He deserved to get paid for the first honest day's work in his life. It was time to take matters into my own hands.
    Max kept tabs on Charles, calling me on a friend's cell phone the next day he showed up for work. I borrowed Ed's car, drove to the school, and went to the principal's office. Mike Swize looked competent, younger than me, well dressed, goateed, if I had to cast him I'd use Tom Hanks because I want to stay on his good side.
    "You have a guard named Charles Wonderlake who said something to my son," I said. "I don't know if it's true or not. I don't know if my son got it right. I just want to talk to him. Maybe we can straighten things out without my having to make any accusations."
    "What kind of accusations?" the principal logically asked.
    "The kind of accusation I don't want to make unless I'm reasonably sure it's true." At this point, I knew pretty well that I was going to tell the principal everything. I wanted to give Charles a shot at making good before the shit hit the fan. "I'm just going to ask him a simple question. I'm going to ask him to show me his wallet. If I see the wallet and what I'm looking for isn't there, then I have no accusations to make. If he won't give me his wallet, I'll tell you the whole story."
    After I assured him I would satisfy his curiosity, and that I wasn't planning on starting a fight, he led me to the yard, sat me at a table away from the crowd, then sent Charles to me.
    "Did you tell Max you weren't going to pay Buster or Ed?"
    "Look, I know I owe Buster about $23 but I haven't gotten paid yet. He'll get his money."
    "That's funny, because we talked to your boss and he said he not only paid you but you stole some more from him."
    "He's lying."
    "I don't believe you. Will you let me see your wallet?"
    "I don't have a wallet."
    "So you're not going to give me the money you stole?"
    "I don't have it."
    "Last chance. I'm about to tell the principal absolutely everything I know about you, and I will get you fired."
    "Go ahead, you're just another liar." At this point he stood up, waved his arms around, and said, "Guards, guards, have this man removed from the yard," forgetting for the moment I was there as a guest of the principal. Then he went back to work.
    Back in principal Shive's office, I told him everything I just told you, concluding, "I know he's a thief because he stole from me, so if anything's gone missing since he was hired, you know where to look. I know he's a drug dealer because he offered drugs to me, he's got them in his car, he's probably high now, and you can certainly verify this with a drug test. And I'm pretty sure he's a sexual predator." (Okay, alleged sexual predator. Maybe he took those kids out there because he just really cared for them.)
    A word here about hypocrisy. I think the war on drugs is a waste of time and money and that all adults should be able to legally consume absolutely whatever they want. I've been a drug user. I've been a drug dealer. I have no problem with people who are either - unless they're also liars and thieves. Charles can buy and sell drugs with other adults to his heart's content, but guards at middle schools shouldn't have imaginary bats flying around their heads.
    I'm also against drug tests in the work place because they not only test for drug use at work but at home. I'm sure we all agree we don't want school bus drivers to be drunk while actually driving the school bus, and I would hope we all agree that for the driver to have a drink after he gets home or on weekends is perfectly fine. School bus drivers shouldn't get fired because they have a drink at home, and I feel the same about all drugs. Anybody can party it up to their heart's content on Sunday as long as they're sober Monday morning when it counts.
    Unfortunately, some drugs stay in the system for weeks or even months, so workplace drug tests show positive even if the worker was always sober on the job. Perfectly competent workers get fired because they got high at a party on Saturday night. If there were a test that showed drug use at work and only at work, I'd have no problem if it were used judiciously at jobs where other people's lives were at risk. No acid for my airline pilot, I say thankya (obscure Stephen King reference). But I truly don't give a shit if the guy putting my groceries in a bag had to get high first, and businesses like stationary stores who proudly proclaim with signs that they drug test their employees can go fuck themselves.
    So how do I reconcile this attitude with my demand that Charles be drug tested without admitting to hypocrisy? Simple. Stoned is not the thing to be when you're working as a goddam guard at a goddam middle school, especially if you're a thief and the kids turn you on. Sexual predators DEFINITELY shouldn't be working at middle schools, and if it takes a drug test to get rid of him, so be it.
    I told the principal that I genuinely didn't want my son attending a school where Charles Wonderlake worked.
    He agreed and told me there would be action.
    A week has gone by. Charles is still working at the middle school. No action has been taken.
    What should I do now? Should I call the cops? The newspapers? The school board? Should I print up hundreds of flyers and put them under the windshield wipers of cars at the school, flyers saying: "Warning! There is a drug dealer, thief, and probable sexual predator working as a security guard at Desert Hot Springs Middle School. His name is Charles Wonderlake and he should not be around children. He was seen taking children of the age of students of the middle school to an abandoned shack in the middle of the desert, getting them high, and sleeping with them."
    If I had to cast me, I'd use Al Pacino in Serpico mode.
Send your answers to
Song of the Week
With apologies to Ira Gershwin
You say Hezbollah and I say Hisbollah
You say al Qaida and I say al Qaeda
Hezbollah, Hisbollah
al Qaida, al Qaeda
Let's call the whole thing off.
Activist Letters of the Week
Dear President Williams,
    We, the undersigned, are outraged that freedom of speech for faculty, staff, and students of the City College of New York (CCNY) was so blatantly attacked last week.
    We were dismayed to learn that three students were attacked and arrested by campus security guards for exercising their constitutionally protected right to assemble and to protest.
    We were further outraged to learn that you swiftly moved -- without evidence, due process, or a discussion with the arrested students -- to  suspend one of the students and to arrest another protester after the fact. This guilty-until-proven-innocent approach sends a chilling message: security forces have free reign on campus.
    We demand that you defend the CCNY students, drop all disciplinary proceedings against the students involved in the protest, and launch an  investigation into the actions of campus security.
Hadas Thier, CCNY Class of 2005
Justino Rodriguez, CCNY Class of 2007
Nicholas Bergreen, CCNY Class of 2007
The whole story of the arrest 
To prime minister Ariel Sharon, Defence Minister Shaul Mofaz, IDF chief of staff Moshe Yaalon and Education Minister Limor Livnat,
    We, boys and girls, citizens of Israel, who believe in the values of democracy, humanism and pluralism, hereby declare that we will refuse to take part in the policy of occupation and repression for which the Israeli government has opted. We come from a variety of backgrounds, but all are agreed that the following values are the basis of a just society. Every person is entitled to basic rights: the right to life, equality, dignity and freedom. It is our conscientious and civic duty to act in defence of these rights by refusing to take part in the policy of occupation and repression. 
    The occupation entails forfeiting human dignity and massive loss of human life. It affects the basic rights of millions of persons and causes daily killing and suffering. It leads to land confiscation, mass demolition of homes, arrests and extra-legal executions, ill-treatment and the murder of innocents, hunger, deprivation of medical care, collective punishment, construction and expansion of Jewish settlements and prevents any possibility of a normal life in the occupied territories and in Israel. This flagrant deprival of human rights runs counter to our entire philosophy, as well as international conventions which Israel has signed and confirmed. 
    The occupation does not contribute to the security of the state and its citizens, it merely harms them. It exacerbates despair and hatred among the Palestinian people, sustains terrorism and expands the cycle of violence. True security will be achieved only by ending the occupation, dismantling the Apartheid wall and working for a just peace agreement between the state of the Israel and the leadership of the Palestinian people and the Arab world overall. The present policy does not stem from defence needs, rather, from a nationalist and messianic world view. 
    The occupation corrupts Israeli society, rendering it militarist, racist, chauvinist and violent. Israel is wasting its resources on perpetuating the occupation and repression in the occupied territories, at a time when hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens live in shameful poverty. The state's citizens have experienced a decline of all public systems in recent years. Education, health care, infrastructure, pensions, social benefits and everything to do with the welfare of Israel's citizens - are neglected in favour of supporting settlements that a majority wants to see dismantled. We cannot stand by in view of this situation, which constitutes the "focused liquidation" of the principle of equality. 
    We want to see the society in which we live pursuing justice, upholding equality for every person and citizen. The policy of occupation and repression is an obstacle to realization of that vision, and we shall refuse to take part therein. We wish to contribute to society in an alternative way, which does not involve harm to human beings. 
    We call upon all young people awaiting induction, and all the soldiers of the Israeli army, to reconsider whether to risk their lives in taking part in the policy of repression and destruction. 
    We believe there is a different way.
Peretz Kidron plus 250 signatures of students facing their term of compulsory military service.
Follow the story at Yesh-Gvul: There are things that decent people don't do.
Under-Reported Stories of the Week
Rally mysteriously missing from the news
Every TV news show reported on the second anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, but none mentioned the hundreds of thousands of people who protested around the world. More than 25,000 marched in San Francisco, 20,000 in Los Angeles, tens of thousands more in 700 cities. Obviously not newsworthy.
    "The Pentagon has released the summary of a top secret Pentagon document, which sketches America's agenda for global military domination.
    "This redirection of America's military strategy seems to have passed virtually unnoticed. With the exception of The Wall Street Journal, not a word has been mentioned in the US media.
    "There has been no press coverage concerning this mysterious military blueprint. The latter outlines, according to the Wall Street Journal, America's global military design which consists in 'enhancing U.S. influence around the world', through increased troop deployments and a massive buildup of America's advanced weapons systems.
    "While the document follows in the footsteps of the administration's 'preemptive' war doctrine as detailed by the Neocons' Project of the New American Century (PNAC), it goes much further in setting the contours of Washington's global military agenda.
    "It calls for a more 'proactive' approach to warfare, beyond the weaker notion of 'preemptive' and defensive actions, where military operations are launched against a 'declared enemy' with a view to 'preserving the peace' and 'defending America'.
    "The document explicitly acknowledges America's global military mandate, beyond regional war theaters. This mandate also includes military operations directed against countries, which are not hostile to America, but which are considered strategic from the point of view of US interests.
    "From a broad military and foreign policy perspective, the March 2005 Pentagon document constitutes an imperial design, which supports US corporate interests Worldwide."
- Michel Chossudovsky: America's Agenda for Global Military Domination -
Everybody has mentioned that our beloved president wants to save the life of Terri Schiavo. Nobody has mentioned that way back in 1999, when he was still Governor of Texas, Dubya signed a law which allowed hospitals to withdraw life support from patients, over the objections of the family, if they consider the treatment to be non-beneficial.
Don't Take My Word For It
    "The chronicles of the opium trade zigzag through early civilization from Mesopotamia to China and eventually wander to Neolithic southwestern Europe, where groups of early open-minded dump dwellers found the opium poppy plant, papaver somniferum, growing like a weed among piles of refuse. They soon discovered that not only would the plant seemingly thrive almost anywhere, but when eaten or brewed into a primitive tea, it even took the edge off of living in a dump.
    "During the 1800s, when the strong pain-killing alkaloid morphine was first isolated from the poppy and used in everything from battlefield amputations to snake oils and suspect tonics with names like 'Mister Jim's Special Relief for Facial Neuralgia' or 'Calmer's Baby Tonic for Calmer Babies,' the poppy's use as a tea fell out of practice. Purified morphine was cheaper than liquor, and a mix of the two, called laudanum, was sold by greedy, apple-cheeked pharmacists everywhere as a kind of cure-all. Once morphine was processed into brand-name heroin, the use of poppy tea just about came to an end, at least until eBay came onto the scene...
    "While becoming a worldwide garage sale, global swap meet and anthropologist's curio shop, eBay also had quite naturally become the official opium gray market to at least some of the masses."
- Porter Bartlett: Confessions of an eBay opium addict (the best piece of drug addled writing since the death of you know who) -
"Force is the vital principle and immediate parent of despotism."
- Thomas Jefferson -
"A country can be judged by the quality of its proverbs."
- German Proverb -
"Watch out wen you'er gittin all you want. Fattenin hogs ain't in luck." 
    "Democracy means many things. How do you define democracy? As a Chinese journalist, you may have your own definition of democracy which corresponds to your history and your way of seeing the world. I may have another definition. Someone else may have their own definitions. Democracy means a lot of different things. 
    "Let me give an example. Democracy in one sense means the majority decides, but it also means the rights of the minority are protected. As UK late Prime Minister Winston Churchill said, democracy is the least bad system that we have ever thought of. So democracy is never perfect. It always has problems. Our democracy here in the US has many contradictions, problems and challenges. So democracy is not a cure that could turn everything bad into good. It has its own advantages and its disadvantages."
- Philip Bennett, Managing Editor of Washington Post: I don't think US should be the leader of the world -
"The Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions."
- Daniel Webster -
"The odds are that, if your country floats on a sea of oil of any size, it is probably being ruled by some sort of brutal dictatorship. If your country sits on a sea of oil and also helps the Bush administration in its 'War on Terror,' then the bloody dictator in charge can pretty much do whatever he wants to his own citizens, secure in the knowledge that America will not interfere with pesky notions, such as human rights, voting, democracy, freedom of the press, or political dissent. This is true, even if some of these same citizens should mysteriously disappear and then turn up later in a mass grave. Even those dictators who oppose Bush and his neo-con nation have their uses."
    "The United States is the world's largest debtor. Despite the continuing decline of the dollar's value in Europe, the United States ran a record global deficit of more than $600 billion last year. We will have to borrow nearly $2 billion a day from abroad. Under Clinton, during the high-tech boom, the United States could attract private and corporate investment in the real economy. Under Bush, real investment from abroad has dried up. Instead, a growing percentage of our foreign debt is financed by central banks, particularly China and Japan.
    "Essentially, the leaders of these countries are choosing to keep the value of their currencies low, while they take our jobs and lend us the money to import the products that we used to make. Last month, the textile imports from China soared over 500 percent, as prior trade limits expired by law. China is becoming the world's manufacturing center. We're already the world's leading credit card consumer.
    "Bush seems intent on running up this debt and sending the bill to our children, who will be forced to devote a significant portion of their lives working to pay interest to our Chinese and Japanese creditors. 
    "We are now very dependent on the decisions of a handful of people at the top of the Chinese Communist Party. If they chose to stop buying our bonds, interest rates would soar and the economy would plummet."
    "The Vienna Convention on Consular Relations gives people arrested abroad the right to contact their home countries' embassies or consulates. The United States signed the protocol to protect its own citizens. 
    "The treaty gives the International Court of Justice in the Hague - the World Court - the final say in cases in which foreign citizens claim their access to their own consulates was denied. 
    "The World Court ruled last year that the Mexican nationals were not given the treaty protection and required American state courts to grant 'review and reconsideration' to claims that their cases had been hurt because local authorities failed to allow them to contact their consulates. 
    "The decision would not get the inmates off Death Row. It only required a hearing. But the Busheviks would have none of that. How dare anyone tell us what to do! We'll just withdraw from the protocol. Peter J. Spiro, an international law professor from the University of Georgia, told The New York Times that the United States' behavior was 'a sore-loser kind of move,' saying, 'If we can't win, we're not going to play.'
    "Ironically, the United States was the first nation to invoke the protocol when Iran took 52 American hostages at our embassy in Tehran in 1978 and the World Court upheld the U.S. position."
    "As everyone knows, in October 2003 the governor sent armed men to Terri's death bed, took her to a hospital and had surgery performed on her against her will. 
    "The Florida Supreme Court said that was unconstitutional, and it also said there is absolutely nothing the Florida legislature can pass that can undo the result in Terri Schiavo's case. Yet, in response to political pressure, the legislature is poised to pass another unconstitutional bill. 
    "And not only that, it's not just Floridians' rights that are at stake, but everyone in the country. There is a bill in the United States Congress, and this bill in the United States Congress would virtually let any family member bring a federal court habeas corpus proceeding, which would tie up a case like that for years in federal court, which would make it virtually impossible for anyone to remove artificial life support.
    "And I want to mention, too, for everyone listening out there, this bill, filed in federal court, does not pertain just to vegetative patients. It doesn't pertain just to removal of feeding tubes. It pertains to removal or refusal of any type of medical treatment."
    "Terri does not respond to anybody. She makes noises. She moans. She's been doing the same things for the past 15 years. And they talk about their bona fide doctors. They have a list of doctors that signed affidavits from looking at a picture of Terri. That's where they get their information from, by looking at a picture. And then they sign an affidavit swearing that she's not in a vegetative stage. I'll tell you. That's a doctor you really want; they can look at a picture and make a diagnosis.
    "This is happening to my wife. Just because it's happened to Terri doesn't mean I don't still love her. She was a part of my life. She'll always be a part of my life. And to sit here and be called a murderer and an adulterer by people that don't know me, and a governor stepping into my personal, private life, who doesn't know me either? And using his personal gain to win votes, just like the legislators are doing right now, pandering to the religious right, to the people up there, the anti-abortion people, standing outside of Tallahassee. What kind of government is this? This is a human being. This is not right, and I'm telling everybody you better call your congressman, because they're going to run your life. 
    "And I just want to say one more thing: Out of all these lawmakers, be it the Florida Senate, Florida House, the U.S. Congress, Governor Bush, President Bush, I want to know who will come down and take Terri's place. Who wants to do that?"
"I have always felt that a politician is to be judged by the animosities he excites among his opponents."
- Sir Winston Churchill -
"Youth would be an ideal state if it came a little later in life."
- Herbert Henry Asquith -
"Wagner's music is better than it sounds."
- Bill Nye -
    "Terrified at the prospect of an Iraq ruled by the majority of Iraqis, the former chief U.S. envoy, Paul Bremer, wrote election rules that gave the U.S.-friendly Kurds 27% of the seats in the national assembly, even though they make up just 15% of the population. 
    "Skewing matters further, the U.S.-authored interim constitution requires that all major decisions have the support of two-thirds or, in some cases, three-quarters of the assembly - an absurdly high figure that gives the Kurds the power to block any call for foreign troop withdrawal, any attempt to roll back Bremer's economic orders, and any part of a new constitution. 
    "Iraqi Kurds have a legitimate claim to independence, as well as very real fears of being ethnically targeted. But through its alliance with the Kurds, the Bush administration has effectively given itself a veto over Iraq's democracy - and it appears to be using it to secure a contingency plan should Iraqis demand an end to occupation. 
    "Talks to form a government are stalled over the Kurdish demand for control over Kirkuk. If they get it, Kirkuk's huge oil fields would fall under Kurdish control. That means that if foreign troops are kicked out of Iraq, Iraqi Kurdistan can be broken off and Washington will still end up with a dependent, oil-rich regime - even if it's smaller than the one originally envisioned by the war's architects."
    "Let's start with the case of the bogus $600 billion.
    "In his Jan. 15 radio address, President Bush made a startling claim: 'According to the Social Security trustees, waiting just one year adds $600 billion to the cost of fixing Social Security.' The $600 billion cost of each year's delay has become a standard administration talking point, repeated by countless conservative pundits - who have apparently not looked at what the trustees actually said.
    "In fact, the trustees never said that waiting a year to 'fix' Social Security costs $600 billion. Mr. Bush was grossly misrepresenting the meaning of a technical discussion of accounting issues (it's on Page 58 of the 2004 trustees' report), which has nothing to do with the cost of delaying changes in the retirement program. 
    "The same type of 'infinite horizon' calculation applied to the Bush tax cuts says that their costs rise by $1 trillion a year. That's not a useful measure of the cost of not repealing those cuts immediately.
    "So anyone who repeats the $600 billion line is helping to spread a lie."
- Paul Krugman: The $600 Billion Man -
    "A former U.S. Marine who participated in capturing ousted Iraqi President Saddam Hussein said the public version of his capture was fabricated. 
    "Ex-Sgt. Nadim Abou Rabeh, of Lebanese descent, was quoted in the Saudi daily al-Medina Wednesday as saying Saddam was actually captured Friday, Dec. 12, 2003, and not the day after, as announced by the U.S. Army. 
    "'I was among the 20-man unit, including eight of Arab descent, who searched for Saddam for three days in the area of Dour near Tikrit, and we found him in a modest home in a small village and not in a hole as announced,' Abou Rabeh said. 
    "'We captured him after fierce resistance during which a Marine of Sudanese origin was killed,' he said. 
    "He said Saddam himself fired at them with a gun from the window of a room on the second floor. Then they shouted at him in Arabic: 'You have to surrender... There is no point in resisting. Later on, a military production team fabricated the film of Saddam's capture in a hole, which was in fact a deserted well,' Abou Rabeh said."
"The U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt is on the move in Atlantic Ocean and is possibly headed towards the Mediterranean Sea. The convergence of three carrier groups in the corridor of the Middle East will send very strong message to the Syrians and Iranians. There are indications that soon US is moving two more aircraft carrier battle groups to the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Gulf. This will spell a formidable strike force for Iran and Syria who are in defiance on issues of Lebanon and Nuclear weapons development."
    "The nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu reacted defiantly yesterday to criminal charges leveled by the Israeli authorities that could put him back in prison. He vowed to continue flouting orders that prohibit him from speaking to the foreign press because he believes that he has the right to freedom of speech.
    "Speaking through an intermediary from the cathedral in Jerusalem where he has sought sanctuary, Vanunu said he had always believed that the orders were unconstitutional and had therefore decided to ignore them. 'This is a human rights issue,' Vanunu said. 'I want to work for world peace and the abolition of nuclear weapons. I want the human race to survive.'"
"Don't you wish there were a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence? There's one marked 'Brightness,' but it doesn't work."
- Gallagher -
"If absolute power corrupts absolutely, does absolute powerlessness make you pure?"
- Harry Shearer -
"An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought."
- Simon Cameron -
"I heard someone say
Good fences make good neighbors
The reverse is true"
- Koan by Zen Man -
"After the 2001 attacks, Bush broadened the CIA's authority and, as a result, the agency has rendered more than 100 people from one country to another without legal proceedings and without providing access to the International Committee of the Red Cross, a right afforded all prisoners held by the U.S. military."
    "I grew up in a small Midwestern town, just south of which stood a rendering plant. This plant's big orange trucks would travel far and wide to collect dead animals which were brought back to the plant to be rendered. We kids always called it the 'stink factory,' since the stench its processes produced was powerful indeed: the range of offense could be measured, quite literally, in miles. When we rode by it, we would all ritually hold our noses, regardless if we were up or downwind. In our minds, the factory became an objective correlative for disgust.
    "Yet the odor from this plant was nothing compared to the stench given off by the Bush administration's practice of spiriting off terror suspects to foreign countries, knowing full well that they will be rendered by those into whose hands we deliver them. That's 'rendered' [dictionary definition] number eleven: To reduce, convert, or melt down by heating.
    "'Extraordinary rendition' is, of course, a euphemism. In that respect it is like 'collateral damage.' Some among us have learned to read through the latter euphemism to see the horrific reality behind it: dead women and children, dead at the hands of our forces. So 'extraordinary rendition'? Let us call it what it is: the outsourcing of torture. Having other countries do our dirty work for us. And it stinks to high heaven."

    "Brian Avery's ability to sue the Israeli government depends on his obtaining a medical opinion evaluating his present condition. This has not been a simple matter, even though Avery was willing to pay for the service. As Bilha Golan of Physicians for Human Rights relates, 'We contacted Dr. Zvi Ben-Ishai from Rambam Hospital and doctors from government hospitals, all of whom informed us that they could not furnish a medical opinion to be used in a suit against the government.'
    "The Department of Health explains that doctors who are government employees are prohibited from furnishing professional medical opinion that is to be used as testimony in suits against the government."
- Aviva Lori: Who Shot Brian Avery? (Translation of portions of the article's Hebrew version in the Ha'aretz Friday Magazine, March 18, but omitted from the English edition) -
    "We invaded Iraq. Change is afoot in the Middle East. Therefore, the Middle East is changing because we invaded Iraq. Q.E.D. G.W.B.
    "See how simple it is? And how illogical? The Bush White House has been masterful at this infantile reasoning: America is free and democratic. Terrorists attacked America. Therefore, terrorists hate freedom and democracy. And that's all anyone needs to know."
"When I was coming up, it was a dangerous world, and you knew exactly who they were. It was us vs. them, and it was clear who them was. Today, we are not so sure who the they are, but we know they're there."
- Dubya: Iowa Western Community College, Jan 21, 2000 -
"Myth: Casual sex is meaningless, animalistic, and only about sexual gratification. When I've had sex recently (which, contrary to what some may think, usually happens about once a month - if I'm lucky), it's been with people I'm attracted to, but for various reasons couldn't see myself in a relationship with. Yet that doesn't mean that our sex has only been about getting off. In fact, I've been surprised at how profound these brief connections have proven. During one- or several-night stands, I've gotten a glimpse into my lovers' minds and libidos, and have often continued friendships that go beyond sex. I usually sleep with people I truly care about, and while we may be in it for physical pleasure, that doesn't mean I leave my heart at the bedroom door."
    "As you may have heard, the Constitution says that 'Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech.' You might gather from this that Congress can make no law abridging the freedom of speech. But Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK) is pushing legislation to restrict what cable TV channels can show on their networks. Senator Stevens says this isn't 'censorship' (which, of course, would be unconstitutional), it's simply establishing a 'standard of decency.'
    "Pretty soon they could start passing legislation that would imprison you for criticizing the administration, praying, sweating, having sex, doing crossword puzzles, leaving your home after 7pm, or maybe even watching anything other than Fox TV News.
    "If anyone complains that such laws are unconstitutional, they'll simply tell you that these aren't laws; they're 'directives,' and so they're not bound by the Constitution."
- Harry Browne: Libertarian presidential candidate in 1996 and 2000 -
    "Observing the two-year anniversary of the killing of Rachel Corrie on March 16, 2003, Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) today called on Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to support an independent investigation of her death. Corrie, a U.S. citizen, was apparently trying to stop the demolition of a Palestinian building in the Rafah refugee camp in the Gaza Strip when an Israeli army bulldozer ran her over, crushing her to death.
    "Amnesty International believes that investigations into Corrie's death, conducted by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), failed to resolve contradictions between the official IDF position and eyewitness testimonies. Although this year's Department of State Country Report on Human Rights Practices for Israel agreed, stating bluntly that 'U.S. officials who have seen the IDF report found inconsistencies among the statements of the people involved in the accident and other witnesses,' there is no indication that the US has sought further investigation of these inconsistencies. While the US government has assisted in the investigations into cases of US citizens killed by Palestinian armed groups, it has failed to do so in Corrie's case, raising the appearance of a double standard."
    "The parents of a 23-year-old activist killed while trying to prevent the demolition of a Palestinian home is suing Caterpillar Inc., the company that made the bulldozer that ran over her.
    "The federal lawsuit, which lawyers said would be filed here Tuesday, alleges that Caterpillar violated international and state law by providing specially designed bulldozers to Israeli Defense Forces that it knew would be used to demolish homes and endanger people.
    "Rachel Corrie, a student at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, was standing in front of a home in a refugee camp in Rafah, near the Egyptian border, in March of 2003 when a bulldozer plowed over her.
    "'The brutal death of my daughter should never have happened,' Corrie's mother, Cindy Corrie, said in a statement released by the Center for Constitutional Rights, a law firm handling the case. 'We believe Caterpillar and the (Israeli Defense Forces) must be held accountable for their role in the attack.'"
    "On Thursday, Mordechai Vanunu was taken from his temporary refuge in St. George's Cathedral in East Jerusalem and charged with 21 counts of violating the terms of his semi-freedom. It was not the first time that he had been called to the prosecutor's office, but since his case is due to be reviewed by the Israeli government early in April, this may be a warning of what is to come.
    "What the government now has to do is to decide whether to let Vanunu leave the country, or whether to re-impose, for a second year, the tough restrictions under which he has lived since his release from prison: no contact with foreign journalists, no freedom to leave Israel, permission to move from Jerusalem only on condition that he reports each day to the police.
    "Vanunu has breached the first condition repeatedly, giving interviews to all who make the journey to East Jerusalem. When able to, he has used the Internet to keep in touch with reporters, human rights groups and friends all over the world. The question now is whether Israel decides to punish him further."
- Caroline Moorehead: A victim of Israel's nuclear taboo -
"The strong man is not the good wrestler; the strong man is only the one who controls himself when he is angry."
- Prophet Muhammad -
"Why not go out on a limb? That's where the fruit is."
- Will Rogers -
"To be a person of truth, be swayed neither by approval nor disapproval. Work at not needing approval from anyone and you will be free to be who you really are."
- Rebbe Nachman of Breslov -
    "'Two brothers own 80 percent of the [voting] machines used in the United States,' Teresa Heinz Kerry told a group of Seattle guests at a March 7, 2005 lunch for Representative Adam Smith, according to reporter Joel Connelly in an article in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Connelly noted Heinz Kerry added that it is 'very easy to hack into the mother machines.'
    "The two brothers Mrs. Kerry is referencing are, according to voting machine expert (and founder of Lynn Landes, in an article for the Online Journal, Bob Urosevich, president of Diebold Election Systems, and Todd Urosevich, who was vice president for customer support of Chuck Hagel's old company, now known as ES&S.
    "Presumably the 'mother machines' Teresa was talking about are the 'central tabulator' computers, like the Windows-based Diebold central tabulator PC that Howard Dean hacked into and untraceably changed an election on - in 90 seconds - live on the "Topic A With Tina Brown" CNBC TV show late last year."
    "Promise Made: Schwarzenegger had pledged last year not to take any more of that money after schools had agreed to billions of dollars in reductions in the current budget. (Los Angeles Times, 2/25/05)
    "Promise Broken: Rudy M. Castruita, San Diego County superintendent of schools, in an op-ed titled Broken promises on state education said, 'When Arnold Schwarzenegger campaigned for governor of California, I joined other educators throughout the state in supporting him because of his pledge to make public education a priority of his administration. We continued to support the governor last year, when he asked for $2 billion in education funds to balance the budget. After all, education was his stated priority and he made a specific promise to our teachers and students to restore the funds, as 'required by law,' he said. But the governor has now broken his promise to students, teachers and voters. He has vowed not to restore those funds in the education budget.' (San Diego Union-Tribune, 3/7/05)"
    "In 1984, Winston Smith worked for the Ministry of Truth, in the department that rewrote past news items to make them conform to the present political realities. As his assignments came in, his daily creative endeavors concerned intuiting how the party might want this done. Winston says, 'All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory.' It's uncanny how close his job seems to today's lackey editors. 
    "Imagine today's news correspondents' mental gymnastics. They were wringing their hands over the Ukrainian exit polls, using them as a basis to call that election into question, but they were unable to mention (or remember?) what had occurred in their own country only weeks before. Straight-faced irony worthy of Winston Smith."
- Robert Kane Pappas: Reflections on Orwell, 2005 -
"Maybe this world is just another planet's hell."
- Aldous Huxley -
Everything Else
Go here to join U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer's boycott of oil companies that plan to drill in the protected Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska.
Don't let what's happening to Terri Schiavo happen to you. Go to the Living Will Registry.
Check out The Final Builds Site for alternative programs to play QuickTime and RealAudio files.
When I Came Home is a documentary which follows the lives and struggles of several homeless veterans, including those who have recently returned home from the war in Iraq. The film examines the factors which led over 150,000 Vietnam veterans from the battlefield to the street and asks the question: Will what happened to Vietnam veterans happen to a new generation of soldiers? The film also focuses on the veteran-led movement which is fighting to end this national disgrace. Watch it for free here.
Remember, only Hugh can prevent florist friars.
Contact George W. Bush -
Contact the Freemasons -
Contact Skull and Bones -
Contact the Carlyle Group -
Contact the Illuminati -
Contact Satan -
Contact both houses of Congress -
Contact the Supreme Court -
Contact Dick Cheney -
Contact Halliburton -
Contact Bechtel -
Contact Saddam Hussein -
Contact Osama bin Laden -
Contact Jeb Bush -
Contact Fidel Castro -
Contact Kim Jong Il -
Contact Jacques Chirac -
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Don't let this happen to you
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I can't believe you haven't already read Keys View.

Boo hoo.
My nose runs and my feet smell but I'm not built upside down.
Won't you buy me some new socks?


dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY is free and may be reproduced in any form. It consists of information from dozens of sources, cut up, thrown in the air, and recycled randomly. It is sent all over the place, so I apologize if you're seeing the same thing twice. If you see a joke, graphic, or news item that came from or through you, thanks, send more, and please accept the fact that much of dIsInFoTaInMeNt ToDaY is unacknowledgeable, and if I sought permission from everyone whose bastardized material showed up here, I'd never get anything else done. Please note that I don't even put my own name on it. If you're still pissed off, hey, it's either satire or fair use.


Duncan Disorderly


'Best of TBH Politoons'

Click Here!

Thanks, again, Tim!


Weekly Update

Sick of this Crap!

Welcome to Spring! The tiny buds will soon push through the soot to demonstrate the conservative movement hasn't killed everything just yet. And with Spring springing eternal, consider us the pollen allergens to welcome in the bad news...

This week's stories:
    * ANWR - screw the reindeer, my Hummer needs some smack
    * Terri Schiavo's right to a pulse
    * Lickin' combs for the World Bank

Join us won't you? We're just a click away....

Sick of this Crap!





Zen Man
(in Las Vegas at the MGM)


Recommended Reading

from Bruce

Earl Ofari Hutchinson: In Battle for Black Votes, GOP Holds Trump Cards (Pacific News Service)
Editor's Note: African Americans' overwhelming, decades-long support of Democratic candidates is being eroded by the Republican Party, which is attempting to redefine the very notion of black progress.

Peter Byrne: Is War Fun? (Metroactive)
IN LATE FEBRUARY, 50 bedraggled fighters from Sonoma County's 579th Engineer Battalion made it back from warring on Iraq.

MATT APUZZO: Study: Abstinence Pledgers May Risk STDs (Associated Press)
NEW HAVEN, Conn. - Teens who pledge to remain virgins until marriage are more likely to take chances with other kinds of sex that increase the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, a study of 12,000 adolescents suggests.

Vallerie D. Wagner: A tribute to the life of Wanda Alston (The Advocate)
A friend of the murdered D.C. activist recalls her dedication to the fight for GLBT equality, a legacy that cannot be diminished by her life's sudden and senseless end.

Elevator Pitch Contest (Grist)
What's the best elevator pitch for environmentalism?

Video Downloads and Photos from the Russian Gymnastics Championships

2005 World Championship Figure Skating Results


Contributor Review

Denzel Washington

Hey Marty,

On Thursday I had the amazing experience of seeing Denzel Washington, live on the Broadway stage.

He's currently appearing in William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, playing the role of Marcus Brutus.

To say he was amazing, would be an understatement. Once again, I realize that seeing the enormous talent of an actor is always better on stage. His delivery was flawless, and for almost 3 hours I was on the edge of my seat.

He is also one of the nicest guys around. When he came out, there were about 100 of us dying to get an autograph. He stood there, and signed every playbill that we stuck out at him, posed for pictures. He must've hung around for 1 hour after the show, and I hear he's this nice every day.

If any of your readers get the chance, the limited run is until June 12th, I would recommend they see it.

Here's a pic, in case you want to use it.


Thanks, Alex!


Reader Review

'The Sketch Show'

Last night we watched the new program "The Sketch Show" on Faux.  There had been plenty of promos for it and it was hyping that it was produced by Kelsey Grammer.  Well, the premiere was on last night and my husband, daughter and myself sat and watched IN HORROR as the debacle unfolded. What a piece of DRECK that show is.   The skits were CRAP, the actors SUCKED, and the writing was PITIFUL SAD.  However thought of this show, produced it, starred in it and watched it should be ashamed of themselves.   It was easily the WORST SHOW EVER!!!!  I would like that half hour of my life back. 


Thanks, Heather!
The kid started to watch it but turned off the TV and took a bath.
When a 12 year-old would rather take a bath, the show has to stink.


Purple Gene Reviews


Purple Genes' review of the movie "Retroactive" (1997) Directed by Louis Morneau:

There should be some additional letters for movie ratings….we have "G" and "PG 13" and "R" and "R 17" and of course "XXX" but I've just witnessed a movie that demands a new rating…perhaps three…….how about "RB" for "Really Bad" ? Or "PS" for "Piece of Shit" …or most specifically in this case.."CK" for "Career Killer"….I just watched a movie on late late night Cinemax where the STAR and the FILM fit these categories to a "T" !!!!! "Retroactive" starring Jim Belushi!

This movie could have been called "Memento" meets the "Time Machine" on "Groundhog Day" in "Paris, Texas". Why in the hell do I have to stay up till two in the goddam morning and watch these things?????? I thought "Retroactive" was some kind of atomic astrology term…….Ha Ha Ha ….I can't believe I watched the WHOLE THING !!!

OK…so Jim Belushi landed a TV show ("According to Jim") …..he's still the big, fat, ugly younger brother of John Belushi! And even though he played a gay vampire in "Irving" and Doctor Rock in "Salvador" and even sued "Cat Woman" (Julie Newmar - his next door neighbor), I thought he could hold his own in a Bad "B" Movie……well guess what….he should have been flushed from the film industry after "Retroactive"

Karen (Kyle Travis - "Gia" - "Models Inc." - "Central Park West") was a Chicago PD Shrink on leave driving through the Texas panhandle gets distracted and crashes into a road sign. So she sticks her thumb out on that dusty asphalt and who comes along Cowboy Frank in a Cadillac (Belushi) with his mute wife Rayanne (Shannon Whirry - "Out for Justice" (with Steven Seagal) - "Omega Doom" (with Rutger Hauer) - "The Prophet's Game" (with Dennis Hopper)) . Well it doesn't take long before Frank turns into a psychotic cruel sadistic maniacal wife bashing bad joke telling,,,,,"Goll dang Hunee….ya know where I'd like ta see this here shiny belt buckle????? Pressed up against yer purty little forehead…hee haw" asinine horn sprouting loud mouth country music CREEP ! who when he finds out Rayanne is flirting with another dude…shoots her in the head and shoves out of the moving car……needless to say Karen shits her panties…flags down a Texas Ranger who ole uncle Frank shoots too…….cut to Karen running through the desert, over the barbed wire fence and into a SECRET LAB run by Brian (Frank Whorley - "Pulp Fiction" - "Broken Arrow" - "School of Rock") who just so happens to be working on a TIME MACHINE ……Karen says "Throw me in that thang"….WHOOSH …back she goes to her crashing into the road sign….but this time she's gonna do it different !!!!!

Everybody gets killed at least 3 times in this flick. Everything blows up in gasoline glory at least 3 times and I would guess conservatively that at least 200 rounds are fired directly at Frank….all missing the bastard. After the fourth time Karen goes back to Brian's time machine, she barely gets OFF before the whole lab blows up in gorgeous gasoline glory…and back to the car crashing into the sign…thumb out…enter Cadillac Frank and Lil Rayanne…for the last time…because Karen finally gets it right….Karen gets a bullet into Frank's wacky forehead and drives off into the Texas sunset…..

Purple Gene gives "Retroactive" 3 aromatic Texas armadillo turds out of 10 for being "RB" - "PS" - "CK" and actually sickeningly hilarious!


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Selected Readings

from that Mad Cat, JD














In The Chaos Household

Last Night

Sunny, but clouds are rolling in. More rain in the forecast.

Tonight, Tuesday:

CBS begins the night with a FRESH 'NCIS', followed by a FRESH 'Amazing Race 7', then a FRESH 'Judging Amy'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Dave are Jessica Alba, Brian Greene, and Queens of the Stone Age.
Scheduled on a FRESH Craig are Tommy Lee, Vince Neil, Amy Yasbeck, and Bob Marley.

NBC starts the night with a RERUN 45-minute 'Will & Grace', followed by a RERUN 35-minute 'Scrubs', then another RERUN 40-minute 'Scrubs, followed by a RERUN 'Law & Order: Special Victims Unit'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Leno are Kevin Costner, Larry the Cable Guy, and the Doves.
Scheduled on a FRESH Conan are Jarod Miller, Ozzy Osbourne, ad Trace Adkins.
Scheduled on a FRESH Carson Daly are Carmen Elektra, Allison Dubois, and the Dears.

ABC opens the night with a RERUN 'My Wife & Kids', followed by a RERUN 'George Lopez', then a FRESH 'Jim', followed by a FRESH 'Rodney', then a FRESH 'Blind Justice'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jimmy Kimmel are Andy Dick, Keshia Knight Pulliam, and Louis XIV.

The WB offers a RERUN 'Gilmore Girls', followed by a FRESH 'The Starlet'.

Faux has a FRESH 'American Idol', followed by a FRESH 'House'.

UPN has a RERUN 'All Of Us', followed by a RERUN 'Eve', then a RERUN 'Veronica Mars'.

A&E has 'American Justice', 'Cold Case Files', 'Dog The Bounty Hunter', another 'Dog The Bounty Hunter', 'Airline', and another 'Airline'.

AMC offers the movie 'Mobsters', followed by the movie 'Rocky', then the movie 'Rocky II'.

BBC  -   
 [2pm]    'As Time Goes By' - Episode 5;
 [2:40pm]    'Are You Being Served?' - Do You Take This Man;
 [3:20pm]    'Keeping Up Appearances' - Episode 1;
 [4pm]    'The Saint' - Simon and Delilah;
 [6pm]    'BBC World News';
 [6:30pm]    'Cash in the Attic' - Episode 13;
 [7pm]    'Bargain Hunt' - Newark;
 [7:30pm]    'What Not To Wear' - Vanessa;
 [8pm]    'Cash in the Attic' - Episode 10;
 [9pm]    'What Not To Wear' - Tribes of Man;
 [9:30pm]    'What Not To Wear' - Liz Traves;
 [10pm]    'What Not To Wear' - Episode 1;
 [11pm]    'Cash in the Attic' - Episode 10;
 [12am]    'What Not To Wear' - Tribes of Man;
 [12:30am]    'What Not To Wear' - Liz Traves;
 [1am]    'What Not To Wear' - Episode 1;
 [2am]    'Bargain Hunt' - Newark;
 [2:30am]    'What Not To Wear' - Vanessa;
 [3am]    'Cash in the Attic' - Episode 10;
 [4am]    'What Not To Wear' - Tribes of Man;
 [4:30am]    'What Not To Wear' - Liz Traves;
 [5am]    'What Not To Wear' - Episode 1;
 [6am]    'BBC World News'.    (ALL TIMES EST)

Bravo has 'West Wing', 'Project Greenlight', followed by a FRESH 'Project Greenlight', and 'Queer Eye'.

CARTOON NETWORK has the second of 5 FRESH 'Star Wars: Clone Wars' at 7pm (est).

Comedy Central has 'MAD TV', 'DL Hughley', 'Comedy Central Presents' (Eddie Gossling), 'South Park', 'Chappelle's Show', and a FRESH 'Distraction'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jon Stewart is Catherine Keener.

FX offers a FRESH 'The Shield'.

History has 'Modern Marvels', followed by a FRESH 'Wild West Tech', then a FRESH 'Breaking Vegas', and 'Modern Marvels'.

IFC  -   
 [6AM]    'A Decade Under The Influence, Pt 1' (2003);
 [7AM]    'A Decade Under The Influence, Pt 2' (2003);
 [8AM]    'Bootmen' (2000);
 [9:45AM]    Short: Joe And Charlie At The Ranch' (2001);
 [10AM]    'IFC Short Film Collection I' (2003);
 [12PM]    'Mr. & Mrs. Bridge' (1990);
 [2:15PM]    'Besieged' (1998);
 [4PM]    Short: 'Joe And Charlie At The Ranch' (2001);
 [4:15PM]    'Bootmen' (2000);
 [6PM]    'Mr. & Mrs. Bridge' (1990);
 [8:15PM]    'The End Of The Affair' (1999);
 [10PM]    'Dinner For Five #27' (2004);
 [10:30PM]    'Film School #1' (2004);
 [11PM]    'The Daytrippers' (1996);
 [12:30AM]    'Jefferson In Paris' (1995);
 [3AM]    'The Daytrippers' (1996);
 [4:30AM]    'My Best Fiend' (1999).    (ALL TIMES EST)

SciFi has the movie 'Riverworld', followed by the movie 'Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade'.

Sundance  -   
 [7AM]    'Motherland: A Genetic Journey' (Documentary);
 [8:30AM]    'Bollywood Bound' (Documentary);
 [9:30AM]    'Don't Tempt Me' (Feature);
 [11:20AM]    'Departure' (Short);
 [11:30AM]    'Men Named Milo, Women Named Greta' (Short);
 [12PM]    'The Flower of Evil' (Feature);
 [1:45PM]    'The Brainwashers' ('Les Ramoneurs Cerebraux') (Short);
 [2PM]    'Madame Bovary' (1991) (Feature);
 [4:30PM]    'Claude Chabrol L'Artisan' (Documentary);
 [5:30PM]    'Aftermath: The Remnants of War' (Feature);
 [6:50PM]    'Father And Daughter' (Short);
 [7PM]    'Don't Tempt Me' (Feature);
 [9PM]    'Die Mommie Die!' (Feature);
 [10:30PM]    'Anatomy of a Scene: Die Mommie Die!' (Original Production);
 [11PM]    'Zus & Zo' (Feature);
 [12:45AM]    'Bamboleho' (Short);
 [1AM]    'The Flower of Evil' (Feature);
 [2:45AM]    'The Brainwashers' ('Les Ramoneurs Cerebraux') (Short);
 [3AM]    'Those Who Love Me Can Take the Train' (Feature);
 [5:05AM]    'Madame Bovary' (1991) (Feature).    (ALL TIMES EST)

TCM barely acknowledges the birthday of the always fabulous Karl Malden, who is 93 today.
 [6am]    'The Young and the Brave' (1963);
 [7:30am]    'Prisoner Of War' (1954);
 [9am]    'Men Of The Fighting Lady' (1954);
 [10:30am]    'The Rack' (1956);
 [12:15pm]    'One Minute to Zero' (1952);
 [2:15pm]    'Battle Circus' (1953);
 [4pm]    'Take The High Ground' (1953);
 [6pm]    'Baby Doll' (1956);

 [8pm]    'The Mind Reader' (1933);
 [9:15pm]    'The Clock' (1945);
 [11pm]    'Smiles of a Summer Night' (1955)  [AKA:  'Sommarnattens leende'];
 [1am]    'Out Of The Fog' (1941);
 [2:30am]    'Night Must Fall' (1937);
 [4:30am]    'Torchy Blane in Chinatown' (1938);
 [5:30am]    'Festival of Shorts #39' (2002).    (ALL TIMES EST)

Wednesday  -  03/23

TCM spends the morning & afternoon celebrating Joan Crawford (who would have been 101 today), then features 5 films with Cary Grant most of the night.
 [6am]    'Dance, Fools, Dance' (1931);
 [7:30am]    'Grand Hotel' (1932);
 [9:30am]    'The Last Of Mrs. Cheyney' (1937);
 [11:15am]    'The Women' (1939);
 [1:30pm]    'Mildred Pierce' (1945);
 [3:30pm]    'Humoresque' (1946);
 [6pm]    'Possessed' (1947);

 [8pm]    'The Philadelphia Story' (1940);
 [10pm]    'Cary Grant: A Class Apart' (2004);
 [11:30pm]    'Monkey Business' (1952);
 [1:15am]    'Bringing Up Baby' (1938);
 [3am]    'Walk, Don't Run' (1966);

 [5am]    'Don't Bet On Blondes' (1935).    (ALL TIMES EST)

Any opinions?

Or reviews?

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Actresses Anjelica Huston (L) and Lauren Bacall arrive for a party and ceremony honoring fashion photographers the late Herb Ritts and Mario Testino with the Rodeo Drive Walk of Style Award in Beverly Hills, California, March 20, 2005. Plaques with quotes and signatures of Ritts and Testino will be placed in the sidewalk along Rodeo Drive, in the heart of Beverly Hills', renowned shopping district.
Photo by Lee Celano

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Spend Millions Wooing Ad Buyers


The Who set the standard.

Not for rock 'n' roll - for television advertising sales presentations. When Pete Townshend and Roger Daltrey took the stage at Carnegie Hall last May to bring CBS's sales job to a rocking climax, it raised the bar of expectations for Madison Avenue.

Already this spring, the Turner Entertainment networks are giving ad buyers a free concert by The Eagles. CNN Headline News is touting its new prime-time format with a private show by the Wallflowers. Nickelodeon hired the Flaming Lips for a few songs at its sales presentation two weeks ago.

Even The Weather Channel took out the checkbook: a few weeks ago it flew advertising executives to an ice hotel in Quebec, and treated them to an afternoon of ice sculpting and snowboarding.



Americans' Views Cut Both Ways

TV Decency

Most Americans favor tougher regulation of sex and violence on TV, though a bigger majority thinks the government over-reacted to Janet Jackson's breast-baring Super Bowl performance last year, according to a Time magazine poll.

Two-thirds of those polled said there was too much violence on broadcast TV; 58 percent said there was too much profanity and sexually frank language, and half said there was too much explicit sex and nudity.

Sixty-eight percent of respondents agreed the entertainment industry is out of touch with their moral standards, and more than half, 53 percent, said they favored stricter Federal Communications Commission controls on sex and violence on TV.

Of those surveyed, 66 percent of all respondents said the government over-reacted to the Jackson's brief flash of nudity at the end of her Super Bowl half-time show last year. Only 28 percent agreed with the FCC's decision to fine CBS stations.

TV Decency


Zach Ochse, 16, protests against the war in Iraq during a demonstration outside the federal courthouse in Reno, Nev., Sunday, March 20, 2005.
Photo by Debra Reid

Crew Marks End of Filming

'King Kong'

Peter Jackson was one of those monkeying around during a party for the film crew remaking the classic movie "King Kong."

The remake of the 1933 classic by New Zealander Jackson, who directed the fantasy trilogy "Lord of the Rings," was likely to go into post-production within a couple of weeks, publicist Melissa Booth said Monday.

The weekend crew party on a back lot set built to replicate 1930s New York "was essentially our wrap party," she told The Associated Press. Everyone involved in the movie - from Hollywood stars to construction staff - was invited.

Filming of the $145 million remake, funded by Universal Pictures, began Sept. 6. The movie is due for release in December.

'King Kong'


SNL Tries Penile Implant

David Spade

Trade paper Broadcasting & Cable noticed that when David Spade played Owen Wilson in a SNL sketch (a celebrity roast of Clint Eastwood hosted by a humorless Sean Penn) in the March 12th episode of the show, he was outfitted with a finely-crafted prosthetic nose to add to the bit's verisimilitude. We can all breathe a sigh of relief that the make-up artist decided to render Wilson's nose as circumcised (though that vein is a little disturbing); an uncut proboscis would've been too much to bear, even in the name of comedy.



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Opens Its Doors to Fans

Abbey Road Studio

Abbey Road studio, where the Beatles recorded almost all their music, attracts tens of thousands of fans each year.

They come from across the world to worship at the place where it all began. They photograph the famous pedestrian crossing outside, and most of them write their name on the walls. But they couldn't go in.

Until now.

For 16 days through April 3, Abbey Road is opening its doors to the public for the first time since it opened in 1931. To celebrate 25 years of movie scoring, begun when John Williams led the London Symphony Orchestra through his soundtrack to "Raiders of the Lost Ark," the studio is holding its own film festival.

Abbey Road Studio


Deanna Young of Boulder, Colo., holds up a sign in protest of resident Bush and his restructuring of the Social Security program during a rally against the effort, outside the State Capitol in Denver on Monday, March 21, 2005. The protest was staged as Bush was scheduled to make a stop in Denver later Monday to stump for his changes in Social Security.
Photo by David Zalubowski

Draws Boos In Berlin


A new production of Wagner's "Parsifal" set partly in New York by German director-producer Bernd Eichinger met with boos at Berlin's Staatsoper opera house.

Some spectators left in disgust while people shouted "provincial theatre!" at the stage during Eichinger's first attempt at opera.

For one of the most imposing works in the German repertoire, composed in 1882 around the legend of the search for the Holy Grail, starring Burkhard Fritz as Parsifal, Eichinger set his peregrinations in a landscape of buildings collapsing from fires and explosions, depending heavily on the use of videos.

The seductive Kundry (Michaela Schuster) winds up as a homeless woman in New York's Central Park, while the knights of the Holy Grail are decked out as rockers and punks.

Eichinger remained stoic in the face of the booing, encouraged by musical director Daniel Barenboim.



Documentary Offers Insight

The Ramones

There's a thin line, as Tommy Ramone learned, between therapy and documentary.

"Someone sticks a mike in front of you, and all of a sudden you start blabbering all the things that were on your mind for the past 30 years," said the original drummer for the seminal punk band, explaining the process behind last year's Ramones documentary. "So maybe a little bit of that was happening."

The result: "End of the Century," which debuted to critical acclaim in theaters last August and is now available on DVD. The band members, whose song catalogue includes such studies of the human psyche as "Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment" and "Psycho Therapy," are unflinchingly honest in their self-assessments.

"It's accurate," guitarist Johnny Ramone said of the finished product before his death. "It left me disturbed."

The Ramones


I'm Pissed
(formerly 'The Vidiot')


Buying Stock in Record Companies

Al Sharpton

The Rev. Al Sharpton, who is campaigning against violence in rap music, plans to buy stock in record companies that produce hip-hop and then become vocal as a stockholder.

"I don't think too many CEOs want to see me come into his stockholders' meeting to say they're not doing enough to stop the violence," Sharpton told the Daily News for Monday editions. Sharpton didn't name the companies or say how much stock he plans to buy.

He also plans to put pressure on the Federal Communications Commission.

Al Sharpton


Five of the special kinds of salt beloved of connoisseurs these days are displayed at Rob Seideman's home in Aspen, Colo., Wednesday, March 2, 2005. Clockwise from left, they are Hawaiian red alae, Danish Viking smoked salt, Cyprus sea salt flakes, Cyprus Black sea salt flakes, and Australian Murray River salt flakes. Salt lovers savor the texture and color as much as the taste of often-coarse, usually hand-harvested crystals of white, pink, red, gray, golden, even black salt that are available nowadays.
Photo by Jim Noelker

WWE Hall of Fame

Hulk Hogan

Sylvester Stallone, star of the "Rocky" and "Rambo" films, will induct Hogan into the WWE Hall of Fame in a ceremony in Los Angeles on April 2, World Wrestling Entertainment announced Monday.

Hogan played Thunderlips in 1982's "Rocky III," starring and directed by Stallone.

The induction ceremony will be held at the Universal Amphitheatre. It is an official WrestleMania Week event in Southern California.

Hulk Hogan


The fossil of Tyrannosaurus 'Sue' is on display as the main exhibition of the Dinosaur Expo 2005 at the National Science Museum in Tokyo Monday, March 21, 2005. The organizer said it was the first overseas trip from Chicago's Field Museum by the most complete Tyrannosaurus rex fossil which was dug up in 1990 on a ranch in western South Dakota. The skeleton of 'Sue,' which is more than 90 percent complete, is 12.8-meter-long (42-foot-long) and the skull weighs 272 kilograms (600 pounds).
Photo by Koji Sasahara

Iceland Parliament Grants Citizenship

Bobby Fischer

Iceland's parliament granted former world chess champion Bobby Fischer citizenship Monday, enabling the fugitive American to settle in the tiny North Atlantic republic where he won the world title in 1972.

Fischer, 62, is currently in detention in Japan fighting a U.S. deportation order.

Iceland's single-chamber assembly approved citizenship for Fischer by 40 votes in favor and none against, said parliamentarian Bjarni Benediktsson. He told Reuters the decision would enter into force within the next few days.

Bobby Fischer


Penitents of San Gonzalo's brotherhood stand during their penance through Triana's bridge during Holy Week in the Andalusian capital Seville, southern Spain, March 21, 2005. Hundreds of Easter processions take place in Spain during Holy Week around the clock drawing thousands of visitors.
Photo by Marcelo del Pozo

Army Raises Enlistment Age To 39


The U.S. Army, stung by recruiting shortfalls caused by the Iraq war, has raised the maximum age for new recruits for the part-time Army Reserve and National Guard by five years to 39, officials said on Monday.

The Army said the move, a three-year experiment, will add about 22 million people to the pool of those eligible to serve, from about 60 million now. Physical standards will not be relaxed for older recruits, who the Army said were valued for their maturity and patriotism.

The Pentagon has relied heavily on part-time Army Reserve and Army National Guard soldiers summoned from civilian life to maintain troop levels in Iraq and Afghanistan. Roughly 45 percent of U.S. troops currently deployed for those wars are reservists.




In Memory

Walter Reuter

Walter Reuter, who fled Nazi Germany and became a major icon of Mexican photography by portraying colorful but squalid life in indigenous communities, died over the weekend. He was 99.

Reuter arrived broke in Mexico in 1942 and began working with a borrowed camera. He became one of the first outsiders to take pictures of indigenous women, focusing on their daily chores like making tortillas and getting water.

His photos may be best remembered for bringing public attention to the primitive living conditions in Mexico's indigenous villages. Reuter was also known for his intimate, joyous relationship with his subjects.

Reuter died of kidney failure, local media reported. He had continued working well into his 90s.

Walter Reuter


In Memory

Bobby Short

Cabaret singer Bobby Short, the tuxedoed embodiment of New York style and sophistication who was a fixture at his piano in the Carlyle Hotel for more than 35 years, died Monday. He was 80.

Short, whose career stretched over more than 70 years, died of leukemia at New York Presbyterian Hospital, said Virginia Wicks, a Los Angeles-based publicist. The hospital did not immediately return a call seeking further detail.

As times changed and popular music shifted from Sinatra to Springsteen to Snoop Dogg, Short remained irrevocably devoted to the "great American songbook": songs by Cole Porter, Duke Ellington, the Gershwins, Billy Strayhorn, Harold Arlen.

Robert Waltrip Short was born Sept. 15, 1924, the ninth of 10 children in a musically inclined family. By age 4, he was playing by ear at the well-worn family piano, recreating songs heard on the radio.

By age 9, the self-taught pianist was performing in saloons around his Danville, Ill., home to earn extra money during the Depression. Even then, his material included Ellington's "Sophisticated Lady."

Short played the vaudeville circuit: St. Louis, Milwaukee, Kansas City. On one date, he teamed with Louis Armstrong. And by age 12, he was headlining Manhattan nightclubs and regular engagements at the Apollo Theater.

During the '60s, Short's audience began to shrink. The Beatles and the British Invasion dominated music; suburban flight and urban crime cut into the nightclub business.

He overcame those woes in 1968 with an extraordinary concert featuring singer Mabel Mercer in Manhattan's Town Hall; their live album became a success. He signed a deal with the Cafe Carlyle in the same year: six nights a week, eight months a year at the lounge inside the posh East 76th Street hotel.

Bobby Short



A baby ebony langur reaches for its mothers hand in JungleWorld, the Bronx Zoo's warm and lush tropical Asian rain forest Sunday, March 20, 2005 in New York. The baby was born Jan. 12.
Photo by Mary Schwalm

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