Do you want to hear a good one (pitiful as it is...)? "Pervasive Leakage" is how a former U.S. official termed as to what is happening to the oil gushing from Iraq's oil wells. Folks, those sons of bitches (the Iraqis) are so fucking lucky to have that much of a world needed natural resource below their ground that it would translate into the quadrillions of U.S. currency. Pervasive leakage is what Scott McCllelan has drooling out of that lying pie-hole he has. Here's another word for pervasive leakage: War profiteering, which, I think, is not good.
Frank Willis, a former "senior American official in Iraq" (whatever the hell that title is), said the United States failed to safeguard the oil money known as the Development Fund for Iraq. "There was, in my mind, pervasive leakage in assets of Iraq, and to some extent, those assets were squandered," said Willis.
Willis ran Iraq's Transportation Ministry. He says government agencies and private contractors had to be paid in cash because Iraq's banking system was decimated. Can you believe Halliburton getting cash under the table? Is that money taxable? Of course not.
Another quote from Mr. Willis: "A lot of money did get to the Iraqi people at the grass-roots level, and a lot of it got into the wrong hands.".
One photograph shows Willis and some cohort sleazebags paying $2 million some funky security contractor. These are his exact words: "It was time for payment," he said. "We told them to come in and bring in a bag. It reminded me of the Wild West."
What in the fuck is going on over there? Who's paying who? They have computers that will zone in on about fifty square feet with a "smart bomb" but they can't keep track of a 2 million dollar payment, and payment for what? I mean Jeezuz Christ Almighty, people? How bad does this get? They're throwing two million dollars in sacks likes it's monopoly money!
Iraq's U.S. administrator (whatever the fuck THAT title means), Paul Bremer, pledged last year to hire a certified public accounting firm to get things in order. But the United States gave the contract not to an accounting firm but to a tiny consulting company called Northstar. NBC News reported that the firm is headquartered at a private home near San Diego.
Bremer severely violated several rules. The consulting firm didn't meet even the part where they had to be Certified Public Accountants. NBC also said $8.8 billion dollars in oil money was handed to the Iraq's Oil Ministry but was faulted for " inadequate stewardship".
Pervasive Leakage is something I hope Donald Rumsfeld has in older age in the form of diarrhea. "Inadequate Stewardship" is something I hope Fat Ass Cheney suffers on a shuttle flight while on a Halliburton outing to the Alaskan Wilderness. In the mean time, we're getting our fudge packed to put it mildly.
When Peg Bracken started writing, she would often type the first page of a famous short story for inspiration. Often, she discovered that the page did not look as impressive typed on a sheet of paper as it did printed on a page in a book, so sometimes she would imitate her English professor and write on the sheet of paper: "You can do better than this, Mr. Faulkner."
André Previn played jazz with a couple of American-African musicians. Afterwards, he went into a diner, where two white men asked him, "Why the hell don't you play with your own kind?" Mr. Previn replied, "To tell you the truth, I wanted to, but I couldn't find two other Jews who swing."
Soccer and Cup Final day are important in England. Once, the noted conductor Sir Thomas Beecham held a rehearsal on Cup Final day. The rehearsal had been going on for only a short time when a giant television was delivered to the rehearsal area. Sir Thomas then said, "Now, gentlemen, let's get down to the most important business of the day-watching the match."
HELEN THOMAS: Reduced to double talk in defending torture policy (
How long will the American people tolerate the shaming of their nation by the inhumane treatment of prisoners of war and the spiriting of detainees to secret prisons outside the United States? Is it any wonder that other countries believe that America has lost its moral purpose by surrendering our well-earned reputation for human rights?
Ernest Partridge: 'Dear Howard Dean: Why bother?' (
Republicans build the voting machines, Republicans write the secret software, Republicans count and compile the totals. The Republican machines allow no auditing of the vote totals they report. So Republicans have the ability to "win" elections, regardless of the will of the voters. There is compelling evidence that they have done just that.
Mollie Bradley-Martin: 'Not so fast, Christian soldiers' (
I did a little research of my own and surprise, surprise, it turns out that "more than 90%" is a bit of a stretch. According to The American Religious Identification Survey of 2001, although 79.8% of respondents self-identified as Christian, 40% of those that considered themselves religious did not identify with any organized Church. Also interesting is that the percentage of Christians, dropped 8.5% since 1990. It seems that Christian influence in government may be growing, but their ranks are shrinking.
ANNA BERNASEK: What's the Return on Education? (
For someone earning the national median household income of $42,000, an extra year of training could provide an additional $4,200 a year. Over the span of a career, that could easily add up to $30,000 or $40,000 of present value. If the year's education costs less than that, there is a net gain.
ROSEMARY and TIMOTHY LAIRD: Best weight-loss plans call for lifestyle change (
A person's weight simply is the product of calories in vs. calories out. Period. The calories taken in have to be balanced by calories burned in exercise, or weight is gained. Most Americans have a poor understanding of proper nutrition. We are used to severely inflated portion sizes and have a misunderstanding of what healthy foods are.
RICHARD ROEPER: When Pryor was at his best, he had no equal (
No doubt Richard Pryor would have laughed at the cringe-inducing greeting that was waiting for fans who visited his Web site Sunday. In the upper left-hand corner of the page, there was a black-and-white photo of Pryor, his mouth and eyes wide open, as he proclaimed: "I Ain't Dead Yet [M-----------]!!"
ROGER EBERT: King Kong (4 Stars)
There are astonishments to behold in Peter Jackson's new "King Kong," but one sequence, relatively subdued, holds the key to the movie's success. Kong has captured Ann Darrow and carried her to his perch high on the mountain. He puts her down, not roughly, and then begins to roar, bare his teeth and pound his chest. Ann, an unemployed vaudeville acrobat, somehow instinctively knows that the gorilla is not threatening her but trying to impress her by behaving as an alpha male -- the King of the Jungle. She doesn't know how Queen Kong would respond, but she does what she can: She goes into her stage routine, doing backflips, dancing like Chaplin, juggling three stones.
Josh Levi: Follow That Bird (
[Larry] Bird is one guy who never had a white inferiority complex. Actually, he did-he thought every white player was inferior to him. Last year, Bird said in an interview that back in his playing days he "really got irritated when they put a white guy on me." Why did he care if whitey guarded him? "[B]ecause it's disrespect to my game."
As ridiculous as Bill O'Reilly and the other Christmas soldiers sound with their promises of horror descending upon those who oppose their restoration of the barely-hundred-year-old traditions of American Christmas, what they say has a real effect outside the liberal blogosphere.
I've noticed at work of late quite a few members of the Angry Right (to borrow from James the Troll) expounding on the destruction of "their" holiday. The snide remarks, with their verbal equivalents of a cross-out, are everywhere. "I put up my Christmas tree... oh, sorry, my (finger quotes) HOLIDAY (finger unquotes) tree last weekend. I don't want to (quote) offend (unquote) anyone."
Sorry, your mock outrage is offending me.
The War on Christmas is real, and has real costs, ridiculous though it may seem. But it isn't a war of liberals against Christmas, it is a war against tolerance and acceptance. WASPs like Bill O'Reilly and John Gibson don't want to save Christmas for everyone, they want to save their version of Christmas for people like themselves, and to hell with everyone else. You don't like it, you can go somewhere else, because they were here first. Because Christmas, after all, is about white people, white culture, and all its familiar trappings - the drunk and lecherous uncle, the sister who committed suicide and ruined the holiday for everyone, the rampaging father bent on making everything perfect and everyone miserable. The belief in miracles, if only for one day. The hope for the days ahead, again if only for one day. The giving and the receiving and the returning, the taking out and the storing away, the eating and the drinking and the surreptitious vomiting. The things born and the things ruined.
I was so psyched up to slip into the theater today and witness the premier showing of Peter Jackson's new "King Kong" Epic. I wondered what he could do to embellish the brilliant original Merian C. Cooperclassic from 1933? He could make it TWICE as LONG (188 minutes)!!!! He could re-create the creature with amazing new technology (Richard Roeper called the new ape "One Awesome Gorilla)!!!! He could take me away to "Skull Island" and blow my mind with stunning scenery and scintillating stage sets and charismatic characters….
Peter Jackson goes "Ape Shit" with everything…….
We get a crappy and creepy Carl Denham (Jack Black - "Shallow Hal" (2001) - "The School of Rock" (2003) - "LaserFart" (2004) that delivers the great "King Kong" lines like a limp loofa…I couldn't wait for him to finish with…"It was Beauty killed the Beast" !!!
And whose idea was it to cast Jack Driscoll's part? (Adrien Brody - "Dummy" (2002) - "The Pianist" (2002) - "The Village" (2004) ? This guy is supposed to carry the romantic lead in this new steroid studded version and he comes off wimpy, whiney and weak!
O.K. so I really, really watched the Ann Darrow character (Naomi Watts - "Tank Girl" (1995) - "Children of the Corn IV: The Gathering" (1996) - "Strange Planet" (1999) - "The Ring" (2002) and realized that no one, not anyone, could ever fill Fay Wray's frilly frayed dress and shrill screams…..but Oh my Gawd……after seeing Naomi Watts in "Mulholland Dr." (2001) with the world class bare breasted love making scene, maybe, just maybe, she might work…..well all we get from Naomi is a little see through the blouse nipples at the end of the movie, pretty damn good screaming and Olympic Gold Medal marathon running, jumping and "hanging with legs kicking" (any normal human being would have been dead a dozen times over from her ordeal )
And then we have the new and improved King Kong (Andy Serkis (in the Ape Suit) - "Topsy-Turvy" (1999) - "Jump" (2000) - "The Escapist" (2001) with genuine Silver Back savvy and facial expressions (anger, outage, macho chest thumping and love for Beauty) and a huge ROAR.
The scary, scary "Skull Island" sets looked incredibly phony. The natives living on the island (supposedly near Sumatra) looked like dark, wild eyed, violent Haitian Voo Doo rejects. And then the prehistoric creatures…….we get a 10 minute Brontosaurus stampede through the primordial jungle…..a 10 minute triple T-Rex tearing, ripping one handed fight to the death with our hero (while he's holding Ann in the other hand)…..Gratuitous violence via Giant Spiders and Mosquitos….Huge Vampire Bats that can carry a person away…and the most obscene looking squirming, leach like, Monster Cocks with razor sharp teeth that suck your head off!!
Okay…Okay…we get Ann doing a dance and juggling for the Big Guy while the sun sets over the ocean…Cut to New York for the Big "King Kong" opening night at the Ritz…."don't worry everybody, those chains are made of Chrome Steel" !!!! And as the "Last of his kind" frees himself, tears through downtown and finally finds his "little" true love….we get the dramatic Top of the Empire State Building with bi-planes and machine guns and Kong, wounded and wobbling, staring out at a Sunset over the City, with Ann there looking longingly at her dying Hero……
"Original King Kong is still Strong"
Purple Gene gives Peter Jackson's "King Kong" 5 "why the fuck did you make this mess" out of 10 for being only half as good and twice as long as the first film !
CBS opens the night with a RERUN'2½ Men', followed by a RERUN'How I Met Your Mother', then a RERUN'CSI: The Original One', followed by a RERUN'Without A Trace'.
Scheduled on a FRESHDave are Alec Baldwin and Shakira.
Scheduled on a FRESHCraig are Jeremy Roenick and Trey Anastasio.
NBC begins the night with a FRESH hourlong 'Joey', followed by the SEASON FINALE'The Apprentice: The Donald (Not The Scooter)'.
Scheduled on a FRESHLeno are Johnny Knoxville, Natasha Leggero, and Chris Isaak.
Scheduled on a FRESHConan are Jack Black, Rachel McAdams, and Charles Ross.
Scheduled on a FRESHCarson Daly are Dermot Mulroney and Brittany Snow.
ABC starts the night with the movie 'The Santa Clause', followed by 'Primetime'.
On a RERUNJimmy Kimmel (from 12/7/05) are Paula Abdul, Balthazar Getty, and Faith Evans.
The WB offers a RERUN 2-hour 'Smallville'.
Faux has a FRESH'The O.C.', followed by a FRESH'Reunion'.
UPN has a FRESH'Everybody Hates Chris', followed by a FRESH'Love, Inc', then a FRESH'Eve', followed by a FRESH'Cuts'.
A&E has 'Cold Case Files', another 'Cold Case Files', still another 'Cold Case Files', and 'The First 48'.
AMC offers the movie 'Above The Law', followed by the movie 'The Delta Force', then the movie 'The Octagon'.
[2pm] 'Monty Python's Flying Circus' - Intermission;
[2:40pm] 'Kumars at No. 42' - Patrick Stewart;
[3:20pm] 'Kumars at No. 42' - Minnie Driver;
[4pm] 'At Home with the Braithwaites' - Episode 2;
[5pm] 'Monarch of the Glen' - Episode 4;
[6pm] 'BBC World News';
[6:30pm] 'House Invaders' - Episode 30;
[7pm] 'The Benny Hill Show' - Episode 21;
[8pm] 'Cash in the Attic' - Episode 1;
[9pm] 'Silent Witness' - Ep 3 - Nowhere Fast;
[11pm] 'Monty Python's Flying Circus' - Intermission;
[11:40pm] 'The Smoking Room' - Episode 5;
[12:20am] 'The Smoking Room' - Episode 6;
[1am] 'Silent Witness' - Ep 3 - Nowhere Fast;
[3am] 'The Persuaders' - That's Me Over There;
[4am] 'The Persuaders' - The Long Goodbye;
[5am] 'The Persuaders' - The Man in the Middle;
[6am] 'BBC World News'. (ALL TIMES EST)
Bravo has 'West Wing', 'Faith Hill: Fireflies', 'Elton John: The Red Piano', followed by the FRESH'Celebrity Autobiography: In Their Own Words'.
Comedy Central has 'Comedy Central Presents', 'Reno 911!', last night's 'Jon Stewart', last night's 'Colbert Report', 'Premium Blend', 'South Park', nad 'Showbiz Show With David Spade'.
Scheduled on a FRESHJon Stewart is Sarah JessicaParker.
Scheduled on a FRESHColbert Report is Mark Cuban.
History has 'America's Castles', 'History's Mysteries', The Real King Kong', and 'Quest For Dragons'.
[6AM] Glengarry Glen Ross (1992);
[7:45AM] Bad Behavior (1993);
[9:45AM] A Room For Romeo Brass (1999);
[11:25AM] This Is My Father (1998);
[1:30PM] Bad Behavior (1993);
[3:30PM] The Festival #5 (2005);
[4PM] A Room For Romeo Brass (1999);
[6PM] At The IFC Center #8 (2005);
[6:30PM] The Sum of Us (1994);
[8:15PM] At The IFC Center #8 (2005);
[8:45PM] The General (1998);
[11PM] The Spaghetti West (2005);
[12AM] Whatever (1998);
[2AM] BaadAsssss Cinema;
[2AM] The Spaghetti West (2005);
[4AM] Your Friends And Neighbors (1998). (ALL TIMES EST)
SciFi has the movie 'Cerberus', followed by the movie 'Painkiller Jane'.
Sundance -
[12am] When Night is Falling;
[1:35am] The Piano;
[3:45am] When Night is Falling;
[5:30am] Heroes;
[6:30am] Hairspray;
[8:05am] Heroes;
[10am] Derrida;
[11:30am] The Hairdresser's Husband;
[1pm] The Staircase: A Female Cabby in Sidi Bel-Abbes;
[2pm] Hermitage-niks: A Passion for the Hermitage: Episode 4 - Silent Sabotage;
[2:30pm] Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band;
[4:30pm] James' Journey to Jerusalem;
[6pm] I Am NOT an ANIMAL: A Star is Hatched;
[6:30pm] The Hairdresser's Husband;
[8pm] Lenny;
[10pm] Iconoclasts: Batali on Stipe;
[11pm] TransGeneration: Episode 4;
[11:30pm] TransGeneration: Episode 5. (ALL TIMES EST)
Clown activist Wavy Gravy gestures the peace sign in San Francisco, Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2005, as he shows off some of the items from musician Jerry Garcia's home, including his toilet and his mailbox that will be auctioned off on eBay for a children's charity drive. Garcia, the master guitarist whose band the Grateful Dead symbolized the 1960s counterculture, died in 1995 at, age 53.
Photo by Paul Sakuma
Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page has been honored by Queen Elizabeth II - but the award was for his work with poor Brazilian children rather than his music.
The 61-year-old rocker went to Buckingham Palace on Wednesday to receive an Officer of the Order of the British Empire, or OBE, from the queen.
US shock jock Howard Stern's departure from "terrestrial radio" on Friday will be featured live on the Internet, according to Silicon Valley-based search portal Yahoo.
Yahoo has struck a deal to stream a video and audio webcast of Stern as he leaves a New York City radio station, boards a double-decker bus and goes on to celebrate at a Hard Rock Cafe, the company said Wednesday.
Activities of the self-proclaimed "King of All Media" will be webcast beginning at 9:00 am (1400 GMT), according to Yahoo.
Mud figures of U.S. resident George W. Bush, known as 'caganer' defecator in Catalan, are sold at the Santa Lucia Market, a Christmas market, in central Barcelona, December 14, 2005. Catalans create Christmas Nativity scenes using models and hide the figures in them before inviting friends to find the figures. Catalans believe the 'caganer', by creating feces, fertilises the earth, bringing prosperity and luck for the coming year.
Photo by Albert Gea
Just a week before his death, Richard Pryor and his wife sent a letter to an Indiana county sheriff expressing outrage about an animal cruelty case.
They sent the letter after learning that a St. Joseph County police officer, Curt Seufert, was placed on administrative leave last month while state police investigated whether he killed his girlfriend's dog. The Pryors' letter called the reported circumstances shocking.
Jennifer Pryor confirmed Tuesday to the South Bend Tribune that the couple sent the letter to the sheriff.
"We were so disturbed by that," she said. "Richard and I have always had a strong affinity for animals."
Radar magazine has folded. The staff was informed at a meeting just moments ago. It was an interesting and increasingly excellent magazine; it was a game and noble foil; and it was a well-paying gig for any number of friends. RIP, Radar, and our deepest condolences to Maer and his prodigiously talented staff.
Irish rock band U2's "Vertigo" tour sold $260 million worth of tickets and drew more than 3 million people to 90 concerts, all of which were sell-outs.
Coming in second to U2 this year were the Eagles, who grossed $117 million from 77 shows, followed by Neil Diamond, who raked in more than $71 million. Country star Kenny Chesney placed fourth with a gross of $63 million; his attendance draw of 1.1 million was second only to U2.
The top 10 touring grosses were rounded out by Top of Paul McCartney, Rod Stewart, Elton John, Dave Matthews Band, Jimmy Buffett and Green Day.
Wayne Rogers, best known for playing surgeon Trapper John McIntyre on the 1970s hit television show "M-A-S-H," was joined by co-stars from the sitcom Tuesday as he received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Rogers, 72, later became a successful entrepreneur and makes regular contributions on Fox News Channel as a finance and stock expert. He also appeared in the 2000 film "Frozen with Fear" and has made recent theater performances.
Recording artist Prince speaks during a news conference about his exclusive recording agreement between himself and Universal Records and his new single 'Te Amo Corazon,' Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2005, in Beverly Hills, Calif. Prince's new album '3121' will be his first with Universal Records with a scheduled release in 2006.
Photo by Danny Moloshok
When the stuff is this good, you've just got to have more. That's what Showtime brass have said to writer-producer Jenji Kohan and Lions Gate Television in picking up a second season of "Weeds," which earned three Golden Globe nominations Tuesday, including one for best musical or comedy series.
The series will begin production in the spring on a second season of 12 episodes for debut in the summer. "Weeds" stars Mary-Louise Parker as a recently widowed soccer mom who resorts to dealing pot in her suburban community to make ends meet. Parker and co-star Elizabeth Perkins also earned Globe nominations for their work in the first season, which bowed in August to strong critical buzz.
Will the pay-TV environs of Showtime be a friendlier place for the Emmy-winning comedy "Arrested Development," which just got canceled by Fox?
Word around town this week is that Showtime is in talks to pick up the comedy about a chaotic family. Sources stressed that the talks are still exploratory and that it would be a big financial commitment on Showtime's part to pick up the show in its current form with a large ensemble cast that includes Jason Bateman, Jeffrey Tambor, Portia de Rossi, Jessica Walter and Will Arnett.
Michelle Rodriguez, who stars on ABC's "Lost," has settled two traffic cases as she awaits a court hearing on a drunken driving charge - her fourth alleged traffic violation since she joined the cast this season.
Rodriguez, who plays police officer Ana Lucia on the TV adventure-drama, was fined $357 for a speeding violation Tuesday after her lawyer entered a no-contest plea on her behalf. She was cited for driving 83 mph in a 55 mph zone on Oahu on Nov. 1.
The 27-year-old actress also paid a $300 fine for an earlier traffic offense on the island. She was cited for driving 90 mph in a 35 mph zone on Oct. 20.
She completed a three-month alcohol program and is now serving a three-year probation term after pleading no contest in Los Angeles to three traffic violations - hit and run, drunken driving and driving with a suspended license.
Contortionist Huit-Huit of Angola performs during the world premiere of German Andre Heller's new program 'Afrika! Afrika!' in Frankfurt December 14, 2005.
Photo by Alex Grimm
Michael Jackson might be shunning the spotlight these days, but his family sure isn't. Making the rounds at cable networks in recent weeks is a proposed pilot for a reality series in which Jackson's siblings are featured players, sources said.
The show would focus on a trio of second-generation Jacksons trying to restart their careers in music. The sons of Jackson's brother Tito succeeded overseas as the members of boy band 3T during the 1990s but are trying to mount a comeback as adults. They receive help from their father as well as other aunts and uncles on the show -- including LaToya and Jermaine Jackson.
Tourists enjoy sunrise at Moscow's Red Square on Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2005. A silhouette of the St. Bazil's cathedral is at left.
Photo by Sergey Ponomarev
The Walt Disney Co. on Wednesday announced its first film production in China, adding to its efforts to break into the booming Chinese entertainment market.
The Chinese-language film, "The Secret of the Magic Gourd," began shooting in October in the eastern city of Hangzhou and is due to be released next year, Disney said. It is based on a popular children's book by the late Chinese novelist Zhang Tianyi.
Disney's partners are state-owned China Film Group Corp. and Hong Kong's Centro Digital Pictures Ltd., a special-effects house best known for its work on director Quentin Tarantino's "Kill Bill."
One of Dave Chappelle's former employees says the comic asked him to be his manager for nine months beginning last year, but never paid him.
In a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, Mustafa Abuelhija said Chappelle told him in September 2004 that he could be his personal manager and spread the word to his financial aides but never put it in writing.
The lawsuit said Abuelhija was fired by Chappelle at a San Francisco hotel in June 2005 and had received only $40,000 as an advance against the sum Chappelle owed him in commissions as a personal manager.
A late 17th century prelatic pectoral from Constantinople, made of gold, gilt silver, rubies, emeralds, amethyst and emamel is seen in the exhibit 'From Byzantium to Modern Greece, Hellenic Art in Adversity, 1453-1830' at the atrium gallery of the Onassis Cultural Center in New York Wednesday Dec. 14, 2005. The exhibit, which includes 137 objects from the Benaki Museum in Athens, Greece, opens Dec 15, 2005 and runs through May 6, 2006. The piece is 6 centimeters high, and 4.7 centimeters wide.
Photo by Tina Fineberg
Prime-time viewership numbers compiled by Nielsen Media Research for Dec. 5-11. Listings include the week's ranking, with viewership for the week and season-to-date rankings in parentheses. An "X" in parentheses denotes a one-time-only presentation.
1. (1) "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation," CBS, 30.9 million viewers.
2. (3) "Without a Trace," CBS, 21.8 million viewers.
3. (X) "Survivor: Guatemala-Finale," CBS, 21.2 million viewers.
4. (8) "Survivor: Guatemala," CBS, 20.2 million viewers.
5. (12) "60 Minutes," CBS, 19.7 million viewers.
6. (10) "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit," NBC, 16.3 million viewers.
7. (4) "Grey's Anatomy," ABC, 15.7 million viewers.
8. (X) "A Charlie Brown Christmas," ABC, 15.3 million viewers.
9. (16) "E.R.," NBC, 15.3 million viewers.
10. (5) "CSI: Miami," CBS, 15.3 million viewers.
11. (X) "Survivor: Guatemala-Reunion," CBS, 15.2 million viewers.
12. (6) "NFL Monday Night Football: Seattle Seahawks at Philadelphia Eagles," ABC, 15.1 million viewers.
13. (13) "Two And a Half Men," CBS, 14.1 million viewers.
14. (9) "NCIS," CBS, 14 million viewers.
15. (26) "My Name Is Earl," NBC, 14 million viewers.
16. (18) "NFL Monday Showcase," ABC, 13.6 million viewers.
17. (17) "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition," ABC, 13.0 million viewers.
18. (30) "Close to Home," CBS, 12.8 million viewers.
19. (24) "Las Vegas," NBC, 12.6 million viewers.
20. (28) "Numb3rs," CBS, 12.5 million viewers.
An almost full moon rises behind the Tijerflue mountain in Arosa, Switzerland, Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2005. Full moon will be on Thursday, Dec. 15.
Photo by Alessandro Della Bella
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