BartCop Entertainment Archives - Friday, 20 May, 2005


20 May, 2005

big hammer - bigger hammer

(Updated Daily)


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Thanks, again, Tim!


Recommended Reading

from Bruce

Transcript: George Galloway's speech before Senator Coleman's committee (
I told the world that Iraq, contrary to your claims did not have weapons of mass destruction. I told the world, contrary to your claims, that Iraq had no connection to al-Qaeda.

Molly Ivins: Don't Blame Newsweek (AlterNet)
Get your minds around it. Our country is guilty of torture.

The Reverend Jay Emerson Johnson, Ph.D: Articles of faith: Biblical values for American families (
If we have any intention of preserving marriage or protecting families, we must base our support on values that are unchangeable: faith, hope, and love. The greatest among these-whether the couple is same-sex or heterosexual-is love

John Kenneth Galbraith: HOW TO GET AHEAD: From an Address to the Yale Graduating Class (From July 19, 1979. Posted on
In this, the high summer of the great conservative revolt, no one, whatever his past political aberrations, can remain unaffected. I am not.

Jeff Madrick: A Mind of His Own (
John Kenneth Galbraith has been a Harvard economist, an accomplished diplomat, a political activist, a close adviser to presidents, a novelist and memoirist, and the best-selling economic writer of his time. But among economists he was perhaps most known for, and proudest of, his economic apostasy.

Robert Urban: The Men of Sirius OutQ Radio: An Interview with John McMullen (
Two summers ago, I dropped in on [homophobe Fred Phelps] while driving across the country from San Francisco to New York. I told the audience that we should call this the Sodom to Gomorrah via Topeka Tour. They pledged money for every mile driven.

Robert Urban: The Men of Sirius OutQ Radio: An Interview with Jeremy Hovies (
My response to him was quite professional, but I did ask why is it that people who hate the "homosexual lifestyle" think about gay sex much more than I, a gay person, does.

Kris Scott Marti: Joan Jett Influences a New Generation of Women in Rock (
Before The Donnas, the Strokes, and The Killers, there was Joan Jett. Harder rocking than Gwen Stefani and prettier then Elvis, Joan Jett is best known for recording, with her band The Blackhearts, the ultimate rock and roll anthem, "I Love Rock N' Roll."

ROGER EBERT: A big stir about 3 quiet films and journeys
CANNES, France -- Although "Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith" was wall-to-wall action, some of the best films at Cannes this year have been very, very quiet.

ROGER EBERT: The Phantom of Liberty (4 stars)
Things first began to go wrong, Luis Buñuel teases us, in Spain in 1808, when Napoleon's troops arrived to liberate Toledo.

Sirius OutQ Radio





Zen Man
(in Golden Gate Park)


Reader Reading Suggestion

Sell Hawaii?


Washington, D.C. - In One of the most shocking moves of his presidency, George W. Bush is on the verge of selling Hawaii to Japan.

The Full Article

Kevin C

Thanks, Kevin!
Needed a laugh today.


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The Wall Street Poet

The Debt Song

The Debt Song Of The Potomac

In the style of Longfellow's "Haiwatha"

On the shores of the Potomac
By the river's murky waters
Policy is shaped and crafted
Opposition views ignored
In the chambers of the mighty
Where once issues were debated
When the deficit is mentioned
Legislators just look bored.

Will such policies so ditzy
Be allowed to last  forever
Will our Asian banker lenders
And the markets turn blind eyes
To a spending binge so flagrant
Only Beltway types will marvel
When these lenders pull the debt plug
And the payback time arrives.


For more political and financial verse:


Purple Gene Reviews

'Enron - The Smartest Guys in the Room'


Purple Genes' review of the movie "Enron - The Smartest Guys in the Room" (2005) Directed by Alex Gibney:

Say what you want about Larry Ellison or Bill Gates or even Donald Trump….these guys are super rich and super powerful…. But I don't feel directly FUCKED in the ASS when I hear their names like I do when I hear the name Ken Lay or Jeff Skilling or ENRON!!!!

I went over to the Piedmont Theater last night to take in the new Movie about the Evil Empire….and I'm not talking about "Star Wars"……I'm talking about "Enron - The Smartest Guys in the Room" a movie about BAD GUYS who got away with their evil deeds……Guys who set the BAR for corporate GREED and Deception……Ego maniacs who manipulated the Market, the Banks, massive amounts of Money and ultimately YOU and ME !!!!!!!

Worse than a Pyramid or Ponzi Scheme, Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling created the Paradigm for the future of Corporate Raping……What they did WILL happen again….It's happening right NOW !!!!!!!!

Back in the late 80s there was this Guy…Ken Lay casting about with the Texas Oil Barons (including the Bushes and the Cheneys) and starting an energy company like no other……utilizing bank lending schemes, creative book keeping, Futures loopholes, SEC fraud, Profit Projections and an absolutely incestuous drive to take advantage of de-regulation of energy. In just a few years Enron was the darling of Wall Street with the stock making astronomical profits and always going UP in value….underneath all this was the alluring LUST for power and control and more profits……There was a point that Ken Lay was being considered for Energy Tsar by the Bush the Elder Regime….

Well, to make a long story short, these guys are what the words "MOTHER FUCKER" really means…….they'd screw anyone who got in their way to keep going….and so it happened…after pillaging and plundering and philandering all over the planet…..just when the call was going out for them to show their cards (that were heading for the toilet) Enron pulled off the Royal Reaming……Tim Belton was the Enron trader responsible for the "RAPE of CALIFORNIA"!!! These ASSHOLES created a fake energy crisis and laughed as the cash came flowing in….This part of the movie made me so mad I could barely sit still…..To see Bush thumb his nose at Gray Davis who was the fall guy and to know that Arnold was involved in secret meetings with these scum just before the RECALL…..WOW….this is the ultimate Conspiracy !!!! And it's only just begun !!!

The chilling truth is that this is a continuing corporate catastrophe and we are ALL holding the bag….just like the 30,000 Enron employees who lost all their retirement. Get ready… for the Evil Empire…..

Purple Gene gives "Enron" 10 "Hell Yeas" out of 10 for telling a great story in a way that anyone with half a brain and half a heart can GET!!!!


Selected Readings

from that Mad Cat, JD











In The Chaos Household

Last Night

Sunny & warmer.

Was watching 'The Insider', where they are pushing Mary Kay LaTourneau's wedding, when there was a local commercial for the station's 11 o'clock newscast.

The station, KCBS, has been featuring mini-docs all month (can you tell it's sweeps?) on male sex offenders living in group homes in residential areas.

Sorta struck me funny (funny creepy, not funny ha-ha), that LaTourneau, a convicted & registered sex offender, marrying her victim, is considered a happy story, with healthy family values, posed as positive entertainment and presented by the recently rehab'd Pat O'Brien [insert your own joke here], at the same time the 'news' makes ratings hay featuring particularly loathsome male sex offenders who might live in your neighborhood. Ick.

A predator is a predator is a predator.

Tonight, Friday:

CBS begins the night with a FRESH 'A Dr. Phil Primetime Special: Escaping Addiction', followed by the LIVE (on the East Coast - pre-taped on the left coast) '32nd Annual Daytime Emmy Awards'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Dave are David Arquette and chef Gordon Ramsay.
Scheduled on a FRESH Craig are Randy Jackson, Bai Ling, and Gary Greff.

NBC starts the night with a 2-hour 'Dateline', followed by a RERUN 'Law & Order #4: Trial By Lilith'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Leno are Lisa Kudrow, "The Apprentice" winner, and Interpol.
Scheduled on a FRESH Conan are Ted Danson and Mudvayne.
Scheduled on a FRESH Carson Daly are Andy Richter, Carmen Electra and the Bombshell Babes, Dane Cook, and the Donnas.

ABC opens the night with a FRESH made-for-TV-movie 'The Muppets' Wizard of Oz', followed by '20/20'.
Scheduled on a FRESH Jimmy Kimmel are Tracy Morgan, Rodney Rothman, and the Dears.

The WB offers a FRESH 'What I Like About You', followed by a RERUN 'Reba', then a FRESH 'Reba', followed by another RERUN 'Reba'.

Faux fills the night with the movie 'Shallow Hal'.

UPN here has 'MLB Baseball', with the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim visiting the Los Angeles Doggers of Chavez Ravine.

Check local PBS listings for a FRESH 'NOW With Bill Moyers David Brancaccio', the BEST program on over-the-air-TV.

A&E has 'American Justice', 'Biography' (Brad Pitt), another 'Biography' (Johnny Depp), and still another 'Biography' (Sandra Bullock).

AMC offers the movie 'Earthquake', followed by the movie 'Death Hunt', then the movie 'Dragonslayer', followed by 'Movie Club'.

BBC  -   
 [2pm]    'As Time Goes By' - Episode 2;
 [2:40pm]    'Are You Being Served?' - His and Hers;
 [3:20pm]    'Keeping Up Appearances' - Episode 4;
 [4pm]    'Monty Python's Flying Circus' - Episode 3;
 [4:40pm]    'Monty Python's Flying Circus' - The Buzz Aldrin Show;
 [5:20pm]    'Monty Python's Flying Circus' - Live From the Grillomat;
 [6pm]    'BBC World News';
 [6:30pm]    'Cash in the Attic' - Rice;
 [7pm]    'The Benny Hill Show' - Episode 40;
 [8pm]    'The Avengers' - Whoever Shot Poor George;
 [9pm]    'McCallum' - Dead Men's Fingers;
 [11pm]    'The Benny Hill Show' - Episode 40;
 [12am]    'McCallum' - Dead Men's Fingers;
 [2am]    'The Avengers' - Whoever Shot Poor George;
 [3am]    'McCallum' - Dead Men's Fingers;
 [5am]    'The Avengers' - Whoever Shot Poor George;
 [6am]    'BBC World News'.    (ALL TIMES EDT)

Bravo has 'Showdog Moms & Dads', then pukes back 'Revelations' (parts 1 - 5), followed appropriately by the movie 'The Omen'.

Comedy Central has 'MAD TV', 'Comedy Central Presents' (Todd Barry), another 'Comedy Central Presents' (Greg Giraldo), still another 'Comedy Central Presents' (Dave Attell), yet another 'Comedy Central Presents' (Bill Burr), and 'D.L. Hughley: Shocked & Appalled'.

History has 'Modern Marvels', followed by a FRESH 'The Last Days Of WWII', 'Battleship Missouri', and a FRESH 'Modern Marvels'.

IFC  -   
 [6AM]    'Trainspotting' (1996);
 [8AM]    'IFC Short Film Collection I' (2005);
 [10AM]    'Happy Times' (2001);
 [11:45AM]    'This Is My Father' (1998);
 [2PM]    'Running Time' (1997);
 [3:15PM]    'IFC Short Film Showcase' (2005);
 [4:15PM]    'IFC in Theaters' (2005);
 [4:30PM]    'Happy Times' (2001);
 [6:15PM]    'At the IFC Center #1' (2005);
 [6:45PM]    'Running Time' (1997);
 [8PM]    'The Usual Suspects' (1995);
 [10PM]    'Dinner For Five' (TBA) 1 (2005);
 [10:30PM]    'Film School #7' (2004);
 [11PM]    'Another Day In Paradise' (1998);
 [1AM]    'Dinner For Five' (TBA) 1 (2005);
 [1:30AM]    'Film School #7' (2004);
 [2AM]    'Another Day In Paradise' (1998);
 [3:45AM]    'The Usual Suspects' (1995).    (ALL TIMES EDT)

SciFi has 'Andromeda', 'Stargate SG-1', 'Stargate Atlantis', and 'Battlestar Galactica'.

Sundance  -   
 [7:35AM]    'Coffee and Cigarettes' (Feature);
 [9:15AM]    'Frank Film' (Feature);
 [9:30AM]    'Sundance Film Festival Shorts 3' (Original Production);
 [10:30AM]    'Little Buddha' (Feature);
 [12:35PM]    'Family' (2001) (Documentary);
 [2PM]    'Funny Ha Ha' (Feature);
 [3:30PM]    'Jane Birkin - Mother of All Babes' (Documentary);
 [4:30PM]    'Coffee and Cigarettes' (Feature);
 [6:10PM]    'Roswell' (short) (Short);
 [6:30PM]    'In This World' (Feature);
 [8PM]    'The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys' (Feature);
 [9:45PM]    'Anatomy Of A Scene: The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys' (Original Production);
 [10:15PM]    'Fargo' (Feature);
 [12:45AM]    'Anatomy of a Scene: The Secret Lives of Dentists' (Original Production);
 [1:15AM]    'The Big Empty' (Feature);
 [3AM]    'Son Frere' (Feature);
 [4:30AM]    'The Eye' (Feature).    (ALL TIMES EDT)

TCM devotes the day to celebrating what would have been the 97th birthday of the pride of Indiana, PA, James Stewart, then spends the night with singing women, chess & death.
 [6am]    'It's A Wonderful World' (1939);
 [7:30am]    'The Shop Around The Corner' (1940)     [View Trailer];
 [9:30am]    'The Naked Spur' (1953)     [View Trailer];
 [11:30am]    'Thunder Bay' (1953);
 [1:30pm]    'The Man Who Knew Too Much' (1956)     [View Trailer];
 [3:30pm]    'Vertigo' (1958)     [View Trailer];
 [6pm]    'Shenandoah' (1965)     [View Trailer];

 [8pm]    'Sweet Charity' (1969)     [View Trailer];
 [11pm]    'Funny Girl' (1968)     [View Trailer];
 [2am]    'The Seventh Seal' (1957);
 [4am]    'Death Takes a Holiday' (1934);
 [5:30am]    'MGM Parade Show #33' (1955).    (ALL TIMES EDT)

Saturday  -  05/21

 [6am]    'The Seventh Cross' (1944);
 [8am]    'The Naked City' (1948);
 [10am]    'The Outriders' (1950);
 [12pm]    'Valley Of The Kings' (1954);
 [1:30pm]    'The Prisoner Of Zenda' (1952);
 [3:30pm]    'The Devil At 4 O'Clock' (1961);
 [6pm]    'Dark Passage' (1947)     [View Trailer];
 [8pm]    'Gaslight' (1944)     [View Trailer];
 [10pm]    'Midnight Lace' (1960)     [View Trailer];
 [12am]    'Out Of The Fog' (1941);
 [1:30am]    'Footsteps In The Dark' (1941);
 [3:30am]    'Another Man's Poison' (1951);
 [5:30am]    'Cartoon Alley #6' (2005).    (ALL TIMES EDT)

Any opinions?

Or reviews?

(See below for addresses)


U.S. actress and singer Liza Minnelli, left, acknowledges applause with U.S. actress Sharon Stone after Minnelli performed at the Cinema Against AIDS 2005 charity event of the American Foundation for AIDS Research (amFAR), in Mougins near Cannes, southern France, Thursday, May 19, 2005. The 58th International Film Festival will end in Cannes Saturday.
Photo by Michel Euler

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Moose & Squirrel - The Blog


Ratings Dip

Faux News

According to TV Newser, the number of people watching Fox during prime time in the 25 to 54 age bracket dropped in April for the sixth straight month.

TV Newser cited a CNN press release which gave these totals for Fox's primetime audience in the 25 to 54 age bracket: Oct. 04: 1,074,000; Nov. 04: 891,000; Dec. 04: 568,000; Jan. 05: 564,000; Feb. 05: 520,000; March 05: 498,000; April 05: 445,000. That amounts to a decline of 58 percent, with no sign of leveling off.

Other cable stations' ratings were also down since the election, but CNN's, for example, appeared to have stabilized last month while Fox's continued to drop.

Fox's plunging ratings should be a warning to those cable stations trying to copy the news channel's conservative Republican slant. People are tired of it. Try something different, like a progressive television show, for a change.

Faux News


American actress Fairuza Balk and German director Wim Wenders arrive for the screening of 'Don't Come Knocking' at the 58th international Cannes film festival, southern France, Thursday, May 19, 2005. The film is in competition.
Photo by Lionel Cironneau

Proposes Platform for Cheney '08

Helen Thomas

Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward raised some eyebrows on Sunday by suggesting that Vice President Dick Cheney was a "serious darkhorse" candidate for the 2008 presidential race. Now syndicated columnist Helen Thomas has proposed a campaign strategy for a Cheney run: "He certainly could campaign on the theme that he has had experience in running the White House."

The idea came in Thomas' column on resident Bush not being notified about last week's brief Cessna terror scare in Washington, D.C., until after it was over.

Thomas wrote that the incident "again raises the question of who's running the show there." She reflected on Cheney's strong role on 9/11 and the fact that he is considered "probably the most powerful vice president in recent times, perhaps in U.S. history."

Helen Thomas


Acknowledges Memoir Too Long

Bill Clinton

In the paperback edition of "My Life," former President Clinton acknowledges that his memoir may have been too long, recounts some friendly faces from his book tour and some odder ones sighted under the influence of anesthesia as he underwent heart surgery last September.

"My Life" has sold just under 2.2 million copies in its 957-page hardcover edition, and interest apparently is strong for the paperback. The trade paperback, which has the same dimensions as hardcover, will have a first printing of 300,000 - 50,000 copies more than originally announced. The mass market paperback, a cheaper, pocket-sized edition, will have two volumes, the first with a printing of 600,000, the second in late June at 575,000.

Much of the new material - a 12-page afterword, and a brief preface - summarizes Clinton's recent activities, from the building of his presidential library in Little Rock, Ark., to raising money for Tsunami victims. He also offers a quick analysis of last year's presidential election, urging fellow Democrats not to move "hard to the left."

Bill Clinton



In The Kitchen With BartCop & Friends


Guild Chief Under Fire

Linda Foley

Linda Foley, national president of The Newspaper Guild, drew strong criticism today from some conservative groups for comments she made last Friday about the killing of journalists in Iraq. Foley said, among other things, that she was angry that there was "not more outrage about the number and the brutality, and the cavalier nature of the U.S. military toward the killing of journalists in Iraq. I think it's just a scandal."

The backlash became so severe Thursday that staffers at Guild headquarters in Washington, D.C., stopped answering the phone because of abusive phone calls and "people screaming at us," Foley said. Instead, callers were required to leave messages on voice mail and await a return call.

Foley's comments, which have been distorted, have already drawn the ire of several conservative news organizations, including, The Washington Times, and Sinclair Broadcasting, charging that she accused the U.S. forces of deliberately targeting journalists.

According to a video of the session available on the conference's Web site, her only comments on this specific subject were:

"Journalists are not just being targeted verbally or politically. They are also being targeted for real in places like Iraq. And what outrages me as a representative of journalists is that there's not more outrage about the number and the brutality, and the cavalier nature of the U.S. military toward the killing of journalists in Iraq. I think it's just a scandal."

"It's not just U.S. journalists either, by the way. They target and kill journalists from other countries, particularly Arab countries, at news services like Al Jazeera, for example. They actually target them and blow up their studios, with impunity. This is all part of the culture that it is OK to blame the individual journalists, and it just takes the heat off of these media conglomerates that are part of the problem."

Linda Foley


A Jar Jar Binks doll hangs from a Hollywood Boulevard street sign Wednesday, May 18, 2005, near a movie theater where 'Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith' was to play early Thursday in Los Angeles, Wednesday, May 18, 2005.
Photo by Ann Johansson

Gift To Bennett College for Women

The Cosby's

Comedian Bill Cosby and his wife, Camille, have made a $600,000 gift to Bennett College for Women, giving the historically black school a bit of good news after weeks of turmoil.

Over the last month, Bennett president Johnnetta Cole announced a 10 percent cut in the school's work force, resigned as president and then changed her mind and decided to stay.

Wednesday, as she stood in front of the school's chapel to announce the Cosby gift, a smiling Cole told the crowd of about 150 students, staff and faculty, "Bennett is fine and I am fine with Bennett."

The Cosby's


I'm Pissed
(formerly 'The Vidiot')


Full Pickup

'The Shield'

"The Shield" has four episodes remaining in its fourth season, but the gritty police drama already is a lock to return for a fifth year on FX. An announcement from the cable channel of a 13-episode pickup for a fifth season is imminent, sources said.

"Shield" is having a strong fourth year, rebounding from the dip it took in Season 3. So far this season, "Shield" is averaging 3.2 million viewers in the Tuesday 10 p.m. slot, up from its third-season average of 2.5 million viewers. In adults 18-49, "Shield" so far has averaged 2 million viewers, compared with an average of 1.7 million last year.

The drama on "Shield" has gotten a boost this season from the introduction of Glenn Close as tough-as-nails police Capt. Monica Rawling, who has tangled with rogue cop Vic Mackey (Michael Chiklis). Close will not be back for the fifth season; sources said the actress made it clear to producers from the beginning that she could commit to only one season.

"Shield" is set to wrap its season June 14; next week's episode will be a 90-minute installment.

'The Shield'


Hot air balloons equipped with loudspeakers float over the Swiss city of Yverdon during a performance on Thursday May 19, 2005. The so called 'Sky Orchestra' event gathered 8 balloons equipped with speakers. Each balloon played a different element of the musical score creating a massive audio landscape. The project by British artist Luke Jerram also explores how one can perceive an artistic experience while being asleep.
Photo by Fabrice Coffrini

Leaked To The 'Net

'Star Wars'

"Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith" has been leaked onto a major file-sharing network just hours after opening in theaters, at a time when Hollywood is increasingly concerned about online piracy.

At least two copies of the film, first shown in theaters in the early hours of Thursday, have been posted to the BitTorrent file-sharing network -- a new and increasingly popular technology that allows users to download large video files much more quickly than in the past.

According to Web site, one print of "Revenge of the Sith" was leaked Wednesday before the film was even released in theaters. The movie was time-stamped, suggesting it may have come from within the industry rather than from someone who videotaped an advance screening.

'Star Wars'


Surfers head in opposite directions as they ride a giant wave at the 'Bommie,' a famous surfing spot near Sydney's Manly Beach, Australia, Thursday, May 19, 2005. Sydney surfers were making the most of huge swells pounding the coastline as a low-pressure air stream delivered much needed rain across the Australia's most populous city.
Photo by Mark Baker

Fall Schedules

Fox & UPN

Fox is adding five new dramas and two comedies to a nearly reality-free schedule next fall, while UPN said Thursday it wants to start a new Thursday comedy tradition with Chris Rock.

Fox's new fall series:
    _ "Prison Break," a drama about a man on death row. His brother is convinced he's innocent and robs a bank to get in the same prison, where he comes armed with an elaborate escape plan.
    _ "Bones," a sort of "CSI" for REALLY dead people, is a drama about a team of forensic anthropologists who study bones to solve crimes.
    _ "Head Cases" stars Chris O'Donnell as a lawyer who gets kicked out by his wife and suffers a nervous breakdown. He meets Rachel Leigh Cook to help him get on his feet again.
    _ "Reunion," sort of the inverse of "24," the series follows six friends over the course of 20 years. Each episode is set in a different year.
    _ "The Gate," set in San Francisco, is a drama about a detective in the police department's deviant crime unit.
    _ "The War at Home" is a comedy about once-rebellious parents of now-rebellious kids.
    _ "Kitchen Confidential" is a comedy about a once-hot cook stuck slinging pasta at a restaurant chain because of his boozing lifestyle. He's given one chance at a job at a top restaurant but has 48 hours to impress 300 people - including the food critic at The New York Times, a jilted ex.

UPN, which already has a comedy based on the life of Will Smith, will add another based on the childhood of Rock. UPN is moving "WWE Smackdown!" to Friday nights to make way for "Everybody Hates Chris" and three other comedies.

Its two other new series are "Sex, Lies & Secrets," with Denise Richards heading a group of twentysomething friends, and "Love, Inc., starring Shannen Doherty and Holly Robinson Peete as dating consultants.

The Taye Diggs drama "Kevin Hill" was canceled, as was "Second Time Around."

Fox & UPN


Airport Loophole


The Transportation Security Administration has announced a policy change: New, unfilled pocket lighters can be packed in checked luggage on commercial flights. In April, the TSA had banned all lighters from being taken onboard aircraft.

For the makers of Zippo pocket lighters, which are sold without fuel - this is good news, as it is for collectors and customers.

This revised policy applies only to checked luggage. Lighters are still prohibited in the passenger cabin.



A six-week old female Malayan tapir calf stays close to her mother at the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha, Neb., Thursday, May 19, 2005. The calf, who was on her first day on display at the zoo, was born with spots and stripes, and will assume her mother's coloration at about six months of age, acording to the zoo.
Photo by Nati Harnik

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