Butter Queen = Candy Crawley, CNN Senior Political Reporter
Bag O' Hairspray = Senator Elizabeth Dole
B.F.E.E. = Bush Family Evil Empire
Bush the Smarter, George Herbert Herbert, Smirk Daddy = President George H. W. Bush
Bush's Poodle = Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Tony Blair
Cheesy Fries = Former Prime Minister of Canada Jean Chrétien
Ditto-Monkey = a derisive term used to describe a person that does not think for themself and repeats information (or more frequently misinformation) they have heard elsewhere. The term is usually used to describe fans of Rush Limbaugh's radio show. Derived from Limbaugh's original term, 'ditto-head'
Doc Meng = Dr. Laura Schlessinger (a reference to Dr. Josef Mengele)
Joey the Rat, Benny the Rat = Pope Benedict XVI, a play on his birth name, Joseph Ratzinger
Judas Maximus = George Stephanopoulos
Kinda Sleazy Rice = Condoleezza Rice
Kissyface = Joe Lieberman
Koresh = God exp. "Koresh only knows what Bush was thinking while reading My Pet Goat"
Knuckledrag, K-Drag = Oklahoma in general, Bartcop's hometown of Tulsa in particular
Laura the Unloved = Laura Schlessinger
Meet the Whore = Meet the Press
Monkey Mail = barely-coherent hate mail from Ditto-Monkeys
Mr. Three Percent = Ralph Nader
Musclehead, Governor Gang Bang = Arnold Schwarzenegger
NYWT, New York Whore Times = The New York Times
Pickles = Laura Bush
Pink Tutu Democrats = Congressional Democrats, usually centrists, whom Bart feels do not stand up to Republican policies
Pissquick = Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe
Poppy = George H.W. Bush
Red-Ink = President Ronald Reagan, the name comes from Reagan's record deficits
Republican Kryptonite = Truth
Religiously insane = religious fanatics
She (or Her) = Hillary Clinton
Slappy = Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas
Snoot = Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich
The Invisible Cloud Being = God , specifically the religious right's view of a vengeful, Old Testament-style deity
The Jesus Twins = Oklahoma politicians Tom Coburn and Steve Largent
The Monkey = George W. Bush
The San Francisco Treat = Condoleezza Rice
The Savage Weiner = Conservative pundit Michael Savage
The Sweaty Wrestler = Dennis Hastert
The Vulgar Pigboy (or Der Vulgar Pigboy) = Rush Limbaugh
Tweety = Chris Matthews (alternatively "Chris the Screamer")
Uncle OJ = Rep. J.C. Watts
Unka Dick = Vice President Dick Cheney
US Whore Today = USA Today
WaHoPo (Washington Whore Post) = Washington Post
Whore Street Journal = Wall Street Journal
Whore = Any journalist(s) on television or print who coddle to the Bush administration (implying their loyalty is for sale)