Johnsonburg, PA


Johnsonburg, PA

Map of Johnsonburg - 1895

Johnsonburg - bird's eye view - 1911

Johnsonburg Railroad Station    Johnsonburg Railroad Station - 1900

Armstrong Hotel - 1909

Armstrong Opera House

Hotel Johnsonburg - 1910

Hotel Johnsonburg

Center Street - 1910    Center Street

Johnsonburg School - 1910

Johnsonburg Bank - 1910

Johnsonburg Community Building - It opened its doors on October 14, 1920 and still serves the people of the community. It was built by the New York and Pennsylvania Company (NYPEN), the paper mill. The beautiful original woodwork done in the building is still intact today: the first floor is oak, the second floor is walnut, and the third floor is chestnut. Beautiful marble stairs lead to the swimming pool area, the original grand piano still sits in the ball room, the building also has a bowling alley and a gym

Johnsonburg Community Building

Market Street

Market Street

Market Street

Market Street

Entering Johnsonburg from the north

Leaving town - St. Marys to the left, Ridgway straight ahead, past 'Stonehaven' on the far left

Old Convent

Armstrong House

New York & Pennsylvania Paper Mill

Johnsonburg Paper Mill

Johnsonburg 'Wood Pile'

Johnsonburg Paper Mill

Burg by Willow


East Branch Dam

Twin Lakes

Johnsonburg Postmark

Queen Anne's Lace


Pennsylvania State Parks - Bendigo - PA DCNR

Bendigo State Park, a Pennsylvania State Park


Bendigo State Park - Wikipedia

Johnsonburg, Pennsylvania - Wikipedia


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