Bartcop Entertainment - Tuesday, 12 February, 2002

(BartCop Entertainment)


12 February, 2002

big hammer - bigger hammer


Who's Going To Hell This Week

Helen A. Handbasket

Who's Going to Hell This Week?


Helen A. Handbasket

As ex-executive chief in charge of operations for the burning flames of hellfire, Helen's access to eternal contracts is legendary. She is the world's foremost double-agent war-correspondent from hell - to Hollywood - and back again. Her opinions do not necessarily reflect those of this or any other publication.


February 11, 2002

Valentines Day came and went and not one of you bastards sent me chocolates or flowers. What, you think I'm doing this for my health? It was payback time and nobody came through. You're going to be sorry.
- Helen -

10. Concession stand owners at the Olympics are now major beneficiaries of 9/11 as U.S. security forces prevent anyone from entering the games with snack foods.
9.  "I had absolutely nothing to do with the Patriots winning the Superbowl!" claimed Jesus Christ on a diplomatic tour through the 19th level of hell. "And it had nothing to do with the war on terrorism, either. Tell those jerks to stop thanking me," he said before issuing a formal complaint concerning the condition of the local spit.
8. To the utter shock of everyone who thought she was already dead, Princess Margaret died this week, finally joining Princess Di on the croquet courts of the 3rd level of hell.

7. Speaking of the 3rd level of hell, Cardinal Richelieu had to be moved from the 3rd to the 4th level of hell where there's cable but no broadcast. He was starting to enjoy "Fear Factor" just a bit too much, and now he's suffering nicely through "E! Celebrity Profiles." 
6. Why was a replica of the Ark of the Covenant returned to Ethiopia after it was stolen by British troops 400 years ago? How else could they get Harrison Ford to sign up for the fourth Indiana Jones flick?
5. Cambodia is so happy that Bush didn't include them in his "Axis of Evil" that they're throwing a big party for former Khmer Rouge leaders. Score one lap dance for Pol Pot.
4. Madonna's singing a song in the new James Bond picture. Who's going to hell? Everyone who sees the movie.
3. Why do clones die young? What else explains Kelly Clark winning the gold in the halfpipe?
2. And the number one person going to hell this week?
1. Everyone who hasn't read "A Valentine Carol," available for free at

Personal to Nicole Kidman: No, I'll do YOU first.
Personal to Chastity Bono: A threesome sounds good.


500 Enron executives times their bonuses paid weeks before 500 other Enron employees lost their jobs times what's left in their retirement accounts divided by the 5th amendment equals the amount of time Ken Lay will spend in prison divided by every GWB presidential pardon times everyone who voted for Bush minus everyone who voted for Gore.


(Satan's campaign promise #47)
If elected, I promise to bring religion back into schools as a mandatory elementary school course. The textbook will be called "Religions of the World" and that is what the children will learn.
Children will be taught that there is a religion called Christianity. They will learn the history of the faith, what Christians believe, and how many people currently practice it. Just the facts.
They will be taught that there is a religion called Judaism. They will learn the history of the faith, what Jews believe, and how many people currently practice it. Just the facts.
They will be taught about Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Catholics, Protestants, Satanists, and all the other religions of the world, their history, what they believe, and how many people currently practice them.
The reason there is a separation of church and state is so that the state cannot force a religious belief upon the population, not so that all mention of the concept of religion be banned from public schools. Religion is an absolutely essential part of history that needs to be part of the school curriculum, right up there with reading, writing, and arithmetic.
Let children learn that the faith of their parents, the faith they have been raised to believe, is but one of many faiths on this earth, and that faiths do not necessarily have to be inherited. They can be chosen. Let Christians learn about Islam. Let Buddhists learn about the Pope.
Let children PRACTICE their faiths elsewhere. Schools are institutions of learning, not of prayer. The goal is not to proselytize but to educate. In the interest of tolerance and free speech, let us teach our children the facts about the many amazing belief systems of the planet earth. Let them make up their own minds about what to believe. That's why they have minds in the first place.


What are you,
a) nuts?
b) crazy?
c) out of your mind?
d) a Republican?
e) a Democrat?


"Nearly two weeks after President Bush lumped Iran into an 'axis of evil,' the Middle Eastern country's reformist president Saturday urged Iranians to turn out in force for an upcoming anti-U.S. demonstration.
- CNN Headline News -
"Nearly two weeks after President Seyed Mohammad Khatami lumped the United States into a 'monarchy of evil,' the North American country's un-elected president Saturday urged Americans to turn out in force for an upcoming pro-U.S. demonstration in Salt Lake City."


Bank of America has changed its "Depositor's Agreement" so that page 2, paragraph 5 now reads that if the bank mistakenly gives your money to someone else, you won't hold the bank liable.




As of March 19, 2002, the DEA has decided that all hemp products will be treated as illegal drugs, including energy bars, pretzels, and veggie burgers which contain such tiny amounts of THC that for 30 years the federal government has treated them as being perfectly legal. No longer. Eat a candy bar, go to jail. Shampoo and clothing is next. Fight the bastards. Go here.




Thirty-two students in central China are now infected with hepatitis because the doctors in a local clinic, short on needles, used the same needle to immunize all the students at an elementary school in Shibiwan Village. (And they've got the bomb)


"What better way is there to show that he's not drinking than to have him choke on a pretzel, because that's how millions of Americans DON'T choke on pretzels, they wash it down with a beer."
- Harry Shearer -
"The White House again refused to turn over discussions Vice President Cheney had with Enron officials over energy policy. Cheney said if he had to disclose every time some business donated a ton of money then came in to write its own policy to govern itself, he wouldn't get any work done."
- Dennis Miller -
"They blow themselves up in order to get at us, and we launch 3 million dollar missiles off of giant floating iron islands 2000 miles away. Who are the real cowards?"  - Bill Hicks -
"Think not lightly of evil, saying, 'It will not come to me.' Drop by drop is the water pot filled. Likewise, the fool, gathering it little by little, fills himself with evil." - Buddha -


Taking the Fifth
Everything I ever said and everything I did
Nobody who's anybody knows where they are hid
Everything I ever saw and everything I heard
Are hidden in a bank where all my money was transferred
     Taking the fifth
     Taking the fifth
     No one can stop me
     I'm taking the fifth
I don't have to tell you anything that you may ask
Go ahead and ask me, it's a reasonable task
Please don't be surprised when you don't get a single answer
It's just another day in the sweet life of a financer
     Taking the fifth
     Taking the fifth
     No one can stop me
     I'm taking the fifth
Nobody can catch me even though I'm pretty caught
I will get away with it, these hearings are for naught
Money buys you anything so what is there to say
I'm climbing in my private jet, just watch me fly away
     Taking the fifth
     Taking the fifth
     No one can stop me
     I'm taking the fifth


I don't remember the U.S. Department of Justice publishing "Mein Kampf" during World War II, but for some reason the current Department of Justice finds it necessary to publish on-line  the entire al Qaeda Training Manual during this little skirmish with al Qaeda. Way to go, guys. Satan is with you.
Don't miss Harry Shearer's hilarious interview with John Walker Lindh. (It's near the end of the hour but it's worth the wait)
You know that short spiritual film you made when you were stoned and into Yoga five years ago and were ashamed to show to anyone and you keep in the back of your closet? Why not enter it in the Spiritual Film Festival?
How come it takes the BBC to seriously investigate the CIA/Saudi/bin Laden/Bush connections? In this video, hear a CIA agent say that they were specifically ordered to lay off bin Laden before 9/11.
Ever wonder how much of someone else's work you can use without their permission? I know I do. Isn't it time you learned the specifics of the Fair Use Doctrine?
Who needs a national identity card when you can just implant yourself with a microchip? Or why not plant them in all foreigners for tracking?
What's the downside of globalization? $1.8 trillion in Third World debt that an international court has just decided should be forgiven because it's "illegitimate, unjust and unsustainable, ethically, legally or politically."
There seems to be some evidence that Franklin Delano Roosevelt committed treason.
Strange things are happening at Guantanamo. Those are some unhappy campers.
Please tell me I'm not the only one who was insulted by the Superbowl ads that tried to equate drug use with terrorism. Do something about it.
Castro faces international criminal charges. If the cigar isn't lit, you must acquit.
On the off chance that you don't know how to glue flies to matchsticks in order to make little airplanes, you better check out the instructions here before trying it on your own.
Send an anonymous compliment or criticism to someone you love or hate.
Make sure your shockwave is in working order and check out the place where film noir meets web animation at Bad Cop, an online animated series about a New York cop in Berlin, created by American expatriates in Europe.  
And I suppose you shouldn't be surprised that craptv is crappier than realtv.
Think of a dictator or television sitcom character, and this program will guess who you are by asking simple yes/no questions.
In the face of the new reality, what our leader has decided the world needs is a bit more belligerence.
I guess Dave Barry was busy, so it took Barry Crimmins of the Boston Phoenix to write  this excellent history of the Bush Administration II. Sample: "On September 11, the whole world changed -- except for large portions of Europe, Asia, and Africa, several island nations, and those parts of the world where terrorism, whether state-sponsored or rogue, was already part of everyday life."
Bob Costas is the Media Whore of the Week.
Running out of hard disk space? Go to tinyapps for teeny weeny programs that do the same thing as the giant ones you've got installed.
Think Lord of the Rings was about a ring? Think again. Check out the Tolkien Crackpot Theories Page.
Unlock The Mystery of Britney's Breasts. No touching.
LiQUiDGENERATiON is a beautifully designed hub site that makes Yahoo look like shit.
Exercise your bong, then make your own Kaleidoscope with this great piece of java.


Answer to last week's puzzle from hell:
"Liberty has never come from government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of government. The history of liberty is the history of resistance." - Woodrow Wilson -
Don't be a fairy.

Many thanks to Michael Dare!


In The Chaos Household

Last Night

Monday morning, got up, got the kid dressed, drove him to school, only to realize it was a 'holiday'. Damn. Hate when that happens (it's never happened before).

But, I was up in time to see Tony Bennett singing on the local morning news. Tony Bennett & Toaster Strudel, a breakfast I'll remember.

Caught most of the CBS comedy block, and followed it with '48 Hours'.

Today, Tuesday, the Oscar nominations will be read around 5:30 am (pst) - (trt @ 5:38).

CBS really counter-programs the Olympics with nothing but reruns of 'JAG', 'The Guardian', and 'Judging Amy'. On the other hand, 'Dave' is fresh, and India.Arie is a guest.

ABC has sort of a fresh night with 'The Chair', a couple of episodes of 'Whose Line', and then 'Regis', with the 'Aaron Spelling Stars' gimmick.

The WB has a fresh night with 'Gilmore Girls' and 'Smallville'.

Faux has a fresh night with 'That 70's Show' (part 2 of 3), 'Undeclared', and '24'.

AMC has one of the best movies of the 70's with 'The Conversation'. Directed by Francis Ford Coppola, and starring Gene Hackman, it's brilliant & disturbing, and makes even more sense today than when it was released.

TCM has 2 hours of 'World War II Propaganda Shorts', always worth watching!

Anyone have any opinions?

Or reviews?

(See below for addresses)


Fun Link




Tom Green Ties With Sly Stallone

the Razzies

Tom Green got fingered by the Razzies, a movie-award spoof that singled out his "Freddy Got Fingered" with a leading eight nominations, including worst picture of last year.

Joining Green's tacky comedy in the worst-picture category were Sylvester Stallone's racing flick "Driven," Mariah Carey's pop-star bomb "Glitter," the war epic "Pearl Harbor" and Kevin Costner's Elvis-impersonator heist thriller "3000 Miles to Graceland."

Contenders for the 22nd annual Razzies, organized by the Golden Raspberry Award Foundation, were announced Monday, a day before Oscar nominations come out. Razzie "winners" will be announced March 23, the eve of the Academy Awards ceremony.

Green and Stallone tied for most individual nominations with four each. The foundation's 500 members cited Green for worst actor, director, screenplay and worst screen couple ("Tom Green and any animal he abuses").

Razzies founder John Wilson said he expects "Freddy Got Fingered" to be the front-runner for worst picture.

"The movie has no redeeming value," Wilson said. "If his point was to be offensive and stupid and obnoxious, then my gosh, he made a masterpiece. But then, it still is offensive and stupid and obnoxious."

Stallone was nominated for worst supporting actor, screenplay and screen couple (with co-star Burt Reynolds) and shares the worst-picture nomination as a producer of "Driven." Named worst actor of the century by the Razzies in 2000, Stallone holds the group's record with 29 nominations and nine "wins."

Up against Green for worst actor are Ben Affleck, "Pearl Harbor"; Costner, "3000 Miles to Graceland"; Keanu Reeves for both "Hardball" and "Sweet November"; and John Travolta for "Domestic Disturbance" and "Swordfish." Travolta received worst-actor dishonors last year for "Battlefield Earth" and "Lucky Numbers."

Carey is the clear favorite for worst actress, named on 93.3 percent of the nominating ballots, Wilson said. The singer's cleavage also was nominated for worst screen couple.

Other worst-actress nominees are Penelope Cruz ("Blow," "Captain Corelli's Mandolin," "Vanilla Sky"), Angelina Jolie ("Lara Croft: Tomb Raider," "Original Sin"), Jennifer Lopez ("Angel Eyes," "The Wedding Planner") and Charlize Theron ("Sweet November").

Besides Green, worst-director nominees are Michael Bay for "Pearl Harbor," Peter Chelsom (with Warren Beatty) for "Town & Country," Vondie Curtis Hall for "Glitter" and Renny Harlin for "Driven."

This Years Razzies


'Aaliyah's Remarkable!'

Anne Rice

She trashed Tom Cruise for "Interview With the Vampire," but author Anne Rice has nothing but praise for Aaliyah's performance in "Queen of the Damned," based on the third book in Rice's popular "Vampire Chronicles."

Rice, who recently watched the completed film in her hometown of New Orleans with director Michael Rymer, calls the late R&B singer's performance "remarkable."

The beloved singer's many fans won't be disappointed when the movie is released on Feb. 22, according to Rice.

"Fans of Aaliyah, who died so tragically in a plane crash, will probably be more than delighted with her remarkable performance," she says, calling Aaliyah "a gifted singer and actress."

In a mini-review left on the answering machine she uses to communicate directly with fans, Rice also praises the film.

"I can tell you that the movie is an energetic and innovative rendition of 'The Vampire Chronicles,' featuring fine performances and a magnificent look.

Anne Rice


Drug Addict Admits Bad Temper?

Naomi Campbell

Supermodel Naomi Campbell, seeking damages from a British tabloid paper for invasion of privacy over a story it ran about her fight against drugs, owned up on Monday to drug use and a notoriously fiery temper.

In a 16 page written statement to London's High Court, Campbell said she had admitted using illegal drugs and, after realizing some years ago she had a problem, decided to seek professional help.

Campbell is suing the Mirror for damages claiming it breached her confidence and unlawfully infringed her privacy in running the drug story.

Her legal action is in line with a growing readiness by celebrities to try to protect themselves from what they see as media intrusion by resorting to the courts.

The case is expected to last most of the week.

Naomi Campbell


Fined For Potty Mouth Before 9 pm


Television watchdogs dealt Channel 4 a slap on the wrist Monday following a four-letter outburst by pop icon Madonna during a live awards show.

The singer, who presented the Turner Prize art award in December, swore as she announced the winner despite pleas from television producers for good behavior.

She also claimed award shows were "silly" and, in an apparent slur on the 20,000 pounds prize, said art was as its best when money wasn't involved.

The Independent Television Commission (ITC) said Monday it had found Channel 4 guilty of breaching its code of conduct because attempts to "bleep" out the expletive had failed. Channel 4 bosses said in a statement that their "trust in Madonna was abused."

The show went out before the 9 p.m. watershed and the station made two apologies following the outburst.



An 'Elite' Model

Lauren Bush

Presidential niece Lauren Bush has formed an unholy alliance with hell-raising hotel heiress Paris Hilton. Lauren, 17, the Elite model daughter of President Bush's brother Neil Bush, hit it off with Paris at an L.A. party a few months back. Now Paris has invited Lauren to her 21st birthday bash at the Bellagio in Las Vegas on Wednedsay. Lauren has yet to RSVP, but we can't picture her indulging in Hiltonesque hi-jinks like dancing on tables and preening for paparazzi. The party is expected to draw droves of past and future E! "True Hollywood Story" subjects, including Bijou Phillips, Corey Feldman and Robin Leach.

Lauren Bush


Muhammad Ali & Joe Frazier - Their Feud In The Past?

Alicia Keys

Singer Alicia Keys may have done a lot more than just keep harmony when she sang 'America the Beautiful' at the NBA All-Star Game.

During the song, former heavyweight champions Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier were seen standing arm-in-arm at courtside.

The two have been beefing over the years about the rivalry that fueled their three heavyweight bouts during the 1970's. But in recent years, both men have been extending olive branches to each other.

After their daughters fought in a boxing match last year, Frazier said he had put aside his feud with Ali -- but hinted that while Ali had apologized in the media, he hadn't done so in person.

No word whether that happened yesterday -- but seeing the two of them together seemed to be a public hint that their feud is now in the past.

Alicia Keys


He's B-a-a-a-a-a-c-k

Bruce McNall

He was once the sports king of Los Angeles, but then Bruce McNall ran afoul of the law and went to prison on fraud charges. Now he's out of jail and looking at the rest of his life. I understand Bruce is about to announce the formation of a new film production company, Argo. (He produced a couple of films back in his boom days.) I wouldn't be surprised to see Wayne Gretzky at the press conference. The Great One was a business partner of McNall, and stuck with him through bad times, regularly visiting him in the pokey.

Bruce McNall


'Born In A Ditch'

Bono & Paul

U2's Bono has a powerful fan — but not necessarily of the rocker's music.

At the closing news conference of a meeting of G-7 finance ministers, U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill mentioned he met Bono last year at the singer's request, adding he initially feared it would be "just another rock star who wants to use me for something."

Instead, the scheduled half-hour session lasted more than 90 minutes as the two discussed issues such as development aid for Africa.

O'Neill noted Bono has traveled to Africa and other places to learn firsthand the situation on the ground.

He said a plan for the two to make an African trip together last year got sidelined by the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, but it could still happen, with television cameras along to document what life is like there.

Canadian Finance Minister Paul Martin, sitting next to O'Neill, joked that talking with a rock star such as Bono bolsters "the sense of respect your children have for you."

Bono & Paul


In Rio On Sunday

Samba School

Silberfee auf Brasilianisch: Eine Tänzerin der Sambaschule Caprichosos de Pilares tanzt am Sonntag in einer der farbenprächtigen Paraden im Sambadrome von Rio de Janeiro.
Photo by Sergio Moraes


ABC's New Comedy Block On Monday Night

Buh-Bye ''Regis''

ABC is pulling "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" from its Monday lineup and replacing the ailing game show with an hourlong comedy block.

"Millionaire," once the linchpin of ABC's schedule, will still air on Thursdays, a night owned by NBC and CBS. The show bowed as a series in January 2000 and immediately threw a lifeline to ABC, which sometimes aired it seven nights a week. The quizzer eventually wore out its welcome, particularly among young viewers, and the other networks replied with their own reality rivals.

ABC's new Monday lineup will kick off March 4 at 8 with repeats and some original episodes of the Damon Wayans sitcom "My Wife and Kids." It'll be followed at 8:30 by the return of "The Wayne Brady Show," a half-hour variety/sketch show that tested well during a summer run.

Rookie quizzer "The Chair" will move from its current Tuesday slot to a 9 p.m. Monday perch. ABC will return to comedies from 8-9 p.m. on Tuesdays starting next month.

As previously announced, "Once and Again" will air Mondays at 10. The entire Monday schedule will air for seven weeks, with ABC returning to movies and specs come May.

The midseason drama "The Court" doesn't have a formal time slot yet, but there's speculation ABC will rest 10 p.m. Tuesday hour "Philly" to air "The Court" in April. The plan would eliminate repeats of "Philly," allowing for original episodes of the Kim Delaney drama in May.



Guesting On ''Scrubs''

Brendan Fraser

Brendan Fraser has wrapped up a deal to guest star in two episodes of NBC's "Scrubs," playing the ex-brother-in-law of John C. McGinley's crabby Dr. Cox.

He'll appear opposite another guest star -- "Drew Carey" regular Christa Miller -- in a pair of episodes set to air during the May sweeps. Storyline details are still being kept under wraps.

Miller has appeared in "Scrubs" before, but this will mark a rare small-screen appearance for Fraser.

Brendan Fraser


2002 International Toy Fair

'Dancing Homer'

As the 2002 Intl. Toy Fair gets under way in New York this week, Fox is preparing new products related to its long-running hit cartoon comedy "The Simpsons." Coming soon to shelves near you: Deluxe Dancing Homer Santa, Homer Soap-on-a-Rope and a "Simpsons"-themed version of Pictionary.

One of the biggest sellers, however, could be Gemmy's line of Homer-themed dancing dolls.

Inspired by the Dancing Santa and the singing fish crazes of recent years, the company is releasing a Deluxe Boogie Homer (watch as Homer gets down to the Sugarhill Gang's "Rapper's Delight"), Hula Homer, Dancing Skeleton Homer and the aforementioned Dancing Santa Homer.

For those who prefer their "Simpsons" undistilled, Fox is expected to release the second season of "The Simpsons" on DVD in mid-May.

'The Simpsons'


On Leno Monday Night

Laura 'Pickles' Bush

Pickles displays a pretzel and stated this was the type of pretzel that her husband, choked on recently. Photo by Fred Prouser

First Lady Laura 'Pickles' Bush said on Monday she and the president were rousted from their White House bed and rushed by Secret Service into an underground bunker the night of Sept. 11 because an unidentified plane was approaching.

Appearing on NBC's "Tonight Show," Mrs. Bush told host Jay Leno the alert turned out to be a false alarm as the plane was identified as "one of our own" -- a U.S. fighter jet patrolling the skies over Washington after the day's suicide hijacking attacks on New York and Washington.

The first lady's debut on late-night TV had its lighter moments, too, as she traded quips with Leno and displayed a pretzel like the one her husband choked on last month. She joked that President Bush is now "practicing safe snacks."

Mrs. Bush, casually dressed in a blue blouse and black slacks, joined pop princess Britney Spears and the rock group Foo Fighters for the second in a series of 11 Leno-hosted NBC specials highlighting the Winter Games in Salt Lake City.

Pickles On Leno


$1 Million Per Episode Per Actor!


The NBC network reached an agreement with Warner Bros. that will allow the comedy "Friends" to return for one last season, the Wall Street Journal reported online on Tuesday.

Neither General Electric Co.'s NBC nor AOL Time Warner Inc.'s Warner Bros. would comment on the terms of the deal, but people familiar with the situation told the Journal the stars of the top-rated, half-hour show would be paid about $1 million each per episode, a 33 percent raise.

Currently, NBC pays a license fee of about $5.5 million per episode, which does not cover the cost of the show, the Journal said. Under the new agreement, NBC is expected to pay more than $6 million per episode, the Journal said.

The reruns, already successful, are expected ultimately to generate more than $1 billion for Warner Bros., making it one of the most successful programs of all time, the Journal said.




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