BartCop Entertainment Archives - Friday, 20 December, 2013
20 December, 2013
(Updated Daily)
[815 days in a row]
Recommended Reading
from Bruce
Ron Cowan: Simulations back up theory that Universe is a hologram (Nature)
A ten-dimensional theory of gravity makes the same predictions as standard quantum physics in fewer dimensions.
Natasha Lennard: Another handcuffed young man manages to shoot himself (Salon)
A perturbing trend is emerging in the South. Twice in six months, young men have managed to shoot themselves in the head while in handcuffs in the back of police cars, after having been searched for weapons. For many critical observers, the circumstances beggar belief.
Matt Staggs: Police Claim That Yet Another Teen Handcuffed In Back of Cruiser Shot Himself In the Head (Disinformation)
The epidemic of suicides among improbably flexible teenage boys armed with undetectable firearms continues. In all cases, the boys were in the backs of police cruisers…
Ryan Jaslow: Multivitamin researchers say "case is closed" after studies find no health benefits (CBS News)
"We believe that the case is closed -- supplementing the diet of well-nourished adults with (most) mineral or vitamin supplements has no clear benefit and might even be harmful," concluded the authors of the editorial summarizing the new research papers, published Dec. 16 in the Annals of Internal Medicine. "These vitamins should not be used for chronic disease prevention. Enough is enough." They went on to urge consumers to not "waste" their money on multivitamins.
Tom Danehy: Tom reflects on Nelson Mandela's life and some of the idiocy that surrounded his death (Tucson Weekly)
We can obviously tell a lot about a person by the way he/she responds in a stressful situation. But you can also tell a lot about how they handle themselves in times when a certain measure of decorum is called for. Do they pause to reflect and then choose their words carefully or are they Rush Limbaugh all the damn time?
Mark Morford: Tech to Make You Sick (SF Gate)
How do I know all this? Because I'm tracking you, silly. I'm keeping a very close watch on all you oozing, coughing sickos out there in whichever snotty hotbed of phlegmy grossness you like to cluster, because, well, because it's nearly 2014. This is what we do now.
Stuart Heritage: Why the Rock Rocks (Guardian)
Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson speeds into first place as the highest-grossing actor of the year, leaving Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp standing in the dust. He's worth every penny.
Simon Doonan: Marilyn Monroe's Two Secrets (Slate)
What I learned about the icon by folding her capri pants.
John Dickerson: Note to Selfie (Slate)
We're told that we spend too much time recording moments instead of living in them. That's a false choice.
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Trivia Question of the Day
In what film was Steve McQueen "The Cooler King"?
Send your answer to Marty
Trivia Question from Yesterday
What musical instrument is also called a "Sweet Potato"?
ocarina, ( Italian: "little goose": ) also called Sweet Potato, globular flute, a late 19th-century musical development of traditional Italian carnival whistles of earthenware, often bird-shaped and sounding only one or two notes. It is an egg-shaped vessel of clay or metal or, as a toy, of plastic and is sounded on the flageolet, or fipple flute, principle. It usually has eight finger holes and two thumbholes and may have a tuning plunger.
Marian was first, and correct, with:
ocarina. I have a friend whose daughter is named Carina and I bet that on more than one occasion she said OH Carina!
Charlie answered:
Ocarina. specifically a transverse ocarina, as there are several types.
Lois Of The Wind Instruments Of Oregon said:
Whoa, I know this one! It's an Ocarina! A vaguely turd
shaped thing you put your mouth on and blow into to summon
the ancient tuber gods and annoy the neighbors, especially
favored by faries or elves or whatever the hell Link and
Zelda are.
@Sally, thank you for the kind words, and welcome back! We
missed you!
P.S. Was deeply disturbed to learn that China has a National
Pole Dance Team. The U.S.A. must fight to maintain its
supremacy as a World Pole Dance Power!
Alan J wrote:
mj responded:
For people who want to play an instrument but don't want to invest a forturne
That would be the ocarina. At least it's a step up from the kazoo.
Jim from CA, retired to ID, replied:
Roy in Tyler, TX wrote:
It was with an Ocarina (aka Sweet Potato) that my mother gave me when I was about 6 or 7 that I learned I would never in a million years have any kind of musical talent whatsoever.
Adam answered:
The ocarina, a little round flute about the size of a fist.
Sally said:
The musical instrument the ocarina is also called a, "Sweet Potato."
I remember them from my ancient childhood...
PS: Went to the market today to shop for the week. Has anyone else noticed that the cost of food is through the roof and not showing any signs of getting any better - or is it just me?
When I saw that the cost of a SMALL ham was $17, I decided on Oxtail stew for my holiday dinner! Our local food bank is about tapped out, and I don't live in a poor area either.
Our garden club made packages for the military this year (we usually just donate money) because we heard the government is not funding holiday package mail this year. Apparently, remembering the people who are serving their country has become a liability for the Right...
DJ Useo responded:
The answer is the "Ocarina". I was given one as a wee lad and actually could play it very well.
Here's a pic of the very one I was gifted.
Dale in the ozone of Diamond Springs, Norcali replied:
I had no idea what an Ocarina is until I looked it up on the Wiki. I don't even know what it sounds like A sweet potato it is not. I much prefer Zamfir, the master of the pan flute!!!
Transverse ocarina ~ It has a rounded shape and is held with two hands horizontally. The two most common Transverse ocarinas are the 10-holes (originated by Giuseppe Donati in Italy) and the 12-holes.
is a bit under the weather.
December 20 Birthdays - Celebrities Born December 20 | Famous Birthdays
And, Joe S
Ocarina. I used to play one when I was in grade school, but I have to admit I had to look it up to see how to spell it.
I also played the tonette, anyone remember those?
Now a Blogger-Columnist at US News and World Reports "Economic Intelligence"
Reader Suggestion
Michelle in AZ
Thanks, Michelle!
Zack Suggests
Lego Car
Thanks, Zack!